Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 108: Task And Purpose

Story by Worlds Apart on SoFurry

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#108 of Counter Earth Chronicles: Fallen Empire

Last Chapter

With a little intervention from Overwatch, Alex and Shira broke the hypnotic influence a creature from the nexus had placed on them. It was only then that the true negotiations could begin. In the end, they couldn't convince any of the residents of the nexus to leave their paradise permanently. But Alboa and Dom did aid in the evacuation of the lost city.

Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire

Chapter 108: Task And Purpose

Day 299 [November 3rd] 6:58 PM (The Wild's Restaurant, Central Tower)

"Any more coffee Mr. Winter?" The she centaur asked me.

"Yes." I replied. "Something wrong Mrs. Wild?"

"In all the years that I have known you, I never knew you to drank coffee until today." Dianna said topping off my cup.

Hearing that, I just smiled at her.

"So what has you so engrossed?"

Hue's wife was wearing a white blouse on her human half and black coverings on her animal half which made her kind of look like she was wearing pants to the casual viewer. Which obviously is impossible for a centaur.

"The head of medical has given her staff a new project Dianna. That was after calling us a motley crue."

"What is the project Mr. Winter?"

"To find more staffing."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah, we have three full time healers and two medics and Penny thinks that we could use four or even five in case one of us is on an away mission somewhere or there is an influx of patients."

"So you have been trying to figure out who in the colony would be a good candidate?" The she centaur said.

"Precisely." I said burying my head back into the tablet I was reading. "You wouldn't be interested would you?"

"Oh heavens no. Hue, Corey, Mia, Lolly and not to mention this place are about all I can handle. But with Kala's group, Naka's group joining with our own there are a lot more candidates now than what we had in the Lost City." Mrs. Wild said.

"Thought, I would try anyway. How have you been doing?"

"Hue and I just picked up from where we left off. Instead of having the eating place in the central building in the Lost City, we have a full fledged restaurant."

"What about the bakery?" I asked looking up from my pad.

"Mitsa and Lune have that covered. I didn't see any need to go into competition with them. Here in World Seven. The city is still called World Seven right?"

"Yeah, our king still isn't happy with the name though." I replied.

"He still wants to change it huh?"

"Yeah to something more befitting our lives here." I replied. "Maybe Dragonia."

"Well that does sound interesting." She said politely. "It is sad that we became refugees, but it is really amazing how calm our lives have become since moving to Chaundoon."

"Isn't it? I could use a full dose of that the rest of my life Dianna."

"I better get going, more customers to look after." The she centaur said turning her attention to the other tables.

"I see that." I said looking across the restaurant at two gorillas who had just entered the establishment together. Kala and Ananaias. "They are a couple?! When did that happen?"

"Late last week. They met shortly after they became part of the new knight core. Remember Kala's sister led the Knights of Sogreth and Kala was the leader of the resistance in World Two." The lady taur said, looking at the happy couple.

"And Ananias was one of our defenders in the Lost City. Both are a perfect fit for the new knight core."

"They are both junior knights at the moment, but I suspect they will rise quickly through the ranks. You are surprised to see that they started dating Alex?"

"Yeah a little bit. Could gorilla babies be coming soon?" I replied as Dianna went to greet her customers.

I guess I shouldn't have been surprised really. The beastial's survival, and continuation became a major concern shortly after our arrival on this planet.

Day 213 [August 9th] 10 AM (Moving Day continued)

"It certainly is a fixer upper." Milton said to Melinda looking at the city skyline.

"But remember dear so was the lost city; it hadn't been inhabited for a while either." Melinda said to her mate and what did we do there?"

"We all pitched in together made some repairs and made it our home." T'hoka said over hearing the human couple.

"And we will do so here." Tanya said taking the paw of her mountain reedbuck.

"It is certainly much larger than the city we came from." Ms. Una said to Yogi.

"It just means that there will be many places to explore and play in." The young yeti said to the naga looking around.

"Wow so we are in the mountains now?" Mia asked, taking her adoptive father's hand.

"No more like a valley surrounded by mountains sweetie."

"This place is so much larger than the Lost City momma." Little Corey exclaimed.

"But it also resembles the Lost City too. You can tell it was designed and built by the same individuals." Dianna Wild said resting her hand on her son's shoulder."

"Well the two suns are going to take some getting used to." Corey Collins said as his wolf took in a few breaths of fresh air.

"There will be some adjustments each of you will have to make in order to live here." A caracal knight said stepping forward past the Chado who had greeted the new residents.

"Really? Such as?" A grey silverback gorilla asked.

"Nothing trying to hunt, murder, kill, eat or possess you." A cheetah said joining the caracal.

