A Better Life

Story by TheTARDISLegilimens on SoFurry

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Here is a story that I thought I'd write, detailing how my character, Tempus, met with Balto, and his family, and the hijinks that ensued.

Contains hyper.

It was a fairly warm, sunny day in Nome. As the sun slowly rose over the small, Alaskan town, the inhabitants were starting to awaken, in particular the canine population. But while there were many dogs heading out of their homes for various reasons, there was one house where the canine inhabitants were more than content to just remain asleep.

It had been three years since the Serum Run, and Balto, the half-wolf Hero of Nome, was resting in a comfy basket with his mate Jenna, a kind-hearted husky. Balto had originally been shunned by the town for his status as a wolf-dog, but after he helped save the town, everyone accepted him, most of all Jenna. The husky was so overjoyed that her loving human girl, Rosy, had been saved that she gave her heart to the wolf-dog. That was more rewarding than anything else in town, for Balto - getting the love of his life.

But despite the fairly cute scene the two presented, snuggled together as they slept, there were many glaring facts that pointed out the lewd scenario that had taken place. Balto may, for the most part, be an ordinary wolf-dog, but his appearance belied an absolutely humongous_package between his legs. Balto was a hyper, his genitals being far, far bigger than what would normally be on a canine; his balls were so big, being the same size as Balto's height, they had to rest behind his legs, while his sheath was a little under three-quarters his body length. His penis, on the other hand, was similarly a disproportionate size in comparison to the wolf-dog it was attached to, being one-and-a-half times Balto's length, and a little thicker than him as well, but Balto's knot was _gargantuan compared to others, being just over twice as thick as the wolf-dog.

While at first Balto's hyper endowments were just a source of strife for the wolf-dog, since most of the town reviled him for them as well as his heritage, nowadays they were just another part of him. Balto was still the fastest dog in the town, a feat many still find surprising considering his genitalia, and what would have been a source of envy for other dogs instead was a source of admiration, with females fawning over Balto (despite his insistence at his heart remaining with Jenna), and males all drooling at being even just associated with the wolf-dog.

The wolf-dog's size didn't hinder him in terms of sex, either. One would be excused for thinking there was no possible way for Balto to insert the entirety of his cock inside a female (or male), but the wolf-dog had somehow managed it repeatedly. Jenna was his main squeeze, for sure, and she had taken her husband's giant cock and knot a myriad of times, with the only thing restricting her movements after being the innumerable amount of cum Balto would unload into her, enough to swell her belly large enough to prevent her paws from touching the ground for a while.

There were others that Balto had somehow managed to fully mate with, be it female or male, and all of them would end up like Jenna in the end - resting stupefied on top of a massive, cum-filled ball of a belly, preventing them from moving for some time. It may initially start out as an uncomfortable experience, but Balto always made sure to be gentle at first to allow his new plaything a chance to get the hang of it. However, once that phase was over, a true beast would rise up in Balto, demanding he ravage his bitch, and Balto would, normally, comply. No one ever complained, though, all of them too enamoured with the wolf-dog.

Balto's sexual conquests did end up leaving plenty of pregnancies around the town, with many bitches being fertilised by the wolf-dog, but while Balto did love all his children, the only bitch he paid special attention to during her pregnancies was Jenna. She was the only female his heart desired, and as such, her pups were top priority for Balto. Jenna's first pregnancy was also the first one Balto was responsible for, and so their first litter was the beginning of Balto's legacy being sown around the town.

Back in the present, Balto and Jenna were still resting, Jenna snuggled up against Balto's warm belly. Of course, due to their size, Balto's balls were just resting next to the basket, unable to actually fit in it with both their owner and his mate. Around the room were several large splotches of Balto's cum, covering the walls and the floor. Jenna's belly, while nowhere near the size it can reach after Balto's had his way with her, was swollen enough to make her look fully pregnant with the wolf-dog's litter, and her ravaged pussy was leaking copious amounts of thick, creamy cum.

The two lovers were fortunate that sex between canines was a very loose affair, with dogs actively copulating wherever they wanted, be it in their homes or out in public, so no one really cared when Balto dominated Jenna (or whoever was his current bitch). However, Balto had decided that, as a sign of gratitude to Jenna's humans after they agreed to adopt him, he wouldn't fuck Jenna too often in her masters' home, with only the occasional fuck in the house, to keep the rooms inside from becoming too messy. Instead, their sexual activities, when not in the town, tended to be held inside Jenna's shed, a room attached to the side of her house to act as a sort of playpen/sleeping area for her.

Balto slowly stirred when he heard people bustling about in the street outside the shed, lifting his head and yawning. He gazed blearily around the room, noting the warm light shining in through the window near the roof, before slumping his head in the basket. He didn't want to get up today.

Feeling her mate's head fall back on the basket made Jenna open her eyes, and she turned her head to look up at Balto. He smiled down at her, licking her muzzle.

"Morning, Jen." That voice always made Jenna feel safe, a soft, yet deep and masculine tone she loved.

"Morning, Balto," Jenna replied. She smiled up at him, before nuzzling his neck. "Sleep well?" she asked coyly. Balto grinned.

"You know I did. I should be asking _you_that, considering how many loads you took last night," he said.

"You enjoyed it, though," Jenna said.

"True. You know how much I love breeding you," Balto answered. He glanced up at the window again, before sighing. "I don't want to get up," he mumbled.

"I know how you feel, but we can't help it. At least the sled team is on a break for now," Jenna said.

"Only because the races were cancelled after the last race cause the second-place musher put up a stink over it and revealed he had cheated," Balto pointed out.

"I don't see why all the races were cancelled, when all that should have happened was that he was disqualified," Jenna said.

"It was the quarter-final, and he _did_say others had cheated to get to their spots as well. Because they don't know who else did, they just cancelled all the remaining races for this year," Balto said.

"Well, I don't need any races to know who's the best. I'm currently snuggled up to him," Jenna said, happily moving herself so she was closer to Balto. Balto smiled, fidgeting slightly when he felt Jenna's tail brush over his sheath and balls. "But I think we best get up. I said I was going to see Kodi soon," Jenna said, jumping up out of the basket, her heavy, swollen belly swaying.

