Chapter 3: A Dragon Claimed

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#3 of Dragoness

A feral dragoness finds herself captured and sold to a powerful unicorn stallion. But what are his intentions with her? This is Tangerine's story.

Rayne walked down to the ground floor from his penthouse suite at the large breeding facility. The long walk gave him an excuse to clear his mind without distraction, valuable time to plan a strategy for the day, and it was at least some exercise. He'd already redirected all of his important calls and meetings for the day. His mind was singularly focused on the dragoness, and he wasn't about to let daily business get in the way of his personal pleasure. After all, what use was money and power if he was to be chained to a desk all day? Simply nonsense. He had plenty of staff to handle that.

The stallion smiled as he stepped into the spacious hallways leading into the arena, already looking forward to talking to his newly acquired dragoness. Today, he wanted to find the limits of her comfort, to better understand just how best to bend the drake to his will. He knew it would take time, but she already seemed more receptive than he'd thought, even after only one evening. Glancing at his wrist to check the time, he nodded and smiled to himself. If his timing was correct, she would have just finished her morning meal. Good.

The unicorn pushed a button on the wall, stepping through into the arena as the large metallic door slid open, sealing shut behind him. Rayne saw that little had changed from the previous night, other than the dragoness digging herself a more comfortable place to sleep in the deep sand of the arena, in which she now lounged, licking her claws of the last bits of blood.

"Good morning, Tangerine," he said, approaching slowly. "You're looking better today. How are you feeling?"

The dragoness regarded him with at least some interest, perhaps looking forward to conversation as a form of entertainment, with little else for her to do in the spacious arena.

"I... am feeling more rested," she said, clearly not pleased with being held captive, but still willing to answer his questions. He considered that progress. "Despite not having my freedom as I deserve, I do have you to thank for that. Even if... alien... a place to sleep and food to eat is an improvement."

"It's the minimum you deserve, my dragon," he said, "and I can promise you'll not want for food or shelter here."

The unicorn stepped closer, again to her shoulder.

"Now, after all that happened to you in the last few days, I would like to assess your condition and check for any injuries so we can treat you appropriately, Tangerine," he said. "But you'll need to relax and allow me close to you, and it may not be comfortable at times."

The dragoness eyed him suspiciously. They both knew she could recognize her own injuries, being a creature of magic; there was little need for the unicorn to verify. The stallion half expected her to refuse, but again he saw a brief softening in her expression - some sign of internal struggle. Clearly she wanted something but did not wish to reveal it to him. To his surprise, she regarded him with a distasteful look, then slowly stood, partially raising her impressive wings. The dragoness said nothing, waiting for the unicorn to proceed.

Rayne put both hands on the dragoness's shoulder, partially satiating his own curiosity; he hadn't had the opportunity to work with dragons before, and they were remarkable creatures. Her scales felt cool to the touch, his hands gliding over them smoothly as he worked down each of her front legs. Her hide was softer and thinner under her chest and abdomen, with thicker and harder scales protecting her limbs, neck, and back. The stallion felt up along her neck, noting extensive abrasions to her scales on the right side, likely acquired when she fell from the sky. Once more, he gave the dragoness a smile and caressed her jaw. Though she clearly was tolerating the process more than actively participating in it, the unicorn sensed that part of her enjoyed the physical attention.

That feeling changed as he worked his way toward her rear though, the dragoness tensing up under his touch as he worked his hands down each of her hind legs. With his nose close to her tail, the stallion was acutely aware of her exotic scent, much more pronounced at this close of a distance. The stallion's sheath stirred slightly, his body involuntarily reacting to the pheromones - she may not have been a mare, but their biology was apparently close enough that it still had an effect on the unicorn. Interesting.

As he put his hand near her tail, the dragoness growled low and deep, glaring back at him - but she made no move to pull away or strike out at him. The unicorn wanted to know her limits, not her tolerance, and so without hesitation, he ran and hand around her thigh, then up under her tail, across her slick slit. Only now did the dragon snap, jumping away from him sharply and putting her rear against the wall. She snarled at the unicorn, anger evident in her glare. And though it appeared she wanted to rip him to shreds for such an overreaching of her personal space, she still made no move to attack him. The stallion smiled and raised his hand in apology, stepping back away to appease her.

"That's plenty for today, apologies if that was... uncomfortable," he said. "I'll leave you be until tomorrow, Tangerine. In the meantime, explore your space. All around you are housed prized stallions, each a legend in their own sport or particularly valued for their bloodline. I'm sure your sensitive nose is overwhelmed with their scent; mine certainly is. I suggest you get used to that, my dragoness, and get to know your new home today. We'll talk more in the morning."

