Hopping Along, Ch. 2 - Curry and Salt (no musk edit)

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#5 of Hopping Along

Hopping Along follows Kyle, a large red kangaroo, into his second year of college. Kyle starts out by starting the long drive back to college with his father, Rupert (or Ru, as most call him). This is setting off a journey where Kyle will finally start to understand his childhood, family, and figure out his own way in life.

Chapter 2: A plunge into the unknown. Will Rupert sink or swim? Kyle gets to explore some of his desires, and indulge in an older boomer, just as he's always fantasized. Note: this version has musk content greatly toned down. If you want the musk content, you can read that version here: https://www.sofurry.com/view/1849144

Chapter 2 is a single chapter, no parts.

Chapter 3 is already complete! It'll be public in a month. You can start reading Chapter 3 even sooner, if you head to Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/DreamsDrabbles

Kyle froze. Spare his jaw falling open an inch, leaving him staring at his father, dumbfounded. This time, Rupert was the one refusing to look over. The older kangaroo was staring down the bed, though he wasn't really looking at anything. His gaze was a thousand miles away, trying to traffic the labyrinth he had just been thrown into.

"Not... not right now. It doesn't have to be now. I know you're probably all kinds of twisted up inside. But... do you think it would help?" Rupert looked to Kyle as he finished, the younger of the two still staring. "It's... I'd do anything for you, Kyle. I can't do much now... we could talk about seeing a shrink or something... I don't even know who to turn to or ask. But... if you did it. If ... we did something, would it make you feel better, get you over this?"

Rupert was almost rambling, his mouth outrunning his brain. He had to catch up on what he had said himself, trying to focus on making everything better. To help any way he could. He almost spoke again, trying to undo the question he had asked.

But Kyle spoke first.

"I... really want to say yes. But if I'm honest... I don't know. Maybe?... But what if I like it? What if I want more?" Kyle questioned, his tail coiling around. He had managed to sit, knees up to his chest, shrunken into himself.

"Bud... I have no idea. Treading water in a sea I didn't even know existed." Rupert forced a chuckle, closing his eyes and resting his head back. "Forget I said anything, let's just..." just what. He had no clue of what.

"... I'd like to. I mean... I still want to do it. I've wanted to for... so long." Kyle mumbled. His voice made it sound like he was pleading.

Just as Rupert had said- horny men were stupid.

"Kyle, I ... I'm not going to make you ..." even saying it was too alien for Rupert's tongue to manage.

"You're not making me. I want to do it." Being horny once again rearing its head in the younger kangaroo. Taking the driver's seat. "Like I said, I've wanted to for years. I've fantasized, a lot, and... And now the real opportunity... I'd feel dumb if I didn't."

Rupert slumped forward, cogs spinning, no purchase to be found between his ears.

"I mean." Kyle continued, already feeling himself get hard. But at the same time, seeing his father so deflated had him hitting the brakes. Trying to, at least. "You're not making me... but I also don't want to make you. I already did something you didn't want, and... oh man. I'm sorry, that was stupid." Kyle sat back, letting his legs extend out. One foot rested next to his father's. He wasn't dwarfed by it... but Rupert had a couple shoe sizes on him for sure. Kyle was just about to propose they sleep once more, but Rupert beat him to talking.

Quietly, Rupert asked, "Would you regret it?" His eyes still fixed on the bed. Asking Kyle. Or asking himself.

After a moment of the question hanging in the air, he looked up to Kyle.

Kyle was sitting there, struggling to answer. But his body did, in one way. Kyle's boxer briefs had pushed into a tent. Not a full erection, but his body's eagerness was obvious.

"I'm pretty sure I wouldn't." Kyle finally responded, then bit his lower lip. "I wouldn't." he corrected, swallowing. His mouth suddenly so dry. "I could finally like... know. For sure." He chewed his lower lip, leaning in closer, resting his palm on Rupert's thigh.

"... Would you, dad?" he questioned timidly.

"I have no idea." Rupert responded curtly, his eyes distant again. They refocused, meeting Kyle's. "I don't know, but hell. I'd do anything for you. I said I'd give up boxing, even... this seems... a lot less than that. And I don't think there's anything I could ever regret more than ..." than not being there for so many years.

But that wasn't the topic at hand.

