October Patreon Sketches

Story by Lukas Kawika on SoFurry

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Time to get back on uploading these! This one's got the usual:

Peegus asked for a hot semi-public scene in which this lovely hyena gal carries Kopa's load around in her panties after an impromptu quickie in the park;

Daet Wolfuar wanted a continuation of September's, furthering the events between this regular maned wolf and his giant dire wolf taur friend;

LomiDePuzlo with a "hey, piss on me and let's record it" classic;

and then dear RuariYeen with the hot "hey let me fill your foreskin with my piss" story that led to a stunning pic to go with it: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/43818799/


"Ah - god - you could... at least..."

"You could shut your mouth. If anyone's gonna notice, it's gonna be 'cause of you."

The leopard bit his lip and turned his head to the side, trying to peer around the rear of the building where the two had positioned themselves. It was hard to say who had really gotten the idea first, as he had picked it up on her scent close to when he had found his own thoughts wandering down this path. As usual, though, Nekesa had been the one to take the first step, and within minutes of passing by the little freestanding bathrooms she had grabbed his wrist and dragged him over behind the squat brick building.

Surprise and shock on his lips, nervousness and reluctance in his chest - and then one of the hyena's paws pressed its way down into the front of his pants while the other slid up beneath his shirt, and all of Kopa's protests died in his throat. Again and again he had thumped his head back against the bricks, short soft fur catching in the spaces between and pinching and tugging, but there was no denying - she was good at what she did.

Sharp honey-amber eyes flashed up to his face, reigniting the blush of embarrassment that burned on his cheeks. He swallowed, shivered against the wall, scraped his claws into the mortar, and intentionally squashed a panting moan. "S-sorry, I'm..."

"I know." Her tongue flicked out over her chops. She stood with her legs spread and body angled, one arm working in that steady, intoxicating pace, driving him forward and back against the wall with fingers curled, thumb stretched, warmth and pressure and rhythm making the leopard squirm and gasp and strain where he stood. He was unused to not being the one in control, but with Nessy there was never really anything he could do: here he had tried to swing her around, to pin her against the wall and yank her_pants down, but she had just - given him that look, and... a_nd, god, I can feel the warmth from her body.

When they had first started here she had felt all the way up his belly and chest, that one paw lifting his shirt while the other pushed his pants and underwear down, forefinger and thumb poking and squeezing at the lip of his sheath, rubbing at the firm warmth growing from inside, massaging and tugging at the plump balls hanging below. Then her paw had come out and up, and he felt her fingers on his neck, and then - her teeth on his lips and tongue when she tugged him in for a deep, rough kiss, the sounds of the park swirling around them. There was the whisper of waves along the nearby lakeshore, the sound of wind in the trees... laughter at the playground within view of the front of the bathrooms, and the gentle rumble of conversation from the other parkgoers around the green.

All of this was why Kopa kept his teeth gritted and head turned, half-lidded eyes watching the spot where the hyena had dragged him between the trees. He could still feel the tingling from where her sharp fangs had bitten into his shoulder, neck, and lips, and could still taste her saliva in his mouth, and... that other paw of hers had since worked its way back and down towards her own body, first pressing up beneath the slim shirt she wore and then slipping back down to work at her own fly. Kopa had kept his eyes on her during this, drinking in the rare sight of Nekesa taking her time and actually being careful about something: the pop of the button, the pull of the zipper, the slow shimmy of tight jeans and slick panties halfway down to her knees.

Now she stood like this with her legs spread, hips forward, and panties held out at an angle, other paw working and stroking the squirming leopard in towards her revealed fur and flesh. As soon as she had opened her pants her scent, high and sharp and intoxicating, had wafted up and swirled around his senses. So many times had she pressed his nose straight into the source of that scent, soaking it into the fur around his mouth, smearing it against his nose, even wiping it along his nostrils - and even at a distance like this, muted and dampened by his own musk and the smell of the outside, it was still enough to make him gasp and shiver and throb in her paw.

"I thought you were gonna be faster," the hyena murmured, tilting her head to the other side. The piercings hanging through one of her large ears jingled softly. "You usually are."

