Mother's Fragrance (Part 1)

The dark side of me took over once again and i reached the chair on my knees. i urged my face towards where mother's butt would be located and took long, slow sniff. the lewd scent of sweat and ass filled my nose.

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Red the hunter: dear diary

My wife has a dark side herself." his knot deflated and with a soft pop he pulled himself free as some of his seed gushed outwards before he rolled onto his back.

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41- The Black Tomb

"the dark side casts everything in shade. it's difficult for me to see deep into the ruins. as it is with you, kajex, i assume." his brother nodded.

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Trade All the Stars (excerpt)

In another twelve minutes, the ring would face ceres' dark side and the ambient light would dim, if only by a few dozen lumens thanks to mirrors and reflective particles far too high up to see.

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Happy Halloween 4: The Space Man Attack

"yah, but like then i discovered that light = lasers and shit, plus i can use the power of the very suns now" kyla said logically, "the dark side is totally lame in comparison." "mm, good point" mused cat.

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Blairs Test

"w-we knights of love are... are perverts too, you know... but... but we know how to handle ourselves and keep ourselves from turning to the dark side of sex!"

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Draykan's Hoard 10

If i can train you just right, then drayky can really let his dark side come out, and that'll be something amazing for the both of us to see. he thinks he's gotten rid of it, but i know better. he's not just a goody two shoes.

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Confronting Galenna 2

I had xasandra remove the dark side from me." "oh, drayky, that's not true," she coos. "that's more you than this adorkable dragon you present to everyone. i'll show you right now!

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A Week In My Spaced Out Life

My ship itself was clung to earth's dark side of the moon as well.

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Untitled Chapter#1

I needed to get away from everything to try to be able to control my dark side better. you know how i feel about showing this side of me and even more about the worst side of me in the public eye."

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The Mission of Voyager 3

He looked up from his monitor, "there is pinpoints of light of the dark side of the planet, co2 being emitted from them... fires of a primitive life-form."


Of Might and Magic- Chapter 1- The Frost

The dragon's sense of humor was a bit on the dark side... and honestly the human often thought he was serious... especially since he had mention enslaving him before. "no, i'm here with a new friend, he's a sell sword... he's asked me to join him..."

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