Proper Training

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Commission for Raikefox from FA

Link (anthro wolf form) lived a peaceful and almost boring life after recent events regarding Ganon and his shenanigans. One day he visited his old friend for "training", but having other plans in mind. But he didn't expect that the best friend had something on his mind as well.

The land of Hyrule felt like a better place the past few weeks, once the Ganon's shenanigans were finally over, starting another era of peace, at least before another madman wrecked chaos upon innocent villagers and townsfolk.

The Rito Village, named after the avian people living here, also was currently relieved, not needing to think about their safety. But the proud birds didn't stop training themselves, since there were always some monsters or feral beasts lurking nearby, not to mention the bandits who existed even in the most content world.

A wolf suddenly let out a powerful, loud yawn, waking up in Swallow's Roost, the local inn. Link, the Hero of Hyrule, stretched out his limbs after a good night's sleep. It was difficult to extend his rest when the inn didn't have not only windows but also walls. But since it was the only place, he could relax after a long day of travel, he couldn't refuse.

The tall canine sat at the edge of the bed, remembering it was made with Rito's feathers. Quite peculiar to him. For them, it was like he would sleep on a mattress stuffed with wolf fur. But he didn't prey on local silliness.

The innkeeper welcomed him with a portion of bananas fried in cane sugar. He not only didn't mind such a sweet treat for the start of the day but also devoured it within seconds like he didn't eat for weeks. But he had to regain stamina before resuming his travel.

Link put on his tunic, and previously flopped carelessly over a nearby chair, nodding to the avian owner. He quite regretted not extending his travel to training grounds last evening, but he had to be well rested before it. Even if he was capable of not only flying high in the sky, he shouldn't get rusty in these times of peace. There was one other reason.


A bit obnoxious, but the loyal bird was probably one of Link's best friends and companions. Skilled and probably a bit too loud. But because of Link's occasional carefree behavior, he didn't mind his rough edges here and there.

After hearing strange, metallic sounds, the wolf looked up and saw a gigantic figure in the sky. He smiled in contentment, looking at nothing else but Divine Beast Van Medoh, a hawk-like, gargantuan construction, soaring high through the air. Now completely free from Ganon's corrupting reach. At least he didn't have to run from one terminal to the other, being more a wolf of action, than a puzzle solver.

During a quiet walk, the canine eventually reached, built around the stone peak behind the village. There were a few wooden buildings here and there, but Link was interested in that one.

A tall, tent-like construction didn't look any different from other housings he walked past, but he knew it belonged to the avian friend, who probably was already wide awake. The Link didn't give any warning, spreading the material covering the entrance, expecting his friend to meditate or exercise. Anything, but not this.

The blue-feathered, incredibly tall bird creature was sitting on the mat in the middle of the room, with his back turned towards the wolf. While he was performing some kind of physical activity, only one of his arms was moving rapidly, while the bird grunted heavily.

"Ah, need any help?"

Startled, Revali stood up and looked at the wolf with unusual fear in his eyes, trying his best to regain composure. Link took a glimpse at the bird's raging erection between his legs. While average-sized, it was still visible as day. The avian warrior cleared his throat, covering his shame.

"Woah, captain on the deck..." the wolf raised his hand defensively, blushing slightly. He remember that Revali was a pilot, not a sailor. Great job, Link. You made two gay jokes at the same time.

"What is it, Link? Can't you see I'm busy? Why are you here, anyway? I thought Hero of the Hyrule would live in a palace, waking up past noon." The bird was probably sour, and he didn't get as much credit for recent events as the more skilled wolf.

The Link smirked, knowing well that while not living in a luxurious home, he still loved to sleep for many, long hours.

"Just visiting my dearest friend and tutor. People often tell me I shouldn't get rusty with my skills. But apparently, I'm not only the only one who thinks that. The unused muscle disappears, right?" He broadens his smile, showing fangs mischievously. The taller bird grunted.

"It was only a stress relief. Or supposed to be, since you interrupted me abruptly. Ah, forget about it..." Revali tried to put back on his thighs, but the wolf immediately stopped him.

"And leave yourself blue-balled? Excuse me, but that will not happen."