"I'm just - nervous about-"

"Yeah, yeah." Nekesa leaned in and again nipped at his neck, the closeness this time forcing the end of his hard shaft to brush and squeeze and touch right against the source of that scent and slickness, hot and wet and sticky. He shivered and shuddered again, reflexively tilting his head away to show more of his neck; Nessy's paw slid up and out of her panties, the angle at which she held him enough to keep them away, and tilted his head back to her again just so that she could press her lips to his, nip, lick, bite, suck, draw his tongue into her mouth, do the same there...

...and then hold it tight between sharp fangs when he sucked in a breath through his nose, drew in the humid warmth of her exhalation, and then jerked again, the force of his peak spattering straight into the hyena's opened pants and panties, coating and soaking into the fur and skin and fabric there and spurting back over himself. Kopa whimpered into her mouth, tongue still caught between her teeth, hers lapping and swirling underneath - until she let him go, leaving his shaft bouncing, twitching, dripping onto the grass.

The hyena looked down over herself, both paws going down to lift her panties out of the way. Even from here Kopa could see the thick, sticky strands of milky white webbing between brown fur and soft fabric, but instead of wiping those away the hyena simply just smirked, settled her panties into place, ran a few fingers along the outside to squeeze them down, and zipped her pants back up.

Kopa bumped his head back against the brick, taking a moment to catch his breath. He knew that he should at least stuff himself back into his pants, but-

"Ready for another round?" The leopard lifted his head again and stared at her. Nessy brought two of her fingers to her mouth and lapped off the clinging stickiness, then nodded towards the sidewalk around the other side of the building. "Around the park. Then we'll see how you're feeling."

Kopa sighed again. She knew just how to keep him on his toes.

Daet Wolfuar

The maned wolf sat back on his haunches and sighed as he took in the view presented so languidly to him. This was something that he had thought about for so long, something imagined and fantasized from all the little bits and pieces gathering together over time. The huge dire wolf taur lounged back before him, feral lower body sprawled on its side with one foreleg crossed lazily over the other while he kept one hindleg hefted into the air, tight muscle stretched out, the broad limb putting on display what so easily claimed the center of the other male's attention.

Hal swallowed and looked up to Raka's upper half, a smirk of satisfaction and amusement on the dire wolf's muzzle - though the pitch of his ears and twitch to his lip showed the nervousness that lurked beneath. Hal himself felt it, too: he reached forward with shaky paws, felt the intense, humid heat emanating off of everything there, swallowed, licked his lips... inhaled Raka's scent, his musk, such a different spice on his natural aroma. Sharper, brighter, fuller. Inviting.

The dire wolf tilted his head. "Everything okay?"

Hal jumped, not expecting him to speak. "Yeah," he said, and wiped his paws off on his knees. His pads were sweaty. "Yeah, I'm just..."

Raka's face cracked in a grin. "Overwhelmed?"

The maned wolf felt a blush tint his cheeks. "A little bit. And..." Again his eyes slid back down to all of this weight and warmth between the taur's hind legs. The huge, plump sheath, so heavy it hung down sideways at an angle from his lower belly, fur thick and dense yet giving way to slick, smooth skin at the lip, parted around the glistening pink tip of the lupine's shaft inside; then beneath those, to the side, the heavy balls, each one large enough that Hal felt he would need both paws to lift one... it was a warm day out today, and as such Raka's sack hung limp and loose, one of the big orbs resting along the inner thigh of that leg while the other hung off the front, nestled warmly up against the sheath above it. "Never thought I'd actually be able to... y'know,do this..."

"Well..." Raka shifted again, forepaws pressing against the grass to adjust himself. Immediately Hal's gaze snapped down again to see the heavy sloshing of flesh and fur, sheath jiggling, balls adjusting, slipping, sliding down, pulling slowly back up. "Take your time. I told you I don't have to be anywhere for a while."

"M... may I?"

In response the dire wolf just motioned down at his lower body. Hal smiled through his blush, came forward a bit, and reached forward, bracing one paw against the bared underside of the taur's belly. Warm and soft, fur much thicker than he had expected, somewhat coarse yet still pleasant to touch... and then he brought his other paw in as well, closer towards that invisible cloud of warmth and scent, fingers splaying, his own pants so tight - until he closed the distance.

