Bucket List Behemoth

Story by bigarsburr on SoFurry

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I wanted to do something from first-person perspective, just to try it out. I was instantly reminded why I don't write like this very often. It feels so egotistical, especially since this is a big self-indulgent self-insert type of piece.

Regardless, it's Behemay, so have some fun between a husky and his secretly monster boyfriend who just happens to be built a heck of a lot like a Final Fantasy style behemoth creature. They do some wild, magic clone foursome stuff.

My boyfriend is weird.

I'm sure that's the first thing that anyone in a relationship will tell you, but in my case, it goes a little beyond the typical definition that we're all accustomed to. We can handle a certain level of oddity, like being double-jointed, eating ketchup on eggs, having a foot fetish, or maybe being just a little too into showtunes. Really, those are just quirky little things that are harmless and don't have much impact on a relationship overall.

No, when I say he's weird, I mean in the otherworldly, "this is impossible," "am I going crazy" sense of the word.

But I'm getting a little ahead of myself here. Hi, my name is Calvin Tibbs. I'm a relatively normal guy by most measures. Perhaps a bit more tolerant than most, maybe a hound for novelty (or weirdness, if you get right down to it), but overall nobody especially out there. I'm a husky, built more average than husky as the joke goes, and I work in an office, doing marketing for a temp agency. At age twenty-eight, I spent more evenings marathoning Netflix and playing Destiny than I did on sexual conquest. By far, actually. So, all in all, a pretty boring, blah sort of existence.

That all changed when I met Ars. And before you ask, no, he's not my boyfriend. The big grizz and I may have made a couple messes together, but I've always known I wasn't the only one, and somehow it seemed implicit that friendship and fun were all it was ever going to amount to between us, no matter how good a guy he is. Nothing against him, but he's got way more love to give than I can handle. Take that however you like.

See, the thing about Ars was, a roll in the sack usually didn't just end there. He had a way about him that was infectious. You wanted to spend time with the guy with your clothes on, too. At least, I did, and so did plenty of other people, apparently. He'd host game nights once every couple weeks, not quite a regular thing but close enough, and there would be dozens of people there, the vast majority clearly just to see the big guy and not thanks to any sort of "plus one" invitation. Remember how I said I wasn't the only one pouncing and getting pounced by the bear? Yeah. I got the feeling most of the people at the game nights were the same as me.

Where it started to seem odd to me was in how it was never awkward. You'd expect that if you got a group of people together in the home of the one guy they'd all taken a trip to the Bone Zone with, it would be a little uncomfortable. Not so with Ars and his gang. No one was jealous, or seemed to feel out of place being there. Everybody got along and had a good time. And yeah, I got the impression that outside of game night, there were more than a couple of them pairing off for a different sort of play, but that never seemed to make a difference either. It was just sort of understood that we were all adults, and if certain parties wanted to have their own party sans clothing, it wasn't a big deal to anyone else.

At some point, I took it as a challenge to try to figure out just who was with whom at these things. Sort of my own private game, as awkward as that sounds. I eventually found out that, indeed, a few of the attendees were building something with each other, usually thanks to Ars introducing them to each other. Think of him like an ursine version of Hitch, if the matchmaker tested everyone out in his bedroom first. As strange as that probably sounds, I basically took it in stride along with everyone else, and somewhere along the line, I stopped thinking about how unusual this group dynamic was. After all, I was having a good time like everybody else, and although not much came of them, I found myself spending a night with some of the other guys here and there. Even a very nice lady, one time. Not usually my style, but a good drink and better conversation take me places I might not otherwise visit. Cross that off my bucket list, thanks to someone who became a really good friend.

I'm getting sidetracked here, but the point is that I was happy and not really feeling like anything was out of the ordinary when I went to those game nights. I knew people there, they knew me, and we all got along. Peachy, right? Well, much to everyone's dismay, there were a couple of months where Ars couldn't host the game nights, couldn't even attend, thanks to being out of town on work. No real details other than that outta the guy, just "Sorry, I get an urgent message and have to pack up for parts unknown for a few days, weeks, or months sometimes. I won't know for how long until I get there. We'll hang out when I get back."

That was just Ars, though. You might not hear from him for days or weeks anyway, unless you went to game nights, but when you did it was like no time had passed regardless. He was just that kind of guy. A few people tried to host in his absence, and it was fun, but never quite the same without the big lummox. When he came back, he invited us all for one of the biggest game nights ever, a blowout to celebrate homecoming and a successful job doing whatever it was he did.

This game night was different than others for more than just that reason, and where things for me began to get weird. First and foremost, the grizzly came back looking like he'd been through hell wherever he'd been. Weight lost, moving slowly like he'd hurt himself somehow, and seeming to lack a certain brightness in his personality that was always there before. I remember asking him about it once, and all he would tell me was, "It was a hard job. Took a lot more out of me than I'd thought it would." He was strangely subdued most of that night, but one of his quick smiles and a hug that nearly crushed my ribcage put it out of my mind at the time.

There were other distractions to focus on, anyway. It wasn't unusual for new people to pop up on game night. Usually, there was a big show of an introduction, Ars leading them around so that everyone got a chance to talk to the new guy or gal for a minute, sort of his way of officially welcoming them to the group. This time, however, there was a new face, but without the usual tour showing them off.

I have an eye for guys. It wanders a lot, and I have tastes that run to excess, is perhaps the best way to put it. This newcomer immediately caught my attention. It was no surprise to see big fellows attending game night, what with Ars being a literal ton of fun, and plenty of his guests tipping the scales with brawn, bellies, or both, but this new guy was something else.

To start, I couldn't even tell what he was. Most people you look at them, and even if you can't narrow down the exact species, you can get the general type. Dogs look like dogs, cats like cats. Bovines, ursines, dragons, you name it. Ars knew one of just about everything I could think of, and I normally had no trouble identifying people on that basis. It got a little tricky when you had hybrid lineages, or people who dyed their fur and scales odd colors, or had artificial markings, but overall it was like flash cards with most people. I could identify their type on sight.

This newcomer though, was a challenge. My first guess was feline, perhaps a lion, thanks to facial features and what I assumed was a fiery-colored mane trimmed to a Mohawk, if you were a bit forgiving with the width. Black horns complicated that initial identification, reminding me of a bull except for the color. I was ready to accept that he dyed most of his body with purple, a deep shade of it that I'd call royal, but the more I had a chance to scour of his tall, muscular frame, big enough to dwarf all the rest of the people there, the more the color seemed natural. Add to it a much thicker tail than I was accustomed to seeing on either lions or bulls, which seemed to have a mane of its own the same color as on his head, and saber teeth of all things, and I was baffled.

I wasn't the only one who was curious, of course. Most people went to say a few words to the new guy, but no one seemed to get too far past basic introductions. There were plenty of shy people at game nights, but he seemed to take the cake, barely able to hold gazes with almost anyone, looking down at the ground half the time, talking so quietly that I couldn't even hear that he was speaking at all from a distance.

A distance I was content to keep, at that moment. It was very unusual to see Ars leave a newcomer to fend for themselves, especially one so shy, and I was so struck by how he seemed out of place somehow that I couldn't quite bring myself over. I wanted to, but something in my mind kept bothering me, noting that this was DIFFERENT. It was UNUSUAL. So unusual, in fact, that at one point I went searching for the bruin just to see what exactly he was doing, rather than lending the new guy a helping hand.

It was while doing that, refreshing my drink along the way, that I stumbled across Felix, one of the guys I had more than a passing acquaintance with. I'd always gotten a feeling like he and I could've had a good time together, but I knew that he and another of the guys were a couple, and I didn't want to step on any toes. That didn't stop me from appreciating the hefty feline, or his company as a friend.

"Hi, Calvin. Long time no see!"

"Heyo, Tubbs. How's it hangin?'" A good-natured roll of the eye and a smirk came my way, since I knew that most of what was hanging was the clearly visible OVERhang of his belly, not that I was complaining about it. "Some party tonight, huh?"

"Yeah, Ars really put out a big spread tonight. Must've made a killing on that overseas job he was on."

"Overseas where? And just what the hell kind of job, anyway? I mean, who just leaves the country for three months at the drop of a hat?"

I was used to not getting a straight answer on those sorts of questions, but Felix seemed genuinely not to know. "Beats me, but hopefully he won't have to do another for a long while. This one seems to have really taken the wind out of him." After getting himself a drink, the cat asked me, "Have you seen the new fellow?"

"Nah, I completely missed big and purple taking up half the couch."

"Well, it's not like you'd see him any better if he was red and green polka dots," Felix joked, catching me off guard for once. I guess that's the one way I am remarkable. Unlike most dogs, I can actually see in color, which was basically common knowledge among my friends.

"Right, I only see movement, like the T-rex in Jurassic Park," I shot back with a passable imitation of a dinosaur screech, before asking more seriously, "So what's the story? Poor guy seems like a fish out of water."

"Nobody else seems to know him. I think he's one of the big bruin's work buddies. Have you talked to him yet?" After a shake of my head, I got another smirk aimed at me. "What, not big enough for you?"

That one I deserved. I had a well-earned reputation for being a size queen, in every sense of the title. "Ha ha. Nah, I just haven't made my way over quite yet. You?"

"Just for a little bit. You know I clam up with new people most of the time."

"Ah, everybody loves you, ya big fluff. Besides, surely you can relate to another fabulous hair kitty feeling shy."

That got Felix shaking his head slowly. "He's not a lion. I don't know what exactly he is, but he's definitely not a lion."

"How can you tell?" That's when he tossed his head back and forth slightly, the ruffles of mane fur fluffing out, showing the leonine pride that Felix had buried deep down.

"It's a mane thing. Like how you can probably tell a husky by the curl."

"Oh, so you finally notice my hind end?" Wagging briskly, I teasingly turned to show it off for a moment, laughing when he began to blush. "I'm kidding, I know you only have eyes for fluffy fox bottoms." The two-layered tease did little to diminish the blush, so I followed it up with, "I guess I'll have to try my luck with big, purple, and horny over there."

"Hey, don't count yourself out just yet. I wouldn't turn you down. Even Aaron's brought up having you over before."


