It's Been Done Before [Patreon, Story, Dog Girl]

My arm is sore and I have a little bump at the injection site. I hope the judge burns in hell. The shuttle beeps behind me but I wave it away and the wing doors close while it rises from the ground with a heavy gust of downdraft that stirs the hem...

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A Divine Jog

A lopunny stumbles across a life-changing discovery on her morning jog content warning: this story is intended for adult readers and contains a female lopuny, transformation, weight gain, breast growth, multiple breasts, lactation, rapid hyper pregnancy, ovipositiongood

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Relieving Stress

" Oh man, finally.", Jake sighed exhausted as he stepped into his room." I thought this would never end. Damn biology lecture.", he grumbled to himself while he closed the door and walked over to his bed. He put his school bag down, slipped out of his...

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(M tf Anthro Lion, F tf Anthro Leopard, Hyper) Roy's booming voice rang out a few orders to his team, filling them with the confidence they need. Two of the enemy team go down at almost the same time before Roy's group rushes in, guns blazing...

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Conrad Meets Raziel, Chapter 1

The horns, no, the draconic tail, the hooves, and that sheath he definitely hasn't seen outside of a stable, and hir multiple breasts - he might have even expected larger given hir frame - and everything made a lot of sense. "um!"

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Don't Tip The Cows

(F tf Half-cow, F tf hybrid) Life normally has a lot of ups and downs normally, but Nancy was really riding a roller coaster at this point. She had shadowed a band when she was younger, and through being a groupy she learned how they made their...

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New Found Friend

New Found Friend By Von Krieger Alex panted in the bushes, deep breaths, in and out, tongue lolling from her mouth. She'd just barely managed to slip out of her window before her parents had come upstairs and made their way into her room. Alex...

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Hounds for Hell (Complete)

Hounds for Hell Chapter 1: No receipts. No returns. Story by: Feral []( Shutting the lid of the last box, Katherine Mouze, grabbed the packing tape and sealed...

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I Sold My Soul To Play The Blues, Ch. 13

In a sumptuously elegant dining room we sat down to a breakfast of juice and coffee and savory crepes with soft cheese, or something much like it. How Lewis could serve us cheese on a planet with no cows or goats, I'm not sure. I sniffed at the cheese,...

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Leashed Ch. 01 [Dog, Story, Patreon]

In. In. Out. In. In. Out. In. In. Out. Amber focused on her breathing each time her foot struck the pathway. The sun was finally burning the early morning fog away and light glittered off of the lake to her left. Sweat rolled down the tanned muscles...

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The Mongrel

"The bats are in the belfry "The dew is on the moor "Where are the arms that held me? "And pledged her love before? "And pledged her love before" --Tom Waits, Innocent When You Dream --- Note to the Reader - This one is dark. Some people have...

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Made to Milk

Busty women sporting large breasts, multiple breasts, udders, or all of the above. few forms overlapped one another because rhe was always testing new transformations and improving existing ones.

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