Making The Grade!

To this day i'm not sure if i should feel like a whore who worked for his pay or an accomplished student willing to risk expulsion for a better grade....o well.

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~ Shade and Ace: The Beginning ~

By the time ace returned many of the students had already left the locker room and went to the gym. "i have to wear that all white shirt?

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Missing A Deadline

Back in his hometown he was that rarest of creatures; a straight-a student who was also one of the most popular guys in school.

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Jody's Punishment

All the students rushing to get inside as the bell rang. i too eventually slowly walked up to the school and into the double doors.

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Why am I here chapter 2

The next day, Sam wakes up and grumbles out of bed, not ready to go to school. It's the last week of November before December starts, yet Sam feels like it'll be a long time before Christmas. All Sam wants to do is sleep in for Christmas break, but...

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Cat & Mouse

So we have the feline student/librarian lucy and the mouse boy genius mark encountering each other on a friday night. i hope you will enjoy it.

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School for Slutty Girls

Rosy stated as the students formed 4 lines with 5 students in each of them. "and remember, really stretch your joints out." the students nods as they raised their arms up, myself included.

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The Black Shepherd - Chapter 9

**Chapter Nine** **Friday May 16, 2008** **8:00am** _Come on. Almost there._ His heart pounded against his ribs. His mouth hung open, panting hard as he willed himself down the homestretch of what was becoming his daily run. He kept his eyes on...

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The Black Shepherd - Chapter 10

**Chapter Ten** **Friday May 23, 2008** **12:08pm** The Infinity Care Center was the premier long-term care facility for retired folk in Sandy, offering topnotch services to less than a hundred highly-sought after beds. For nine years, Patricia had...

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Kapitel 8

An das Geräusch der flatternden Plastiktüte hatte er sich inzwischen gewöhnt. Die letzte war zwar während des Sturms davon gerissen worden, doch hatte Avis sie, nachdem er sein Auto aus dem Parkhaus geholt hatte, mit einer neuen ersetzt. Er wusste...

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Mr. Brooke Is a Sweetie

Just as he had gotten the students' attention, the broken buckles on his briefcase gave way. mr. brooke's papers spread all over the floor, much to the delight of his delinquent students. you see, mr.

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Draconicon's Life Story: Magic Balls 1

The students would learn quickly enough that that sort of behavior wouldn't help them once they left the academy. but here... the black dragon thought about it, looking at his student, considering the possibilities.

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