Unraveling His Persona: Part 8

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#12 of Commissions

Morgana and Cait Sith are on their way to Mistholm when they come across a river with no way across. They also find a pair of Kelpies and a Pegasus who might be able to help them out. Fortunately, Cait has a plan that will require a bit of coercion, emotional manipulation, and a lot of sexual competition.

This is a continuation of the "Unraveling His Persona Series" and another commission for KamikazeTiger:  https://kamikazetiger.sofurry.com/

NOTE: For anyone confused by the description of the Kelpies, the ones described here do not match the same description as those in the Megami Tensei series (as far as I know). They actually look like the Zora from the Legend of Zelda.Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 6Part 7

Wondering where part 5 is? Well, when I started writing this, it was when I was doing requests while trying to build up a little bit of a reputation for myself. I did the first part and then the second, but the person who requested it decided to split part 2 into two separate parts. So, when it got to part 4, which he posted as part 5, I took a long break from writing and he decided to continue the story with someone else who wrote parts 6 and 7. As for me, I stuck with the original numbering and so part 2 stayed one chapter. However, since parts 6 and 7 were written by someone else, I was somewhat forced to relent to the other numbering system. Hence, this is part 8 instead of part 7. Hope that clears things up. : P

Enjoy my work? Then please vote, fave, comment, and watch.

You can also send me a tip on my ko-fi account.http://ko-fi.com/kpfoxpaw

The air was still and the area quiet save for the footsteps the feline pair were making as they marched along. Morgana followed Cait Sith towards the city Mistholm and the purple feline's destination. Having been invited along during their various copulations, Morgana felt personally inclined to follow the wandering fairy. In part, he felt indebted to Cait for saving his life the other day, but more so his greatest hope of finding his blue-furred compatriot may well be in seeking him out at Mistholm. Though the purple fairy made for some interesting and distracting company, Morgana couldn't shake his thoughts for too long from Neko Shogun.

After being ejected from the plane during their escape, his mind kept returning to the question of whether or not he made it out alive. Additionally, he found himself hoping for the safety of the gremlin who joined them. Despite having just met, he'd proven to be a sympathetic companion, having helped them escape his slaver brethren and showed his willingness to fly them to safety. He risked his own life to save theirs and wound up in a worse predicament than before and Morgana felt intense disquiet at not knowing the fate of his two comrades. Cait managed to veer his mind towards alternate topics, allowing Morgana a moments respite from his mental ambivalence, but when left alone with his thoughts, the blue cat and Gremlin always predominated.

Another topic weighing on the black cat's mind was Cait's motivation. He'd invited him along to Mistholm, casually mentioning personal business he has there, but refused to elaborate on it. True, Morgana kept aspects of his own intent a secret, divulging little to avoid raising unnecessary questions that could draw the ire of his new feline traveler. But so far Cait's been an enthusiastically open book in all aspects of conversation except this and it was making the black cat curious.

Morgana was walking behind Cait at the moment, a position the feline found comforting, partly because he got to watch the more experienced cat's body in motion, but also because of how light Cait was on his feet. Early on in their trek, Morgana led the way for a short while, constantly having to turn back to confirm his current partner was still there as he often made no sound as he walked. It made sense how he was able to sneak up on him back at the lake.

At the moment, Morgana's mind was focused on the purple fairy; his actions, motivations, and of course his body. He strode across the land decked out in his hat, cape, and boots, a stark contrast to Morgana's minimal fundoshi and cutlass sword. Despite this, Morgana felt less exposed as his privates were covered whereas Cait's attire did nothing to hide his bobbing penis and dangling scrotum, a sight Morgana enjoyed more than he'd admit. Cait's gait matched his personality, walking with a sense of confidence and pride in every step he took, almost to the point of arrogance. Morgana found he had to quicken his own pace to keep up with the traipsing cat.

"We're making good time," the purple-furred feline commented. "At this rate, we'll be in Mistholm sooner than expected."

"Good, then we can start looking for Shogun and the gremlin," Morgana added.


With the subject broached, Morgana took advantage of the opportunity. "Hey, Cait." The purple cat's ears turned towards his direction. "Why are we going to Mistholm?"

Cait's body tensed up a bit and Morgana could make out an expression of insecurity on his face. He hid it well though, as he grinned adeptly back at Morgana and chuckled. "What? We're going to find your friends, the other cat and the gremlin. You just said so, silly."

Morgana scowled at the feline as he evaded the question. "That's why I'm going, but why are you going? You never told me. What are you hoping to find there?"

Cait had turned to face forward, retaining his smug demeanor. Morgana waited a moment, ready to speak up again. "We should be getting close to the river," Cait interrupted, changing the subject and leaving Morgana wanting. "There's a river nearby, quite wide and very deep, and a bridge that'll allow us to cross." Morgana sighed as the purple feline once again dodged the issue.

He proved shortly after that he wasn't mistaken as they came over a short hill and looked upon an expansive river stretching far out and too dark to see the bottom. Cait stopped to survey the body of water, smiling boastfully as Morgana caught up, raising a brow at the impressive view. "Wow! So where's the bridge?"

Cait turned to the right. "It's right over th-" He stopped abruptly as he caught sight of the landmark. He saw the entry and exit point of the bridge and in between: nothing. Within the lake, concrete piles jutted out from the surface with concrete debris breaching the surface here and there across the way. Cait's smile faded quickly, his jaw dropping in disbelief. "What the hell happened?" he asked befuddled.

"Maybe they know," Morgana stated, facing towards the edge of the bridge. As Cait stared in that direction, he spotted what the black cat had already, three demons arguing among themselves.

Cait raised a single eyebrow, his concern turning to curiosity. "Hm, a Pegasus and two kelpies."

Standing on one edge of the broken bridge was a Pegasus, a quadrupedal equine with a light blue coat and magnificent wings with white feathers. He had a luscious yellow mane, tufts of yellow fur on his fore- and hindhooves, and a long, flowing tail of yellow hair. The kelpies had a more unexpected appearance. They had a humanoid form, plantigrade on both their arms and legs, and a head that looked similar to humans but with features to make them easily distinguishable. They both had a long nose that aligned with the top of their head, which stretched back into a long, fish-like tail giving their heads a shark-like appearance with a primate mouth. Their eyes were a twin orbs of purple, large without a noticeable pupil or iris. They had webbing on their hands and feet and long fins along their arms and hanging from their hips. They had a light blue skin color with a more diverse pattern on their fins and on the tail coming out of their heads that looked reminiscent of coral. The kelpies looked to be a couple feet taller than Morgana, though the Pegasus had only a couple inches in height advantage at the top of his head. The kelpies both sported a navy blue thong as their only covering, though a noticeable bulge could be observed. The Pegasus, though, wore nothing and nestled between his legs was a pair of hanging testicles along with a huge flaccid penis. Whatever they were arguing about was too faint for the feline pair to make out.

Cait's smile returned as he seemed to find amusement in their bickering. Morgana, on the other hand, was his usual wary self. "Are they dangerous?" he asked, paw casually resting on the hilt of his sword.

"Dangerous? Naw, no need to worry. Still, they might know what happened here. Come on, let's go find out."

Cait started off towards the contentious demons as Morgana continued to look on cautiously, his history with demons giving him pause to trust strangers. However, given his most recent encounter with a metaverse denizen, he didn't see the harm in trusting his judgment at the moment. So, with a deep breath, he followed after the exuberant feline.

The winged horse furrowed his brow and splayed out his wings in frustration at the blue, aquatic demons before him. "My way is better. Not everyone wants to get wet."

"But not everyone can travel your way," retorted one of the kelpies, his hands clenched into fists with exasperation.

"Excuse me," Cait interjected with a smile, the three demons turning to acknowledge him while still glowering from their argument. "Me and my friend were hoping to cross the river here. Can you tell us what happened with the bridge?" The demons saw Morgana walking up behind Cait.

One of the kelpies answered. "Ch! This bridge was so old and worn down, there was nothing holding it together and it just collapsed."