A mix of fear and anger filled the bird's eyes, which felt enough humiliation for his lifetime, even if they were completely alone in his tent. He couldn't believe Link's audacity, casually treating his current problem. Nothing could stop that wolf, the bird thought.

Link grasped Revali's wing, which still covered his shame. The taller warrior didn't even think about giving up.

"What kind of madness is this, pup? You're coming here without invitation, barge into my home with no warning and now you're trying to ruin my time of leisure!" He shouted, struggling with a wolf for dominance.

"Stop wiggling around and let me help you, bird-brain. Just show it to me, it's not like I didn't see other Rito's naked, you know."

While trying his best, something was stopping the bird from continuing this childing wrestling. Seeing the wolf's silly stubbornness, Revali moved away his wing, exposing the abdomen.

"There. Gaze upon it, pup. Why did you need to see it so badly? You just said you saw other males of my kind without clothing."

"I lied." Link said casually, now staring down at the bird's little 'pride'. And it was the right word regarding its size. Compared to the rest of Revali's tall and muscular body, it wasn't even remotely large.

"It's cold up here, huh?" The wolf joked, clearly not impressed by such cock. The bird scoffed, gazing at the wolf coldly, almost intending to kill.

"What do you mean by that?"

"You know... I'm trying to say... is that it? Or is there more right under?" The canine asked, motioning at the not-so-impressive shaft. Rito couldn't believe this whole situation, discussing his girth with an intruder. Because currently, Link was one, despite being a best friend.

"Yeah? It's fully erect after all. Like you have a larger one, kid." The bird towered above him, but the wolf only crossed his arms on his broad chest.

"Perhaps. Maybe you'll see it one day. Now we had a more important task at hand. Just let me..." the wolf approached, but it was way too much for the feathered pilot.


He immediately put on his clothes back, turning away towards the nearby window. "You should leave, now. Just... let me think." The bird sat back on the meditating mat, covering his eyes with a large wing, overwhelmed with emotions and confusion. Like it was just kind of a fever dream.

Even Link had to realize it went way too fast. Just minutes ago he only wanted to meet his friend and perhaps train a bit, not to see him naked with a hard-on out. The wolf felt shame, but not for too long.

"Listen, I was only joking. You know me, laughing in the face of danger and talking crap even towards friends..."

"Yeah, I know..." he responded coldly, but already calm. The wolf stepped from one foot to the other, not wanting to leave his best friend in need.

"So... may I stay? Let's talk this out, chill. And perhaps..."

"Perhaps what?" The bird still refused to look at the wolf directly, with its head turned towards the window.

The wolf approached him, placing a paw on the avian's shoulder, and giving him a sympathetic smile. They both could see something trying to poke through the material of his skirt and thighs.

"In all seriousness, it's not healthy at all. What about just letting me help? For real this time." The canine sat on the floor, letting his broad tail brush against the bird's rump. Revali said nothing, unsure what to think or feel anymore.

He didn't object at all when the wolf reached into his friend's undergarments, dragging out the violently throbbing shaft. Link smirked, liking what he saw.

"Maybe it's not gigantic, but still fits well in my paw. Besides, it's not about the size. And I had many swords before me." Link said, realizing it could be interpreted as another homosexual joke.

Still silent, the bird wasn't covered in shame at this moment, knowing that his friend was rough around the edges, but never tried to make anyone upset with his jests. The bird was more focused on the fact that his now raging member was in hands of the last person in the whole Hyrule he could expect.

"You're pent up. When was the last time you rubbed it off?" Link asked, clearly concerned. The thin tip was already wet, while heavy drops were trailing down the shaft.

"Last... last night." He answered, knowing it wasn't anything good. Way opposite from that. The wolf widened his eyes in shock.

"Seriously? Wow, I'm impressed. That means you need something else than a hand. But for now, it has to be enough." Link said, taking these kinds of things slowly. Jumping onto the bird's ass first would be too reckless and way forward, even for a careless youngster like the wolf.

The bird let a loud, long gasp, inhaling air through the wide-opened beak. The powerful throbs felt hard against Link's palm, almost forcing it to open.

