Learning to Swim - Part XXXIV

Story by OttersGonnaOtt on SoFurry

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#34 of Entropy Series

The gang gathers for some lunch but bites off more than they can chew.

Happy Thanksgiving, to those that partake! This chapter is a bit short but only because the next already has a planned start and end I'd like to bookend by using. Don't let that skew your view on this iteration though! There's a lot of good details brought about in this part. I'll admit that overall it's not exactly a happy, rainbow-vomiting episode but I'm happy with the way it turned out.

Also, transitional flourishes! :D

As always, this story contains adult content and explicit sexual imagery. IN ADDITION, this chapter lightly merits an Extreme rating for a section of abusive, graphic violence and hardcore themes. If you aren't allowed or don't wish to view such material, please stop reading immediately. To all the rest, enjoy! Comments and critiques are welcome and encouraged.

"Hey, love." Robyn stepped through the threshold to the lab and beelined right for her smiling otter. "You ready for a bite? I'm famished."

"Hey Pillow... In a minute, okay? Come and check this out." Ilaria hunched over her desk chair and watched as Prisma played chess on her computer. "Only took her two games to get the hang of it. She's a natural."

Robyn checked the screen and came away with an impressed grin. "Wow, she's good. I can't go ten rounds against the computer."

"Oh, she isn't playing against the computer; that bored her after the tenth win." Ari lifted Prisma's paw for a moment to bring up her player history, which showed nothing but victories. "That's the thirtieth-best player on the online scoreboard and she's winning. Sprite's created a ~monster~."

"Well dang. Remind me not to play anything against her."

"I still think I could take her on X-Bow shooters though. That's more than math and strategy, anyway." Ari spun on her good heel and grinned to her love. "So, you have anything in mind for lunch? I'm thinking sushi myself."

"You're an otter. You're always thinking sushi."

"Hey now," Adrian squeaked out as he put down an instrument he was calibrating, "there's nothing wrong with good fish. Today's delivery day too, so it's fresh."

"Well my tummy doesn't agree with that today... Ugh. Fine, fine." Robyn sulked and sat on a nearby stool. "We're having whatever I want tomorrow though. Good?"

Dee lit up as he started to clean some grease from his paw. "Good deal. Yoyo's on his way so this'll work out great."

"Did I just hear my name?" Iolvin smirked as he creaked open the loading bay door. "How you doin', babe?"

"Great now that you're here, heeee." Dee scurried over to give his man a hug, but was held back for a moment until Yoyo could put his camera down. "Oh, you had class today?"

"Not really. I was messing around with those little pink bugs of mine and, err..." Yoyo left the camera alone and finished the hug, a peck on Dee's snout sealing the moment. "I sort of broke the lens. Think you can take a look? I figure those handy-dandy paws of yours might be a cheaper fix."

"I ~can~, but with something like that maybe I should just buy you a new one. You've earned a gift or two by now, especially the other day with saving your sister."

Yoyo grinned and whispered just the price. "Two-fifty."

Dee looked to the camera and then back to his otter. "Yeah, I might just try and fix that first."

As the two started chuckling together Elliot and Ashe walked through the locker room door. They stumbled about from table to table, giggling and whispering to each other as Ellie guided the sightless wolf across the room. They eventually found India and crouched down to keep the pup's spirits up. Once they were settled Robyn walked over to them with a particular frustrated sneer about her face. Once she reached the two she merely stood above them, arms crossed and tapping her shoe repeatedly.

In a low voice Robyn addressed her concerns. "You two can do whatever you like between each other. That's your business. But please don't bring that sort of thing to my friends."

"What? Ashe and I were just about to get some--"

"Pussy? Yeah, I heard." Robyn pulled out one of Ashe's business cards and flicked it towards them. "Not my cup of tea, but you can do whatever you want with your body, girl. Just try not to make me embarrassed to be in the same building, yeah?"

Ashe huffed out a sigh and tried to keep her voice down. "You're right. Elliot wasn't thinking from all angles. I'll keep it away from friends and family."

"Just... I sorry if I'm a little tossed, but it's awkward." Robyn knelt down to pet Indy and calm herself down. "I won't mention it to the others, but I can't guarantee word won't spread on its own."

