
Story by Luvian on SoFurry

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#6 of Luvian's Luck

The next installment of Luvian's Luck, where one wolfbird does his best to recover from events he can't even remember....and faces an old problem.

Luvian had only one thought at this point. And that was that his life sucked, by quite a large margin. He had awoken, mind blurrier than it had ever been before, and found everything apparently normal, his walls greeting his opening eyes, the sounds of the forest trickling past an open door. Only for his brain to misfire as he registered the finer details of his surroundings. His room, where he had felt safe and secure for years upon years, was ruined. Seed stained the walls and floor, dried onto wood, soaking the room with a pungent odor of musk and cum that laid thick on his tongue and left him coughing. Except that the action revealed it was not just his walls that were covered in seed. It was his mouth as well, and as he tried to get up, sloshing heavily in his gut, keeping him pinned in his ruined and stained bedding, completely reliant upon his own metabolism until enough of the substance was processed that he could leave. But what bothered him the most was, who had done this? He could tell by the smell (regrettably familiar as it was) that the perpetrator was a dragon, but the list of those who knew where he lived was tiny, and the number of dragons that belonged to that number was a resounding zero. While he could almost consider a scaled individual in general being the culprit, that was out of the question. There was only one of such a persuasion that Luvian counted as a friend, and they were not one to betray his trust.

Sighing, he tried to roll himself onto his feet, groaning as he felt the liquid load slosh and gurgle, making his overfull belly complain, until he let out a belch of cum-scented air, pressure relieving itself as his talons finally were able to dig into the floor. It took a bit of work, but the wolfbird finally managed to roll himself (as humiliating as it was) to the closest wall, digging a paw into the soft wood, using his aching muscles to move off his belly, and onto his actual feet. His stomach complained even more at the movement, Luvian helplessly groaning as he grabbed at his bloated gut, the seed stuck within him roiling around, making him feel sick. Legs shaking, green under his fur, the wolfbird ever so slowly started to make his way out of his bedroom. Cataloging the damage wrought upon his bedroom. His nest, so carefully created and serving him for years, was probably soiled beyond recovery, having... marinated... in the anonymous dragon's seed for who knew how long. Much of the floor was stained as well, and while it would take a while to work out, there were ways to get the substance (and it's stench) out of live wood. Luckily, it looked like what valuables he had had were relatively untouched, the wolfbird whining unhappily as he saw the whiteness staining some of his lower-placed trinkets. That would take time and supplies to remove...

Each step took minutes to recover from, the stretched fur of his middle hanging low, his overstuffed stomach constantly barraging him with unpleasantness for all the movement he was doing. But he had to. He had to get out of his house, see if he could drain himself. Leave him able to assess the damage to his home, and better determine the culprit. Not that he wasn't causing damage himself. He couldn't help but wince in sorrow every time he had to dig his nails and talons into the wood, leaving holes throughout the hall and stairway as he made his way down. It'd take awhile to get the tree back up to good health, and with potions he was loath to use on the pine that gave him a home. He had no desire to risk side effects, or worse, overexposure. He'd heard too many stories, and had experienced a few close calls himself with his rare experimenting. It had taken years to get his home like it was now. He didn't wish to lose it to his own idiocy. Luckily, there didn't seem to be much damage beyond the seed staining various surfaces, and the burning odor of dragon. Time-consuming to get rid of, but not impossible. Panting heavily now, he finally got to the thankfully undamaged door, pushing past it to stumble outside.

It was evening, that was obvious enough. He was pretty sure he'd taken the potions around mid to late afternoon, so barring him being out for a day or more, that gave him a time frame for when his home had been invaded. Something to work with. Stumbling, Luvian made his way to the river. He was, again, loath to visit a place he'd had such a bad experience with before, but it was the closest water source he could wash off in. About 30 minutes walking, if that. He let his mind wander, talons on autopilot along the familiar yet dreaded path, doing his best to keep his mind off the heavy load sloshing about within him. It worked to some degree, the sounds and utter discomfort fading away, though the weight of it was still apparent in his mind. Telling himself it was just a very heavy meal, and pushing aside the mental image his traitorous brain produced of said weight actually being a meal, he pushed on. It was not long, at least with him doing everything he could to ignore the feelings of fluid inside him, before he found himself hearing the burbling water, and smelling the various flora that grew along it's shores. He hoped the shark wasn't here. He didn't want to deal with anyone else trying to see how much cum his sore body could take.

