Unraveling His Persona - Part 4

Story by kamikazetiger on SoFurry

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#4 of Unraveling His Persona

First of all yeah, I'm taking more story commissions. Specially ones about rule 34 ones like this! My price is six dollars each one thousand words. So if you're interested just send me a pm or if you know someone that can be interested just spread the word! Any money I get with this will be used for more commissions~

That being said this story was NOT written by me! It was written by KPFoxPaw!

If you don't know anything about the gremlins of Megami Tensei check https://www.sofurry.com/view/1601813 or https://www.sofurry.com/view/1602310.

Persona is a spin-off from Megami tensei a jrpg series that's been around for many years. And its one of the series with most kemono you will ever seen. It's interesting that a demon can show up in a game and look completely different when he shows up in another spin-off or even in another game in megami tensei later. It's one of my favorite rpg series ever and this is one of the reasons though it does mean a demon can look very cute in one game and then he looks like trash when he's in another game haha.

I could talk about that particular series all day since after all it's one of my favorites just like persona is one of my fav spin-offs. For this story though we need to focus in Persona 5; the latest of the Persona series at least for now.

Since story series is a prequel to the whole game you don't even need to play that game to enjoy it!

This story series was inspired by a doujin by japanese artist Chibineco which you can check for yourself in https://hitomi.la/galleries/1034882.html.

So doujin is about one of the characters from Persona 5 our beloved black cat know as Morgana and acts as a prequel to the game. This story wrote by KPFoxPaw and commissioned by me alongside Rikika and Shunfer following the first part is like another version of that doujin.

Now our brave cat heroes are trying to find a vehicle to move around so they can look for Ose. Maybe a plane? Will their little plan to take one work?

The day was young and the sky more brightly lit than usual. The air was calm and quiet with little to no noise to break the monotonous and disquieting silence. An unwelcome situation for Morgana and Shogun as they snuck along the exterior walls of an airport terminal they came upon with Shogun leading the way. They crept carefully and closely to the side of the building, ducking under windows to avoid being seen by the myriad of gremlins working inside. As the two felines moved covertly, they hoped the sound of numerous shrill voices chattering among each other would be enough to prevent them from detecting the black and blue cats sneaking around outside.

As the prowlers made their way towards the nearest hangar, Morgana's mind was lost in thought as to the situation he was still caught in. After all his time spent here in the metaverse, he had still learned nothing new about himself, regained any memories about his past life as a human, or even discovered any clues that could lead him to getting those memories back. All they had at the moment was a lead on someone named Ose and nothing else and they were taking a big risk for merely the chance to learn more.

Shogun stopped as they reached the corner of the terminal. "I think I see a way inside," Shogun said in a hushed voice. "I don't see any movement, but I think this leads to the hangar. If we don't meet any gremlins, we should be able to find a plane and be on our way to Ose. Easy peasy!"

As the black feline watched his blue-furred acquaintance speak fervently about their mission, he began to wonder if all this trouble was worth it. What if he was wrong? What if he wasn't really human? What if these feelings about himself being someone else are false and just a delusion of his own longing to be different?

"Morgana?" The black cat turned to face Shogun, realizing his thoughts had caused him to stare off into space. "You OK? You seem distracted."

Morgana shook his head. "It's nothing."

Shogun let out a soft sigh. "Look, I know it's risky, but the elephants suggested that we could find Ose faster if we had a vehicle to travel in. They might not have known where he is, but they did let us in on this airport and a plane would be perfect for searching." Shogun held his arms up in a show of excitement.

Morgana nodded. "Yeah, you're right," his response somewhat disinterested.

Shogun dropped his arms and cocked his head and eyebrows. "Look, if you don't want to do this, that's fine. We can find another way to get you back to your world."

Morgana looked up, considering his proposal for a half a second before shaking his head. "No. I wanna do this. Come on, let's go."

Shogun smiled and turned towards the hangar, leading the way. Morgana followed suit, putting his doubts to the back of his mind so they could focus on successfully nabbing a plane. They reached the hangar unnoticed as far as they could tell and, fortunately for them, found the entry door slightly ajar. Shogun carefully slid the door open wide enough to peak inside and gauge the surroundings for any gremlins. Espying none, he smiled and pushed the door open and stepped inside with Morgana following suit and closing the door behind himself leaving it open just a crack as it had been found.

The black feline turned and stepped next to Shogun who had his paws on his hips and a look of confusion. Morgana mirrored his befuddlement as he glanced around a room that looked nothing like a hangar, but a large garage with various parts and scrap material. With a disappointed sigh, Morgana let his head drop as Shogun looked back at his companion with slight embarrassment. "Eh heh heh, sorry. Guess I was wrong about this being the hangar. Well, guess we gotta keep looking. Don't worry Morg, once we get a plane, we should be able to find Ose in no time."

As Shogun said this, something suddenly occurred to Morgana, something he felt probably should've been brought up sooner as his disappointment turned to concern. "Uhhh... ... ... Shogun."

"Yeah Morg," he said as he regained a sense of confidence.

"You, uh... you don't happen to know how to fly, do you?"

His confident smile shifted quickly to dumbfounded embarrassment. As the shock of realizing that neither of them were capable of operating the aircraft, Shogun's proud posture broke and he leaned forward in a sulking, defeated manner.

"Oh man," he said mournfully. "Every time we get closer to our goal, we're given a new hurdle to overcome. Can we please just get a break already?"

Morgana took a deep breath and let out a long sigh. "So, what are we gonna do now."

Shogun turned to look back at Morgana. "I guess we'll have to get one of the gremlins to fly it for us."

Morgana reacted with surprise and uncertainty, though Shogun didn't look too confident himself. "You- you think they'd help us?"

"Maybe we can make a deal with them or something, offer them our assistance in excha-"

Shogun cut himself off as he heard the sound of a nearby door opening and shot a glance in the direction of the abrupt noise. The two quickly took cover behind a pile of boxes and watched as a single gremlin entered the building, carrying with him an armful of scrap metal, tools, and various small objects. He looked almost identical to the other gremlins with yellow skin, a short stubby tail, and standing about 6 inches taller than Morgana. He was also clad the same with a blue pilot's cap and large flight goggles, blue boots, wrist bands, and a harness with pouches on either side of his waist for tools and assorted scrap parts. There was one notable deviation: he was wearing a leather jacket with long sleeves covering his entire torso. He wore no pants though and let his privates dangle between his legs out in the open for all to see. The two felines watched and waited, expecting another several gremlins to follow him, but none came. The gremlin was muttering something to himself under his breath, his voice shrill and high-pitched, but a little deeper than the others. Shogun immediately saw the opportunity before him and grinned back at Morgana, who returned a worried expression.

The gremlin dropped the supplies on a table near an incomplete engine, continuing to absentmindedly grumble to himself, too lost in his own thoughts to notice the shadowy figure closing up behind him. Without warning, the blue-furred samurai feline snuck up behind him, grabbed an arm holding it behind his back, and using his other paw to cup the gremlin's mouth and keep him from screaming. Aghast by the action, the gremlin reached up with his free hand and tried to force Shogun's paw off his mouth in an attempt to cry for help, though unsuccessfully

From the side, Morgana quickly swooped in front of the gremlin, holding up his paws. "Shh, calm down, please!" he spoke in a quiet, yet tense voice. "We just want to talk, OK? Just hear us out please."

After his struggling slowed down a bit, he eventually capitulated and nodded in agreement. Morgana and Shogun shared a glance before Shogun removed his paw from the gremlin's mouth and brought his arm down to hold him across the chest, though the gremlin kept a hold on the cat's wrist. Staring back at Morgana with anger and annoyance, his eyes a dark green as opposed to the typical red associated with his kind, he asked, "What do you want, intruders?"

"Well, we came here looking for a plane to borrow, but neither of us knows how to fly a plane. So, we were wondering... maybe... if you'd be willing to fly it for us."

The gremlin furrowed his brow in utter confusion before smiling in contemptible derision. "Hah, is that all? Well, I don't see why not. How 'bout I also polish your friend's armor, maybe carry around your stuff? You want me to be your servant as well? Either of you need a kidney?" Morgana cocked his head in annoyance at the yellow guy's sarcasm, an expression that Shogun shared. The gremlin's derisive smile faded back to his original display of ire. "Why should I help you?"

Shogun spoke up. "Look, we're not asking you to do this for free. We wanna make a deal. Whatever you want, name it."

"Ha! Neither of you have anything I want and I don't need help from either of you. I'm not flying that plane for you two, so why don't you just piss off?" He started getting fidgety again, causing Shogun to tighten his grip.

"We're not looking to keep it, we're just looking for someone, Ose; I assume you've heard of him. And if you help us out, we'll make it up to you any way you want. Seriously, just name it and consider it done."

