Viewpoints - Zen

Story by KitFox on SoFurry

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#2 of Viewpoints

Double cheating? How naughty! ... Again... and more...

This is Zen's point of view of what he knows happened. If you want to focus on Cinra and her point of view instead, or as well, take a peek at Viewpoints - Cinra. Both of these stories contain things coming from For Magic!, More Magic!, and Faux Fakes, Real Feels.

Viewpoints Zen

The fennec put the last dish away and got down off the stepstool as his phone rang. Call from the wife when she was at work? That wasn't common. He poked the screen to answer.

"Hi hon, what's up?"

"Hi dear! I was talking to Eric here at work and he mentioned that his wife could use some quick help with a home project. Do you think you want to head over there and give her a hand?"

"Oh, sure, I can head over there," he said cheerily.

"Great! I'll let Eric know and he'll let Cinra know. Thanks fuzzlebutt," she said affectionately.

"Anytime. Love you, softstripes!"

"Love you too, Zen" she purred, then disconnected the call.

He dropped to his haunches briefly to relax his legs as he thought. Should he get dressed better? Well, Rhonda said it was a quick help, so he should be okay in sweatshorts and the oversized day shirt. He was rather short, but many of his phenotype were. He was just a bit smaller than even the average fennec height-wise, and fennecs were already one of the smallest people. He wasn't looking for love at the normal bar when he met Rhonda. If he'd been looking for a partner, he'd've headed to a bar that had a bigger selection of smaller people. But the massive tigress had found him nonetheless.

Tipsy enough to not take offense at the old fox ear trope, he figured he'd prove that even though the trope was a lie, small could still be just fine. The power of a little tongue that didn't have rough hooks on it like a cat, and a fox who knew how to use it got him in the door, so to speak. They dated more and got to know each other and it all led to a wedding and happy life for both of them.

Not perfect, mind you. His mate was massive and all muscle, but made for bigger stock, so to speak. Licking him was not an idea with her rough tongue, so he was left with a rather soft, squishy place to bury his bone. Not that the sex was bad, and they loved each other dearly, but he did sometimes have the wistful thoughts that maybe he should've sown some wild oats in tighter fields before settling down as a married fox.

He stood and headed out into the sunset and a door down the street to see how he could be helpful, smoothing his tail fluff a bit as he walked. The neighbor's house was nice too. Eric and Rhonda both worked at the same place and both had mates who kept the house. Zen had seen Cinra outside on frequent occasion, admiring the petite serval from a distance, but he'd lacked the courage to say hi to her. Even when Rhonda had the little cat over for a girl's night, he busied himself with chores or headed out with Eric. Part of it was because the small feline was, candidly, quite appealing, and the last thing he'd want was the wrath of his wife or her husband should he end up with too long a glance.

After waiting for a moment from ringing the doorbell, he knocked, just in case the doorbell wasn't working. Then the door swung open. He smiled, ready to greet the serval, then paused with his mouth partially open when he realized that she was standing in nothing but a towel that barely went below her crotch and her fur was pretty wet.

"Hi!" she exclaimed cheerily, standing only about four inches taller than him. A massive difference compared to his wife, who almost doubled him in height. Even her husband was substantially taller than she. "Sorry I'm all wet. My husband messaged me while I was in the shower. Everything's in the laundry, so this is what I've got if I want your help."

His ears twisted to the sides. "My wife called and said your husband asked her to send me over to help you with something. I can come back at a better time," he offered.

"Don't go away!" she exclaimed. "It's getting dark and there won't be enough light to put up the lights if I wait until the laundry's done." She stepped back and gestured him in.

He bit back his worry and walked in, looking around. Both their mates were involved in the request, so it should be fine. And both were at work and had never arrived home early before. As long as he didn't tent his shorts and offend the little cat, he could get some covert admiration in and finally say hi.

She giggled, probably at his expression as he took in the surroundings. Magitech everywhere. All the neatest and best stuff, just like his house had. "You have a bunch of cool stuff too," he commented. Smart houses made housework much easier. Better to focus on the surroundings rather than on her. Maybe he should've changed to different pants after all.

"Both our mates work at the same place," she told him as she closed the door. That was true. They were both VPs and well-paid in fact.

The living room had a pair of desks, one tucked away in the corner with art stuff and creative devices like a tablet connected to the computer, the other on the other side. An open box on the art desk held parts of something that had yet to be installed. His ears flicked as he heard a ladder being set up near the art desk and he turned.

