Shorty: V-mon's treatment

Warning: This story contains minor medical stuff, like Rectal Thermometers and Suppositories. If you don't think that stuff is hot you may not want to read any further. \*\*\* V-mon lay in Daisuke's bed. There was no other way to put it, he...

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Shorty: V-mon's Enema

V-mon was in quite the predicament. He was hanging upside down by his ankles from a rope and pulley in a bathroom. He had no idea why he had even agreed to this. All that had happened is that he had casually mentioned that sex with Wormmon could get...

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Shorty: Komasan Learns to Share

Warning: This story contains brotherly spanking and possibly slight incestious undertones, although nothing too bad. It also contains Youkai, so there is that to watch out for. Be sure to pack your Youkai Watch! \*\*\* Komasan stepped into his...

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Twin Schools Shorties 1

The best... no, the WORST part of having been hypnotized into having an imaginary vibrator inside you, was that it could buzz away all day and nothing would get sore, oversensitive, or numb; Wily Kit reflected ruefully as she sat down at the library...

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Twin Schools Shorties 2

The second story in the twin schools shorties series is done! the theme was masturbation, and nearly unanimously, you guys chose buster bunny as the winner of the poll!!! check my journal for the next poll!

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TSALF: Blog 2#: Bubba the Elephant Bully

That bastard...i am, indeed, a shorty guy. probably was the shortest man inside of the place, and this was something that i really was sensitive about myself. "well...yes.

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Locker Room Tales - Prequel - Hung-er Games -

"hey shorty!" james snickered, then collared the tiny horse, lifting him off the ground and setting him on the wall, so they could see him as he hung his head and clasped his small paws in his lap. "oh...hello - " come the timid murmur.

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The Biker Dream (Anthro Fox TF/TG) [Shortie]

A "shortie" is a new kind of story i'll be writing. it's similar to quickies, but with a slightly more legible plot, but not by a lot. it's more meant for when i just want to write a transformation mostly, without much plot to worry about.

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Chapter Five: To The City

The elevator sounded shorty afterward, and out stepped the third member of their trio. the massive wolf held a water bottle in one paw and a towel in the other, dripping with sweat and tracking paw prints onto the wooden floor.

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Fettered wings

I wrote this shorty as a prompt for the weekly writing group. it was supposed to be a character introduction done in a slightly different way than the usual, descriptive, paragraph by paragraph sandwich.

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S@#t You Won't Believe: All New Kind of Wet

Just a naughty shorty. warning: 18+ naughty stuff it had been a long practice and bryan was relieved when he walked into his large bathroom at home.

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