Henry's College Years: Freshman Year

Story by Ash Cinder on SoFurry

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#11 of Commissions

Formerly titled "Henry's College Years".

Here's a now on-going commission I'm doing for FA: JovieHovie. This one is the first of four parts, very similar to the The Bodyguard series I did for MGEddie.

This series will tell the story of Henry Baer and his adoptive father, Richard. Henry is a young wolf starting college this year, where his father teaches, and he's super excited to spend more time with his father, part of that being due to him beginning to develop a bit of a crush on his big grizzly dad. He knows it's wrong that he feels this way about his dad, but he can't help the way he feels. He confesses this to his grandfather, and with his help he might just be able to live out his fantasy yet.

All characters belong to FA: JovieHovie

Story is by me.

All characters are at least 18 or over.

Henry's College Years: Freshman Year

Written by: Ash Cinder

Commissioned by: JovieHovie

"Happy birthday, Henry," The large bear said to his smaller adopted wolf son. "Go ahead and blow out your candles."

Henry smiled up at the old bear that he called his father. He still couldn't believe it had been 18 years since he adopted him when he was nothing but a newborn pup. Richard had been a single father when he adopted him, and it had stayed that way the entire time they were together. But Henry didn't care that he never had a mother in his life, he couldn't have asked for a better dad than Richard.

He'd always been the warm fatherly figure in spirit as he was in looks. He was pretty fit for someone his age, his arms and pecs specifically, with a big bear belly underneath that felt soft against Henry when he hugged him. He had a mustache and beard fur around his muzzle, that Henry always thought was really cute, and some glasses.

He always looked very dignified, being a teacher and all. Henry was excited that in a few weeks, he'd be registering for some of his classes when he started college. He hoped Richard wouldn't be too demanding of him, like if he ended up making less than an A on a test or something.

He loved his dad so much, but lately he felt like his love was starting to grow for him, he couldn't explain it at the time, but it started feeling good when Richard had his paw on Henry's shoulder, he loved the feeling he got from the way he hugged him, and got excited at the thought of being around him a lot more once school would start.

Henry looked down at his cake and thought about the wish he wanted to make before blowing out the candles. Once he blew them out, his dad patted his shoulder with one of his huge paws.

"Good job! What'd you wish for?"

"I can't tell you," he scolded, blushing a little, "It won't come true!"

The bear laughed and patted his shoulder again.

"I know, I'm just teasing," He said, grabbing a knife on the table. "Alright, now let's have cake."

It was ironic that he told his dad that he couldn't tell him his wish because it wouldn't come true, when his wish was to be able to tell him about these feelings he was starting to have for him...

Henry had a good birthday and the rest of his summer. He'd never been more excited for the days leading up to the first day of class in his short life. He eagerly had his dad drive him to various stores to buy him school supplies he needed.

Once the morning before school arrived, Henry felt like a child on Christmas morning. He ran over to his dad's room in his pajamas and started shaking him awake.

"Dad! Dad wake up! It's time for school!" He said, shaking his muscled arm.

"Ugh, what?" Richard murmured, not fully waking up.

"It's time for school, we don't wanna be--"

He cut himself off when he pulled his dad's sheet off to reveal his completely naked body underneath. Henry had forgotten that his dad didn't wear anything to bed, like he did. He marveled at his cock, his eyes widening as he took in how hung his dad was. For a second Henry thought about reaching out to touch it, to stroke that nice morning wood. But he quickly shook away that thought and shook his dad awake.

"Huh, Henry what are you doing?" He asked groggily.

"It's time for school dad!"

"Ah, jeez, you're waking me up for that?" Richard said, slowly getting up. "That's just a regular day of work for me, son."

"I know, I'm just excited to finally start college."

Richard smiled down at his son and rubbed the top of his head.

"Yeah, I suppose it's natural for you to be excited about that. Well, go ahead and fix yourself some breakfast while I take my morning shower."

Henry couldn't help but continue to blush as he looked at his father's ass while he walked over to the bathroom and closed the door. He walked out of the room and proceeded to the kitchen still a little shaken about what he saw back there. He hadn't really seen his dad nude like that and wow, he was pretty hung!

While Henry went to get breakfast Richard started his shower, thinking about what the day would have in store. He hoped that Henry would like having him as a professor, and that it wouldn't change anything between them. He'd be sure not to show any favoritism towards Henry, but he would also be sure to encourage him to do his best in his class, and make sure he knew that being the professor's son wasn't going to get him out of receiving a failing grade if that's what he earned. But he knew Henry better than anyone else, he knew he'd do fine in class.

As he washed his body, lathering his fur with his bodywash, he looked down at his member, realizing that Henry had seen him naked. They weren't a prudish bunch, Richard being a single father and all, Richard had even given him "the talk" once Henry was old enough. But something inside Richard told him that Henry kind of liked seeing him naked. Call it a hunch.