Rupert's paw landed atop Kyle's, rubbing over it.

"Then... Uh... yeah. We can... do that." Rupert chuffed, with as much conviction as he could muster. It was not much. "Then we can get some sleep." Rupert added, knowing they both needed sleep for tomorrow's move and drive.

The burden of what they were about to do seemed like so little weight compared to before. Compared to the unknown. To tread water, not knowing which way was land, or which direction he would take.

Having a direction was comforting.

"I guess ... we can just get to it then? What should I do?" Rupert asked, his brain still struggling to find purchase. Even with the course determined, Rupert was still lost at what to do. Beyond Kyle being a guy. Which wasn't bothering him as much as he would have thought. And beyond Kyle being his son, which was quite the doozy. But more than either...

Rupert hadn't been with another in ages. He felt rusty as hell. Being sexy to his son was strange enough, but he hadn't been sexy to anyone encroaching on a decade, and his last experience seemed so distant.

"Uh... If you just want to sit up against the headboard, I can do the rest?" Kyle offered timidly. He was facing a similar situation to Rupert, augmented by youthful horniness and fulfilling a long-standing desire. The excitement to Kyle's expression distinctly reminded Rupert of when he and Nicole were teens, of their early twenties, when they had done plenty of stupid things thanks to pumping hormones and mutual lust.

Rupert nodded, slipping his tail to the side, scooting his hips back until they were near the headboard. He relaxed back against it, paws going to his sides. They rest on the pillows, gripping into them. Nerves almost had his paws trembling, just as Kyle's had earlier.

Kyle seemed far more at ease, moving with a way that showed experience and comfort. Rupert would have been impressed, even proud, were it in a different situation.

Kyle moved to all fours before leaning in to reach around Rupert's waist. Rupert lifted his hips, pushing with his tail. Kyle leaned in, his muzzle pressing to Rupert's happy trail as his paws circled around. Rupert could feel Kyle's breaths through the thicker fur as Kyle undid the button clasp atop his tail. The underwear loosened and Kyle retreated, taking the white briefs down Rupert's legs with him.

It was a whole lot more than a peek this time. Kyle finally got a proper eyeful of the parts that made him. The heavy sack hanging off to one side, the furred sheath that pushed up from below Rupert's sack. The glistening, black rim that was the meager barrier between Kyle and his dad's cock.

Kyle went all the way down with the underwear, to Rupert's ankles. He paused there, looking up.

"Can I take your socks off too?" he timidly asked, like it was such a massive burden in addition to what his father had already consented to.

Rupert shrugged, "Knock yourself out?". Only a moment later, when the socks were being pulled free with the underwear, did he realize why Kyle had asked. The younger kangaroo dropped the garments off the edge of the bed, quickly returning to Rupert's feet. He admired them, from heel, up along the fleshy black sole, to the ball, and the three, unique toes that kangaroos were known for. He pressed his face in, right at the ball and toes, letting free a muffled 'mmmh'.

Suddenly, laughter. Rupert quickly covered his muzzle to stifle it, tilting his snout down and looking embarrassed. Kyle looked curiously up to him, an eyebrow raised, seeking an answer.

"... You used to hug my feet when you were a joey, and you'd always cuddle up to them on the carpet... Just funny you're still doing it. Not helping much about the whole macropods are foot fetishists stereotype." Rupert playfully jabbed, tilting his foot forward, so his toes pressed and rubbed against Kyle's cheek.

"Har har. Not my fault your feet are just so... huge. Beautiful. Perfect." Kyle admired, worshipped the foot. He turned his head, pushing his muzzle tip into the gap between sole and toes, sighing blissfully. Rupert reflexively curled his toes, wrapping them over the top of Kyle's muzzle. Kyle set in his own personal happy place.

"Way softer than I expected..." Kyle added, chuffing as he went to the other foot, repeating the nuzzling. Rupert's heart was still racing, the boomer so very unsure how he felt. How he should feel.

It felt weird, for sure. And it was weird to see. But he also felt his sheath filling, a heat spreading in his loins. From having his foot adored. From being considered sexy, being the target of such lust.

It appeared Kyle wouldn't be the only one to learn things about themselves this night.