"It's nice to finally meet you," he said happily, working to keep his eyes on her face and not on her thighs and the question of what lay just beneath the edge of the towel. He changed his thoughts to their large mates. "Rhonda thinks you're the bees' knees and Eric can't stop gushing about you when we're out." He chuckled and grinned. "Who would've thought that two fun-sized folk like us would both end up with mates so much bigger, and then end up next door to each other."

"Big mates can be good and bad both," she said, making a sound that Rhonda made that sent shivers up his spine in a good way. In the smaller cat, it was a much cuter thing though. "I know we both love ours dearly, but you have to admit it can get challenging sometimes."

Zen wiggled his ears. That was the truth. Abodes tended to be built for the larger occupants to avoid space issues.

She waggled a screwdriver at him. "I'm glad you're here to help. You go up the ladder and I'll hold it and hand this up to you. You'll need to slide the fixture over the connector on the ceiling. Then it can be screwed in and the lights attached."

"Sounds like a plan," he said, climbing the ladder carefully and noting the usual warning to not stand on or above this step near the top. He turned and made a grab for the fixture as she held it up to him, but missed. Good reason for missing too. Her stretch to lift it to him made the towel that was tucked under her arm come loose and drop to the ground.

Zen managed to snag the light before she dropped it in surprise and swung it out of the way as she squeaked cutely. Then his eyes widened as she spun and bent over completely double to grab the towel, her tail raised for balance and giving him a flash of pink flesh beneath the cream fur down there. He could not unsee what he saw, but maybe he didn't want to.

"Sorry!" she exclaimed as she turned back to him from re-wrapping the towel around herself. This time it was a bit higher on her hips, making him thankful and curse the ether at the same time for his elevated viewpoint. Most females in the world had rather small breasts, but hers were extra-petite, so holding the towel up was a challenge for them.

Her nervous giggle caught him out of his stunned introspection and he was at least glad that her ears were only embarrassed like his and she wasn't panicking or throwing anything at him. "It's okay, I didn't let it fall on you," he assured her.

His attention turned to the ceiling and he focused on putting the fixture up to take his mind off the sight. Hopefully she wouldn't notice the fullness of his sheath before he could relax again. Get the thing put up, get home, and then maybe he could take a bit of a breather to reminisce about the view. Just one problem.

"I can't reach," he said dejectedly after using every trick in his life-long arsenal to try to make himself longer. He was just an inch or two shy. "I'll get it," he said, stepping onto the danger step.

It was a blur for a while as the ladder wobbled and he barely kept his balance. Somehow through her panicked words and his quick thinking, he got back to the floor safely, but his ears wilted. "I don't think I'm tall enough to help," he said dejectedly.

"Silly fox, you can still help," she said, ruffling his head fur in a way that urged his ears back forward, then moved his still-frazzled self to the side before climbing the ladder. "Hand up the part then hold the ladder," she told him from above.

He grabbed the fixture and was about to say something as he looked up to hand it to her, but his mouth closed with his tongue in a silly blep when he immediately discovered that his prior naughty sads about looking down from the ladder while the towel was higher on her hips were completely wiped out by her superior elevation. Shadows there, but just a hint of a view that made some parts of his brain short circuit.

The fixture left his hands and his ears stayed perked. She had to know what he could see! Didn't she? Then she stretched, her tail lifting for balance again and pulling the towel further up her pert, spotty rump. Maybe she didn't know.

When Cinra lifted a foot and put it on the fall-step of the ladder, turning her stifle to the side to balance better, he realized that probably she didn't know. Still in shadow there, but such a lovely view as she stretched to hook the fixture onto the latch. Only when he realized that his bare flesh was out of his sheath and pushing at his shorts did he tear his eyes away from her rump to avoid being caught. The ladder. Yes, that was a very unsexy view. That utterly adorable feline happy sound that she made again didn't help though.

"Straight?" she asked suddenly.

His ears swished to the sides with a good bit of embarrassed heat in them. That was more like the questions Eric asked. Zen was bi-curious, and started to stammer out such since Eric knew already. Then he realized she was probably asking about the fixture. He focused on the ladder more intently.

"Eyes up here, Zen!" she called. "Is it straight along the wall? And hold the ladder better please so it doesn't get wobbly.

