Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Worlds - Chapter 4

The totodile sits down, hanging his feet over the edge. images of the ursaring from his past flash through his mind. he closes his eyes. the bear, almost three times moto's height, stands tall and proud.

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Seven Years Later Chapter 2

"the footprint belongs to totodile! the footprint belongs to totodile! a bit anxious but that's okay. alright, next." stepping away, unshi watched as kutty nervously stood upon the grate. "no need to be afraid.

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A place to belong to

A croconaw spouted "okay, don't say such things and i thought that totodiles and croconaws are supposed to be festive" i said to him. "not all of us" he said in a bratty way of speaking."

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His Destiny (part 3)

Then aftet some second i saw an umbreon followed by a cikorita and a totodile, \


Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Worlds - Chapter 8

In an instant, the totodile latches onto him. "viggy! take me back! i don't want to be out here anymore!" moto buries his face into viggy's chest.

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Seven Years Later Chapter 4

You should be happy to have met someone like your totodile friend. you should be excited about getting a chance to start anew. don't let all the negatives hold you back, alright? focus on what's ahead and start being positive."

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Newfound Purposes: Chapter 3

Says the totodile, grinning. "we'd prefer it if you stayed!" frozen in fear, shane stands helplessly as the water pokemon draw closer and closer. \

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Immorality - Temperance

A red beam of light announced the totodile's retreat. ross nodded at her decision. "fair enough, kaylen you're up next." "alright," jade shrugged "deo it's your turn now."

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The Pokemon Journey -- The Fishing Town of Magna Verde

Felix came out and said, "totodile!" mike said, "totodile, water gun the sharpedo away!" "toto-dile!" felix said as he spit a hose full of water, which only forced the sharpedo back into the water.

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Pokemon Spa: Rub and Tug

A totodile sat in the tub, making happy little croaking noises as she rubbed it's leathery hide with a soft brush.

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Vriska Vulpix's Journal

The totodile bowed before her "no, the pleasure is mine." "alright, i think that's enough, tonto," i bemoaned. i was getting annoyed with him. "what's wrong, vrisky? can't a totodile be civil?" he proposed.i glared at him.

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