Star Fox: ELPH - Chapter 6

Story by Shin Kerron on SoFurry

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#6 of Star Fox: ELPH

Shades of Metal Gear

Fox's eyes scanned the area below the cliff side he was laying flat against. There were some sort of dinosaur-like creatures near what he theorized was the research station entrance based on the map. Herbivores from the looks of things as they were currently using their elongated necks to try and grab mouthfuls of some sort of fruit from the bushes near their bipedal legs. Rather silly looking honestly as their arms were too short to really help with balance or do much of anything. Still they were large enough to potentially trample him if startled. There were likely to be cameras around, so strolling in would be a bad idea.

"Ideally we should wait until they move on," Krystal whispered to him. "But we likely do not have the time to spare." He nodded at that. "Don't know when that AI will realize we're not there anymore and come looking for us. Not like we can just calmly stroll up to the place." He rubbed his brow and tugged at his bandana a few times to try and cool off. It'd been a long hike to get this far, and they had to re-route their path more than a few times as the terrain had changed from the map. Krystal was sitting back away from the edge of the cliff, explaining that one, her blue coloring would make her stand out like a sore thumb, and two, her chest had apparently swollen during her time here, (he was ashamed that she had caught him looking upon her words). So laying flat against stone was less than ideal, particularly when her top was already not fitting as well as it had been. While the Cerinian was more than happy to go about the mission fully nude if need be, Fox's concentration would suffer if she had.

Fox silently cursed whatever aphrodisiacs he'd been pumped with, though honestly his own libido probably was more at fault at this point after how many times they had coupled so far. He shook his head to regain concentration. There was a small 'wedge' in the cliff side that if they used to climb down they should theoretically be covered from sight. They would have to be quick AND remain out of sight of both cameras and these animals if they wanted to get in without being noticed. Stealth mission, his 'favorite'.

"I'll head down first," Krystal spoke up, having picked up on his thoughts. "You be my lookout, your awareness means you're better keeping vantage first." Fox bit back the urge to argue he should go first for her safety. "I appreciate the hero-works Foxy, but you know I'm right." "Wasn't gonna say it." "Don't have to luv." Fox felt his cheeks flush as she shot him a flirty wink before heading down the path he'd picked out earlier.

He'd have to get used to that. Still she was right. She could pick up what he was thinking at any given moment, so he could focus on picking out a route for her and she'd know what he did without a single word needing to pass.

Rather than make a slow climb, she had instead simply took a dive over the edge. Fox nearly yelped in shock before her staff let out a stream of energy out of its end, slowing her decent to a soft and gentle landing on her feet. She glanced upwards at him, even at this distance he could tell she was smirking. She collapsed her staff and crouched into the bushes as one of the creatures tilted it's head her way. Probably heard the sound of her staff's activation. Fox kept a steady eye on her location as she crawled through the vegetation.

He tried to steady his nerves as she made her way forward. ("Stop. Possible camera ahead.") He thought to her. True to his instincts, when she shifted her staff forwards to part a few branches out of her way, there was a lens pointing out towards the creatures. Spot on, her voice echoed in his thoughts. ("It'd be better if we could take it offline. But that would probably give us away-") Krystal gave a sharp tap to the back of the camera with her staff, knocking it off balance and leaving the lens pointed directly towards the ground. Whoops, one of the animals knocked it aside while trying to eat something. ("Well, that works,") he thought with a grin. It'd still attract attention, but it wouldn't be marked a priority like one going offline. ("Stay put, I'm gonna try to catch up.") He glanced back to the path and moved to find a handhold. ("Just don't expect me to be able to just float to a landing.")

It took the ace pilot a while to make his way down. Much as he wanted to just drop the last few feet, he couldn't risk the sound of his landing drawing attention. At the very least the rock-climb down was proving to be easy, his body felt light, and working with gravity was far easier than against. Still what he wouldn't give to have some proper equipment as he felt his fingertips strain under the effort whenever he had to stretch to reach another handhold.

_Fox watch out, one of these creatures is headed your way!_Krystal's voice warned him. Soon enough Fox sensed something behind him, and turned his head to see one of the creatures staring at him, blinking slowly as it tilted it's head back and forth as if trying to decide if he was food or not. "...Hi there... big guy," Fox said quietly as he froze still. The creature's breath ruffled his fur as it leaned in to sniff at him. "E-easy... Not here to hurt you or- GAH!" Fox sputtered as he was suddenly licked across the face by the reptile's oversized tongue. It nipped at his vest, yanking him out of his handhold and leaving him dangling several feet from the ground only by his clothing. "W-whao! Hey! No put me back!" He flailed his arms, scraping against the rocks to try and grab hold again.