Balto gave a small sigh, saying, "Then I'll probably just go for a walk through the forest."

"You could always come with me. I don't think Kodi will mind seeing his dad," Jenna said.

"I know. But I've got some things to think about. I'll see you later," Balto said, getting out of the basket himself. He scratched at an itch on his neck, before exiting the shed. Jenna watched him go, before she looked around the room. Spotting all the patches of cum, Jenna licked her lips, before immediately going around to drink them up.

Balto walked through the streets, passing by a few friends along the way. Nikki and Kaltag, two of his teammates, were chatting as they headed to the Old Mill, a popular hangout spot for dogs, be it casual or sexual. Balto knew what they were talking about, since many others were discussing the same thing: Steele was back.

Steele was the former leader of Balto's team, and the former champion runner of Nome. But after the Serum Run, every one of his lies and misdeeds were exposed to the town, and they all turned their backs on him, effectively ostracising him from the town. Everyone thought he was gone for good when he was sold to a new owner and left the town, but four days ago, he had shown up unexpectedly, homeless and defeated. He mostly kept to the shadows, though, and tried to stay out of everyone's way, much to everyone's confusion.

Balto shook his head. He didn't want to spend the whole day thinking about his former bully. He had reached the town outskirts, near his old boat, the place where he used to live before Jenna's family adopted him. He still came to the boat every once in a while, simply to escape the life of a town dog for a small amount of time. It was also the place where he looked after Aleu, before she left to lead her own pack of wolves.

Smiling at the fond memories, Balto walked past the boat, and towards the forest. He wondered, briefly, if he would find anything interesting, before setting off.

His trek through the forest was fairly uneventful, aside from a few times where his massive balls ended up getting him stuck for a few seconds when walking between trees. His time alone did give him a decent opportunity to think over things, one thing in particular being his eldest.

Kodi was very much like his father, even though he had inherited his mother's husky appearance and fur colour. But one thing Kodi, like all of his brothers, had definitely inherited from Balto was his hyper genitals. Kodi was the biggest out of his brothers, but was still a bit smaller than his father. But while most of Balto's sons had decided to stud around the town, Kodi was one of the few who chose to settle down with someone, in this case his teammate Dusty.

The two had already had their first litter together, with the boys taking after their father and grandfather, and while Balto was happy for them, and ecstatic over becoming a grandfather, he couldn't help but feel his relationship with Kodi had been growing distant. Balto did feel like that with all his pups, to be honest, but he felt it was more apparent with Kodi, considering how close they used to be.

Balto was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard something rustling a few bushes nearby. The wolf-dog stopped, looking around, trying to figure out who, or what, was making the noise. Something darted behind a tree just in the corner of Balto's eye, and the wolf-dog spun around to stare at it.

Feeling on edge, completely unsure if he should or not, Balto cautiously approached the tree. Normally, Balto would have left the area already, but something about this stranger's movements made him think there was something more to this.

Just as Balto reached the treeline, however, something burst out, trying to dart past Balto, only to end up causing both of them to tumble about, before collapsing just a few feet from each other. Balto shook his head for a second, staggering to his feet, and looked at the stranger before him.

It was a grey wolf, around Balto's age. He was also shaking his head and staggering to his feet, and Balto used it as an opportunity to look over him. His fur was a silvery-grey on top, with a lighter colouration for his underbelly, and around his neck was a green collar. The wolf's markings were also extremely similar to Balto's own, with a few subtle differences, the most obvious one being the strip on his snout was just two lines of the darker shade on either side of his nose, with the lighter grey in the middle, unlike Balto's solid brown strip.

That's when Balto noticed that the wolf, as well as having markings similar to him, was also the same size as him. In every_way. Much to the wolf-dog's surprise, it was clear as day that the wolf before him was a hyper as well, his genitals the _exact same size as Balto's.

A sense of both elation and distrust washed over Balto. He was elated at meeting someone outside of his own family in the same boat as him, but also distrustful, as this was a stranger after all.

"Shit! I only left home to stretch my legs for a bit, and then I end up barrelling into some wolf! Damn it!" the wolf muttered to himself, looking up at Balto. "I'm sorry for what just happened. I wasn't expecting to run into anyone today, so I panicked," he added.

"D-don't worry about it, it's fine," Balto said, still slightly in shock at having found a wolf with hyper endowments on par with his own.

"Well, since we bare each other no ill will, I suggest we part," the stranger said, going to walk off.

"Hang on. Can I ask you something?" Balto asked, practically jumping in his path to block him.

"Is it about the collar?" the wolf asked, sounding amused.

"Well, that's part of it... How did you work that out?" Balto asked, looking confused.

"To be fair, it's not exactly common to see a wolf wearing a collar, is it?" the wolf asked, chuckling. Balto cocked his head to the side. "Well, when I was a puppy, I used to have an owner. He was quite a kind man, but he died, not long after my second litter was born. We were forced to relocate into the forest, but I kept the collar to remember him," the wolf explained, looking down at his neck for a second. He looked up. "Was there anything else?"

"A couple things. But first off...who are you, exactly?" Balto asked.

"Oh! Where are my manners? My name is Tempus," the wolf said, smiling.

"Tempus?" Balto asked.

"Yeah. My owner gave it to me, but apparently my mother approved," Tempus said. He looked at Balto, and asked, "Mind if I ask what your name is?"

"My name's Balto," Balto said.

"Ah, I've heard of you. The wolf-dog that helped save Nome. Quite a feat, I must say," Tempus said, grinning.

"You've heard of me?" Balto asked, surprised.

"News travels quite far in the forest," Tempus said simply. He turned to walk off, adding, "Well, if that's everything, I'm going to head home."

"Wait! There's one last thing," Balto said. Tempus looked at him quizzically. "Have you always been like...that?" Balto asked, nodding at Tempus's oversized balls and sheath.