Shogun hadn't noticed that the gremlin had stopped struggling and even softened his grip on the feline's arm. Morgana noticed a look of contemplation on the yellow creature's face, a look that told the black cat he was considering their offer. His hopes were dashed though when the gremlin looked away and furrowed his brow in depression. "You guys should just leave." His voice was soft and sullen.

"Come on," Morgana protested.

"Just leave, now. Go peacefully back to your nice car and I won't trigger the alarm."

Morgana and Shogun shot each other befuddled looks. "Wait, what are you talking about?" Shogun asked. "We didn't come here in a car."

"Look, whatever, OK," the gremlin replied. "I don't care. Just leave already."

Morgana and Shogun exchanged exasperated glances. Morgana took a deep breath before speaking again. "Um, out of curiosity, why are you here by yourself?" The gremlin looked back at Morgana with a fairly frightened look, surprised by the question. "Every other gremlin I've seen are working in groups, but you're here all alone. Why?"

Bothered by the question, the gremlin looked away again nervously. Morgana waited, inquisitive as to the gremlin's sudden display of hesitation to respond, inspiring a sense of intrigue in the feline. The gremlin paused for a moment before finally speaking again in a melancholic tone. "It's... it's because I'm an outcast."

The cats stared at each other quizzically. "An outcast? What do you mean an outcast?" asked the black cat.

"Just that I'm an outcast. What, you don't know what an outcast is?" The agitation had returned to the gremlin's voice.

Morgana held up his paws defensively. "No, I got it." He paused then, staring at the gremlin's unusual covering. "Does it have something to do with your jacket?"

The gremlin glared back at Morgana. "What?"

"It's just something I noticed. None of the other gremlins we've seen wear much of anything at all, save for a tool belt, shoes, and gloves." Shogun gave a lewd smile at Morgana's description. "But you're wearing this long-sleeved jacket and on top of that you're here working with this scrap all by yourself. I just thought the two were-"

"It's none of your business, intruders!" The gremlin's voice hit a dangerously high volume, frightening the felines into thinking someone might have heard his little outburst. Morgana held up his paws apologetically, obviously having touched on a sore subject for the yellow fellow. "I don't have to explain anything to you. Now just get out."

He started struggling again and Shogun pulled him back to hold him tighter. In doing so, he inadvertently brushed the edge of his armor up against the gremlin's exposed butt. The gremlin's eyes grew wide as the cold metal pressed hard under his tail and against his yellow cheeks, the sensation forcing a groan through gritted teeth that the gremlin tried to suppress. Ultimately, the feeling sent waves of a seductive nature through his body that he could no longer resist and his groan turned into an alluring moan of pleasure. Morgana and Shogun were taken aback by the little guy's reaction and as the initial shock of pleasure wore off, the gremlin realized he revealed his arousal to the blue feline's handling and his eyes grew wide with embarrassment, his face turning a bright red. After a few seconds of mulling, Shogun smiled wide, grinning from ear to ear as a lascivious idea came to mind. Morgana had known the blue cat long enough to know what that smile meant and given the number of gremlins occupying the airport, the notion was making him nervous.

"You know, I think I may have found a way to convince you to help us after all," Shogun said sounding both seductive and assured.

The gremlin, however, remained recalcitrant in his decision. "Forget it. I'm not helping you, end of story. And you're not gonna make me change my mind." He no longer sounded so sure of himself.

"Oh no? I'm not so sure of that." Shogun removed the paw that was holding the gremlin's arm behind his back and slowly moved it around the smaller guy's waist. The gremlin brought his other arm up to the one across his chest and tried to struggle, but Shogun was stronger and kept the yellow man tight in his arms. Keeping his armor pressed firmly against his petite ass, Shogun slowly inched his paw down to between the gremlin's legs and grabbed his junk, giving it a harsh, but enjoyable, squeeze. Unable to deny the satisfaction, the gremlin let out a loud moan, arching his back as his whole body tightened up in response.

Though not surprised, Morgana was alarmed by Shogun's actions and checked their surroundings to see if anyone might be watching. He quickly moved to the nearest door, inspecting the outside for any other gremlins that might hear what was happening inside the garage. "Shogun, are you really going down this path right now of all times?" He spoke to himself, tension mounting at the danger of their situation.

Shogun didn't care though and continued fondling the lone gremlin, stroking his shaft with his fingers and cupping his testicles in his palm. His dick began to harden rapidly as the gremlin tried unsuccessfully to suppress his cries of lust. "Tell me, little man. How long has it been since you've gotten off?" He couldn't resist the sensations as his hips gyrated from the blue feline's stimulations.

"You... *moan* have to stop... *ugh* this now. *moan* It's only... *err* gonna get me... *ugh* in trouble." The gremlin's body was tense and he grit his teeth with embarrassment.

"Why would that matter? You said that you're an outcast, so it's not like things could really get any worse, could they? Besides, if you accept our deal, I promise you'll feel real good in the end. You won't regret it."

The gremlin's moans were becoming louder, pleasing Shogun but rattling Morgana. "No. I can't.

"I hear your words saying 'no', but your cock is saying 'yes'. It wants attention, it wants me to continue." The gremlin's dick was almost fully erect and Shogun was keeping an iron grip on the base, coaxing it to full mast. His fingers were teasing the yellow guy's scrotum and the gremlin was trembling uncontrollably, desperate for sexual gratification that was becoming more and more undeniable. "C'mon. Just say yes and I'll quit teasing and do whatever you want to your nice, hard penis."

Finally, he'd reached his breaking point. The samurai cat won and the gremlin conceded. "Alright, fine. I'll fly you anywhere you wanna go." Shogun smiled with delight. "So you'll do whatever I want now" I want you to give me a blow job.

Shogun grinned salaciously. "Say please."

"Please! Please, get down on your knees and suck me off... hard and long."

Morgana's nerves were elevated as he watched through the window of the garage door, waiting and expecting someone to walk by any minute. After a time, he saw no one and he began to relax, his heart rate slowing again as he took a deep breath. He turned to see how Shogun was managing to convince the gremlin to help them out and once he saw what his blue comrade was doing, his return to tranquility was nullified. Shogun had dropped his sashimono and removed all of his armor leaving him in just his fundoshi which had a very noticeable tent in the crotch area. The gremlin was displaying signs of eagerness for some sexual release by the samurai: panting heavily, body tense, and an erection that could be used as a diving board.

Morgana's fur stood on end as his eyes bulged in utter shock at his partner's conduct. "Shogun!" he said in hushed, but distraught tone. "What are doing? I thought you were just gonna give him a hand job."

Shogun turned to his comrade with a vain smile. "Well, we need his help and he wanted more than my paw. He wanted my succulent, glistening lips and tongue on his thick, meaty shaft. Besides..." he paused as he turned to stare at the gremlin with an alluring grin. "..I want to show him that there are benefits to helping us."

The gremlin responded with deeper panting and a look that suggested he could cum then and there at that very moment, but Morgana new Shogun would draw this out with the intention of enjoying it as much if not more so than the man they were trying to persuade. Eager to get to work, Shogun dropped down to his knees, face inches away from his blood-engorged rod. Placing a paw on either side of the gremlin's hips, he leaned forward, closed his eyes, and began licking from tip to base along the yellow cock. The gremlin moaned loudly, closed his eyes, and leaned his head back before placing his hands on Shogun's head. He didn't strip as Shogun had, leaving on every piece of clothing including his jacket.

Shogun slowly lapped away at the engineer's package, slathering up his dick until it glistened with feline spit. The gremlin never stopped moaning, softly rocking his hips around as the cat worked up his lustful appetite. After a moment, Shogun moved onto the guy's balls, dragging his tongue along the sensitive skin of his scrotum and eliciting more groans of pleasure. Shogun continued licking before exchanging laps for kisses, planting small pecks upwards along his testicles and onto the shaft. He moved up the length with tender kisses, amusing the gremlin as he approached the mushroom head. He watched on pins and needles as Shogun gazed at the tip, licking his lips before kissing the edge. He kissed it once, twice, and a third, each time longer and more sensual, causing the gremlin to bite his lip in anticipation for the inevitable blow job. Finally, the feline stuck out his tongue and dragged it along the underside of his penis as he engulfed the yellow man's dick, the warmth of Shogun's muzzle along with the slickness of his saliva sent jolts of pleasure through the gremlin's crotch that he hadn't felt in a long time. In response, he let out an intense moan of profuse pleasure as he gripped the samurai's head and held on tight, drooling a little as Shogun displayed his expert oral technique.