Once Richard finished his shower, he dried himself off and got his professional clothes on and walked over to the kitchen where Henry had just finished his breakfast.

"You all ready to go?" Richard asked.

"Aren't you going to eat first?"

"Nah, I'll just get something quick at the café on campus." Richard said, swiping his keys off the kitchen table.

Henry quickly got his backpack and ran over by the front door.

"You got everything you need today?"

"Yeah dad, I packed it all last night!"

Richard ruffled his son's head fur playfully, making him giggle, opening the door and leading him over to the car.

Henry practically bounced in the passenger seat the entire ride over, so excited for his first day of college. He was a bit nervous considering he didn't have any of his friends from high school on campus, but he knew he'd make plenty of new ones.

"So, which class do you have me for?" Richard asked.

"I don't have you until 12:00," Henry said.

"Maybe we can go get lunch together after?"

"Yeah, that'd be great, I don't have classes for an hour after that."

"It's a date." Richard said.

Henry let out a bit of a nervous laugh at the word "date", he knew dad was just joking, but he still couldn't help but picture himself and his dad together. He shook off the thought again as they pulled into the university parking lot.

"This'll be one of the perks of your dad being a professor, you don't have to worry about finding parking."

They both got out of the car and Henry pulled his backpack out of the backseat.

"Well, I guess I'll see you at twelve," Richard said, "make some friends in your free time."

"I will dad!"

"Love you!"

Richard gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before running off to get some breakfast and head over to his first class of the semester.

While Henry waited for his first class to start, he walked around campus, taking in how big it was. It was so different from what he was used to with his high school. So many different buildings reserved for the different subjects.

He was also impressed with a lot of the professors he saw, he caught himself eyeing the male ones in particular an awful lot. Many of them were very attractive.

While Henry was getting acquainted at his new school Richard ate his late breakfast in the math building, catching up with some of his colleagues, including his friend Eli, a German Shepherd who taught Statistics.

"Hey there Richard, how was summer?" He asked.

"Just fine, thanks," Richard said. "Had Henry's birthday not too long ago."

"That's good to hear. Henry's starting college here, right?"

"Sure is."

"Nice, can't wait to meet the boy. So, still don't want to join our little club?" Eli asked Richard with a grin.

"My answer is the same it's always been."

"Aw, come on."

"Eh, I'm just not a particularly promiscuous person," Richard told him. "I'm glad it sounds like you all have a lot of fun with it though."

"More than you could imagine," Eli said. "You really should consider joining."

"Check back in a few years, and my answer will probably still be the same."

The day went surprisingly fast and Henry showed up early to his dad's math class. Richard gladly opened the door and hugged his son.

"You're definitely here early." He said.

"Well I didn't have anywhere else to be."

"How were your other classes?"

"They were fine, don't think I've made any friends yet, but everyone seems nice."

"That's good, go ahead and have a seat, other people should be here soon."

After about five more minutes more students entered the room and took their seats.

"Welcome all you new faces to Calculus, I'm Professor Richard Baer." Richard greeted with a booming but friendly tone. "Now, just to get it out of the way I wanted to set down the classroom rules. Don't break any and we'll all get along fine. No cell phones, whenever you enter my class be sure to put them on silent, if I don't hear them or see them, I won't take them."

Everyone in the class got silent, including Henry. He'd never seen his dad in professor mode, he hoped he wouldn't be too strict, didn't want to know that people actually hated his dad as a teacher. Richard continued,

"Computers are allowed in here, however, if I walk around and see someone on anything other than school work, no one will be allowed to use them for the rest of the semester.

"Oh, and one more thing I feel I should mention, as it has become a bit of a nuisance in recent years. Some of you may have heard of a little club around campus for students dating their professors..."

Everyone in class snickered a bit, and muttered to each other, while Henry's ears perked up. He'd never heard of this club when he applied to the university.

"Yes, yes, get your laughs out now, but the reason I've brought this up is over the years I've had a few students work up the courage to come up to me and try to ask me to become part of that group. While I find that very flattering, I have to clarify that I'm not interested. Sorry, if that disappoints anyone."

Henry shrugged and tried not to look too discouraged about the crush he had developed for his father, even though he was a bit. But a club for students who are in relationships with their professors?! Henry couldn't believe that was real!

"Well, enough about that now, let's get class started," Richard said.

Class went off without a hitch, and Henry watched his dad teach with slight fascination, he was impressed seeing his normally silly and fun-loving dad so professional in professor mode. But he wasn't too strict and it looked like it'd be a fun year having class with him, and Henry hoped he'd have more classes with his dad in later semesters.

Eventually the first day of school ended and Henry and Richard headed back home to their normal life together. They both chatted about how well the first day went as Richard got dinner ready and continued even after he'd finished cooking and it was time to eat together.

"So, there's a club for students that want to date their professors?" Henry asked with a smirk.