Apparently deciding that Fox and his clothing was in fact, not food, the creature let go of him, letting him drop roughly onto the bushes below before turning to pad over in search of more fruit. "...that hurt." Fox groaned as he slowly rose out of the broken mess of sticks and leaves his impact had made. _So much for being quiet. Anything broken?_Krystal asked him. ("Don't think so.") Fox flexed his hands and wiggled his toes as much as they could in his boots. His back and rear end felt sore, and he was fairly certain his tail had kinked, but nothing seemed shattered. ("I guess I'm more durable than I thought.")

Poor baby, does nurse Krystal have to give you some TLC? ("Th-that's not necessary.") You enjoyed the mental image of me in that medical attire though.~ ("You're flirting at me to distract me from the fact that I somehow survived a drop that shoulda killed me.") A bit yes. I'll admit you had me terrified when you hit the ground like that. ("I like to think I'm harder to kill than a curious herbivore can manage.")

Fox rolled over onto all fours, making his way towards Krystal's hiding spot. The other animals had been curious at the sounds, but seeing their fellow creature return to them entirely nonplussed kept them from investigating. The azure vixen quickly reached out to touch his arm as he drew close, the sudden contact followed by a wave of his fur standing on end for a moment across his form. ("What was-") _No powers this time Foxy. Someone was just happy to see me._Krystal flashed him a grin from her hiding spot, earning another flush through Fox's face. ("Between you and nearly falling to death being treated like a rotten apple? Yeah I'll take the gorgeous Vixen 9 times out of 10.")

It was Krystal's turn to flush. Though her smile didn't fade. Even embarrassed and bruised he was coming out of the shell he put up around himself for her. Good. She felt his mind shift back into 'mission' mode. "I don't see any hard light holograms showing up. We should be okay to talk out loud." He glanced forward, trying to spot something that stood out enough to be the entry panel to the 'employee only' zone. "Aww, and I was enjoying being inside your head. I'll have to settle for your sexy voice." She teased as she joined him in his search. His mind hadn't shifted out of it's goal, but she did detect a hint of pride at her comment flow through it.

"There." He pointed for her to a stump. Part of it had chipped away, revealing a very small metal hinge that was meant to be covered by bark. "That's probably the access panel. With a little work we can use that to get the front door open."

"Won't there be more cameras?" Krystal asked as she looked around, hoping to spot something. "Likely. Especially once we're inside... I hate to admit it, but there's every chance we'll be spotted." Fox glanced around, the dinosaur-like creatures seemed calm enough. They found one camera and had it pointed into the dirt right now... doing that to other cameras would draw more attention though. "Hate to say it, but it might be better to smash and grab."

Fox didn't like the idea. It would make life a hell of a lot more difficult in the long run, but who knew how much time they honestly had here? They had to make some sort of forward progress or they'd just get used up by the damn automated systems and... then what? Best case scenario kept here forever as some sort of science project. Fox felt Krystal put her hand on his shoulder again. "I'm with you." She assured him. He nodded, smiling to her in gratitude for the reassurance. "Right... I'll get the panel open and try to open our way in. You watch my back and be ready. There could be any kind of defense systems waiting for us inside." Krystal nodded back and lifted her staff in indication.

"Alright then. Let's rock and roll." He grinned as he pushed up to his feet and made a quick rush for the stump. He sensed Krystal following him, close on his heels. He slid to a stop and grabbed at the wood near the hinges. It took a moment but soon enough the flap lifted away with a rusty whine. Standard access panel for a venomian installment, save for the grime that had collected. His finger hesitated over the numberpad as Krystal took up a defensive stance at his back. What were the odds that the old passwords that Corneria had cracked years back were still in use here? One way to find out. He keyed in the first code to come to mind and was met with a buzz of rejection. Damn. Next one. Buzz. Shit. Likely had put some sort of flag of alert that someone was trying to guess the password now. He had to be quick. What other codes were there? He struggled to remember.

"Calm down and trust your instincts." Krystal whispered to him. Her words seemed to cut through the panic and things clicked in his mind. This was a research station, not a military one. He needed the codes that were meant for the scientists in Andross's employ. As soon as the final digit was punched in a chime of acceptance sounded, making him grin. The ground shuddered for a moment, making the creatures panic and quickly hustle away. The two foxes however stayed put as earth and grass shifted away to reveal a bunker doorway leading below.

"Go," he said as he ran for the still opening entrance. Krystal was already moving as he did. If he wasn't so focused on getting in and getting what they could, he'd be impressed at how in sync she was with him. The first bulkhead door had slid away and the pair were already inside and pushing it closed behind themselves.