The stallion didn't wait to hear her response, turning and walking away from the angry dragoness. He'd accomplished his goal for today and learned quite a lot in the process. With a smile, he brought his hand to his nose, still wet with her arousal, and breathed deeply, exploring and memorizing the dragoness's exotic scent. Though she didn't care to admit it, a part of her craved his touch; he still saw it in her eyes, in small glimpses - a need to be dominated. And the stallion was happy to provide an outlet for that, though he knew it would take time to convince the dragoness of the same. All things considered; this had been a productive day.

The dragoness spent the next morning largely in her own head, thoughts bouncing back and forth as she went about her very limited range of activities in the otherwise barren arena. Her stretching, maintaining of her little sand pit, and eating were all underscored by a lack of focus which was instead being directed to her thoughts.

The unicorn's comment yesterday had left her confused. His mention of the stallions in their cages seemed to the dragoness like a strange and out of context comment, especially given that she was pressed up against the wall, having been violated by him just moments earlier. She spent some of her morning looking at the feral horses, noticing that many were indeed leaner than any she had run into while hunting, much more definition showing through their coats. They would make poor meals.

Though as she observed the stallions - if for no other reason than boredom and curiosity - that same nagging thought was back to tugging at her. When the unicorn showed up once more she should let him feel her again. Perhaps longer... perhaps... it couldn't hurt? But no! She shouldn't! What would her brood - or any dragon - say about it. It's disgraceful. Yet here she was, the nagging thought in the back of her head, however slightly, was beginning to be entertained. The dragoness groaned and put her muzzle on the sand, wanting the thoughts to simply go away. Her body did not agree.

Her head snapped back up as the door once again opened, the horned horse walking through with that typical smile on his face. Still glaring at the unicorn, she stayed in place, her rear pressed up against the wall. Surely he wasn't going to just pretend nothing had happened, right? These two-legged creatures knew no respect. The dragoness again regarded the stallion with distrust as he walked up to her, stopping on the other side of her sand pit a fair distance away.

"Good morning, my dragoness," he said. She snorted at the comment. Not your dragon, horned horse. "I see you weren't comfortable with what I did yesterday. I apologize, Tangerine. If you'll let me approach, I promise I won't do that again unless you ask me to, alright?" The unicorn waited for her response, not coming any closer just yet.

She mulled over his words. "Unless she asked" - of course she wasn't going to ask, why would he even say that? Or... maybe she should? No! She flicked her tail in anger at her body's constant assault on her mind. She knew it was her heat throwing her into such conflict with herself. She had to be careful. By sheer force of will, she pushed down the burning desire in her abdomen, under her tail, and decided to at least meet the unicorn half way. Slowly, she peeled herself away from the wall, slinking over to her sand pit and re-occupying it. She gave the unicorn a look that, while not quite inviting, was less full of daggers than it had been a few moments ago. With some apprehension - and an involuntary, barely suppressed tingle of excitement - she watched the unicorn approach, letting him put a hand back on her smooth scales.

Though tense at first, the dragoness let out a deep breath as the unicorn started massaging and scratching along her neck, behind her horns in hard-to-reach places, and under her jaw. Somehow, the unicorn knew all the best spots to scratch, and she started to relax, letting out a soft purr as he hit a particularly good spot. Leaning into his massage, she let herself stretch out, looking away from the unicorn but still keeping him in her periphery, content to let him rub and scratch while she looked around the arena.

"Why all the horses? The feral ones, not you, obviously," she asked. "Whatever this place is it's big enough to house me, and yet still the whole perimeter is lined with them. I haven't cared to count, but there are dozens of cages lining this place."

She heard the unicorn chuckle, pausing before he answered.

"We call the cages 'stalls'," he said. "For me personally, I enjoy working with beautiful and powerful creatures, and the finest stallions certainly fit that description. But this place is a high-end breeding facility, one where those with mares can come and select the stallion they'd like to sire their foals. Many of these stallions are top competitors or have particularly rare bloodlines. We only allow them to mate naturally, no artificial methods, as are so common these days. It's something of a novelty, but many pay well for it."

The dragoness felt him work his way farther towards her rear but was content to allow him to do so at the moment, enjoying the feeling of his hands on her back and belly, then on her haunches.

"You actually have quite a nice view of the breeding area from here," he said, laughing softly. "If it piques your interest."

"Not particularly interested, horned horse," she said. "The two-leggeds' fascination with captive breeding is a concept that escape our understanding for the large part."