"Yeah, we've talked about the idea of fooling around with a third once or twice. Your name came up."

I nearly spat out the sip of my drink I'd been taking. A threesome was another bucket list item that I hadn't checked off yet, but it wasn't something I was going to jump into with just anyone. Hearing that one of my friends might be interested was definitely improving the odds of crossing off that item sooner rather than later. "That's not the only thing that's come up. I'm flattered, really. If it's something you guys want to do, I definitely wanna talk to you both about it."

"I'll let him know." A warm, squishy hug later, and a little rub cheek to cheek, and the lion was wandering away. "Better go find him before somebody else tries to steal him away from me."

Back to square one, but with refreshment in tow, I focused my gaze again on the newcomer. Whatever he was, he was handsome. Watching him talk with one of the other guys, I saw him really struggling to say much, while I was starting to feel like a bit of a creeper just staring from across the room. A flick of golden eyes had us meeting gazes for a brief second, until I turned and busied myself with moving in a different direction. I was sure that I'd been caught gawking, but maybe if I didn't make a big deal about it, he wouldn't either. After all, he surely understood what a novelty he was there.

I was starting to feel a little guilty, thinking of him more as a curiosity than a person, when I found myself lifted off my feet from behind, wrapped up in a familiar bearhug that was more than just an imitation. Ars had a growling chuckle that always seemed to resonate both in him and through me, and I instantly started to laugh as soon as I was in the air in his arms.

"There's my husk," he rumbled into my ear, me feeling strangely unbothered by the possessive way he always talked about me, and just about everyone, by calling them his. "I missed ya, buddy."

"What's not to miss?" I teased before he put me back on my feet, ducking down to my level to share a more traditional embrace. "Glad to have you back, big fella. Game night just wasn't the same without you."

"I know, I know. But, when duty calls..." He ruffled up my ears with a massive paw, just as affectionate and playful as ever. "It was nice of you to stay up a couple nights while I was gone so I could talk with you. It helped a lot to have a friendly voice."

Talks with Ars usually devolved into lewd inside jokes and sharing anecdotes about attractive guys we'd each seen, but it was always a treat to get to hear his rumbling voice, even on the phone. "My pleasure, you know I always love to talk with burrs." Trading nicknames after being reunited, I momentarily forgot about my interest in the new guy. That was, until Ars brought him up.

"Listen, I know this is abrupt, but I'm sure you noticed a new addition to the game night crowd here. I'd like you to meet him."

I wasn't exactly opposed to the idea, but it struck me as odd that Ars would go out of his way to suggest it. "Me? How come?"

"I feel like you guys will get along." A not-so-subtle wink tipped me off to what was happening. Ars seemed to have a good sense of people who would be compatible with each other, but I had a stubborn streak, always wanting to find someone on my own. I was about to protest and bring that up, but he stopped me with a crooked grin. "It's not sloppy seconds, I promise."

"Jeez, Ars. Maybe he's not, but I am."

"Ah, all I did was break you in a little. Seriously, though. I know what you're into, and you mentioned you'd be interested in something a little more serious the last time we talked. He's new in town and thinking of settling down here. If nothing else, he could use a good buddy."

"So you send me his way? And here I thought you were a nice guy, Ars." Seeing the bear roll his eyes and grin, I knew I wasn't going to talk him out of at least introducing me to the newcomer. Having him smooth that over was as good an approach as any, but I still had to make him feel like he had to work for it to get me to agree, because I'm just that kind of jerk. "He's a good guy?"

"A prince," the bear insisted. "You know I wouldn't steer you toward someone I didn't think was good for you."

One last sigh for good measure, and I made a show of begrudgingly agreeing. "Alright, big guy. I have been curious to get more than just a sniff of the grape one."

That earned me a chuckle out of Ars, and a gentle dig about sipping before chugging on that tall purple drink. After that, I was led out to the balcony of the bear's apartment, where I found the newcomer leaning against the railing, gazing out at the night sky. As we approached, I saw his ear twitch and angle toward us, as though picking out our footsteps specifically out of the noise of the game night excitement that went on inside. As soon as we actually stepped outside, the hulking fellow turned to face us, a small smile blooming on his face.

"Calvin, I want you to meet Xander Bracken." Ars patted my shoulders as he gave me a little push forward, as though offering me to the other man for approval. "Xabs, this is the guy I told you about."

"Glad to meet you, Xander," I greeted automatically, feeling the shadow of my marketing persona come over me for a moment. As much as I was comfortable interacting with strangers at my job, there was something about wearing a suit and tie and having a title that smoothed the process over, and I'll admit that I have a harder time doing it as a "regular person." I distinctly remember feeling embarrassed about having to switch hands with my drink so I could offer a shake, wiping the moisture from the glass on my pants and thinking I must seem like an oaf for doing it.

Thankfully, Xander seemed not to mind, almost timidly enclosing my paw in each of his much larger ones. "Is this right?" he asked, glancing over at Ars momentarily as he carefully shook.

After showing a thumbs-up, the bear explained, "First time to America. The guy's only ever known living out in the wilderness for most of his life, so he's a little behind on the times and customs." After a look at Xander, he showed a crooked grin and asked, "Will you two be okay if I leave you alone?"

"No worries," I quipped, flashing a smile back at the brawny purple male. "I'll behave myself."

He seemed to take the meaning of it and chuckled, letting my paw go at last. "I'll be okay," he insisted to Ars. After that, he bear nodded, and we were left alone together. That was when I got my first real look up close at Xander.

I was accustomed to seeing guys who were in good shape, thanks to the crowd that Ars had around him and occasionally ogling lifters at the gym, but Xander put most of them to shame. Dressed in a simple tank top and shorts that clung to him in all the right ways, I could see the form of all his muscles thanks to the light filtering out through the balcony door. Huge muscles, at that. It looked like he'd spent his entire life doing nothing but physical labor, and the results were packed in all over his towering frame.

Having someone bigger loom over me was nothing new after hanging around the grizzly, but Xander took the cake there, too. He was even taller than the bear, probably cresting ten feet tall, almost as broad in the shoulders as the party's host. Despite being dwarfed, I didn't take him as threatening in any way. If anything, he seemed to relax once he was on his own with me, with a gentle swish of his thick tail.

At some point, I realized that I was giving him a long once over without saying anything, and snapped my eyes back up to his face after gazing for perhaps just a little too long at his bulging pecs. That's when I realized that he'd been doing the same to me, putting a wag in my hind end. "Some party, huh?" I said, dispelling the silence as I went over to the railing, leaning my back against it.

"Something, yes," Xander agreed, going back to it as well, having to lean over slightly to rest his elbows against it and put us on a relatively even level. "A bit overwhelming. I'm still getting accustomed to your language and ways, so having so many people come to say hello is... much. Good practice, though."

I noticed the way that he spoke slowly, especially carefully, picking up just the hint of an accent and the slightest lisp across certain S sounds in his words, probably due to the saber teeth. "Sounds like you're doing pretty well to me. English is difficult, so don't get too frustrated if it doesn't make sense or you make a few mistakes."

"Thank you." He practically beamed at the compliment, golden eyes glittering in the dim glow from the party, a more confident, pleased lash of his tail flicking in my direction. "I worry I must sound stupid from having to speak slowly. But the words are so different."

"Ars never mentioned where you're from."


I didn't know much about Iceland. Maybe if I'd been a little more curious, I would have noticed something odd then. Maybe if I'd spent a little more time studying world cultures, I would have known that things already were beginning to stack up unevenly. But, the only thing I knew about Iceland was that it was a Scandinavian country, and that was due to some late-night Wikipedia binge after a few drinks one lonely night.

"Ah, no wonder it's challenging. I hear anything rooted in Old Norse language makes for a tongue twister." As if to prove the point, Xander spoke for a few seconds in his native language, where there was a distinct purring mixed in with a collection of other flowing sounds I could hardly follow, let alone understand. "I beg your pardon, sir?" I teased, feigning shock as though he'd said something untoward.

"You might be right to take offense, if you knew what I actually said." We shared a chuckle as the soft-spoken giant grinned at me, giving off the vibe that it was more lewd than off-color, what he'd said. After that, he took a seat in one of the oversized chairs that Ars had out on the balcony, where there was a bottle and glass on a nearby table. "Sit with me?" It was a simple invitation, but earnest, and I went to sit in the chair next to him. But, before I could make it, a gentle paw touching my arm stopped me.

"No, here," the giant insisted, patting his lap.

It wasn't the first time I'd gotten such an invitation, and it's not as though I didn't want to, but I went through the motions of making him work for it. "So soon? It's not Christmas yet, and you hardly look like Santa."

"Afraid I'll bite?" The smile he gave me was surprisingly vicious looking thanks to the saber fangs, but a soft chuckle afterwards reassured me. "Just a nibble, I promise."

"Alright, alright," I relented, settling down onto one of his thighs, not quite ready to plop my ass right down onto his bulge, although the shorts were making that pretty noticeable. Call me a sucker for a quick wit, but I was disarmed by the seemingly easy charm the guy had. He didn't need to ask me again to take a seat.

This probably sounds dumb, but that moment is usually a pretty telling one in my experience. As soon as I'd settle down in a guy's lap, one of two things would happen. Either they would try to grope me and maneuver me down to rest on their dick, or they would just hold me. Spoiler alert: I've a strong preference for the latter, and usually I get a good sense of whether or not I'll like someone based on that one simple act.

Xander put his arm around my back, not to move me, but just to embrace me, and I was won over. In retrospect, that's probably why I was able to overlook a lot of the weird stuff and not notice the patterns I should have. Xander had a soft touch, enough that I actually felt respected rather than viewed like a piece of meat. Even through my clothes, I was surprised at how delicately he clasped his palm and fingertips to my side, taking the tiniest of brushes at me through the fabric with his thick, powerful paws.