Fox glanced up soon as it clicked shut, there was a camera on a rotation, just about to point their way! Krystal must have read his mind as she swiftly let the cold mist fly from her staff head to form chunks of ice over the mechanism, jamming it in place for a moment. He gave her a nod of thanks and rushed to the wall beneath it before it could break through. No alarms yet. Couldn't trust there wasn't a silent one running. The pair made their way down the short staircase leading to the first door. Trying the handle proved the lock here had been left undone. Lucky.

Next came what Fox had to assume was a decontamination station. Lockers lined the walls on one side, and there was a large alcove lined with nozzles, several of which had the stains of fluid long since cut off trailing down from them. Another camera, Krystal lifted her staff but he held his hand up. This one wasn't moving... in fact it didn't have any power running through it. Exposed wires showed, frayed and broken. Not a clean cut, this suggested wear and tear, maybe some sort of pest had chewed through them even. His stance relaxed and he looked to her. "It's offline... Even if there was a crew here, they couldn't see us with that thing."

She let out a breath she hadn't realized she had been holding as Fox made his way to the supply lockers. Trying one proved it shut tight. Some sort of automated lock. Couldn't pick that or force it open. They'd need computer access if they wanted in them. Looking across the room showed a double sliding door, reinforced and made of the same sterile material that was in the room that her first 'examination' had taken place in. She shuddered at the memory, and frowned. So a computer would be needed to open those up too. And computer access meant more chances of the AIs in the ELPH catching onto them. "What now?" She asked looking to her companion. Fox put a hand to his chin in thought, looking around to try and figure out if there was some other way forward.

A humming sound made them both jump to battle stance, Krystal's staff at the ready and Fox's hand instinctively going for the blaster that wasn't there. Something was powering up! The overhead lights that had been shut off before flickered to life, and there was a grinding sound for a moment. ("Shit! Another lens in the wall?! Wait not a camera that's a projector!")

"Here you are." A familiar voice sounded as the same ball of hard-light formed before them. "Seems that the last report of the equipment in this place is inaccurate. Are you both well? I cannot actively see you without a functioning camera... Why are you two here? You aren't supposed to be able to get into a secure area like this." The hologram dimmed, it was checking something. "You had the passcode? How though?"

Fox and Krystal exchanged glances, both of them ready to bolt at any given moment. Maybe if they moved quietly they could exit without it realizing they were there if it couldn't see them? "Please respond. I can detect your vitals, but I cannot visually confirm if you are alright. Do you require medical assistance?" Damn, there went that idea. "No." Fox broke the silence. "Ah, Mr. McCloud. This is good. Please respond to my inquiry, how and why have you accessed this secured area? This area is off limits for your own safety."

"I..." Fox wasn't sure how to answer. "I thought maybe there would be food here?" He kicked himself mentally. That was a stupid answer. "There are several fruiting plants in the environment, and I am able to provide some artificially produced protein foodstuffs if you desire something more akin to meat. I must ask that you leave the premises before-"

"We're not going to be your prisoners." Krystal said defiantly. She knew it was a bad idea, but she wasn't giving up on what little forward progress they had made so easily. If the AI had found them already, it would be keeping an even closer eye on them now, and like hell was she going to give in without fighting tooth and nail. "...You are not meant to be prisoners." The hologram spoke. "I am parsing the situation. I believe I have come to an understanding. You intend to use this research station to aid in your attempts at leaving the ELPH and recovering your belongings, yes?"

Fox grit his teeth. Damn perceptive machine. He waited for the inevitable capture, maybe a tranquilizer, maybe the robotic arms again. He'd stall them, make it so Krystal could get out at the very least. He wasn't going to let her be subjected to the horrors of the core AI again. He'd lay down his own life before that.

"I shall take your silence as confirmation. One moment please." The hologram winked out for a moment and the two looked to each other. "I'm not running without you." Krystal said firmly. Damn telepathy, she wasn't going to let him be the big damn hero if it meant one of them got left behind. "It's both of us or nothing."

There was a loud click, followed by several others. The orb of hard-light came back. "I've unlocked the former crew's supply lockers against the door, and I am currently working on allowing you access further into this research hub. The two vulpine blinked in shock. "I advise you proceed with caution. This is my current limit of authorizations for this building without you manually granting me them. If you would like me to be of further assistance you will need to reroute the AI commands to me using a terminal further in.

"...You just figured out we are trying to rebel against this place and escape." Fox spoke up, still tense and ready to run for the door. "Why are you helping us?"

"Simple. My primary purpose is to ensure the well-being of both you, and your future offspring." The AI repeated. "It did not take many cycles to conclude that if you have gone this far, you shall continue to do so. Attempting to prevent that, and contain you here, would only lead to greater levels of endangerment for both of you. I am after all made up using data made from both of you, so I am well aware of what lengths you may go to in order to defy the core AI. Particularly after how you two came to be 'subjects' aboard the ELPH. Realizing this, I came to the conclusion that providing aid in your efforts will lead to less chance of injury, physical or mental, to you both, than if I were to report you and attempt to keep you confined."