Raka shivered beneath his touch, and immediately Hal felt a change beneath his paw. Right there at the root, in the section of fur-covered skin where sack met sheath, there was a stirring, a shifting, a pulse, and then the scent in his nose strengthened. The maned wolf swallowed again and let his mouth hang open as he shifted his focus there, other paw coming in as well, sliding close to the parted lip of that sheath, feeling the wet humidity dribbling off the taur's revealed tip, and then... slowly, finally, brushing up against it. Slick and wet, a bit sticky, a little slimy... so, so warm. Thick strands of liquid arousal hung from his fingers when he lifted his paw away, and then when he sniffed at it, it was all Raka.

A nervous glance up showed that the dire wolf had watched the whole thing. Hal blushed again and looked back down, only for Raka to shift again, bounce, and press himself up against the much smaller male's paws. Splayed fingers pressed into the soft, supple skin encasing his balls, and for a moment Hal lost his fingers underneath the slick rim of that sheath, the lip of slick skin easily rolling over his paw to the knuckle.



"You're so..." Hal swallowed. He shifted again, moving his legs out from underneath him so that he could drape his arm over the dire wolf's lower leg for support. Once in place there he slid both of his paws in underneath one of those balls, lifted it up in his palms, felt the heat and weight... and then drew his muzzle in and down to run his nose across the thick, plush fur there. It wasn't quite as huge as he had expected - maybe one and a half paws' worth; he could still lift the other and press both of them around his muzzle - but still something to behold. That warmth, humidity, and scent all swirled up around him, coating him further in the heavy cling of the taur's musk and presence. "Warm..."

To his surprise, then, Raka lowered his other leg along the maned wolf's back, and used his footpaw there to tug him in more firmly. Hal had to spread his arms out and grip onto the taur's lower body, and soon found himself with his muzzle pressed sideways near the lip of Raka's sheath. He swallowed and licked his lips, then brought both paws in to curl around that lip, tug it down, peer over the glistening-wet flesh of the interior side - and his nose curled with the high, rich aroma, strong and sharp, masculine, lupine, so much more. Without thinking, without considering, he leaned in, sniffed at it, then pursed his lips, placed a soft kiss against that interior flesh, and drew his tongue up and over, saliva mixing with natural slickness and gathered arousal. Fitting both paws fully into this sheath would be a bit of a stretch, in more ways than one, but just one of them...

He looked up to Raka again, needing to swallow twice to clear his throat. "Is this okay?"

The dire wolf had to take a minute to respond. He reached up and wiped at his forehead, an interested smile on his muzzle.

"It's a good start..."


Sarah winked up at both the camera and the Locus who held it somewhat shakily against his chest. Having manipulated that thing herself so many times and in such disparate positions, a handful of little criticisms and bits of advice floated through her head as she watched him, but she held her tongue - on that matter, at least. As for other matters she made sure to accentuate and exaggerate the motions, going wide and slow so that the camera would be able to pick everything up.

Still she dripped with Lolo's mark, the wet scent having soaked into her pelt and gathered into a pool underneath her. As she nuzzled and licked up underneath his gradually stiffening cock she could feel it continue to drip from there too, the last few drops coaxed out beneath her attentive ministrations: she rested the bright blue-fleshed length over her nose and half-turned her head, closing one eye behind it. Lolo smiled and turned the camera down towards her, and as such she lifted her head a little further, slid her tongue out, caught his length as it dropped further down, and then wrapped her lips around him and slid down.

That made him shiver and sigh, and again she felt him throb - accompanied by another little dribble of salty piss. Not enough to swallow, or to interrupt her; really just enough to remind her of it, in case she somehow forgot how much of it she wore across her muzzle, her chest and belly, and between her legs. The caribou remained down on him for a moment, lips tight around the base of his shaft and tongue squeezing and working along his underside, before she came back up again, swirled around his tip, smiled as she felt him throb yet again, and rested his now fully-hard cock against her lips for a few gentle kisses to the underside.