"Thanks." Ellie wanted to add something soothing to that, but found himself choked up on his choice of words.

"Well cheer up, ottah girl. We're goin' out for sushi, even if the idea of it makes me queasy today."

Ellie slowly let down his defenses as he realized Robyn was actually being more of a friend than a threat. "Sounds yummy, but if you really don't want to eat that I can make a case for whatever you'd like. You're not looking so good, and I find it's best to listen to your body when you're sick."

"Sick?" Robyn stood up again and pouted at the discovery. "Yeah, maybe. I think it's a stomach thing, the flu perhaps. I just didn't want to make a fuss about it."

"Alright. Nothing to see here. I get it--"

"Yay! Prisma win again!" The android suddenly stood up from her chair with her victory but promptly slewed her focus to her choice of words. "Win... 'Win'? 'Wins'? Wins." She spun around and wrapped her arms around Ilaria gleefully. "Prisma wins again. Oh, 'won'--past tense... Prisma finds English overly-complex communication."

Ari brought an arm of her own around and gave the girl's back a few light pats. "Yeah, it can be that way. Good to see you're learning fast anyway, sweetie."

Iolvin stepped over and gave the girl's gooey hair a pat, taking his paw back after the strange sensation. "Uh... Yeah, good to see she's speaking now. That's a long way from this morning. Now if only she could work on the way she looks. Seeing through her's a bit... unnerving."

"I'm sure she'll come up with something."

Adrian's words suddenly gained a prophetic nature as Prisma's 'skin' started to get cloudy white and pearlescent. "Prisma can do that! Prisma's color is under Prisma's control, Master."

Dee shook his head at the girl's choice of words. "So much wrong there. The third-person stuff I can sort of see, but I can't take another person calling me 'master' like that."

"Prisma wants to show respect. Sister Sprite wants that too. If not Master, what should Prisma call Prisma's creators?"

Yoyo jumped into the conversation again with a proposal. "Well you're sisters, right? Stick with family. Uncle Yoyo has a nice ring to it."

"Uncle..." It took a momentary stare at Sprite for the android to process the relationship, a data link between the two allowing her to break her confusion. "Uncle and aunt are acceptable. Implies Prisma is not an object."

Robyn headed back over with a smile on her muzzle. "Well Auntie Ilaria here needs sustenance. Ready to eat, love?"

"Sure. You driving?"

Robyn questioned that idea herself and then looked back to Ellie. "I'm not feelin' my best and Ari can't drive. Mind taking the wheel, Ellie?"

"Sure. I can follow--what, Yoyo's jeep?"

The otter produced the keys he still held in his paw. "Yup. I'll happily take Dee with me."

The android, now with her fairy sister on her shoulder, walked over to Yoyo. "Prisma wants to come too, Uncle. Prisma needs sustenance also."

Dee gave the girl a smiling nod, her childish behavior almost making him giggly. "Sure, hon. We've got room in the jeep, and we'd never let you starve... if you even ~need~ food."

Prisma frowned for the first time in her life, a bit of emotion finally developing in her. "Food can be broken down for basic elements sister can use for Prisma's repairs. Besides, Prisma wants to taste things."

"That-a-girl. Take what you want." Ari giggled as she headed for the back door. "Eat, sleep, and screw. Best parts of life, and wanting one out of three's a pretty good start for someone born yesterday."

"So we're taking exit 32 and going up Geralt? Or 31 and looping back through the square?"

Robyn picked her head up from against Ari's shoulder to peek over the seats and through the windshield. "Just follow Yoyo. He knows where he's going." She had to manually move Ashe's sickle tail from the center console to check the instrument panel, the blind girl immediately getting the hint by apologetically tucking her tail out of the way. "Hey, don't push it so hard. My baby's not built like that fancy Porsche of yours."

Ellie groaned and explained his position. "Well that's why I'm asking directions. Yoyo's driving like a maniac and I'm not sure we can keep up with all of us weighing dow--!!"

