Goh's Training

Story by DarkWolf79 on SoFurry

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#33 of Story Commissions

Ever since he evolved Raboot has been acting differently. And when Goh walks in on him having some private time, Ash helps teach Goh some ways to bring him and his pokemon closer together.

Commission for an anonymous donor

Ever since he had evolved Rabbit had been acting far more sullen and moody than he ever had as Scorbunny. Even when Goh had spotted the fire rabbit's hidden smile, he still projected an air of aloofness and indifference at every opportunity. Outside of fighting in or watching battles, it seemed to anyone who looked that Raboot couldn't be bothered to care about much of anything.

The change in his partner's behavior had been bothering Goh ever since Scorbunny evolved. At first he'd been ecstatic about Raboot, but that excitement hadn't lasted with the pokemon's new personality. He'd heard that pokemon sometimes changed like this when they evolved - Ash had told him about his issues getting Primeape and Charizard to listen to him - but seeing such a big change in his partner's personality had been a shock. Even knowing that it was a possibility hadn't prepared him for the reality of the situation.

But lately, Raboot seemed even more distant than he'd been. Every time he and Goh were alone together, the pokemon seemed fidgety. It was like Raboot didn't want to be near him. The boys had stopped at a hot spring inn on their way back from their last trip to Johto, and Raboot had disappeared when they got inside, and Goh hadn't seen him again until they were leaving. When he'd asked the pokemon where he'd run off to, the fire-type wouldn't answer, but Goh was sure he'd got the hint of a blush from the rabbit pokemon on their way back to the train station. They'd been so close before Scorbunny evolved, but now he'd been completely shut out. He just wished he could figure out what Raboot's problem was.

As it turned out, Raboot's problem was very simple. And the pokemon couldn't blame Goh for missing it, even if that meant his needs went unaddressed. Humans could be surprisingly oblivious to even the most obvious situations.

Raboot was horny.

Desperately, infuriatingly, mind-bogglingly horny. With the evolution into his new form, the fire-type's sex drive had been pushed into overdrive. Goh had described him as a temperamental teenager, and he wasn't far off. It wasn't just that Raboot's personality had changed - and it certainly had - but along with that came all the needs of a young, maturing male. A fact Raboot was reminded of every time he felt that stirring in his sheath and had to hide the erections threatening to grow from his crotch and make a difficult situation even worse. Because it wasn't bad enough that Raboot was so desperately horny. No, what made things worse was the focus of his grow lust.

Goh. The fluffy little fire-type was lusting after his own trainer.

It was just so hard to resist falling for the dark-haired human. Too hard to resist, as it had turned out. As Scorbunny, he had grown closer to Goh than to any other human or pokemon he had ever encountered. The two had been nearly inseparable. And while he'd been attracted to Goh before evolving, ever since that day he'd been yearning for his trainer with a hunger he didn't know was possible.

It wasn't like he'd never seen pokemon mating before, far from it. Pokemon weren't generally known for being concerned with who saw what when they decided it was time to fuck. He'd seen all different kinds of pokemon of all different genders and sizes screwing each other's brains out. Goh being bigger than him and male wasn't an issue at all. The problem was that Goh was human, and that presented a much more serious challenge. Sure, he'd heard rumors of humans who liked to have sex with pokemon; Scyther had even told him about the time he'd spotted a trainer riding her arcanine in the woods, which hadn't really registered with Raboot until the bug-type had mentioned that the human was naked and the arcane had been on his back at the time. Wasn't hard to fill in the blanks from there.

Ever since hearing that story, Raboot's thoughts had been turning more and more towards Goh, and any way the rabbit could hook up with the human. Unfortunately, that hadn't really helped the situation - not only had he not been able to come up with a plan, but every night his dreams inevitably turned to the boy and all the things Raboot wanted to do with him. So every morning, Raboot awoke to a raging erection that he then had to sneak off and deal with, without waking Ash, Goh, or Pikachu, and without getting spotted by anyone else and having to explain a situation he really didn't want to. That was not a conversation he wanted to have with any of the other Pokemon.

