The Mirror Still Broken
As he looked into the broken mirror, he saw versions of himself that were and never would be. so many things had changed him, twisted him and warped him.
The Other Side of the Mirror
She had to leave me when the mirror was discovered. a mirror what could bring anybody to another world. she gone and i promised to find her cub and bring her to safety. but this is another story...
The Mirror of Flames [CM]
He quickly finds himself thrown into an ancient temple and along his quest is captured by a gadgetized dragoness who seeks the powerful orb of mirrors within.
The Magic Mirror Maze
What he wasn't aware of, however, were the magical affects of the mirror maze. upon touching the diaper jaxxy was wearing, the mirrors lit up with a bright light, all shining on zip.
Looking in the Haunted Mirror
However, upon further inspection of the mirror, soul began to notice things weren't quite matching up with the mirror and the real world. instead of a dust covered room, the reflection showed a well maintained area with not a single cobweb in sight.
Orelai- Mirror Match
So long as the mirror match still exists there will be no backline support from either team. so while the others are busy dealing with their own counterpart, anton focuses himself onto just trying to see who the better wind user is.
Mirror Peer: Deiser
mirror--deiser knew it was a mirror that had caused the first mage to be altered into a lovely lizard lady but the mirror wasn't here and it was certain it had been involved with every lizard
CYOA: End: The Mirror
Carl open them and see himself in a mirror again. noow he can see the collor of his fur. a deep mysterious green, with a wite belly and chest. his father was behind him. 'you see? how beautiful you are?' carl noods 'thanx dad, for showing me this.'
[Draconicon] Mirror Me
After letting himself rest for a minute, he got to his feet again and unwrapped the mirror. gold edges engraved with dragon heads and corners with curled tails surrounded a silvery mirror.
Talent is Pain: Kapitel 4
~mirror image~ an old friend ein klein wenig erschöpft saß twilight an ihrem schreibtisch. es war schon relativ spät. die party für mirror image war erst vor einer stunde zu ende gegangen.
Mein neues chaotisches Leben Kapitel 3
~mirror image~ **family issues** einige tage waren vergangen und niemand sah auch nur ein lebenszeichen von leo. jeder einzelne in dem freundeskreis versuchte kontakt aufzunehmen. nichts funktionierte.
Mein neues chaotisches Leben Kapitel 2
~mirror image~ **feelings** absolute ruhe lag in der bibliothek. kein pony gab auch nur einen laut von sich. viele waren noch damit beschäftigt, ihre gedanken und gefühle wieder auf die reihe zu bekommen.