Suddenly a loud pop sounded through from the engine compartment, followed by a serious tug of feedback to the left. Elliot gracefully recovered only to receive another jerk a bit too soon for his liking. The whole vehicle swerved partly into the next lane of highway traffic, thankfully into a gap between cars. The otter allowed the car to ease out of the pull and finished getting into the lane, then slowly brought down their speed. Once he was sure things were more or less safe, he slipped Robyn's car onto the emergency lane and killed the engine.

"Holy crap. That's a rush." Elliot looked over to Ashe and then to the girls in the back. "Everyone okay? Any injuries?"

"Almost recolored my seats with my insides, but just cheery." Robyn whispered something to Ilaria as she looked her over and answered on her behalf. "Ottah's good too. What the bloody hell was that?"

"Um... Could have been something kicked up ahead of us, but it felt like the power steering failed in a bad way too." Ellie looked over Ashe and Ari in their petrified silence and assumed it was only mild shock. "Either way, I think I can fix it. I'll just be a minute while I check."

As Ellie reached for the handle of his door Ilaria suddenly shrieked out, "No!! Stop, please!"

"I'm just checking the engine. We're fine now, Ari--"

"Just fucking--!" The otter began shaking and crying in pure fear as her paws instinctively reached for her stump. "~Please~!"

Robyn was forced to explain on behalf of the terrified girl while bringing her in for a comforting hug. "Ellie, just wait until we all get out of here first--"

"Fuck no! I'm not leaving this thing!"

Robyn forced Ari's head to her bosom and gave her a few shushing hisses. "It's alright, love. I'll help you get far, far away and then we'll call a lorry."

"Wait, what's going on?" Ellie reached over and gave a paw to Ashe so she could calm down herself. "I have to be missing something. What should I do?"

Robyn nudged her snout to the passenger side door. "You and Ashe should get out that way and get way off in the turf. We'll be close behind." She went to place her paws over Ari's own, aiding however she could with the sudden bout of phantom pain. "It's not going to happen again. We're safe, Ottah."

"Oh. ~OH~." Ellie reached over and pulled the latch to Ashe's door and then showed her how to climb out. "That's how 'it' happened, huh? I'm sorry, dear. I didn't know."

Robyn nodded and quietly reached for the rear right door herself. "Fixing her car like this, yeah. Now can we get away from the road already?"

The four crawled out of the sedan and regrouped a pawful of yards away. Just as Elliot began searching his phone for a mechanic however Iolvin's jeep pulled up behind Robyn's car. Yoyo took a good look at the vehicle as he left his own, then pulled everyone else away from the road when he spotted his twin's breakdown. He quickly closed the gap and joined Robyn in giving his sister a well-needed hug, with Adrian layering on top just seconds later.

"It's okay, big sis. Circled back just for you. I'm here to keep you safe."

Dee started getting teary-eyed himself as he embraced his friend. "It's alright, Ari. We'll be out of here soon."

Prisma joined in briefly for a rather gleeful hug, not understanding the weight of the moment. "Prisma and Sprite can help with machines. Show us what's wrong."

"Hon, I'm not sure..." Robyn looked over to the artificial lifeforms and then to Iolvin's jeep. "Actually, let's do this. Yoyo, you think you can whisk Ari somewhere while we look at the engine? Ellie thinks we might be able to fix it."

Ari quickly objected to her squirrel being near the car. "No! Don't you dare!"

"Shh... I'll go with you then, Ottah. Whatever you need."

Ashe tugged on Ellie's arm and anxiously. "Where's sister? I want to help."

Ellie started guiding Ashe to Ari's side but stalled upon seeing what appeared to be a maintenance van pulling up behind the jeep. "You should go with them too. Dee and I can deal with this for now. Maybe these guys here too if they're good Samaritans."

Yoyo turned to look near his jeep. "Oh yeah? See sis? Things are already looking up."

"Let's get going while we can, yeah?" Robyn tugged on the now-inseparable twins and got them moving, only her own legs started to fail midway. "We should... uh... get..."