"Friendly neighbors, plentiful food and water." A donkey added.

"That is acceptable." Ananias said, crossing his arms.

"This place sounds like a dream." Arugula exclaimed.

"Trust me this place is perfect, it is all you will ever need." I said echoing what I had heard the inhabitants from the nexus say.

"Alex!" Shira said annoyed.

"Everyone if I can have your attention I would like to introduce the future king and new ruler of World Seven, Sorren Dragon." Sanda said.

Walking past Sanda, Chemar and Cole standing tall, with red scales, an angular looking face, complimented with a bold and confident stride was the future king of our civilization wearing a white shift that had a tire mark print on the front and tan shorts with sandals?!

"Greetings my fellow colonists and welcome to your new home!" The goofy dragon said as the roof of a building down the block crumpled and collapsed inside the structure it was sitting on.


"I guess we will have to deal with that at some point." Sorren said, putting his paw to his chin. As another building the next block over tipped to touch another nearby structure.


"And that too." The future king said, smirking. "Ok, we have some repairs to make, but we are taking a bold new step in our lives by fleeing the darkness and chaos that has plagued our former home. We have become pioneers on another. We will be building a legacy for all who come after us.

In this new colony there will be true peace and harmony no first, second or underclass of citizens no haves or have nots there will be disparity between beastials, humans, monsters or hybrids. From this point forward we are all family. We will do our part to make this place our home, community and city!"

Cheers erupted from all those present. It sounded like the long night had concluded.

"Excellent speech sir but there are some more matters to attend to." Sanda said addressing the goofy dragon. "Like specifics on how all that is going to come about."

"Still working on the details, the specifics and the specific details." Sorren said, bouncing his eyebrows. "So what matters also need my attention?"

"There is your coronation." Chemar said.

"There is?" The red dragon dropping his posture. "Oh there is."

"One of the Chado's stipulations for letting us move to this planet and inhabit their former city is that this colony must have a kind, gentle ruler." The cheetah said.

"So do you know anyone who could fit that bill?" The dragon said joking again.

"Ahem, I don't think anyone wants to go back to a dictatorship or the former government before the dictatorship." Cole said.

"Geez there is so much more work to do." Sorren pouted.

"Yes, your future majesty." The three knights said in unison.

"Well you three help our arrivals get settled in and we can talk about everything else later."

As Chemar, Cole and Sanda turned to help the rest of us, the red dragon disappeared like he had been transformed into a cheetah.

"Looks like we have a reluctant leader." Rhinox commented.

"Yeah, we are going to have to deal with that later." Lady Barq said.

"Lady Ursa, Alex, Shakara if you would come with me." Dawn said.

"Corey, Rumble you too." The little mongoose boy added.

We followed the blond archeologist down the mainstreet a few blocks from the central tower.

"Right here." Dawn said, staring at three two level stone buildings.

"You live right here?" The snarky teen said looking at the rectangular shaped buildings.

"I wanted to keep things as simple and familiar as possible."

"Right, in the lost city we lived side by side, why not here too?" I commented.

"That's right." The little mongoose boy said. "Corey, Rumble that is your home over there."

"...stone building..." Rumble observed.

"With windows." Mr. Collins observed.

"Don't worry it is structurally sound." Dawn said, reassuring the pair. "Madam knight, Alex, Shakara you have the middle home and ours is on the left."

"Why don't you take a peek inside?" Corbin said.

"Very well." My pregnant she beast said.

"I am going to miss our old stone house." Shakara said, opening the wooden front door and walking inside. "It may have been small but it was quaint, cosy and comfortable... wait, this has a second floor?!"

The stone building was a townhome- there was a great room on the first floor. Off of that was a kitchen, a white rug, high-table and sofa. Beyond the entrance was a hallway with some artwork and a staircase leading to two second floor bedrooms and another staircase leading to the roof.

"Cole, Chemar, Sanda, Sorren and I had a lot of time on ours hands so we spruced up some of the homes. Do you like?" My sister's doppelganger asked.

"This resembles our home in Castle Wundagore pet." Lady Ursa said looking around.

"It is amazing!" The dark tan lioness said.

"Only a little smaller." I said running room to room. "No running water or bathroom. I guess that is in the central building- I mean central tower."

"It has a bed that is more comfy than a marshmallow!! We will take it!!" My devious person said running downstairs from the upstairs bedroom.

"I believe that we shall. Alex, Shakara." Our fierce ursine warrior stated placing her paws on our shoulders.

"Yes, then I will leave you three to get settled in. Corbin you do the same. I will see all of you at dinner." The blond archeologist said returning to the central tower to help more from the Lost City get settled in.

"Right professor." My little brother said heading next door.

Shortly afterwards...