"Yeah," Richard said, taking a bite of his steak.

"And you get asked to join it a lot?"

"More than I'd like to admit."

"Aw, but that just means people think you're attractive, nothing wrong with that."

"I know, but still you can only hear 'Hey sexy bear? Are you a part of that club I've heard about?' before it gets annoying."

"Yeah I guess you're right." Henry said.

He took his empty plate and began watching it.

"Thanks for not giving us any homework on the first day."

"I may have a lot of rules in class, but I'm not a real strict teacher," Richard said with a wink. "So, don't worry about people giving you a hard time if they find out I'm your dad, I'm generally well-liked around campus from what I've noticed."

"That's good, don't want to hear that I have a lame professor as a dad!" Henry teased.

"Lame?!" Richard feigned insult.

"You heard me, don't be a lame dad." Henry chuckled.

"I'll show you 'lame'!"

Richard got up from the table and got up behind Henry, putting him in a playful headlock.

"Hey!" Henry said, grabbing onto his dad's arm. "Let go!"

"Not until you take back suggesting I might make you look lame."

Richard started giving Henry some playful noogies on top of his head. Henry flailed around and tried to break free, but his dad was too strong. Then Henry blushed as he accidentally groped his father's bulge between his legs, quickly removing his paw, hoping Richard didn't notice.

"Gah! Okay, okay! I was just joking, you're not lame! Jerk!" Henry laughed.

Richard let him go and grabbed his own plate, beginning to wash it.

"That's what I thought," He said smugly, "now go wait for me in the living room, I'll be over to watch TV with you once I load the dishes in the dishwasher."


Henry walked into the living room, still blushing under his fur at accidentally grabbing his dad. He didn't even notice that he had a bit of a hard on too from his dad holding him like that. He knew he'd have to sneak away later and take care of it.

Five minutes after Henry got settled on the couch, Richard walked in and took a seat next to him, putting his arm around his son and cuddling with him like he knew he liked. Henry never grew out of the enjoyment of cuddling on the couch with his big grizzly bear father. Henry wrapped his arms around his father's larger body while the two of them watched TV together.

Henry was still hard though, especially being up against his dad's big frame. He got a little curious and decided to try and sneak another grope. He reached his paw down slowly and began to rub his father's crotch gently. Richard pretended not to notice, but he allowed his son to explore. He knew it was only natural for Henry to be curious about these sorts of things and figured it was harmless to let him get a grope or two.

Henry gently felt up his dad's member before stopping, not wanting his dad to get suspicious. He decided that it was time to head up to his room and take care of business.

"Well, this was a nice first day, but I think I'm going to turn in early," Henry said, getting up from the couch. "I'm feeling pretty tired."

"Alright," Richard said, getting up and giving his son a quick kiss. "Goodnight, son."

"Night, dad."

Henry went up to his room to start his usual routine before bed. Looking up some dubious sites on his laptop.

He stumbled on a few of those sites in high school, and looked at mainly straight porn, mostly because of peer pressure from some of the people he hung out with. But lately he began to start gravitating more towards gay porn, especially stuff with older guys doming younger guys.

He made sure that his door was locked so his dad wouldn't barge in on him and started looking through photos and videos on an adult site he frequented. He looked through some of his occasional stuff, girl on guy, guy on guy, but one video caught his eye, a hunky male Zebra was hooking up with a much younger looking one, who looked to be about Henry's age, in a bedroom.

Henry clicked on it and began to watch as it opened with the younger zebra doing laundry on his bed, folding up some shirts and putting them in his drawer. While he did so, the older zebra from the thumbnail entered the room, wearing nothing but some boxers and approached the smaller one from behind.

Henry immediately began to get hard when he saw the bulge that the larger one was sporting. The younger zebra had no idea the older one was behind him. Henry watched in anticipation, his tail wagging in his chair behind him as the larger male approached the smaller one and put his hand on his shoulder.

The camera switched to another angle to show the younger zebra with a big smirk on his face while the larger one rubbed his shoulder.

"Hey dad," He said.

Henry's body immediately got hot when he realized this was a father/son porno. He felt his erection go fully hard as more of the events played out in the video.

"Heya son," the older zebra said, "how about you take a little break from the laundry and join me for a shower?"

The son reached up and ran his fingers through his dad's black mane.

"That sounds really refreshing dad."

The father leaned down and kissed his son on the lips passionately for a few seconds, making Henry let out a moan as he reached down and started to jerk his own canine member slowly.

Both characters proceeded to the bathroom where they both slowly removed each other's clothes. The father only needed to take off his boxers, revealing his growing horse like member, turning Henry on even more. The dad began feeling his son up while he undressed, making the younger male giggle a bit while he tried to take off his shirt and shorts. The son squirmed a bit while his father touched his sensitive black and white body.

