Bring Your Pet Over So I Can See His Cock 2

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#29 of Randal

The nice dinner party descends into an orgy as more people strip out of their clothes and get fucking. Bugsy shows off his extra-large cock, hypnotizing Randal with its unbelievable length. Randal embraces his homosexual attractions and he and Elizabeth make peace with their awkward lack of attraction for each other.

A story I've been working on for a long time and glad to be finished. In the future, I'll avoid making chapters this long and try to break down their elements better. 

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Arthur and Belle had taken a seat, albeit nakedly. Pixie and her party guests chatted for awhile about which non-pet species were present in the neighborhood in which Randal brought up his knowledge of Samson the lion and other outliers.

And then there was a raccoon. Bugsy walked in, drawing attention with his new myumanoid form. He took a seat on the chair he left alone and crossed one leg over the other, grinning.

Everyone glanced at Bugsy, looking very comfortable with a myumanoid body.

"What happened?" asked Randal.

"Bugsy!" said Pixie, taking a pinch to Bugsy's fuzzy cheeks, "You've never shown off your myumanoid form before!"

He panned his arms out and posed smugly. His big tail hung off the chair, fur whafting through the air. He said, "It's been awhile since I showed it off." He retracted his arms and legs close to his body, "I like being compact!" He relaxed his limbs and fell back in the chair, "But if I'm always small, I never get to show off certain... parts."

He zipped down his pants and reached in. What flopped out was, to many, unbelievable. Even flacid, the cock that escaped his pants was looking over eight inches and hung over a set of two very large balls.

Everyone gasped! Pixie took a hand to her chest, "Bugsy!"

Bugsy looked around the room while everyone stared at his junk. He picked it up and began rubbing it, letting everyone witness it inflating while he revved his engine. Arthur held his dick out, bringing his eyes back and forth from his to Bugsy's, assessing if the raccoon's was bigger than his... and quite quickly... it was.

Todd looked at it with shock, and Bugsy figured he was envious with Bugsy's larger size. Elizabeth and Patricia were drooling! Randal's expression perplexed Bugsy though. It wasn't jealous shock, it wasn't shy curiosity: it was astonishment. Randal stared at Bugsy's cock like it was the face of a god.

Randal crept out of his seat and shifted low towards Bugsy. His eyes were like stars twinkling at Bugsy's cock, which, with Bugsy's touch and rub, was extending past the footlong point with ample thickness.

It was triumphant to have Randal transfixed on Bugsy's dick, and he could feel Randal's urge to touch it, but then Bugsy looked deep in Randal's eyes and saw a gaze of loving adoration. Not worship- a deep and powerful love.

Bugsy stilled. When he felt Randal's hand brush the fur of his bare foot, Bugsy's hands twitched. Everyone stared as Randal crawled up to Bugsy's lap. Bugsy gripped his pants tight, staring at Randal like he was a venomous cobra.

Randal breath tickled the pit of Bugsy's scrotum. He took a hand to Bugsy's fuzzy balls and caressed them gently, adoring the weight of them.

Randal stared at the shaft in front of him, the cock so tall it left Randal's eyesight. He wasn't sure how to approach it, tilting his head to find the right angle. Impatient, he went in, taking his lips around the dorsal of Bugsy's shaft.

A gasp came across the room. A pair of doggy lips macked on his shaft and Bugsy smirked with a toothy grin and a twinkle in his eye, "Kid..."

The raccoon repositioned himself to be a better receiving end of oral pleasure, spreading out his legs. He clenched the seat and stared up at Randal in anticipation, trying desperately to keep his cum inside, holding his balls shut with all his willpower.

Bugsy breathed hard and clenched his jaws, closing his eyes to stave off as much arousal as he could because having the mastiff eat his cock like a lollipop was bad enough, but seeing Randal in love with the raccoon monolith pushed him over the edge.

Randal took the cock out of his mouth and brought it down to the shaft, smooching and licking the upper part of Bugsy's telephone pole. The skin of Bugsy's raccoon dick had an addictive taste that made it feel like his dick was part of Randal's mouth and that he couldn't be without it.

Bugsy was trying his best to hold in his orgasm but there was a stroke where Randal licked up the left side of Bugsy's cock that was too pleasurable and he couldn't hold it in anymore. His eyes split, and a primal moan escaped him before he went into a fit of chittering and screeching. Cum fired from his loins and up his long dick like toothpaste out of a tube. The squirt was ample, long, and flew through the air onto the floor, some of it getting in Randal's hair.

He grunted and screeched while he sprayed his jizz. More got on Randal and more got on the floor in front of him. Randal breathed hard and shivered as the cum rained on him. His legs quivered with excitement!

