The Possession (2/3)

Story by Primalspores on SoFurry

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Part two of this story, Alot more story then yiff in this and next one so if thats all your after just CTL+F and put in "flame shards" and should show ya the place it starts. How you all enjoy for decied to read the whole thing. Feel free to tell me what you think.

It was the next morning when we woke up. My legs are sore and the thick coating of cum connects mine and Jade's hips. "Jade" I said in a sing song voice "Time to get up we need a bath..." My stomach growled making me rub it. "And some food." She reaches up smiling and rubbing her eye. "Good morning good lookin, Pill still working or do I need to get cha one?" I search my mind trying to find any traces of Pararow or any kind of insanity, I was clean. "I'm good, but I'm gonna keep them on me while we go out on the town, Let's go get Shaw or at least tell him we're going to the bath." She nods still sleepy, Standing I stretch my muscles and then redress. once we're ready we walk out the door and to the one just next to us. Quietly opening the door I peek inside but quickly shut it turning around. Jade looks confused and so I explain. "Looks like Shaw also had some fun last night, The receptionist is in his bed." She cracks a smile and shakes her head. "Good for him but we need a bath just yell at him we will be gone." I roll my eyes and crack the door again and poke my head in. "Hey Shaw." He jumps and quickly turns to me sitting up waking up the girl in his bed. "What is it Kit? Man I had this weird dream where this super hot chick came to my room, Was pretty rad." I smirk and point behind him. "Dude we're heading to the baths, Don't wait up." He looks behind him as I speak and falls from the bed as he see the girl lifting her head smiling at him.

I close the door and pat Jade's back putting my arm around her I lead us out of the building. Looking around we try to find a local that didn't look like they would gut us if we interrupted them. Finally giving up we see a sign that says cafe and as if on cue both mine and Jade's stomachs growl. "We can ask where a bath house is, after we eat something." I say as I lead us inside, the interior of the building was a nice mahogany mixed in with red bricks, the decoration was a jungle theme. There were so many things I had never scanned, I pull out my thaumometer which shows what an item's aspects are. "What that thingy mommy?" A child and his mother were walking out as we walked in. "I dunno sweetie, want to ask him?" I turn to them and he walks up to me and I kneel down smiling Jade giggling. "Sir I was wondering what that thing was, It looks neat." My heart melted at how cute he was. "This is called a thaumometer, It show the aspects of anything you point it at, even people. here hold still." I point it at him and look through it. four aspects show up after it finishes scanning him. "You are made up of potenia, which is energy. Sano, which is healing. Cognitio which mean mind and finally, vitem... which means uhm... nothing." He didn't seem to mind my crummy cover up for what it really meant. the taint, which is a byproduct of doing certain things in magic, it spreads and can create awful monsters if it gets big enough. If he had it as a base aspect any magic he did would be tainted and vile... I reach into my bag and pull out my goggles, I hadn't wore them in years, I handed them to him. "Here these work the same as this have a good day now." I stand up and he is absolutely ecstatic about it and his mother seems quite happy as well, she tells me thanks and leaves.

Turning back to Jade She smiles and shakes her head. "Come on I can't waits no more." She says, I roll my eyes and take her hand leading her up to the counter looking at the menu it was all meat. "How may I help you two today. We have many ssspecialss." The man behind the counter speaks with a lisp, his green skin and large blue flower on his head tell me he is some kind of plant race. "No thank you but I'll have a small plate of tuna and uh Jade?" I turn my head and she scans the menu. "Can I get a lean deer steak?" He nods and smiles. "Yess, That wass good hunt. Almosst got away from Kilo but we killed." He laughed darkly and I shifted on the spot kind of spooked. "That will be ssix gold bitss." I nod and pull the gold out and and hand it to him. Walking from the counter we find a booth to sit in.