Each one of those pulled a twitch out of him as well. Sarah looked up past the camera to watch his face, still half hidden behind that little masquerade mask: each little kiss and flick of her tongue underneath his head made his mouth quirk and his eyes close, the pleasure flowing out throw him. She made a mental note of that for later, but continued her exploration of his body.

Lolo shifted the camera down closer to his thigh, and yet again Sarah moved herself as well to stay within frame. This gave her the room and angle to drag her nose up along his twitching hard shaft, all the way up to the tip and then back down where she could nuzzle up between his plump balls. Again and again she rolled her muzzle back and forth, up and down, digging into the soft, fluid heat of that part of him, steady breaths drawing in his soft scent dominating over the sharper, richer aroma of his mark so thoroughly soaked into and around her. The caribou opened her eyes, looked to the camera, winked again, then parted her lips, slipped her tongue out... curled it beneath the weight of one of his balls, and with that for leverage, sucked it carefully into her mouth.

That had the desired effect as well, with Lolo shivering, sitting back, and spreading his legs further. Sarah closed her lips around him as much as she could, still sucking softly and nuzzling in until the other one joined the first along her tongue between her lips, shifting and rolling within the wet heat of her mouth. She sucked and licked and swallowed around his sack, tongue constantly working and swirling, pressing and rolling his sensitive balls slowly and carefully around, getting as much a taste of him as he wanted. As enjoyable as this was, though, it didn't look like much for the camera - she knew - so in another moment the caribou tilted her head, let one of his balls drift back out between her lips, and then freed the other as well, for a moment keeping the supple, loose skin of his sack nipped gently in place before she then let that go, too.

Still, though, she wasn't done. With a little nod she tried to signal for him to move the camera again, and though it took a few tries, she wasn't too upset: he had quite a nice scent to him, and there was never a time she would turn down nuzzling between his legs with his balls over her nose and the slow, steady throbs of his arousal palpable against her snout and lips. Finally Lolo got the idea, though, and after scrambling around with it a little bit Sarah ended up taking the camera back from him.

From there it was quite easy, as she had always known this Locus was easy to mold like clay around her fingers. A well-placed hand, another nod of the head, a tug at his thigh... and then he had rolled over onto all fours and draped himself over the edge of the bathtub right there, squat little tail raised up and in full view of the camera. Sarah knelt behind him and zoomed in on that sleek, inviting pucker, focusing there for a moment and then slipping her thumb into the scene to touch and graze and tease. Lolo reflexively clenched back against the touch and shivered, wrinkled rim pulling together and then relaxing back - then doing so again a little tighter once Sarah slicked her thumb with saliva and rolled it around the exterior.

Lolo swallowed and turned his head to the side, eyes closed beneath his mask. Sarah held the camera, still recording, out at arm's length; she grinned at it, winked once more, licked her lips, and then closed the distance to his bared rump, slipping her tongue up beneath that tail first with her pursed lips soon to follow, settling in for a soft, gentle kiss right there against his tailhole, pursing and puckering back to receive and return the kiss.

Sarah swallowed again and looked to the camera. If she moved it to the side a bit, and tilted her head... she should be able to keep her mouth in frame as she flicked her tongue back and forth over that pucker, and as she leaned in to kiss and suck against it. Too bad she had to hold the camera herself: she so wanted to reach underneath and tug at his sack, or stroke at his length while she did this.

That was okay, though. Even still, they were _just_getting started.


Shekh ran his paws down the other hyena's sides as she pressed down from above, feeling the lines of ribs beneath soft fur and skin, the tight stretches of muscle along her hips, the firmness of her waist, all the way down to her rump and back. He tilted his head as he did so, too, Ruari's breath working its way in and through the fur of his neck and leaving a hot, sticky humidity where it trickled, aided in place by teeth and tongue alike.

"It takes a moment," she murmured, words tickling along with her breath. Shekh swallowed and shivered underneath her. "Let me just..."

Above him Ruari's posture shifted a bit, as did her weight on him. Shekh licked his lips and moved his muzzle to bump it against hers while the other hyena reached in and down, dragged her claws through his chestfur and along his belly - now that sent a shiver echoing through his body - and continued on. He closed his eyes in expecting the touch... and then still shuddered when it came, those careful fingers wrapping around his fully hard shaft and giving him a squeeze, a stroke, and then of course a little pinch and tug at the underside of his foreskin.