"...That's... that's some logic there." Fox muttered. "I am aware that this is only possible due to flaws in the structure of boundaries set for we AI aboard the ELPH." The AI replied. "Placing the care of you and your species' continuation above loyalty to the core caretaker AI means I am able to supersede the requirements that I report you both. Aiding your infiltration not only means I can better tend to your mental well-being, but also I hope, establishes a measure of trust with you both."

"...It's a step in the right direction." Krystal finally admitted, finally folding her staff into its smaller form. "I thank you for that Miss Krystal. I hope that you and Mr. McCloud will come to rely on me during your time here aboard the ELPH. If you have any questions while I work on gaining approval to open the door, feel free to ask them."

Fox folded his arms in thought as he glanced at the now open locker doors. He wanted to sort through them for supplies and equipment, but first there was something that was pressing in mind. "I do have a question actually."

"What is it Mr. McCloud?" "That, right there. How do you know my name?" "Your data was used to create me, as such I have known your name since before I even knew there was a 'me' so to speak." "That's just it, I made a point of never giving my last name to the core AI. How do you know my name is 'Fox McCloud' without me telling you?" "I'm afraid I do not yet have that information. Your name was already attached to your data before I was formed. Perhaps I will be able to learn with more authorizations granted to me."

Fox sighed. "Let me know soon as you find out."

"I shall. Anything further you would like to ask at the moment?" "No."

"Actually," Krystal spoke up. "What do we call you if we need to ask you something?"

"I am currently simply known as Cerinian Repopulation Caretaker Sub-AI. Or the Cerinian AI for short. Any further designation than that has not been assigned to me." "Cerinian AI doesn't exactly sound like a name." "Would you like to assign me a name Miss Krystal?" "...Cerinian AI. C-A-I... Cai." "Acknowledged. I will now respond to Cai."

The hologram winked out, and Krystal looked to Fox rummaging through the lockers. "That went... different than I thought it would." He admitted aloud, feeling her eyes on him. "You're bothered." It wasn't a question. He sighed and turned to face her, tossing the labcoat that was wadded up at the bottom of the first locker aside. "I'm the one who shot down Andross. My name could get me killed in here."

"But if this place was abandoned before then?" Krystal asked, moving to his side. "...My father also fought against Andross, before... before me." Fox looked back to the lockers, not wanting to bring up the memories. "I'm no stranger to loss." She pulled on his arm until she could wrap her arms around his torso. He relaxed into her embrace. He understood. What he'd lost must seem like peanuts compared to what she had. "Stop that." She hugged him tighter. "Stop punishing yourself for mourning." She put her hands to his muzzle and forced him to look her in the eye. "My loss is great, but that does not make your loss any less painful. So stop punishing yourself for mourning him."

Fox sighed and returned the hug, looking into her eyes. "...I've only known you a few days, and yet you somehow know me better than I know myself." She smiled and decided to kiss his nose. "You're worth knowing about. And I want to know everything."

"...Alright." Fox let go of her and sat down on the floor. "Long as we're waiting... so my father's name was James."

The pair made there way through the facility, slow and cautious. This proved to be the prudent action, as while some cameras had been worn away and were effectively useless, others were still running, and had even had weapons added beneath them. Fox suspected they were non-lethal, but he'd honestly rather not test that fact.

"We'll want to disable security first." Fox told her, "once that's done we can freely explore and gather anything we need from here."

Fox had put on a few pieces of security armor from the lockers, while Krystal elected to stay in her Cerinian attire, preferring the freedom of movement it granted (and the looks Fox gave her with it on). Initially they'd hoped there would be an ID card or access pass in the lockers, but no such luck.

"Security should be located near the entrance so they could respond to intruders quickly." Krystal remarked as she looked around. The facility was mostly underground and the overhead lights were in need of replacement, with only enough of them still coming on to make it difficult for them to see too far ahead as their nocturnal vision would be ruined every few feet.

"Camera," Fox commented, making Krystal nod and take point with her staff. He didn't have to point out where as she simply dove into his surface thoughts for him to point it out. Another puff of freezing cloud shot out, locking it up in it's tracks and she pushed Fox forward as soon as they were clear. They had already had to repeat this process a few times, it was a wonder they could keep getting away with it without one of them tripping an alarm.

