A Thing for Star - Chapter 7

Said the villain. "and how can you stop me? bwahahaha!" "just watch me, dirtbag" the panda said. he flew up behind the villain, and with one swipe he ripped off the villain's pants, and started raping him.

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Hunters and Hunted Intro

We could always officially team up, but that would mean either your family goes villain or i give up raping and eating people, and i don't think either of us want to do that." "i don't know, i wouldn't mind being a villain." "i know emma." "...

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Return of Streak

At this point i realised: dirtbag, deception and barbaricos were the leaders of this league of villains, controlling the minds of the other villains and brainwashing them to change their loyalty. i hoped they wouldn't do the same to me.

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Changes in perspective

Alex remembered what this villain did, he sold strength or some sort of temporary power boosters to villains, mostly small-time things. "there are rules for you heroes, stuff that you silly heroes you follow. do i look like a hero to you?"

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Dining Out, Thinking In (Standard)

He had been knocked down by another villain, a worse villain that he had been trying to steal from.

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Morpheus' First

He took a step towards the villain, and another, looking to the jaws yawning, looming before him. why couldn't he stop himself approaching..? was he going to just feed himself to this villain? this.. 'dominion'? well, of course he was.

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Astar's Fall

The villain's polearm swung down as v called it to him, pushing astar back in a dodge, before the bow shifted back into a spear.

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Boardwalk Brawl

Seven heroes against eight villains are not the kinds of odds that tip the scales in favor of the villains who much prefer a three to eight ratio so that the villains could outnumber the heroes by a score of two to one.

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Megalopolis - Birth of Anubis

The ghostly warriors turn to the villain and draw their weapons in unison. raising their weapons threateningly they all snarl and growl at the villain.

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The Great Equalizer (3/3)

"what do we do about the villains?" "the villains?" sebastian replied with a chuckle as his clawed finger idly traced the bright white scales on his hands. "there are no heroes or villains anymore, only demons to rule this city now.

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Blackclaw: Shark Attack

You'll never get me to do anything as horrible as what villains do!" sharkbait blinked. "oh goodness...you think i want to be a villain? oh, blackclaw."

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