Sighing, he pushed his way past the last few leaves in his way, and waded into one of the more shallow parts of the riverbed. Slowly, Luvian began the slow, laborious process of removing his excess weight. Pushing down on his gut, working the thick cum out of his stomach and intestines, until it splashed out of his rump. It ached painfully, his guts complaining at the stretch of too much fluid moving through him all at once, and faster than it was designed for. But he had to ignore it. Had to get it out, so he could get back home and sleep. Biting back a whine as he pressed out more, Luvian continued to make slow, steady progress. Seed swirling around his scaly talons as he worked. Belly slowly shrinking, until he finally was able to work it down to a small pot-belly. Barely noticeable, and something his body could probably process without issue. But that had taken the rest of his energy, his normally quick wash and rinse routine taking up over twice the normal amount of time. Kicking his leaden feet, he stumbled for the riverbank, thoughts consumed by home. He'd sleep downstairs. The chair he'd made (which was more like a beanbag-ish pile of leather) was certainly comfortable enough. His former bed was a problem for tomorrow.

A familiar, grey arm wrapped around his chest and pulled him tight against a toned chest, a familiar voice chuckling in his ear. His own paws weakly pulled at it, the wolfbird whimpering, feeling almost like crying. Why now? Couldn't life just give him one break after everything?

"Well, well, if it isn't my favorite wolfbird?" The shark taunted, "I haven't seen you around here in awhile. Almost like you've been trying to avoid me... You wouldn't be trying to avoid your favorite shark, would you?" Luvian could almost feel the grin in those words, unable to hold back a shudder as one sharp claw over his shoulder, seeming to purposefully trace something on his back. "I could only wish I'd been there to see your marking, little treat. I can only thank this....Kyzyr for allowing you to be shared."

The hybrid went stiff, freezing all his escape attempts. Kyzyr? Mark? Share?!? What the fuck was this shark talking about!? He didn't have to wait long, the bull shark letting another low laugh, nipping his left ear until he was struggling once more, before answering. " didn't know? You've got a nice little tattoo over your back. A dragon-created one, by the looks. Though I do think you were aware that a dragon left you deliciously rounded, based on how much you stink of their cum."

The wolfbird himself was still stuttering, working a paw under the shark's arm and leveraging against his gut (a move he'd regret later, most likely) to pry it away, dropping into the river and scrambling away. "You're lying! Kyzyr didn't do any of that to me! He never even expressed interest in me!" Growling, he bared his teeth and claws, utter exhaustion evaporating like a morning dew in the face of his mounting rage. He just wanted to go home, and now this fucking shark was in his way! His aggressiveness only got a cocky smirk, a glint in those dark eyes. "Oh..... you weren't aware at the time? That gives me some options....Some tasty, tasty" The last word came out as a hiss, the fight commencing with the sleek grey shape dashing at the furred, hunched one.

Luvian met the charge with a swipe, his other paw held back to ready a punch should he miss, wings held tight to his back to keep his center of mass low to the ground. He didn't need to worry though. His first attack left three oozing lines across one defined pectoral. He threw the punch anyway, aiming for the nose. Only to have the shark duck, going wide as the breath was knocked out of him by a headbutt, howling himself he cut a gash along his arm as it dragged over the dorsal fin. Gasping, he stumbled back, talons clenched to keep upright in the moving water. With a snarl, he backed up to create some space, eyes narrowed to protect his eyes from the sprays of water generated by their movements, and keep the bull in his sights. He wasn't on favorable terrain, he'd have to be careful.

