Welcome to Elsewhere Island

No refunds are available and no i don't know how you can get home to whatever dimension, realm or universe you belong to." "do you have any helpful information?" you ask hoping to at least get something. "have you noticed your hud?

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But if the john sitting out there had buyer's remorse now that he'd cum and the realisation of what he was doing was no longer concealed beneath a flood of lustful temptation, dylan feared he wouldn't have the heart _not_ to at least partially refund the wolf

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A New Life Begins

No refunds. i couldn't get my money back, and it was the trip of a lifetime. i've always wanted to visit your wonderful country, and now i have a baby on the way this will probably be my only chance!"

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The Analogue Cat

You go blind when you're not quite full-grown, a breed fault, and your owners take you back for a refund. the kids protest, but are quelled by promises of a dog pet next time.

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The Diaper Kush

Can i have a refund?" asked tobey innocently while rubbing his nose. the rest of the employees remained silent in shock. after a short while, there was chuckling.

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Can't Keep My Eyes Off of Him (Part 5/8)

"alyssa, will you please give these boys a full refund?" he asked, directing it to their waitress.

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Zion: Light of the New Moon, Ch 5.1 Myre

Things will continue as normal, but there will be no refund of favor or luck that was spent to earn this option. questions and comments are always welcome. thanks for reading!

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Hot Night at the Junk Shop...

"wow your friend had some major junk... your still going to get a refund of hundred and twenty." "and here's your receipt, just take that to the cashier and she'll give you the money." "of course if money isn't your first... interest."

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Eskal's Tale - Chapter One

James even agreed he'd refund you this month's rent and he'll lend a hand moving your stuff out." the boy gave a pained groan and rubbed his temples forcefully. "marie, you must know i can't afford this..."

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Suit Sentence II

She reached down and tucked a hand under his muzzle, making him look her in the eyes. " if you act so badly as to create a need for a refund, i can assure you that you will be spending the rest of your sentence caged right here in this room."

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Journeys of Time 9

Tenchi smirked, "if that is so, then i want a refund."

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By Day One Way By Night Another - Chapter Four -

"i have been forced to refund their money to them - do you have any idea, how much i charge for your services, doe? do you know? do you even care?"

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