Morgana's objections remained to his friend's actions, but he couldn't deny his enjoyment of the scenario. Watching his partner suck off the yellow pilot was indeed gratifying to the black feline and his cock had grown stiff under his fundoshi. He hadn't noticed that he was breathing faster, his right paw wandering down to his groin and feeling the bulge under his garment. In a moment of pure instinct, he released a subtle, but detectable, cry of pleasure at the display.

Shogun caught Morgana's cry and removed the gremlin's phallus from his muzzle, much to the gremlin's chagrin. "Would you like to join, sweetie?"

It took the cat a second to realize that Shogun was talking to him. Embarrassed, he turned away. "Uh... I think that- uh- someone should... keep lookout."

Shogun smiled at his partner's modesty. "It's fine if you wanna join. I can work you both."

"Don't stop!" the gremlin exclaimed with a panicked voice. "Please, suck me off. I really need to cum."

Shogun gave him a wry, mischievous smile. "Well now, I guess it has been a while since you got some lovin'. You really are an outcast, aren't you?"

Without anymore words, Shogun once again swallowed the gremlin's erection with the yellow guy moaning as he did so. Watching his traveling companion service this devilish pilot was making Morgana desperate for his friend's mouth on his own cock. The stiffy growing in his underwear was becoming painfully hard and required immediate treatment.

"Hey!" This time it was the gremlin that addressed the black feline through labored breathing while Shogun continued to stuff his face with gremlin dick. "It's... *pant* OK... *moan* if you wanna... *ugh* join. *pant* Really. *moan* The danger... *pant* makes it more... *ugh* exciting... *moan* and enjoyable."

Morgana's paws were balled up into fists, his body tensing up as his emotion boiled over and the prospect of Shogun's moist lips on his aching cock had become too much to resist. He finally buckled, removing his fundoshi and running over to the pair, standing side by side with the gremlin. He looked down at his partner, his cock hanging erect and leaking pre-ejaculate. "Please, suck me off too Shogun."

Shogun didn't need any convincing as he smiled and brought a paw between Morgana's legs, cupping his dangling balls and fondling them between his digits. Morgana cried out in lustful passion as Shogun teased him a while, continuing to suck on the gremlin like a thick candy cane. After teasing his comrade a bit, he released the gremlin's cock, exposing it to the relatively cold open air as he moved over to Morgana, taking his small, pink penis in his mouth and encasing it in slick warmth. Morgana moaned and shivered at the stimulating experience, his groin tingling as he bucked his hips in the blue cat's face at Shogun's expert ministrations. While he fellated his fellow feline, his paw remaining on his balls with a tight dynamic grip, he brought his other paw up to the gremlin's dick, wrapping his digits around the base and squeezing firmly. It garnered a rousing groan of lust from the yellow man, much to Shogun's pleasure. He kept his palm at the base and moved his fingers along the shaft, rubbing the sensitive skin and focusing a good deal on the glans to sustain his approaching climax. The gremlin appreciated this and let his mouth remain agape as he moaned endlessly at Shogun's treatment. After a moment of fondling one while suckling at the other, the blue feline switched roles and sucked off the other while fondling the first.

"*ugh* God, Shogun, *ooh* that feels... *pant* so good," Morgana managed between moans and grunts.

"Oh *moan* God, yeah," the gremlin continued. "Work that... *ugh* paw and muzzle. *pant* Make us... *moan* cum." Shogun smiled around the long, yellow dong.

"Uh, I'm close, Shogun. *oh* I'm gonna cum. *pant* I'm gonna jizz... *moan* all over... *ugh* your face."

The blue feline needed no more encouragement and began working the two harder to bring them both over the edge. He had switched over to Morgana, suckling the cat's phallus as expertly as he could while roughly massaging the gremlin's package, his paw and mouth working faster now. He then switched positions, once again taking the gremlin's dick into his muzzle and edging him closer while fondling his friend and companion. The two moaned, each wrapping an arm around the other's waist to hold them steady as the intense sexual treatment from Shogun made them weak in the knees. Finally, both men found themselves near climax as they began thrusting hard towards Shogun's face in an attempt to facilitate the cat's treatment. Shogun recognized their gyrating pleas and doubled his efforts to assist their explosive orgasm.

Morgana's moans grew louder and the gremlin's grunts grew more intense, the feline arching his back slowly while the other closed his eyes and bent forward as they reached orgasm. Eventually, an explosion of white, sticky, man-cream erupted from Morgana's cock and landed square in Shogun's face, painting him with the feline's spunk. The gremlin ejaculated at the same time, his semen firing hot and hard down the kitty's throat and sending a spicy flavor through Shogun's taste buds. A few more shots were released into Shogun's maw before he pulled the yellow phallus out and pawed him off the rest of the way, milking the two sexual cohorts of their male essence and slathering it on his face. He opened his maw as streaks of Morgana's and the gremlin's sperm painted his blue fur with doses managing to hit Shogun's tongue. Their orgasms ebbed away as the last stream of cum seeped out of each man's dick, the samurai cat greedily lapping it up from their glans, eliciting a moan of sensitivity from both.

So lost in the moment was the group that they failed to notice the drastic effect their loud moans would have as a shadow appeared outside the window to the door and a faint voice coming from the other side. "You guys hear that? Come on, let's check it out."

The gremlin stepped aside, leaning on a nearby table for support, panting heavily as he recovered from the afterglow of such an amazing experience. Morgana, a little shaky from strain, dropped down to his knees as Shogun scooted up next to him, the face fur matted with his and the gremlin's semen. Morgana smiled with fatigued satisfaction and leaned forward to kiss Shogun, the blue feline's muzzle opening to allow his partner access. Their lips connected and Morgana darted his tongue out while Shogun met his, wrestling their organs and exchanging saliva. The black cat could taste the jizz in Shogun's mouth and his still hard cock tingled, though in his tired state he wasn't ready for another round just yet.

They broke the kiss after a few seconds and Morgana grinned at Shogun. "Look at you, Shogun. You're all dirty." Shogun smiled as Morgana leaned forward and began licking his comrade's face, lapping up the cold and sticky spunk that stained his friend's fur. Shogun merely moaned with pleasure as Morgana cleaned his face of the shared expulsion of manly juices currently spattered on his face. Morgana backed away to stare of Shogun with a mixture of affection and lust.

"What the hell!" Their affectionate moment crumbled and their hearts jumped into their throat at the sound of a shrill voice coming from the doorway. They turned to see four pissed off gremlins standing in the open door frame, staring at the naked and nearly naked felines with utter contempt. "Intruders!"

Without hesitation, Morgana held his paws up defensively, his cock going flaccid rather quickly. "Wait, we're not intruders. We were making friends with the other gremlin. Right?" He and Shogun turned to await verification from their new yellow acquaintance. However, disappointment arose as the gremlin they just shared an intimate moment with was nowhere to be seen. Morgana and Shogun looked on with bitterness at the gremlin's retreat.

"You think we give a shit about that loser?" yelled the gremlin standing front and center with the others, calling back the two feline's attention. "His worthless words mean nothing, so don't bother using him as an excuse. Now what the hell are you doing here?!" The other three gremlins were looking just as riled and angry as the center one, two of them looking ready to start a fight. They all seemed a little taller than the other one, roughly 2 feet 8 inches tall, though the center one looked a couple inches taller than the rest.

Seeing no way for them to overpower these four like they did the first one, Morgana tried to reason with them, though such hopes were low. "Look, we're not here for trouble. We just came to borrow a plane so we-"

"Forget it," the center gremlin exclaimed interrupting Morgana. "This is our airport, you understand? You aint gettin' nothin'. So get the hell out of here!"

Morgana heard his partner groaning with disdain and saw his expression turning to anger as the gremlins remained contentious. Realizing their roles, Morgana placed a paw on Shogun's arm to try to calm him, the blue feline turning to look at his friend with sympathetic eyes. "Shogun, I don't think we should fight."

Shogun reacted with mild shock. "What? Why?"

"Because... let's be honest, it's true. We are intruders. We came in here with the intent of taking a plane. I just... I don't think we have the right to fight and demand something from them."

Shogun stared back with discontent, but seeing the four gremlins and his partner's reluctance to engage in a fight seemed to soften his expression. "Alright. If that's what you want."

Morgana nodded. "It is. It's the human thing to do." Shogun seemed taken aback by Morgana's statement, but Morgana felt compelled to say it. His continuing doubts about his true identity were holding him back and jeopardizing their mission. He couldn't keep letting his doubts weight him down like this, especially not while risking his and his friend's life or putting themselves through these trials. He had to remain resolute in his convictions, otherwise everything they were doing was pointless.

With a reflective nod and a reassuring smile from Shogun, the two returned their attention to the gremlins standing by the exit. "Look, we don't want to fight OK, but we can't leave," Morgana said standing up with Shogun following suit, affording lewd glances from the yellow creatures. "We know you won't just give us the plane but... maybe we could make a deal. We don't have much, but we're hard workers and we're willing to offer our assistance with whatever you need."