Tangerine let the stallion continue his massage, and despite her best judgement, she shifted a hand leg ever so slightly back as if to start a stretch, giving the stallion a slightly better view of her slit. The dragoness's heart rate increased in excitement, but she continued to look straight ahead. And yet, true to his word, the stallion ignored her invitation, instead moving back up towards her head. She felt a brief twinge of disappointment, but she felt more comfortable that the unicorn was at least respectful of his promise. For a moment the unicorn's massage stopped, but by the time she glanced back to see what he was doing, he was already walking up towards her muzzle.

"Just one more spot that needs attention this morning, my dragoness," he said, running a hand across her cheek.

She tilted her head in confusion, not quite understanding the unicorn's comment. And then she felt his fingers suddenly press up into her nostrils. She instinctively jerked her head back, eyes going wide and then glazing over as she took her next breath. Her mind was flooded with extremely potent scents - her mind instantly recognized the stallion's from before, but this was so much more powerful, as if her nose was inside of his sheath with each breath, an overwhelming musk of pure stallion. But there was more, her body immediately reacting to what had to have been dragon pheromones, the burning heat that she had just barely been able to contain now rising, quickly overtaking her entire world. The dragoness was lost in her own world, trying to rub whatever the stallion had put on her nose off, but he had smeared it too deep in her nostril to reach.

The dragoness moaned softly, eyes glazing over, every breath filled with the unicorn stud's tantalizing musk, her body forced to associate it with arousal. She shifted uncomfortably, feeling wetness drip down her leg. And it just got more intense with each passing moment. Her mind stood no chance at all against the chemical onslaught. With begging eyes, muzzle on the sand in shock, she looked up at the unicorn, who was sitting patiently before her, watching her closely. The dragoness was already lost, not even feeling anger at the stallion's deception, her entire being filled with only desire for the horned horse. She moaned again as he started gently massaging her head again, guiding it into his lap. She rested her muzzle on his legs, but her nose so close to his groin just made it all worse, further inflaming her arousal as the musk from his sheath and balls seeped even through his pants. She was so overwhelmed she didn't even notice the stallion smiling down at her.

"Such a good dragoness you are," he said, still gently stroking her muzzle. "How are you feeling, Tangerine? Anything you need?" She felt the stallion's sheath stir under her muzzle.

Tangerine had already lost the battle in her head. Yes. She knew what she wanted - needed - from the stallion. Head buried in embarrassment and shame in the stallion's lap, she broke, her words muffled and shaky but undeniable.

"I... I w-want you to touch me, Rayne," she said. "Like before."

"That's what I thought, my dragoness," he said. "Just surrender to the feeling and let me take care of you."

Her heart raced in anticipation, feeling the unicorn grab both of her horns and gently guide her head to the sand, turning it upside down. She followed the unicorn's suggestion, rolling onto her back, spreading her hind legs, exposing her soaked slit. She needed his touch so badly - a burning of pure lust rising in her abdomen, something only a fertile male could quench. The stallion crawled on all fours along her neck, his legs on either side of her head, groin still hovering right above her nose. He worked his hands sensually down her neck, chest, and finally her belly. Tangerine's heart was pounding, the combination of such a taboo interspecies act and her burning heat making the anticipation of his touch unbearable.

She shivered, feeling his hands slide along her inner thighs, then down to her sensitive folds, a quiet moan escaping her lips as he lightly ran two fingers down her slit. She arched her back, trying to press up against him, completely surrendering to the unicorn stallion. All that mattered was his touch, scent, and control. She needed it. Her eyes went wide, electric pleasure tingling down her spine as she felt the unicorn's wide tongue slowly, deeply lap into her soaked folds. It had been so long since she'd felt the sensual touch of another, but the exotic feel of the unicorn's wide tongue on her sex was completely new, so unlike the anatomy of her species.

With long, slow laps, the unicorn licked deeper, his muzzle almost pressing into her slit. Her leg twitched as he hit a particularly sensitive spot. She yelped, leg spasming as the stallion noticed and relentlessly dug his tongue into that spot, each touch of his tongue sending waves of pleasure throughout the dragoness. Coming up for air, the stallion paused, and Tangerine looked up at him, already panting from the unicorn eating out her sopping wet slit.

"How's this feel, my lovely dragoness?" he asked, muzzle soaked her scent and fluids.

By this point, the dragoness needed more than just the unicorn's touch. She wanted to feel him, to give herself to him, be his mare. Eyes filled with pleasure and lust, she returned his gaze with a begging look, blushing deeply with embarrassment.

"G-good... very good, Rayne. P-please, give me more. I want to feel you inside of me."

