Friday the 13th

Suddenly he sneezed loudly nikky backed off because almura's sneezing scared her. teddy pated nikky's shoulder "calm down he has just sneezed ... bless you al." almura turned arouned and and nodded "thank you.".

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I Dreamt of Wasps - Chapter 8

Max sneezed, unable to resist it, though it didn't alleviate the need to sneeze from the strong smell burning his nose. "yeah?" "it wasn't all bad though. there were times i stumbled upon those i would actually consider for a bondmate." "a what?"

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Chapter Five

I was struggling to prevent myself from sneezing, but when i realized that nothing could be done, i tried to make the sneezing as quiet as possible.

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Ch 7 - Love or Confusion? How do you tell?

If you're gonna sneeze, sneeze the other way. whassamatta, big kitty? fluffy lil tail tickle oo nosie?" isaac glared at samuel, whose head was twisted around to laugh at him.

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Udder Disaster

Aouzy could feel a big sneeze building up. he put down the glass and stood up. "ah, ah, achoo" he sneezed all over the place. aouzy went to wipe his nose, when his hooves went right into his nostrils. "mooo! what's wrong with my faaaace?"

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Rainy Days Bring Good Things

"man, i think i'm gonna get a cold," gatomon said as she sneezed again. patamon just leaded her to the couch as he went to the kitchen to get some tea.

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Scam in Hell

* * * i woke up, cradled by a beautiful green dragon that sneezed smiling at me, decidedly the hell was pleasantly astonishing. -"your time is up, you must go back to heaven" tells me he sneezing again.

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Part Three: Surprising

The force of his sneeze had pulled his belly into a mighty clench that jumped the poor shamaness down his scales as his back half rocked forward to help with the sneeze.

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TLoS: The fall of the dragon of legend (Chapter 1)

Spyro said, finishing with a sneeze. "oh is that so? and you were wrong i´m not educated, i have learned myself." hypter said.

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Spiral Nebula - Chapter 13

S sneezing, yuri feel asleep in less than a minute. when he woke to a loud sneeze and a splash, he noticed that a couple hours have gone by and the sky was well lit with no clouds in sight.

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The Lonely Orphan

"i can do it," oliver said, trying to suppress a sneeze. "i'm 10. i'm not a baby." and then the sneeze he'd been trying to hold back got out. jamie looked amused at that. "maybe so, but it looks to me like you're getting sick.

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Lost Tales of the Planet Rushes: The Mind-Melting Parasitic Dildo-Snakes of Planet Xenobia, Part One

Her snout wrinkled and she sneezed. "little bastard," evie growled. she rubbed her silvery sleeve against her eyes and sniffled. despite her sneeze, the sweet smell had lodged in her nose.

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