"Oh, you mean this?" Tempus asked, standing to the side and stretched a leg out to display his genitals. Balto nodded. "Well, yeah, I have. My sons take after me in this aspect, but none of them have managed to reach the exact same size as me. Both my mates were quite shocked when they realised that they're not just for show, but it did make for some...interesting times, if you know what I mean," Tempus said. He lowered his leg, adding, "But I can see you're in the same situation I'm in."

"Yeah, I was born like this. I used to be reviled by the town, but now practically everyone wants a chance with me," Balto replied, giving a modest chuckle.

"I'm sure that must be fun, spending time with others," Tempus commented.

"Yeah...so, have you got any family nearby?" Balto asked. Tempus's smile faded.

"No. Well, my pups live in their own packs around the forest, and I do see them every now and then...but no one lives with me anymore," he lamented.

"Oh. Did something happen?" Balto asked.

"Both my mates died. My first not long after we moved into the forest, and my second about a year ago. It's all fine, though. Sometimes the peace is a gift," Tempus explained.

"But other times, it's a curse," Balto noted.

"You've had your fair share of solitude, then," Tempus said.

"Like I said, the town used to revile me," Balto said. He glanced in the trees, then back at Tempus, and said, "Say, if you've not got anyone waiting at home...how about you join me for a bit? I could introduce you to my mate."

"Are you sure you can trust me that far? What if I turn out to be dangerous?" Tempus asked, smirking.

"I've had my fair share of bullies, Tempus. I know a bully when I see one. They can try to hide it all they want, but they'll slip up eventually. You don't look like someone dangerous to me," Balto said.

Tempus gave a soft sigh, before saying, "If you're okay with it. You might as well lead the way, Balto."

Balto nodded, and started walking off, with Tempus following close behind.

Their journey through the forest back to Nome was fairly uneventful, with the two mainly bonding over their similarities. Balto even joked that they might be related, a notion that Tempus pointed out isn't necessarily untrue.

When they were near the edge of the forest, and therefore close to the town, Balto gave off a loud yelp, which made Tempus, who had deviated slightly to quickly take a leak, rush over, worried for his new friend. He calmed down considerably when he saw Balto was fine, and just simply had his balls trapped between two large branches.

"So you also have this problem, huh?" Tempus asked, before helping Balto push the branches aside to free his orbs.

"Frequently. It gets annoying when I'm in a hurry and I get snagged on something," Balto said, quickly looking over his testicles to make sure they weren't harmed.

"Tell me about it. I'm just glad I've not got caught in some particularly sharp bushes. I've seen animals with balls _way_smaller than mine end up crying after trying to rush through them," Tempus said. He and Balto both winced. "Still, you okay?" Tempus asked.

"Yeah, fine. Come on. It's not too far, now," Balto said, setting off again. Tempus rushed after him.

In town, Jenna was walking down a street with Kodi, both of them talking. Like his father and some of his brothers, Kodi was on a sled team, but his served as the mail team, instead of for competitive racing. Kodi was the lead dog, a position he worked very hard to get to, and, just like his father, he was perfectly happy to prove others wrong when they believed his giant package would hinder his agility.

Of course, being the lead dog did mean that Kodi's teammates' view was mainly of his massive balls as they bounced and jostled, but no one made any complaints. If anything, it was probably one of the reasons why Dusty decided to choose Kodi as her mate (aside from the fact that she loved him anyway).

Right now, though, the mother and son were discussing things unrelated to Kodi's job.

"So, are you and Dusty planning on having any more litters in the future?" Jenna asked.

"Maybe. Dusty's all for it, and I'm not entirely against it...but I'm worried I'll make a mistake," Kodi said.

"You're already a wonderful father, Kodi. Luka and Lillian may have been the more active out of your pups, but you managed," Jenna said. Kodi gave a weak smile. "Besides, I don't think a lack of attraction would be a hinder for you two. Considering the state you left Dusty in..." Jenna added.

When she had arrived at Kodi and Dusty's home, the two had been rigorously fucking for a while. Dusty's belly had been inflated so large that she and Kodi could easily lay atop it with room to spare, and it was only Jenna's arrival that made Kodi decide to put an end to unloading his nuts into his wife for the time being. Since Dusty was incapacitated for the moment, needing a while to let her belly recede to a size that could allow her movement, Kodi and Jenna decided to go for their stroll alone.

"She woke me up early, and I got carried away when I started fucking her," Kodi said, trying to justify the situation Jenna referenced to.

"I know. You really are just like your father. He often gets rather into it during the moment," Jenna said, giggling. She glanced at and felt her stomach, which had decreased to half its size from the morning, and softly said, "Shame he didn't give me a morning dose today."

"Maybe he's saving up for when you get back home?" Kodi suggested. Jenna couldn't help but laugh. "How come Dad didn't want to join you today?" Kodi asked.

"He said he wanted to think things over in the forest. I think he was just using excuses to avoid seeing you," Jenna said. Kodi flattened his ears.

"Does he really think I don't want to see him?" he asked, a small whine in his voice.

"I don't know, Kodi. All I know is that he thinks you've become distant to him, but he never wants to talk about it. We may need to just trick him into ending up with you at some point," Jenna said. She lovingly nuzzled her son, adding, "But don't worry. He doesn't love you any less."

"Oh, Jenna!"

Jenna and Kodi both turned, to see Dixie, Jenna's Pomeranian friend, and one of the town's local gossip-hounds, rushing up to them.

"Dixie? What's the matter?" Jenna asked.

Dixie stopped just before the two bigger dogs, before she instantly started yapping, "Well, I was walking with Sylvie near where Balto's boat is, only we saw Steele heading away from the town. Sylvie decided she didn't want to keep around the area, because you know what that bastard tried to do to her before he left ages ago. But I didn't want to end our walk just yet, so I kept going..."

"DIXIE!" Jenna shouted, making Dixie shut up instantly. "Cut to the point, Dix," Jenna sighed.

"Oh, well, just after Sylvie left, Balto came up to me, and asked me to come and get you. He wants you to meet him at his boat. It looked like he's got someone to show you," Dixie said, slightly affronted that Jenna interrupted her.