"I never felt something like it before, Revali. Are you sure that's normal? It might burst any second now." The link was worried for his dear friend, but almost sure it was just temporary, in need of release. Several of them, at the very least.

The tapered, wiggling penis slithered within the wolf's paw, demanding more of his attention. He eventually delivered, slowly rubbing the shaft up and down with a firm grip.

The Rito turned his head away, unable to look into his friend's eyes while being pleasured, relaxing on the mat. It bothered the Hero of Hyrule, making this undesirably awkward. He had to break this ice somehow.

"Feeling good?" He finally asked, wondering if the grip wasn't too tight. Or maybe he was too slow, or perhaps too fast?"

"It's... great."

The more he touched that member in uncomfortable silence, the more he thought it was a mistake. But before he would eventually stop, Link grasped the bird's chin with his free hand, forcing him to look into wolves' eyes.

Their gazes met, but Revali didn't understand what Link wanted from him. Suddenly, the wolf closed his eyes, embracing his beak.

The kiss while passionate, felt rather peculiar since he couldn't expect any soft lips, just a sturdy mouth. But at the very least, his tongue was soft and lively, sharing its warmth and wetness. The bird lifted his wing, covering Link's shoulder, and hugging him closer. They only needed that, to make this experience far more enjoyable and less mechanical.

Their smells were quite similar. Both his fur and the bird's feathers were covered in almost the same wooden scent, full of nearby nature. It felt somewhat familiar but also new at the same time for both Link and Revali, caught in the warming moment.

The bird grunted, moaning into wolves' mouths, shutting his eyes in a sudden, strong feeling. With each throb of his cock, heavy drops of pearly white fluids shot on top of Link's hand, covering it.

"That was fast..." the wolf pulled himself back, staring down at his friend's still throbbing member, eventually realizing something. The rigid shaft didn't soften even a bit, still twitching in strong anticipation.

"What in the heavens are you doing, pup?"

The bird now looked at Link, who licked all the powerfully smelling cum, swallowing it with absolutely no shame in his eyes, only giving a usual smirk. The wolf chuckled.

"Just trying it, before I get more of it, of course."

"More? You don't mean by that..." Revali exclaimed, but before he could stop the canine madman, Link already lowered his head, protruding the broad and long, meaty tongue.

Link licked off the rest of the bird's thick seed, quite surprised by such a strong taste, still surprised by how ready that shaft was for more pleasure.

The avian warrior thought for a moment if he should pull hard on wolves' fur, but it felt too wonderful, being licked off for the first time in his life. No other mammal went so forward with him, sucking him off.

The canine murmured, playing with the bird's slit since he lacked the usual masculine ballsack, but not caring about that too much, since he still have a spot to massage.

"Not too deep..." the bird whispered, since the cloaca was incredibly sensitive, even for a strong-willed warrior like him. The wolf smirked, shoving two of his fingers slightly deeper than he planned, making Revali squawk. Link almost laughed out loud after hearing that, already picturing his friend as a helpless chicken.

Revali exhaled heavily, letting out a deep moan, placing the tips of his wings on wolves' heads, locking him in place, showing a shred of dominance. While Link thought it was he who was currently in charge, he generously let his friend be in control, even for a moment.

"Getting close again..." Revali whispered while the member twitched almost painfully, quite sore from the previous climax. The wolf swirled his thick tongue around the base, while the tip grazed Link's throat, just barely. The not-so-impressive length prevented any chance of deep throating.

After a few brief moments, the bird locked Link's head in place, shoving the entirety of his hard shaft into wolves' maw, spraying the back of it with thick, long ropes of potent cum. Taking a few deep breaths, Revali eventually pulled out their now limp penis, drizzling their friend's tunic with the last few drops of sticky fluid.

"I'm grateful. Truly, I am. I needed that."

Link gave him a genuine smile before embracing him in yet another kiss.


"What? You don't like bananas?"

"It's not that. I already had those in the inn this morning. Do you need that much sugar?"

"Look who's talking..."

Revali was in the middle of cooking a small, incredibly sweet snack. After all, the fruits already had a lot of sugar, yet the contents of a cane were involved in this dish as well. But everything was caramelized nicely, making it all pleasantly brown. The thick aromatic smell filled the hut.