"I think this is it," Fox finally said as they came to a door, heavier than the others, and had most a large lock set on it. Fox tried the handle, frowning when it proved locked up tight still. "Gonna have to break it down." He muttered, backing up a few steps. "One moment," Krystal let out another puff of the freezing mist, waiting for ice to form on the metal frame of the door and lock. Fox nodded in understanding as she stepped back and gestured for him to proceed. He reared his leg up and put all his weight into a kick. The metal brittle from the chill shattered under the force and the door banged against the wall inside. "That staff is so handy." "Isn't it though?" The pair exchanged a grin as they stepped in.

The security room was larger than he had expected, a series of monitors displaying the cameras, along with a number of alerts that had built up over years with nobody at the controls to acknowledge or dismiss them. Several of the monitors showed static or blackness from where the cameras had gone out or were malfunctioning. Fox however was quick to note the gear lined up against a wall. "Rubber bullets, stun rays... Oh," He paused as he stopped to pick something up. "...This is very old." It was a handgun, old style mass driver that shaved slugs out of a solid block clip for ammo. This was lethal for sure. He frowned as he rubbed near the muzzle. Cold to the touch, but shavings of metal powder were left. It had been fired at least a few times judging by the buildup.

"...Fox?" Krystal called him over, staring at a certain monitor. He looked up from the weapon and stepped to her side. The monitor displayed a live feed, and as the camera swept over one doorway, there was a collection of skeletons heaped in front of it.

"They were trying to get out." Fox let out a frustrated growl. The imagery hit home just what kind of danger they were in staying on this station. The AI here had deemed the living crew disposable. How long until any given life aboard this station was deemed the same?

"A-A-ALERT." A synthesized voice sounded. "U-U-UNAUTHORIZED ENTRY I-INTO SECURI-RI-RTY. PLEASE PRESENT IDENTIT-TY." Fox and Krystal both turned to see a panel of the wall opening up to reveal a security robot, covered in dust, but starting to come back online. It jammed a few times as it unfolded from it's compact containment to it's full height. That's not good, Krystal remarked in his mind. "Umm, I'm with security. The door was jammed so we had to-" Fox started, hoping the gear he had put on could bluff the simple program operating the machine.

"PLEASE PRESENT IDENTITY." It repeated as it's camera pointed at Fox. "FACIAL RECOGNITION INVALID. PRESENT IDENTITY OR BE REMOVED." Fox looked at the heavy laser barrels that hung from the robot's forearms. Those weren't non-lethal for certain. "FAILURE TO COMPLY. REMOVING INTRUDER." Those barrels were suddenly pointed right at them and were humming to life.

"Down!" Fox yelled. He and Krystal hit the floor as a large bolt obliterated the monitor behind them. Krystal quickly launched a bolt of searing heat at the robot, hoping to disable it. The shot left a red glowing dent on it's outer chassis but failed to slow it down as it's turned it's attention to her fully. "INTRUDER IS ARMED. COMMENSING SUPPRESSION." The barrels began to charge another blast as a secondary laser popped out from the robot's torso. Fox grabbed for her wrist and rolled, pulling her to him and out of the way, shielding her with his own form. The secondary laser managed to fire rapidly, pinging against the floor a few times before followed by another large blast.

"Fox Move!" Krystal Yelled, shoving him up and off of her just in time to avoid a metal backhand that had been aimed squarely at his head. Unfortunately this meant She was knocked sprawling across the floor. "Krystal!" Fox yelled out as he had been shoved against the equipment rack. Shit, None of these were going to stop that thing! Except maybe-

"SUPPRESSING INTRUDER." The robot was charging another fire from it's heavy lasers mounted to it's arms, aimed at the prone vixen who was trying to push herself up to avoid them. It wouldn't be in time. She was caught between it and the remains of the security monitors, with little room to manuver. Flight or fight kicked in and she began to ping multiple heat blasts from her staff against it, upping the intensity of each one in desperate effort to break through it's armored chassis. "Damnit what are you MADE of?!" She yelled out in frustration as she changed to the freezing mist, trying if nothing else to block off it's laser fire. It was no use, the barrels were too hot for the mist to freeze over them in time.

A loud bang rang through her ears and she flinched, clenching her eyes shut, expecting to have been blasted. No pain, no force, came to follow it however. She slowly opened her eyes to see a solid hole plunged through the shoulder joint of the Robot, making the limb fall as vital connections had been torn through. Another two loud reports rang out, holes being ripped through the other arm, and then the 'head' of the robot. "F-FATAL ERR-OR-OR-OR-OR H-H-H-AASSSSSSS OCURRIED," the robot managed to drone out before a fourth shot silenced it forever. Fox was standing, the mass driver gun shaking in his grip. The kickback had been more than he was expecting from a weapon that used similar principles as a G-Diffuser. Or maybe it was the nerves making him tremor like that. Either way he dropped the weapon and rushed to her side.