Shogun looked troubled at the gremlins' lack of attention and Morgana seemed diffident in a potential deal. However, the center gremlin looked their nude forms up and down while smiling salaciously. "A deal, huh? Does that mean you'd be willing to do anything to get a plane?" He spoke with a sleazy, seductive tone.

Morgana immediately picked up on the gremlin's suggestion and his diffidence turned to discomfort. He turned to Shogun, expecting the same discomfort, but the blue feline's troubled look turned to a grin of excitement. Somewhat aghast at the pleasure his partner was getting from this proposition, Morgana became annoyed and vexed at the prospect of prostituting himself for transportation. However, with as far as they've both come and been through to get here, he didn't want to waste anymore time trying to find another route. Shogun seemed more than OK with it and he'd already prostituted himself to the other gremlin, so it wasn't too far off from what he's already done. For Morgana, it wasn't entirely new to him either, having given himself to Ganesha and Girimehkala in exchange for their lives before and he didn't expect this to be nearly as bad as that.

So, with a disgruntled sigh, he nodded and stood tall and resolute. "Yes, we're willing to do anything. Name it and we'll do it."

Without another word, the four gremlins started sauntering over to the felines, removing their bracelets, caps, harnesses and dropping them to the floor as they looked on with obscene intent. Shogun watched with delightful anticipation while Morgana's nerves fired up with apprehension, though watching those naked yellow bodies slowly marching towards them was admittedly titillating. They each kicked off their boots as the first gremlin walked over to Shogun with a second following. The third and fourth gremlin approached Morgana, making his heart pump faster and his breathing elevate. Both felines were excited for different reasons, the sexual expectation making them both hard, Morgana's exposed penis growing for all to see while Shogun's began forming a tent under his fundoshi.

Gremlin 1 stepped in front of Shogun, almost half a foot shorter, but displaying a confidence and authority that made him appear superior to even the samurai cat. The gremlin ogled Shogun, paying particular attention to his swelling underwear. "Let's start by gettin' rid of this." The gremlin grabbed a hold of the white undergarment, roughly untying it and pulling it off the feline, tossing the cloth aside and leaving Shogun in his birthday suit. Satisfied, the gremlin stared down at the kitty cock, growing fully erect as it now had the freedom to do so. The yellow man's mouth hung agape as he stared hungrily at the male meat, a string of drool seeping out the corner of his mouth.

"You really gonna pay for a plane with your bodies?" gremlin 1 asked. "You really have no problem with that?"

Shogun shook his head enthusiastically. "Uh-uh. No problem at all."

"Heh, you really are a slutty kitty, aren't ya?" Shogun grinned lasciviously as Gremlin 1 moved in and rubbed his hands on Shogun's pudgy belly, giving it a gentle squeeze and eliciting a moan of pleasure from the black cat. Morgana watched, nervously enticed by the display.

"And what about you, kitty?" Morgana turned to face a third gremlin who'd moved right next to him and was staring at him with the same lustful smile. "You have any problem with us using your body as we desire?"

The question was embarrassing to Morgana and he blushed under his fur, but with his obvious arousal growing and frankly no alternative to the situation, Morgana answered, "Nope. No problem. My body is yours." The apprehension in his voice was apparent, much to the gremlins' delight.

Gremlin 3 chuckled as he turned to the fourth gremlin. "Looks like we got ourselves a nervous one. This outta be fun."

As Morgana's anxiety rose, Shogun was becoming impatient to gratify this new pair of partners. "So, what would you like me to do?" he asked.

"Whatever we tell you to do," replied gremlin 1.

A little surprised but a lot turned on, Shogun nodded enthusiastically. "Yes sir."

Grinning, gremlin 1 moved in, grabbed Shogun from around the back of the head and pulled his lips forward and met him in a hard and amorous kiss. Without hesitation, Shogun relaxed and gave the gremlin access to his maw, the gremlin's tongue snaking it's way inside his muzzle as the two made out. The blue feline wrapped his arms around the gremlin and pulled him close, pressing the yellow guy's thin frame into his obese belly. While they sucked face, the second gremlin stepped around behind Shogun and started massaging his love handles while kissing the back of his neck. He planted small pecks down his back towards his backside as he knelt down behind the blue feline. Once there, he used his right paw to hold up the cat's tail as he pressed his face in between Shogun's round cheeks and gave him a rim job. The feeling of the gremlin's tongue up against his anus caused Shogun to moan loudly, but the gremlin didn't allow him to break the kiss, leaving him to moan directly into the gremlin's mouth. The two continued to wrestle tongues and exchange saliva while gremlin 2 continued to eat out Shogun's asshole. It started out with small licks that became more and more forceful until he ultimately started kissing it, basting it with his spit as he made out with the cat's rosebud.

While Shogun was enjoying getting tongued in two orifices, gremlins 3 and 4 began the foreplay with Morgana. Gremlin 3 stepped forward, making the cat's heart palpitate wildly. "Don't worry cat, we won't hurt you," he said with a somewhat sadistic tone that didn't calm Morgana's nerves much. "Your boyfriend seems to be enjoying himself. Just be like him and relax. It'll make it easier for you to pleasure us."

Morgana nodded and smiled, still displeased to be doing this, but decided to commit to their deal. As gremlin 3 reached around Morgana's waist, Morgana responded by gently following his lead, placing his paws around the gremlin. "That's it," the gremlin said as he leaned forward and met lips with Morgana. Shocked, it took Morgana a second before he opened his muzzle but as soon as he did the gremlin's tongue darted inside. After the initial reluctance wore off, the feeling of having the yellow man's organ in his mouth sent tingles to his nether region and his earlier objections quickly dwindled away. His embrace grew stronger as the kiss grew more intimate and animated, the two smacking lips as they played around with each other's tongue.

As they continued, gremlin 4 came around behind Morgana. He placed a hand on Morgana's shoulder, garnering mild attention as the cat was engaged in a sexual trance from the make-out session with gremlin 3. "You're really into gremlins, aren't you kitty? That's good, but let's see how good you are at taking them." The gremlin behind Morgana snuck a hand under the base of the feline's tail and probed around the cat's backside until he found Morgana's rear entrance. He started teasing the cat's anus, forming circles around the sensitive skin and causing Morgana to moan against the kissing gremlin. This heightened their sexual prowess and their frenching increased vigorously and became more animalistic. Humored, gremlin 4 chuckled as he slowly poked away at Morgana's sphincter, teasing him mercilessly with threats of penetration only to pull back before finally separating his tight ring. Finally, after a torturous minute and a half, the gremlin pushed forward, slipping his middle finger passed the back barrier, opening up his pucker and sliding inside his warm, dank depths.

Morgana tensed up his muscles, his shoulders and back tightening with sensual display as he was fingered. The gremlin grinned and slowly began thrusting his digit in and out, sodomizing him with a gentle rhythm that slowly built up in pace. After a couple of minutes, the gremlin decided to insert a second finger, seeing how wide he could get the amorous feline's asshole. Morgana's kissing was becoming more wild as the gremlin behind him stimulated his anus. Seeing how much he enjoyed it, the gremlin inserted a third finger and was mildly surprised that Morgana could take that much spreading.

"Wow cat! You're pretty loose. Guess you do this more often than you care to admit, huh?"

Morgana said nothing, but kept his tongue hard at work sucking saliva out of the other gremlin's mouth, their bodies pressed together and their erect cocks colliding between them. Shogun's kissing had grown in intensity as well with both he and the gremlin using their paws and clawed hands to grope and fondle each other. Gremlin 2 continued to make out with Shogun's pucker, slathering it up with gremlin drool, eating him out of all the cat was worth. Gremlin 1 gave Shogun a few good slaps on his ass, eliciting moans of lust from the feline.

Then without warning the gremlin broke the kiss, leaving a small string of spit between the two to form for a moment before breaking and streaking down Shogun's cheek. He brushed it off with his forearm as he stood there panting heavily, smiling at the gremlin who stared back wantonly, his hands on his hips. Gremlin 2 finally stopped licking Shogun's ass, having gotten it good and lubed, then stood up.

"Alright, cat," gremlin 1 began. "Now get down on your paws and knees and suck me off."