"I see." Morgana felt dispirited, but Cait seemed unperturbed. "And, uh... may I ask what you three were arguing about."

The Pegasus rolled his eyes, which the kelpies took umbrage at. "We were trying to explain to this flying donkey that the best way to cross until the bridge is fixed is to just swim across, but he just doesn't wanna listen to reason."

The Pegasus snarled. "That's ridiculous. Not everyone likes swimming. A lot of people prefer to stay dry. Therefore, the best way to cross is to fly."

The second kelpie added, "And as we've explained time and time again, not everyone can fly, but pretty much everyone can swim."

The opposing parties glared at each other for several seconds before the Pegasus turned to the felines. "Hey, tell us the truth, which way is better: flying or swimming?"

The first kelpie addressed the cats as well. "Yeah, what do you think?"

Feeling put on the spot, Morgana shifted glances between the groups before putting up his hands defensively. "Whoa! Hey, I don't wanna get in the middle of someone else's fight."

At that, Cait pulled Morgana aside and spoke in a low voice. "Hold on a second, Morgana. This could be good for us."

"What? How?"

"We could use their disagreement to our advantage and use it to get ourselves across the river. Besides..." The purple feline's muzzle grew into a lusty grin. "Have you ever had sex with a kelpie or a Pegasus before?"

Morgana's eyes bulged at the shock of Cait's blunt suggestion before he settled into a more vexed expression. This again? he thought to himself, mainly out of impatience rather than the idea itself. "Cait, we don't have time for this. We have to get to Mistholm. I need to find Shogun and Gremlin." Morgana spoke in a soft voice as well.

"We will, but with the bridge destroyed, we have no way across and it could be awhile until we find another way. And I don't think you're gonna want to swim the entire distance. This is the best way. We get them on our side, have a bit of fun, and before long we'll be on the other shore. In addition, you get the sexual experience of a lifetime." Cait raised his brow, attempting to entice the smaller feline. "Whadda ya say?"

Morgana sighed, figuring the purple cat was right. It would be faster to just spend a little time with these demons and then make their way across. There was no guarantee they would find a better way over anytime soon. Besides, Morgana had enjoyed exploring this aspect of his feline body so far, so maybe a few new partners might be just as exciting. He nodded and gave a subtle smile, "All right."

Cait grinned widely and winked at Morgana before composing himself, losing his goofy grin, and walking back over to the boisterous demons. While the Pegasus and kelpies continued to stare daggers at each other, Cait sauntered up between the three, paw on his chin with an expression suggesting he was pondering the situation. More likely, Morgana figured, he was pondering ways to try and manipulate the dueling groups. He turned towards the kelpies first. "So, you think swimming is the best option, huh? Wouldn't movement through the water be slower than air? In that case, wouldn't it be faster to fly than just swim?"

The first kelpie spoke quickly and with a harshness to his voice. "Sure, but in order to fly you need wings or magic. Not everyone has wings or can use magic and if not then you're stuck having to rely on swimming. And since you don't need any special abilities to swim, pretty much everyone can do it."

Cait nodded and turned towards the Pegasus, his tail twitching excitedly. Morgana smirked knowing the fairy was enjoying this. "He has a point," Cait claimed. "I mean, I don't have wings and neither does Morgana. So, if no one is around who can help us fly across, it's out of our power to do so."

The Pegasus was taken aback, losing his aggressive expression, before returning to a tenaciously argumentative state. "OK, sure. But if someone is around who can help you, then flying would be better because at least that way you stay dry. People like you and me, we're not hairless fish who enjoy getting in the water. We've got thick fur coats and getting them wet is a huge inconvenience."

Cait turned back towards the kelpies, "Eh, he has a point. I mean, it takes a while for a fur coat to dry and it can get uncomfortable. Also, Morgana and I are cats, which means we have an aversion to water."

You dork! Morgana thought stifling a chuckle, thinking back a couple days when the two performed various sexual acts in a lake.

Now the kelpies turned to look at each other, uncertainty in their eyes, but they regained their composure and the second kelpie spoke. "Yeah, well being a little uncomfortable wouldn't be such a bad price to pay for staying safe."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, if something happens mid flight, you could wind up plummeting into the water below. And if the fall itself doesn't kill you, you might accidentally hit one of those support structures sticking out of the water."

Before Cait had the chance to say anything, the Pegasus spoke up. "Oh, like swimming is so much safer. If something goes wrong in the water and you can't swim anymore, you'll drown. That won't happen in the air."

The first kelpie interjected. "But if you fall anyway, you'll wind up having to swim anyway, assuming you survive!"

"But if you do survive, you don't have to swim the whole way! At least you'll already be partway across!"

"Then why risk-" The second kelpie had started before he noticed Cait had removed his hat, stepped out of his boots, and was in the process of removing his belt. "Uh, what are you doing?"

Cait placed his sword on the ground and began the unclasp his cape. He inhaled deep through his teeth. "Ehhh, I'm just not sure who to vote for yet. You're both really convincing," he said with a tone of insincerity. He bundled up his cape with every other article, standing completely nude such that the arguing group had been completely disengaged from their dialectic. "I think that Morgana and I are gonna need some more... incentive first before we can decide who is right." Cait took a few steps forward. "And whoever wins, the loser has to do whatever they say."

After a moment of stunned bewilderment staring at the naked feline, the two groups stared back at each other with defiant aplomb. "Heh, sounds good to me," Pegasus stated confidently.

"Ho, you aint got a chance, horse," the first kelpie retorted, smiling assuredly. "We'll make 'em cum before you even get the chance to make 'em hard." Cait smiled wide at the blatant proclamation of their intent while Morgana cringed at such sexually charged aggrandizing.

Both kelpies quickly removed their thongs, exposing their genitals for Cait and Morgana to see. They had a similar shape to Pegasus, though smaller and a shade of light blue similar to the rest of their skin. Cait grinned at how easy it was to manipulate the group into accepting his challenge, his crotch tingling with erotic lust. Morgana had moved closer, his heart beating quickly in his chest, his nerves firing as he readied himself for another session of casual sex with complete strangers. He was instilled with his usual apprehension, but the enjoyable thought of impending sex was rapidly outdoing it.

The kelpies stepped over to Cait who smiled seductively at the pair as they approached. Without much effort, the blue-skinned aquatic demons moved to either side of the purple cat, reached around his waist with one arm, and lifted him off of his feet. "Ooh! Eager, aren't we?" Cait said enthusiastically.

One kelpie responded, "Mm, why not? We've gotta convince you, right? Now, give us some sugar." Now supported by the couple, the first kelpie leaned in to Cait's face and the fairy returned the gesture, moving his head towards the fish demon until their muzzles met. Cait immediately opened his maw and the kelpie reciprocated, their lips connecting and forming a seal, at which Cait jutted out his tongue and shoved it down the kelpie's throat. The demon happily accepted the french kiss from the feline, closing his eyes as the cat explored the inside of his mouth with his tongue, tracing it along the striated bumps on the roof and along the upper and lower gums. The kelpie soon jutted his own tongue outward, colliding with Cait's with the two playing tongue war within the demon's mouth.

The pair kissed for several seconds, exchanging saliva as the cat managed to keep his tongue embedded in the kelpie's maw. Impatient for his amorous affection, the second kelpie reached under Cait's chin and pulled him out of the kiss with his brethren, a string of drool connecting the fairy and demon lips. "Hey, don't forget about me." The second kelpie connected his own lips with Cait's forming a tight seal and rapidly darting his tongue into Cait's, the feline this time forced to accept an invading organ. He moaned into the kiss and the kelpie responded in kind, his other hand moving down to fondle Cait's chest, causing him shuffle in the pair's arms.