This last trip had been especially difficult. They'd stopped off last night at that inn before catching the bullet train the rest of the way to Vermillion City, and Raboot had to duck out the first chance he got. He had wanted to stay and enjoy the spring, he really had, but the sight of Goh getting undressed had been too much for him, the second the boy had dropped his boxers and was standing there in the buff, Rabbit had bolted as fast as he could, the sight of the boy's smooth ass and the hint of his tight sac visible between his legs had Rabbit hard in seconds. Not wanting to explain why he was popping boners in the bath, the fire-type had run off and hidden out of sight. And while Goh had been bathing and soaking in the spring, Raboot had spent his night furiously masturbating, playing with himself and doing his damnedest to be quiet, the sight of his trainer's perfect naked body driving him wild.

That little peeping session had brought him to three glorious orgasms, but had made the train ride home absolutely torture, stuck in that small compartment with nowhere to go and the object of his desires sitting right next to him. Once they had made it back to the lab, Raboot had vanished back to their room as Ash and Goh went to see to their other pokemon.

Knowing that he should have a while before they got back, Raboot let himself relax, his pink penis sliding out of his sheath, once again at full erection. Having fought to keep himself hidden for so long, Raboot knew that he wouldn't be getting soft again until he did something about it. He moved over to the dresser and opened a drawer, pulling out one of Goh's shirts. Even freshly washed, it still carried his scent. Not much, but more than enough for the pokemon's sensitive nose and raging erection. Plenty to help Raboot picture Goh's perfect wet, naked body like he'd seen in the bath, breathing in the human's scent as he pictured the gorgeous curves of Goh's ass and pumped a paw along his dick, burying his face in the shirt to muffle his moans.

Oh, the things Raboot wanted to do with Goh. So many wonderful possibilities, so many ways to have them both moaning and making a mess of each other. Just the thought of getting to explore Goh's tight young body had Raboot leaking, his penis soon slick with pre as he worked his paw a little faster, milking out more to help lube himself up. Raboot wasn't going to have any problem working himself up to an orgasm, maybe two if he was lucky.

Or at least he wouldn't have, if he hadn't been interrupted.

"Oh, there you are, Raboot," said Goh, stepping inside and closing the door behind him. "I was wondering where you'd run off... to...."

Both of them froze, Raboot with his paw wrapped around his cock, and Goh staring at the leaking head of his pokemon's candy pink penis. Raboot's heart was beating a mile a minute as he fought down the urge to panic. He didn't know what to do - if he had been caught by one of the other pokemon, he probably could have just laughed it off; a pokemon would understand. But why did Goh have to be the one to walk in on him? And there was no way for him to hide what he was doing - he was still holding Goh's shirt to his face, still holding his cock in a pre-slick paw.

"Oh, I... uh," Goh started, having realized he was staring at his pokemon's dick and finally regaining his senses. "Sorry, Raboot! I, uh, I didn't know you were...uh... were in here and I just, I mean I didn't... I'll... I'm just gonna..."

Goh gestured to the door and started to turn to leave, the faces of both human and pokemon blazing with an embarrassed blush. But just as his hand was reaching the doorknob, Raboot leapt to his feet and called out to Goh.


Goh stopped, turning to look at the pokemon, his eyes darting down between the furry guy's legs before looking anywhere else, fighting not to stare at the inches of rabbit dick now pointing right at him. As humiliated as Raboot was to have been caught jerking off, he didn't want the human to leave; he couldn't let him leave. Not after what he'd just smelled. Because despite the human's obvious embarrassment, Raboot's sensitive nose had picked up something under the scent of the park and all its pokemon that clung to Goh.

It was the scent of arousal.

That could just be the natural response of a young, healthy boy like Goh reacting to seeing somebody else in a sexual situation. He certainly wouldn't have been the first boy his age to get turned on by the sight of someone else's dick, pokemon or not. But the way his eyes kept darting down to Raboot crotch suggested that it might be something more. And when Goh unconsciously licked his lips while getting an eyeful of the pokemon's manhood, that was when Raboot decided to take a chance. If there was even the slightest hope that Goh might be interested in fooling around, he had to take it.

Raboot walked over to Goh and took his hand, pulling the human further into the room and away from the door.

"R-Ra Raboot Boot Rab."

"I don't understand," said Goh. "What are you trying to say?"

Raboot thrust his hips out, his cock bouncing slightly from the movement. He pulled on Goh's hand, thrusting forward again.

"Raboot! Are you saying you want me to... t-t-to... to t-touch you?"

Raboot nodded firmly. "Boot."