The attempted feint from the fish was dodged, the wolfbird himself grinning as a small sound of frustration left the shark, quickly followed by a grunt of pain as he rewarded the larger male with another scratch along his lower side. The next attack caught him off guard from the speed of recovery, the shark using his natural advantage in the river to bash the wolfbird on the head, Luvian stumbling a bit as he saw punishing, dancing stars. Shaking his head desperately to clear it before it cost him the battle. Things quickly came into focus again, but brought something quite a bit more infuriating to his attention. The shark was aroused. More to the point, he was rock hard and dripping from his dual shafts, a fact he seemed to care little about. Until the pause let him know just what Luvian had seen. "Awwwwww, don't like it?" He teased, voice unchanged since before their fight. Still teasing, still acting like he fucking_controlled_ him. He wanted to claw that smug grin off his face. "You haven't fought bull sharks before then, have you? Raising a hand, he traced one of the claw marks, bringing it to his jaws to lick it clean of blood. "You may think we're fighting seriously here, my little birdie....but for me, this is foreplay."

The next attack was faster than any previous, arms open wide in a tackle that the wolfbird just barely managed to dodge, panting as he slid along the rocky riverbed, talons slipping on the smooth river stones. The next few minutes were back and forth. Luvian gave every bit of energy into each punch and swipe, spending the rest on dodging the obvious attempts to pin him down. Each time they met, both came away with scratches, of varying depths. The shark from claws, the wolfbird from scraping along the bull's hide, the shape of his scales leaving him to feel like he was running his limbs over a grater.

He had already been tired from the trek to the river. Unsuited to this environment, his water-logged pelt dragged him down and prevented him from taking advantage of his faster build and wider range of ways to fight. Gasping for breath, he kicked with what power he had left in his legs, talons spread and ready to tear. His target, one muscled, grey skinned thigh, felt it. Skin and muscle parting around those sharp points as he created a wide laceration. The bull shark yelled out and backed away, clamping one hand on the wound, and Luvian took the opportunity to turn and bolt for the shore. Hoping beyond hope that his last attack was enough to hobble and give him time to escape. He hurt. His muscles screamed in exhaustion and agony, constantly blinking to get blood out of his eye, nursing various bloody scrapes along his front and arms where the natural armor of the larger male had torn his flesh open. God...... when would this nightmare end...

Not soon enough. Not by a long shot.

His long, feathery tail was often a point of pride for him. Streaming behind him like an elegant yet thin banner, keeping him flying and allowing him to curl up in its softness on a cold or rainy day. It was not a point of pride now. The wolfbird screeching in complete pain as a hand wrapped around it and yanked. The change in momentum forced his talons out from beneath him, unable to regain a grip on the water-worn rocks as he fell face first into the water. Spluttering and spitting water, he pulled his head out, saw that he was inches from the shore, and desperately reached. Paws clenching to dig blood-streaked claws into the soil, dragging himself forward. Almost there. Once he was out of the water, he could climb a tree. Get away from here, figure out why there was a mark from (supposedly) Kyzyr on his back...

A yelp was cut off by a gurgle as the shark kneeled on his lower back, his mouth back under the surface, nose above by just enough to let him breath easily. It wasn't hard, unfortunately. Luvian was exhausted, water logged, and the weight of the water kept him from using his upper body subtly. It wasn't for very long, anyway. A hand gripped his scruff, leaving him helpless as he was dragged from the river, both him and the shark streaming water as he was tossed onto the ground. Bleeding and defeated. Lifting his face to stare miserably at how close he was to escape.

"Awww, don't be like that, birdie. You put up a good fight. Gotta say, didn't expect that last move. Nearly would have prevented me from getting you, had you not got that long 'leash' of a tail." He could almost feel the grin in those words, even as blood from the bull dripped down onto his back. The taunt completed with his tail being twisted around a hand and lightly tugged. Enough to make him whimper, but not enough to do more than lightly sting. "Now, you've got me aaall worked up from that little scuffle, so now you're gonna solve it."

"Fuck you." Luvian snarled into the dirt. A short pause, before he yelped as he was pulled up and against a familiar grey chest, arm wrapped around his chest, the other forcing his muzzle up, staring into a literal shark grin. He couldn't even move his legs, as they were pressed into the dirt by a stronger pair, his torso twisting as a pair of familiar cocks ground against his back. Dribbling pre into his fur. He hated it.

"I don't think that's gonna be the way this turns out, pet. I'm not getting are. Just gotta get ready. Special treat for you this time, I think you remember it from before."