While that was going on, Pegasus had targeted Morgana, stalking towards him slowly with a lascivious grin on his face. Morgana blushed a deep crimson under his fur, his heart beating heavily as his excitement and nervousness were peaking, causing his cock to begin growing in his underwear. The horse had to lean down to meet the cat's face, Morgana forced to look upward at the tall equine, wings fluttering on the stallion's back. "Mm, nervous are we? Don't be. You're gonna love 'hearing' my argument," Pegasus explained seductively.

Morgana's pulse increased, "Uh, I'm not nervous. I've just never been with a Peg-" Eagerly, the horse thrust his head forward, opened his maw, and closed his lips around Morgana's smaller muzzle, the act taking the feline by surprise. At the sensation of having the demon's warm breath on his face and his tongue prodding at the sealed entrance, Morgana opened his mouth to reciprocate the erotic kiss.

Once his lips were parted, Pegasus darted his anxious tongue into Morgana's waiting maw. The organ was long, thick, and moist, taking up all the free space in the feline's muzzle, but that didn't stop it from moving around. Morgana's cock grew rigid within his fundoshi while the stallion put some force into the kiss, causing Morgana to step back before bracing himself. Pegasus whinnied into the kiss and Morgana moaned, closing his eyes and reaching up to cup the equine's lengthy head under the chin. As the couple made out with each other unperturbed, the kelpies took turns saturating Cait's maw with their own spit, hands groping along the purple cat's body, rubbing his chest, down his stomach, and ultimately fondling his quickly engorging cock. Once the kelpies' wandering hands met the fairy's sensitive package, he thrust his hips forward autonomically, his dick stiffening to full erection immediately.

Finally, the kelpies broke the make-out session and slowly lowered Cait to the ground as the first kelpie spoke. "Do you wanna move this to the water? We'd be much better in the river."

Cait's breathing was increasing. "I think I'd like to keep it on land. I think you'll do just fine."

The kelpies relented, smiling seductively as the second kelpie spoke, "All right. It doesn't matter anyway. We're still gonna win."

With that, one kelpie moved in front of Cait as the second moved behind him. In synchrony, the two water demons began licking the feline's body starting at his neck, with one lapping away at the front and the other at his back. The one in front move down his torso, his tongue exploring the furred chest in the crack between pecs, moving down the muscular mounds to the feline's sensitive nipples, garnering a mild squeak from Cait. "Mm! God, that feels so good." The two continued downward, one licking down his stomach while the other made similar lapping trails down his back. As they reached his waist, the pair slowed their descent, kneeling down and taking their time before they started work on the cat's erogenous zones.

The kelpies licked their lips as the first one started kissing Cait's crotch, navigating around the erect organ, his cheeks lightly brushing the stiff shaft causing jolts of pleasure in the feline. After a minute of teasing, the front kelpie began kissing the base of the shaft, slow, gentle, tender kisses. Shortly after, those kisses turned to licks starting at the base and moving upwards towards the glans, lick after lick eliciting strong, euphoric tingling in Cait's member. "Grr, man, work that tongue." He groaned loudly as the kelpie moved closer towards the head.

Concurrently, the kelpie kneeling behind him began licking his ass cheeks, slowly and methodically, Cait clenching his butt in response. The kelpie's tongue moved down the fairy's rump, one hand grabbing onto Cait's thigh while the other reached under his tail and lifted it up and out of the way. The kelpie got a clear view of the tight crack between the gluts and in between, deep into the feline's cavern, was a tight, wrinkled pucker. The demon smiled as he moved his oral ministrations towards the cat's exposed sphincter. "Oh yeah, that's it. Lick my ass demon. Make out with my man cunt."

With both kelpies primed and ready for action, they followed Cait's prompting and began their oral pleasuring, the first kelpie moving in front of Cait's pointed spear, sticking out his tongue, and dragging it along the underside of the feline meat as he accepted it into his maw. Cait moaned aloud as his dick was alight with sexual ecstasy. At the same time, the kelpie in back finally moved into the purple cat's tailhole, sticking out his tongue and dragging it upwards along the wrinkled skin, Cait shuddering with lust at the sensation. The kelpie licked again, pressing his face against Cait's backside as he lapped the tight rosebud, eliciting groans from the owner.

While that was happening, Pegasus knew he had to begin his own oral fixation on the black cat in front of him if he was going to win. The horse broke the kiss, much to Morgana's dissatisfaction, and began licking down the feline's torso, licking up his neck, his chest, and his abdomen, leaving streaks of matted fur stained with flying horse saliva. As the stallion reached Morgana's underwear, Pegasus used his teeth to grab the waistband of the garment and pull it down the feline's legs, exposing him and his rapidly growing cock. Morgana blushed as his member stiffened up before the strange equine who licked his lips as he eyed it hungrily.

The horse leaned in further, giving the bouncing pole several long licks that left the cat's meat glistening with equine spit. Morgana groaned in response. "Mm, damn. Hungry demon, aren't you?" Pegasus just smiled as he stopped toying with the feline package and steadied it with his tongue, guiding it into his hungry maw. The stallion took the entire feline sausage into his muzzle until his nose rested against the furry belly, hot air cascading sensually from the equine's nostrils. The warmth of his maw stimulated Morgana penis, who placed his paws on Pegasus' head the steady himself. He leaned back as the horse began pivoting back and forth, pulling Morgana's cock out of his muzzle and then shoving it right back in. The black feline shuddered with salacious joy as the stallion pleasured him, his slick spit acting as a natural lubricant to enhance the stimulus.

The kelpie sucking off Cait had begun his own oral thrusts, bounding back and forth as he initiated a muzzle fucking for the purple fairy. The second kelpie continued unabated with Cait's rear entrance, licking with abandon at the tight pucker, pressing his muzzle forward against the cat's round rump. Cait grit his teeth at the sensation of being sucked off and rimmed, moaning as he began thrusting his hips forward into the first kelpie's muzzle, facilitating the demon's ministrations.

"Mm, damn, you two are- urg- really good with your mouths, *pant* aint ya?" Cait stated emphatically. The kelpies continued sucking him off, one on his cock, the other on his ass. "Hey- Mmph- Morgana! We got some slutty-ass demons, here!"

Morgana, moaning and panting as he thrust into the Pegasus' muzzle, held his head as if guiding it along. "Ngh! Yeah. This horse is *groan* hungry for some manly cat milk." The horse smiled and picked up the pace, eager to get the cat off and prove he's correct.

The kelpie sucking off Cait followed suit, his muzzle moving quickly to beat a climax out of Cait before Pegasus could. "Damn- Ngh- demon. Awfully eager *pant* aren't we?" After a bit more licking, the other kelpie began pressing his tongue up against the puckered seal until it separated the anal ring, moving inside Cait's tailhole. Cait groaned loudly at the intrusive act. "Yeah! That's it, slut. Eat out my man pussy." He didn't need the feline's encouragement, but he accepted it, frenching Cait's asshole, prodding it, sucking it, teasing it to augment the first kelpie's fellatio.

Pegasus was pistoning harder now with Morgana pumping along, gritting his teeth as his peak was getting closer. The horse and kelpies watched each other, checking their pace, thrusting faster and sucking harder to manipulate an orgasm as quickly as possible. Cait was close as well, groaning and panting as the zenith of his sexual prowess was rapidly approaching. "Ah, damn! I'm *pant* so fucking close! Suck harder you two! Pump my cock! Eat my asshole!"

Morgana felt his release imminent, breathing so hard he began to drool from anticipation. "Oh, Cait, I'm close. I'm gonna cum soon!"

"Yeah, do it Morgana! Feed that stallion your cum!"

It only took a short amount more coaxing before the black feline threw his head back and yelled, "I'm cumming!"

"Fuck, me too!"

Soon enough, the horse could validate the black cat's claim as he felt a string of hot feline jizz stain his tongue. The kelpie fellating Cait could also corroborate the purple felines announcement as the feline fairy ejected long strings of hot, feline seed right into the back of his throat. The Pegasus and kelpie continued pumping the cats who in return continued pounding their partner's faces, Cait getting a more complete milking from the kelpie sodomizing his anus with his tongue. They both let loose a series of long, hard streaks of feline ejaculate, which the respective receiver gladly accepted and swallowed, moaning at the sensual taste. After a few minutes, their climax died down and the felines relaxed into the afterglow of the event.