Once the father got his son undressed, they both stepped into the shower and the water began running down their bodies, the father running his hands sensually down his son's. The son moved his hands down his father's muscled chest, feeling up his pecs. The father held the back of his son's head and pushed his muzzle against his in a passionate kiss.

Henry breathed heavily as he watched the two males go at it, he knew in a way he shouldn't be watching that kind of stuff, shouldn't be fantasizing about guys getting it on with their dad's, but god, the thought of it drove him crazy with lust.

He watched as the father broke the kiss and grabbed a bottle of soap with one hand and motioning for his son to turn around. The son gladly did a 180, presenting his black and white ass to his father and lifting his tail. The dad laughed before squirting some soap into his hand and slowly shoved his finger inside him.

Henry gasped when he saw this and started stroking his member a bit faster, watching in fascination as the older zebra fingered the other one, the camera lingering on a clear shot of his finger going in the zebra's entrance.

Once he was done, the older zebra pushed his fat, erect member up against his son's tailhole, gripping his hips firmly. Henry's eyes widened as he watched the horse like cock stretch the zebra's entrance. Henry panted, his canine tongue lolling out of his mouth while he watched the older zebra begin to fuck the younger one.

"Fuck, that's hot..." Henry muttered.

He jerked his cock even faster while he watched. He couldn't help but imagine he and his adoptive father in the same situation, the big bear fucking the much smaller wolf in the shower together.

That thought pushed Henry over the edge, as he came prematurely before the video had even finished, staining his underwear.

Henry panted, continuing to watch the video of the zebras fucking, the camera now lingering on their balls slapping against each other, water dripping down the black orbs.

Henry couldn't help but blush a bit, even though there was no one that could see him. He turned off the video before it finished and went through his process of getting ready for bed. He still felt a bit embarrassed about feeling that way about his dad. He just wished he had someone to talk to about it.

Winter break came faster than Henry expected. It seemed like school had only just started before it was time to end the first semester. Henry managed to make some new friends and even tried checking out that club for students who dated their professors.

He was doing pretty well in his dad's class and his other ones and as a reward, Richard took Henry over to his grandparents' house early for the holidays while Richard took care of some errands.

Henry always loved going to his grandparents' house. Though Richard didn't like to admit it, he came from a pretty wealthy family. Richard's parents lived in a mansion with so much space Henry was never bored during his visits with them. Plus, they always liked to spoil Henry while his dad was away, especially his grandpa. They'd buy him things, take him to nice restaurants, and even gave him some pretty generous financial help with his college tuition.

Yeah, he always loved being with them.

"Well, now that you're old enough, Henry, I thought I'd show you the one room in the house I couldn't ever show you when you were still a kid."


"My 'Play Room', if you know what I mean?" He winked at Henry.

"Play Room?" Henry asked, a little confused.

"Where I keep all my grown-up toys."

He gave Henry a suggestive smirk and Henry blushed under his fur, immediately understanding what his grandfather was talking about.

"That's right, I can show you if you'd like," He said. "Would you like to see?"

Henry just nodded his head slowly. Joel chuckled at his flabbergasted reaction, leading him down the hallway to a room near his main bedroom. He pulled out his keys and unlocked the door. Once he turned on the lights Henry's mouth went a gape. It was a pretty average sized room with a lot of shelves filled with dildos of various sizes, whips, handcuffs and other toys on display.

The room also had quite a few devices that Henry had never seen before. He wondered if his grandpa would give him a demonstration sometime.

"Yup, me and Martha have amassed quite the collection under our roof," Joel stated proudly.

He walked over and grabbed one of the bigger dildos and displayed it to Henry.

"Believe it or not this one's a replica of mine."

He grabbed his crotch with his paw and smirked.

"R-Really?!" Henry asked.

"Sure is," He said, letting Henry marvel at it. "Got it as a present for Martha years ago. She's had a lot of fun with it over the years... as have I." He smirked.

Henry blushed heavily as he held the large piece of silicon in his paws. He wondered what it would be like to take something as big as that, he'd been too nervous to so much as finger himself, let alone take a dildo.

"Yeah, think that'd be a little too much for you," Joel commented, taking it back and putting it back on the shelf.

Henry blushed hard at that.

"But don't worry, I'm sure you can work yourself up to one like that."

"H-How'd you know I liked guys."

"Son, when you get to be my age, you learn to pick up on these things."

Henry was still blushing.

"Got your eye on anyone yet?" Joel asked.

"Um, kind of... but it's a little weird."

"How about we move next door and talk about it?"

Henry got a little excited, he didn't think he'd ever find someone he could talk about his crush with.


Joel led Henry out of his little play room and into his bedroom, sitting them both down on the bed

"So, let's hear about this crush of yours." Joel said, rubbing the young wolf's shoulder. "Anyone I know?"

"Uh... yeah..."

"You want to tell me?"