We had a nice, long talk between drinks, mostly me asking questions about what his life had been like before coming to America. Like Ars had mentioned, he'd grown up in the wilderness of Iceland, what part there was fertile enough to inhabit, and had spent most of his life tending to a large forest that served as a sort of tree farm. That was how he knew the grizzly, apparently. His family's business had been to tend the forest in hope of restoring some wooded area to the island, and occasionally do some logging the old school way with axes. At one point, the family had sold some logging rights to an outside company, which was how Ars came to work in Iceland, the trip that had kept him away for so long.

I should have known something was fishy about it. Sure, Ars was built like one, and Xander certainly had the brawn you'd get cutting trees down by hand, but imagining the two of them, a couple of lumberjacks, meeting in Iceland and arranging a way for one of them to immigrate to America? Last I checked, there wasn't much of a demand here for foreign tree jockeys. But, like I said, I was charmed, and the state of the world lumber industry isn't exactly my strong subject.

Listening to Xander tell the story, though, made it so that I never explored those doubts much. During parts of the tale, he seemed distant. Not quite wistful, but more filled with regret. Talking about the country, he mentioned that it was beautiful, and that when he wasn't working he'd spent a lot of time wandering in the wilds, taking in the views by himself. I noted that he seemed to spend a lot of time alone at one point, and that's when he explained that the difficulties he had with his family.

"My father had plans for me to continue the family work. Always, he'd tell me, you have to grow strong, practice with the axe, so you can take over for me some day. Take a wife, make children, and protect what is ours. I never wanted that. I finally told him not long after I met Ars. He was very angry. My brothers and sisters, and mother, they sided with him, mostly to not make him any angrier."

"How did you end up smoothing things over before you left?"

"I didn't. Father swore on his horns that if I left, it was the last I would be welcome there." At the time, I took that to be some odd cultural thing, along with feeling sympathetic toward the big fellow. "It's fine," he added shortly after, showing a thin smile. "He was stubborn, and I was tired of living like in ancient times and being unhappy."

"Still, I can't imagine having to live without my family anymore."

"I'm making a new family here."

The way Xander looked at me right then, I didn't have to wonder whether he meant me. I just knew. If that line had come out of anyone else, I would have been immediately skeptical, but he had a strangely innocent, earnest way about him that made it seem genuine.

Maybe you've never felt this way about someone, but every now and then, I meet a person that I just instantly bond with. Click isn't the right word here, because it's not like two pieces of a puzzle coming together. It's stronger than that. There's a sense of excitement, like somehow the continuation of the entire world depended on you and this relative stranger connecting. That's what I felt with Xander as I sat with him on the balcony that night.

It was no surprise and totally welcome when he pulled me in closer at last, after just gently holding me balanced on his thigh for so long. Luckily I felt comfortable, because he was so utterly strong that I'm certain I couldn't have fought him off if I hadn't wanted it. His golden eyes met mine, and I watched eagerly as he leaned in, until I could feel the gentle heat of his breath on my muzzle. Then, unexpectedly, he stopped for a moment, as though silently asking for permission.

If it sounds like I'm sensationalizing this for the purposes of getting you hot and bothered, well... you goddamn right, buddy. You try remembering the last time you locked lips with a hunk without getting a little steamy-eyed.

I mean dreamy. Dreamy-eyed.

Honestly, I say it was great, but it was truthfully a bit awkward. Have you ever tried making out with a guy who has prominent fangs? It's actually really hard. They get hellaciously in the way. I remember starting out with my usual, just gently pulling at his lips between mine, taking a taste with a brush of my tongue, but when I tried to go deeper, I instantly ran into the problem that no matter how I turned my head, I wasn't going to get past those monster teefs. I laughed, and ended up getting called out on it.

"What's funny?" he asked, giving me a puzzled look. "Am I doing it wrong?" That's when I explained, and he just chuckled, rubbing noses gently with me. "I know. I've thought about trimming them down before, but it would be strange. I've had them my whole life."

"I dunno, I kinda like them," I admitted, taking a chance and carefully fitting my fingers around each of them and using them as handles to pull Xander in for more kisses. I shifted around while finally getting a better taste of him, feeling the pleasant thrum of a purr vibrate through him as we lightly tongue wrestled for a moment. Like the rest of him, it was a thick, strong muscle that somehow treated me carefully. At some point, I ended up straddled on my knees across his massive thigh, my one between his legs placed just right so that I felt him tent up against it, so I knew that something I was doing was working.

"I was warned about you American men," the brute teased after pulling away for a breath, while I continued to toy with the tips of his fangs. "You like to tease."

"Maybe. But I like to follow through, personally." I'm not ashamed to admit being instantly attracted to the big fella, enough that if he'd asked, I would have taken him home with me. Yeah, yeah, typical husky behavior, I know. Like you wouldn't have, yep, mhm, sure.

To my surprise, Xander blinked and shot me an uncertain look, like he hadn't expected me to be quite so open about being attracted to him. After a moment, he asked if I meant it, to which I naturally replied in the positive, eagerly. That put a smile on his face, although there was still some uncertainty. "You probably noticed my interest," he began jokingly, before sliding his meaty paws down to clasp them to my rump, pressing me and my own tent right against his front. "I want something more than just one night of fun, though."

"I'm not opposed to something more permanent and serious."

The more I insisted, the more he seemed to debate with himself about how to respond. "You say that now, but when you learn more about me, you might change your mind."

"You never know. I might like you even more afterwards. There's only one way to find out."

After a moment of considering, the purple behemoth nodded, mostly to himself. "A date?"

"Yeah! Something fun, no pressure. Just two guys hanging out, with the potential to turn into something more."

"Three," he insisted. "After that, if you still want me, then..." Touching his muzzle to mine, he traced a long lick across my lips with a deep, soft purr. "Then we go from there?"

You can guess what my response was. After that, the rest of the night was something of a blur as we figured out a way to lock lips more effectively. Lots of trial and error led to an ideal solution, and before long we'd spent hours just slowly kissing and talking with each other. Luckily, I didn't have to work the next morning, so there was nothing hanging over my head, but it was a little embarrassing to lose track of time so much that Ars came back to check on us after everyone else had left.

Encouraging jokes aside, it seemed that Xander was staying with Ars for a while, at least until he had ID and a place to stay lined up, so I had to bid them both a bit of an awkward farewell for the night, with promises that Ars would pass along my phone number as soon as big and purple could get a phone of his own.

"You'd better not flake on me when it comes to those dates," I warned before leaving, before receiving one more embrace and kiss to send me off. All in all, it had been a magical evening that set me up to accept strangeness in the future without too much thought.

A couple of weeks passed after that night, and I was starting to think that maybe I wasn't going to hear from the big fellow after all, but then I got a text message from him, asking if he might call me. Naturally, I was thrilled to hear from him again, so within minutes I was listening to his growling purr over the phone.

"I have an idea for a date, but I wasn't sure if you'd enjoy it," he eventually told me. "Have you ever been climbing?"

"Like mountain climbing? Can't say I have, but I'd like to try it."

That was all it took for us to enthusiastically set up a time to meet. I got an address from him, thinking that it would be to one of those indoor places where you could practice and get a taste for if you'd actually enjoy it. But, as I drove on that day to the spot where Xander had asked to meet, I realized that we were actually going to a state park with a handful of cliffs.

I wasn't exactly prepared for actual mountain climbing, which I sheepishly told him when we met in the parking lot of the park. That didn't seem to bother him, though, or even worry him that I didn't have any climbing experience.

"It's okay. I've climbed many times. It was one of the few things I had to do in free time back home." After a hug and a quick kiss, we began hiking our way along a trail that gradually grew more steep as we approached the actual bulk of the mountain. Along the way, I began to notice something. I wasn't an experienced climber by any stretch, but other than a backback, Xander didn't have any gear. No ropes, none of those metal carabiner things, nothing at all that I could see. As we neared slopes that necessitated climbing rather than hiking, I made mention of it.

"I'm a natural climber," he explained, which I took to mean that he did so without any equipment.

"That sounds a little beyond my level. I mean, I've never climbed at all, and even trying with safety ropes is a little scary."

That just elicited a chuckle, and the hulking purple monster of a man drew closer, looming over me for a moment. "Don't worry. I'll carry you." Without warning, I was gently scooped up with one of his massive mitts on my rear, holding me to his front and flashing a smile. "You'll be safe with me."

"I already feel much safer," I joked. "But can you really hold me and climb like this?" He didn't respond at first, simply leaning back slightly, so that I rested more on his carved, muscular frame while he began to undo the belt of his jeans. "Gosh, didn't realize you intended to climb me instead!"

A moment later, laughing the whole while, he fastened the belt around both of our waists, tight enough that all I could do was hug my legs around his waist and hold on with my arms. "There, see? Nice and close. Perfect for climbing." I was still hesitant, but he explained that it was a gentle grade up the mountain, and that I would be perfectly safe with him.

Considering I was already strapped in, my nose was practically buried in the orange tuft of fur poking out of the opening in his tank top, which meant my head was a little fuzzy thanks to getting a nice, strong whiff of his scent. A very masculine, naturally musky scent, I might add. So I wasn't apt to complain too much.

I can't say I remember too much of the climb. I mostly got a good look at his chest and face as he scaled the incline, along with a view of the clear sky. Most of what I recall is the way that his body felt as it moved. Since I was held close to him, I felt all of his muscles shift about each time he stretched for a handhold or pushed off his footing. I'm not ashamed to say that it took very little time for me to be intensely aroused, a fact that wasn't lost on him. While trying to scale the steepest part of the climb, a nearly vertical section that had me terrified for the both of us, Xander had the audacity to tease me, planting my back against the cliff face while he was stretched between holds so that he could grind against me.

"You joke about it, but I think you'd like for me to climb you instead of this cliff," he rumbled softly into my ear, while I was caught in a mix of anxiety and arousal.

"I'd really like to get on top," I insisted, not even thinking of the connotations in my word choice. Thankfully, he relented and scaled the rest of the way safely, coming over onto a plateau that wasn't quite the top of the mountain. Just high enough to get a good view and to have some shelter. After unbuckling me from his belt, we both admired the scenery, plenty of beautiful trees and a lake visible from the cliffside.

"Not quite like home," he murmured, sitting beside me after shrugging off his backpack. "But still beautiful."

"What was it like there?"