After a minute of heavy panting, the kelpies pulled away, the first letting Cait's schlong fall from his lips while the second removed his tongue from the tight pucker. The Pegasus backed away and smiled at Morgana watching the black feline catch his breath. The kelpies grinned at Cait, the first licking his lips. "Mm, how nice. We win and we get a treat."

Hearing this, the Pegasus' calm demeanor changed to confrontational. "What?! What do you mean you won? I don't agree to that."

The second kelpie chimed in, condescension in his voice. "Well, clearly the purple cat came before the black one, so yeah, we won."

"No way! The black cat yelled first and he came first, so I won."

The group bickered a bit more as Cait flashed Morgana a mischievous smile that the black feline recognized. He'd seen it before multiple times on Neko Shogun's muzzle, but it had the same implications. After a moment, Cait cleared his throat and said in a calming manner, "Please, please, there's no need to fight. Now, I think you both were very convincing, but... I gotta say... I'm still not quite clear who the winner is." Pegasus and the kelpies both brooded over the cat's decision, Morgana looking nervous at the prospect of them looking to him for confirmation. "And I think we can all agree that you guys wouldn't be happy with an uncertain victory, right?" Cait asked turning to the kelpies.

Both water-bearing demons gave each other a look of affirmation before turning back to the purple fairy. "You're right," the first kelpie said. "We should go again. And this time, there will be no contest who the winner is."

"Ha, we'll see," the Pegasus added.

Cait clapped his hands together. "Great! Now that we're in agreement, let's... change things up a little bit." He looked at the winged stallion and grinned salaciously. "How about... you, Pegasus, compete with me to test the endurance of the water dwellers?" the horse looked taken aback by the suggestion, though the kelpies seemed content with the idea.

"Fine. What do you have in mind?" asked the horse, determination on his face.

"How about... we both take one kelpie, loosen him up with a rim job, and then mount him from behind?" It was the kelpies' turn to look stunned.

"Great! I'll give these fish-faced demon's something to moan about." Pegasus wiggled his hips, effectively bobbing his erect cock side to side. The kelpies and cats took note of the horse's length and girth, thick and standing a little over twice as long as Cait's. The water dwelling males glanced at each other a moment before they nodded to each other confidently.

"What do ya say, you take the horse and I'll take the cat?" the second kelpie asked. They both checked out Cait whose flaccid cock had gone back into rigid mode. The first kelpie grinned and agreed.

"Sounds good to me." He turned to the Pegasus. "With my tight ass, you'll be cumming in seconds, mule."

The Pegasus snarled at that. "Yeah, I'll be pounding that ass so hard, you'll cum just from being my bitch."

The first kelpie tried to look annoyed, but the way the stallion was speaking was actually quite titillating to the water demon. With everything settled, the kelpies got on their hands and knees, side by side with one another, facing opposite directions with their asses pointed in the air waiting for use. The Pegasus didn't waste any time clomping over to the kelpie on the right, his asshole flashing him, tempting him with its seductive puckering allure. Cait moved in beside him to the kelpie on the left, the same allure tempting him towards the second kelpie's glorious hole.

Pegasus leaned his head down, his muzzle leaning into the plump, round buttocks of the water demon as his tongue darted out and began slowly lapping upwards between the kelpie's cheeks. The kelpie moaned as his sensitive rear was slathered with horse saliva, stimulating every nerve in his anus. "Mm, damn Peg! That tongue of yours- Mmh- is perfect for licking ass." Pegasus smiled before pressing in, his tongue forcing its way past the tight anal walls to move inside, lubricating the puckered orifice and making the kelpie shudder.

Cait simulated the horse's actions, leaning his face forward, bringing his muzzle right up to the concave surface, and started licking away. Though his tongue was smaller than the Pegasus' and unable to cover as much surface with a single lick, his organ was more agile and able to tickle the other kelpie's sensitive nethers in ways the stallion couldn't. The kelpie squirmed and groaned at the cat's expert anilingus, his own cock throbbing between his legs. Cait moved his tongue passed the tight barrier, frenching the demon ring, coating the wrinkled skin with his spit. "Damn, cat! You just- ugh- love the taste of demon ass, don't you?"

Cait smiled and continued making out with the demon's back door as Morgana watched the two kelpies getting their asses eaten out by a winged equine and his feline companion. He was shocked that a heated argument between three demons they didn't know was turning into a competitive orgy. However, the sight of seeing two men bury their faces in the butts of two other males was incredibly arousing and his dick that had mostly softened was starting to firm up again.

With their asses properly moistened, Pegasus and Cait removed their tongues from the kelpies' backsides and stood up. Pegasus stepped forward, hovering over his respective water demon with his forelegs situated on either side of the kelpie's shoulders and his penis just behind his ass. Cait stood tall and positioned his hips behind the other kelpie's backside, his glistening sphincter in plain view. "You ready for the pounding of your life, shark-man?" Pegasus asked in a dominating tone.

"Promises, promises," the kelpie responded with a pompous smirk.

"How bout you, cat? You think you can keep up?" the horse asked Cait.

He smiled confidently. "Oh, I've fucked plenty of demons in my life. This guy's about to get the surprise of his life."

"Oh, I'm on pins and needles," the second kelpie responded facetiously.

The Pegasus and Cait positioned themselves, the feline grabbing his kelpie's ass to keep it steady, and the two tops began their insertions. Pegasus had to flex his dick to bring it to the entry point, but once he found it, he pushed forward, the water dweller's back door showing a bit of resistance, but the horse managed to separate the tight boundary. The kelpie let out a grunt of mild pain as he was penetrated, the stallion's thick meat sliding in with a bit of friction into the kelpie's deep depths. Cait's anal spearing took less effort, his smaller malehood pushing past his bottom's sphincter with relative ease and little friction. The kelpie still felt it and groaned ecstatically at the feline's intrusion into his rectum. The first kelpie started moaning as the pain waned, the Pegasus implanting his entire length deep into the kelpie's bowels.

The horse's hips cupped his partner's ass cheeks, as did Cait's, signifying the two tops had hilted their respective demons. As the purple feline glanced over at the eager stallion, they gave each other a head nod and began there pelvic thrusting, pulling out and jamming in, quickly building up a rhythmic pivot. Each participant was groaning and moaning in sync with Cait's and Pegasus' gyrations, the sound of hips slapping buttocks echoing in the open air.

"Damn! This- Ugh- horse is fucking thick!" exclaimed the first kelpie.

"I'll bet. But this fairy is *grunt* no slouch either," the second responded.

As the four-way fornication got underway, Morgana looked on, his paw having delved down onto his crotch to begin playing with his excited member. Though he still had inhibitions about participating in another lewd session with strangers, Morgana was beginning to listen more to his body. And after having gotten a taste of the stimulating, perverse, demonic sex the group had to offer, his body knew he needed more.

Swallowing anxiously, the cat walked up to the kelpie getting pounded by the horse until his cock was only inches away from the blue warrior's face. Spotting the black member, the kelpie stared up at Morgana who smiled back, "Hey there. Would you like another feline dick to suck?" Morgana bobbed and twisted, causing his cock to bounce around like a stick on a spring.

The kelpie said nothing, but grinned ravenously as he opened his maw, inviting Morgana's little black penis into his mouth. The black cat took the invitation and gently shoved his dick inside the blue demon's muzzle, who closed his lips around the small member. Morgana placed his paws on the kelpie's head as he pulled out and shoved it back in, slowly and gently at first, but then faster and rougher, matching the Pegasus' thrusts.

Cait looked over at the kelpie to his right, his ass getting speared by a tall, blue equine while his muzzle was getting stuffed by a small, black feline. He then looked down at the kelpie below him, watching as his cock exited and entered the tight ring, the warmth of his intestines stimulating his climax. "Ooh, Morgana, look how easily these- Ugh- kelpies take our- Ngh- dicks. I think they're *grunt* really hungry for *grunt* our cocks."