"If I do, do you promise not to tell anyone else?" Henry asked. "It's kind of embarrassing."

"Of course, I won't."

"Well, it's... it's dad!" He said, hiding his face with his paws.

Grandpa Joel let out a small chuckle and held him close.

"Ah, I think that's a little cute." He admitted.

"Y-You do?"

"Sure, I mean, you're around him all the time, so if you're into men, it's only logical you'd start having feelings for the one you're around the most in your life."

"But it's my dad!" The young wolf said. "It's so wrong!"

"Not by blood," Joel clarified, "remember, you're his adopted son, not his birth son, so there's nothing really wrong with you developing those sorts of feelings with him."

"You think so?"


"I just wish I could tell him, but I know he'd think it was weird." Henry said.

"Hm, I could maybe help you out a little while you two are here for the holidays."

Henry's pointy ears perked up.

"How so?"

"Maybe I could give him some extra eggnog? Let's just say, Richard always loosens up when he gets a little happy juice in him."


"Yes sir," Joel said proudly, "believe it or not Richard and I have had a few... 'bonding' moments back when he was your age."

Henry looked up at the old bear with wide disbelieving eyes.

"It's true. Heh, Richard would never admit it, but yeah, he and I shared a bed more than once during his college years."

"So, he was like me?!" Henry asked, his tail wagging behind him.

"Yup, all started when I gave him the whole birds and the bees talk one night when he was still a teen. Had us both strip down in the bathroom and showed him how his body worked. A few years later I guess that little moment stuck with him and eventually he started asking me if he could sleep in my bed while his mom was away on business."

"Wow," Henry said.

He couldn't believe that he had more in common with his dad than he thought.

"Yeah, behind that professional demeanor of his, he can be pretty freaky in private. I could show you a preview of that sometime this weekend."

"That'd be great grandpa!" Henry said enthusiastically.

"Well, until then, if you'd like someone to practice on and relieve some stress... I could always lock the door." He smiled down at him.

Henry's fur stood on end, looking up at him with wide eyes. Was Joel really proposing what it sounded like he was?

"B-But, what about Grandma?" He asked.

"Heh, I get into quite a few shenanigans with some of the maids and butlers around the house, this ain't nothing."

"She's okay with that?"

"Okay with it? Hell, she joins in sometimes if she's in the mood."

He gave a hardy laugh. Henry laughed along with him albeit more awkwardly. He had no idea his Grandma and Grandpa were like that. Joel then put his paw on Henry's shoulder.

"Now, I don't want you to feel pressured, but if you want to fool around with an old bear, I'm offering myself up."

Henry thought about it for a minute, his heart beating hard in his chest. This was super surreal, his grandfather offering himself to him like that, but it was also very exciting, and he felt like he couldn't pass it up."

"O-Okay..." He said.

"You sure?" Joel asked.

"Yes Grandpa, I want to try it."

Joel didn't say anything else, just got up and locked the door. Once that was done, he walked back, taking his shirt off and laying down on the bed.

"So, I'm just gonna lay here and let you explore for a little bit," He said, giving Henry a warm smile.

Henry's paws shook as he started to strip down in front of his grandfather, unbuttoning his flannel shirt and letting it fall to the floor. he looked down to see my cock was pitching a very noticeable tent in my pants.

"Go ahead and make yourself comfortable," Joel said, noticing his bulge. "Don't want to get scrapped to death by your zipper while you're exploring."

Henry blushed hard and began unzipping his pants slipping them off and kicking them to the floor. He was now standing there in front of his grandfather, nearly naked, this was so strange but so erotic at the same time. He got on the bed and crawled over next to his Grandpa and let him wrap his strong arm around his smaller body, holding his grandson close.

Henry moved his paw up and down Joel's chest, letting out a small moan as he felt his fluffy grey fur. Grandpa Joel was old, but he had a pretty sexy body, his workout room clearly wasn't just for show. Henry rubbed his pecs and wiggled his body against his.

The young wolf had never been this close to a man in this way, and certainly not one two generations older than him! It was very exciting to feel his warm body against the older bear's. Joel held him close and gave him a kiss at the top of his head, making him giggle.

Henry started getting more relaxed reaching out and rubbing over the bear's chest some more. He paid particular attention to his nipples, giving them a squeeze, causing him to let out a growl and smirk at the canine.

"Don't be shy, squeeze 'em harder." He insisted.

He did as he said and pinched them even harder, making the bear's body tense up and grit his teeth. Henry noticed Joel's pants started to get a bulge going on as he kept exploring. He ran my paws all over his muscled body and decided to take it a little further, running his tongue around his right nipple, Joel sighed happily when he did.

He started sucking on it while playing with the other one with his paw, moaning while the much older bear ran his paw down his back, stroking his grey and white fur.

"Aaaahhhh, that's nice..." He sighed happily.