"Yes sir," Shogun replied slowly and lasciviously. He dropped down onto his knees, backed up, and fell onto his paws as he stared at the rock hard member before his face. Licking his lips, he crawled up to the gremlin, leaned forward, and began licking the yellow balls dangling between his legs. He licked them hard so the gremlin could feel it, letting them bounce after each lick. He slowly moved up towards the base of the cock, licking it and kissing it seductively till finally he reached the head, pre-ejaculate seeping out slowly. He lapped up the tangy fluid and continued to lick away at the sensitive skin, the gremlin shuddering in ecstasy while his toes curled. Finally, the feline stopped teasing the gremlin and held his tongue out to guide the dick inside his maw, fully inserting it into his warm orifice until the glans pressed against the back of his tongue. Now properly positioned, he started bobbing back and forth, motioning the rhythm to properly suck off the first gremlin. He started off slowly, but then picked up speed, but as he did the gremlin reached down and held his head firmly.

"Uh uh uh," he said trying to slow the cat's pace. "Not so fast. Take it slow. I want to enjoy this. I want you to really earn that plane. Suck me slow and explore every inch of my cock. Keep at until I cum down your throat."

Ready to oblige, Shogun slowed his speed and started snaking his tongue around the gremlin's penis, exploring the entire length as best he could but focusing mainly on the underside and the glans. Gremlin 1 smiled with content as gremlin 2 snuck up behind Shogun. The cat felt two hands grab his ass cheeks and squeeze as something hard and pointed prodded his taint. He felt the tip of the rod slide up and down his crack until it found his opening and pressed forward, forcing it's way inside and spreading the tight muscle wide open. The gremlin shoved his cock deep into the dark, moist depths of Shogun's bowels and quickly began gyrating back and forth, fucking the cat's ass hard. Shogun felt his groin tingle as his prostate was prodded by the member in his ass, stimulating a rising orgasm in him. He groaned with pleasure around the cock in his mouth and continued to suck as he was rocked back and forth, massaging gremlin 1's ass while he fellated him. Gremlin 1 had also started bucking his hips into Shogun's mouth.

"Ugh... that's... *pant* a good cat," said gremlin 1. "You're real *pant* good with *ugh* that muzzle."

"Ugh... no kidding," added gremlin 2. "His ass... *moan* is pretty loose too. *ugh* He's gotten... *moan* a lot of use... *moan* out of it."

Shogun responded to the second gremlin's comment by squeezing the man's cock with his flexible pucker as best he could when the gremlin inserted it. Gremlin 2 grunted in pure pleasure, his hips smacking against Shogun's rear as he increased his speed. The feline worked both ends expertly, squeezing around the gremlin penis while suckling on the other, using the force of gremlin 2's thrusts as leverage for guiding his oral treatments. As the dick slid in and out of his ass, the nerves in his sphincter stimulated a tingling in his groin and his own orgasm grew as his cock bounced around underneath him.

Nearby, Morgana was becoming more entranced by the molestation he was receiving by the three fingers in his ass and the tongue invasion in his muzzle. As his enjoyment grew, the gremlin he was kissing broke away, leaving Morgana disappointed. The gremlin stepped back, observing the cat's mast with primeval hunger while the other gremlin remained behind Morgana, continuing to kiss the feline's neck and leaving his fingers inside his rear entrance.

Slowly, gremlin 3 dropped to the floor, moving to lie on his back while maintaining eye contact with Morgana. He lifted his legs in the air and pointed his butt at the cat with his exposed anus framed like a beacon calling to the feline. Morgana gulped as he witnessed the gremlin present himself to the cat like a bottom, fairly certain of what the gremlin was going to ask, but waiting for him to bestow his order.

"Now cat," gremlin 3 said, eyeing Morgana seductively and menacingly, "... I want you to fuck me. I want you to love my ass with your little kitty cock until I cum."

Morgana stifled a moan and took a deep breath. "Yes, sir," he replied, hardly trying to feign discontent with the creature's command. Without hesitation, he stepped forward and moved to kneel down, gremlin 4's fingers slipping out of Morgana's asshole as he did, causing the cat to groan. He tried to pace himself, but he was anxious to get started, but first he needed to lube up the gremlin's tailhole. He got down onto his paws and leaned forward, bringing his face level with the gremlin's ass. Gremlin 3 watched with baited pleasure and a sadistic smile as his subject prepared to rim his back end. Slowly, Morgana moved his face towards the puckered hole, the germlin tense as he clenched tightly in anticipation of the cat's moist organ.

Then without pause he opened his mouth, stuck out his tongue, and dragged it upward from the base of the stubby tail to the taint under his wrinkled scrotum. The sensation caused the gremlin to shiver with delight as Morgana moved to repeat the motion, faster this time and with more force. With each lick the feline rocked the gremlin back and forth, Morgana gradually focusing his ministrations on the wrinkled star until finally his tongue contacted only the gremlin's sphincter.

"Oh yeah, that's it cat," the gremlin said. "Eat out my asshole."

Morgana did as told, licking and kissing the yellow guy's back door, lubing it up with feline spit as he eagerly munched on gremlin ass. He brought up a paw to hold onto the gremlin's buttcheek as he continued to render him with a generous and expert analingus until his cock twitched and bulged with ravenous lust. Morgana couldn't take it anymore as the heat from gremlin 3's tailhole emanated onto his tongue and he needed to feel that heat envelope his cock. After a couple more licks, he pulled himself up, climbed over the gremlin, who looked back with a wide, seductive grin.

"Come on, kitty. Love my ass. I wanna feel your cat meat deep inside me."

No more encouragement was necessary and Morgana pulled his hips forward, poking him with his stiff mast until it found the tight bud and zealously thrust forward. The gremlin grit his teeth and his eyes opened wide as his butt was split open rather abruptly, but the pain obviously mixed with pleasure as he moaned out loud as he was soon hilted by the feline. Morgana stared down at the gremlin, locking eyes with him with an open maw and an expression of sexual impatience. The feline steadied himself, the gremlin looking smug and satisfied as Morgana pulled out leaving only the tip inside as he speared the gremlin a second time. He began thrusting back and forth, in and out, slapping the yellow ass with his hips with each pummel. Shortly after he began, he felt a pair of hands grab his waist and hold him steady. Morgana had forgotten about the other gremlin, but at the moment the tingling sensation on his cock in the warm, dank confines of the other gremlin's asshole felt too good to care.

"You didn't forget about me, did you kitty?" Morgana was breathing a bit too heavily to answer him. Gremlin 4 licked his lips as he continued, "Well you're all stretched out now, so you should be able to take my dick without issue."

Morgana wasn't about to protest. He'd seen his package and he knew that after taking Shogun or, more importantly, Ganesha and Girimekhala that this gremlin would be no problem. Still, as he felt gremlin 4 line up his gremlin stick outside his anus and slowly thrust it forward, spreading his tight bud apart while his anus pushed back with moderate resistance, he felt a slight burn spread through his nether region. Fortunately, the burning sensation sent a pulse of sexual ecstasy through his crotch and his head shot back with a moan of pure pleasure. His back pushed against gremlin 4's chest and the gremlin responded by grinning with devilish satisfaction.

"Yeah, you like that don't ya?"

"He's a regular slut, isn't he?" asked gremlin 3 in response.

"Yes he is. Now, earn that plane cat."

Gremlin 4 pulled out almost the entirety of his length and then rammed it back inside the cat with a loud slap on Morgana's ass. He repeated the motion several times until he built up a rhythm back and forth, in and out of the tight kitty ass. While he fucked the cat, Morgana continued fucking gremlin 3 under him, matching the speed at which the yellow man on top of him was entering and exiting him. They built up a steady combined groove with each member using the other's force of motion as leverage for their own, reducing the work each had to perform and optimizing the pleasure as a series of gremlin and feline moans echoed off the chambers of the garage.

Shogun, in the midst of servicing the local airport workers, cocked a glance at his comrade entranced in the sensual escapade of both bottoming and topping at the same time. Pleased by his partner's experience, he sucked and squeezed harder around the members currently spitroasting him, much to the gremlins' delight. His tongue continued to snake itself over the sensitive skin of gremlin 1's cock, making the creature shudder and groan explosively. Meanwhile, gremlin 2 was pumping harder and harder into Shogun's rear, each thrust eliciting loud grunts.

"Oh God, *pant* that feels so *ugh* good," said Gremlin 1 in between moans. "You like the *pant* taste of my cock, don't ya? I can tell *moan* the way you won't *groan* stop licking it."

Gremlin 2 grinned. "He likes *ugh* takin' up the ass too. *moan* His ass *pant* is milking my cock *groan* for all it's worth."

"Oh, I know *groan* how much cat's *ugh* like the taste of *pant* milk."

Shogun smiled around the penis in his mouth, eager for the manly essence the two gremlins were teasing. They continued to pound his face and ass while he bobbed forward and back to facilitate the growing peaks in all three of them. While Shogun's enjoyment of the situation grew, Morgana's hesitation was dwindling more and more as the feeling of his hard glans sliding along the gremlin's slick innards was pushing him closer and closer to orgasm. The other gremlin pounding his tight asshole, stimulating his sensitive sphincter was only accentuating the sexual delight.