His expression turned almost wistful as he turned his mind's eye back on that place. "More rocky and sparse. Not so much green. A lot of the time, the lakes and rivers were half frozen." Turning toward me, he smiled. "Your land is so much more full of life."

"It's your land too, now. Remember?"

That got him to dip his nose down bashfully. "I know. As much as I don't want to be there, it's hard to let go of my old home. But I'm starting to think of this place as mine now. Thanks to you."

We sat there talking for a while, and eventually Xander admitted that he'd brought food and blankets in hope that I might want to spend the night up there with him. It was just slightly chilly at the higher elevation, but comfortable enough that the idea sounded appealing. Again, I wasn't doing much the next day, so I agreed.

"If it's alright with you, I think I'll remove my clothes. I'd hate to be smelly while sleeping with you."

He said it so nonchalantly that, other than his bashful grin, I'd have thought he didn't realize how much that idea excited me. "It's okay," I said, putting up a weak protest. "You've certainly been sweating already and I didn't notice any smell." That was only a little white lie. I'd noticed a smell, but then again, it was a GOOD one. Natural musk meeting a little sweat of effort was something that I found appealing, and I'd certainly had plenty of opportunity to breathe it in on the hour-long climb up.

I'm a dog. You know how we are about smells.

"Truthfully, I just want to be naked with you," the horned leonine confessed as he pulled off his tank top, revealing his bare back and chest to me. "I hope it isn't too sudden."

It was definitely sudden, but not entirely unwelcome. Still, I wanted to give the appearance of some modesty, despite the horndog in me aching for him to bare it all. "I'd feel weird if you were naked and I wasn't. How about if we just get down to undies for now?"

"Are you afraid of someone seeing out here?" Despite the gentle dig, he shucked his pants, revealing a snug pair of black boxer briefs that did almost nothing to hide the form of his junk.

"You like to show off, huh?" I pointed out, as he sat across from me, looking more like he belonged on a beach or a photoshoot than on top of a mountain with me.

"Actually, I'm quite nervous to show myself to you." I watched as he twiddled his thumbs in his lap, shooting me a sidelong glance that made him look strangely shy and vulnerable. "No one outside my family has seen me before like this. I worry that you'll be turned off by my... oddities."

That took me by surprise. For all the time I spent undressing him with my eyes and ogling his impressive build, I'd thought he was practically perfect. What criticism could there be about being an immense muscle stud? But as I took a closer look, I did notice stranger features that I'd missed before.

There were little protrusions of bone that looked almost like miniature versions of his horns that sprouted from his back and shoulders, and at the tip of his tail. A tail that was much thicker than I'd realized, more like a lizard's, with a spade-shaped tip and oddly enough a trail of fur along it matching his mane and chest fluff.

"You notice some of them now, don't you?" Realizing I'd been caught staring, I tried to pass it off as admiration, but he wouldn't let me wriggle out of it so easily. "I'm unusual, I know."

"Just because something's different doesn't mean it's bad," I insisted.

"You really don't mind?" I shook my head, drawing closer and sitting at Xander's side. "You don't think I look too... beastly?"

"The beastly look is in, you know. But, no. Why do you ask?"

He took in a breath, and I felt his tail curl around behind me, almost protectively. "Everywhere I look here, in the people's faces and bodies, I see softness. But where I come from, everything is harshness and edges. The look of old blood. I have it too, even if it isn't as strong as others of my family. It makes me feel rough, like everyone can tell just by looking that I don't belong."

"I don't see you that way. Sure, you're a bit exotic, but that just makes you interesting. To me, at least." That brought a hint of a smile to his face, giving me enough courage to ask, "Do you think I look soft, too?"

"Not soft in a bad way. Soft like..." For a moment, he struggled for words, eventually settling for just stroking my cheek with one of his mighty paws. "Like this. I want to be like this, but sometimes I'm afraid that it's not in my blood."

"It is, trust me. I wouldn't be here with you if it wasn't." That got Xander to smiling broadly, and he soon put his arm around my shoulder and hugged me in against him with a soft, rumbling purr. He was always especially easy to read, the sort whose emotion showed in his face and who apparently made no attempt to hide nonverbal vocalizations that revealed his mood. "See? You're just a big cuddle kitten."

I heard him laugh, a real, genuine belly laugh, for the first time then, and it was heartwarming to say the least. "A bit more than just that, but... thank you."

"More, eh? And just what more are you?" At this point, I was prying, but I was genuinely curious.

"No one's quite sure. Everyone in the family looks like me to an extent, and has for so long that we're not sure who did what to make us look how we do. Ars guessed dragon and saber-tooth tiger."

"I guess that explains the horns, tail, and teeth. I wonder where the purple and orange color came from, though."

"Hard to say." By then, the sun was beginning to set, and as he looked over, the fire in the sky lent hints of color to his mane, enhancing the vibrance of the radical fur. "I thought of dyeing it before I came here. To try to fit in."

"I'm glad you didn't. I like your colors."

"Really?" Again, he smiled, almost radiant with joy. "I never expected that anyone would be so forgiving of my oddities."

"Xander, you're a handsome guy, and a sweetheart on top of that. What you call oddities, I call quirks. Not good or bad, just different. Things uniquely you."

"You say it so easily, but you haven't seen everything. I want to show you more, but... I'm not that brave yet. Another time, perhaps." As the light in the sky dimmed, we drew closer together, arms around each other as we began to kiss. Eventually, once most of the light was gone except for the moon, Xander asked me, "Is it alright for us to see each other?"

It came out in such a cute way that it gave me the giggles, but after reassurances that I wasn't laughing at him, not exactly, I agreed that it was a good step to take. "Not that I'll be able to see much, since it's mostly dark by now," I noted.

"You're welcome to look with your hands," he invited, as he moved in the dark, shifting his underwear down and kicking them aside before sitting back down with me. I did the same, trying to follow his shape, but getting constantly distracted by his eyes, which practically shone golden even in the dim light. Reluctantly, I accepted the invitation, when he appeared to be somehow looking me up and down in the dark.

Xander was big. I'd expected that, after all I'd seen of his bulges. But it didn't prepare me for how big he felt in my palm as I did my best to cup his balls and grope at his sheath. "Oh," was all I said at first. Realizing how bad that must sound, I tried to fumble my way through some kind of compliment, but it came out flustered, and he ended up chuckling.

"Am I too big?"

He sounded genuinely concerned, and to be fair, he was on the top end of what I'd handled before, rivaling even Ars in girth. "I like big."

"I hope that's not the only reason you like me." After that gentle chide, he got on his hands and knees, leaning in to gently kiss me. "May I?" he asked afterwards, and for a split second I sincerely thought he was asking to mount me. At that moment, I would hardly have argued, but it was not something I'd been planning on. Thankfully, after I nodded uncertainly, he simply pressed forward so that he could lay on top of me, sprawling his much larger frame across my body.

"Still sure I'm not too big?" he checked, with his plump sheath resting against my thigh, nestling in against my own. He had a comforting weight to him. Not as much as Ars, and distributed differently, but it was definitely the sort that I enjoyed having resting on top of me. I told him as much, as he drew one of the blankets over us, warmly nuzzling at me as we cuddled naked together. "I know it must seem opposite to what I said before about taking things slowly, but I'm glad we can do this."

"You don't see me complaining," I managed to say, already feeling a bit overwhelmed with his musky scent filtering into my nose and his weighty body laying across mine.

"You might change your mind, after I get you all sticky between your legs." Just the suggestion got me springing to life out of my sheath, nudging firmly at him. Rather than feigning any surprise, he simply purred at me, shifting his weight so that his much bigger manhood pressed against mine, and began gently rocking his hips.

I was never one much for frotting. It seemed to miss the point, of getting tab A into slot B so that hot protein injection C would hit the mark. But with Xander, I got into it. Maybe because I liked the way he felt on top of me like that, or how he slipped his arms underneath my shoulders to hold me while we did it, occasionally brushing noses and trading kisses. It took me by surprise when I felt a splatter of hot, sticky moisture streak across my belly and chest. "I didn't realize you meant it quite so seriously! Were you really that excited?"

"Yes, but that's just... a little leaking."

Of course he was bound to be an overproductive monster when aroused. Just the sort of thing to turn me on. "Jeez, you and Ars with your fluid factories for balls..."

As soon as I'd said it, Xander let out a lusty growl and a deep chuckle. "Oh, you've played with the big bear? You must be brave."

"What can I say? I'm into big guys."

"Mmm, is that it? You just chase after us because of our huge muscles?"

Feeling cheeky, I shot him a crooked grin. "Of course not. I like your huge dicks, too."

The way he laughed was so warm, I couldn't help but be charmed by it, especially as he looked back at me with a hint of nervousness. "You're attracted to Ars?"

"Well, yeah. Don't worry about me having trouble choosing between you two, though. You want something serious, and so do I."

"That's good to hear, but I meant more like... say I wasn't as buff. If I had a belly, like he does. Would that bother you?"

"Of course not. I bet you'd look wonderful with a thick gut."

Once more, he showed me a beaming smile. "I never expected to find anyone like you here. It's like Ars told me. You're handsome on the outside, and beautiful within."

That left me speechless. I'm not the sort to think I'm anything super special, and having such a hunk compliment me like that made me feel all flustered inside. The rest of the night is a bit of a blur, mostly just holding and kissing each other, until we fell asleep together. It's weird, but I usually don't sleep too easily with someone I've just met, but with Xander, I went under and slept like a baby.

The next morning had us getting dressed and heading back down the mountain in much the same fashion that we'd come up, which meant me, with a ferocious case of morning wood, strapped in against the big guy until we reached the ground. After saying our goodbyes with a hug and kiss, and the promise of another date, we parted ways.

It was a long drive home, after such a lovely time the day before. I'm not gonna say there was anything deep at that point, but I was certainly feeling a lot more for Xander than I had for any of my previous serious partners. And it wasn't just biology, although I had blue balls so bad just from that one night that as soon as I got home, the clothes came off and my shower wall got a good painting. Abstract in Off White, by Peter Stroker.