Henry bit down gently on it with his front teeth, Joel growled and held his grandson's body against his. The wolf giggled and squeezed the other one before letting go and looking up at his Grandpa.

"Ah! You're pretty good at this," He said, hugging him tight in his strong arms.

"Thanks, this is exciting."

"You ever kissed anyone before?" He asked with a smirk.

"N-No..." Henry said, blushing.

"Then c'mere," Joel said, pulling him back up so that he was eye level with him again.

Henry blushed harder as he looked into his grandpa's warm brown eyes. Joel caressed his back lovingly. The young wolf's heart pounded against the bear's chest as he closed his eyes and moved his head forward, anticipating the moment their muzzles would touch.

He felt it happen, the fur of Joel's mustache tickling his nose slightly. He let out a breath he'd been holding in as their lips touched. He moaned while they held the kiss, feeling him stroke the fur of his cheek with his paw. Henry felt his body heat up the longer they held the kiss, it was so exciting to have his first kiss with someone so much older than he was.

Henry's fur stood on end as he felt him gently push his tongue into his open mouth. He moaned deeply and let him explore his mouth as he did the same, pushing his canine tongue past his and feeling around the inside of his muzzle. Both males moaned into each other's mouths while they savored the forbidden act they were engaging in

After what felt like a blissful eternity, they broke the kiss and looked deeply into each other's eyes.

"W-Wow..." He said.

"Enjoy that?" Joel asked, stroking his cheek with his paw.

Henry nodded, blushing.

He chuckled and rubbed the top of the canine's head.

"Go ahead, keep exploring." He encouraged.

Henry moved down Joel's body, inching his way to the bulge in his pants. Once he made it there he reached out and started to slowly unzip them. His eyes widened as he looked at the tent he was pitching in his underwear, just how big was his Grandpa? He pulled back his underwear and gasped as Joel's massive cock flopped out.

He couldn't believe it, it was way bigger than he was expecting, probably ten or eleven inches, and boy was it thick.

"Yeah," Joel said, looking down at his grandson between his legs, "I definitely won the genetic lottery in that department."

"No kidding." Henry said.

"Believe it or not, so did your dad."

"Hehe, I've seen him naked on occasion, so I know?" Henry gave him a smirk.

"He's not quite as big as me, but damn is he close from what I remember."

Henry smiled and looked back down at it, reaching out a shaking paw and gripping his cock. He squeezed and stroked it with his paw, marveling at its thickness. He could already see it leaking a bit of pre, It glistened on the tip, practically begging him to lick it off.

He couldn't resist, nervously leaning forward and licking the tip, moaning as he tasted salty precum for the first time in his life. He heard his grandfather let out a deep moan as his tongue made contact with the sensitive flesh of his cock.

"Mmmm, that feels nice. Keep going..." The bear sighed.

Henry kept licking his thick member, moaning as he gave it a nice coating of saliva, stroking it with his paw as he kept exploring it. It was so exciting, not only being this close with another man, but it being his own grandfather as well.

Joel laid back and relaxed against the bed, letting his grandson pleasure him. He gently pet the wolf's head while he kept licking his massive member. Henry decided to go a little further, opening his mouth and taking as much of his cock as he could manage inside his muzzle.

His grandpa growled loudly and pet his head harder while he savored the musky flavor of the cock that his dad spawned from. God the feeling of it was one of the most erotic, forbidden things he could possibly imagine doing, only he didn't have to imagine this time! He moaned while he stroked his thick organ with one paw and sucked the tip of it.

"Fuck, that's a nice mouth you've got!" Joel said, looking down at him between his legs.

Henry grinned at him as he started moving his head up and down, fondling his balls with his free paw. He moaned loudly, it was so exciting to finally know what it felt like to pleasure another man like this and from the sounds his grandpa was making, he was doing a good job for a beginner.

He savored every second of this encounter with his grandfather, slurping up the pre and moving his head at a nice and steady pace. I could hear the rapid breathing of his grandpa as he enjoyed himself.

"Damn, this is really your first time doing this?" Joel asked, looking down at Henry with half open eyes.

"Mmmhmm..." Henry moaned, his mouth full of cock.

Joel petted the wolf's head, scratching behind his ears.

"Well, you're doing very well."

Henry started to move his head a little faster, his need to make his grandfather release growing. He caressed Joel's balls and deepthroated his cock as much as he could without gagging. Joel growled and instinctively thrust upward into his mouth, making the wolf let out an audible gag.

"Sorry about that pup," Joel said, looking down at him, "you're just doing a really good job."

Henry gave him a big grin as he kept blowing him, moving his head even faster. Desperate to get his grandfather to cum, and judging from how much the elderly bear was moaning and panting, he was getting close.

"Ah, ah, ah," Joel panted repeatedly, rubbing the top of Henry's head affectionately. "That's it, keep going, just like that."