Morgana's maw hung open, panting heavily and moaning loudly as the kelpie's tongue massaged the phallus inside his mouth, quickly guiding him to his second peak. "Oh, yeah, Cait! Ngh! I'd say this one definitely just needed some *grunt* cat cock in his mouth!" The Pegasus continued to pound the kelpie's ass, grunting loudly with each thrust.

Cait smiled, his orgasm fast approaching. "I guess kelpies- Ugh- love having- Ngh- dick in them. Doesn't matter which hole."

Morgana thrust harder, though he couldn't match the power of the stallion in front of him. "Ah, I'm close again, Cait. I'm gonna cum soon." The Pegasus was grunting louder now, moaning, gritting his teeth.

"Ngh, yeah Morgana- Ugh- do it. Feed the kelpie. Let him taste your delicious man milk."

As the felines felt their peaks approaching, Pegasus narrowed his pumping to short, hard thrusts before throwing his head back and neighing wildly. He implanted the length of his cock deep into the kelpie below him, who grinned widely as the horse ejaculated inside his bowels. The Pegasus continued his thrusts, milking himself and his orgasm for all he could. Shortly after, both Cait and Morgana replicated the act, both moaning loud, slowing their thrusts, before hilting their partners as their climax hit. Both felines exploded with male feline juice, Morgana into one kelpie's hungry maw, Cait into the others rectum. The first kelpie eagerly swallowed the tangy cat juice as it squirted from Morgana's blood-engorged pole. After almost a minute of a second round of ejaculations, both cats were spent, joining Pegasus who was already slumping in post-orgasmic shame of having cum first.

Pegasus pulled out of the water demon's asshole accompanied by a loud sloshing sound. Cait followed suit, his dick spent for the second time now going flaccid again as he retracted his member and stood shakily behind the blue demon. The first kelpie let Morgana's spit-shimmering prick flop out of his maw while licking his lips. As the stallion caught his breath, his cock half-hard, he looked at the pair of kelpies and shouted, "I demand *huff* a rematch!"

The kelpies raised an eyebrow with a shit-eating grin on their mouths as they nodded to each other. "Agreed," the first kelpie replied. "But this time, I think, after domming us, we should try giving the cats a good fucking." Morgana and Cait stood motionless, eyes bulging with stunned expressions.

The second kelpie added with a devilish smile. "Yeah, that sounds fair. Besides, I haven't had this much fun with a cat before. I wanna feel that tight feline ass hug my thick cock."

Morgana and Cait looked at each with bewildered concern, the purple fairy's plan to manipulate the kelpie's taking an unexpected turn. Cait smiled, trying to retain his confident facade though his worry was clearly showing through. "Whoa, fellas! Hang on a second." He held up his paws as he spoke, Morgana staring blankly at the purple feline, tail twitching behind him. "Now, maybe we got a little overzealous with the... uh... rules of judging, but... let's not... take things too far, you know. I mean, maybe we could-"

As Cait tried to talk his way out of it, Morgana was taken by surprise as the kelpie that had just finished orally gratifying him pounced him, tackling him to the ground and holding him there. As Cait watched in surprise at the sudden action, he himself was tackled by the second kelpie who kept him pinned on his back. With both felines on their backs with the two water-bearing demons hovering on top, Cait and Morgana got a glimpse of the shark-men's impressive packages. Their blue poles were fully erect and standing stiff between their legs, not as thick as Pegasus', but at most only a few inches shorter, which were still impressive.

The kelpies licked their lips as they began to move downward, their hands moving along the cats' bodies. As blue, naked skin explored their torsos, the demons' faces were lowered between the felines' legs. Cait and Morgana watched as the water-dwellers disappeared behind their exposed dicks and spent testicles, their hearts beating fast in anticipation. Once the kelpies saw below the hanging scrotum, they spotted their target, grinning ear to ear, then brought their tongues down to the exposed skin peaking out between the felid buttcheeks. Morgana moaned loudly, closing his eyes as the wet organ made contact with his sensitive anus while Cait groaned and smiled at the intrusion.

The kelpies reached under the knees of their respective prey and lifted their legs in the air, allowing them better access to the felines' back door. They lapped away at the puckered rings, which clenched reflexively at the cold touch of demon tongues. The warm sensations on their tight tailhole felt incredibly erotic for both cats, inducing renewed arousal as their cocks began to grow again. The kelpies continued their oral ministrations, licking, prodding, and penetrating, slickening up the cats' fuckholes to reduce chafing and enhance pleasure.

After a couple minutes of butt-licking, the demons grinned at each other before standing up, pulling the cats to their feet, turning them around in the process, and lifting them into the air. "Whoa! Hey, what are you-?" Morgana started before the kelpie held him against his chest with one arm while the other went under his legs, wrapping them under the cat's knees, and lifting them up, folding the cat with his butt hovering over the kelpie's bulging erection. The other kelpie mirrored the act, holding Cait in a similar position, with Cait grinning lustily as his ass was aimed at the water-bearing demon's prod.

"Well, cat, you ready to get your ass split open?" the first kelpie asked the black-furred feline. Morgana bit his lip, staring down at the organic sword pointing up at his petite ass. The sight brought back memories of his time with Ganesha and Girimehkala and the cat figured if he could take the two pachyderms, he should be able to take this guy without question. Besides, the blue water-dweller wasn't as thick or long as the pachyderms.

"We'll find out, won't we?" asked the second kelpie. With that, the first kelpie lowered Morgana down onto his cock, the glans poking his sensitive rear. As gravity went to work, Morgana grit his teeth in preparation as the kelpie head separated the anal muscles and invaded the black cat's innards. Morgana grimaced as a soft, fiery pain erupted in his ass as the entire mushroom head was inserted in the dank depths of the black feline. After a few seconds, Morgana moaned as pain was replaced with euphoric ardor at the feeling of being invaded, his cock flexing in response. The kelpie smiled as Cait received the same treatment, his ass splitting open at the insistence of the second kelpie's meat, grinning with ravenous sexuality while the water demons groaned with satisfaction.

The kelpies changed position, holding each leg back by wrapping an arm under each knee and locking them in that position by clasping their hands together behind the felines' head, holding them up in a folded position. Without effort, they pushed the cats down onto their length, the blue phalluses disappearing into the dark abyss of feline rectum until the cats were hilted by the kelpie maleness. Cait retained a lusty smile while Morgana was lost in erotic bliss, their tails twitching and wagging, tickling the kelpie's bellies.

The kelpies began bucking their hips, pivoting up and down, pulling a few inches out of their partners before ramming back in, their slick saliva helping to ease the intense thrusting. With each insertion, the demon pricks pressed up against the feline prostates, stimulating their libido and enhancing the sensual experience. As the cats bounced up and down on blue dick, Pegasus had wandered over, smiling seductively at the pair before him getting dominated. He licked his lips as he stared directly at Cait, his eyes glued to the rigid rod bouncing between his legs. He stepped up to the restrained feline who watched helplessly with an ecstatic grin as the stallion closed his lips around the twice spent cock and began sucking away.

Cait mewled loudly as the mixture of stimulation from the nerve endings on his penis and the prodding of his prostate ignited immense sexual fervor in his crotch. "Oh, God! See Morgana, I -Urg- told you this was a- Ngh- great idea!"

After a moment, the Pegasus released Cait's dick, disappointing the purple feline, until he saw the winged horse move towards Morgana. The fairy grinned again as he watched Morgana gaze down at the stallion, his lips moving closer to his dangling cock as the kelpie holding him continued his jackhammering. As the horse clamped down on Morgana's cock, the black feline threw his head back and groaned as loud as he could at the ethereal feeling of having his cock and prostate titillated simultaneously.

The kelpie fucking Cait looked over to his brethren. "Ugh! You see this? *grunt* Look at these sluts. Ngh! Look how much they're *moan* enjoying getting their asses plowed."