"But, what if we get caught?" asked Goh, glancing nervously at the door. "Ash could be back any minute."

Raboot's ears perked up at that and his eyes lit up. Of all the ways Goh could have reacted, Raboot was beside himself hearing that the answer wasn't no, it was what if we get caught. Which meant that not only was Goh not as freaked out as he looked form having walked in on his pokemon jacking off, but that also meant the Goh's resistance was because he didn't want to get caught, and not because he did want to have some fun with Raboot.

Grinning devilishly behind his mask, Raboot pressed his hand to Goh's crotch.

"R-Raboot! What are you... oooohhh..."

Goh's question turned to a moan as Raboot rubbed over bulge in Goh's pants that held his pubescent package. A bulge that Raboot was happy to note was getting bigger and harder as he stroked over it.

"Boot Raboot Rab, Raboot Rab Rab Raboot."

Goh might not have been able to perfectly understand Raboot's words, but from the look on his face and the way he was pawing at the front of Goh's pants, the pokemon's meaning was clear, even to a virgin like Goh - you help me out, and I'll help you out. And what growing boy could resist an offer like that?

Raboot took Goh's hand and guided him over the lower bunk, gently pushing the boy over so he flopped down on the mattress before sitting up and looking at Raboot nervously. The pokemon didn't give Goh time to reconsider as he hopped into the human's lap, turning around and sitting across his thighs, his fluffy back against Goh's chest. Feeling his trainer's growing bulge pressing against his tail, Raboot grinned and ground down against it, making the boy gasp at the feeling. Eager to get on with his fun, Raboot took Goh's hands once again, wrapping them around the pokemon and slowly guiding them down, teasing Goh's fingers through his fur until finally leading the human to wrap one hand around his cock while the other moved down to cup his furry sac, both twitching at the human's touch and spilling a spurt of pre over his fingers.

Goh couldn't believe what he was doing. Not only was his pokemon's dick out of his sheath and in full view, but he had his hand around the warm length, feeling the fire rabbit's pulse against his fingers. He'd played with himself before, but this was his first time touching a cock that wasn't his.

And he liked it.

Raboot thrust up into Goh's grip, his slick penis gliding through the boy's fingers and making Goh snap out of his daze. Raboot humped at his hand a couple more times before Goh got the message. He started working his hand up and down Raboot's dick, running his thumb over the head and milking the shaft with his fingers, the same way he liked to do to himself. He also couldn't stop himself from rolling the black-furred balls of the pokemon around in his other hand, palming the warm sac and marveling at how similar the pokemon's anatomy was to his own, even if he lacked a sheath like the pokemon had.

Raboot was in heaven. It just felt so damn good to have someone else working his cock, and the fact that it was Goh just made the whole situation that much better. He had been worried that Goh wouldn't want to touch him this way, or that the human would be too inexperienced to know what to do. But he was pleasantly surprised to find that not only was Goh very good at using his hands, but he also seemed to be really getting into stroking Raboot's cock. Whether it was an interest in males, or in pokemon, or just the natural draw of horny, growing boys to anything remotely sexual, Goh was getting into this almost as much as Raboot, if the stiff length of boy-meat pressed against Raboot's ass and the increasing speed of his hand over the pokemon's slick penis were anything to go by.

As worked up as he'd already been, Raboot wasn't able to last more than a few minutes once he had Goh's hand around his dick. Raboot started breathing faster, squirming against Goh's trapped erection as he humped up into those warm, pre-lubed fingers. With a loud moan, Raboot came, his cum spurting out to coat his fur, his cock, and Goh's hand and forearm.

The boy was surprised by how warm the pokemon's cum was - not hot enough to burn him, but definitely hot enough to feel the heat radiating into his hand and arm. But what really caught him off guard was when Raboot pulled his hand up to his face and started licking him clean, gulping down his own cum and grinning up at Goh. Raboot reached down with his other paw and slipped it between them, opening Goh's zipper and letting his erection poke through, now only separated from the open air by the stretched cotton of Goh's underwear. Raboot slipped off Goh's lap once he'd finished cleaning up the mess he'd made of Goh's arm and got between his legs, wrapping his lips around the cotton-covered head of Goh's cock and rubbing at it with his tongue.

Just in time for the door to open once again.