Kyle pushed at Rupert's legs, spreading them and making room so he could make his way up between them. Rupert watched, a bizarre surrealism as Kyle approached. It was predatory, hungry, the same way Nicole used to climb atop him. But instead of lush, blue-gray fur, it was all red and tan. Another boomer.

"You can stop at any time if you want. Don't force yourself to do anything..." Rupert offered, giving Kyle a way to back out, so close to the goal. Maybe even hoping he would be allowed free of the bizarre scenario.

"I think I'm good... but tell me if you want me to stop too." Kyle murmured, entranced by the sight before him. It wasn't quite what he had fantasized, or what he had dragged from childhood memories of Rupert. The sack hung lower, the sheath was fatter, the happy trail ended around Rupert's sack, wider, rather than thinning to a point. It was so very different from what he had imagined, yet the real thing still seemed so much better than all the fantasies he had.

Rupert was very tempted to take the offer, panic setting in as Kyle got close. Part of his brain was screaming, panicking, insisting he pull the trigger and end it right now. Then his brain was suddenly rendered useless. His fat orbs were each resting in one of Kyle's paws. Kyle lifted them a little, his muzzle pushing down, right into them.

Kyle let out a low 'mmmmmh' as he nosed and pushed his face into the sack.

"So big..." he cooed, nosing at one orb, then the other.

A heat, a lust, Rupert hadn't known before filled him. Kyle down there, drinking in Rupert's most personal of parts, smothering himself in them, and loving it. There was no way the groan that came out of the younger boomer could be interpreted as anything but.

"Fuck... oh my god... they're so hot, and big, and your sack..." another long, drawn out groan as Kyle pushed his face back in. Kyle muttered a soft 'fuck', then repeated pushing his muzzle into one orb, kissing it. Then repeating it with the other. Then his muzzle dipped, his hands lifting, his muzzle tucking under the sack. In the sweat-soaked space under Rupert's sack, just above the base of his sheath. The heavy sack spread over his muzzle, up to his forehead, covering his eyes. "Jesus." Kyle practically whimpered out, a shiver going down his spine.

Rupert had been told how sexy he was. How hot he looked. How strong he was, how big his cock was, how good he was at fucking. But that was just admiration, horny talk. This, he didn't know what... worship, of his very self, the natural and real him. The heat in his loin cranked up. He could lie to himself, couldn't keep telling himself it was because he hadn't gotten off in days. When Kyle groaned again, whimpering something about his perfection, Rupert knew he loved what his son was doing.

So much so that Kyle could feel a slick, hot point against the bottom of his muzzle. He pulled back, freeing his eyes from the masculine cover that had temporarily blinded him.

"Oh my God..." Kyle whimpered. There it was, so close to his muzzle. Below his father's sack, below his hands supporting that, pushed free from the black-rimmed sheath... was his dad's cock. The end of it, at least. An unfathomably fat sheath, a spread black rim, and a slick, tapered shaft. It was a dusky pink, bordering on red, slick and glistening with sheath fluids. An all new concoction of excitement filled Kyle's chest. He was finally there, he was finally going to do it.

"Gonna... uh... start now." Kyle warned, eyes fixed on the shaft tip inches from his lips. A faint grunt from Rupert was all he got, but he took it as permission. Kyle edged his muzzle in, closer, and closer... he could feel the heat emanating off it... and then it touched his lips.

Kyle pushed his tongue forward, along the shaft's belly, feeling it get wider as he went. A faint hiss of breath sounded above him. Kyle figured it must be a good sign, feeling Rupert's legs flex on either side of him, hearing hands grip tighter onto the bedding.

Kyle's muzzle followed behind his tongue, guiding his lips to their goal. When his tongue brushed across sheath rim, then the furred sleeve, his muzzle closed. A soft groan sounded above him. Kyle's pleasure was doubled knowing that Rupert was enjoying it. He sucked on the shaft and end of Rupert's sheath.

"Ah..." Rupert grunted. He had his eyes shut, trying to focus on anything other than who was between his thighs. He peeked one eye open, watching as Kyle let Rupert's sack rest down atop his muzzle. Rupert was doing his best to stay still, to let Kyle explore what he wanted, but the pleasure was hard to resist.

The sucking made Rupert's cock push from his sheath. Try as he might, Rupert couldn't keep from flexing it. Feeling his shaft curl downward, pressing along Kyle's tongue.