"Sorry, sorry!" he exclaimed, his ears twisting all over the place with his nerves, and his habit of licking his nose starting to attack. Listen for things in all the directions. He forced his gaze up past her rump to look at the fixture. "Move it closer to the wall on the right. A little more... There!" With her attention on the fixture and it positioned properly now, his eyes couldn't help but wander a little on occasion.

"Okay, screw me now," she exclaimed, making both his ears shoot up in surprise as he tried to get words out. "The packet of screws there and the screwdriver," she said cheerily.

"Oh," he said, kicking himself mentally for thinking that she'd meant something else. Why did he perk at the prospect that she did though? He had to get his thoughts under control or this could turn dangerous quickly. The swish of her tail past his nose and lifting the towel even further as it swung to the side didn't help. He imagined he heard her giggle when he paused in surprise at the brief, enhanced view before pressing the first of the four light pieces up to her blindly-reaching hand.

Deep breath, Zen. She's going to get the pieces connected, come down the ladder, thank you, maybe give you a beer or a soda, and then you can head home and think about what you saw in private. With a tissue perhaps. For now, hold the ladder steady, since she's moving more.

"Next piece please," she said, and he grabbed the second one. But while his hand was accurate in giving her the part, his eyes were locked onto the new view. She'd turned around on the ladder, standing with one foot up on the top rung and her stifle out wide. The bottom of the towel was pulled fully up by the thigh, so even if she were at ground level he'd have a full view. With her up on the ladder, it was just even that much more of an angle of showing off.

His eyes darted occasionally to her head, but she was intent on the light fixture, not even looking down to get the parts he handed up to her. That lovely, lovely view. So very naughty, but as long as she didn't catch him looking and didn't know, it'd be fine. If she figured it out, he could always say he didn't look. Well, except the tentpole in his shorts. A quick adjustment to tuck his tip under the waistband made his ears turn pink inside, but wow. Talk about the forbidden fruit. Look without being caught. Don't touch. Save the thought for home, and maybe a mental aid while hopping on Rhonda.

"Now we test it," she said, climbing down the ladder. Was she damp there?! When her descent nearly put her crotch onto his nose, it certainly smelled delightfully like she was. Then suddenly she was hugging him and thanking him and he kicked himself for not having the self-control to tear his gaze away as she climbed down. Hugging was better than being slapped though, so maybe she hadn't noticed.

It would be done soon. As long as it worked, he could take his dwindling self-control home and be okay.

Her sudden exclamation of joy when the lights turned on brightly was punctuated by her towel falling again when she tossed her arms in the air. "Yay!" he agreed, his embarrassment high as he reached for her towel for her. "Sorry, your towel." He wanted to not look at her creamy, soft belly fur or the space it traveled down to, but it was difficult to ignore with its proximity.

"Don't worry about the towel," she purred, catching his hand before he could snag it. He gulped nervously as he straightened, his eyes roaming up her body. "You've been a great help. Now I think we both need a little more help and a nice reward for this." Her other hand was warm on his arm as she stepped closer, forcing him to meet her gaze. Her pupils were huge and intense and he could hear her rapid heartbeat in the otherwise silent room.

His ears twisted rapidly as he tried to make sense of this. His groin was screaming that he should, and her scent drove that idea further, but oh, how much trouble they could get into with their mates. Maybe she was talking about something else? Like cake? Cake was good. "What are you saying?" he asked, his whiskers trembling with his excitement.

Any doubt about her intent was shattered as her hand ran down his arm and cupped his stiffness through his shorts. She giggled cutely and rubbed at his tip through the wet spot his pre was making in his sweats.

"We have really big mates," she said. "My wolf can't even fit in me. I love him so very much and he licks super-well, but filling me is up to toys." She glanced to the side and grinned mischievously. "You should also know that your tigress and I totally have girl talk. She praises your prowess with tongue and muzzle, but she knows she's not very satisfying for you to hump."

A tug on his hand caught his attention as she rubbed it up and down with a very loose grip. "Think of how much you'd enjoy a tighter space," she purred, tightening her hold.

The twitch beneath her other hand and the tremble of his fingers no doubt gave away the fact that he was extremely curious to try such a thing, but he still fretted about their mates. "You're not trying to elope with me, are you?" he asked timidly.

"I know you love her, and I love my wolf," she assured him. "This is a fling. Something fun and new and exciting for us that we keep our little secret. If we decide not to, no worry. If we only do it once, that's fine too. We're friends, and we'll have benefits, as long as we don't let it hurt our marriages."