"Right...thanks, Dixie," Jenna said. She looked at Kodi as Dixie walked off. "Come on, Kodi. Let's go see what your father's up to."

"Do you think that's a good idea? Dixie said he's got someone to introduce you to," Kodi said.

"So we meet someone new while you and your father sort out whatever issues your father has. It'll be fine, son," Jenna said. Kodi thought for a moment, before he smiled, and nodded. Jenna grinned, and the two set off to head to Balto's boat.

On the boat, Balto and Tempus were talking while they waited. Balto was lying on his side, feeling relaxed, while Tempus sat nearby, looking slightly unnerved.

"You sure she won't try and attack me? I mean, I am still a wolf," Tempus said.

"It'll be fine. Jen's a sweet girl; she won't attack you so long as you don't piss her off," Balto said. "Look, since I'm fine around you, Jenna won't get aggressive," he added. Tempus relaxed a little at that, before tensing up when he and Balto heard approaching pawsteps.

Balto stood up and smiled when he saw Jenna walk up the ramp, but his smile faltered slightly when Kodi walked up behind her. Jenna noticed, and said, "Balto, please. You need to talk to him."

The wolf-dog sighed, and glanced over at Tempus, before back at his wife and son, and said, "In a bit." Jenna seemed satisfied, but Kodi, understandably, looked a little upset. Balto looked over at Tempus, and said, "Anyway, Tempus, this is my mate, Jenna, and my son, Kodi. Guys, this is Tempus."

Now that Balto drew attention to him, Jenna and Kodi looked over at Tempus, and were surprised and shocked when they saw him. Tempus looked a little worried when he saw their facial expressions, backing up slightly.

"H-he's a wolf?" Kodi asked.

"And he's a hyper, as well?" Jenna added, a more musing tone amidst her surprise.

"It's all right, he's fine!" Balto said quickly, standing between the three. "No one's going to hurt anyone, so can we all just relax?"

"Are you sure we can trust him?" Jenna asked.

"I might have only met him today, but he doesn't seem like a threat to me, so please, just believe me," Balto said. Jenna and Kodi both looked at each other, before back at Balto, and nodded. They both trusted Balto's judgement.

Balto smiled, before he looked at Tempus and said, "It's fine. You can go and say hello."

Nervous, Tempus nodded, swallowing for a second, before he cautiously walked a few steps closer, saying, "Hi. My name is Tempus."

"It's nice to meet you, Tempus. I'm Jenna," Jenna replied. She glanced at Kodi, and quickly nudged his side. Kodi flinched, but got the message.

"I'm Kodiak, but everyone mainly calls me Kodi," he said.

"Nice name. Sort of like my sister's name," Tempus said.

"How so?" Jenna asked.

"Well, her full name is Sophia, but everyone tends to shorten it to Sophie or just Soph. Well, as long as they're friends or family. She doesn't like strangers or people she doesn't get on with calling her by anything than her real name," Tempus said. He gave a small laugh. "She does enjoy making fun of my nickname, though."

"Why? Is it embarrassing?" Kodi asked, grinning.

"No, but it does sound weird sometimes. See, my owner gave me the name 'Tempus', and the Latin translation means 'time'. So, my family decided to nickname me 'Timey'. Soph thinks it's funny because I sometimes have the worst timing possible," Tempus said.

"Well, I think your timing is quite good. It's how we met," Balto said. He smiled, seeing that everyone had gotten more comfortable around each other.

A short while passed, with the four spending the time together, talking and joking around. Balto explained to Tempus how his life changed for the better after the Serum Run, but what Tempus was most interested (and outraged) over was learning what Steele had done to Balto in the past. Balto stated he was over it, but Tempus said there was no excuse for both poor sportsmanship and the derogatory manner Steele treated him with. Balto and Jenna both expressed worry at that, before Tempus clarified that, even if he met Steele, he wouldn't harm him...much.

During that time, knowing he had to do it eventually, Balto asked Kodi to join him on the beach for a moment, intent on settling with his son. So while Tempus and Jenna continued talking, with Jenna deciding to explain to Tempus the point of sled dog racing (the wolf just could not see any reason for the spectacle), Balto and Kodi went for a stroll down the shore.

"I'm sorry it took so long to get this far, Kodi," Balto said.

"You've been busy, right?" Kodi asked.

"That's no excuse. You've surely noticed how I've been avoiding you for the most part these past few weeks, yes?" Balto asked. Kodi nodded silently. "The truth is, Kodi...I've been feeling distant. Maybe it's because you've got a family of your own now, and it's only just hit me, but you and Aleu were the closest to me out of all your siblings..."

"You were worried me having my own family was starting to push you out of my life?" Kodi asked.

Balto nodded, saying, "It might sound ridiculous, thinking about it. But you know how I told you that I didn't grow up with my parents?"

"You said you lost your mom when you were young, and were raised by Uncle Boris ever since," Kodi recalled.

"Well, I'm sure you can imagine, but ever since, I had serious abandonment issues. It took me ages to get over Aleu leaving...and around about that time, you and Dusty finally become mates and have your first litter. You weren't the first of my pups to have their own litter - hell, it's possible that some of the dogs I've fucked in town are my grandpups - but like I said, you were the closest to me, aside from Aleu. And seeing you so happy... I'm not saying it was a bad thing - it's actually a very good thing - but I just felt...insignificant in your life, now," Balto said.

"You felt like your place in his heart had been taken over."

Balto and Kodi whipped around, to find Tempus was walking up to them.

"Sorry, I know it's a private conversation, but I thought I'd give my own thoughts to it. I went through the same thing as you, Balto, with my youngest daughter from my first litter. Anika was very sweet, and I love her with all my heart, but I became so fixated on her being my little girl that I forgot she was growing up. So when I saw her with her new mate, I broke down, thinking I had lost her," Tempus said.

"But you didn't?" Balto asked. Tempus shook his head.

"Even though she left to spend her life with her mate, she told me I'm still her father, and she still loves me. We do see each other every now and then, and I love spending time with her, and her pups. Her eldest has even had his own pups now," he said. He looked at the father and son before him, and added, "Anyway, you were never in any danger of losing your place in Kodi's heart. You still love you dad, don't you, Kodi?"