The pair looked over as the door closed, unable to move to cover themselves, or even to pull Raboot away from Goh's crotch, as they saw Ash standing there, the other boy's eyes taking in the scene before him, from the cum still clinging to Raboot's fur to the bulge in Goh's pants to the dripping pink penis of the rabbit pokemon.

"Well, that explains why Raboot's been acting so different," said Ash. To the shock of both Goh and Raboot, Ash didn't seem fazed in the least by finding them in their current situation.

"It's...I-I mean, uh... I can explain..." said Goh, trying to find some way to explain away what Ash had just walked in on. 'It's not what it looks like' wasn't going to cut it, not with Raboot hard and dripping and mouthing at Goh's obvious tent.

"Oh, you don't need to do that," said Ash. "I get it. You really think you're the first trainer who's done something like that with their pokemon?"

"I, uh..."

Ash continued. "I've done it plenty of times myself. I told you about Charizard, right?"

Goh nodded.

"I took the longest time for me to figure out how to get him to listen to me. Turned out, helping him blow off some steam really helped him mellow out, and brought us a lot closer together. Heh, in more ways than one." Ash gestured at the two of them. "Go ahead, don't let me stop you. In fact, since I have some experience in this area, I can stay and help you out, if you'd like."

Goh looked down at Raboot, meeting the pokemon's eyes as he stared up at Goh, his head never moving from between the boy's legs. Raboot nodded ever so slightly, and Goh gulped turning back to Ash.

"Yeah, I guess having someone who's done this before couldn't hurt."

"Great!" said Ash. "Then how about you go ahead and get undressed so Raboot can get what he wants? Wouldn't want to mess up your clothes."

A bright blush settled across Goh's face.

"Y-you want me t-to... to get n-naked?" He stammered.

"Well, yeah," said Ash. "Gonna be kind of hard to let Raboot get what he's after if you're still dressed. Tell you what - how about I take off some clothes, too? Hard to be embarrassed if we're both exposed, right?"

Nodding nervously, Goh stood up, Raboot only allowing him to move now that it was clear he was getting what he wanted. Goh took off his shirt, but Raboot wasn't planning on waiting any longer than necessary. He grabbed Goh's pants and underwear at once and shucked them off the boy, causing him to stumble as they were yanked off his feet. He flopped back down on the bed, his shirt falling to the floor as Raboot moved between his legs again, rubbing the human's thighs and licking his lips at the sight of the human's erection pointing right at his face. Goh was a bit of a late bloomer, and as such was about as big as Raboot between the legs. Not that that was anything to be ashamed of, as Raboot was quite gifted for his size. The pokemon didn't waste any time, eagerly swallowing his trainer's penis down to the root, his nose pressed against the soft, smooth skin of his groin as he gulped him down, his hot tongue pushing back Goh's foreskin and lapping hungrily over the head of his cock.

Goh moaned loudly as Raboot sucked on his cock, the wonderful wet heat of the pokemon's mouth feeling like heaven to the virgin boy. He'd never known anything could feel that good. He looked to the side at the sound of Ash's laugh, staring as the other boy dropped his shorts and boxers, revealing his own pubescent penis, which was already starting to stiffen now that it was free and Ash was getting to watch Goh getting his first blowjob. Ash walked over and gently placed a hand over Goh's mouth, muffling his loud moans.

"You should try to be a little quieter," said Ash, raising a finger to his lips. "We're not out in the woods with nobody around to catch you. The professor or the others might hear you if you don't keep it down." He looked down at Raboot. "But you know, if Raboot is anything like Charizard, I think he's got something more in mind than just sucking on you. Am I right, Raboot?"

The fire-type nodded eagerly, his ears perking and eyes lighting up as he understood what Ash meant. Goh, however, was still a bit lost.

"I don't understand," said Goh. "What else is there we could do?"

Ash leaned over and whispered into Goh's ear, the other boy's tan skin lighting up with the strength of his blush when Ash told him what to do. His big ears being more than just for show, Raboot hadn't missed a word of what Ash had said, and his dick was absolutely aching to get to do it.

"I-is that really what you want, Raboot?" asked Goh.

"Raboot! Rab Rab Raboot!" exclaimed Raboot, nodding his head eagerly and looking up at Goh with hungry, pleading eyes.