The stallion's eyes filled with lust at her words, and he reached down, undoing and stepping out of his tight pants, letting his partially erect cock, sheath, and heavy stallion balls hang down on the dragoness's neck, right in front of her nose. The smooth folds of his sheath and low-hanging orbs were slick with a light layer of sweat, the musk of pure stallion radiating from the well-endowed equine. Tangerine's mouth watered at sight and scents dangling in front of her muzzle. With little hesitation, she pressed her muzzle up under his heavy balls, letting them drape over her nose, coating her with musky stallion and equine sweat. She snaked her long tongue out and tasted the stud, wrapping it first around both of his heavy balls, pulling them into her mouth, savoring the thick taste of masculine. Sucking gently on his balls, nose pressed up against his slick tailhole, she breathed in again, a heavier musk filling her nose this time.

The dragoness blushed deeply, so very turned on by how much the stallion's scent affected her mind; it was as if she needed to submit to this horned horse, worship him in ways that would make any dragon turn away in disgust. But the thought of these taboo acts only spurred on her lust. Perhaps the unicorn was right - she was meant to be a slave to him. All she knew, in that moment, was the all-consuming taste of stallion. Rolling the equine's orbs in her mouth, sucking on his sack, she reached her long tongue up, running it all around his sweaty sheath. The taste of horse and salt coated her tongue, and as she pressed it into the damp folds of his sheath, she tasted hints of what she craved from the unicorn - his seed. At the first taste, she moaned, thrusting her tongue deeper, licking all around the soft, musky folds at the base of the unicorn's thick shaft, wanting to taste every inch of the stallion's dirty sheath.

She heard the unicorn groan above her, his cock fully erect now, dripping fresh pre onto her neck. Letting the stallion's heavy orbs slide out of her mouth, she worked her tongue from the base of his shaft, wrapping it all the way around, and slid it down his cock. His veined shaft was so unlike a dragon's: soft skin, deep folds, a slight widening around his medial ring, then her tongue worked up under his flared head, tasting each ridge before dipping into the space around his urethra. She huffed, tasting his pre, licking up every drop off the tip of his cock and her smooth scales. Rayne shuddered above her as she worked his shaft, clearly enjoying the feel of her muzzle on his cock.

Tangerine pressed her snout back up under the stallion's tail, licking his tight donut, and herself moaned loudly as the stallion pressed his entire hand slowly into her slit, his digits spreading her as he it slid in up to the wrist. She flicked her tail in pleasure as he spread her wider than she'd felt in a long time, his hand balled into a fist, knuckles rubbing up against spots she didn't know she had. She purred, lips wrapped around the stallion's tailhole, tongue slowly pressing in and tasting his rear. It was such a unique experience, the taste of horse in her mouth, but so different than ripping into flesh, instead tasting every musky inch of the stud. But despite the constant pleasure radiating between her legs, she knew she wouldn't be satisfied until she felt the stallion breed her. And so, she pulled her tongue out from inside the unicorn, licking once more up under his tail, then huffing quietly.

"Please Rayne... breed me," she said quietly, still in disbelief that she'd ask for such a thing, knowing she was in heat. But she needed it. "I need your cock inside of me."

The stallion shifted above her, his rock-hard cock lifting away from her view. She watched him walk around and reposition himself, kneeling over her tail, his hands grasping her hind legs. She huffed as his heavy shaft rested against her slit, the unicorn teasing her, looking into her eyes with lust and amusement, not yet giving her what she most desired.

"Tell me what you want, Tangerine," he said, slowly working his cock against her slit. "Ask your unicorn master, your prey, for what you most desire. I knew when I first locked eyes with you that you needed to be held down and bred. It's what you want, isn't it?"

As the unicorn repositioned himself, the dragoness was well aware of what would come next before he even spoke. Her body knew too. It knew what the stallion could do for her. He could make her belly swell, fill that primal urge and instinct to pass on her genes. Only her mind cared for who was pumping their own genes into her womb, her body did not, and it was screaming for a clutch from the stallion rubbing his cock against her slit.

She paused for a few moments after the stallion teased her, one last attempt by her mind to get herself to say no, to fight back, to do something, but she couldn't find the will. Instead, she looked into the eyes of the stallion and begged him for foals.

"I want to... I want to be bred by you," she said softly. "I want to be filled with foals. Fill my womb, Rayne. Make me your mare."