The other kelpie was ramming hard and fast, overly eager to release stress into the black cat's bowels. "Ugh! Ugh! Yeah. Thought this cat would be tight, but- Ngh- he's taking me pretty easy. *moan* I'd say he's whored himself out- Ngh- to some pretty big- Ngh- demons before."

The first kelpie picked up his pace, his crotch burning with erotic tension, the two blue demons feeling their peaks closing in as the warmth of Cait and Morgana's intestines bolstered their experience. "Mm, you know what? Ngh! I think- Ugh- these cats wanted this the whole time. Ggh! I think they wanted their asses inflated *pant* with thick demon dick this whole time."

Pegasus moved from Morgana back to Cait, leaving the black feline wanting as his penis was left untended in the cool, open air. Cait moaned, twisting and twitching as the horse suckled on his cane, his hypersensitive glans overloaded with sensory input as he moved closer and closer to orgasm. After a minute, the horse moved back to Morgana, the purple feline whining in disappointment while the black feline shuffled as the stallion's ministrations provoked shocks of pleasure.

The kelpies were getting close, their pelvic gyrations having grown faster and faster with more phallus shaft sliding along the anal walls as their muscles tensed up. The blue kinsmen grit their teeth, Pegasus moving back to Cait's cock, loud moans and grunts of passion saturating the air. The kelpies eventually slowed their thrusts, sliding less of their cock out with only the base exiting the tight hole.

As Pegasus sucked away at Cait's dick, the feline shifted and groaned and eventually threw his head back as his third climax hit, purple fairy jizz erupting onto the horse's tongue, though with less volume than before. After a moment of coaxing out the last of Cait's male essence, the stallion moved back to Morgana to alleviate his own tension. While Cait came down from his orgasmic high, the kelpie inside him continued to pummel, his mouth agape and release imminent. "God! This cat's ass is so warm, so inviting. Rgh, I'm so close!"

The other kelpie seemed to mimic him, his face glistening with sweat as their endurance was tested. After several more thrusts, the kelpies tightened up their muscles, straightened up their bodies, arched their backs, and screamed aloud. Soon, both feline intestines were filling up with kelpie seed, thick, sticky, and copious. They continued pumping away, coating their dicks in their own semen as they expelled more and more manly liquid into their partners. As Morgana's ass filled with ejaculate, he struggled to maintain his composure as his crotch tingled. With Pegasus' prompting, he soon lost control and came for the third time, his own feline seed spilling into the horse's waiting maw. Though lacking in volume, the addition to Cait's previous donation made up for it. As the kelpies' orgasms died out, the duo stopped thrusting as Pegasus removed his lips from Morgana's prick, licking his lips and whinnying at the spent feline.

The group took a moment to regain their composure, the felines' dicks shimmering with horse spit as their asses remained plugged by kelpie cock. After a few minutes, the kelpies finally lifted the cats off their junk, sliding out with a slosh and garnering a moan from the black and purple partners, then set them on the ground. Morgana and Cait were still breathing heavily, basking in the high of three orgasms between three different demons.

"Whew!" one kelpie exclaimed. "That was invigorating. Glad you two came along when you did."

Pegasus smiled. "Yeah. I'm thinking maybe this is how all arguments should be handled."

The second kelpie chuckled. "Heh, I'd be OK with that."

"Still though, it's still not quite decided who should be the winner."

"Hm, I guess so. So, how do you wanna settle it?"

The three demons exchanged questioning glances before Cait interjected. "As always, Cait Sith has the answer." The horse and aquatics turned their attention to the purple feline who returned to his feet, but was swaying slightly from exhaustion. "Since Pegasus didn't get a lot of action from the last round, I suggest we focus all our efforts on him." Pegasus raised a brow and smiled while excitedly wagging his tail. "A nice little gang-bang to test his stamina. If he can hold out for ten minutes, he'll be declared the winner. If he cums before then, the kelpies win. Sound fair to everyone?" Every demon nodded and stared salaciously at each other. Cait brought his paws together. "All right then. Lie on your back, horse. Let's see what you've got."

The stallion, still hardly spent from cumming only once, had more than enough energy to continue with one last lusty encounter. He whinnied again as he did as expected, lying on his back and raising his legs in the air, wings splayed out on the ground, and his cock dangling half-hard between his legs. Morgana was closest to the horse's hindquarters and got a good look between those muscular, equine ass cheeks. With his tail draped along the ground, nothing obscured the black feline's vision of the horse's large tailhole.

Morgana, though tired from three separate releases, couldn't help his arousal at the sight of the sexy demon butt, his cock twitching with anticipation and again growing to full mast. "I call the ass!" Morgana asserted, surprising everyone who smiled and watched as the black cat dropped to his paws and knees and buried his face between the thick, meaty gluts. He quickly stuck out his tongue and dragged it up along the wrinkled surface of Pegasus' tight pucker, evoking a loud neigh of delight from the stallion. Morgana licked again and again, coating the exterior posterior with feline saliva, Pegasus clenching his butthole reflexively, gritting his teeth and shuddering in pure euphoria. "Your ass tastes so good." The cat rammed his tongue inside the constricting muscle, plunging it as deep as he could inside the fleshy tunnel, the sensation causing the horse's cock to come to its full length, pre-ejaculate dribbling out the urethra.

With his ass sufficiently lubed and Morgana's hunger for horse ass sated, his cock now took precedence. The cat removed his tongue from the back door and scooched in, climbing onto his knees and positioning his penis outside the glimmering bud. Grabbing the horse's legs and holding on tight for support, the feline impaled the horse with his meat, moaning loudly and causing Pegasus to whinny and grin.

With his staff erect, one kelpie climbed over the stallion's belly and straddled him, his ass pointed down towards the mushroom head. Pegasus looked up at the water-dweller who stared back with a seductive grin. "Let's see how long you can last with your dick inside me, Peg," the kelpie taunted.

"Mm, I'd like to find out," Pegasus replied. "Go ahead, plug up that demon ass with my cock. I wanna feel your warm insides as I fuck you."

The kelpie grinned a devilish grin and reached down to steady the massive equipment before lowering himself down. His asshole found the glans easily and began pressing down, his ass loosened from having Cait's cock already spread him open before. With the stallion pre acting as lubricant, the equine cock managed to easily split apart the kelpie's sphincter and disappear into the dank depths, immediately eliciting groans of passion from both demons. The kelpie lowered himself slowly as best he could, but quickly began lowering faster, allowing the shaft to invade his bowels with little resistance. The kelpie's intestines felt warm and wet around Pegasus' cock while the thick rod pressed against the kelpie's prostate harshly, tantalizing him.

Once the hilt of stallion phallus was inserted, Pegasus threw his head back and moaned, which the second kelpie took advantage of. The horse was taken aback as his open maw was suddenly stuffed with demon dick that tasted like kelpie ejaculate and feline ass. The erotic stimulation of his senses caused him to relax and began tonguing the lengthy penis in his mouth. "Oh, God!" the kelpie resting on Pegasus' dick called out. "His cock feels so good up my ass!"

The other kelpie sodomizing the horse's muzzle chortled. "You aint got to tell me," he said, the sensation of stallion cock invading his bowels still fresh in his mind.

Morgana, having taken a moment to enjoy the feeling of the horse's innards on his dick, began pumping in and out, beginning his rhythmic fucking of the quadruped. Pegasus whinnied around the cock as the kelpie on his lap positioned himself to pull himself off the horse, retracting a few inches from his intestines before plunging the base back inside himself. Loud moans all around as the kelpie began his own rhythmic pistoning, going down on the stallion who thrust his hips upward in sync with the water-bearing demon.

The second kelpie was ready to begin face-fucking the horse, but first felt a pair of furry paws on his waste and saw the purple fairy behind him, hips aligned with his ass and smiling greedily. The cat's dick was erect and aimed at the demon's anus. Without any delay, Cait shoved his hips forward, spearing the kelpie with his malehood hip deep into the dark depths. The couple groaned, the kelpie finding only pleasure in having his ass filled again. Now with all five members in position, the kelpie began thrusting into Pegasus' maw while Cait began fucking the kelpie.

