The Big Bad Voarmus

The voarmus usually hunt in packs, it's not rare to see packs of around twenty plus attack the small town, but their very often discovered and fended off before anything serious happens, nothing more than the odd wounded guard and very rarely death.

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The Golden Wolf

Once upon a time near a small town far, far away, lived a magical, golden furred wolf. no one in the town had ever seen more than a glimpse of the wolf, of course. he was fast and secretive. but his howl was like sweet music.

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Rangertale, Ch.6: Samnic Intrigue

As they approached the capital of zanus, the lay of the land changed from busy, large rice farms to what seemed to be a small town all its own, a large residential area just out of the town.

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Seldom Do These Words Ring True (Part 1)

"ah," the wolf said with understanding, "small town boy?" he gave a nod with the same apologetic look on his face, silently cursing himself for his rudeness.

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E-mails from the hound-master

small town suburbs tend to be the hardest, but i will do whatever i can.

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Letters from the Heart

I know it's not a very big city, but it was big enough for a small town girl. it also wasn't really my first day. the sun was setting when i pulled off the highway.

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The Day the Demons Attacked

After i had asked what had happened, she explained it, how the explosion was only around our small town, how we had got turned into anthropomorphic animals due to it. "no one knows how it happened..."

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The Last Dance of the Jackalope

It was then as he saw her in the center of lusk, in broad daylight, among this different world, with its cars, buildings, and the quiet musings of small town people doing small town things, that he realized that she was real.

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Slash of Life Vol. 1: The One and Only: 1. The New Kid in Town

When you guys said small town i was expecting some kind of _hills have eyes_ town." "to us, it is a small town." shirna exclaimed. slim added, "after twenty plus years the town got boring." slash didn't know what that meant.

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XXXMAS Day Twenty-Six - Crossdressing

Living in a religious small town, he'd had to hide who he was by dating women, his dreams of being with a man having to be shoved aside only to live in his imagination, never in person.

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Day 39 10:02 AM 1/3/2023-Chapter 9-Fly Cloud

I cruised down the ramp and onto highway 357 and soon i was in a small, town like area.

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