The stallion huffed, locking eyes with the dragoness as he pressed his slightly flared cock up against her slit, and thrust hard and deep. Tangerine growled in pleasure as the equine hilted himself in her slit, the unicorn's long cock and flared head massaging deep inside her in ways she'd never felt before. She felt his heavy balls rest against her tailhole as he paused for a moment, eyes closed in pleasure, his cock pulsing a few times as he coated her insides with pre.

"I'm going to breed you thoroughly, my mare. You belong to me now, in every way. My broodmare, meant to be filled with unicorn seed over and over until you give me many foals."

The stallion's horn glowed with magic, and he forced her legs back towards her head, pinning the dragoness in a mating press position as he started taking long thrusts into her warm slit. She couldn't help but contract around him as he worked his ridged cock head in and out of her slick passage, the wet sounds of his thrusts and balls slapping against her tail filling the air. Tangerine moaned, needing this so badly. She arched her back once more, pressing up against his thrusts, wanting him deeper, to fill her womb with hot cum and make it all so permanently real.

She couldn't stop herself at this point, gasping as the stallion's thrusts rocked against her hips. She knew what this meant. At least one of the few things that were universal between her society and his. She belonged to him now. She had let herself be claimed and she was surely only minutes away from letting herself fall pregnant at the hands of a stallion. A prey item. She would have to endure the humiliation of birthing not dragons, but foals, prey. Born from her own womb. Yet she still moaned, and she didn't fight it, playing along oh so well as the stallion fucked and claimed her.

She felt his pace increase, his thrusts somehow getting even more powerful, hips seemingly moving in an instinctive breeding rhythm now. She gasped, able to actually feel his flare start to expand. The stallion gripped her legs tight, clearly nearing his orgasm.

"Do it," she said. "Breed your mare, Rayne. Cum for me..."

She watched as the stallion's balls pulled up close to his body, and with a nicker, she felt him hilt as deeply as he could, his flare spreading her wide, locked tight against her slick walls. His tail flagged, and she could _feel_the strong pulses of his seed pump up through his shaft and right against her cervix, his wide flare sealing it deep inside. The first pulse of seed against her inner walls sent her over the edge herself, the dragon growling triumphantly as her body tensed in orgasm, her passage contracting around the stallion's, seemingly milking him for every ounce of cum he had to give her. She felt his hot seed slowly fill her belly with fertile heat, the stallion staying hilted even after the last few flags of his tail died down. Smiling and panting, he looked down into her eyes, not pulling out, but letting his cock slowly retract naturally, making sure his potent cum stayed deep inside for as long as possible. She moaned softly and twitched around his shaft as it pulled out of her, finally popping out with a wet shlick, followed by a gush of their combined fluids.

"Thank you for breeding me... master," she said, energy spent.

"You're most welcome, my mare," he said gently, sitting down against the wall once more. "It's your place, after all. Now let's relax and keep one another company. And while we do, be a good mare and clean your master's cock."

She rolled over, causing yet more seed to run down her leg, soaking the sand beneath her, and laid down next to the stallion, lowering her muzzle to his partially erect cock. She wrapped her tongue around it, lapping up his cum and her fluids, somehow enjoying the taste of herself on the stallion. Opening her muzzle, she pressed her nose down until it rested against his soaked sheath, thoroughly cleaning his shaft.

"Mmm, such a good dragoness," he said. "It feels nice to be wanted, have a place you know you fit, doesn't it? It's clear yours is making sure stallions are well-taken care of, in every way."

The unicorn looked down into her green eyes again, smiling.

"And I do mean stallions, plural, my broodmare," he said, gesturing around the arena. "While I'm your primary concern, there are many more to keep happy here, and you're the perfect mare for them to breed. I'm sure you'll get to know each and every one of them quite well."

Her eyes darted around the arena, dancing across the dozens of stalls, each filled with a stallion. It was only now that she noticed them paying her attention, and her eyes widened at the realization of the stallion's proposal. Letting his soft shaft drop from her mouth, she started at him in a mix of concern and surprise.

"I... I'm going to birth foals for a-all of them?" she asked.

"Exciting, isn't it?" the stallion said, chuckling. "Imagine how good it will feel, belly heavy with foal, a large stallion on your back, not a single thought in his mind other than filling you with fertile horse cum. Mmm, lovely."

The unicorn leaned down and kissed her nose, as he had before. She whined softly at the thought, resting her head in his lap, eyes still occasionally looking around the arena at the various stallions, then back to the unicorn whose lap she was resting on. She pressed up against him.

Rayne wrapped his cat-like tail around her forearm, and leaned back against the wall, seemingly happy to nap with the dragoness.

"Don't fret, Tangerine," he said. "I'm sure you'll be more than happy with the situation when the time comes. One step at a time."