A vial was dangled before him. He didn't recognize the contents, but with the hand around his muzzle he couldn't speak, and the shark didn't seem to be in a position to see the confusion shining in his eyes. Not that it was shown to him for long, the potion pulled out of view, and the hand around his jaws removed to uncork and drink the dose. He was only to open his jaws before that hand came back, nearly biting his tongue as overpowering muscles pushed his tired ones around yet again.

Whimpering, he twisted again and again, trying to get some part of his body free of the shark. It failed. The only thing that happened was that accursed pair of cocks shoved under his tail, pressing at him. He couldn't resist. There was no longer any energy left in his body to do so, and so he could only grit his teeth as those dual tips began to spread him open. Sure, he'd dealt with this fucking shark before, but much of the time he'd spent in his 'care' had been spent half unconscious from how often he'd spent with either shaft or cum flooding his throat. He didn't have a fucking reference for having both dicks in him.

And it.....didn't hurt. At least not as much as such a stretch should have caused. But he couldn't do anything, stuck staring up into that grinning, grey skinned face, feeling those tapered lengths stretch him, break him open, and stuck not being able to say a goddamn thing. Stretched further, and further, eyes rolling back as he was forced down their lengths. As his belly began to bulge, wrapping around the tips pushing through his guts, the shark spoke again, sounding barely strained even as the muscles around him bulged from working him down.

"Now, I'll let you go after this, cutie. As a symbol of my good will, and because I think I want you to go get the truth of this 'Kyzyr' fellow yourself. But know this....."

And here, he felt the sharp claws prick against his skin, digging in around his jaw.

"I want you using my river again. Or I'll fuck you so long and make you my bitch. Until you can't think about anything more than my dicks breaking your rear, my balls filling your belly with cum until it's leaking from your fucking ears. And you'll be known to everyone as 'Atreus' Cumdump.' Got it?!?"

Luvian could only nod as much as that hand allowed. Eyes wide with fear, ears folded so flat against his skull that they disappeared in his fur. He didn't want that, he'd take the river and the fucking shark if it meant he wouldn't have his mind shattered.

He didn't need to wash himself often anyway.....

"Good boy."

Then that hand around his jaw moved to his shoulder, and pressed down. And he screeched as the pressure pushed more into pain, his rear and body stretched so far that it felt like he was going to split. The shafts snaked their way through his body, until they were a well-defined shape in his gut, pressing into his ribs with their dual, twisting lengths, even as the shark's hips finally slapped against his. With not a moment's reprieve allowed as the now-named Atreus pulled him back up, until the barest inch of cock remained within his poor abused body. Only for a rough slam to force the air out of his lungs, the hybrid gurgling and coughing as he was forced back down many times faster than that first agonizing stretch.

He couldn't help but whimper as he was jerked up and down, those dual dicks forcing air out of his lungs with every shove downwards, leaving him gasping for breath each time he was yanked up. He couldn't tell how close the shark was, how close he was to being let go. Not even the potion the male had taken factored into his thoughts. Though it wasn't hard. The loud slap of hips against hips marking yet another thought fucked out of him, his eyes crossing, his tongue lolling free as everything started to melt into some pain-pleasure mix...

That feeling is what made his heart freeze in terror. He was enjoying this. Despite his lack of consent, his lack of willingness, and his obvious fear, his body was telling his brain this was enjoyable. Something that shouldn't be a thing. But he couldn't even rationalize this, as yet another slam to the hilt finally revealed what was going on in Atreus' body. What that potion had done, as his legs sank into a hot, sloshing set of orbs, his rump cushioned against the rough impact of hips by the shark parting his legs further and letting the wolfbird land directly on those massive balls. Several times larger than they'd been before, and audibly full to the brim with hot, audibly gurgling cum.

Luvian gulped. Atreus chuckled.

The wolfbird was lifted once again, only to be slammed down harder than ever, a yelp escaping his lungs as his rump smacked into those grey orbs. Ripples moving out from the point of impact, even as the shark lifted him up barely a second later. Precum dribbled down over the shafts impaling him, making it even easier for Luvian's poor abused hole to take those massive cocks. Not to mention everything Atreus was leaking into him, those easily identifiable bulges in his body beginning to round and slosh, the muscle definition he had so recently brought back not even an hour ago already vanishing once more.