Goh slid off the bed, getting down on the floor on his knees and resting his elbows on the mattress. He'd barely settled in placed before Raboot grabbed the cheeks of his ass and spread them wide, burying his muzzle between them and starting to rim Goh with reckless abandon. He had Goh's toes curling in seconds, the boy's young cock twitching hard with every pass of his incredibly hot tongue over the kid's tight pucker. The heat coming from that ribbon of muscle was incredible, warming Goh up in ways he didn't think possible, especially when Raboot started to press forward, easing the tip inside the moaning human.

Unable to resist the temptation while he was feeling so good, Goh moved to grab himself and start jerking off, but Ash stopped him just before he could, pinning both of Goh's wrists to the bed.

"Uh-uh," said Ash. "You'll last longer if you don't do that. Besides, this is about Raboot's fun. You'll get to have yours later."

Goh started to protest, but his words were cut off by another loud moan as Raboot pushed forward even further, the heat from his tongue radiating out from Goh's ass.

"And still too loud," said Ash. "Luckily, I think I know just how to fix that."

Raboot stopped just long enough to help Ash left Goh up out of the way so the other boy to sit on the bed in front of him, his own hairless erection pointed at Goh's face, spreading his legs to give the kneeling boy room to work even as his eyes locked onto the head of Ash's dick sliding out from his foreskin. Ash was longer and thicker than him, at least enough for Goh to notice. Meanwhile, Raboot moved up behind Goh, pressing the head of his cock to the boy's pucker, smearing it with his pre to make sure Goh was lubed up for what he was going to do next.

"Just relax, Goh," said Ash. "I promise, you're going to like this a lot. Should have an easier time than I did my first time, too. Charizard was a lot bigger."

Raboot started to push forward, the pressure slowly building, bit by bit until finally Goh's pucker gave way and Raboot slid inside. Just the head at first, and both he and Goh gasped as the human clenched down on him at the sudden penetration. Gasps that turned to moans as Raboot eased his hips forward, slow and steady until his furry sac met the boy's smooth one. Raboot ground his hips against Goh, trembling in pleasure at the feeling of his trainer's tight ass around his dick. He gave Goh some time to get used to the feeling, but not too long. Raboot was eager to get started.

The feeling of the fire rabbit's warm dick inside him was driving Goh wild. He would never have thought something like this could have felt so good, but it did. The warm length stretching him open just felt so good, so right. Once again, Goh tried to reach down to rub himself, and once again Ash stopped him, this time pinning Goh's wrist on the bed beside Ash's bare hip. Needing the other arm to support himself, there wasn't anything Goh could to about it.

"I told you, Goh. No touching yourself. You'll last longer that way, trust me."

"Come on, Ash! That's so not faaaaoooOOHHHH!"

Goh's complaint gave way to moaning as Raboot pulled back and thrust forward, his furry hips slapping against the boy's rear and making it bounce as he set into a steady rhythm, fucking Goh with the full length of his dick with every motion.

Raboot was in heaven. Goh's ass was so wonderfully tight, so warm and inviting. Every time he thrust into the human, he clenched down on Raboot's cock, and made the sweetest noises whenever the pokemon's dick bumped into his prostate. As Raboot increased the speed of his thrusting, the sound of furry hips on fleshy rump filled the room. A sound that was immediately drowned out when Raboot reached around Goh's hips and started rubbing the boy's penis, jerking him off intake with his fucking and making Goh squirm and moan at all the new feelings washing over him.

"Still so loud," said Ash. "We're going to need to do something about that until you can learn to be quieter. Don't worry, I know just the thing."

Goh looked up at him, panting and moaning as his ass was stuffed with hot Raboot dick. "Wh-Wha... ooooohhhh... What do y-yooooou... m-m....mean--mmphf!"

Goh's words and moans were cut off when Raboot thrust into him again, hitting his prostate head on. And when Goh's mouth opened wide in another moan, Ash used his free hand to guide his cock into Goh's mouth, and hand in the other boy's hair guiding him into bobbing up and down while he sucked Ash's dick.

The feeling of another boy's penis in his mouth, Ash's taste washing over his tongue, didn't bother Goh as much as he would have thought it would if you had asked him the day before. Instead, he found he rather enjoyed it. And there was something almost soothing about the steady up and down of his lips on Ash's cock; about the way the older boy moaned whenever Goh's tongue hit a sensitive spot, especially when his lips pushed back Ash's foreskin and his tongue swept over his tip, giving Goh a taste of the precum Ash had started leaking. Looking up at Ash's face and watching the other boy moan, Goh bobbed his head along Ash's length, enthusiastically sucking and licking over the other boy's penis.