"Oh, yeah. *moan* You like that kitty? *groan* You like the *ugh* way my ass feels? *moan* I know you do. *ugh* Your cock *ugh* feels so good *pant* deep inside me."

Morgana could say nothing, but grit his teeth as that familiar tingling sensation built up more and more in his groin, hinting at his upcoming climax. Several minutes passed and the sound of bodies rubbing and slapping each other was soon being drowned out by the growing cadence of grunts and moans, both feline and gremlin. The two spearing Shogun were thrusting faster than the other two, gritting their teeth and displaying their impatience to feel their cocks explode inside the blue-furred cat.

"God, *ugh* I'm close!" yelled gremlin 1. "I'm gonna cum! *moan* Here it comes kitty! *ugh* Got some cream for ya!"

Shogun didn't let up, moaning around the cock, feeling it flex in his muzzle, anxiously ready to accept those juices down his throat. The cock in his ass was just as fervent and the gremlin behind him was grunting maniacally as he came close to his own peak. Soon enough, the two gremlins slowed their thrusts and the flexing dong in his muzzle eventually pulsed until finally, he felt the sensation of a hot, juicy liquid shooting out of that gremlin phallus right into his mouth. The salty taste immediately caught the feline's taste buds and he moaned with pleasure as he lapped it up as another shot of gremlin seed ejected into the cat's mouth.

Simultaneously, gremlin 2 gave a few more hard thrusts into Shogun's large ass until his own penis exploded profusely, filling the cat's bowels with his thick gremlin semen. Shogun felt the warm fluids filling his intestines as gremlin 1 continued to unload in his maw while still continuing to thrust. The sensation became too much and Shogun reached his own peak, rolling his eyes back as his dick flexed as he came on the floor. Shot and shot of hot feline semen splattered below him as he continued to receive the expelled man seed from his yellow partners. After a few more shots, the gremlin pulled his dick out of Shogun's mouth and began ejaculating on his face. Shogun just smiled and let the gremlin streak his face with gremlin milk.

As Shogun's orgy began to die down, Morgana's was reaching the zenith of their encounter with all three still thrusting hard and fast, edging closer to climax. The three were groaning intensely, eyes shut and mouths agape, the heat resonating from their encounter until finally gremlin 3 was the first to reach his limit. "Oh, god! That's it. Oh... fuck... fuck... FUCK!" He leaned his head back as his dick pulsed before a violent eruption of thick ejaculate spewed forth, hitting Morgana on the chin. He unleashed a flurry of shots with several strings of his cream hitting Morgana on the chin or cheek with the rest landing on his own yellow belly.

Shortly after, Morgana and gremlin 4 slowed their thrusts, pumping several more times in and out, and then arching their back, gritting their teeth, and spearing their partner's asshole as they came. A few seconds went by as Morgana and gremlin 4 ejaculated into the intestinal depths their cocks were penetrating before they continued to thrust, milking their nuts for all they could muster. This continued on for a solid minute before all six men were completely spent, every last drop of semen, every last chunk of sperm seeped out of their urethras, leaving them empty and exhausted.

They took a moment to catch their breaths, panting heavily while they recovered from such an amorous experience. Finally, everyone who was still inside someone else pulled out, exposing their tired rods to the cold air. While they recovered, Shogun crawled over to Morgana who was lying on his back breathing heavily. Morgana looked up at Shogun and smiled. Shogun stared back at Morgana with a seductive look.

"You are so sexy, Morg," the blue feline said in a soft voice, making Morgana blush. "Just thinking about you pounding that gremlin while gettin' pounded yourself makes me so hot for more."

Morgana, still fatigued from the experience, nevertheless sat up to meet Shogun and help satiate his ravenous sexual appetite. The two held each other in an embrace as they brought their lips together in a lustful kiss, their mouth's opening and their tongues darting out instantly. They made out, sucking face as best they could through the exhaustion. It didn't last too long before Shogun broke the kiss, staring at Morgana with hungry eyes. He noted the white, chunky streaks of gremlin seed matting Morgana's fur and quickly leaned in, sticking out his tongue and slowly dragging it along the cum-covered surface. Morgana moaned as Shogun licked up the recently discarded semen, his rough tongue leaving a slick trail of saliva along his chin and cheek. Shogun took his time cleaning up the sticky fluid staining his partner's fur coat, purring loudly while his cock grew back to full mast.

After he finished, Morgana decided to return the favor, noting the stains of gremlin cum on his friend's face. Slowly, he leaned in and dragged his own sandpaper tongue along Shogun's face, lapping up the sticky jizz. Morgana was more sensual with his ministrations, purring more quietly while his laps were more soft and less forceful than Shogun's. The blue feline didn't mind though, as he enjoyed the feel of Morgana's warm, rough tongue slide along his blue fur, removing any trace of gremlin cum and leaving behind a matting of the cat's spit.

As Morgana is working, Shogun becomes restless and interrupts his cleaning to begin making out again. Morgana is taken aback, but gives in, always enjoying the experience of having his partner shove his tongue down his throat. As they exchange saliva, the salty and tangy taste of gremlin semen lingered, enhancing the experience for both of them and punctuating their arousal. Their post orgy make-out session was interrupted when they both felt the blunt end of something hard and wet poke them in the side of the head. They broke away and immediately noticed all four gremlins standing around with their cocks aimed in their direction, fully erect and ready for further pleasuring as they glistened with the previous sessions after effects.

"Guess what cats?" asked gremlin 1. "We think you aren't done earning that plane from us. And judging by how eagerly you two are tongue-wrestling, it looks like you should be able to properly satisfy us."

Morgana was staring back with exasperation at the gremlins' request, tired of having to continue to prostitute himself putting so much effort into their first sexual episode. As Morgana looked back at Shogun, the blue feline smirked back at him almost pleading with Morgana to stick it out a little longer. Accepting this as their only choice, he relented and sat on his haunches as they both looked back at their two previous yellow 'lovers.'

"Yes sir," Morgana and Shogun replied in unison.

"Good. Then get us off again. Seeing the two of you make out and lick up our cum just got us so- mmm... hot." Gremlin 1 responded with a devilish smirk as all four gremlins stepped up, their dicks within inches from the two felines.

Morgana felt reluctant given how much he'd already contributed, but set his feelings aside so as to finish paying the gremlins' debauched fee. With an inward sigh and staring up at the two closest gremlins, Morgana slowly reached up with both paws and took a hold of the two sets of dangling bits in his palm. With both hands occupied, he gave both scrota a gentle squeeze, eliciting a noticeable moan and shudder of excitement from the both of them. They smiled gleefully, indicating to the black cat that he had their attention, and so continued to fondle their coin purses, massaging them gently like stress balls. Their cocks were hard as rocks now with pre seeping out and dribbling down the shaft. Morgana saw this and lifted his thumb up to both glans to spread the gooey substance over their sensitive skin. Their bodies clenched as the feline stimulated their erogenous cockheads, mouths hanging open as they began to pant at the treatment.

Not wanting to drag this out any longer than necessary, Morgana leaned forward and took the length of one of those yellow engineers into his warm, moist muzzle. The owner of that rod gasped erotically as the black feline hilted the gremlin with his mouth, the glans poking the back of his throat and a hairless crotch pressing against his nose. Morgana was able to take the entire penis into his maw without gagging with the pre-ejaculate spreading along his tongue, the taste exciting him, though the act filling him with embarrassment. Submitting to their demands, he began gratifying the gremlin, slowly pulling the yellow dick out and shoving it back in, gently at first and a little harder after a moment. His body bobbed back and forth to build up a steady rhythm as the gremlin brought a hand down to hold Morgana's head in place. While he was sucking off the one, he began sliding his paw along the shaft of the other gremlin, trying to match the speed with his oral sodomy. He managed to elicit a groan of pleasure as he did so.

As Morgana tended to his partners' sexual needs, next to him Shogun was making efforts to pleasure the other two gremlins. Unlike Morgana, he immediately began teasing the gremlins with his muzzle, holding on to both men's package as he gave the head of one gremlin's penis a gentle lick garnering a soft groan and shudder. After exciting one, he turned his attention to the other gremlin and did the same thing, sliding his rough tongue up along the sensitive skin and lapping up a small string of pre as he did so. He gripped the base of the two cocks and squeezed tight, causing the yellow men to grit their teeth and moan, holding the other securely to avoid losing their balance. With his horny collectors captivated by his foreplay, he finally took one of the gremlin's cock into his dank maw, slowly sliding the erect member deeper into his muzzle. The gremlin groaned in pleasure as the blue feline quickly began bobbing his head back and forth, coaxing the gremlin towards a speedy second climax. At the same time, he continued to fondle the other gremlin, rubbing the prick that was still moist with his spit.