"That's a good little cumdump..." the shark pummeling him growled, teeth teasing at his ear in a way that made it flutter instinctively. "Gonna make you nice and round with my seed. I loved that little show you put on pushing out all that dragon cum... I want to see you do it with mine." Each sentence and pause marked with either the shark pulling him up or pushing him down. And Luvian could only gasp, biting back the moans that threatened to leave his lips. What was happening to him...why was he enjoying this!?

The answers weren't coming. And they didn't seem to have any hints to offer either. Atreus, on the other hand, was the exact opposite. Huffing and puffing above him, the smooth and constant push and pull becoming disjointed. Less rhythmic as the shark grew closer and closer to the edge. All the while Luvian whimpered as he felt his legs constantly sinking into those massive jugs of seed beneath him, closing his eyes as he felt his own shaft betray his inner thoughts. Throbbing and leaking as well. His only consolation was that the shark couldn't seem to see it around the bulges his shafts made within the wolfbird.

A snarl, then a flash of dagger-sharp teeth. Luvian yelled out as teeth bit into his shoulder. Not deep, not even enough to scar. But definitely enough to sting and burn, blood leaking around Atreus' lips as slitted eyes flashed in pleasure, hands tightening around the hybrid, taking their old positions. One around his chest, the other forcing his muzzle up to the sky. Then the orgasm hit. Hot and churning as the shark began dumping the contents of his balls into the smaller wolfbird.

He couldn't see what was going on, forced to stare into the sky, but he could feel. Feel Atreus' teeth in his flesh, hot seed gushing into him. And soon, even as he started to whine, he felt his belly grow. Expanding and gurgling with the contents, soon pinning his legs down, keeping him within the shark's grasp. He whined, again and again, until he was silently told to shut up with a clench of the hand around his jaw, sharp talons lightly digging into his skin. Things felt too full, too much, it didn't feel like the massive balls fueling it all were shrinking.....Then his vision went black.

It wasn't from pleasure, though he was mortified to feel his own shaft twitching in near-orgasm, but from another pulse of shark cum flowing up his neck and splattering from his mouth. It was viscous, thick, near glue-like as the mass forced his jaws open, cum bubbling from his jaws to flow over his face. Covering his nose, flowing down his muzzle until he was forced to close his eyes. And still it kept coming, even as everything was clogged and soaked and coated. His ears had become bowls for seed to collect, rivulets of white making their way down his neck to soak into his swollen belly.

He was relegated to touch alone. The clogging of his ears making the sound of blood rushing through his body, his racing heart, and his complaining belly all thunder in his brain, muting everything, mind straining under everything being forced on him. He just wanted That was it. He had come here to rest. Atreus was.....helping? Hurting? Doing something.....twitching a leg, he

felt himself cum, but didn't know more than that. Mind spiraling, he heard the rumble of speech. Atreus had apparently let go of his shoulder, but the words were inaudible. He couldn't....couldn't......

Luvian fell.


And awoke to a hand scraping a thick layer of seed away from his face, the wolfbird opening his mouth to let out a coughing gasp for air. He could feel strands gumming up his teeth, stretching beneath his jaws. But as he opened his eyes, he saw Atreus looking down at him, and whimpered. The shark grinned wider, showing off reddened teeth as his hand reached down again and folded his ear back, the uncomfortable sensation accompanying the feeling of cum slowly draining from his ear. His hearing went from muted to muffled, the faint sounds of the nearby river finally audible yet again. Especially as his ear was let go, and the process repeated on his still flooded one.

Atreus still wasn't saying anything, just smiling down at him. His shoulder twinged just seeing the staining it had. Groaning, he tried to get his eyes to see the damage the shark inflicted on him, but all he saw was one grey leg. His head just didn't want to cooperate. All he could tell was that the shark had finally gone back to normal. Though that smug grin was still on his face, unnerving him and making him fear the fish had more planned. God he hoped he didn't.....

"Ain't you perfect now....Now you look like a good cumdump."