Jade sits across from me and she speaks up first. "That was kind of weird but anyway i'm starving, how long do you think it will be?" I shrug looking around, I see a wooden stage with a mic hanging from the roof. I also see a few more of those plant people near the back of the stage talking. "Hey looks like there is gonna be some music or something." I point loosely at the stage and she turns and looks spotting the people as well, turning back to me she nods and just before she speaks up two plates are set on out table. turning to our server I get a face full of boobs as another patron of the cafe walks past knocking her into me. I yelp and she tries her best to get up but my head is caught in her shirt between her large breasts. "Wow Kit I knew you like boobs but really, in public." Jade said laughing her ass off as I tried my best to pull my head back. there's a rip and then a thump as the woman falls down onto her rump. Dazed I look down and the woman's shirt was completely ripped down the middle. "Oh my gossh sssir I'm ssso sssorry!" I shake my head and raise a hand. "It's fine, are you alright? i'm sorry about your shirt, can I pay for it?" I ask trying not to look at her exposed breasts. She shakes her head and I watch as the shirt seamlessly repairs itself. "It isss just a leaf, Can fix on its own." I nod and thank her for our food she smiles and then gestures to the stage. "My band isss about to play our firssst sssong. I how you enjoy it." We smile and nod. "I'm sure we will, good luck." Jade says before she starts devouring her food. She walks away and I start eating my tuna.

The strum of a guitar pulls my attention away from my food. Looking up to the stage I see five people dressed up in red robes with some gold and iron embellishments. I set my fork down and Jade turns to watch and listen. "Hello people of Masssla, My name is Kilo and thiss is the Crimssson cultistsss first sssong. Hope you enjoy." I smile as they get set up. but then I notice something on their outfits, it's the thaumic symbol... strange. But when they pull out their instruments My eyes go wide, tainted wood and what looks like void metal. I quickly pull the bottle of Salis Mundis and take two pills out. I take mine as quickly as I can and hold the other out for Jade. "Take this quickly we have got to go!" I whisper she raises an eyebrow making me move my arm closer and stress the fact. "They have tainted magical instruments when they play them some bad stuff is going to go down we have got to get out of here now! the pill will stop any lasting effects of the music there no way to escape it before..." Another strum makes my skin crawl as its coated in magic. She shivers and quickly takes the pill and swallows it. Standing I grab her hand and pull her from the booth and head for the door. The woman from before gets in my way with a sly smile. "Where you going big fella?" I stiff arm her out of the way and we run from the building as the music starts to blare. squatting down I gesture for Jade to climb onto my back. "Dude reall-woah!" I get frustrated and back into her standing she's forced to hop onto me to not fall. I take off running down the road the music still reached us making me feel sick to the stomach. I run faster until the chilling guitar and saxophone fade from our ears. Looking around I see we made it to a market of some kind. I stop and set Jade down turning to her panting out of breath. "That was insane... why would anyone even do that... those poor souls that were left there." I didn't know really how to react I just quit, I watched as Jade held her head. "Kit the world is spinning... I knew what happend to you suckes but feeling it right now is no fun." I shoot up and catch her from falling. "Careful there Sis... We should go find a bath, we can chill out there and let this stuff blow over." She nods and I stand her back up. Stopping a man who's just walking past I ask where a bath house might be. "What are ya some kinda idiot? it down thats way to the left." I thank him as he walks away.