"Oh yeah," said the gremlin that was getting sucked off. "That's it. *ugh* Show me how much... *pant* you want that plane."

The other gremlins smiled and continued to moan softly as the cats put forth the effort to satisfy the yellow men's wants. Their bodies motioned back and forth in a pumping manner, their mouths and paws working continuously. After a couple minutes getting sodomized by one gremlin, Morgana pulled that yellow cock out of his mouth, leaving it exposed and glistening with feline saliva. He turned positioning the other gremlin's phallus towards his face and leaned forward, quickly sliding it into his dark, dank orifice and coating it with his spit.

"Hey, what the hell are you're doing?" protested the gremlin who just lost Morgana's muzzle.

*moan*"Quiet! *groan* It's my turn now," responded the second gremlin, his prick now being orally stroked.

Morgana didn't forget about the first gremlin, gripping his dick firmly and sliding his paw along the length, his own slimy saliva acting as a decent lubricant to continue gratifying him. With a scowl towards his partner, the expert handling of his junk by Morgana changed his groans of displeasure to moans of erotic joy. Though he missed the warm confines of Morgana's mouth, the cold sensation of fur and pawpads was enough to keep him enraptured.

Shogun was following the same pattern as his comrade, removing the first gremlin's cock from his slippery muzzle and taking in the second gremlin's cock to replace it. There was much less protest from his partners with a minor grunt of disapproval coming from the first gremlin that quickly reverted to amorous moans once Shogun's paw began sliding along the slick rod.

Several minutes passed as Morgana and Shogun worked the gremlins' sexual appetite towards their second peak. Time passed and the two felines were bobbing their heads harder and faster, anxious to get through this second round of pleasuring. With each movement, the gremlins matched the rhythm of the cats, thrusting back and forth along a slick tongue or wet furry digits. Their moans grew in pitch and beads of sweat began to form on their naked yellow bodies, their musk beginning to permeate the environment. Every couple of minutes for the two individuals the two kitties were pleasuring, Morgana and Shogun would switch which gremlin got a furred paw and which got a dank maw. Every time each feline took a different penis into their mouth, the owner of that organ would place a hand on their head to guide them along and help match their speed and motion.

The gremlins' muscles began to tighten up, their moans turned to grunts through gritted teeth, and their cocks tensed up as they flexed their rods inside the cats' mouths or pawpads. Morgana and Shogun knew they were approaching their crescendo and they wanted to do everything they could to expedite the process. With their muzzles, they formed a suction around the fleshy pole and pressed it up against the roof of their mouths. With their paws, they gripped tightly around the base and continuously and mercilessly rubbed the sensitive head with their digits. The gremlins responded ecstatically, moaning louder than they had all night with a couple drooling uncontrollably as the stimulation made them shaky and weak in the knees.

After a rather lengthy session, the gremlins began to slow their stride until the two gremlin's with their dongs shoved into the felines' muzzles grabbed a hold of their partner's head and pulled it into their crotch, jamming their dicks deep into the dark orifice. As they did, Morgana and Shogun felt the hot stream of gremlin jizz coat their throats, one jet after another. Simultaneously, the two gremlins being pawed off grabbed a hold of the other gremlin for balance as they arched their backs and ejaculated right into Morgana and Shogun's faces, caking their mug with sticky gremlin man-milk for a second time. Both cats gave control to the dominating gremlins and let them use their muzzles and their faces as cum collectors, though Morgana felt a good deal of shame for allowing himself to do so. Nevertheless, he couldn't deny the salty and tangy taste of the gremlin's spunk and the sight of the other's cock shooting wad after wad from that sexy yellow dick was stimulating his arousal once again. Shogun was smiling the entire time, gingerly swallowing the manly essence and aiming the other one's cock towards his face with precision.

After the cats milked the gremlins testes clean, the gremlins finally backed away, letting their cocks fall away from the paws and maws as they slowly began to go limp. Morgana and Shogun, their mouths free from gremlin prick, panted heavily as they looked at each other with exhausted eyes. After catching his breath, Morgana looked up at gremlin 1. "There, we did what you wanted. We let you use our bodies as you wanted. Now, can we please borrow a plane?"

All four of the gremlins exchanged glances, smiling at each other with satisfaction. "Agreed. You guys did your part, now we'll do ours. Come here real quick. We'll show you which plane you can borrow. Grab their stuff and bring it along."

Gremlin 1 gestured to the other gremlins to grab Morgana and Shogun's clothes, armor, and equipment and hurried off to the entrance. The other gremlins followed suit, grabbing the felines' gear and heading off in the same direction.

"Hey, can we get our fundoshis back?" Morgana asked as he shakily got to his feat.

"You want a plane or not? Let's go," gremlin 1 asked impatiently as he rushed out of the garage with the other gremlins in tow, along with all of the cats' possessions.

"Well... wait for us." The two cats got to their feet and quickly rushed after the yellow creatures. They were led down the hallway, around a few corners toward what looked like a dead end. When they got there, gremlin 1 was standing by an open door while the other three gremlins had disappeared.

He gestured towards the open door. "There's a hangar through there. The others will take you to wherever you want to go." The gremlin maintained a menacing smile that made the felines uncomfortable.

"Where's our stuff?" asked Shogun impatiently.

"The others brought it onto the plane for you. Now hurry up. We've got work to do."

Morgana and Shogun glanced at each other before hesitantly walking through the door. They passed into a small, dimly lit room and as they looked around, they saw no windows and no other doors that could lead to a hangar. There were old boxes and cabinets spread throughout the room, but the felines were confused where they were supposed to go.

Shogun looked on with suspicion. "There's no doors. Where are-"

The sudden sound of the door slamming behind them shook the two cats who turned about and rapidly reached for the door. The tried turning the knob, but it wouldn't budge. The gremlin had locked the door leaving the two felines trapped, naked together in the dark room.

"Hey! Open the door!" Shogun yelled. There was a small window that they could see through and on the other side was gremlin 1 standing there smiling insidiously. "Open the door now!"

"And why would I want to do that?" asked the gremlin. Shortly after, the other gremlins came into view, peering through the small glass frame to stare menacingly at their trapped quarry.

"We had a deal! We did what you wanted! Why the hell are you keeping us here!?" Morgana shouted almost pleadingly with the gremlins.

"A deal? Why the hell would we make a deal with trespassers? This is our airport and those are our planes. Nobody can have them. But as for you two... we could always use the extra workforce, so we'll keep you here as slaves. And afterward, you'll continue to pleasure us whenever and however we want. This was just the start, we've got some really interesting ideas with what we can do with you." Morgana and Shogun stared back at the gremlins with growing fear. "And don't worry about your stuff. You won't need it anymore. Wouldn't want to hide those sexy feline bodies." The gremlin licked his lips as he taunted the poor caged cats.

"You can't do this to us," claimed Morgana with dejection.

Gremlin 1 smirked. "We already have." With that, the four gremlins walked away from the pair, snickering and chattering among themselves as their voices and footsteps faded off into the distance.

"Hey!" Shogun yelled, but received no response. "Hey, get back here!" Morgana sulked as he backed away from the door while Shogun tried hard to open the door, even attempting to kick it open, but it was too sturdy for him. He finally gave up and backed away, defeated. "I can't believe we got tricked by those yellow demons."

Morgana kept his eyes on the floor. "I'm sorry Shogun."

Shogun looked back at his comrade with surprise. "For what?"

"I stopped you from fighting. I didn't think we had the right to force our way on these people, but I never thought they'd go this far. This is my fault."

Shogun smiled as he walked up to Morgana and placed a paw on his shoulder. "Hey, you were just trying to do the right thing, like you always do. Like you said, 'It's the human thing to do.'"

Morgana looked back into Shogun's eyes, the reminder of his own statement earlier flooding his mind with the doubts he tried to push aside. He looked down again, depressed by the situation. "Nevertheless, it was a mistake to try and make a deal with these people."

"They're not people... and we can't think of that right now. Right now we have to see if we can find a way out of here."

Hesitantly, Morgana nodded. "Right."