He tented his hands around Bugsy's dick to stroke it while he suckled the surface. Bugsy fired two large bursts into the sky before the cum slowed down and the ejaculation wasn't powerful enough to launch anything above and the cream fizzled out of his tip and trailed down his foreskin.

Bugsy's chittering and screaming silence and he relaxed. Randal got down on his knees and leaned against the seat between Bugsy's legs and caught his breath. He looked down at his cock, his dick pushing through his jeans. He wiggled his cock a bit and could feel some jizz sticking to his tip.

Bugsy's dick settled down and descending, deflating and shortening. The big member draped over Randal's shoulder. Randal looked up. Bugsy looked down and smiled. Randal returned with a grin.

The others were stunned. Elizabeth and Patricia were still in their seats. The collie looked over at the dane. Patricia tapped Elizabeth's foot with her own.

Elizabeth looked over, "What?"

"Hey Elizabeth," Patricia leaned close, "Did you cum your pants?"

Elizabeth looked down and wiggled in her seat. The moistness had soaked her underwear. She looked up and fought the grin on her face, blushing. "Yeah."

Patricia smiled, "Me too."

They giggled at each other quietly and took each other's hand.

Randal sniffed into Bugsy's cock. It was such a wonderful heat to be around! He took a hand up to Bugsy's sac and rubbed it gently, licking and kissing into the base of the meaty cock.

Bugsy looked down and watched the young dog mack on his dick. I might have to look into buying a wedding ring, he thought.

Pixie leaned over to give Randal a pat on his shoulder- the one that was unoccupied by Bugsy's huge flacid dick. She said, "Randal! I never knew you liked giving men oral pleasure so much!"

Randal remained at Bugsy's lap, macking on Bugsy's balls. Belle and Arthur walked around more, enjoying the nudity. Pixie curled her feet together when Arthur paraded his big dick in front of her but she kept to herself.

Arthur took it over to Elizabeth and let the giant member face Elizabeth down. Elizabeth stared at it nervously, anxious what he was going to do with it but also worried that her arousal would spike and she'd lunge the big meat like a bowl of ice cream!

Belle took a look at Elizabeth and had Arthur sidestep out of her way so that his master could stand in front of her fellow collie, showing off her trim furry body. Belle admired the tailless girl.

She gestured at Elizabeth, "Please, rise."

Elizabeth stood up and let the woman wrap her arms around her, bring her in close. Their breasts were tip to tip and Elizabeth could feel the warmth coming off of Belle's fuzzy vagina.

Belle's nipples rubbed on Elizabeth's blouse. She smirked, "I got a bigger chest than you." She looked at her behind, "And I have a larger ass but..." she turned back forward and leaned into Elizabeth's face, "I bet the boys are lining up to sniff your crotch!"

She reached down and pulled up Elizabeth's blouse. It was unexpected but Elizabeth raised her hands so Belle could take the top off. Belle reached around and unclipped Elizabeth's bra and out came those big collie tits. Not as big as Belle's, but close.

Belle took her hands below Elizabeth's tits and pushed them up, sizing their weight. She took a look at Randal and Todd then turned back to the fellow collie, "How often do you let them feed from these things?"

Elizabeth blushed and then broke into a giggling fit, "I... I don't!"

Belle chuckled and leaned into to plant a kiss on Elizabeth's lips. It shocked Elizabeth but the taste of the other collie won her over. She reached her arms around Belle and rubbed her back, her fingers brushing through the fur.

Their nipples crossed swords, bumping and prodding into each other. Belle had a slight height advantage but Elizabeth kept her ground. They pushed into each other, their boobs squishing out.

Elizabeth moaned. Belle crept out a giggle between chomps of Elizabeth's lips. They kissed, tongues waggling.

Elizabeth reached down with a hand and fiddled with her belt. Her fingers tangled with her buckle, wildly pushing and pulling the hooks apart until one of them popped. The other hook followed suit and Elizabeth let out the strap. The zipper went down and with their grip of Elizabeth's hips freed, she let them drop down to her feet. Being so lusty, she could have ripped off her panties, but she pulled them down as far as she could reach and let gravity and her legs wiggling do the rest.

The heat from both of their vaginas could have fried an egg. Close enough, their pubic fur danced with each other and their vaginas seeped, inches away and wanting to get close. The dance of heated vapors swerved around each other.

Elizabeth's vulva twitched and her toes waved anxiously underneath the bundle of clothes. She kicked away her pants and reached around the collie master's body and cupped her hands on the top of her hind mounds, letting her clawed fingers graze the lady's fluffy tail, and pulled herself closer.

The top of their nether lips connected, causing both collies to moan and their sexes exchanged lust saliva. The furs on the front of their bodies mixed, rubbing and wading through each other.