"Yeah. I do. It's not like I could end up hating you, Dad," Kodi said. Balto smiled, his eyes watering, before he nuzzled Kodi happily.

Jenna walked up to them, saying, "So you managed to sort everything out?"

"Yeah. I think Tempus helped," Kodi said.

"I didn't do anything," Tempus said.

"You helped me realise that I don't have to fear losing Kodi just because he's a father himself now," Balto said. Tempus gave a modest shrug.

"Well, if you boys are finished, let's head back to the boat. We can stay there for a while before it gets dark," Jenna said. The others agreed, and they started walking back.

But just as they neared the boat, Tempus spotted something, stopping in his tracks. Loitering near the boat was a black-and-white malamute, clearly looking dishevelled.

"Something wrong, Tempus?" Balto asked.

"I'm just trying to work out who that is. A friend of yours?" Tempus asked, pointing over at the dog. Balto, Jenna, and Kodi looked, and immediately Balto's expression soured.

"That's Steele," he said, gritting his teeth.

"What's he doing here?" Kodi asked.

"Wait. That's Steele? And he has the nerve to come here?" Tempus asked, anger filling his voice.

"It's fine. He's been seen around the town for a while now, but he's not done much," Jenna said, but despite her calm tone, there was a hint of venom in her voice.

"Either way, I think it's high time someone taught that spoilt brat a lesson," Tempus said.

"Tempus..." Balto began, but before he could say anything else, Tempus had set off, running towards Steele.

Steele, for his part, was slowly walking_away_ from the boat, having simply been hiding behind it for a few seconds to avoid a group of dogs that had chased him out of the town again. But when he heard someone approaching, he turned his head slightly, only to be shoved to the floor, rolling around until painfully landing on his back.

Looking up, the malamute was terrified to see Tempus leaning over him, snarling and growling. Giving out a frightened squeak, Steele managed to get on his feet and run, only for Tempus to jump in front of him. Steele yelped in fright, but before he could run, Tempus quickly jumped and pinned him to the ground, _growling_dominantly.


The sound of Jenna's voice made the two look to their side, as Balto, Jenna, and Kodi ran up to them.

"There wasn't any need for that! He wasn't bothering anyone!" Jenna said.

"F-finally decided to help out, Jenna?" Steele said quietly, before Tempus pressed a paw on his head, saying, "Shut it."


"Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt him. I just think it's high time he learns that there are worse things than losing a town's faith," Tempus said, grinning down at Steele. The malamute _whimpered_in response.

"What are you going to do to him?" Balto asked.

"Well...I don't know about you, but I think the little puppy hasn't been able to get off for a while. Am I right?" Tempus asked.

"...y-yes..." Steele whispered, shame crawling over his form. It had been ages since his last sexual encounter, and he was, at that point, desperate for any form of relief.

"Well, then the little doggy is in luck. Because I need to get off as well," Tempus said, now smirking.

"You're not going to..." Kodi began.

"Eh, he'll be fine," Balto said. Jenna and Kodi looked at him in concern. "What? I've fucked a load of guys in town, and they're not any worse for wear. Besides, it'll let Tempus get some relief, and I think Steele will enjoy it," Balto said.

"Glad to see someone is quick on the uptake," Tempus said. He grinned down at Steele. "Come on, you. I'm gonna have some fun."

Despite Jenna's concerns, and Kodi's doubts, Tempus managed to get Steele up on the deck of the boat, with Balto helping. Steele was shaking and shivering, and Tempus was loving every second of it.

"If you're a good boy, then _maybe_we'll do this again. But for now, start licking," Tempus said, leaning on his side to expose his sheath and balls. Steele hesitated, but a quick prod in his back from Kodi, and a warning glare from Balto, made him move towards the grey wolf. He sniffed along the sheath, and almost instantly his mind was overturned by the musky scent. The malamute had smelt male musk before, in recent years mainly his own on desperate, lonely nights, but Tempus's was on another level.

Briefly wondering if Balto smelt the same, Steele was startled into action when he heard Tempus _growl_menacingly. Still shaking in fear, the malamute extending his tongue, and licked across the giant sheath. Tempus gave a satisfied hum, which Steele took to mean he was doing well. So, he kept licking.

Tempus groaned happily, placing a paw on the back of Steele's head. Steele felt it, but didn't let it deter him from his task. He couldn't believe it, but he was loving both the smell and the taste, letting them both wash over him.

"Good boy. You're a decent little sheath cleaner, aren't you?" Tempus asked, an almost mocking tone in his voice. Steele didn't answer, instead choosing to lick across Tempus's balls for a moment, and then move up to the tip of his sheath, where several inches of the wolf's gigantic tip were poking out.

The moment Tempus felt Steele's tongue rub against his sensitive flesh, he shivered and moaned, while more inches began pouring out of his sheath. Steele's eyes widened when he saw he still had a long way to go before he would have gotten Tempus ready. But regardless, he wanted to do it.

Tempus grinned up at the others as Steele kept licking, before closing his eyes and basking in the pleasure. Steele was unable to wrap his tongue around the shaft, but he made up for it in his enthusiasm, licking and slurping across the glistening flesh like his life depended on it. Inches of growing maleness quickly turned into feet, with Steele's ministrations causing Tempus's arousal to increase quite quickly.

"Go on, Steele. Better make sure he's nice and slick," Balto said. He could feel his own sheath thicken as his arousal grew at the sight, his own ginormous tip poking out. Jenna noticed, and couldn't help but giggle.

"Looks like Tempus isn't the only one enjoying this," she noted.

"Hey, I'm allowed to find Steele being submissive sexy," Balto said defensively.

Kodi and Jenna laughed at that.

After five minutes, Steele had managed to coax the entirety of Tempus's gigantic dick out of his sheath, and stepped back to look at his work. His jaw was dropped when he saw just how big it was, realising that he was about to have the behemoth shoved inside him.