Henry sucked the thick piece of meat in his muzzle hard, stroking it fast with his paw at the same time, doing everything he could to get his grandfather to cum and give him what he was working so hard to achieve when it finally happened.

With a loud roar that sounded to Henry like it shook the entire mansion, Joel came hard into Henry's muzzle, holding the young canine's head there. The sudden orgasm took Henry a bit by surprise, choking a bit on it. He pulled his mouth away for a second, causing some of Joel's cum to land on his face and nose. Henry panted heavily, looking at the large member, continuing to drip cum down its length.

After he caught his breath, Henry started the process of licking his grandfather's cock clean, running his canine tongue up and down the length, tasting the nice musky white fluid coating the bear's cock. Joel moaned and gave his grandson more pets as he licked off his mess.

"That's a good boy," Joel moaned, "get it nice and clean."

Henry's tail wagged happily as he slowly licked off the milky liquid, enjoying the salty flavor. He was rock hard now, knowing he was swallowing the same semen that helped make his father.

Once he was done, he picked up his head to look up at his grandfather, licking his lips. Joel lifted a finger and beckoned him to crawl back up to him. Henry did just that, crawling back up to Joel and laying on his soft chest. Joel ran his strong paw down Henry's back, making his tail wag even more.

"You did very well," Joel said, "I really needed some good head tonight."

"Thanks for letting practice on you, I've been pretty pent up for a while, wanting to do this with someone but having no one to do it with."

"Well, from now on, if you ever want to fool around, give me a call."

Joel winked at Henry and Henry responded by leaning forward and kissing him deeply. Joel let out a deep chuckle as Henry pushed his tongue into his mouth and held the wolf tenderly in his arms and holding the kiss, moaning into the young canine's mouth. Joel always enjoyed sharing a kiss with men much younger than he was.

Henry broke the kiss and Joel cuddled him in his strong arms. The bear chuckled as he looked at the young wolf's face.

"You've still got some of my cum on your face."

The bear used his finger to wipe it out of his fur, making the canine giggle a bit.

"Sorry, I should have warned you my cock can be a bit like a firehose when it goes off."

"Yeah, took me a bit by surprise."

"It's okay, you're still a little new to this."


Henry let out a yawn, not realizing how exhausted he was after this little adventure.

"Go ahead and relax, I'll let you sleep with me tonight."

"What about grandma?"

"She knows whenever the door's locked I'm having some fun in here, so she just uses one of the other bedrooms in the house," He looked over and kissed Henry. "So, we have the bed all to ourselves tonight."

Henry smiled and snuggled against his grandpa's body, Joel holding him closely as they both fell asleep together.

The next day Joel talked with Henry about their plan with Richard. Joel agreed to get Richard a little tipsy, Henry's dad always liked to let loose during special occasions, so Joel knew that wouldn't be too hard. Joel would even make sure to slip his son some aphrodisiacs he had to get his libido up. After that, Joel would be sure to leave Richard and Henry alone and Henry would be able to try something with Richard.

Henry was feeling so much nervousness and excitement all at once. He never ever would have thought he'd have any chance to try something with his father outside his wet dreams but leave it to Grandpa Joel to come through. Henry's head was still spinning from the night he had with his grandfather.

"I always love having my son and grandson over for the holidays." Joel said, pouring his son more eggnog.

"And we love visiting you, Henry especially." Richard chuckled a bit and gave his father a sly look.

"I suspect he'll enjoy seeing a lot more of me in the future." Joel said with a smirk.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Let's just say I gave him a little look at my 'collection'..."

"What? Dammit dad, you're a real perv," Richard said, taking a long drink of his eggnog.

"Oh, come now Richard," Joel said, "at his age the boy's old enough to experiment, and you should appreciate him doing it with someone you trust."

"Great, let me know when you find someone." Richard joked.

"That's my boy." Joel chuckled, fixing another drink for him, but slipping one of his aphrodisiacs in it while Richard wasn't looking. "I've got another one waiting for you when you're ready."

"Thanks dad," Richard said, getting ready to finish his first eggnog.

Richard was now starting to feel even more of the effects of the aphrodisiac, his pants tightening and his sex drive starting to rise. But all the drinks he'd had beforehand were overpowering the aphrodisiacs a bit, making him grow drowsy. Richard did his best to hide his erection as he got up.

"If you don't mind me, I think I'll finish this last one on my way to bed, I'm already feeling kinda sleepy."

"Heh, what's wrong son, can't hold your eggnog?"

"Ah, shove it, I'm tired," Richard shot back. "I'll have more tomorrow, let Henry know I'm turning in early."

"Heh, will do," Joel said, smirking behind Richard's back as he left the room.

As Richard headed up to his guest room, Joel went over and found Henry in the living room.

"He's heading up to his room now, wait until he's knocked out and he's all yours."