"Well, it looks like Castle Wundagore indeed has the most knights surviving the fall." Rhinox said, shaking Sanda, Chemar and Cole's paws.

"Welcome Commander Rhinox, Lady Barq." The donkey said if you would follow me we will find a house and let you get settled in.

"This is indeed a most wonderful occasion!" Sanda exclaimed. "The Wild family. I heard great things about your restaurant in World One."

"So our reputation precedes us?" Hue asked the caracal.

"It does and I have the perfect location for you to set up shop. This way."

"Let's see, that would leave the eight of you." The nervous cheetah said to Gahri, Arugula, Tanya, T'hoka, Ananias and the monster trio. "So what are your requirements? A room with a view? An upper floor? Does anyone want to room together?"

"Milton, Melinda, Ms. Una and Yogi if you would follow me." Dawn said. "I think I have the perfect place for each of you."

"Will you look at the view from here?" I said as we stepped out onto the roof-patio, it was a square enclosure where one could stargaze, paint or just relax. "This is beautiful."

"Anywhere we can be together big cutie, little cutie is home." The horny lioness said.

"Well before you two get too comfortable don't you think you have more unpacking to do?"

Shakara and I looked at our fierce ursine warrior and then each other.

"The infirmary?" Our warrior bear said, raising her eyebrow.

"Oh yeah." Ms. Kubari said, waving her paws nervously.

We returned to the street to make our way toward the blue coupe.

"What would be a good spot?" I asked my devious person.

"The same as before, I suppose the main gathering place. In the Lost City it was the central building."

"Central tower it is." I replied.

And so we started combing the central tower looking for vacant space large enough to set up an infirmary. On the first floor was the cafeteria, rest rooms and offices which belonged to Sanda, Cole and Chemar. The rest of the space on that floor would probably go to Lady Ursa, Lady Barq, Shira and Rhinox.

The second floor had nothing but meeting and conference rooms for some reason. Not where I would put an infirmary personally.

On the third floor there was a nice library at the far end of the floor hallway that was being built. The rest of the floor was pretty much vacant.

I traded glances with my lioness. She nodded. This would be the place. There was plenty of space to grow not like the closet we once shared.

It didn't take too long for the rest of us to unpack. Sanda, Chemar, Cole and Sorren had prepped space in the cafeteria for a possible eatery and Hue, Dianna, Lolly, Little Corey and Mia moved right in and they were open for business by dinner.

Similarly, Shakara and I were able to get up and running pretty quickly as well. We used some cabinets and drawers we had found in one of the upper floors and some beds from some abandoned houses in the city.

That evening....

"Wow, this place is packed!" Corbin said looking at the filled tables.

"Well that would make sense because this is the new eating place. It certainly is a lot bigger." The brown bear said to the little mongoose boy.

"So Dawn, is everyone settled in?" Shakara asked our neighbor.

"Just about. Rhinox and Barq are rooming together. So are Linias, Sandu and Haem. Ghari decided to move in with Sanda. Chemar and Cole are roommates as well." Professor Stern stated.

"What about Arugula and Ananias?" My bear knight asked.

"They decided to room together too. So are Ms. Una and Yogi, Milton and Melinda for obvious reasons. T'hoka and Tanya also moved in together."

"I guess the roommate requirements of our former colony carried over to the new one." I interjected as we waited for service.

"And in T'hoka and Tanya's situation something is going to come from that!" The horny lioness exclaimed.

"That leaves Shira." I asked.

"She still has not decided." I am afraid.

"We offered to have her live with us though." The little mongoose boy said.

Dinner was quite nice- but simplistic fish with a side of salad. It wasn't to everyone's liking but there wasn't any complaint from the monster trio.

"Tomorrow I can show the rest of the new comers the community garden we have a bountiful crop growing there." Dawn said to us as a badger, rhino warrior came to our table.

"Commander?" Lady Ursa asked.

"Evening everyone. Sanda, Chemar and Cole want to have a meeting."

"About?" Ms. Stern asked.

"Sorren. He wants to put off his ascension." Lady Barq said.

"I guess a few more days wouldn't matter." Shakara said.

"Actually it does." The professor said. "During our negotiations with the Chado they were quite specific about the component organization, structure of this colony and its time table."

"Yes it was, one of the agreements we settled on that convinced them to let us inhabit their former city and settle on their planet. The rhino said."

"So what happens if our reluctant future leader remains reluctant?" The little mongoose boy asked the concerned rhino.

"It will not go over well with our new landlords." Dawn said.

"In the interim we need to figure out an alternative arrangement." The badger warrior said.

The knights of the former empire along with Dawn met in private with Manderine for the rest of the evening to work out an interim arrangement.