"Wow. He's just as big as you," Jenna said, nudging Balto's side.

"Think you're up for it, Steele?" Kodi asked, smirking.

Steele gulped, but nervously nodded. At this point, he was so desperate for some form of sex that he was very willing to let Tempus mount him.

"Good boy. Fair warning, it'll feel bigger than it looks. At first," Tempus said, standing up. His cock was already leaking vast amounts of pre-cum, the abundant volumes creating large puddles on the deck.

"B-bigger?!" Steele yelped, scared. Balto, Jenna, and Kodi all laughed at his outburst, which didn't help settle his nerves.

"Don't worry, Steele. You can handle it. Star managed to take all of me, after all," Balto said.

Still feeling nervous, Steele looked at Tempus, who gave a devilish grin, before he turned around. Tempus chuckled at the sight of Steele's rump, only blocked by the malamute's tail being tucked between his legs.

"Tail, Steele. Or do I need to move it for you?" Tempus asked, amused.

The malamute whimpered, but did as he was told, lifting his tail and holding it to the side, exposing his decently sized balls and virgin tail-hole to his new master. Deep down, a small part of him was protesting at the situation, but Steele's need overruled it.

"Quite a nice view. Shame I'm about to wreck it," Tempus said. He pointed his tip at Steele's anus, adding, "Don't think I'm going to go easy on you." With that, he pushed in.

Steele's eyes widened, and he gave a loud yelp, feeling his anal walls stretch apart far, far wider than they normally should. Tempus was right; it did feel bigger than it looked. Eyes watering, Steele whimpered when he felt Tempus wrap his paws around his hips.

Tempus, however, grinned as he said, "You think that's it? That's just the tip!"

Steele gave another whimper, his insides stretching apart as Tempus slowly pushed in further. Already he felt bloated from the amount shoved in, yet the wolf on him was intent on cramming the entire cock inside.

Even as the others watched, Tempus kept a firm grip on Steele's hips as he thrust in, slowly filling the malamute with more dick than he'd ever thought possible. A very large bulge was forming in the malamute's stomach, Tempus's cock pushing out against his belly as it forced more room inside. Steele couldn't believe it, but the process actually felt really good. Even though the massive shaft was clearly crushing his prostrate, the experience was nowhere near as painful as he thought it would be. Of course, his ass would never be the same again after this.

"Look at him, taking it like a champ. Are we sure this is his first time?" Balto asked, enjoying the view.

"He's too...tight for it not to be," Tempus grunted, forcing another few feet of cock inside. By now, Steele had taken just over half of Tempus's impressive organ into his ass, but he still had several feet to go before reaching the knot.

Just the thought of being stretched apart by those bulging glands made Steele whine, but he pushed back eagerly, which made Tempus grin. But then Kodi noticed something, and had to point it out.

"Looks like he's enjoying it! Look, he's hard as rock!" the husky shouted, pointing at Steele's groin.

Steele couldn't see what Kodi was talking about, but he could feel it. Even as Tempus practically split him apart, bulging his belly out with dick alone, the malamute could tell his own cock was erect, throbbing in its excitement and leaking copious amounts of pre-cum onto both the floor and his stretched belly. The pressure on his prostrate was so immense that it drove the dog wild.

Gasping and whimpering in bliss as he was turned into nothing more than a cock-sleeve for the wolf, Steele looked back at Tempus, and managed to utter, "Give me all you got, wolf."

Tempus grinned and replied, "My pleasure, bitch." Knowing he had full control, Tempus tightened his grip even more, and hammered home. Steele yelped and yipped, being stretched and pulled wider and longer, before he felt his partner's knot bump against his anus. A sliver of fear traced its way over what was left of Steele's rational mind, before he shook it away. Whether he wanted it or not, he was going to take the knot, and Tempus would make sure of that.

The wolf couldn't help but groan, so close yet so far from finally tying someone once more. He might have been able to survive with just his paw (and occasionally his tongue) when his need grew into desperation, but they just didn't compare to the amazing sensation of having a mate clench and massage his cock with their internal muscles. It was just very fortunate for the malamute that Tempus had an outstanding level of control at the moment. But that control was slowly slipping.

Yips and growls sounded out from the two rutting canines as Tempus started getting harder and faster in his movements. With each thrust, a loud, wet slap rang out, his colossal knot practically _punching_its way in, but Steele's ass just kept resisting, refusing to part enough to let it slide inside. It was slowly getting in, though, stretching him over a tiny fraction of it so far.

Even as they watched Tempus cram more and more wolf-cock inside Steele, Balto grinned at Jenna, saying, "How about _we_go at it now, too?"

Jenna looked at him, before at his cock, which was now fully erect and leaking pre on the floor. She licked her lips at the sight.

"I think that's a good idea. I've been emptying out all day, so I need a new filling," she said, making Balto smirk.

"Then let's sort that out," he answered. Jenna smiled happily, before instantly turning around and raising her tail, showing off her stretched and still leaking folds, ready and waiting for Balto. Balto glanced at Kodi and gave him a quick wink, before hopping up and slamming himself inside Jenna.

At the same time that Steele yelped_when Tempus forced a little more of his knot inside, Jenna _yipped when Balto's own knot slapped against her tender hole, the rest of his cock forming a very large bulge in her belly.

Tempus noticed Balto had just mounted and began breeding Jenna, but decided to ignore it for now. After all, he still had his own bitch to breed. And he was getting close to cumming, feeling his giant balls beginning to tighten as they readied their load.

Gritting his teeth and grunting, Tempus held onto Steele's hips with all his strength, and rammed himself forward as hard as he could. Steele's eyes shot open, and he yelped loudly, as Tempus's gargantuan knot was now forced more than a quarter inside. Another spine-jarring thrust later, and nearly half of the oversized glands were squished inside. Steele whimpered in response, his ass stretching apart so much that even his overstimulated prostrate was unable to fully dampen the pain emanating from it.

Jenna, on the other hand, was in pure, unadulterated bliss, being stretched wide over Balto's knot. The wolf-dog's glands were spreading her nearly the same about Tempus's were Steele, but the process was only slightly easier for him due to Jenna being so slick and used to his size, as opposed to Steele being new to it all.