Within a few heavy breaths Robyn was down for the count, splayed out in the grass with no hints of consciousness. Ellie was assuming she was sicker than expected and instinctively moved to check her vitals, but a pin prick hit his neck and he struggled to stay upright himself. Suddenly everyone was falling over like a group of drunkards, Ellie and Ashe joining the squirrel in a deep sleep. The large sliding side panel of the van quickly sprang open fully and three figures emerged, odd rifles in their paws and pointed to the group.

"The... The fuck?" Yoyo slumped down to his knees, bringing Ari and Dee along for the ride. "Who...?"

Ilaria recognized two of the three through her hazy vision, one being the hare that had been tailing her and the other was one of the drakes from the adult toy shop. "Wh-Why?"

Suddenly an oddly-dressed, grey-furred mustelid jumped out of the passenger's seat, a brilliant cyan glow about his body highlighting his movement through even the muddiest of vision. He shot something at Iolvin that sent the otter into convulsions just prior to losing consciousness. "What did I tell you idiots? They won't go down without a few thousand volts."

"Wait... I surren--" Adrian tried to speak up but never really got his point across before being shot himself.

Ilaria slumped onto her back and stared up as the neon-lit fur stood over her. She tried one last time to get her answer as he reloaded his stun gun. "Why?"

The fur knelt down and placed the taser near Ari's chest as he whispered. "My, how you've grown. Shame we had to meet again like this." He flipped the arming switch and waited as the capacitors charged with a whine. "I just hope Vasily forgives me. Sorry."

Then with a click everything finally went black.

Ilaria awoke first to the sounds and tugs of Prisma. "Auntie, wake up. I'm scared."

"Scared?" Ari groggily picked herself up from the diamond-grated metal floor and almost fell onto Robyn. She looked around in the dim light of the room and found Prisma on the other side of rusty steel bars. "Oh. Well I didn't know you ~could~ be scared, but welcome to the club."

Ari tried rousing her fiance, only to be told off by the android. "She'll be out for a few more hours. Prisma figures that tranquillizer is pretty complex. You could break it down much faster."

"Oh. So you've been awake the whole time?" Ari took a good look around now that her eyes had adjusted to the lighting. They were stuck in cells made for two. Adrian and Iolvin were in one, Prisma was by herself as was Ashe, Ilaria was set with Robyn of course, and Elliot was paired with some unknown girl maybe half his age. She reached for the door to her cell and gave it a firm tug, then immediately tried to call upon her nanites to freeze-break the hinges. However there was a distinct lack of amber aura about her and her nanites never heeded her call. "Tell me what you know."

"Sure. I was powered off and came back online a few minutes ago." Prisma reached behind herself and cradled a very large, gooey Sprite. "Sister won't come back online. I can't repair without her. I'm scared."

"It'll be alright, Prisma. We'll figure something out--"

"Uhugh..." Adrian slowly came to his senses as a few loud clacks sounded through a bulkhead on his side of the room. "Damn, talk about a headache..."

"Dee!" Ari scooted over to his cell and rubbed the otter's leg through the bars. "We're locked up somewhere. Get Yoyo up. We need to figure a way out of here."

"No way out." A familiar voice came through the bulkhead as the door swung open. The hare from earlier, 'Car' if Ilaria remembered correctly, shoved the heavy door open with a few grunts. "They've got you locked up good. Sorry about that; I'd have done it differently." He reached back behind him and brought over a few metal food trays. "Here, it's been a while. I'd eat something before they start questioning you, while you still have an appetite."

Ari took a tray and scrunched her face at the meager contents. "Great. Better than nothing, I guess."

Dee managed to do as he was told, heading over to pick up his own plate after shaking a hint of life back into his mate. "Ehh, no kidding. Hey, can I get one for my friend here, too? He's waking up."

The chestnut lagomorph went out and brought back three more trays with one balancing between his forearms. "That ~is~ his meal. One tray for each cell. Sorry, just what they gave me guys."

"Come on. You sound like a nice guy." Ilaria put her food down and got right next to the bars. "Can't you work us out a better deal?"

"I've got a deal for ya'." That large male drake from earlier shoved his way around the hare and lumbered over to Ashe's cell. He swiped a card near the lock, slid open the door, and jabbed a needle into the wolf's neck. "How about I take her for a few questions and the rest of you shut the fuck up. Good? Good."