That's why, after a long shower to cool down and a day to get my head back into shape, I took the initiative and called Xander to set up our next date. Something a little less terrifying, and a bit more lowkey, all I suggested was for him to come over to my place to have dinner and watch a movie. Yeah, I know, I'm boring as fuck, but being 100% honest, I'm not the type to go adventuring on a regular basis. Plus, I wanted a taste of a more relaxed, day-to-day version of the horny purple giant.

It was about a week later that I next saw Xander. I'd bought plenty of ingredients so that I could make a variety of dishes on the fly, depending on what his tastes turned out to be, or what he might be craving. Living alone, I didn't have much drive to put in all the effort just to feed myself, but having someone else to feed was enough motivation to make for a fun prospect. Just for kicks, I'd donned one of those gag aprons you've probably seen. Kiss the Cook, that sorta thing, since I thought it might win me a little extra sugar from the big guy.

You know how it is when you're expecting company, especially the romantic sort. Time just crawls by, like it's stuck in molasses. Every tiny sound I heard, I swore it was Xander coming to the apartment to visit. Even though I knew it was too early, I kept jumping to attention and checking at the window or door, enough that by the time he did arrive, perfectly punctual, I was caught by surprise at the gentle knock he made.

All enthusiasm, I threw the door open wide and spread my arms for the big fella without any hesitation, but as soon as I saw him, I was struck by how wrong he seemed. I mean, sure. He was still big, fuzzy, purple and orange, with wicked horns and a rock-star hairdo, but there was something obviously different about him this time. And by that, I mean the fact that he'd traded in bulging six-pack abs for a keg gut!

For a moment, I tried to revise my mental picture, guessing that Ars must have come unexpectedly instead, perhaps to tell me that Xander was running late, and I'd somehow mistaken the two of them in my excitement. But I knew that wasn't right either. Ars had a distinctive feel to his bulk. It was more shaggy and dense than most people's, if that makes sense. What Xander was suddenly carrying around, while also weighty and thick, lacked that gravid quality.

That's not to say it was bad. I'm a sucker for a good-looking guy with both brawn and belly. I mean, that's how I fell in with Ars in the first place. And Xander was rocking it with a snug black t-shirt stretched over his, the same sort of flexible fabric that the big bear favored. If not for having a nose that knows, I would have guessed that the purple beast had borrowed it from our mutual friend. That, and Ars seemed to favor no-frills clothes, while this shirt had "LET'S GET WEIRD" written in rainbow colors on the front.

"I'm glad to see you again," Xander told me, while I was still struggling to reconcile my mental image of the super buff guy I'd gone out with before with this new version who sported a belly. "I see you staring. Is it too much?" The way he held himself as he said that, looking down and scratching behind his head anxiously, practically killed me. I hurried to assure him that I thought he still looked great, and that I was just shocked at the radical change. "Another of my oddities," he explained. "I have a strange metabolism. I can gain or lose a lot of weight quickly."

"Ah, that's why you asked me if I was attracted to Ars the other day..."

"Yes. I was worried that if I wasn't super muscular anymore you wouldn't want to keep seeing me."

I can't describe to you what it sounded like to hear that. The way his voice got softer and almost timid were a dead giveaway to some mistreatment from the past. Call it a white knight complex, but that cut deep, and I instantly wanted to comfort him. Without any more hesitation, I took one of his massive paws and led him to the couch to sit with me, doing my best to cheer him up and flatter him while giving him the chance to open up. It didn't take long to learn that his father had always pushed for him to be perfect in every way, including physically. Even though it wasn't his fault, the condition he had meant that it was difficult to be in peak form all the time, which was part of what had made their relationship strained even before Xander left.

"I'm sorry to have kept something like this hidden from you, but everything was going so well between us. I didn't want to scare you away." I assured him that the only thing that mattered to me was that he was healthy, which he insisted he was. Topping off the moment by grabbing hold of those monster fangs of his to drag him over for a smooch seemed to do the trick for putting him at ease. "You're very brave to do that," he told me afterwards, with a mixture of purr and growl that I could only read as seductive. "That's how you get pounced."

After a tease about not getting dessert until after dinner, I led him to the kitchen to give him an idea of what sort of foods I could make. Now, up front, I'm no fantastic cook, but I can put together meat and veggies for some pretty decent comfort food sort of meals. I was surprised, though, at how excited he seemed to try whatever I had to offer. At first, I thought that it was perhaps being curious about different American style food, but it was even for things from other cuisines, like pasta and tacos. Basically, if it involved meat, he was enthusiastically interested.

Eventually, with his help, we got a basic meatloaf and mashed potatoes going. I expected that he'd end up at the wayside just watching at some point, or exploring my apartment, or watching something on TV while I worked like I suggested he could. But, Xander was content to stay and help. He was especially good with a knife, which surprised me, and his brawn made mashing the potatoes a snap. Even when I didn't really need his help, he would stand behind me, draping his arms over my shoulders and nestling his belly against the curve of my back. That had to be uncomfortable, considering how tall he was and how my apartment was built for an average-sized person, rather than a giant like him or Ars.

"I love how your tail curls all the time around me," he told me at one point. "I always know that you're happy and excited to see me."

That got me to blushing. Everybody who knows huskies knows about the curl. I have a very hard time hiding my feelings about people thanks to it, although I've learned to fake enthusiasm for work with a well-timed curl. "You've got an unfair advantage over me. I can only go by what you say."

"Does this help?" I felt him press a little harder against my back, rubbing his bulge against my rear.

"You do seem happy to see me, but I dunno if you're as excited as I am right now." After dinner, which he devoured and asked for seconds of, shocking me completely with his voracious appetite, we decided to skip the movie for the moment and indulge ourselves a little in my bedroom. It started with a deep smooch on the lips, which he said he owed me thanks to my apron, and before I knew it we were undressing each other on our way to the bed. It probably sounds a lot more fervent and passionate than it was, because thanks to all the horns on him, there was quite a comical struggle to get his shirt off. After that was done, we got our first good look at each other in the light.

Xander was beautiful. You might not feel that way about guys with guts, but he carried it well, looking both soft and strong. His coat practically shone with how plush and smooth it was, the orange ruffle of fur on his chest just adding an extra splash of masculine appeal to him. Finally, I looked down to see that he had his thick, black shaft fully on display and erect for me, looking every bit as huge as I remembered feeling it against me on our previous encounter, with nuts big enough for two hands dangling between his thighs.

"It looks like I still catch your eyes, even like this." There was a pause, where he seemed uncertain, before he crawled up onto the bed behind me, laid on his side and looking very much like a horned purple lion as he patted the mattress in front of him. "Those beautiful eyes."

Now, you gotta understand. I get complimented on my eyes so much that I hardly think about it anymore. After all, you don't see too many pooches with vibrant baby blues, and I've been told that mine are practically piercing, even for a husky. But the way he looked at me, his golden ones locked onto mine like he was entranced, even I felt special. It took no coaxing whatsoever for me to lay beside him, back turned to offer myself as his little spoon. A moment later, I had his arms around me, belly nestled into the curve of my back, and his thick rod tucked along the cleft of my behind, reaching up to drool just above my tail.

Like before, feeling his powerful, huge body moving against me was incredible. The way he kissed at my neck and shoulders, strong paws rubbing and groping all over me, put me instantly in the mood. My curl was full on, thumping softly against his belly as he hotdogged my ass, holding between my thighs in a way that sent shivers up my spine without even touching my very excited shaft. Listening to growls and grunts of pleasure coming from him, you'd have thought he'd started drilling for oil, but just rubbing against me really seemed to do the trick for him. I thought he'd unload all over my back, but then unexpectedly, he took me with him as he rolled, sprawling flat on the bed with me resting on top of him.

Xander carefully moved me so that his huge meat was between my legs, sticking up excitedly, making it look like I had a second cock. A much more impressive one, to be sure. Wordlessly, he took my paws, guiding them to touch his shaft before closing his around my own. To be fair, I needed both, while he easily could have handled me with one, but it made me feel more connected to him then. After a couple of strokes from him, it was pretty obvious what to do.

I think I've mentioned before that I'm more into the penetrative stuff, but once again, this was a nice change of pace. It felt very natural, and very good, to rub and stroke the big guy, especially when he'd buck into my grip, heels digging at the bed for purchase. As for him, he had a touch made entirely of velvet and magic. Despite my struggle not to, I came before he did, although that didn't seem to disappoint him. Rather, he purred warmly and kept stroking until I was empty, only then shifting his paws down to rest over mine.

When he finished, it was more like an eruption than an orgasm, with a warm flood of sticky fluid racing across my chest and splatting against my chin, thick ropes pumping out of him as he growled and purred, thrumming with pleasure against my back. I gave him the same treatment that he'd given me, leaving a sticky mess all over my front as we both panted, spent for the moment. Slowly, he began to chuckle, before telling me, "Maybe now I can focus on thoughts other than wanting you."

Feeling a little devious, since he'd seen fit to unload all over me, I carefully turned over, laying on his chest and belly. Despite the mess, he purred and showed me a smile. "If you'd asked, I would have let you have me."

Slowly, he shook his head, smile dimming slightly. "I promised, three dates. Only after that. Besides, I'm still concerned you may see something you don't like." Holding my hips and rump in his meaty paws, he hugged me closer against his gut. "This isn't the biggest I get."

"Don't worry," I insisted. "You remember Felix? The lion from the party? You could be as big as him, and I'd still be into you." That left him speechless for a moment, eventually just hugging me tightly to him and mumbling something against my neck in his native language, which I guessed must have been positive because when he let me go, he was smiling again.

After that, we shared a cramped shower, gently washing each other and taking some time to less feverishly explore each other's bodies before crawling back into bed, this time to watch a movie as planned. It was a scary creature film, with just enough jump scares to keep both of us grabbing for each other every now and then while we cuddled together naked watching. After it was done, Xander made an odd comment to me about how he found it strange, that we have such a fascination with monsters here. I tried some clumsy explanation, about how facing them in fiction made genuinely scary things in real life seem a little less daunting. That didn't seem to satisfy him, and looking at me very seriously, he said, "I could easily be confused for a monster."

