Mass Effect: "Shower Time".
What if for turian men, there's a year where all of them get very very horny, makes them more likely bounce any nearby female. too bad that nearest one for garrus, was shepard's girlfriend, tali.
Midline Shift 46 - The Missing Number
But the wounded turian from the back of the room suddenly got up and grabbed a rifle he had sitting beside him, pointing straight towards james' head.
Midline Shift 33 - Always See It Coming
Humans, turians and batarians along with one single krogan leader, all of whom wore blue and white with black weapons in their hands.
Midline Shift 2 - A Vagrant Among Many
He noted that just like a turian, her hands also had three long fingers but without the claws on the ends.
Change of Perspective Page 12
The turian twitches as blood flows from the wound and his mouth, his eyes growing cold as the life leaves his body. "turian organic has been neutralized," transmits the geth hunter. "affirmative. primary force will arrive in 121.83 seconds.
Midline Shift 39 - Journey to Oma Ker
The viewer logged off as they landed upon oma ker, a rich vibrant planet that was perfect for turian life.
Commander Shepard, Alliance Navy CH. 4: Pilgrimage
"-and please, by the ancestors, stay away from turians! you'll be met with nothing but their damned superiority complex! cocky bastards, the lot of them!"
Black Tie Affair
Kara added with a smirk, mumbling around the turian's cock before suddenly chomping down hard on her victim's shaft.
Family Tradition X: The Duel
Ever used a turian sniper rifle?" "uh... yeah. once. and i still got the graal... been using it to honour his memory."
Midline Shift 15 - Down To Earth
"people are pretty great, though there's a lotta turian-like names around here. magnusson, mortensen-" "how is that anything like a turian name?" asked james.
Midline Shift 25 - Missing Pieces
The turian put his hands to his head. "i'm sorry.
Ch.6 Rescue Mission
Armstrong was clearly fighting with himself this whole time till the turian councilor said those hurtful words. he stormed forward stopping at the edge pointing at sparatus and glaring beyond angry at him. "cram it turian!