The 5-way orgy commenced, Morgana pumping the thick, meaty ass, drooling as he held onto the muscular legs while building up a fourth climax. Cait similarly thrust away at the kelpie in front of him, his own fourth orgasm coming slowly while the kelpie he held jackhammered away at the winged stallion's warm muzzle. The kelpie riding Pegasus dick had his muzzle open and his eyes closed, his cock bobbing around and his prostate massaged roughly, his peak climbing from pure anal prodding.

As for Pegasus, the whole experience was fraught with sexual exhilaration. The taste of cock and the feel of the meat as it slipped in and out along his lips, his tongue teasing the tip as it collided with it, his rear being opened by the feline in back, his penis fully encompassed in the moist, hot depths of the fleshy innards was all so overwhelming. His orgasm was climbing fast and he knew he wouldn't last long, but at the moment he didn't care.

"Ngh! Ngh! Yeah, eat my cock Peg!" yelled the kelpie face-fucking him. "Taste that used dick. Get ready to drink my seed."

"Yeah *pant* fuck that steed! Fuck that horse muzzle hard!" Cait shouted in between thrusts.

"Ngh! Rrk! God, I don't know how much longer I can hold out!" shouted the kelpie riding Pegasus' dick.

"Ugh! Grr! Don't hold out! Ride that dick!" Morgana yelled to the kelpie between the horse's legs. "Ride that dick hard!

All four participants between thrusting as fast as they could, Morgana pumping that stallion ass, one kelpie drilling his muzzle, Cait waist deep in kelpie ass, and another kelpie stomach full of equine schlong. In just a few minutes, the Pegasus felt his second climax fast approaching and tried hard not to bite down on the kelpie's dick. After only a few more hip thrusts of the water-dweller cradling his belly, the horse couldn't hold back any more as his nuts pulled into his groin and a warmth spread through his urethra. His cock erupted as several jets of thick, sticky, stallion seed flowed into kelpie bowels, coating his intestinal walls. The warmth spread to the water demon, which in turn augmented his own growing climax.

Though the horse's climax came and went, everyone else continued pumping, eager to find sexual release once again. Morgana came first, moaning loudly as he arched his back and let his essence flow into Pegasus' ass. The kelpie riding bitch on the spent horse came next, gritting his teeth before plunging the thick cock deep into his bowels, his prostate screaming as his cock exploded sticky shots of wet jizz onto his brethren and the stallion's neck and chest. Cait and the other kelpie came last, Cait releasing his latest load into another kelpie's tail end while the demon filled Pegasus with another tasty serving of tart and salty male fluid which the equine happily drank up. With everyone spent, all five members halted their movements, their legs shaking as they stood in post-orgasmic exhaustion.

Their lethargic pile was broken first by Cait Sith who pulled out of the water-dweller he just came in, leaving a small streak of semen to seep out. That kelpie pulled out after, his cock retracting from the equine lips and smacked a bit before an audible, "Mm," escaped them. Morgana extracted third, his dick flopping out and aching from 4 separate orgasms, the feline expecting air to come out should he ejaculate again. Finally, the last kelpie stood up shakily as the stallion's member was removed, a slosh followed by a wet slurp as the head came loose and the girthy penis bounded onto the Pegasus' belly while the kelpie's butt, balls, and legs saw a few separate, thick strings of splooge slide down the naked skin.

The horse turned over onto his side, caught his breath, and declared, "All right. I concede. I came sooner than I agreed to, so... you win." Pegasus felt a twinge of shame from swallowing his pride to admit defeat, but the amorous activities shared with the aquatics made the concession far more tolerable.

The two water demons looked at each and then back to Pegasus. "Hey, I gotta admit, flying does sound cool. And I'd be lying if I said I didn't wish I could have that ability from time to time." The first kelpie spoke softly and supportive, sincere in his words.

The second kelpie chimed in. "Yeah, but living in the water means we're using pretty much all of our muscles all the time, so we live a life that requires intense stamina. You did good to keep up with us as far as you did."

Cait had stepped over to Morgana who was on his knees. The purple feline fairy was grinning ear to ear as he placed a paw on the black cat's shoulder, an expression that screamed, 'Am I good or what?'

Pegasus smiled with fatigue as he turned onto his hooves and stood sluggishly. "Thanks. Well, I submit to you, sirs. You did indeed make a better case in this subject than I did."

"Maybe," Cait interceded, "but you were still really damn good yourself."

Morgana smiled and held up a thumb. "Agreed. You were both... very persuasive."

Everyone chuckled as the kelpies eyed the tired winged stallion and despite their randy adventures, it seemed their libidos weren't quite satiated yet. They both stared at each other and licked their lips. "You know, you really are one sexy horse."

Pegasus stared back at them, bewildered, but then exasperated by their expression. "Oh, man." He let out a discontented sigh. "All right. Since you won, I'll submit to you."

"Mm, good man." The kelpies took opposite sides as before, the demon that fucked his muzzle a moment ago stepping around to the equine's backside while the one that rode his enormous cock now stood in front. That one reached out to grab the horse's head softly and lead him into a tender kiss. They closed their eyes and shared a passionate locking of lips, tongues flying out of their muzzles to invade the others in a sensual tongue war. Saliva flowed from one maw to another, remnants of the taste of feline and kelpie seed lingering in the viscous fluid.

Before long, they broke the kiss, small dribbles of spit snapping out and landing on their cheeks. The Pegasus began kissing the kelpie's body, starting with his neck, then torso, and stomach, moving down his slick, blue skin until he reached the cum-laden cock. The horse gently took the used phallus into his muzzle and was immediately met with the flavor of feline ass and kelpie cum, though somewhat drier than before as it's been exposed to air for longer. He took the length in his maw, the kelpie moaning at the sensitivity after two orgasms only to feel the fatigued stallion's tongue prod and massage the easily stimulated glans into full erection for the third time.

While his brethren was gritting his teeth, the other kelpie held Pegasus' tail out of the way so he could stare at the wrinkled star in his sight. Licking his lips, he leaned forward and began lapping at the bud, causing the Pegasus to groan around the long organ. He could still taste Morgana on the back entrance, soaking it up as he rimmed the horse butt, sticking his tongue inside to retrieve the feline's cum from past the puckered barrier. He moaned at the taste and sensation, pleasuring his equine partner, until he'd gotten his fill of stallion ass.

Guiding the horse down a bit, causing him to bend his legs until the kelpie's dick was aligned with the stallion's rear. His own cock primed and ready for one last climax, he pushed it in past the anal sphincter, stretching it open and sliding every inch of his malehood. Once inside, he paused to allow the warmth of the ungulate's bowels to enrapture his meat, the sensation exacerbating his own fatigue from the day's activities.

Both kelpies grabbed their prospective hand guards, one gripping thick, equine buttcheeks with the other holding onto the horse behind the ears. Holding tight, the two water demons pulled out a few inches and shoved them back inside, Pegasus' muzzle and ass used once more as fuck holes for a couple of demons. They built up a slow rhythm, their weariness keeping them from exerting too much energy too quickly.

As the kelpies spitroasted the winged stallion, Cait took note of the horse's cock dangling between his legs. He pointed at it as he tapped Morgana's shoulder. "Hey, come on, let's help the Pegasus out. Give him his consolation prize."

Morgana looked up to see the purple feline playfully raise his brow. The black cat chuckled and nodded. "Yeah, let's reward him for making a very convincing argument."

The two felines stood up and walked over to the horse's waist, the kelpies maintaining their rhythm of jackhammering their respective orifices. Cait got down on his knees and grabbed the giant dick, the smell of kelpie ass and horse cum lingering on the length. Holding it out, he began licking at the sensitive glans, causing Pegasus to shudder in ecstasy and whinny around the kelpie's dick. "Ho-hoh! Looks like- Ngh- the cats are giving the horse *pant* one last happy ending," one kelpie stated.