The others watched. Arthur was getting hard watching the two girls engage in a lusty rub. His dick rose high, aiming right at Patricia's face. The great dane gripped her seat with one hand and slowly brought a hand towards the rabbit meat with the other. Arthur realized what Patricia was up to and steadied himself.

The dane weighed his hefty balls, letting the scrotum smoosh in her hand, then she leaned forward and opened her mouth, ready for the penis to dock inside her port. She felt the tip bump the back of her mouth and she closed down, sucking and dancing her tongue across the bottom and flicking the sides.

Arthur's tongue poked out of his mouth and curled. His eyes drained and he went into a stupor while Patricia sucked his dick, his toes scraping on the carpet below.

Todd helped himself to some masturbation. Seeing the others get busy prompted him to unzip and let out his cock, jerking off with his master Pixie being ok with it.

Randal, still pecking at Bugsy's balls, untied the string on his pants and let out his cock, taking a hand to slowly churn it while his lips were on raccoon nuts.

Pixie smiled, looking across the room, "Looks like everyone's in the mood for oral!"

Todd grinned, stopping his cranking and lowering his arm to present his dick, "Did you want to get in on the action?"

Pixie smiled, "Yes, but I'd like..." she looked down at her crotch, "... to be on the receiving end."

She stood up for a moment, undid her belt, and lowered her pants, letting out her chubby thighs of orange color. She pulled down her panties and the house master's pussy was out for everyone to see, looking fuzzy that evening.

She sat back down on the chair and fingered Todd over to her. The rottweiler got up, hard cock bouncing in the air as he walked out of his pants, and stood before Pixie. He lowered himself to her seat and took her thighs, letting the fat squish in his hands. The master's pussy stared at him, a touch of glisten on the lips, eager for his tongue.

Massaging the sides of his master's butt and making her purr, he leaned in and wasted no time- jamming his tongue into the fold like popping a letter into a mail box. Pixie let out a sharp laugh, big smiled on her face, as she lifted her legs uncontrollably. Todd took a hand behind her to pull himself closer and to let him get deeper as he chomped into his master's netherregions.

Belle had brought Elizabeth down to the floor. They had each other in hand and tangled their legs together, rubbing their pussies together like sawing wood, ooze emitting from tailless and tailed collie alike.

Elizabeth's feet rubbed against the floor while she used a hand to shift her back and forth while her waist teetered into the other's collies privates. Belle, staring intensely at Elizabeth, kept her joy inside. Elizabeth let her mouth hang low while she moaned like an ape.

Elizabeth's pubes tickled Belle's cunt and she clenched the floor and curved her toes to keep it inside but it wasn't enough! She let out a hefty gasp and leaned her back so she could bark at the roof. It was a deep bark like a larger dog, but it had a dignity to it.

The bark stirred Elizabeth's loins and shook her basin loose. Yes, she could feel a climax come over her, laying down on her like a sheet of silk onto her body. It's warmth passed through her core and extended out to her arms, legs, and head.

Elizabeth chewed her lower lip and moaned roughly. Belle was on the edge of erupting too. She twisted her body on the floor, her butt shifting along the carpet. The jolt of orgasm zapped up her body and she gasped and she crunched her cooch deeper into Elizabeth's core.

Elizabeth moaned, lifted one leg up off the ground and their rubbing got fierce with them tugging on the other's arm tightly. The young collie let out a hefty moan and seeped from her sex.

Belle's ringed ear twitched when she heard that primal moan and she had to flip her head up in the air to give out a shaky howl! She caught a quick breath and fired another into the ceiling! She gripped the ground and gave a big, long one.

Elizabeth joined in. Patricia, Todd, and Randal too although the other three dogs had their mouths full with penis/vagina. Bugsy giggled as Randal let out a mighty bellow into the raccoon's nutsack.

Cum spat from Elizabeth and Belle's centers, getting all over their legs and floor.

Has Patricia try to howl with his cock in his mouth was a turn on for Arthur. Trying desperately to stay up on twisty toes, he moans loudly and coarsely and his big rabbit cock fired. Patricia's long dane mouth was doused with rabbit spunk, filling the bottom like a pool of slime. She drank it. She drank Arthur's bunny spunk, happily and demandingly. Her hands took his thighs and she let the rod go deeper into her throat while the dad-bun unleashed spat after spat of his jism. It was ambrosia to Patricia.

After he ejected all he could, Arthur took a seat on the couch nearby, wet cock slapping on the cushion.

Pixie was having trouble keeping a cum at bay with Todd's tongue flicking the top of her sex tunnel. She squeezed her legs together, not too hard to crush the rottweiler eating her out but to hold him tight. She pulled her legs up, gripped the seat below, and meowed deep and low.