"Yeah, fuck you too buddy," Yoyo groggily spat back as he sat upright.

Ashe gasped and coughed herself awake as the reptile hauled her up by the neck. "That's a road you don't want to walk, fuck face." He carried Ashe toward the bulkhead with her toes barely touching the floor, not caring at all that she was half-choking under the grip of his massive paw. "Fuckin' otters in that town..." He paused to stare down Iolvin, punching the bars hard enough to dent them inward before he decided to continue along.

Car flinched back from the impact, pointlessly beating the drake on the back with a light pap. "The fuck, Vorak?"

Meanwhile Ilaria desperately reached out through the bars just as pointlessly. "Damn it! Where's he taking her!?"

"Interrogation." The bunny sulked as he went to leave the room, pausing before closing the hatch. "If you believe in anything, now might be a good time to pray for her. I know I will."

"Do something then!" The door shut, leaving Ari to scream and reach out as the securing bolt rotated into place. "Ashe! Fuck! FUCK!"

Ashe hacked and wheezed as she was slammed down onto a folding metal seat and was subsequently handcuffed to each side of it. She desperately tried to come back to her senses but her burning lungs refused to settle down. Various furs were whispering back and forth and the occasional male voice spoke up to command her to shut up. It wasn't until a muscled paw smashed against her jaw that she forced her breathing and complied.

A growly, deep voice suddenly silenced the others. "I'll handle it! Just give me some room to play, okay boss?"

After a pause a more calm and reserved voice confirmed things. "Half an hour. Nothing permanent, got it?"

"Affirmative, sir." Various sets of footsteps sounded against the metal floor and then a very loud squeak and clack silenced the room. "Good. Now you're all mine. You can still talk, can't you?"

Ashe tried to answer but only managed to force another cough. Once she found her scratchy voice however, it hurt to speak her answer. "Y-Yeah."

"Perfect. So here's the deal." A very large, leathery paw rested on Ashe's thigh while another fell upon her shoulder, the variances in angle and pressure proving the male was much, much larger than most. "I'll save the theatrics, girly. The more you resist, the more I fuck you up. You act like a bitch too long and I'll claim you like one."


Another brutal slap crashed against Ashe's muzzle. "No talking unless you're answering me. And while we're at it, look me in the fucking eyes when I talk to you. Hey." The stranger snapped somewhere in front of Ashe's face. "You hear me, bitch? Oh, wait... Well fuck me. You're blind, aren't you?"


"Well I'm not very intimidating like this, am I? Guess you need a taste before you'll speak then." The interrogator kept his paw on Ashe's shoulder and used the other to slam hard into her gut, knocking the wind out of her. "Pretty vivid image, huh? Nod if you're ready to talk, bitch."

Ashe did as she was told, nodding in time with her gasps of air. "...us... Yuss..."

"Good." To crassly add insult to injury the same paw that hurt her now caressed Ashe's belly with light rakes of the bastard's claws. "So then. Seems there's no record you exist. Facial rec even came back blank. Who are you and why're you hiding your identity?"

"Hiding...?" Ashe drooped her head as she fought back the sting in her abdomen. "What do you... you mean?"

"NNT! Wrong answer!" Those claws found a new angle and tore long cuts into the wolf's stomach, leaving bloody tatters across her blouse.

"Shit! Ashe! My name's Ashe!"

"Ashe ~what~!?"

"Holmwilt! Fuck... Ashe Holmwilt!"

The tall man stood upright and took a few thoughtful paces. "That was too easy. If you're hiding you're not working so hard at it." He stopped and placed a single claw down hard on one of Ashe's thighs. "Expendable, maybe. So who's your boss? What's your mission?"

"Mission? I don't ~have~ a mission. I'm just a gir--!"

That finger twisted and the pressure increased, boring the claw beneath Ashe's skin. "Bullshit. And to think I'm taking it easy on you for being young." The claw flicked free, tearing a bit of a cut with it. "Well since you're so grown up then, I guess it's time for the big girl version."

"Wait, pl--" Ashe's protest was silenced by a solid punch to the side of her face that nearly knocked her out.

