Poem #49: Wings

[creative commons license](http://i.creativecommons.org/l/by-nd/3.0/88x31.png)](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/3.0/) "wings" by bhscorch is licensed under a [creative commons attribution-noderivs 3.0 unported license](http://creativecommons.org

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White Wings in Winter

White wings in winter by brunvindr caius awoke from a pleasant dream, and the first thing he noticed was that his pants were curiously absent from the lower half of his body.

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Happy Hallo-Wing

I stood up and expanded my wings, giving a glorious sight to daniel, who was freeing his new wings from his back. _"i can't believe it...we actually have wings!"

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Under Velvet Wings

I flopped back against the bed, wings folded under me. this was certainly the beginning of something. i flopped back against the bed, wings folded under me.

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Aboard the Falcon Wing

The anchor was lifted and soon enough the falcon wing abandoned the coast of the lizard island, sailing the dark waters. despite jerrik's deeper concerns, the enemy didn't show up.

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Spreading Wings (W.I.P)

Soon after she had let the first pair show off a little another pair had started to split her skin to escape, a small stream of blood flicked away from her wings once they spread, the wound had already healed up once the wings had fully revealed.

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With These Broken Wings: Saved

Alosha moved around him, her eyes fixating on his wings so that he wanted to try and hide them. it was more important to keep oake in place on his neck as he turned around. "why did they break your wings?"

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Under Mommy's Wing

Meeting with your parents at college wasn't meant to be awkward, but somehow, it always seemed to turn out that way. To have a family that loved you enough to come visit you at the university from time to time was a blessing to say the least, and even...

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Wings of the Warrior: 11

He had actually become rather familiar and comfortable with the tail and wings over the past few days. most of his body he was comfortable with, actually.

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Wings of the Warrior: 10

#10 of wings of the warrior things continue! really it was the suicide rate that bothered him. life was so different off earth that 3 in 20 children of aliens offed themselves for some reason. that was terrible!

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Wings of the Warrior: 13

Sam tried closing the girl's mouth with top of her wing only for it to drop back open again. then sam put her wing right in front of the girls face and held it there while she snuck around behind her.

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