"They definitely won't ever know?" he asked, breathing in her close, intoxicating scent as he stared intently into her wide eyes.

The adorable look she gave as she dramatically pretended to be super-spy style broke much of his worry. "We get snuggles and love from our mates. For us, just feels. Quickie in the closet or back alley style when we can squeeze it into our schedule to squeeze you into me." Her grin was particularly predatory. "Even better, we're a good size, so we CAN squeeze you into me, unlike Eric, and you'll get squeezes from me that you'd never get from Rhonda."

Her eyes widened even further, if that was possible and she suddenly looked sad, nearly breaking his heart. "Unless you already have a mistress to squeeze you. Then it's not as much a temptation for you as for me, but I'd still like it if you could do it so I can have fun and help you get over my teasing."

"Oh spirits," the fox said with a yipping laugh. "I kinda thought the view was too obvious to be an accident." He took a deep breath, then admitted, "I don't have anybody else but Rhonda. Never had anybody before her either," he said with a bit of embarrassment. "I definitely leaped into the big leagues there, but the love outweighs the regrets."

The wiggle the kitty gave was delightful to watch. "No strings attached, no getting in the way of our mates. Just quick fun, okee?" She looked thoughtful. "Maybe if we like it enough to do more later we can try more things, but right now we will be quick as a squeezed fox should be."

A caress on his balls through the shorts made him wobble as she stepped back and turned around. Her body fur was dry from the shower, but her sweet scent told him some of the fur was quite wet. She didn't leave the where to his imagination, lowering herself on her legs the few inches needed to match his height and grabbing onto the big desk nearby as she bent over. What was teasing and seemingly unintentional before was a purely-hot, tail-to-the-side invitation now.

"Last time it was a tease, but this time I mean it. Screw me now! Hump me hard and fast and cum as quick as you can," she purred deeply. Then her tail fluffed up. "I don't want to have second thoughts."

In his neighbor's house, with the neighbor's wife, both her husband and his wife at work and none the wiser. This was so very, very wrong, yet it was likely the only chance he'd ever have in his life for something like this. His thumbs hooked under the waistband of his shorts and he shucked them swiftly, the cloth hitting the ground before he stepped out of them toward the promised fun that wiggled there.

Zen had a moment of fretting. Eric was a wolf, so his cock must be so much bigger than the little fox's. But then he remembered: Cinra said it didn't fit in her. No more than his fit enough in Rhonda to have him feel much more than soft squishiness. This little kitty pussy though... this might be something he'd not known he'd been missing his whole marriage.

His tail couldn't hold still and he whined in anticipation as he stepped closer. With her legs spread, her rump was at the perfect height for him. He snagged her hips, keeping eyes on the wet prize and holding her from wagging her rear too much, the pre dripping down his shaft and only-barely-soft knot from his excitement.

Cinra's reaction when his tip slipped between her wet lips there was so encouraging. A moan that ended in that wonderful, sexy trill noise that cats made. His wife's was a deep one though, while this petite serval had a high, happy one.

While the anatomy he'd explored so far was not much different than the tigress, the hips he held, the little body that was just his size, was such a huge change. Her spots were like broken stripes along her coat and her thin form was such a delight to wrap his fingers around. Moreso, Rhonda liked to tease him with touches to keep him happy while he treated her with his tongue. But her big fingers lacked the precision and care to keep him from being a little numb when he finally got to mount her.

"Put it in fast, foxy! This could be the first day ever that they come home early and you need to come before they do," she insisted.

That threat was all bark and no bite, but it was a tantalizing risk that added an adrenaline rush to his excitement. A better hold on her hips was almost more to balance himself against the feeling that threatened to weaken his legs and he pushed forward rapidly.

While his tigress mate had plenty of space to catch a quick thrust and guide it deeper, this kitty's much smaller anatomy called for greater precision that his motion lacked. He felt the initial give as his tip pressed, but then she clenched and his flesh was rejected, sliding forward between her lips instead. The reaction he got was a delighted yowl nonetheless and she suddenly closed her thighs on him, holding his cock against herself lengthwise and gyrating her hips with little, happy mewls of delight.

Spirits, this was a feeling! He wasn't inside her yet, but both of them were loving this. Her lithe, muscular thighs were fluffy, the fur wet and clinging to his flesh. Maybe he'd mention such a thing and see if Rhonda was up for it. While the tigress's depths were quite accommodating to much more than his length and girth, making it less than satisfying for either of them, perhaps her powerful thighs could provide an extra squeeze for him while whatever this was doing to make the serval squirm treated the tigress.