"You aren't, though. You're a sweetheart." That made him smile, but then he explained that while staying with Ars, he'd watched and played a few video games with the big bear, and that in one of the rpg's there was a creature called a behemoth that looked incredibly similar to him. Naturally, I had to see for myself, so I went online to grab a few pictures, and sure enough, he had the same coloration and general characteristics as the video game monster, aside from being in an upright form and not being nearly as menacing. "Well, I'll be damned. You really do look like one!"

"You don't seem bothered by it."

"Well, I mean, as far as evil creatures go, you could look a lot worse." Turning over to look at him and scritch under his chin, I added, "I kinda like the idea of having a big, handsome monster who wants to drag me back to his lair and sate his ravenous lust with me."

"You really mean that?" he questioned, and when I nodded, he gave me a gentle kiss on the lips. "I'll remember that."

At some point, we fell asleep together, and the next morning he woke me with sweet smooches on my nose and neck. After a little bit of frisky cuddling, where he held me down with just his weight by laying on top of me until I admitted that it turned me on, he swore that the next date would be at his place, as soon as he had finished moving into one. It sounded fair to me, and I had to admit, I was curious to see what if anything he'd brought from his old home to the new.

It was hard to let him go that morning. It felt so good having him nearby, unlike a lot of the other guy's I've been with. It wasn't just the sex, or the building anticipation of taking that to the next level. It felt like I was genuinely desirable as more than just a quick lay, worthy of respect, and practically worshiped with kindness from him. He made me feel good about myself, in a way that my own self-esteem just couldn't satisfy. It's one thing to know inside that you're worth it, but he actually validated that, with actions behind lots of loving words.

Yeah, I know. Getting attached so early on isn't usually a good idea. But you weren't there. You didn't feel what I can only describe as his loving nature practically radiating from him and into you. Again, that's probably why I was so quick to dismiss the odd little things, or just to not notice them. Xander gave me something that I hadn't even realized I was looking for. If you find somebody who gives you that kind of satisfaction, keep 'em. Don't be an idiot and give that up, because long term, that's what you want. I promise.

Well, it was a couple more weeks before I saw Xander in person again. We talked a lot on the phone, he admitting that his thick fingers were clumsy on the touchscreen for texting on top of just enjoying hearing my voice. Finally, he had his own place, and was ready to have me over for the grand tour. As soon as he told me that, excitement washed over me like cascades of a waterfall. I had that same feeling that a lot of people get when they're expecting a package and get the notification from the shipper that it's on its way. A couple of short days that seemed to drag on forever passed, and I found myself driving to the address that the big purple beast had given me. It wasn't terribly far from where Ars lived, not the same complex but adjacent to it, the sort of spacious place that I was surprised to hear a supposed lumberjack could afford.

The drive over was uneventful, if you don't count the rapid pace my heart was thumping out in anticipation. After parking and going in the building, walking to the apartment number I'd been given, it was pounding even faster. My fingers actually shook as I knocked on the door. It probably sounds dumb, to be that excited just by the prospect of being invited over for an at home date, but you have to recall; this was the third. The magic number that could lead to the big one, the next level. Yeah, even I'm feeling embarrassed for having been so excited by the prospect of getting it on, but remember the enchanting beast that I was dealing with.

Maybe my body knew something my brain didn't and was trying to tell me. They say sometimes instinct is more intuitive than conscious thought, after all. After the knocks and a few seconds waiting that seemed like an eternity, the door opened, and I saw that familiar handsome face peeking out from behind it, saber-toothed grin firmly in place. After exchanging quick, bashful hellos, Xander welcomed me in, staying mostly behind the door as I passed through.

It's polite to be interested and excited about people's new digs, so that's where I was keeping my gaze focused at first, scoping out the new living room that my romantic interest had. I could see a fairly spartan living room, with the basics covered furniture wise, tv and video games set up, everything looking new and decent, if spread a bit thin with a big open space in the middle of the room. No coffee table was the thing that struck me right away, even though there was a brightly colored rug that looked like it was made of faux fur that practically screamed for one. Plus, instead of traditional chairs, there were oversized bean bags. I remember briefly wondering if that was an Icelandic thing, or if maybe spaces were smaller there so furnishing was a bit less big and ostentatious compared to the American style. Sure, the apartment and everything in it was sized-up for the owner, but it still felt like there was a lot of unoccupied floor real estate to me.

"What do you think?" was the simple question I heard from behind as the door was closed. Finally, I turned, and got my first full look of Xander that day. Even with warnings about his metabolism, I was not prepared. Sure enough, like we'd talked about the previous time, he'd fattened up again, this time putting Felix to shame. The lion had a good few hundred pounds to work with, making him extra plump and soft, but Xander, even scale considerations aside, was looking every bit as thick and doughy as the feline and then some. Whatever I'd been about to say caught in my mouth, because my brain was just not prepared to accept this sharp a contrast to previously. If he'd been a musclegut build before, the purple monster I saw standing there had entirely given up on the muscle aspect and gone hardcore in the gut territory, right down to chubby cheeks and a bit of a moob cleavage situation happening right before my eyes. The tank top he wore was woefully unprepared to hold everything in, making for some belly peek. My shock must have registered, because he quickly began to look upset. "I'm sorry, I should have warned you beforehand. It is a lot." He even started to go through some physical tics, his paws idly rubbing over each other while he kept looking away, trying to brush at some of his mane.

Even though my brain was going haywire trying to make sense of this new look for him, this absurdly doughy and plump look, my body reacted on autopilot, reaching for those wringing paws with mine and pulling them apart. As soon as I touched him, some of the anxiety faded, but it wasn't until I tugged him closer, placing his arms around me while I got on my tiptoes to grab hold of his saber fangs, making him duck down to get a kiss planted on the lips, that it entirely faded. Even after that, he still stared at me with those golden peepers like he was searching for an answer in mine, all while I cradled his pudgy cheeks in my palms.

"I have no idea how this is possible," I remember telling him, gesturing at his thick belly as I said it, "but don't fret. You're still the same handsome hunk I've been falling for. Just softer than before."

That got him to stop worrying long enough at least to hug me. Oh, it was the softest, warmest, most gentle hug I've ever had, let me tell you. I've cuddled with some hefty fellas before, Felix included, and none of them felt like this. Like getting smothered in velvet cushions, I swear. "I'll explain everything, I promise," he rumbled into my ear, so quietly that I could hardly hear it.

We tried to have a normal date after a quick tour of the place, notedly avoiding the bedroom for the moment. Dinner and a movie, during which he told me that American food was much more calorie-laden than anything he'd eaten before, so he was genuine struggling with his metabolism. That didn't stop either of us from enjoying a big meal and dessert, pizza and ice cream during the movie. I didn't mind, but he kept apologizing for not being very handy in the kitchen, despite evidence otherwise from our date at my place, insisting that he probably couldn't cook anything that I'd enjoy eating. I'm not that picky, but having heard some stories about how cuisine around the world can be wildly different from what we're used to here, I didn't object. Plus, it was nice to have a bad for you dinner while watching a cheesy comedy.

Despite there being a couch, we set up shop on the rug while we were in the living room, laying sprawled in a loose cuddle the whole while. The great part about fat guys, in case you're not in the know, is that they make for awesome pillows, so I felt nice and comfy the whole time I reclined against him, one of his arms draped heavily over my shoulder, fingertips trailed into my lap where he kept idly tickling at my thighs. Eventually, I couldn't stand not feeling the touch directly and ditched my jeans with an unceremonious kick across the living room. We couldn't even finish the movie before both of us where shedding clothes, tossing them every which way, and laying in a pile in the nude on the rug. This time, the grape giant didn't try to lay on top of me, seeming a bit more timid and subdued than usual, although he had been laying kisses on my neck and shoulder for most of the evening. Wanting him to fully understand that I was still attracted to him, no matter his size, I ended up roughhousing him onto his back and straddling across one of his thighs, a raging boner laying across it and poking lightly at his underbelly while I put my paws to work rubbing and massaging all over his front side. For his part, he let me win the contest of strength that put him there. Even without the muscle, he still outweighed me considerably, and it wasn't without his cooperation that I ended up on top of him. My efforts weren't wasted, as purrs began to rumble in his chest, and he tilted his head back, eyes shut while he just enjoyed my touch on his body.

Feeling a little devious, and with just a bit of ice cream left in my bowl, I dotted a bit of it right on top of his belly, getting him to jerk and look over thanks to the wet cold resting on him. "Oops. Gotta clean that up," I told him with a singsong tone before leaning over, gently picking up most of the solid part up between my teeth before lapping firmly at him to get the rest, eventually working my way over to one of his nipples to give it a little teasing flick with my tongue. That got his impressively thick and long donger standing up quickly, and a toothy grin on his face.

"You really are a special man," he told me, which made me pause for a moment. In that space, he asked, "Am I allowed to invite you to bed with me?" Naturally, I enthusiastically agreed, and after that we were clumsily shuffling our way to the bedroom, in large part because prying each others arms and lips apart wasn't going to happen unless absolutely necessary. Fumbling with the doorknob got us inside a spacious room, and for a second I thought that we'd both been so horned up we'd gone into the wrong one, because there was no bed there.

At least, that's what I thought at first. But as I looked closer, I realized there was an enormous mattress spread across nearly the entire room. You might have seen those gigantic "family" beds online before, the ones that are the size of several king size mattresses put together. That was what served for Xander's bed, along with enough pillows and blankets to make it look more like a nest for a family of civilized animals than a place where regular people slept.

This all barely registered, thanks to my brain being mostly glazed over with lust, curl in full wag as I wrestled tongues with the big purple, shuffling over into a seated position with him in the midst of a pillow pile on the gigantic mattress. Once we were there, I fully expected to be instantly swept up in love-making, the kind that you read about in stories that changed peoples lives. But, rather than that, I found Xander kneeling behind me, his belly planted at the small of my back as he gently held me in his arms, purring in my ear.

He's not really a cat. Not in the traditional sense, that is. But if you know cats, you know that sometimes the purrs aren't out of satisfaction or contentment. Sometimes it's because they're stressed, trying to use the sound as a weird Pavlovian technique to calm down. Most people can't tell the difference, but in this case, by some weird stroke of fate, I could. Maybe because the sound brought some of my senses back, I could tell he was anxious, and asked him what was bothering him.