It had been a few hours, as far as Morgana and Shogun could tell, and the two were no closer to figuring out a way to escape their current prison. Without any windows and the only door locked and secured, the felines were left to ponder what their fate would be under the control of these gremlins if they couldn't figure a way out. But things weren't looking favorable for them as airflow through the room was limited and the temperature was getting warmer. The two cats were tired, having engaged in sex with multiple partners with the smells and tastes of the days exploits lingering on their senses. Both felines were sitting on the floor, Shogun with his back against a small stack of boxes while Morgana was leaning against a wall opposite his blue-furred friend. Shogun kept glancing around the room, trying to figure something out, but they both knew it was futile and the whole ordeal was a strain for the pair. For Morgana, his mind was stuck on another issue more personal to him and one that he couldn't shake. Though he tried and tried again and again to extinguish doubts of his real persona, he just couldn't help but feed the thoughts that he was wrong and as the two continued to travel, getting into trouble and forced into uncomfortable situations those doubts grew and grew. To amplify his dubiety was what this whole journey was doing to Shogun and this most recent encounter has certainly taken its toll on the poor feline. He'd been second guessing whether or not he should say something to Shogun, but given the circumstances and not knowing whether or not they'd make it out of this, he decided he needed to say something.

"Hey, Shogun." Morgana spoke in a soft and exhausted tone.

Shogun looked back at Morgana. "Yeah."

"Look, there's-"

Morgana's confession was interrupted by the sound of three light taps on the window to the door. Morgana and Shogun both shot a surprised glance at the door. "Psst! Come here... but keep the noise down. The others are working and I don't have a lot of time."

The two felines stood up and walked towards the door. As they peered through the glass, they discovered the voice belonged to the outcast gremlin from before, same green eyes and still wearing the same leather jacket. With a disgruntled sigh, Shogun glared at the gremlin. "What the hell do you want?"

The gremlin smiled and spoke in a quiet manner. "Looks like you made the wrong deal. No plane, no clothes, and now trapped with no way out. Did you at least enjoy yourselves?"

"Shut up you coward!" Shogun yelled back. "You could've at least stood up for us."

"Hey, you heard 'em. They don't care about me... and quite frankly I don't care about them. Look." The gremlin lifted up a couple pieces of Shogun's armor and one of his sashimono.

"My gear!" Shogun responded with excitement.

"Yes. I got all your stuff here. We made a deal and I'm willing to keep it. I'll give you a plane and help you fly. I'll help you escape, but in return I wanna make a new deal."

Shogun's eyes grew wide as did Morgana's. "Uh-uh, no way. I aint suckin' no one else's dick." Shogun stepped away, his tone enhancing his obstinate refusal.

The gremlin cocked an eyebrow. "Really? You were a lot more eager to please me before, so we'll see how long you go before trying to suck me off again." Shogun glared back at the gremlin while Morgana tried to stifle a growing smirk. "But that's not what I had in mind. I'll let you out of here and fly the plane and in return... ... you take me with you to meet Ose."

Both Morgana and Shogun were taken aback by his request. "You want to meet Ose? Why?" asked Morgana.

The gremlin looked away. "I have my reasons." He was lightly rubbing his arm. "But that's not the point. I'm offering you a way out of here and you'd better take it. Those other gremlins have no intention of ever letting you leave and they will do whatever they want to you. So right now your choice is to come with me to find Ose or to stay here and be their slaves."

Morgana and Shogun stared at each other with a discontent expression, conveying the futility of the situation and recognizing their only real option. The pair turned back towards the outcast and Morgana responded, "Fine. It's a deal."

With a jubilant smile, the gremlin unlocked the door and held it ajar, freeing the cats from the hot, dark confines. Lying beside the door was their gear: their fundoshis, Shogun's armor, Shogun's sword, and Morgana's cutlass. Their pack of food and equipment was set aside as well. The two cats quickly got dressed, grabbed their bag and weapons, and nodded towards the gremlin. He led the way down the hall, the three moving as silently as possible to maintain secrecy. The gremlin led them through the hallway, around a couple of corners, until they reached a dark and empty terminal. On the opposite side was a door leading to a hangar, one the gremlin informed them contained their means of escape. The two cats became overjoyed that their most recent trial was paying off, but their joy dissipated once they saw a keypad next to the door.

"Damn!" exclaimed Shogun. "Locked."

"Well, now how the hell are we gonna get through?" asked Morgana. "I mean, we can't exactly go back and ask the other grem-"

The sound of a high-pitched tone brought the pair's attention back to the keypad and the outcast inputting a series of commands, after which the lock disengaged and the gremlin was able to access the hangar. He turned back to stare at the cats with a blank expression. "Shall we?"

Surprised, Shogun queries, "How did you do that? I mean, how do you know the code? This... this doesn't seem like your work area."

The question brought about a somber expression of the gremlin's face. "I used to be the apprentice of the master of this airport. I have access to this area and more. Things changed though on that cursed day." He accentuated the statement by grabbing the lapel of his jacket and tugging on it tightly as he turned his glance away.

"What do you mean by that?" asked Shogun.

"It doesn't matter," the gremlin replied trying to diverge away from the subject. He opened the door wide and led the way inside. Both Morgana and Shogun shared a sympathetic look before following him inside.

Once in the hangar, they saw the plane the gremlin was leading them towards: a four-engine propeller airplane similar in design and scope to an old-fashioned B17 bomber, including a front-end turret. The plane was pointed towards the exit gate which was thankfully open, leaving them one less concern that could draw the other gremlins' attention. They made their way to the entrance and climbed inside, the outcast taking his place in the pilot's seat with Shogun sitting next to him in the copilot's seat. Morgana remained just outside the cockpit at the engineer's station.

"Hold on tight boys, because it won't take long for the others to figure out what we're doing and once they do they'll try whatever they can to stop us."

A wave of tension rose between Morgana and Shogun, though as Shogun turned back to the black feline, he gave a warm smile. "We're on our way Morg. We're one step closer to getting you home."

Sharing his partners desire to be optimistic, Morgana returned the smile. "Yeah. I'll finally get some answers." Shogun turned away and the smile on Morgana's face faded as the doubts concerning his state as a human still lingered heavily and his attempt to confide in Shogun being interrupted left him wanting.

He brushed aside his concerns and focused on the immediate problem as the gremlin began flipping switches and pressing buttons, bringing the plane to life as all four propellors began spinning. With the hum of the engines whirring loudly, the outcast began to move the plane forward, slowly at first and then faster as he drove them out of the hangar. He quickly made his way to the runway, which wouldn't take too long, giving the felines hope that they'd be out of there before the other gremlins could stop them. Soon after, they heard the clank of something pelting the outer hull of the plane. The three turned back towards the airport and saw a group of gremlins attacking them with anti-aircraft artillary.

The cats' eyes grew wide. "Oh fuck! Get us the hell out of here!" Morgana exclaimed.

"Hold on!" replied the gremlin.

He pushed the throttle up to maximum, firing up the engines as he lined the plane up with the runway as the plane began its takeoff. The gremlins continued to fire, bullets flying fast from a rotary cannon leaving holes in the outer hull, but as they picked up speed the number of hits diminished. The outcast checked the system, but nothing critical seemed to be hit. Morgana and Shogun were still tense, but they began to relax; that is until an explosion rocked the plane and jolted the two into a panic.

"What the hell was that?" Shogun asked distressed.

"Their trying to take us down with anti-aircraft missiles."

The two cats saw a series of missile launches fire at the plane, all of which hit too high, just short, or too far behind of the plane. Morgana and Shogun's nerves were maxed out, their muscles tight as they gripped their seats in terror. "Godamnit! Hurry up!" Morgana called out.

The gremlin pulled back on the control wheel with all his strength, lifting the nose of the plane into the air with the rest of the fuselage with it. The group were soon flying high, gaining more and more altitude as they left their most recent nightmare behind. All three grew smiles of satisfaction, convinced they were safely out of harms way. It was Morgana who first heard a hissing sound, very faint and difficult to hear over the sound of the plane engines, but getting louder. Suddenly, a loud explosion rang out as one of the missiles hit its mark, blowing out part of the plane near Morgana. Having been rocked violently by the blast, Morgana lost his gripped and was soon blown out of the plane.


Shogun turned back just in time to see his counterpart flying out of the gaping hole. "MORG!" he yelled, reaching out helplessly.

Smoke and cold air surrounded the doomed, helpless feline as he fell towards the ground, a moment of success spoiled by a tragic end. What's worse is Morgana never got any answers about his past or his identity. Watching as the ground got closer and closer, he realized all he'd suffered, all he'd been put through, was for nothing. Now, he was gonna die and worst of all he'd die feeling guilty for having dragged Shogun into this. With nothing to save him, he became filled with regret and remorse as he waited for the impact to end his life. Whether from fatigue, the stress of getting thrown out of a plane, or fear of hitting the ground, Morgana could physically take no more and he passed out knowing the last thing he'd experience was his body plummeting towards the ground.

Trapped with Dingodile

"Break out the butter, I'm gonna make toast!" The rasp voice echoed through the cold place and Crash knew that any room to negotiate was already over. Not that he could expect to convince anyone that worked for Cortex and Uka Uka to just give up...

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