It was not a long walk to the bath house, I pay and we go into our room. I grab some flame shards and split them above the water letting her heat spill into the water. Stripping down I step into the water and sigh as the heat envelops me and my sore body. I look over to Jade who was having issues with her pants, I laugh as she gets them off. She joins me in the water sitting next to me relaxing. Reaching over I grab a soap bar and a rag and start washing my fur, the cum was a bit harder to get off but I managed. I Handed Jade the rag and she starts cleaning her self. She sands and holds the rag out for me. "Can you get my back?" I take the rag and instead of washing her back I wrap my arms around her pull myself against her kissing her cheek and neck. "Maybe I can, maybe I can't, who knows." She giggles and playfully swats at me. "Come on Kit I can't reach that far back help me out will ya?" I laugh and nibble at her ear before I step back and start washing her back. As I get further down I see where I had sprayed cum on her and scrubbed harder to clean it, As I did it made her ass cheeks split and her pucker wink at me every time she bounced. Smiling I carefully push on her back making her fall against the side of the bath. standing I lift her back side and push her further onto the side of the bath so that her ass is out of the water. "Uh Kit what cha doi- OooOoh~ Never mind." I push my face between her cheeks and gave her hole a lick, pulling my hands up I grab both of her cheeks and massage them as I lick her tail hole. Pushing my tongue inside of her she yelps and then pushes her ass back against me making it go deeper. "W-Woah Kit that feels really nice!" I smile into her ass and push further wiggling the appendage making her moan and squirm. Pulling my face back Jade whines and Looks back at me, I stand up and grab onto her arms holding her still, my cock already hard I use my hips to flop it up between her ass cheeks thrusting I grind her ass making myself moan and her squirm with anticipation. "Kit! Stop teasing!" She wiggles her ass and I give in I lower my dick down to her folds and in one thrust My tip is bearing against her cervix, She yells out squeezing my hands as I hold them back. Humping into her I moan along with her. She yells out my name as I speed my thrusts up, I yell for her to get ready i'm about to push past her inner wall and she moans for me to do it. Slamming forwards My head breaks past her cervix creating a wonderful tightness around my cock, like an inner mouth. Her body shakes as she cums and I keep thrusting into her feeling my own climax quickly approaching. "Knot me, fucking fill me!" She screams out pushing her back end against me. "With much pleasure!" I grab her hips and slam in my knot popping past her lips stretching her wide and I keep humping as my entire body becomes bliss. My balls empty themselves into her womb and she shudders, I dont cum nearly as much as I had the past few times but it is enough to make her belly bulge slightly.

Once We clean up and redress Jade speaks up. "So uh Should we like warn someone about those people?" I thought and then nodded. "We can tell a guard next time we see one. I think we should go get shaw get supplies and get the heck outta dodge." She nods and I pull the door open to be met with the thickest fog I had ever seen."Holy crap! i've never seen fog this thick, Stay close Jade dont wanna get lost in this place." She grabs my hand and I blush and squeeze her hand. Walking through the fog I become concerned, Before the city was crawling with people and now it's completely empty. "Woah Kit look!" Jade points to her left and I turn, I see the kid from before my goggles perched on his head but he's lying limp against the ground. I run and slide against the ground next to him. "Little dude!" I shake him and he stirs opening his eyes. He freaks out and wiggles out of my hands and looks around. "W-where did the bad people go?" He asks and I look behind me Jade looks concerned. Turning back to him I speak. "What do you mean buddy, where's your mom at?" He starts to tear up. "S-she be-became one of the bad people, I don't know where she is, I'm scared sir." I frown and hold a hand out to help him up. Once were all standing I start doing my best scan the fog for anybody else. "Lil guy stay close to my sister ok, she will keep you safe, Jade get a hold of him I don't trust this place, if crap hit the fan take him and run." I pull out my wand but not fast enough. I hear a flick and then a sizzle, a black ball of energy connects with me and it absorbs into my skin. Pararows voice Booms in my head. "Hello friend, Ooh looks like funs times, glad I'm here to watch." I summon a ball of cursed flame at my wands end and look the direction the attack came from. "I hear a familiar voice through the fog. "Thatsss her, Capture her my minionsss... I'll deal with the boy" I fling the fire in the direction the voice came from and I hear someone yell out and the woman laughs again. "Clossse but no cigar." The voice had moved and I threw another ball of flame in the direction. no contact but I watch as three balls of energy fly past me, I growl and charge into the fog sending balls of green flame in every direction I can. I hear multiple hit but when I hear Jade yell help I snap out of my anger and run in the direction of her voice but by the time that I find the boy again she's gone. I can feel my anger fuel Pararows control and he is just chuckling now.

