"The Low Budget Traditional Art Tutorial."

For example: bending the sheet in the middle, you divide it in upper half and lower half. two drawings on the same side of the sheet, two drawings on the other side, four drawings in a single sheet.

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Poke Quest : Character Select

But that's just a very basic example of what sorts of opinions various characters in the story will hold.

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Light of the Heart V2 Prologue

examples of others include caius god of darkness, mithra goddess of light, terros god of earth, gheddos god of destruction, brez god of wind, akriloth god of fire, aria goddess of water, and krenos god of lightning.

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The Beginner's Guide to RPing - Roleplay BREAKDOWN

It will be easier to explain by example: \*joe saunters across the barroom floor as if to a funeral dirge, dragging his granite-like legs while trying to find a seat.

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Untouchable: Chapter 8 Tied together, Falling apart

"a perfect example of why you need to nip this news story in the butt," sharron said. "a random guy, probably having a bad day, is your example for systemic prejudices," sean said.

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The Secret to Proper Paragraphing and Dialogue

> original message > "...the way i see it, your example suggests that i break my text up into a lot of little paragraphs.


'Weenie (Halloween TF, experimental)

For example, mind if i take your left foot?" "yes!" "thanks! now, you currently have five toes." "currently?" "dogs have four. and they're a different shape.

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Races of Mynethrol I the My'Thana

Many my'thana have lost their lives this way, and such, is usually not attempted in amounts larger than that of say, a shooter marble for example. as for other abilities, they all have an affinity for the magical, and martial arts.

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The Secret Life of Snivy and Emolga!

Whenever the human trainers is doing something like sleeping or eating lunch for example, snivy and emolga would always take pikachu to a hidden area without noticing their trainers just to suck him off.

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A Brief Overview of Runeterra

For example, akriloth who governs fire is opposed by aria who governs water. the two forces keep each other at bay in a constant equilibrium and thus maintain the balance.

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Kinktober Day 6: Spanking

"and i think an example needs to be made so it doesn't happen again." "example? mona pushed her chair back from the desk, beckoning her protege to come closer while patting her knee.

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CFTV Commission Notice

It was most educational to hear some of the examples you gave and the board promptly decided to conduct their own research to see if we could find further examples that you perhaps had not detailed (or indeed, may have even heard of).
