Egg Slushy PART 2 [Commission]

The changeling grunted impatiently and grabbed onto the pony's hair and pulled their head onto his cock.

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"i-i'm not a changeling...i'm not..." sentinel advanced on her, striking her chest with his hoof. "you're a changeling. i can sense it. stop. lying."

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Perfecting the Princes 7

The otter only moved so much as the changeling stallion pushed him, encouraging him to lean forward, his hands falling on the steps up to the building.

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Harmony's Warriors: Soar - Act I - 01 - I Have Inside Me Blood of Kings

Right about the changelings, right about chrysalis, everything." she whispered. "and, who knows, what if next time it's not just six little changelings coming, but a whole army of them, ready for battle?"

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The Royal Apples - Part XVIII

The pegasus dropped to the floor stunned, then shimmered slightly and changed form, back into a dark skinned changeling. "how'd you know rainbow was a changeling," asked the mail-mare, derpy.

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Changeling Heart: Lighting's Past, Changeling's Name

I'll admit, after hearing that you were housing a changeling, i had always wondered what you two did in those mouths you held her without anypony knowing.

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Changeling Heart: Saki's Granny

"there is a easier way for us changelings to gain love from the ponies around us."

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02 - The Song of the Changeling

"good morning, will," the changeling said. he thought a moment and then added, "do i get a kiss?" will smiled. "of course you do." will leaned over and kissed the changeling. when the kiss ended, the changeling smiled broadly.

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Nipped in the Bud

Twilight grinned before returning to the changeling's pussy. her tongue pushed and caressed chrysalis' folds, every so often teasing the queen's stiff clit.

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Commission: MLP - Secret Royal Tournament Part 2

Hands reached down to guard the area now in a deep amount of pain, but that gave this black changeling queen to start rising to her feet once again. "you little cunt..."

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Half-Blood Chapter XIII

"um greg, i'm not sure if you know this but this fox is a changeling... i doubt that would have escaped your notice, but you brought a _changeling_ home?" the wolf continued after the pause. "what's a changeling?"

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