Kodi watched the two sets of mating canines in interest, his own massive cock having erected a short while ago. Slightly annoyed that his mate was not with them, Kodi resorted to simply running his paw along most of his dick, shivering at the feeling. While it paled in comparison to fucking Dusty, Kodi did enjoy masturbating on occasion, much like his father.

"Get ready, Steele. Cause here comes the whole thing!" Tempus said, pulling back as far as he could. Steele whined, but he spread his legs apart, bracing his body in preparation. Tempus grinned, and rocketed forwards, pressing in with all his strength. Steele's eyes watered as he felt his tail-hole spreading wider and wider, the wolf's knot feeling like it would split him apart.

But then, whether it be by divine mercy, or twisted fate, the knot managed to pop in, with Steele's stretched anus closing tightly and comfortably around it, locking the two together. Steele moaned, two massive bulges in both his stomach and his rump, both of which Tempus's cock was responsible for. They were knotted so tightly that Steele's mind and body were thrown into throes of ecstasy.

Tempus grunted, feeling Steele clench and massage around his entire dick, his warm insides just begging for a large dosage of cum. He was quite impressed with how well Steele was taking this all, even if his mind had been twisted into nothing more than a lump of instinct seeking pleasure. But right now, all Tempus wanted to focus on was how close he was to that sweet, sweet release.

Another loud, wet pop sounded, making Tempus and a dazed Steele glance over. Balto was now knotted tightly inside Jenna, her body bulging out with every contour of the wolf-dog's cock, showing off just how outmatched any other male would be.

"Yeah, Dad! Make her squeal!" Kodi shouted, rubbing his shaft faster.

Balto smirked as he took his son's words to heart, humping his wife like there was no tomorrow. Every movement pushed his knot against her clitoris, and rubbed over her vaginal canal and uterus roughly, and it made Jenna climax repeatedly, her pleasure just increasing alongside Balto's. And, true to Balto's intentions, the sudden bouts of pleasure caused Jenna to start moaning and squealing incoherently.

"See how much she likes it? I bet that's what you're feeling as well. Am I right, you little malamute bitch?" Tempus whispered in Steele's ear. Steele whined in response, unable to speak. He knew Tempus was right, but his voice just didn't want to work. "Naw, does the little puppy want to get off?" Tempus asked almost mockingly. Another whine. "Don't worry, Steele. You'll get the release you crave."

Even with the fires of pleasure washing over him, Steele was having trouble believing him. That is, until Tempus gave an almighty thrust that smacked his groin into Steele's hips, making his massive balls bounce behind him. The thrust made Steele give off a pleasured, startled yelp, but that wasn't the only thing it made him do. Much to his amazement, his mind was clouded by orgasm, his own sizable balls pulsing and squeezing wet loads of malamute cum out of his dick to splash against the floor, some of it splattering against his bulging belly, and Tempus's balls.

The wolf groaned, feeling his bitch lose it, and grinned. He pulled back as much he could, and fired forwards, howling_loudly. Loud, wet _splurts sounded out around the boat, as Tempus's huge balls began to pulse and clench rapidly, sending his potent cum to fire out of his dick into Steele's warm, stretched bunghole.

Steele moaned when he felt Tempus climax, first feeling the wolf's cock throb and pulse, and then his sticky cum filling his stomach quickly. Even in his dazed, pleasure-filled mind, he watched his belly bulge and inflate further than before as pulses of Tempus's cum were shot inside. It was an almost unreal experience, observing the white fur of his belly as it grew bigger and rounder with every gigantic _spurt_of wolfseed.

Once Tempus began cumming, inflating Steele like a water balloon, Balto wasn't too far behind. He licked across Jenna's neck as he pulled back one last time, before slamming in, not pulling back as he erupted inside her. Jenna moaned, her own stretched belly inflating in time with Steele's as Balto's abundant cum blasted away at her insides.

A third set of splurts followed shortly after. Kodi was unable to handle it, his rubbing combining with the sights before him to cause his own orgasm, splattering cum across the floor of the boat in rivers of fertile goo. He rode out his waves of orgasm happily, practically hugging his pulsing cock as it throbbed and fired his sperm in giant loads.

Finally, after three long, blissful minutes, the three males began to calm down, their shots of cum slowing into soft trickles. Tempus wagged his tail as he gently licked at Steele's face, the two of them resting atop the malamute's giant belly, now inflated so much it could easily rival half of the size of the boat it sat on, while Tempus's balls dangled heavily against it. Balto and Jenna were panting and nuzzling lovingly atop Jenna's own inflated womb, but her size was just barely half of Steele's.

"Damn. I thought you were a potent guy, Dad, but Tempus has you beat!" Kodi said, looking first at his mother's bloated belly, and then Steele's giant gut.

"Oh, this is my normal output. It's just been so long since I last had sex, so I think Steele got quite a bit more than usual," Tempus said, before laughing.

"How big do you normally make them, then?" Balto asked.

"About the same size you made Jenna," Tempus replied. He was still lightly humping Steele, intent on riding his orgasm to the fullest.

"Huh. You know, if you hadn't had sex in so long, I'd have thought you'd have made Steele bigger," Jenna said.

"Yeah. It's almost like when I fucked you after going for eleven weeks without. You were so big after that," Balto said, looking at Jenna.

"I was as big as the boat. But I don't think you'll be trying that again, any time soon," Jenna noted.

"Nope. Those weeks were _torture_for me," Balto said.

"I can understand. I've had to go without sex for about a year. The only reason my balls didn't swell to unbearable levels was because I kept jerking off whenever it got too much. But _nothing_helps better than a nice, tight hole to fuck," Tempus said, grinning at Steele.

Still somewhat stunned over the mind-blowing sex he had just experienced, Steele blearily looked up at Tempus, before, to everyone's surprise, he licked at his muzzle, whispering, "I love you."

"Did Steele just say what I _thought_he said?" Balto whispered to Jenna.