"You okay?" He quickly asked, hefting her to her feet. She gave a nod to the todd. "Out of energy... Used up what I had left for the day trying to punch a hole through that thing... and my side is a bit tenderized." She managed a smile at him as she leaned against him for support. "How did it shrug off all I was throwing at it?"

"The armor on it is meant for use against plasma or laser weapons." Fox noted, looking at the broken remains of the security robot. "It wasn't made for solid rounds. S'probably why they kept that gun here." Fox blinked in realization. "They wanted something to defend themselves with."

"...Let's get the security shut down and give Cai those permissions." Krystal said, eager to avoid another confrontation like that. "After that? Kiss me hero boy."

Fox sighed in relief as he guided Krystal into the med-room. It was fairly basic as for what they could use themselves. Cai however was quick to assure them that with his new permissions he had full access to the automated systems within. No wonder the crew stood no chance when the AI decided it didn't need them. Everything aboard this station seemed to have some level of access overlooked by a computer.

"You do not appear to have any serious wounds Miss Krystal," Cai spoke as the robo-doc arms gently poked and prodded at her. "Eye reaction good. Brainwave patterns good. Yes I think we can safely rule out a concussion as well. Here, drinks this, it should help you recover your strength." Krystal nodded and gave a small thanks as she took the presented paper cup from the machine. "I am sorry I could not be of greater assistance. I was attempting to suppress the robot's activation, but once it turn on... Forgive me. I have failed you in my duty to ensure your well-being."

"It's fine Cai." Fox sighed. He had neglected to tell the AI about the mass-driver gun they had found. "We knew we might face risk like that going in." Krystal added. "Still that is unacceptable failure in my primary duty. I will terminate my program upon your dismissal and issue a new AI to oversee your-"

"No." Fox spoke up. "You trusted us enough to help get us in here. You've got about a thousand and one ways you could try to take us down in this room alone now that you've been given access... You're trying to establish trust. If you're really made up of data from both of us... maybe we need to trust you like we trust ourselves."

"I was not expecting this." Cai spoke, it's hard-light sphere dimming to indicate it was 'thinking'. "Very well, if you approve of me as your caretaker AI, I shall strive to improve in my efforts at keeping you both physically and mentally sound... Thank you for trusting me, Miss Krystal, Mr McCloud."

"Ah quit it with the 'Mr' already." Fox said waving his hand. "Making me feel old."

"Alright. I shall refer to you as 'Fox' from here on. Is that okay?" "Perfect." "And you Miss-" "Just Krystal please. You can relax Cai. You let us name you after all."

"Thank you both... Now, there is one examination I would like to perform while you are both here." Cai made a panel on the wall open up. "Please do not be alarmed Krystal. For this exam This attachment is ideal." Krystal was about to ask what he meant, when she shot up from her seated position at the sight of a robotic tentacle. "Oh no, no way!" She said as she retreated for the door.

"Please Krystal, the examination is very important. I have reason to suspect that you have been successfully inseminated by Fox. As your caretaker AI, it is imperative that everything is ideal for the egg to properly attach and form into a full pregnancy." Cai spoke up in it's usual smooth calming tone. "I realize this attachment is... traumatic given your first exposure to one. I promise, this examination will be conducted by myself, not the Core AI. Your comfort and pleasure during the examination shall be my priority."

Krystal and Fox both flushed at those words. Fox himself nearly choked on his own spit at the mention of pregnancy. Well, there it was out in the open. He supposed that WAS the goal behind why they had both been loaded up with aphrodisiacs and basically set up so they'd run into each other. Krystal was the last of her race, and they were expected to... repopulate... The idea was still a bit dizzying to him. Yet at the same time he found himself growing hard at the thought of Krystal carrying his kits. Damn, what a time to find out he had a new kink.

"If it is the appearance that bothers you so much, I have a potential solution." Cai's sphere hologram dissolved, and a new one began to take form overtop of the robotic arm. It was a Fox, but they could not tell if it was a man or a woman. It did however have blue fur, and seemed to be sporting a mix of both their facial features. The semi-translucent appearance and odd glow behind it's eyes gave way this was another hard-light form. "This is the appearance I have created using a combination of you both," Cai's voice spoke from the hologram. Krystal had to admit, it was a bit... attractive. Feminine yet also masculine, sort of androgynous. Made sense considering it was made up of both of them apparently. She shifted back and forth. It still felt weird, knowing that this... AI, was intending to go inside of her, to check if she was pregnant among other things.

"Krystal, you don't have to do anything you don't want to." Fox said, moving as if to stand between them protectively. "I'm not gonna let anything or anyon-"

"I'll accept. On one condition." Fox blinked and looked at her, while Cai's hologram body tilted it's head to indicate interest. "...Fox fucks me too while you do it." She looked Fox in the eyes. "If I'm going to have that thing inside me again, I want you there. I want to feel loved by you."