Watching his trainer sucking another boy's dick was one of the hottest things Raboot had ever seen, with the exception of the sight of his cock sinking into Goh's ass. Raboot picked up the pace, the pleased whimpers and moan coming from Goh driving him to fuck harder and faster, his paws working over the boy's bits even faster as his hips became a blur. Even a mouthful of dick couldn't completely muffle Goh's moans anymore, not that Ash seemed to mind - the more Goh moan and wailed, the more the vibrations traveled down Ash's dick and made the blowjob feel even better.

The overload of new experiences quickly proved to be too much for Goh. The paws playing with his cock; a dick in his mouth, one pounding his backside. It was just too much.

Goh came, his whole body going ridged as he squealed around Ash's dick. It may have been a dry orgasm, but that didn't make what he was feeling any less intense. When he hit his peak, his ass clenched down on Raboot once again, the spasms racking his body milking the pokemon's penis mercilessly. Raboot hilted himself inside Goh one more time, their balls pressed together, jerking and bouncing against each other as Raboot came, pumping a load of extra hot rabbit cum deep inside Goh, the overflow spilling out to smear Raboot's groin and run down the back of Goh's balls. Goh's wail of orgasm was the last straw for Ash as well, and he pushed Goh's lips as far down his penis as he could, unloading in the other boy's mouth. It wasn't as much as Raboot - humans always had trouble competing in the volume department - but it was enough to give Goh a good taste. A taste which he didn't seem to mind at all, if the way he swallowed it down was anything to go by.

When Raboot pulled out, a stream of hot fire-type spunk followed him, adding to the mess running down Goh's sac. Raboot moaned the whole time, his cock not softening even a little as he pulled out, grinning at his handiwork. Ash pulled Goh's mouth off his cock, popping free to a gasp from Goh, a bright flush visible over both their bodies. Ash tilted Goh's head back to look at him, smiling down at the other boy.

"Now that you've done it with a pokemon, want to try doing it with me?" asked Ash. "Might help you get ready in case some of your other pokemon want a turn."

Goh had been left speechless after such a powerful orgasm, but he nodded his head, moving with Ash as the other boy slid back, pulling Goh up onto the bed with him. He spun Goh around onto his hands and knees, pressing his cock between Goh's cheeks and sliding back and forth, letting the tan boy get an idea of his size, and what he was about to do with it. He reached around to stroke Goh's cock, running his thumb over the tip and making Goh moan once again as he sank inside the other boy. Ash filled him even more than Raboot had, both of them groaning in pleasure as the pokemon's hot cum acted as a perfect lube, letting Ash bury himself balls deep in Goh despite the other boy's inexperience.

But Ash wasn't done yet. Jerking his head, he invited Raboot up to join them before laying back, pulling Goh with him so the younger boy was laying on top of him, his back against Ash's chest. Ash wrapped his arms around Goh, holding the other boy's arms to his chest as he started humping up into him, practically bouncing Goh against him as he started fucking the other boy, smiling at how quickly he was able to bring life back to Goh's dick, the boy's smooth erection slapping against his stomach or throbbing so hard it stood up straight, depending on what Ash did with his own dick. It was so easy to make the inexperienced kid squirm and squeal for him as he rode Ash's dick, but he was starting to get loud again.

"Hey, Raboot," said Ash. "How about you get up here and help me keep him quiet?"

Grinning widely, Raboot, scampered on top of the two boys, quickly getting in position just in time for Ash to push Goh's head against Raboot's ass, while Raboot's muzzle sank hungrily down over Goh's dick.

"Better start licking," said Ash. "You wouldn't want to hurt Raboot, now would you? You'll want him all nice and slick pretty soon, because unless I'm wrong, he's going to want to do some bouncing on that dick of yours. How's that sound to you, Raboot?"

Raboot nodded his head eagerly, his paws cupping Goh's sac, never letting that juicy length of boy cock out of his mouth as he swallowed it whole once again, eager to feel the human writhing in orgasm before stuffing himself with the boy's penis. Goh didn't try to resist; he didn't even want to. He started licking and kissing Raboot's tight tailhole as the slick sounds of sex filled the room once again, eager to see how long he could last.

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