Later that evening....

"So what do you think that group of stars looks like Shakara?" I asked looking at the night sky.

"Hmm... it looks like a bowl." My devious person said.

"That is a matter of perspective, it could be a upside down hat."

"Let's name it the hat constellation then little cutie."

"Or we could ask Manderine if that constellation has a name." I replied.

"It is going to be weird looking into the night sky and seeing so many unfamiliar stars." The dark tan lioness lamented.

"Really, I thought the multiple moons would have freaked you out." I said as she made that broad feline grin.

"Or perhaps the fact the two of you can be out at night and not worry about being devoured." A brown bear said appearing from the staircase.


"I thought I would find you two up here." Lady Ursa said joining us. "This is a nice patio-roof."

"Yeah we were waiting up for you. You know it is getting kind of late." Shakara said as we ran over to greet her.

After we receiving our respective nuzzles from our fierce ursine warrior, I asked the obvious question:

"How did the meeting go?"

"Tiring; much was discussed." Lady Ursa said sitting down between us.

"And?" The dark tan lioness asked.

"Until Sorren becomes king- Barq, Rhinox, Shira and I are in charge. Chemar, Cole and Sanda will advise."

"So nothing has changed."

"You and Shakara are in charge of the infirmary until further notice and T'hoka, Ananias, Arugula, Corey, Rumble and the rest of the warriors are responsible for defense."

"I think we are all up to the task big cutie." The horny lioness replied.

"Like Dawn said the Chado were anxious for the transition to be completed for some reason." My perfect person said.

"And Sorren is not in a hurry to assume power for some reason." I said thinking. "I wonder why?"

"Perhaps he has some lingering trauma from the fall." Shakara theorized. "He did lose his lovers to the entity and they replaced him rather quickly as well."

"Or maybe it is just too much too soon? I mean seven months ago he was just a cafeteria cook. Seven months later he is the Chado's chosen one."

"Or the fact that he lacks leadership experience. When King Dragon is crowned he will have several challenges- figuring out what to do with the former leadership, meeting the needs of his subjects and protecting this colony." The pregnant brown bear said standing. "Regardless, that won't be resolved tonight."

We followed the brown bear back into our home and into her chambers.

"Dawn did a nice job with this room." Lady Ursa said looking around.

"What do you like the most about it big cutie?"

"The furniture and especially the marshmallow soft bed." The pregnant brown bear said disrobing. Shakara and I did the same.

We laid down side by side in our the bed before being covered by a large brown blanket.

"Well this is new." I said as my devious person and I were hugged by my perfect person.

"Enjoy it while you can little cutie- when her tummy starts growing..."

"Yeah so long super snuggle attack." I said receiving another nuzzle.

"Alex, Shakara when the time comes, I want my daughter to enter the world right here, in our home. I would like the two of you by my side as well." Lady Ursa said, squeezing us further. "In a safe world far away from that which plagued the former."

"Sure." We said in unison.

"But that raises a problem."


"What if you would like to have a second cub or even a third?" The lioness pondered.

"It wouldn't be possible- there aren't any other bears in the colony or on this world for that matter." Our bear knight said.

"That is not a problem just confined to you mistress but to a lot of beastials here in this colony- if there aren't any counterparts there will be no offspring or future generations either. I mean Milton and Melinda could have a child and same thing with T'hoka and Tanya. But that is pretty much it."

"That is one of the things we did not consider when we moved here." The red eyed lioness said.

"I guess for the future of beastial and human kind perhaps there should be two of each species here." I said thinking out loud.

"I will bring it up with the rest of the leadership tomorrow." My bear knight yawned.


"The hell?!"

"I decided to have the prototypes to continue to scan the city as a extra line of defense." The bear knight said.

"And it looks like they found something." Shakara said.

We quickly reclothed, grabbed our weapons and made our way to the street in front our home as did Dawn, Corbin, T'hoka, Arugula and Tanya.

Just past the boundaries of the city we saw the five individuals. Mud creatures.

"Is this an invasion?" Corbin asked as the two barbarians and ninja prepared to engage.

"No it looks like they are injured!" Shakara shouted.

It became clear why the Chado were anxious for the transition, they had inadvertently mentioned to everyone they knew that the infirmary in their former city was the default health center for the area! In the coming days Shakara and I would get to know our new neighbors, really, really, REALLY well.

To Be Continued....

Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 109: The Future Of Our Future Part 1

Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire **Chapter 109: The Future Of Our Future Part 1** Day 312 [November 17th] 11:58 AM (Friendship Park) \*scribble\* \*scribble\* Nut's. It has been twelve days since I made a journal entry. So much for trying...

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Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 104: Feast Of The Damned

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