Kyle suddenly jerked back, coughing and snorting. Rupert's eyes shot open, he sat forward, immediately eyeing Kyle for anything wrong. Kyle's paw took over where his muzzle had been, wrapping around Rupert's sheath and stroking it along the merging shaft.

Kyle looked up with a sheepish smile. He could feel his ears and face burning. At least Rupert was distracted from the sight by Kyle's stroking. Kyle laughed a little at Rupert's expression, waving his free hand.

"It's fine. I've never uh... actually been with anyone prehensile. I didn't expect it. Wasn't quite ready for a tickle in the throat."

Kyle smiled to Rupert, trying to calm the older kangaroo. When Rupert leaned back against the headboard again, Kyle smiled wider and looked back down. He cleared his throat, licking his lips.

"It's uh... wow. I... I've never tasted someone so... good... I can't even... It's amazing. I love it." He chuffed eagerly, scooting back down. He laid his belly to the bed, his elbows just inside Rupert's thighs. He kept stroking the sheath up and down the base of Rupert's shaft, squeezing around it.

Eyeing along the length, Kyle chuffed. "... And you're huge. Jesus, this is like... It's gotta be near a foot." Kyle admired, pushing Rupert's sheath down. Eyeing from the very root, to tip, of the tapered shaft.

"Uh... Thanks. Grew it myself." Rupert awkwardly chuffed. He released a hand's death grip on the pillow, lifting his hand to scratch at the back of his head and ear.

"Hah... Well... Don't hold back. I'm ready for it this time." Kyle boasted, opening his muzzle and going right back down on the shaft.

Rupert's paw swung back down, a gasp and whimper forced from him by the immediate pleasure. His hand instinctively went for Kyle's ear, but Rupert altered its course. It rest on Kyle's shoulder, gently squeezing. Careful that his claws wouldn't dig.

Kyle was going all out on the boomer. He was taking more and more in, gulping the tip into his throat. Rupert's shaft flexed again, pushing deeper. There was a distinct gag and puff out of Kyle's nostrils. But he didn't back away. He just paused for a moment, swallowing on the length several times where it sat. It seemed to do the trick, as he pushed forward again, his lips approaching where his paw rested, nosing up under Rupert's balls.

"Fucking... Christ..." Rupert growled through his clenched jaw. His hips pushed upward as Kyle's muzzle hit the root, lips kissing at the seam of sheath and cock base. Rupert's shaft flexed, pressing down along tongue and throat each time, before relaxing back upward. Kyle stayed there, letting his dad explore new territory, steadily swallowing over and over to keep himself from gagging. Kyle squeezed down harder on his left thumb, utilizing the trick he'd learned from his first boyfriend.

Even the thumb trick couldn't resupply his lungs, and Kyle had to pull back off. Feeling Rupert's shaft pull out against his lips, slide out along his tongue. When the tip was back in his muzzle, throat cleared, Kyle took several breaths, renewing his oxygen. His paw stroked while he did, tongue swirling and curling along Rupert's shaft. The shaft responded in like, curling back against the tongue, entwining both.

Kyle began bobbing his head, taking most of the shaft in. Each time he went down, it sunk into his throat, then back out. His tongue worked along the shaft's length, while his hand stroked and squeezed the shaft his muzzle didn't get to.

Rupert's paw on his shoulder squeezed.

"Kyle, I'm close..." Rupert warned. He had tried so hard to keep himself under control, to just be a cock for Kyle to enjoy until he was done, then they'd go to bed. The morning would come, and everything would be okay.

That wasn't happening. It hadn't even been a minute, by Rupert's estimation. But it just felt so damn good. Sensations he'd never felt before, and such eagerness, and every little grunt, moan, suck showing just how much Kyle was enjoying it too. That's what really pushed his buttons. Kyle was having the time of his life, sucking on Rupert's dick. He wasn't doing it for Rupert, Kyle was doing it for himself, and loving every second of it.

"Kyle, I'm gonna cum!" Rupert warned in a hushed, stern tone. Kyle's eyes turned upward, looking confused and curious. He pulled back until little enough cock was in his muzzle to speak coherently.

"I'm gonna swallow it."