"Heh, yeah. Enjoy, horse. Rgh! I think those kitties are hungry for your cum. Ooh! Don't wanna disappoint them."

The Pegasus could say nothing as his own climax was building yet again at the titillation coming from Cait. Morgana soon joined in on his paws and knees, lapping at the shaft while gripping the base, enhancing the horse's sexual stimulation. The kelpie's themselves had picked up the pace, their sexual prowess gaining momentum as their orgasms began building up. They grunted loudly as they pivoted away, faster and faster as the sight of their equine companion getting fucked from both ends was extremely invigorating.

Cait moved from the glans down the horse's length, licking along the shaft towards the base until he reached the horse's balls swaying shakily underneath. He grabbed the hanging sack and held it in his paw as he began lapping at the large scrotum, eliciting loud neighs from around kelpie cock. Morgana took Cait's place, moving up to lick the sensitive glans as he massaged the horse's shaft. The two kelpies were burning with lust now, their third orgasm getting closer and closer, moaning and grunting with each thrust.

"Ngh! God! I'm close. I'm about to fill this horse with my jizz," the one pounding his ass shouted.

"Gr! Me too! Hope you're thirsty horse. Rgh! Gonna have a big load for you to swallow."

The Pegasus was too lost in lascivious gratification to pay attention to what was being said, his cock pulsing as another explosive climax was imminent. Cait moved back up the shaft, keeping his paw on the large balls as he moved back up to the mushroom head. The two felines felt the stallion flex his cock, indicating his peak was close and focused their attention on lapping the glans while massaging the shaft and testicles.

Soon enough, his cock flexed several times in succession and soon Cait and Morgana watched as his cock erupted in a series of explosive shots firing loads of hot, sticky ejaculate right in their faces. The cats moaned as they were covered in horse demon cum, shot after shot firing into their face and splattering onto their necks and torsos. The horse neighed around the cock, the sexual heat from his climax driving the kelpies towards their own zenith. With several more thrusts, the pair shortened their pivots to hard, quick thrusts that slowed down until eventually they had reached their peak.

"Rrr, gah!" one kelpie yelled as he came into the tight Pegasus rectum, the warmth of the fleshy organ forcing an intense release from the tired aquatic. The other kelpie came shortly after, the horse's tongue dancing on his engorged penis until his urethra spewed out streak after streak of hot kelpie man milk onto the stallion's crafty tongue. Several shots and the horse felt satisfied at being able to savor the second kelpie's juices, similar to his friend's but sweeter.

Their orgasms died down, one kelpie emptying his balls into the equine ass with the other expunging his balls' contents into equine muzzle while the horse himself painted the felines with his own turbid fluid. Morgana and Cait chuckled while the kelpies huffed and huffed, their last release of tension leaving them strained. Pegasus pulled the demon's dick out of his mouth as the other retracted from his anus. The horse, free from both ends, stepped to the side away from the cats and plopped down on the ground, lying on his side as he caught his breath.

"Ugh, that was incredible," he sighed with an exhausted, but satisfied, tone.

Cait looked at him with a raised brow. "You OK there, Pegasus?"

"Fine," he said as he huffed. "I'm just... gonna rest here... for a while."

He closed his eyes as the others wondered if the horse was already asleep. Seeing the stallion lying on his side, peacefully enjoying a respite from their uninhibited amorous exercises, the two aquatics and two cats decided to leave the horse alone to rest while they stepped away towards the river bank. The kelpies grabbed their underwear and stretched out while the cats followed behind them, Morgana letting out a deep yawn as Cait stared at his black companion and the mess the Pegasus made.

Morgana looked back at Cait and grinned with a cocked eyebrow. "What?"

Cait chuckled. "I'd say that's a good look for you."

"What, covered in cum?"

"Exactly. Makes you look... cute."

Morgana furrowed his brow in annoyance. "Screw you, fairy. I'm gonna go clean up."

Cait grinned mischievously as he followed Morgana towards the river. The kelpies had already ducked into the water to rinse themselves off, their thongs lying next to the water. Cait addressed the pair, "Hey, since you guys are the dedicated winners, would you mind giving us a lift to the other side? Got some business to take care of there."

"Yeah, sure. Not a problem," one kelpie answered. "Anyways, we owe you guys for settling our argument."

"Yeah, and you showed us a pretty entertaining way to settle our differences," the second kelpie added, winking to the felines. Morgana blushed as he rinsed of the cum from his face.

"Great! Then after we're done, we'll head out for the other end."

True to their word, once everyone was finished rinsing off as much of the sex as they could from their fur or naked skin, the kelpies set off, swimming across the channel with one cat on either water demon's back. Morgana grabbed his fundoshi and Cait donned his attire before they set out. The kelpie were good swimmers, but the pair admitted they might be faster if not for the energy they expended during sex and even during their argument. Still, though, they were making good time and Morgana was happy to finally make some progress towards finding Neko Shogun and Gremlin again.

Partway out, one kelpie announced to the felines, "Hey, I want you guys to know we think you are some really cool cats."

"Yeah. You're some of the coolest guys we've met," the second added.

Morgana smiled lightly while Cait soaked in the praise. "Would you say we're the coolest guys you've ever met?"

The first kelpie answered. "Well, you're pretty cool, but I'd say we've met someone better. His name was Ose." Morgana's ears perked up at the mention of the great president of Hell. "He visited our underwater city recently."

"Yeah, he was one amazing demon."

Morgana looked physically alarmed, but luckily no one saw his reaction. The black cat felt compelled to ask the kelpies if they could take him there to see if he could find clues relating to Ose, but he still wasn't certain how his purple-furred companion would react. It didn't matter anyway since his primary mission at the moment was finding his blue-furred partner and the yellow-skinned pilot who risked his life for us. Ose would have to wait.

It took a little while to reach the opposite side, but the group arrived safely and Morgana and Cait swiftly dismounted the blue swimmers and stepped up onto dry land. The two kelpies stayed in the water and waved at the feline pair who smiled and waved back.

"This was great, you two. Hope that when you're done in Mistholm you'll be back this way," one kelpie said enthusiastically with the other nodding his head.

"Hehe, we'll see," Cait replied with a salacious grin.

Morgana gave a friendly nod, although as he considered the mention of the name Ose, he thought to himself,'After I find Shogun and Gremlin, that's most likely gonna be the plan.' Like before, though, he kept that thought to himself.

"Goodbye, fellas, and good luck on your journey," one kelpie said before the two turned back and started swimming back towards the flying equine they left on the opposite shore.

The felines waved back, watching them swim off, before Cait turned back towards Morgana, grinning smugly. "Well, I'd say that worked out really well, don't you? And I told you sex with kelpies and Pegasuses was pretty amazing, didn't I?"

Morgana crossed his arms and nodded. "Yeah, it was pretty good. We can reminisce about it later. Now that we're here, let's get going. I want to see if I can find my friends."

Cait cocked his head to the side. "You sure? You don't wanna rest first? That was a pretty draining experience. I know I'm exhausted."

"No," the black cat replied, his tone and expression serious. "We need to keep moving. We've already lost too much time playing around. We need to get to Mistholm."

Cait sighed and shrugged. "All right. If you say so. Lets go."

Cait strode off in the lead with Morgana following behind, the purple feline showing the same confident gait he had before. Only this time he was a bit slower and more slumped, clearly weighed down by the energy drain of their lengthy copulation. Morgana felt a bit uneasy forcing Cait to continue on if he was tired, but his mind was too preoccupied with finding his blue-furred mate and the yellow demon. If they were in Mistholm or had passed through, he needed to know and lying around waiting was only gonna make him more restless. So he pushed on, following the wandering fairy, set on his goal.

'Shogun, Gremlin, I don't know if I'll find you when I get there, but I hope that wherever you are, please be OK.'

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