Watching TV

The tip of the hose, unconnected to filters, hung pretty close to my cock, enclosed in a transparent plastic tube today. robbins was feeling particularly devious and had decided that my usual cage just wouldn't do.

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Some thoughts from the brink. ( supplimental)

Zinc from the anodes, copper from the water filters.

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Bal'tyle's Tale

His accent thick of one who's lived in the south for a long term, now only filtered through his drink which lays empty at his feet. "calm down galenor.

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And, soon, adelaide's parents arrived, and dandy filtered off, and ... ... in the warm, warm glow of christmas-time, and in the falling of the white, white snow, the furs basked in familial company.

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Silent Threat - Kiori's back story

The other recruit flicked his ears nervously and adjusted his light filtering goggles. kiori absently adjusted his own goggles making sure to set the filters for neutral. surprisingly this little corner of the facility did not have much foot traffic.

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Jeff finally realized what he had done, he must have turned off the filter when he thought he was re-activating it, "oh, god...nina...i think this was my fault..."

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Valorie - The Release

The pain of the bite was beginning to take its toll, and she stumbled through the doorway into the wan light filtering through the jungle canopy.

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Vivid's Bio-Suit Training

It sorted elements at a nanoscale so it could even prevent viruses from passing through its filters.

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He could feel a pressure in his pants, and as he did his best to look up lewd pictures online, finding a site the office filters didn't cover yet, they began to let themselves go.

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"You Never Said You Were..."

Such as the audio filter he added to every video chat once the camera was on the ground so that each of his footsteps had a louder, more resonance impact sound to it.

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Hearth Star: Warrior of the God-King

Holding his trident in a ready position, he adjusted the filters on his helm to sniff the air.

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Ultimate Furry Crossover - An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure Entry 4

So water's not a problem, as long as we have the filters. we've got portable filters, too, so if we need to move, that won't be a problem." then tails traded another look with boss, and turned back to the group, looking grim.

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