"Sounded like it. I wonder what Tempus will say," Jenna replied.

Tempus remained silent for a few seconds, thinking over everything. Finally, he asked, "Do you really mean that?"

Steele nodded empathically, saying, "Yes. Please, I want to stay with you!"

A small smile appeared on Tempus's face, and he whispered, "Fine by me. But you know full well what you're getting into, right?" Steele nodded again, wagging his tail, happy he had finally found someone to spend the rest of his life with.

Kodi smiled as he looked at the two couples, before sighing softly. How he wished his wife was with them.

"Oh! So this is what you were up to."

Everyone turned to look at the ramp, just in time to see Dusty, her belly still largely swollen to the point she looked well-over pregnant with pups, walking up.

"Dusty!" Kodi said, going up to her and nuzzling her.

"Hey, honey. So, looks like you had a fun day," Dusty replied.

"Yeah, Dad met a new friend, and we managed to get Steele under control," Kodi said. Dusty glanced at the two swollen bitches, but her gaze lingered more on the lake of sperm Kodi had made.

Softly sighing, she lamented, "Shame I wasn't here with you. That load could have been in me."

Kodi grinned at that, his erect cock giving a hard throb.

"You know I always have enough in me for you," he said, a lustful gaze washing over his face. Dusty looked up at him, and grinned.

"Then prove it, big boy," she said, turning around and presenting herself to him.

It didn't take long for Kodi to thrust in and mount her, roughly fucking her like his life depended on it. Even with the other four cheering him on, calling for him to knot her like the bitch she was, Kodi rapidly pounded Dusty like a dog possessed. Dusty yipped and _yelped_with every movement, her pussy stretching around his swollen knot easily.

It only took a few minutes, before Kodi was locked inside, stretching Dusty's belly out further than it was previously. The dog moaned as he felt his previous orgasmic remains swirling and sloshing around his cock, but it was all just more fuel for his desire to cum.

And just a few moments later, he did. _Howling_loudly over Dusty's climaxing body, Kodi fired blasts of his rich, creamy seed into Dusty, swelling her belly into a large, round ball just shy of Jenna's size. But even so, Kodi and Dusty continued to hump against each other as they rode out their combined orgasms.

When the two calmed down, they smiled at each other, before they looked at the other four. Everyone smiled at each other, all of them aware that life from now on was going to be fun.

Over the next few weeks, Tempus began settling into his new life. He had elected to live on Balto's boat instead of returning to the forest, with Steele living with him. He did still go into the forest to see his pups, though, but his life had now changed, and he wasn't going to complain.

Aside from travelling into the forest every now and then, Tempus also ventured into the town often. At first, the humans were weary of him, considering he was a wolf, but when Balto and his family showed they enjoyed his company, and they realised he was not hostile, they decided it wasn't a bad thing for Tempus to be around. Tempus noted that his collar was most likely a contributing factor in the humans' acceptance of him, seeing as a wolf with a collar was almost unheard of.

Of course, while some of his trips into the town were normal and just simply so he could spend time with his new friends (who he was getting closer and closer to calling family), most of the time, Tempus's days in the town resulted in a load of sex happening. Steele had grown used to being Tempus's cumdump, his belly now constantly inflated so that he looked like he was pregnant with a large litter, so he had no problems with raising his tail whenever Tempus wanted, and ending up with a belly so large he wouldn't be able to walk for a while.

Jenna, Balto, Kodi, and Dusty were the closest in town to Tempus, and at least one of them always joined him whenever he was visiting. On the rare days where Tempus and Steele stayed at home, it was likely that someone would come to visit them instead.

Jenna had discussed it with Balto before it happened, but she had decided that she'll allow Tempus to have sex with her every now and then, be it in the town or on the boat. Tempus was appreciative of the offer, and he found fucking Jenna to be a worthwhile experience, always looking forward to the next time. Jenna noted that Tempus was _exactly_like Balto, a fact that made her not regret her choice.

Kodi noticed his mother enjoy having Tempus mate her, and decided that he wanted to try it out too. Tempus wanted to make sure Kodi was ready for it, but he obliged with Kodi's wish, and gave him a very good pounding. Even lying atop a massive, swollen belly, his own cock leaking in the wake of orgasm, Kodi stated he enjoyed it, and would like to try it again some time. Tempus gladly stated he would be happy to. Steele, lying on his back as he felt Tempus's most recent cum-splattering leak out of his ass, said he wondered what it would feel like to be fucked by Kodi, which gave Tempus an idea.

About three days after Kodi tried out bottoming to Tempus, Steele found himself being woken up surrounded by three humongous dicks. Balto and Kodi were standing with Tempus around Steele, all three of them ready to breed. Steele looked nervous when he realised the ravaging he was in for, but he was ready to go for it.

Kodi took him first, breeding Steele's hole like he would Dusty, ending with Steele atop a belly just below the size Tempus would get him to after one load. Balto was next, and his contributions to Steele's cum-bank ended up swelling the malamute to almost double his usual size. Finally, Tempus had his go, and he made sure Steele knew he was still his bitch, pounding him with so much force it was a wonder how his hips didn't snap, before Tempus unloaded his sperm and bloated Steele to the size of half the boat.

It took quite a while for Steele to deflate after that. But while Steele was receding, Tempus spoke to Balto, and the two agreed to try out Balto fucking Tempus. It was a fun time for both, even if Tempus yelped and whined as he was stretched apart by Balto's meat, but once Balto had knotted, there was no going back.

Huge balls slapping against similarly sized testicles, Balto bit down on Tempus's scruff, and gave a final thrust. Tempus moaned as he felt Balto's cum fire into his belly, bloating him out just like he would his own bitches. When Balto finished cumming, Tempus was lying atop a massive stomach, but it still paled in comparison to Steele's still ginormous belly.

Ever since, Tempus felt his life had changed for the better. He had several bitches willing to take his massive cock and help him get off, and a brand-new family to go alongside his old. Even now, lying on his back in the boat, with Steele resting his head on his chest, a paw lying on his swollen stomach, he wouldn't change anything that had happened.