This was great already, and with the lack of nerve-numbing handwork and the needy rocking of the feline's hips, he was worried that he'd not have a chance to test the final depths before he popped. The thrill of doing this with his neighbor's wife and knowing how taboo it was made it even harder to hold back. He wanted to feel more though, so he started to pull back away.

"Put it in!" she suddenly gasped, her legs flopping out wide and her hips tilting further to present herself better. He looked down at the most delicious view as he saw his length appear from below her and his tip pulled up until it caught in the right spot. Trusting the aim, he tensed his belly and his forward motion was welcomed by the tightest, softest, most exquisite place he'd ever been.

He couldn't help but hold her hips more firmly as he pressed into her, the tight resistance treating his bare flesh to the best rubs. She was so very wet that his own precum was just icing that let him slide into her hot depths. His brain couldn't quite rectify the view of his cock pressing into her tight body with the sensation that was enveloping his shaft, and soon it was quite much. Vulpine muscles came into quick play and a powerful thrust buried him all the way to his knot in an instant. Then he gave up on the view, which was not new to him, and leaned over her to push the rest in and enjoy the feels. It was so very tight that he almost worried it wouldn't fit, but her tail whipped against his side and her gasping mewls drove him on. Then the midpoint of his knot passed the tight entry and it was a sudden slip into the still-delightfully-tight depths that lay beyond.

Zen gasped as he realized just how tight his neighbor's wife was. It wouldn't truly tie outside a canid, but that knot wasn't coming out, that was certain. Rhythmic squeezes tugged and milked at his flesh as he pressed his belly against her back, humping frantically to go balls deep and get his hard knot as far in as possible. There was just enough wiggle room for his knot to slip inside her and combine with the tightness and the warmth against his nuts that he couldn't hold back.

His tail flagged nearly straight up as he came hard. Bucks of his cock from the waves of pleasure that rode over him, making him jerk and push tighter with each spurt of his hot cum deep inside her tight snatch. He could feel the thick cum pooling at his tip and squeezing back along his shaft from how tight she was. So different from the copious extra space to hold his juices that Rhonda had. And still those waves of squeezing from her body, massaging and coaxing his cock to give her more.

This was one of the best - possibly the absolute best - thing he'd ever felt in his life. But it didn't make him love his stripey kitty less. He'd never been brave enough to look for anybody before she found him at the bar. He might've been still single. He'd definitely never meet Cinra. And only the call today gave him enough courage to say hi to this wildcat.

"Mmmm, Rhonda," he murmured, so thankful for the life he had with her. Then his ears went back in dismay and he realized he'd just made the WORST mistake ever... calling out somebody else's name. "Cinra. I mean Cinra."

"No, should be Rhonda," she said with a deeply satisfied purr. "Think of her when you do this, like I think of Eric. We wouldn't be enjoying this without having them. Just quick fun and benefits for friends. You're thinking of her, right?"

"You're right. I doubt I'd ever be brave enough to catch your attention if she hadn't called." He hugged her hips, getting his balance back. "These are such great benefits though. I'm afraid to want more of this," he admitted with a chuckle.

"Your balls look absolutely perfect pressed against me," she said. "I've never had anybody this deep inside me. Eric's tip is all that'll fit without me feeling like I'm gonna explode. No telling. Our secret, kee?"

"Yeah, our secret. This wouldn't be possible without our mates. I don't think I'd ever manage to hold a job," he admitted. Then he became aware of a creeping, hot sensation on his fuzzy sack. "I think we're leaking," he said with a little whine.

There was a wet splat on the hardwood floor and he straightened up to pull out. Her laughter didn't help, each one making her body squeeze around him. It took three tries to extract his knot without her happy laughs tightening her up and tugging it back in. Then his ears went back in dismay as a creamy glob of cum dripped down from her and splattered on the floor.

"I can handle leaking," she said warmly. "I think we can both handle leaking, don't you?" She grabbed a roll of paper towels from beside the desk and offered him a sheet, which he used gratefully to clean himself up.

"Yeah," he said, still lost in thought. "You enjoyed this then?" he asked when his flesh was cleaned and back to proper hiding in his sheath. He was taken aback as she suddenly laughed. Had he done something wrong?

