nim - A Random Interview
Pid=104784) \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \*click\* "ok, the computer should be recording now. are you ready to begin the interview?"
Chapter 3
Luckily we didn't have to worry about being recorded by any video cameras. since the outfits had a special security tag secretly embedded into the fabric. so if anyone tried to steal anything the front doors lock and a buzzer would go off.
Unorthodox Debt Payment
Everything seemed to match up, all debts would be paid off in full if he won a game show that would be recorded for an audience. without reading further into the confusing wording, he signed his name on the last page. "very good!
Roxy & Chica try Diapers | Chapter 1
I supposed we would be recording music, but what i was seriously looking forward to was having some time to play some games that had come out recently that i hadn't had time to play. since i couldn't sleep, i stayed awake staring at my phone.
Birthday Stompings
Agent turned his head towards his right side, seeing a video camera that would be recording everything in 4k glory. they were a few of them, all at different angles to capture the special event.
Lore of Mysticfell - Zasalamel's Journal Entry #1 - Basics of the Magical World
Some pokémon species like ninetales (even writing ninetales on this paper is making my paw shake.) have to be recorded to live well over a thousand years while others like absol reach over a hundred and yet dragons have been seen to live two thousand years
M/M - Cat in the Wall - 2
"i don't consent to being record or any of this gross fucking weird ass shit!" "oh! consent! right! another thing that's \*a thing\* only when it's convenient for you."
Dark Desires Chapter 6 of 25: Client #1 of 15 Black Widow the vampire wolfess
Once inside the bedroom the cameras come on and focuses onto her as she slowly takes off her silk bathrobe, showing off her naked body to the cameras as she is being recorded.
Gadget's Gadgets
Did he not realise that he was being recorded? did he not think that she had made it so her device could play back and continue recording at the same time?
A Thanksgiving Challenge Accepted
Though he was completely unaware of the fact that the entire event was already being recorded by skye's phone as well. "d-deal..." he said, having lost his will to resist. "now let me go...please..." river laughed. "no 'bitch' this time?
Cousin Amber- Leaving the Core
We're not tools," amber says that last part a bit more forcefully for emphasis, knowing full well that this is being recorded. "we're employees. i've read through the contracts they had me sign a while back.
WWW.ZCC.Topia Part 1
In the more than spacious showers where a few of his other officers all cleaning off blood from there body´s that made the chief grin he didn't expect that many movies to be recorded today, he only took about 10 minutes to clean himself before he walked out