The Interviews - The Timeline

#6 of the interviews with the interviews taken care of, it's time to sort out when certain events took place. but isn't our interviewer forgetting someone? the interviewer sits on the ground and against the wall with the one-way mirror.

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Roland's Interview

"showing up at an interview wearing jeans and a t-shirt?" said the fox. "you must either be very confident or very unprofessional. my name is luca, by the way, i'm the manager of magnus gallo and i conduct all the interviews personally.

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Interview with a Villain

interview with a villain grace williams is not someone who looks like they regularly interview a supervillain.

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Interview with a sexecutioner

**closing note:** after the interview, i contacted us sexecutioner's association to find out how they chose "sexecutioner of the year."

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Interview with a Gryphon

Never in your dreams would you have thought that a job interview at the eyrie was going to involve getting locked in a room, tied up to a mount, and getting fucked by your interviewer until you either broke or got the job.

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Leilani Meets Spiderman

Leilani enjoys a brunch of raw oysters and crab legs while curled up on the beach. Next to her is an unopened Spiderman comic book in the sand. While she is eating, the author comes down to the beach and notices the comic, a bemused expression on her...

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Interview with Snow Brewster

You make a wonderful interviewer. very professional!

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Interview with Rykela, the Breeding Dragoness

_info on the ever sweet and charming rykela can be found at hir sofurry userpage - []( _do you have a character that would like to be interviewed for a feature on sofurry?

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Kazufox Interview #7

#7 of kazufox interviews! note: so...yeah, here's interview #7. of two random characters that have nothing in common really...and just random weirdness from before 2007.

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D-Gen Interviews: Monster_T-Bro

Will i be interviewing any of the mods? that's up to them, really. last video i already interviewed mombunana. sir\_michael\_killgrave has already told me he will not do interviews. ajx\_night has said the same.

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#5 of furry fan interviews! interview number five! can you believe it? (silence) i certainly can't!

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