Rupert's eyes widened, his ears falling back. Those words set him off. He groaned as cum shot out of his shaft, splattering into Kyle's muzzle. The heat in his shaft, the pressure he felt with each pulse, wasn't something he had known in years.

Rupert grunted, huffed, doing his best not to wake every room around them. His hand had left Kyle's shoulders, going to Kyle's head instead. Rupert's every instinct told him to grab Kyle's ear, the back of his head, and yank him down for everything Rupert was worth.

Even in the throes of such intense pleasure, Rupert's fatherly instincts remained, taming his response. His paw cupped against Kyle's cheek, thumb stroking there. Gently urging Kyle closer, but without the rough insistence his lust demanded.

Rupert watched Kyle at it, his shaft pulsing between the younger kangaroo's lips. The steady 'ulp' sound Kyle gave after every other shot. Swallowing every drop that Rupert was pumping into him. The older boomer couldn't fathom how it was so incredibly hot to see that. How it was turning him on so much.

Rupert's orgasm died down just as fast as it arose. His balls felt tingly, and something deep down behind his shaft ached. He felt like he had shot more cum in that one load than in the last several sessions jerking off combined. Probably the most intense orgasm he had since he was with Nicole.

Rupert's brain finally rebooted and started to process as his shaft lost its fullness in Kyle's paw. Kyle gripped near the base, running his paw up along the length, encouraging any cum that had been left behind to dribble out. He licked it off the tip, then looked back up to Rupert. The younger kangaroo had the most loving, happiest smile Rupert had seen since before the divorce.

"That was... The most awesome thing ever. I hope you liked it too." Kyle chuffed in satisfaction, licking his lips.

"It... felt amazing." Rupert told the truth, at least. After getting off, all the worries flooded back. Dumping him back in that dark ocean, without a shore in sight.

"Should I... return the favor? Or...?" Rupert rumbled, quiet and uncertain. Guilt-ridden.

Kyle's ears popped up and forward, then went red.

"Oh... uh... I'd never make ya do that... I sort of ... came when you did." Kyle sheepishly admitted.

Turning down, Kyle eyed his paw on his shaft, softening like his father's. Just past the tip was Rupert's ankle. Rupert's shin, ankle, and sole had a few pearlescent ribbons of cum over them.

"Hah, well... Makes my job easier." Rupert mused. He forced his paws to relax, glancing down. His claws hadn't torn into the pillow, at least.

"Sorry that was... fast. I didn't mean to..." Rupert trailed off. He couldn't bring himself to vocalize that he had just nutted in his son's muzzle. "Hadn't really ever felt something like that before." He chuffed, rubbing at the back of his head and ear.

Kyle snorted and rubbed at his muzzle with his wrist, clearing away some of the wet in his fur.

"Why sorry? It's a compliment. I'm good at what I do." He gave a cheeky smile, licking across his lips. Then he paused, tail giving a little thump at the bed.

"Never ... You've never...?" He looked curious, if a little horrified his old man had lived so long never getting a blowjob.

Rupert shrugged, still scratching at his ear base. "Nicole didn't really... Tried it once. Barely put it in her mouth before she got disgusted spit me out, and insisted never again." He chuckled lamely, resting his head back on the headboard. "Shame, I loved going down on her."

"Ugh." Kyle grunted, his muzzle wrinkled when Rupert looked down.

Rupert snorted, rolling his eyes. "After ... what just happened, you're going to get grossed out now?"

Kyle shrugged, then looked down to Rupert's groin again.

"... Sorry. Shame though... You're real fun to suck on." Kyle looked back up, doing his best to give a supportive and encouraging smile. Then, without being asked- or even asking if it was okay- Kyle scooted down the bed. He made quick work of the mess, licking his own cum off Kyle's shin, then ankle, and finally, sole. The last one wasn't quite 'quick work', a few more licks thrown in than necessary. And one extra-long, heel-to-toe lick. Even after getting off, Kyle was enthralled with his father's gorgeous body.

The task done- exhausted, to the point he had little excuse to continue- Kyle moved over Rupert's leg and foot, back to his side of the bed. He made his way back up, toward the pillow, flopping on his side.

Silence stretched. Kyle looking up to Rupert. Rupert looking down between his thighs, to where Kyle had just been.

