The Bureau

Each of the five color-coded forms was an affidavit of declaration of sex, dos-1067-a through e. in the minor panic of being told she was turning into a female, she'd forgotten which one was the one for males.

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Alpha Nick

Apparently one took while the other gave, even being color coded as such. at the moment, the fox had collected the things he wanted. one was a new collar and the other was an earring that was lacking a stud to decorate it.

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Raising Sugar - Chapter Five - Clean Up

He stopped her at the first one and pulled a large ring of keys from his pocket, all color coded, and proceeded to unlock the door.

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DEAD FUR 2: Reconaissance

A red gem rested on the wristband of each of the other team, their division's a different color code than their own.david looked over at her before staring back at the panther, his ears raised up threateningly as he stared down the other team, their weapons

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Big Trouble

color coded, thankfully, and the first compartment was a dildo, a fake cock fashioned to be a meticulous reproduction of hers. black, big, with a thick knot at the base. mama packed a bit of a punch in the pants department.

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Venturing: Calling Music

Both of which were color coded however. with a flickering sounds coming from my own walkie, i got up rapidly and returned to the door. opening it up before tossing the pistol straight towards yang.

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Hunterborn Chapter 1

Each section was color-coded based on subject and even sorted further into subcategories and alphabetized. it was a pretty impressive system. jonah knew it would likely take weeks just to understand it all but it was still impressive.

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Lonely Oak Chapter 91

The page she unveiled had a large chart on the left, with dozens of color-coded boxes and twice as many arrows. the text in the boxes was barely big enough to read, and the colors were so dark in some that the low contrast made it nearly impossible.

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Shattered Freedom, Chapter Twenty

Tweak asked looking over the color-coded map. "the red is available space, enough for a small to medium starship crew to fit. with duo being a class 8 vindicator, and too big to fit in the docking bays, space is limited and spread out.

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The dragon, the fox and the bard

He had sung songs about dragons and their amusing "color coding". if it's 'metal', gold, silver, or such, it's friendly - probably. if it's a 'color', red, blue, green, black or white, it's bad. and the brighter the color, the younger the dragon.

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Team Violet 5: Bonds

Doors lined each side, color-coded for the egg groups that potential pokémon mates were supposed to occupy. we conducted basic breeding tests on this floor, and it served as a center for eggs if any employee wanted a particular pokémon to train.

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