Fuck... Atreus talking never meant anything good. He closed his eyes, willing him to just let him go. But it didn't seem to do anything, the shark leaning on what could only be his bloated belly and making him gurgle and groan, cum bubbling from his jaws to leak from the corners. A laugh rang out, and he felt the shark suddenly pushing down on his gut and making the bubbling turn into a small geyser, a mocking "There she blows!" called out by Atreus as drops of seed plopped wetly on his cheeks and forehead, before finally letting up on the pressure enough to just make him feel uneasy.

"Now, you're gonna use my river, right birdie?" Luvian tried to nod, but he couldn't get his muscles to work enough. So he just let his head fall back, exposing his neck in a submissive gesture he hoped the shark understood. "Good boy." Goddammit, he wasn't some trained dog begging for a treat! But he didn't have the energy to retort, nor the desire to risk Atreus' response, which knowing the lewd male would probably involve more seed.

Focused as he was on his inner thoughts, he didn't hear much else, fading back just in time to hear some reiteration of his earlier threat. Nothing new....he'd have to use this fucking river now, he got the goddamn message. He didn't have any allies present at the moment, and wasn't apparently strong enough solo to take the shark on. Especially in Atreus' element, and his current condition. Which the un-burdened male suddenly decided to rectify. Eyes flying open, Luvian coughed up white and sputtered as he was rolled over and pressed down upon, both gravity and muscle working against him to squeeze out much of the shark's cum. It poured out from both ends, coating his lips and rump in a fresh layer of seed, wave after wave leaving him in a perverse reverse of before. Until it finally ended, his massive gut now reduced to a potbelly of sloshing virility, enough to allow movement. Once he had the energy to, anyway. Apparently Atreus was either impatient or just not tired of touching him yet, because he felt arms hook under his shoulders, and his exhausted, limp body dragged back into the river.

There began an awkward (for him anyway) experience as the shark cleaned him up. Scrubbing water deep into his pelt to get out the thick coat of white, turning him back from white to his natural grey and rust red. Though not without significant amounts of unwanted groping, teasing, and lewdness that made him swish his tail unhappily, until the stupid fish grabbed it and wrapped it around his wrist like a leash. His tail was NOT a leash, goddammit! Finally, the whole ordeal was done, and he was dragged back out, draped over a sun-heated rock to dry, and left alone. Though not without one last grope of his ruined rear, the dick. There Luvian lay for about an hour, feeling sensations creep back into his limbs, along with a familiar sore ache over his entire body. Groaning, he sat up and shook, his mostly dry fur throwing off the last few droplets of water stuck, while his feathers were preened back to dryness, barring an occasional water break to get the taste of cum out of his mouth. Now he felt.....better. Using a tree branch, the wolfbird pulled himself back onto his feet, and slowly, painstakingly made his way home.

It took twice as long as the first journey to get home, and by then the sun was long gone and the world bathed in moonlight. Pulling open his door, he made his way inside, only to remember his other problem as the dull scent of dragon seared his nose. Fuck. He didn't have the energy to deal with this now. Luckily the pine was old and strong enough that it's odor had killed the dragon's scent, even with the reptile's own seed now dried to whatever surface it had landed on. But he didn't care enough now. He made his way over to his chair, the soft leathers it was made of a decent enough substitute for his bed, and closed his eyes, barely acknowledging the world as he fell back asleep. The mess could wait, he wanted sleep. The cleaning could start another day.

And then it would be time to confront Kyzyr about this supposed mark.

Runed Path

Flying was something Luvian would never get tired of. Despite his mostly canine appearance, the wings he had, combined with his tail (and hollow bones) allowed him to soar through the air like any other avian creature. It made him a bit...

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Potion Expertise

Kyzyr often found himself tempted by customers. It was an unfortunate side effect of being a male dragon with a crazed libido surrounded by tasty looking people, but he dealt with it as best he could. He'd done pretty well, if he said so himself. Sure,...

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Potions 101

The market was bustling and full of other individuals, all browsing the various wares set up in the various stalls, manned by shopkeepers shouting over the din in an attempt to attract potential buyers. It made sense that everything was this way. While...

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