Fox's muzzle opened and closed a few times as he struggled to figure out how to react to that. Krystal however decided she didn't want to wait for much longer, and sauntered over to him, the claw of her index finger catching his zipper and pulling it down. "Please do this for me Fox? I... if there's a chance I am carrying your child," she noticed how his pulse quickened at those words, "then I want to do everything I can to ensure it's healthy. But... I need your support to go through with this."

Fox swallowed as Krystal gently tugged the hem of his boxers down, freeing his rapidly growing erection that already was poking out of his sheath. Fox placed his hands on her shoulders, stopping her from reaching for him. "If this is what you want." He looked her in the eyes, and she nodded, before drawing close to kiss him softly. "I've made my decision. This is all... not how I wanted. But," she shifted, pushing her breasts into his chest as her arms slipped under his vest to roam over his back. "You, Fox, are exactly the sort of mate I want."

She'd said it. There was no going back at this point. Not that she had any intention of that. Fox's jaw dropped again, earning a chuckle from her, and her taking the opportunity to kiss him again, shoving her tongue into his muzzle. He was quick to recover and reciprocate. His mind shined with acceptance and love as his hands moved to the clasp of her top. It popped open, the tension on her breasts relieved as they pinned the fabric to his chest.

Her remaining clothing was shed quickly after that, though Fox took a little coaxing. He was still a little shy about being in his bare fur in front of someone watching. Cai, ever attempting to be helpful, commented "Simply view me as a reflection of both of you, like a mirror if you will." That only served to make him blush more at the implications. Krystal shook her head with a grin as she quickly yanked his pants away to nuzzle his growing member and kiss away the bead of pre that was forming on the tip. One day she'd get him to relax at being nude around her, but for now shoving him into the water all at once to use a metaphor, would do.

As she tugged his shirt off over his head, his teeth caught her ear softly as he growled. His hand slapped onto her butt to grope at it, his mind promising her he'd get her back for that. This eared a shudder of anticipation, and she twirled in his grasp so her rear grinded against him. His hands glided over her thighs, pausing to trace the spirals of her markings, before moving on, past her stomach, to cup and feel the weight of her swollen tits. She let out a soft moan as he hefted them up slowly, his fingertips teasing her nipples as they grew stiff under his attentions.

She felt his cock poke her rear, his hand moved to adjust his length and pushed it between the gap between her thighs. Her eyes clenched shut as he started to slowly thrust, the top of his cock rubbing against her wet pussy, her fluids soaking the length, lubing it up as he slid back and forth. She wanted him to push it inside of her, to feel him fill her up again. But that wasn't the goal here. His hand moved back to her front, playing with her clit and lips as he slid back and forth over them. Spirits above she was so wet and shivering in his grasp. Every little thing he did made her crave more from him.

She let out an eep of surprise as warm hands suddenly lifted her legs up, Fox's hands moving to her hips and rear to keep her balanced as she leaned into him. Her eyes opened to meet the glowing ones of Cai, as the AI gently rubbed the insides of her thighs, one hand brushing against her needy cunt as it gaped and twitched at the contact. "It seems lube won't be needed." It... They? He? She? Krystal's mind was a bit too preoccupied to figure out what to refer to the AI hologram as, settling on They for the moment. Cai moved between her thighs, and she felt something push against her entrance. Her hands gripped at the air, before finally settling on their shoulders. They were made of hard-light, yet still felt warm, like Fox's own pelt, yet soft ans silky. Their hips were a bit wider, curved, and- Oh by the spirits they had formed a cock! A cock that was pushing past her entrance and sliding into her with an ease that felt oh so familiar as they stretched her inner walls apart. As if in response to her unasked question, "I copied the shape of Fox's, I wanted to ensure this examination is pleasurable for you after all," they whispered into her ear. Something was rubbing against her nippled as her boobs felt resistance, something pushing back against them... Cai had altered their chest to have a copy of her own boobs rubbing against her?! She shivered and bit her lip, the sensations were alien and too much for her. She whimpered as her tail brushed against Fox's leg, eager to feel more of her mate's touch, to feel his mind's love and pleasure to ground her with all this one sided sensation she was getting from Cai.

Fox obliged as his fingertips returned to play with her clit as Cai slid in and out of her. His other hand this time, and as she wondered where his other hand had moved, she realized he was stroking his own length with it, adding one last coating of her fluids to the underside of it before his tip pushed against her tight ring of muscles just below her tail. Her tailhole twitched and winked at the unfamiliar sensation, before opening against the intruding cock of the todd. She was suddenly filled twice over by hot Fox dick, and her cunt clenched down with an orgasm from the strange new feeling. On Fox's end, he grunted as her sphincter gripped down on his length. It was different, he'd never tried anal before, and he was at a total loss for how to please her like this. Still it was hot, sticky, and the additional tightness at the base of his dick was pleasurable as he pushed in and out of her.