"Before we do this, there's something else I need to show you. To be completely honest, so you know what I am."

After that response, he asked me to close my eyes. You have to remember, by this time, I was already primed to trust him. I mean, I'd been fully prepared to spend the night blowing loads in and on each other until neither of us could move. So, closing my eyes for a bit was no sweat. I figured he must have some really embarrassing birthmark or tattoo I hadn't noticed yet, or was into some weird kinky stuff he was about to show me that could be potentially dealbreaking. I was prepared for all of that.

For a while, all I knew was his paws rubbing over my chest and tummy, in that sensual way I was accustomed to, while he spoke quietly in my ear. Xander told me there was a secret he'd been hiding, not just from me, but from everyone. The only ones who knew about it were his family and Ars, which had a lot to do with why he'd left home and come to America with the ursine.

He wasn't like ordinary people, he told me. He brought up again how he felt like people here were soft, and that he felt monstrous in comparison, and so he hid that part of himself away. I was starting to think that he had a thing for some hardcore BDSM, but before I could make a stab in that direction, that's when things began to get really weird.

Dogs have a great sense of smell. Hearing's not bad either, for that matter. And I'm one to tell you, my sense of touch is as keen as anyone else's. So when I started to feel a third paw resting on my body, then a fourth, rubbing and brushing with the exact same touch as Xander's, I became concerned. The nose doesn't lie. If someone else was truly in the room, I would have sniffed them out long before they could have touched me. Thanks to all the time I'd spent around him, I was very familiar with the big purple's scent, and couldn't have possibly mistaken it for another's, not to mention it would have been quite a task to come in from another room in complete silence, even with my horned up brain distracted by thoughts of sexytime.

Had I somehow been drugged? That was my first worry. But, why, after all this time? I'd been more than willing to fuck, so slipping me something to make that easier, especially after so many encounters where it would have been just as simple, didn't make sense. That's when I noticed that as he was speaking, I was hearing it in both ears at the same time. I'd been so distracted by the extra paws that it occurred to me suddenly.

"I realize this may scare you away forever, but... I can't help what I am. And you've been so kind to me so far, so accepting..."

Twins, was my next thought. That would explain both the weirdly changing body sizes, and the extra touches and voice. Kinky, and not an entirely unwelcome scenario, if I was being honest. But, the fact that I'd been dating more than one person was a little upsetting. Who had I really been building feelings for, after all? Plus, it would be a tad weird to be shared between identical siblings, no matter how hot and sweet they were.

But, that didn't hold water either. And not just because I started to feel a third set of paws touching me, and notice a third voice, this one from the front rather than in one of my ears. I was surrounded by three of them, each with exactly the same scent. Exactly the same vocal intonation and habits. Not just similar; perfectly identical.

Twins and triplets are rare enough, and people say they supposedly have some odd mental quirks, borderline psychic stuff. I dunno how true any of that is, but I'll say this. Even with practice, no three people can be as perfectly in sync when they speak as what I heard then. Genetically, identical siblings may be a perfect match, but their bodies grow and develop differently as they age due to the enviroment they live in. A keen ear and eye will notice subtle inconsistencies. No matter how much practice, no matter how much discussion as to emphasis on which words, which syllables, and which tones to use for each piece of a line, there's always subtle variation in speech. Always.

"I can see you struggling to understand, because what you hear and feel is confusing, but bear with me a little longer."

Imagine hearing each word of that coming from a different direction in sequence. Like the same person spoke that sentence as though they were instantly teleporting in a circle around you, appearing at a different location just in time to speak one word, without pausing or breaking the flow. Trippy. Like I've said, I'm not sure if I believe in psychic phenomena, or weird supernatural stuff, but that was the only kind of reason I could use to explain what was happening to me.

So your boyfriend is a shapeshifting telepath, I can see you screaming to say. Oh, if only it was that simple. How comparatively mundane.

I'm really not sure where I got the willpower to keep my eyes shut. Even without sight, I could tell that the sets of paws brushing me belonged to each of the three Xander versions I'd met, because he let me brush mine along the arms, touching each one. Absurdly buff was in front of me, while pudgy thick was on my left, and burly musclegut was on my right. There was no mistaking it. Triplets, my brain desperately tried to reason, one last time. But I knew, deep down, that wasn't true. This was some Weird Shit.

"There's really only one of you," I remember saying out loud, my tongue somehow finding the truth when my brain tried to circumvent it. "You looked different each time, but they're all just... you."

He told me I was right, but that I hadn't seen the real him quite yet. The paws touching me lifted away, and for a moment, I reached out blindly, trying to grasp for them, finding empty space there instead. I could have opened my eyes, but something told me not to. There was a presence behind me that I felt more than heard, and impression of strange motion and impossible size. Finally, Xander told me to turn around and look.

You've seen what centaurs are supposed to look like, right? Imagine if one of those had a kid with a cerberus. Then make it bigger, purple, and horned on each of its three heads. Now, imagine that the face on each of those heads was that of the guy you'd been seriously dating for a while, if a little more predatory in certain aspects. Sharper fangs, harsher angles, that sort of thing. If you can come even close to picturing that, you have some idea of how I felt then. Even laying on the ground, feral hindquarters resting sideways in that sort of relaxed pose you might see a lion take, his heads were nearly scraping the higher-than-normal ceiling of the bedroom thanks to the twisty horns sprouting from them, looking decidedly less bovine than I'd initially thought. I barely even noticed the immense sheath and nuts resting between his curled up hindquarters, tucked under a thick feral belly.

Hey, I was in his bedroom and had been primed to bone a few minutes before, so excuse me for taking note of my monster boyfriend's package.

The upper half of him was more reminiscent of the musclegut appearance I remember from our second date, although with extra heads fused onto an especially wide and extra brawny shoulder span, which also happened to accommodate an extra pair of arms, swollen with pure muscle. Each of them had eyes locked onto mine as he reached out a paw to me, much bigger than even before. A low hum emanated from him, and it took me a while to realize that it was a purr. Just a much deeper, more monstrous purr than before.

I'm not really sure what gave me the courage to step closer. To be perfectly honest, I was terrified. The pictures I'd seen before of the video game monster certainly gave off the vibe of a huge, predatory creature with eldritch powers, but they did nothing to prepare me for the super deluxe version I was confronted with. When I extended my arm, part of me expected it to be torn off and devoured right away. But, when the massive clawed mitt closed around my fingers, treating them as delicately as the big purple ever had despite the difference in size and the razor-sharp talons sprouting from his fingertips, I started to feel at ease. There was some frustration evident on each of his faces as his jaws worked, attempting some approximation of a smile that wouldn't be instantly terror-inducing. No small task when saber-fangs the length of my forearm were involved.

"It's much harder to speak like this," he managed to growl out, with a voice that was much more guttural than before, but still recognizable, even if I had a hard time getting the exact words at a first pass. "Especially your language." I could tell it took all his concentration, somehow, by the fact that only one of the mouths spoke, while the other heads just stared at me, variations of anxiety showing in their craggy features.

I just listened as he took the time and effort to explain, in relatively simple terms, that this immense, monstrous form was what he really looked like. That even amongst his kind, he was an oddity, whose shape had made even his family think he was cursed. I learned later that this was my first window into a much bigger, weirder world than I'd ever thought possible, and that reality wasn't quite as simple as most people thought, but at that moment, I was more focused on the immediate issue in front of me, which was that I'd been unknowingly dating a bizarre creature in disguise. Somehow, I mentally sidestepped the obvious moral quandries, like "Is it okay to fuck a monster?" and skipped right to "How can I make this work with him?"

That's probably strange of me. Presented with this problem, I'd guess most people would want to run away, or would be disgusted by the strange form he took on then. Not me, though. Like he'd told me, I'm a special sort of guy. I can't honestly say I was looking forward to getting it on with him in his cerberus-taur fusion form. I mean, I'm a size queen but neither my rear nor physics could accommodate the kind of tool the big fella was carrying. Regardless, knowing that was who he really was didn't change how I felt about him. I still loved the guy. Yeah, I know what you're thinking, but maybe some of us are lucky enough to just know early on.

As he spoke, it became visibly harder and harder for him to hold his anxiety at bay. He finished telling me that his name was actually Xabrak, and that Xander Bracken was an alias that Ars was somehow helping him establish in the US, so he could try to live a more normal life, and after that became so choked up that he couldn't speak anymore. He just held my paw between his, dwarfing them with his giant, absurdly powerful ones, as if the fact I hadn't ran screaming was the only thing keeping him together at all. He hung his heads, and I could tell even without words that he wanted to apologize for keeping this all from me, and for springing it on me here.

I had a free paw, and even with him resting on the ground, he towered over me, his faces impossibly out of reach. I knew what I had to do, though. I'd been standing between his forelegs while he held my paw, so when I lifted my leg and grabbed for one of his other paws, pulling on the immense brawny arm to get it in position, he shot me a terribly confused look. Setting my foot into his palm, I shifted my weight into it, and he reflexively pushed back enough that I could lift myself up slightly. It took a few repetitions to climb my way up to face level with him, thanks to his cooperation, but at some point, I stood shakily with my feet suspended in his palms, another set of his paws bracing me under my arms as I looked him right in one set of eyes. Grabbing for one of those saberteeth with one paw, and a horn in the other, I was still half expecting to lose a limb to a sudden vicious bite, but that didn't stop me from planting the sweetest kiss I could right on those monster lips, letting it linger for as long as I dared, even somehow finding the guts to feed my tongue between them to take a taste of the real Xander. Or, Xabrak, I should say.

With our gazes locked the whole time, he had to have seen how afraid I was. Anyone would have been, I'd venture. You try tonguefucking a sabertooth tiger while looking it dead in the eye and then come back and tell me you weren't shaking like a leaf, too. It felt like it was never going to happen, but eventually, he began to kiss me back, and after that, it was like any other time the two of us had touched lips. The tender touch of flesh, of his warm tongue on mine; the gentle tussle against each other as we each hungrily sought out pleasure from each other, until finally parting ways, with a bit of our taste left behind in the other's mouth.