"Tell me what you're here for. I don't understand how a wolf like you needs training. It's mostly quiet around here, with only a few troublemakers here and there."

The bird placed both bowls on a short-legged table, while both of them sat on the floor with crossed legs. They raised the chopsticks before digging in.

"You got me there. Why I heard many opinions that you can easily get rusty just fooling around. I also wanted to... you know..."

"Suck my dick?" The bird put that bluntly.

"To hang out with you, obviously." The wolf was taken aback, before swallowing a fried piece of fruit. "And maybe fool around a bit. We were far too busy during recent events to even think about that. That's all..." he shrugged, treating this kind of talk like a completely everyday occurrence.

They ate in silence, which was perfect for the avian warrior, who often treated his meals seriously, before or after the training. The wolf couldn't help himself but look around, wondering how his friend was living. There wasn't too much furniture around here. But something caught his interest.

"What is that?" Link asked, standing up and approaching something resembling a nightstand. The bird was too slow, to hide whatever was under it."

"Absolutely nothing. What are you snooping around for? You'll never le--" but he didn't finish, seeing what Link just found.

The wolf thought it was just a fancy belt, but an obvious-looking collar attached to a leash hung low from his paw.

"I can't believe it! You horn dog, I didn't know you from this side."

Revali sprung from the floor like shot from a slingshot, leaping towards Link and swiftly snatching the items from his paws. Now towering, the massive bird's shoulders moved up and down, while he wheezed in a mix of anger and shame.

"Do. Not. Snoop. Around." The bird emphasized each word, fed up with Link's attitude. Even that wolf had to be surprised at the bird's sudden change.

"My apologies. But if you didn't want it to be found, why it was laying in the open, hm?"

"It was under the appliance."

"It was right in the open!" The wolf put his foot down, somehow enjoying this rather silly squabble. "Whatever. The cat's out of the bag now. Will you finally tell me whose his for? Are you dating someone, you beast?" Link chuckled, grazing the bird's shoulder with his knuckle playfully.

"It's... for nobody. Can't we drop this ridiculous subject and start the training?"

"Oh... we'll train alright." The wolf chuckled, while Revali gave him a deeply confused look. His pupils widened, realizing what Link implied, now stepping backward.

"No. You're jesting. An act of fellatio was one thing but this..." he shook his head, shocked at how far they went.

"Don't be like that? What are you? Chicken?" The wolf grinned mischievously, showing his fangs. But before the bird could say anything, Link clucked.

"That doesn't work on me. I'm already a bird, you know?" Revali crossed his wings, while the leash still hung low, almost touching the ground.

The wolf continued, still making sounds of his feathered nemesis, remembering how feisty those animals were. Link clucked louder, clearly enjoying himself.

"Cease that. You're making a fool of yourself." The avian pilot squinted his eyes, while the feathers on his head swayed lightly. But the wolf not only didn't stop, but he also imitated the chicken's scratching with his feet.


Completely fed up Revali suddenly placed the collar around wolves' neck, closing it and making an audible click. He pulled hard on the leash, choking his friend momentarily.

"Put. Your arse. Down." Someone had to show a proper place for that wolf. While Link saved them all, even he couldn't do anything he wanted, free from the consequences.

Link immediately sat down on the floor, crossing his legs. A tiny shred of a smirk was hidden in his serious expression, clearly impressed by the bird's roughness and harsh attitude,

"Not like that. On your knees."

"But you just said..." the wolf started, when Revali pulled on the leash harder this time. The collar tightened around his throat, making this experience uncomfortable and exciting at the same time.

"On. Your. Knees."

The wolf obeyed, now staring into their friend's eyes, now knowing him from that side. Controlling, Cold. Desperate. And something else. After lowering his gaze, he could see an avian shaft throbbing powerfully against the material, trying to escape like a bird out of the cage.

"Do I take care of it, master?" Link said ironically. "Do I call you master, anyway?"

"Yes. That's a good idea, pup. And don't you dare use anything else, got it?" Revali gripped the leash.