"I loved it so much!" she exclaimed, easing his concern. "I came three times, didn't you feel it?"

His eyes widened in surprise as he thought about this new information. "You came? It was so tight at first, and then all the squeezing and everything."

"Yeah, that squeezing was because I was cumming," she said with a shy glance at him.

"Wow. With Rhonda, humping her is the best way to pop me after she's satisfied from my tongue and everything. But she usually rubs me with her hand while I'm treating her, so I'm a little numb going in. And she's just sooo... huge compared to me!" He glanced to the side. "So it's tough for me to cum with how squishy it is. Don't tell her I said that though. I'm sure she's tight for somebody with the proper size for her body."

"I promise not to tell," the kitty said, throwing away the paper towels once she'd cleaned up both herself and the floor. "Really, no telling about any of this. If either of us slips, we both get in trouble. Let's take some time to figure out if we want to try to do this again too. If you asked me right now, I'd leap on the chance, but that might just be the afterglow talking."

"Yeah," he agreed. "Who knows, we might get bogged down in depressed regret."

"No promises, no pressure. If we both decide to try again, then cool. If not, then not, but maybe in the future if we get an itch. Either way, this was awesome. You're such a great fox and friend."

"Okay, no pressure," he said, his mind already racing. It made sense to wait to decide, but he kinda wanted to do it again right now even, and that made him fidget as he gazed at her fluffy spots.

"We'll think about it for, say..." she started.

"A day?" he offered hopefully.

He kicked himself and laughed nervously as she said "a week?" at the same time. That probably sounded too desperate.

But she laughed merrily and he felt better. "I was worried that a week wouldn't be long enough for you. Today's Friday and the mates will be home for the weekend. How about we talk about it on Monday?" she offered, giving him a teasing, tail-up view as she snagged his shorts before handing them over.

"Monday's good," he agreed, slipping back into the shorts and bouncing happily.

"No pressure," she reminded him as she showed him to the door.

"None," he agreed. "No matter what we decide, we still have this moment to remember. Thanks Cinra. You're the best." He hugged her warmly, rubbing her bare back, and then headed out.

The sun was nearly down as he reached his own home and flopped on the couch. Wow, what a day. That was absolutely amazing. He felt like he couldn't be patient to try the new thing with his tigress, but she still had several hours of work.

His phone chirped a followup. He'd missed something while he was out. Grabbing it he peeked and his heart skipped a beat when he saw it was a message from Eric, his neighbor. Did he know? A tentative stab at the screen didn't help ease the worries either. Just "Call me."

"Hi Eric, it's Zen."

"Oh, hi! Hey, I heard about something and it made me think of you. Your wife'll kill me if she hears this, so I'm trusting you to keep it on the low down, buddy."

"Okaaaay?" the fox said, his curiosity piqued as it sounded less like he was going to get in trouble for plumbing this wolf's wife.

"The wolf twins that live next door to you have a very interesting magic prototype. It's pretty lewd, but sounds really interesting. You're the second person I thought of who could maybe use it."

"Lewd? Just what is this exactly?"

"Magic underwear that have a magic, fake male inside to do the wearer."

"Oh, um. Sounds interesting but I don't know if I'd be able to convince Rhonda to try them on." That and she might not need him for more than snuggles if she liked it enough.

"Not Rhonda, you, silly. I remember that time you mentioned you were curious about it when you were drunk."

Zen was really glad this was a phone call so nobody could see how red his ears got. But the idea excited him so much that he imagined an encouraging giggle from his wife. Not that he could admit that though.

"Listen," the wolf said, "I know it's not a spur of the moment decision to make, and I know you might not be comfortable telling me. If you think you want to try, just go see Sam next door and see if you can borrow the prototype underwear. Anyway, I've gotta run. Lots to do here. Take care!"

The call disconnected before the fox could respond. But now he had something interesting to think about.

What's next?

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"The threads here feel different from the ones back home. It's strange," Inari said as her eyes lost their glow.

"This is completely new to me too," I admitted. "But it seems to be our best chance. I'm all tingly because of the way magic works here."

"I dunno. Maybe we could just move here?" Shad offered. "Lots of fuzzy people and a much nicer attitude than back home."

"You're just saying that because those two had sex," I pointed out. "They still have jails and murder and crime and wars here too."

"Kee, sex aside, do you want the deets or not?" Inari asked.

I stretched. So much to keep track of, what was a little more?