Ben's Electroshock Treatment

"perhaps he's had enough electroshock therapy then?"

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I Got A Puppy!

"take him to subject preparation please, and then see us down in the therapy room."

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bladepew short story (vore)

A wolftuar, i am one of the phew who underwent gene therapy as a baby. because the gene therapy uses animal dna i asked for wolf. i would have bean turned into a regular anthro wolf but i required so much time in it i turn into a wolftuar.

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Claude's Panda Bear 4

"he told me he was sorry he had done it, and if it happened again, he'd transfer me to someone else for therapy, but he also told me he'd never had sex that hot" i say quietly. bill smiles. "i just knew you'd gone after him" bill says.

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Ms. Faye's Dearest Pupil

Faye, a counselor who couldn't possibly ignore a nice package and decides to administer an unconventional form of therapy. ms. faye's dearest pupil "i don't know how much longer i can keep seeing this counselor..."

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A (third) cup of coffee with the therapist

Some people needed more time than others in order to get used to that kind of therapy. "so," he started, after a few seconds. "how was it?" "it was... fine," fosk answered, still looking down. "i mean, i enjoyed it. a lot."

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Fear's a State of Mind, or is it Body?

Your therapy is progressing quite nicely!" chuckling to himself he left them so he could finish the rest of his daily rounds.

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One Couple, Two Relationships

As part of the compromises that jason and i agreed to near the last few (ridiculously expensive) therapy sessions, i gave up masturbation for good.

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Pandora's Templar - Chapter 25

A large portion of said energy however, was funneled - in its untouched, raw form - into the psionic therapy chamber.

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Untouchable: Chapter 29: Political: Sean

It's not really a school school, it's a therapy system, and camp in idaho," mom said."you're sending me away, please! please don't send me away!" i said."it's already been decided, julian has made sure you'll graduate while we get you therapy," dad said."

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Influenced By Media

While his therapy was every day it only took up a few hours of his time and gave him the rest of his day to sit there alone.

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"aversion therapy, hypnotherapy, and electroshock therapies have all failed to deter his vile behavior. the only other available treatment is full-frontal lobotomy."               

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