"Thanks." Kyle quietly probed. "That was... amazing... I don't regret it for sure. I can't say it got me... over it, but... Best dad ever."

Rupert finally looked over. Kyle still had that excited, delighted, dreamy sort of expression. Rupert did his best to mirror it. Or, at the very least, give a convincing smile.

"Nah, I just got an amazing joey." Rupert chuffed, reaching out his paw and ruffling atop Kyle's head. Then he scooted to the edge of the bed, "I've got to take a leak, then we can get some rest."

Kyle nodded, rolling to his back flopping. "Gonna sleep so good." He cooed, smiling dumbly at the ceiling.

Rupert made his way to the bathroom, closing the door. He hadn't been lying, and he did relieve himself. He could feel his sheath damp with saliva while he held it. It sent a cold shiver up his spine, knowing whose saliva it was.

Rupert took a minute to wash his hands. He left the sink running while looking into the mirror. He stood up fully, looking himself up and down, ears to waist and back. He supposed he wasn't too bad off. Fit, if a bit of a belly, muscles clear. Big, for sure. A fine specimen of a boomer, spare the fur creases and black lines that marred one side of his muzzle. They stood out so strongly to Rupert, though he had been told many times they weren't too noticeable. Enough to give character, and certainly not enough to be visually discomforting.

Rupert rinsed his hands, turned off the sink, and dried with a towel. He took one last glance in the mirror, meeting his own eyes.

Was he a good father? Or did he just prove himself the worst father? A monster of a man. The way so many other furs saw a monster-sized red kangaroo.

Kyle seemed so happy, so thankful. But he kept wavering, from having done something to help his son, to a monster who was still hurting his son after all these years.

The light disappeared, hiding his reflection. Rupert left the bathroom, back to the bed. Kyle was still laying there, glancing over. The younger boomer had squished himself into his side of the bed again.

Rupert smiled, affectionate and loving, before he slipped back into the bed. He was just settling when Kyle spoke up.

"Really dad... thank you. I can't even... I don't know what to say. But I haven't felt so ... good, loved, in a while."

Kyle turned to look at Rupert. Rupert returned the gaze, a smile on his muzzle.

"You're very loved, my sweet joey."

Kyle smiled brightly, then looked down. The bashful expression back.

"There's not much room..." he started. And stopped. He looked up, taking a little breath. No, he wouldn't lie to his father. Not anymore.

"I'd like to cuddle... if that's okay?" Kyle requested, apologetic in his tone.

Rupert eyed Kyle incredulously. A hearty laugh forced itself out, Rupert rolling his eyes as he rested his head back against his pillow.

"Could you imagine? After that, after what I let you..." He swallowed. "What we just did... If I said no? How messed up would that be?" he rumbled a little chuckle. "Yeah, of course we can." Just like we used to, Rupert didn't voice. So many fond memories of lazy weekends. Nicole, Kyle and himself piled onto a couch, cuddled in close.

Rupert lifted his arm as Kyle scooted in close. Rupert settled down into the bed at the same time, getting comfortable so he could sleep with Kyle against him. As comfortable as he could be with his lower legs and feet off the end of the bed.

It wasn't quite like when Kyle was younger. He was much larger, and he wasn't just laying atop Rupert. He was pressing in against Rupert, an arm wrapped over Rupert's belly. As Rupert's arm rested down, along Kyle's back, the younger boomer turned his head upward.

They certainly made them fit more comfortably in the bed. Kyle was delighted as his body entangled with his father's. One leg over his dad's thigh, his foot up against one of Rupert's soles.

"Mmm... so fucking warm..."

"Language." Rupert chuffed.

"... Jeeze. Seriously dad... you're just so big... and so hot." Kyle cooed, mumbled through tiredness.

It wasn't particularly uncomfortable for Rupert. Not physically. Not the position, or Kyle lauding him. It still sent a tingle through his groin when Kyle lavished him with such praise. But mentally, it was uncomfortable. Rupert's brain was still racing as he laid there, eyes shut, trying to sleep.

Kyle drifted off so easily. Rupert took longer. His brain still running wild with thoughts and accusations and panic.

Kyle was a blessing. The warmth against him, the soft, satisfied chuffing, the happiness radiating from his joey... it all, finally, lulled Rupert to sleep.