Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 27 - Altala - The City at Night

They were both referring to a raticate that he had just seen. he seemed to be severely wounded, and also limped while walking. there was something going on and kyurex wanted to know what. for now he figured it was best to change the topic.

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A Royal Occasion

Have nothing to show for it. " giovanni rose from his chair and walked to the terrified grunt "your latest failure was an epic one. " the grunt gulped "not only did you not manage to steal a small meowth from an even smaller girl, you managed to lose your raticate

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Work Relief

The next workers he met were a nidoking, persian, electabuzz, and a raticate. named chuck, steve, clay, and josh. being the evolution of his own form, josh took a liking to taylor.

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No Light to be Seen: Chapter 16

Glad someone was happy...raticates were made of way lighter stuff then a human which meant the weight wasn't unbearable just very annoying to walk around with until i got used to it or i got stronger/taller and the almost too warm heat radiating from

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Chapter Four - Allies

"maybe it's supposed to be more like a raticate." electra said. "or a ratatta." "it's not purple." cammy said as she nudged it with her right foot. "and its tail is tiny..." "maybe it's a baby." electra said. "i don't think so."

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18 Tales: Adding another tale!

Spying a few raticate's she didn't think but just acted as she raised her tails high and pointed the ghost fire tipped ends, bunching them together as she shouted "fox tail thrower!"

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Even raticates, with strange colors decorating their hides and painful mutations twisting their skeletons, are crying, dying, or dead. the eyes of those who have expired are as bright as the ones of those who are alive, but it is not life in that light.

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Chapter Seventeen - News, News, And More News!

I know instincts might get in the way sometimes but like, go after that rattata and raticate colony or something. they just squeak and chew things." "get over here." electra said as she waved her paw. "what?"

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Goodbye Hoenn, Hello Kanto

Linoone as i had expected, took a liking to fellow normal types, raticate and furret. the three got along swimmingly as linoone recounted the journeys he had throughout hoenn.

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Pokémon Breeding Center, Part 1

A pair of trainers had just started a fight, one using a raticate, the other a nidoran. the battle seemed to be fairly even. i had just settled down to watch, when i heard a call. "machamp! macho macho champ!" i turned around, incredulous.

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Sinori's Tale - Chapter Five

"i told raticate already. i'm not burning down somebody's home."

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How to Serve Man

"not that i get why we should give a raticate's ass what you want." "you should care because if i let the pidgeot back into the area, what little food there is around here is going to get a lot more scarce.

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