"Your birth canal is healthy," Cai commented as they pushed deeper into the shivering Vixen, their tail slipping between their legs to tickle at Fox's balls as well, earning a surprised gasp from the todd. "Fox, your sack appears to be in good condition as well. Sensitivity for both of you is high... I suspect the extra weight in Fox's sack to be the increased seminal production at work. You'll find your orgasms to produce a greater quantity of spunk over time." The two vulpines were a bit lost for anything they were saying to the pair to fully register, but he went on as he pushed deeper into Krystal. "I am now going to examine your cervix, and from there your womb. As a note, your hymen appears healthy and in-tact. Fox must be a generous and patient lover considering how many times you two have coupled thus far."

Krystal's hands clenched down on Cai's shoulders as she felt their tip tap against the entrance of her womb. "Cervix walls are flush, still a bit tight... For ease of birth I recommend you both continue to push as deep as you can during your lovemaking regularly, to exercise the cervical ring and make it easier for your offspring to pass through. This should reduce your future discomfort Krystal." Cai took the groan from both of them, as Krystal's breasts heaved against their own and Fox's hips audibly clapped against her rear, as acknowledgment of their words. Krystal's legs lifted to clench around Cai's midsection, wondering at the plush flesh and luxurious fur that tickled at the insides of her thighs as she continued to be pounded against from both sides. Her head shifted back towards Fox as he leaned forward to catch her lips with his own, their tongues dancing with one another as he pushed deeper into her rear. His knot too wide to be given entrance into her ass, but her jiggling flesh still wrapped around it with each thrust, stimulating him further. She could feel his pre leaking into her guts, and she clenched her cheeks to try and milk more out of him.

Cai's hologram cock continued to knock against her womb, her cervix twitching at the requests for entrance. Finally the tip of the canid shape caught inside and managed to push through, earning a gasp as she broke her makeout with fox and her eyes rolled back. "Your uterus looks good... flesh appears resilient, stretchy, ready for multiple kits if necessary," Cai continued to drone with a soft whispered tone into her ear as their breasts' nipples rubbed against her own. "I see you're soon to start lactating. Good, you'll be producing a large amount, you might request Fox to assist you with that... I've confirmed that there is at least one fertilized egg inside of you. I'm going to implant an incubation device into your womb to better ensure it grows to term, and make carrying your offspring easier on your body. The incubation chamber will be of no harm to you or the child, and will pass with the child-" Cai continued to drone on, but Krystal was lost to them... there was a soon to be kit inside of her, hers and Fox's, and that, combined with her mate's dick sliding in and out of both of her holes as he pounded into her from behind, his mind whispering love and lust along with shock at the idea of breeding more and more kits into her, it was all too much and she cried out "Yes, Yes, YES!!" as she came from it all. Her orgasm continued to ride out, and she felt something widen inside of her pussy. At first she thought she was being knotted again, but then it traveled further up, spreading her as wide as her cunt would allow. It pushed deeper, not halting as her cervix struggled in a combination of pain and pleasure to keep it out, yet it would not! Finally with a sudden final push from Cai, it pushed past the tip of their hard-light cock and settled inside of her womb as her climax rose as a crescendo, and she felt Fox's cum shoot into the depths of her intestines, settling like a hot thick warm soup inside of her.

How long it took her to come down from her high she didn't know. She was vaguely aware of Fox's legs giving out from under both of them, laying on the floor as he continued to twitch inside her ass, Cai having withdrawn as they fell. Cai's sexual features faded away as the AI knelled next to them, their hands gently feeling her stomach and pussy as she basked in the afterglow. "Congratulations Krystal, Fox, you're going to be a parent. The incubation device has been installed successfully, and you should have many healthy happy kits together. If you require any assistance in your mating and reproduction, I can adjust my hard-light form to be compatible with either of you, or both if you so desire."

Krystal blinked as her breath started to calm and her afterglow slowly faded. "What...?" "If you two need 'relief' I can help with that," Cai restated, assuming that was what she was asking about. Krystal felt her stomach... there was a warmth there, but it wasn't heavy. Something had been put inside of her... but she couldn't feel like it was malicious... in fact she just felt... horny, she thought with a blush. Fox had slide out of her rear, but his length was still partially hard. He was looking at her with concern and the usual afterglow... and she could tell he was still worked up as well.

She'd press Cai for details about what she had unknowingly agreed to during her orgasm later. Right now? She needed her mate inside of her again... maybe try for more kits inside her while she was at it. The thought of him knocking her up more was a delightful new kink for both of them that she fully intended to explore.