"Look what anger got you silly boy, Now we may have to burn the entire city down to find her... here let me deal with damn plant, always hated gardening." I shake my head and look at the boy who was terrified. The fog faded and stood in the middle of the market was the woman I had my face shoved into chest. I growl but when I go to raise my wand I realize I don't have control of my body. "Sorry Kit, but I know every thing you know and This kids tainted, any attack is going to wipe this wench of the face of this planet. Kid come here You're about to become a man" The boy looks confused but he does walk up to me. "Ah Ssso The ssspirt isss in control now? How fun!" The woman says and I narrow my eyes. "Yes Ma'am I am, you stole my trophy so now you're gonna die and all the people who helped you steal her will die as well." I turn back to the boy and kneel down. "I need you to take this wand, think about what she's done to your mother use that anger and focus it into an attack." I whisper, he looks at me scared and so I move closer to him. "I won't let anything happen to you but I can just look at her and can tell I can't fight her, but you can. you're the only one who can help me save his sister" turning to the woman I watch as she taps her foot. "Isss this sssappy ssshit over yet?" I stand And he looks at her then me. "H-How am I stronger than you? you're so much bigger and and... I don't even know how to do magic." I smile down at him and give him a thumbs up. "You got this buddy, you're my only hope of see Jade again, just do what I said and you can do this." This was the nicest id ever seen Pararow act, The boy turned and held the wand with some confidence. "Finally I wasss getting bored... now sshow me whatcha got kid, this uselesss excuse for a magician sssees sssomething in ssso I'll humor you." He closes his eyes and I watch as a writhing mass of purple flesh forms at the end of the wand. The color from her face drains as he sends out a whip of tainted flesh that wraps around her, He pulls he arm back and this sends her flying our direction but he stops her before she flies into us she's screaming the entire way as the taint spreads onto her planty flesh. he grits his teeth and then looks at me. "W-what do I do with her?" I look at her and take her face in my hand forcing her to look at me. "Where did you take Jade?Tell me and you I might give you some Salis mundis to deal with that taint." She squirms from my grasp and then spits at me. "You are going to have to do better than thisss!" I look down to the boy and he swings her back out into the air and then catches her again with the massive tentacle erupting from the wand, small bumps of purple puss forms on it the longer he uses it. "Ok ok! I'll tell you where they took her just please let me down!" I watch as he lowers her back down and set her down, he lets the wand fall and the tendril sucks it self back into the wand coating its golden cap in tainted puss... great i'm going to need a new wand now. "Good that bud thank you. Now where is she!" I grab the woman up and she looks at me with hatred. "There is a back end of the restaurant it where we took the pregnant women. The rest were converted to eldrich minions... don't expect to just walk in and get her, I can get there much faster than.. Gah!" As soon as she starts ranting I swing my leg and kick her right in the knee breaking it making her scream in pain. Pulling the pill from the bottle I drop it a few feet from her and tell her to crawl for it. "Ah there's his normal cruelty." I say aloud realizing I am back in control I look at the boy who is still scared from all this. "You did good buddy, come on Let me get you someplace safe, What's your name by the way?" We start walking and I reach down and he takes my hand. "I-It's Evan sir. Evan Hansen" I nod and we start walking to the hotel so I can pawn him off to Shaw.

"What the hell do you mean evil magic plant people stole her!?" I face palm and hold Evan up. "Dude just make sure this guy is safe ok that all you have to do... You know me and Jade have got closer the past few days I have to go save her, I mean id love help but His mother is a mindless minion now so someones gotta watch him... Is your lady friend still with you?" He blushes and looks back at his door to the room. "Y-yeah she is, we started talking and she might even be joining the crew... uhm Let me ask if she will watch him while we ya know save the town." I nod and he walks into the room. I look at Evan and hold the little lizard out in front of me. "Ok lil buddy It's about to be super unsafe so my brothers friend will watch you while we're gone ok?" He nods and I set him down as Shaw and the woman from before walks out,clothed this time. "Hey little guy, Shaw says I get to watch you while he goes on some quest to save his sister. I have lots of stuff we can do come on buddy." Evan smiles and follows her into the room chatting with her. I look to Shaw and we nod turning and heading out to go save Jade.