Henry's tail wagged wildly as he practically ran up the stairs to Richard's room. He put his pointy ear to the door to see if Richard was asleep and sure enough, he heard the deep snoring of the bear through the wooden door.

Henry reached out slowly and opened the door, careful not to make too much noise. He tiptoed slowly over to his father on the bed. His dad looked like he just fell right on the bed without doing anything else, he was still wearing his clothes and the covers hadn't been drawn. But Henry could clearly see that the aphrodisiac was still in effect, Richard's massive shaft poking through his slacks.

With shaking paws Henry slowly unzipped his father and pulled back his underwear. The wolf let out a gasp as Richard's erect cock flopped out. Now that Richard was sound asleep, Henry was able to marvel at it, feeling it in his trembling paws.

Richard moaned a little, but didn't stir. Henry started stroking the cock in his paws. Henry murred silently as he began to masturbate his unconscious father. His own member was growing in his pants while he rubbed the big grizzly member. He was so nervous about doing this while his father was asleep, but his excitement outweighed that. Henry couldn't wait to get his father to cum. He wondered if he should take it a step further and put his mouth on it.

He thought about it, but decided against it, not wanting to risk waking Richard up to his own son wrapping his mouth around his cock, though he did lick his lips at the thought.

Henry continued squeezing and stroking while his dad moaned and squirmed a little on the bed.

"Mmm, yeah... just like that..." Richard mumbled in his sleep.

Henry's heart pounded in his chest, knowing Richard might wake up at any moment, but Henry just told himself that Richard had had plenty to drink and probably was going to remain in a deep sleep. Henry just hoped that he was getting close to making his dad cum.

He felt his dad's brown balls with his other paw while he kept stroking the shaft with the other. He could see pre leaking from his father's cock, so he knew he must have been getting close.

Then Henry got an idea, he quickly unzipped his own pants and got his cock up against his father's grabbing them together with both paws and starting to jerk them both.

Richard growled and moaned, clearly enjoying the feeling that Henry was giving him. Henry's eyes rolled back as he savored the sensation of frotting with his father's cock. He panted heavily, as he tried to keep both of their cock's held together with both paws, jerking them at a reasonable pace.

"Oh yeah, just a little more, almost there..." Richard moaned.

This encouraged Henry to keep going, he really wanted to make his father orgasm. He started jerking even faster, squeezing Richard's balls a bit with his other paw and making him growl and twitch.

"Oh yes! Just like that!" Richard moaned.

Henry's tail wagged wildly as he kept jerking their cocks together, inching Richard even further to a full climax. Richard began to involuntarily hump upwards, signaling to Henry that he was getting close.

"That's right dad..." Henry whispered. "Cum for me..."

Richard let out deep growl and shot ropes of cum all over Henry, making Henry's body tremble with pleasure as he was splashed with his father's seed. He couldn't believe he'd just brought his father to a full-on climax. Getting lost in the moment, Henry leaned down and began trying to lick his father's cock clean.

Unbeknownst to Henry, Richard began to stir from the pleasure of the climax, but once he felt a moist tongue licking his member his eyes shot open and he sat up with a jolt, coming face to face with his son, still covered in his cum.

"H-Henry?!" Richard said in shock.

Henry looked back at him with wide eyes, then quickly jumped off the bed and ran out the door before Richard could further process what his son just did.

Richard just sat there, not fully believing that his son had been jerking him off in his sleep before trying to lick his icing off once he was done. He knew his son loved him, but he could have never imagined that he'd feel that way about him!

While Richard sat in his room, ruminating on what had just transpired, Henry had run back to his Grandpa's room, throwing himself on the bed and crying into his grandfather's shirtless chest. Joel did his best to comfort the young canine as he began to express regret at what he just did.

"I never should have done that, Grandpa!" Henry panicked.

"It's alright boy, you didn't do anything wrong."

"What if my dad can't even look at me the same way ever again?!"

"You're overreacting, just take a deep breath."

Joel rubbed his grandson's back as he sobbed against his chest. Henry did as he said and took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. Henry began to calm down and Joel dried his tears.

"Well, looks like you got your dad to climax."

"Y-Yeah, I did..."

"So, I'm guessing you enjoyed yourself?"

"I was... until he woke up..."

"Ah, I see, well Richard will get over the shock, and he might even realize he enjoyed it as much as you did."

Joel winked at him.

"Y-You think so?"

"Sure! Remember, I told you he and I used to get up to some pretty naughty shit when he was your age. What you did might remind you of him."

Henry had stopped crying and hugged his grandfather tightly.

"Thanks grandpa."

"It's no problem, now go ahead and get comfortable, you can sleep with me again tonight if you want."

Henry didn't need to be told twice, joining his grandfather in being shirtless, before climbing under the covers and cuddling with him. He just hoped that his grandpa was right and that Richard wouldn't be too mad about what he did, cause Henry sure did enjoy it and really wanted to try something like it again.