"Oh, alright. So bird-brain is out of the question then..." he said, expecting what was going to happen next. Link suddenly lost his breath, when his collar choked him harder once again.

"You did it on purpose? You like it, don't you?" While the pilot surmised what was happening, he didn't mind being rough with his friend. After all, that kid deserved it, being better than him in every single thing.

"Nevermind that. Undress completely, then remove all of my clothes." The bird commanded, not considering even for a moment to let him go out of the leash.

"Are you sure? I don't know if you're prepared for what you're going to see..." Link said, before feeling a tightness around his neck.

"Do what I say, pup."

Don't say I didn't warn you, the wolf thought. He slowly removed his tunic, which made it awkward since the leash was in the way. Breaking his current character, it forced Revali to let go of the leash, letting the wolf eventually expose his whole body to the bird. He grasped the leash firmer, looking at his naked friend. And clearly, he was astonished by one particular difference.

While their anatomy varied in almost every single way, like fur compared to feathers. Between the wolf's legs stood something clearly out of place.

Bobbing heavily, they could see twelve inches of the meaty pole clear as day, with a massive, broad knot forming at the base, above the stretched, hanging low ballsack. The bird went completely silent, forgetting about the last command he gave to Link.

"Cat got your tongue? Oh, I see. Because your tiny dick is nothing compared to this totem of masculinity, huh?" He chuckled, not caring anymore how hard he was going to be choked. And as expected, Revali pulled on the leash harder than ever before.

"It's large, I'll give you that. But it's you who is on the knees. And it is you who is going to take inside arse."

"Really? Whole six inches of it?" Link couldn't help himself but a joke, before collar clutched around him repeatedly.

"Undress me, pup." Avian warrior commanded, clearly enjoying this complete role reversal, having the powerful, powerful wolf under his influence. Link crawled towards his new master, taking pieces of clothing off, one by one. While he already saw the most important part, the wolf liked how his friend was built, clearly like an athlete. While the birds usually have rather scrawny legs, Revali could easily make some damage with his own.

Link looked at the bird's cock, already acquainted with it. The wolf approached it, pulling out his broad, meaty tongue.

"What do you think you're doing, pup?"

"Uh, trying to please you, master?"

The bird went towards the appliance, forcing the wolf to follow him on the knees. Revali took out a small package with cream inside it. After opening it, a strong smell filled the hut.

"No, not that herb-based one..." the wolf whined, but Revali passed the cream.

"Lubricate my member, pup. Or you prefer me to take you raw inside that dry arse?"

Link gave out a loud and defeated sigh, not wanting to squabble with a bird who currently had an upper hand. The wolf took a handful of the strong-smelling lube, making him shudder. Finally, he spread the cold concoction around the bird's shaft, which needed little to cover it fully. Link could joke about it but it was too low-hanging fruit for him.

Revali sat down on the nearby mattress, forcing his subject to follow. He patted his lap while spreading the legs wide.

"Take a seat. And no jesting about the size of my member, got it?" Seeing wolve's smirk, he pulled harder on the collar. "Got it?"

"Of course, master. Right away. Do I have to take 'all' of it?" Link grinned, but apparently, he wasn't choked this time. Bird pilot grew tired of his shenanigans, letting this one go.

"Just put your arse on it, will you?"

Link lowered himself, stretching his arms to place them on the taller lover's broad shoulders. He guided himself towards lubed cock, which already stretched out his incredibly tight orifice. Wolf shuddered.

"Damn, that's cold. It's like fucking an icicle..."

Revali broke the character, letting out a soft chuckle. He had to admit it, but that one was pretty funny.

"It will warm up in no time. Don't worry."

While the bird didn't expect that at all, the wolf wrapped his arms around master's body, ruffling loudly through the soft, thick feathers in a cozy, loving hug. They didn't see each other for a long time and this was appropriate. Revali considered dropping the act, but when there will be another occasion to do this?

The bird put his head upon the wolf's, feeling the breathing of his heart against his fluffy chest. But he eventually reminded himself what they were doing.

"Alright, enough. You can be all fuzzy-muzzy afterward. Now, take my member."