It would have been more difficult had the two not put a good amount of time towards preparation. Holding him in place between one finger and her palm, Ruari angled her hips forward and down towards herself and then angled her own length in as well, half-hard, thicker than the male's. Once again Shekh felt a puff of eager breath misting out along his neck, and his other arm tightened over the back of his partner's neck and mane to pull her more closely in.

Ruari chuckled into his shoulder, then shivered herself and sighed as she slid the head of her cock up against his, squeezed it into place there, and used the leverage of her other fingers to roll his foreskin, slickened with pre and saliva both, up over him as well as her. She had worked him up to this point by doing just that, steadily working herself further beneath that supple hood, making room for herself as well as smearing her own scent along him.

He didn't have quite the space or the stretchiness, but that was already. Ruari made do with what she could, and in preparation she nuzzled deeper into Shekh's mane, took in a slow, steady breath of his scent, found where the fur met flesh, and set her teeth into place there, hard enough to make him gasp and squirm and for his muscles to tighten, yet not enough to punch through the skin. Not yet, at least. His other shoulder still stung a bit from the previous weekend; that was why she had gone for this side, this time.

In place there, she rumbled again, knowing that he liked the sound - his shaft throbbed against hers, still held in place, wrapped together beneath his stretched foreskin. She squeezed him tightly there with a finger and thumb wrapped around both of them, held her breath, dug her teeth in against his throat... and then suddenly that warmth magnified and expanded, and continued doing so.

"Oh..." Shekh breathed, tilting his head further to the side. "Gosh, that's..."

"That's it," Ruari picked up. She let her paw drop from where she had wrapped him up over her own shaft, trickling heat of her mark pouring into and ballooning out the male's foreskin, quickly rolling it back and spraying out between both of them. Beneath her Shekh squirmed and sighed, lifting up into the dribbling head; her head caught along the underside of his supple skin and tugged there, for a moment drawing a space where her mark filled and pooled before it then poured back down across him.

Again he swallowed and bumped his muzzle against hers, her breath washing over and around him, her heavy, pierced ear flicking in reflex against his own shuddering sighs and tense moans. Ruari worked his hips as she continued to drain into his foreskin and across him, thoroughly soaking the fur there between his legs, along his lower belly, and at the base of his tail with her scent, something already ground well across the rest of his body as well.

She pulled at his neck, loosened her grip, tugged at his skin, and then pulled free. "Is that alright?" she murmured, close to his ear. He swallowed and nodded.

"Yeah," Shekh managed. "God, it really..."

"Mm." Ruari chuckled again and reached down once more, this time to yet again roll his foreskin up over her head as far as she could. Her soaking him down made this a bit more difficult, as suddenly that supple skin became much tighter with his pulsing arousal, but still she managed and held it in place, pinching along the top and underside so that her mark filled him like a balloon and then poured out the side, spraying at the white fur of her inner thighs and down across his again.

Only once her stream started to dwindle again did she tug completely out of him, and when she did so she pressed her piss-soaked paw in against his shoulder and drew her hips forward. Shekh sighed again and lifted his hips, turning himself back and forth underneath her aim as she emptied across him, paw tight along the back of her neck, her warmth in his nose, her breasts against his chest, her scent and mark spraying over and soaking across him.

As he felt her start to finish up he reached down between them himself and took her shaft in a paw, freely and gladly running his thumbpad up over the underside, interrupting that stream, forcing it to spray out across him. He rolled her foreskin up over her head, pinched it shut at the end, and held there until she ballooned her own as well, and only then did he slip it back again to dump that gathered warmth out into his bellyfur. Then he lifted up, slid his shaft along hers, wrapped his fingers around both, and started in on a steady rhythm, using her fresh mark between them.

Ruari straightened up over him, amusement across her sharp muzzle. She grinned, licked her lips, and thrust forward and down again, further smearing his scent into the male's fur.

Shekh already knew he was her property, but he certainly didn't mind the reminder.