We run until our legs hurt but we manage to find the restaurant again. I pull my wand out but then remember it's new tained paint job, Shaking my head I ignore it Jade was more important at the moment. Shaw pulls his flintlock out and his bag of endless musket balls loading it I look at him and he nods. "Ok let's do this!" I say kicking the glass door in, it flys in and shatters against the wall almost falling off its hinges. We walk in side and a group of the plant people are just staring at us, I notice one disappear into the back room. Whispering to Shaw I say. "Hey if you can distract them I might be able to sneak behind them and get to the back room where there keeping the uhm... pregnant ones... Maybe should have dropped that on you at the hotel." He looks at me wide eyed but turns back to them. "Ladies Excuse my friend he's a bit... Holy shit *Bang*" A table was thrown at him and I dived next to the stage to dodge it Shaw just side stepped and is now opening fire on them, the bullets tearing through their plant flesh. I crawl onto the stage and past the fighting, holding my wand up I conjurer a spell of animation, A weak one but could serve as a good distraction. I shoot it at the table they originally threw. It jumps up and runs up to shaw and then I point the wand at the plant girls who scream with confusion and terror as the table charges them. Shaw runs up to me and we walk to where the other one disappeared into.

A room full of woman with big bellies and a single plant lady is looking over them. "Hands up... holy shit Jade!" He drops his gun and runs to her forcing me to raise my wand to keep her threatened and docile. Looking over I Jade I notice her belly was almost twice as big. "What the hell did you do to these people?!" She backs up and I get closer. "W-we used a spell we found in- in a book... it sped the process up. But We already have what we need so..." She slams her hand onto a button next to her and I wrap kinetic energy around her sling her into the wall but it was already too late. A huge black robed... thing, floated into the room from a door opened by the button. It summons three spheres and red electric magic and send them out I barely dodge them and three bullets are enough to knock them from the air. swinging my wand I try to summon a bolt of cursed flame but the only thing that seems to work is a tainted spark dealing with it I throw it and it strikes the robes but it just passes through it raises them up just enough to confirm that there's nothing under them. "He doesn't have anything to hit... I need to disband him just um unload onto him till I can get behind him... i'm sorry you keep having- gah!" Rolling out the way of another attack, the women have Scattered helping each other to the other side of the room. I hear fire after fire of Shaw's gun just making the thing angry, Shaw starts circling it and I jump onto its back and pull on its hood, pushing with my feet I jerk the robes from it and it dissipates into nothing.

Looking up I throw the robes to the side and stand Shaw looking mortified. "K-Kit what is that?" Confused I look down at my arm and I gasp as my elbow down is coated in taint, my fur turned a pale purple. "Kit why aren't you answering me. Is it bad... holy shit its not just your arm!" I look up at him and speak. "What do you mean where else is it... oh god Shaw, I knew using the wand was a bad idea... I knew it was tainted but Jade... Jade!" I jerk my head to the wall of pregnant woman spotting Jade I walk up but they back away scared. "K-kit? Are you alright what is that stuff? its on your face!" I go wide eyed and reach up to my face feeling the difference and I drop to the floor. "Jade behi-" I jerked my head up just in time to watch a sword run through Jade's stomach killing her and my what would be child. I feel anger consume me and the tainted spreads further across my fur. Standing I can hear Pararow in my head. "Kit this is a bad idea I can already tell what you're going to do but it isn't going to work just..." With my new found power with the taint I will him away and as Jade's body hits the floor I already have a tainted tendril at my wand's tip. "I'm going to rip your entire race in half you fucker!" I scream sending the tendril out it wraps around the throat of Kilo that singer from before. He starts to choke and I slam him into the ground making the floor shake. In a voice that was not my own nor his I command the other mother to move and they do so. I slammed him against the wall and I watch as his legs crumple as whatever it was that was their bones turned to dust. slinging him against the other he crashes through it separating him from the tendril.

walking through the rubble I split the tendril into spraying the ground in taint I grab his legs and his neck and pull the sound of his head popping and his spine snapping is enough for me and I drop his lifeless body to the ground I move onto the others who were still pinned down by the animated table. slamming the tendril into the table it explodes into shards of wood and quickly I grab two of them and slam them aginst the floor the other cowering in fear. I blacked out after that all I remember was a sphere of purple surrounded me and then it went all black.