I'm not sure what I'd intended to say after our lips separated, with me still holding his horn and fang like they were an odd set of handlebars. I'd planned something out beforehand, but in the heat of the moment, it was lost, and instead, I said some garbage I'd picked up from a video game.

"Despite everything, it's still you."

Not my proudest moment. As for the result, well... anyone who tells you real men don't cry is a fucking liar.

After that, words weren't much necessary. Like I said, I wasn't terribly keen on the prospect of actually bedding a creature many times my size and shaped like the result of a man, a cow, and a demon getting in a horrific transporter accident, but that didn't mean I wasn't still roaring with affection for the big lummox.

There's no words for me to explain the separation process. It's not like anything you could imagine. Honestly, my brain hurts just thinking about it. Suffice to say, once we'd had a good cuddle and cry together, Xander felt it might be easier for both of us to communicate for the time being if he split back into the three forms I'd gotten to know him in, and so after what I can only describe as "magical fuckery," I found myself surrounded by the three of him, as strange as that sounds.

That was the best hug ever. Three huge hunks wrapping you up in their arms and holding you for all their worth at the same time? Ten outta ten. Then comes the juicy part. Remember how hot and heavy I told you we'd been before the big reveal? Well, turns out that every now and then a big emotional release really puts a guy in the mood, and surrounded by handsome men who I knew were receptive to my advances, my dick did the thing it's best at. It stood right up, nice and tall, and let everybody know how I felt about them.

I may have mentioned before that a threesome was on my bucket list. A certain monster boyfriend can do you one better. There wasn't even a chance for me to ask before I had each of them touching me, fondling and groping at my body in response to my obvious interest. Those growling purrs that put a shiver down my spine were going full speed, hitting my ears in stereo while the buff version of big purple and I shared the longest, most passionate kiss I've ever had. We're talking running out of oxygen and almost blacking out good, here, while the other two layered similarly sweet ones on my neck and shoulders.

Maybe somebody who's had some experience with group sex can verify, but I feel like it has to be a little awkward and out of sync most of the time. Like, the more people you involve, the less perfect the rhythm and flow of the whole thing is. Not so in my case. In my head, I knew all three of the beautiful bodies touching and pleasing me were all just extensions of the same person, even when they began simultaneously whispering sweet nothings and unbelievably lewd things in my ears. Completely different ideas, in each one, mind you. But that didn't change the way it felt to my body, which was that I'd somehow stumbled into erotic heaven with three men tantalizing me in unison.

Dogs are prone to beg. It's an unfortunate part of our makeup, and most of us feel pretty embarrassed about being put in a position where that instinct kicks in. If I'd had enough air and presence of mind to do so, I'm sure I would have been pleading for the tall purple drink to have his way with me, in the worst way. I'm fairly certain he can't actually read my mind. I've tried to test it out in every way I can think of. But I swear, that night, I didn't have to say or do anything to get him to give me what I wanted. Which, conveniently, was him. All of him.

We were already naked, and with each of us feeling particularly aroused, there was no shortage of boners drooling in anticipation. It was just a matter of logistics. The old game of "who puts what where." I personally do a little of everything, whatever hits the spot and suits the partner. Apparently, the same could be said of Xander. I found that out as he guided me to the ground, the three bodies working together so that I came to a rest with my back against the chest of the beefcake one, who reclined on his back with his legs spread for stability. Before I knew it, I was wrapped up in his arms, his muzzle tucked just under my jaw, attacking me with nuzzles, nibbles, and kisses while he held me, getting everything lined up to slip under my tail.

Even with me being used to big guys, and him squirting precum like it was going out of style, it took some effort to get in me. I was panting and arching my back as he slowly stretched my hole, taking time and showing concern for my comfort like no one else ever had before. When he finally was able to slide in with that thick, ebony member, it was such a relief and I actually gasped for air, already moaning just from having him in me. Length is good, but girth is great, even if it means I'm gonna walk funny thanks to it.

That's when I finally had the presence of mind to look up, and saw the thicker, burly, musclegut version of him looming above me with a crooked smile. He had his shaft pointed down, the tip aimed at my face, strands of precum dangling from it and nearly reaching my muzzle. Folks will agree, I'm a pretty good boy at heart, so I opened my maw wide. He was just as gentle giving me a taste of that big, black jawbreaker as he had been with opening up my rear, going so far as to hold my paws, so I could give them a squeeze if I was starting to gag or need air. Can't say that despite his nature, he had a special taste or anything. As far as flavor goes, in a lot of cases, dicks are dicks, and precum is pretty much a salty treat no matter who you get it from. Not criticizing here, in any respect. Given the size, the grape giant has a thick, juicy, nicely suckable cock. Full marks.

It's knowing how to use it where the real game is, and boy, did he. At the time I was down for whatever he had in store for me, but I didn't expect to have him make love to my ass and my face at the same time. Like, actual affection and concern, with him asking me how I was feeling now and then between growling purrs that I could feel humming through my back. No shame here, but I had to take breaks. He's one of the few guys I've been with who knew how to hit my spot, so I was feeling overwhelmed a lot of the time. Plus, when you've got that many inches sliding down your throat, keeping your jaws stretched that wide starts to hurt. Not to mention that he'd go all in, hefty nuts rolling right over my nose, so I was getting a good whiff of the big fella's musk the whole time. It pretty much took my breath away, in the good sense. Thankfully, since he was drooling so much pre in my mouth and throat that I had it running down my cheeks, so I was going to smell a lot like him for a while.

But that's not all. There's a third version in the situation, remember? I barely noticed the soft and hefty one kneeling between my legs, which were already spread pretty wide, until he had his head hovering between them, and I felt his heated breath washing over my rock-hard tip. I wasn't in a great position to look, but it doesn't take a genius to figure out what he was about to do. With his cheeks brushing my inner thighs, the first swipe of his tongue along my length had me squirming.

It's no small feat to blow someone while they're getting boned. He exceeded every expectation I could have had, somehow tantalizing me with his lips and tongue while also fondling my nuts and caressing my thighs without getting a faceful of pelvis ramming against his nose. It had to have been difficult, given the saberteeth. I mean, a guy could easily get perforated thanks to those, but I never felt even a graze from them. And the things he did to my tip? Hands down, most intense blowjob ever.

I didnt last very long. It was a struggle to handle all of that as it was. When I came, I came hard, and he only seemed to suck harder on me when I started to gush, like he wanted to drain me dry. If he had neighbors, I'm sure they heard me. Even with a huge dick in my mouth, it must have sounded like I was dying, drowning in pleasure. I'd thought he'd be disappointed, but rather that get bored, or try to speed things up, he just kept making love to me the same as he had been. Although, at this point, the doughy one shifted up and on top of me a bit, grinding his meaty shaft between my legs and against my flagging erection.

When he finished, it was almost unreal. I could feel the signs of him getting close for all three bodies simultaneously, although each one expressed it just a little differently. Their growls and moans of pleasure weren't in sync with each other, and near the very end, the rhythm of their hips rocking against me didn't entirely match up. Throaty gasps and huffs slipped out of him as he reached his peak, and then came the finisher.

I don't personally think cum tastes especially great. Pre has the better flavor, if you ask me. But, when he started shooting, at first down my throat, and then pulling back to send a few gushes over my tongue, I was gulping on it. Partly necessity, since he was filling my maw fast enough that I wasn't going to be able to breathe, but also because that was him flooding my mouth. I wasn't about to waste any of what he was giving me. My tender little rear gave its all to contain the generous shots going in me, but it just wasn't up to the task. Even stretched and slicked up with pre, I could tell he made an awful mess of my ass. As for the third, I got a solid painting across my chest and tummy, a dozen or so good streaks with the first couple splashing up my throat and under my chin, and a thick puddle against my stomach. It's hard for me to estimate amounts of fluid, but I'd describe it as excessively generous and roughly equal from all three of them.

Xander took his time dislodging from me. In fact, the buff one lodged in my butt just remained where he was, letting the natural deflation of his erection slip him free, which I greatly appreciated. Almost nobody takes the time for that, and I couldn't help but give him extra points for it. The other two, once they'd tapered off, flopped on either side of me and cuddled in at my sides, thick tails swishing while they nuzzled in at my neck, growling, panting purrs of satisfaction going strong.

You don't realize quite how hard you've been straining yourself until afterwards, and I'll be honest, my whole body was aching after the roll in the hay with three times the big purple. I must have been squirming and writhing in the throes of pleasure a lot more than I'd originally guessed. And, to my surprise, as I lay limp and floppy there, the lummox gently put me to rest on the mattress before giving me a full-body massage, each version of him tending to different parts of my body at the same time. It wasn't an especially long one, but it was enough to soothe my sore jaws and relax my tensed back. I was practically melting by the time the buff one climbed on top of me, gently settling his weight on my frame, seemingly not minding at all that I was covered in his cooling spunk. He thanked me, with the smallest, softest voice I could still actually manage to hear, before giving me tender smooch on the lips.

Now, I'm never gonna suggest that one fuck is gonna miraculously wash away anybody's relationship hurdles. It certainly didn't for us. But I could see the amount of effort to make me happy this guy was putting in. Otherworldly creature or no, he'd treated me like a king. Me, Calvin Tibbs. Some boring doggo who's really not that special, all in all. The only thing I had to do was love him and be kind to him.

So, yeah, that's the story of how I became a monster fucker. I've been head over heels for a weirdo magic creature practically since I met him, and I couldn't be happier. If you've got a man in your life, or woman, or whatever they might be, and you're sitting there thinking that they're a little odd, maybe a little quirkier than you're sure you can handle, just take a moment to consider. Maybe they're really weird.

But if you treat them right and keep an open mind, they might also be your orgy monster in disguise.

Weekends 3 - Barkley and James

Barkley Shepard panted after slowing his pace on the treadmill to a stop. The diminutive G-shep had come to the gym for a quick run before he went back to his apartment for the evening to prepare for upcoming final exams. Already fretting about how...

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