[g472y] Trigger Discipline
Trigger Happy 09 of Inconspicuous' Hypnovember 2022 For TeryxC by g472y ### "Yaaaaaawwnn..." The blue and yellow rain dragon jingled his keys in his hands, twirling the keyring around his finger. His tail swished slowly behind him, his...
Day 12 - Rimming
So enjoy a story about a power bottom elephant and a service top mouse. all critique is welcome. i didn't even wait to get into the house to pull off my shoes.
An Owner Infested 3
Tags: m/m, m/solo, parasite, humiliation, werewolf, denial, no orgasm, nudity, teasing, slavery, wolf-dog, badger, cock control, series, anal, power bottom, service top, ownership,
XXXMAS Day Fifteen - Service Top/Power Bottom
Especially when it's a service top/power bottom dynamic going on. what i'm saying is that this prompt was made for me. "all right, boys, one fresh home made pizza coming right up!"
Coming Home Early
"Alright, but it'll cost you extra..." the dark toned fennec chuckled and held out his paw as the twinkish deer stacked more bills that came from his husband's stash. He was all too willing to spend the other male's money if it meant finally getting...
The Host With the Most
Like so many other great hosts before him, Irving put the wellbeing of his guests before his own: by the time he finally took a seat on the couch, his heels were **aching** from a day of manning the kitchen and running around the apartment, making sure...
Kinktober 2021 Story Sketches 31-35
**31. Role Reversal** BryanWildlough It was hard to believe that things had gone this way, and hard to understand how they had in the first place. Not that Bryan was complaining, of course; he squirmed where he lay along the bed, paws tied...
Kinktober 2021 Story Sketches 26-30
**26. Incest** azil31 The coyote had _just_ been on his way to bed when he noticed. It was a weekend night on summer break away from class, and as such his daily schedule had end up fairly skewed with him rising to greet the day shortly past...
A Crush On a Fennec
A Crush on a Fennec (A Novella by a fennec fox named: Fenick) Warning: This story is just not suitable... period. If you so happen to be over 18 or 21(depending on local laws) and like Snuff by crushing, then I invite you to continue reading. Since...
December 2023 Subscriber Sketches
Her paws returned to his shoulders so that she could slowly lower herself down along his length, the service top squirming and grinding where he sat trapped.
Nighthowler 2, Ep. 9
A power bottom / service top** **that**** would much rather ****heroically** **suck, fuck, and serve her way through problems.** **[3]** nighthowler stays right where she is, eagerly staring into her master's hypnotic stare eyes as his fucking picks up
An Owner Infested 2
Other people with recordings of him naked, showing off as a 'service' top, inflicted with a parasite. joy of joys. he groaned as he slumped against the ground, still shivering and shaking from denied need.