"You asked for it. Take your lashings like a good bitch." A few light metal clacks quieted Ashe's crying, but the following rip of a zipper silenced her entirely. "Know that sound, do ya'?" In a matter of seconds there was a bouncing slap against Ashe's muzzle, oddly followed by a second light tap she couldn't place. "Well if you don't feel like talking, I have another use for those lips of yours. Open your mouth."

"Please, I'll ta--augh!"

The interrogator didn't wait to shove half of his painfully thick cock down Ashe's throat. "Perfect. Now I'm getting ~something~ out of you." He forced himself forward, and only then did Ashe realize where that second tap came from. Once the bastard's ridged member had gone as deep as it could before wedging tight, he started rubbing a second cock up and down her cheek. "You're lucky the Major doesn't want you too banged up or I'd rip that dirty terrorist mouth of yours wide open."

The oral assault continued for another minute or two, the man's soft pubic fur growing damp as it drew moisture from Ashe's nose. Then suddenly Ashe was pulled off and allowed to breathe. "Puh! Gah... Shit..."

"Ready to speak yet or do I have to ruin that cunt of yours too?" Ashe simply let her head droop limply forward, unable to come up with anything to sate her torturer's line of questioning. "Okay. You're doing this to yourself, you know."

Ashe's skirt was quickly lifted up and the assailant chortled when there was no underwear. He kicked the seat over and let Ashe slam her head into the metal floor. With but a few yanks he forced her legs open and lined himself up. Then with naught but Ashe's own spit to aid him he mercilessly shoved balls deep into Ashe's dry nethers.

The brute slammed himself in and yanked out at his own speedy pace, the rubbery ridges and nubs on the underside of his length scraping in just the right ways to force a hint of pleasure in Ashe. She didn't want to admit it, but the sensation was making her appeasingly wet. Once the hard pats and slaps gained a squelch or two, not only did things go easier but the bastard started to get more into it.

"Fuck. You start out tight enough." The guy started pressing harder and deeper at the end of his strokes, his cock throbbing and expanding as he approached his peak. He forced Ashe to shove her shoulder into the floor to change angles, eventually getting his other cock out of his paw and between Ashe's thighs. He ground hard against her at each apex, hard enough that Ashe could even feel the scales on his legs chafing her fur.

Suddenly the apparent reptile stopped moving altogether. "Shit, you really don't know anything do you?" He reached for the remnants of Ashe's blouse and ripped the front open to make the best of the situation while getting a few pawfuls of flesh. "Well, might as well finish. Sorry, but I make a mess."

"...Stop..." Ashe rolled her head around and sniffled through her tears. "...Please..."

"Nah, I think I'll fill you up."

The slithering bastard bucked rapidly, grunting himself as he went as fast as possible. Each huge thrust generated a loud schlorp as he yanked out, the sound sending Ashe into shivers. Then without any warning the reptile's hips rammed home and the ridges flared out to hold him tight. He ground forward in time with his cock expanding, each throb forcing a copious blast of thick batter into Ashe's honey pot. After only two waves his load couldn't contain itself, squeezing and shooting free around their junction with an embarrassing sound similar to squeezing a nearly-empty ketchup bottle. Meanwhile the whole of the wolf's belly was coated and matted with ropes of the same abhorrent seed from the reptile's twin length.

"~Damn~ you're a fine lay." The hulk forced himself free, his ridges scraping rough enough to entice a whine from Ashe. "Tell you what. Since you were such a good sport and I'm now in a good mood, how about a deal?" He picked Ashe up by her hair and pulled the chair upright. "You get the others to talk and nobody else gets fucked. Sound good?"

"I-I... I'll..." Ashe tried to come up with a proper answer but the pain and humiliation of being taken in such an unforgiving manner wracked her brain full of nonsense.

"Speechless? Tell you what. Seal it with a kiss." The reptile shoved his cocks against Ashe's lips, To which she obediently opened her mouth. The messier of the two slid down her throat as far as it could fit, then started getting hard again. "You could use a spare meal, right? Well, maybe I'll just give you another one for the road."