"You don't have to be so formal. Dirty talk will not kill you..." the wolf murmured before the collar tightened once more.

"Silence." He grunted, smiling afterward when his cock twitched inside wolves' tight ass, being massaged through. "Yes, good pup. Now, faster..."

Link moved his hips quicker, jumping up and down the average-sized shaft, wishing it could be at least a few inches longer. Or even as big as his. That would be amazing. Heroes' cock pulsated against the bird's stomach, letting a few thick droplets trail down the red, full of large veins meat pole.

The bird wrapped his claw around it, slowly stroking it from the massive knot, right to the wet tip. "You like that? Huh, pup?" He pulled on the leash, demanding the answer. "I'm talking to you."

Link murmured, currently too fixated on his pleasure. Small dick or not, it made him moan, while his prostate was taken care of. Revali dropped the subject, for now, clearly enjoying this embrace as well.

"Can't believe that this cute fellow can give so much enjoyment, master..." the wolf eventually said, before the bird pulled hard on the leash.

The avian lover felt that hardening cock against his stomach, wanting to put it to better use. He let out a sigh.

"That's enough. Stand up, right now."

Link looked shocked, not expecting such a decision, especially when he was so close to a powerful climax. Did he go too far with jokes and lack of decency? He thought, getting upset but only for a moment, seeing what the bird was up to.

Revali kneeled on the bed, raising his rump, showing off his hole to the wolf. He shook it, invitingly.

"Don't ask questions and take me, right here and now. Got it?"

Link didn't let out even a peep, now guiding his gigantic shaft towards the entrance, the wet tip almost touching the walls, and...

"Don't forget the lubricant!"

Of course, there had to be a catch. He reached for the cream before smirking to himself. Well... he thought. Why not?

"Putting it now, master..." he said but covering his hand with his pre-cum, instead of foul-smelling cream. Afterward, and with little to no warning, he shoved the entirety of his massive, meaty shaft down his hole. The bird groaned, long on loudly.

"Good heavens! Are you sure you used enough?" But the smaller wolf didn't listen, ignoring the collar around his neck. His heavy ballsack slapped against the bird's thighs audibly, while shoving more and more of that meat, massaging it roughly from the inside.

Revali wheezed, not expecting such vigor out of the canine, being dominated from behind even if he was the master at that moment. But nothing was important right now, especially that leash.

"How is it, master? Am I good little pup?" He asked ironically, holding his ass cheeks with a firm grip.

"Yes. Yes, you are! A good little pup!" While the roles were reversed, they didn't completely break their current characters.

The bird's pre-cum dripped heavily on the mattress, wetting it immensely, while the wolf started filling his hole with his own hot and clear fluid, feeling that he was getting close. Only the slapping sounds and grunting were heard coming out of the hut, while others ignored or tried to of what was going on inside.

"Tell me to fill you up, master..." Link moaned, almost climaxing.

"Fill me up, pup! Fill my arse with your seed!" Revali shouted, pulling strongly on the leash, choking the poor canine. While unable to breathe, the wolf sprayed avian insides with long, thick ropes of cum, locking himself inside with an inflated, meaty knot. Eventually, the bird released the leash, letting him gasp for air.

"That was... that... " Revali couldn't find any proper words about that experience. The massive bird flopped onto his back, forcing the wolf to lie on his stomach in an embracing hug, still connected.

"And? Is that what you wanted?" Link asked, wondering what was the real purpose of the leash, still attached to his collar.

"Perhaps. It was a gift, but probably just a jest. Or maybe a message of some kind. I didn't pry and they dropped the subject."

The pilot's cluelessness flabbergasted Link. Perhaps he was right by calling him a 'bird-brain' after all.

"It was probably an invitation. But at least you used it properly. Anyway, I think I got enough of the training I asked for..."

Many thoughts raced through Revali's mind, realizing his mistake. But he quickly regained his composure, knowing what to do next with that knowledge. He ruffled wolves' fur, teasing the large, fluffy ears. His lips connected to the bird's beak, rubbing their tongues together in pure passion. And nothing interrupted their time of relaxation and reciprocation. But then, just outside of the hut...

"What the hell is that smell?"

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