Todd could feel his master's cum drizzle his tongue and the dog's jerking picked up pace, beating his cock like a car engine. The cum slid down onto the chair, wetting Todd's chin and Pixie's legs. She gasped and moaned, with one moan morphing into a meow halfway through.

Todd breathed heavily as the shunt of semen shot up his shaft and fired out in strings, falling to the floor, spitting on the chair legs, and getting it over his hands.

Pixie settled down and flexed out the last of orgasm, laying back in her chair. Todd fell back on his butt, looking up at his master. The two smiled at each other, Todd taking his foot to Pixie's and fiddling with her clothes and toes.

There was a minute to regain themselves and then Arthur spotted Pixie from across the room. Her vagina was out for everyone to see and he glanced at it, wanting to spread his sex into the master of the house.

He picked up his cock, holding it up like a cannon. He called over to Pixie, "Well... I'm here, Ms. Pixie. Did you want some of this?"

Pixie grinned and got up, walking over to Arthur. He stood before him and looked down at her blouse. She smiled, "I think we should all get naked."

Patricia was the only one without her privates out. Everyone else had their dick/pussy out so removing their clothing wasn't a dire breach of decency. Randal and Bugsy stood up, dicks already out, and took off their clothes- their tops and bottoms. Todd too.

Pixie threw her blouse on the couch and turned around to sit down on Arthur's cock, tail hanging of the side. She slid down onto his dick with a giggle.

Arthur took her flabby sides and rubbed his nose into her shoulder, "You are quite a lovely pillowy woman."

Pixie was surprised. Someone who liked her for her being fat?

Pixie got working on rocking up and down Arthur's cock while Bugsy sat down on a chair and Randal got busy licking up and down Bugsy's cock while he brought his hand up and cranked the top of it. Elizabeth watched Randal lick the cock and her heart warmed. Seeing her roommate engage in homosexuality so passionately was a side of Randal she never expected!

Elizabeth crawled over to Bugsy and got up beside Randal. She waited for an opening and took to Bugsy's dick, giving it a good lick. Bugsy's gaze went dumb having two people tongue his member. Elizabeth took it and sniffed close, nearly passing out at the smell and touch of such a large dick.

She cupped her lips on it, needing to wet her mouth to make it easier to slide it up and down the shaft. Her nose bumped into Randal's and she opened her eyes to see the dog boy staring back. Seeing Randal mack on Bugsy's cock was perhaps hotter than the huge raccoon cock itself.

Her eyes narrowed as she felt a pulse go up her body. She seeped, ooze crawling out of her cooch and splashed the fur on her thighs.

The two dogs pecked on the raccoon's cock and Bugsy was biting down on his lip so hard he was going to break skin. His eyes twitched and his gaze was manic. His hands gripped his seat with his claws stuck in the panel beneath the chair. His legs coiled around the chair's legs with his toes fanned in excitement!

Randal and Elizabeth mopped their tongues up and down Bugsy's shaft and the raccoon couldn't hold it in any longer! His taint rumbled and the canals of his testicles flared up. The train had to leave the station and jizz fire up his cock. It flowed up like a thermometer, hitting 140F and firing up into the air!

Jizz sprinkled down on Randal and Elizabeth, and they moaned. Elizabeth macked on Bugsy's cock while her hair was drizzled with raccoon spunk. Bugsy moaned and chittered, biting down his tongue and giving a manic grin.

Randal's cock was rock hard. Elizabeth jerked out the last bit of Bugsy's climax then let him relax in his chair. The collie turned to Randal's cock, taking a hand to its tip. Randal shivered and cooed when the collie's fingers tapped his bell.

She rubbed her palms over it and moaned. Sliding away from Bugsy's seat, she leaned back and stretched her legs out, her bushy collie sex eager for Randal. Randal crawled over and docked his hefty mastiff dick inside of Elizabeth.

Her knees locked to Randal's sides and they got busy rocking up and down! Elizabeth fell on her back, Randal shifting on top of her, sanding down the sides of her cooch with his wonderful dong.

Elizabeth kicked her legs out and barked curtly. Randal panted, his eyes closed so he could get lost inside the collie's deep sex. Her forest was so vibrant- Randal loved the camp his log inside her and pump.

Elizabeth could have been told she was getting fucked by a lion king and she would have believed it. This guy was her roommate? Who could have known that the dorky myuman was such a wolf deep within!

That cock poked and prodded her. It nuzzled deep into her sex and wanted to make friends with her innermost walls. It wanted to sketch ancient legends on her lowest floors, legends about how good he fucked.

Elizabeth squirmed, curving her knees and dangling her feet beside Randal's wide torso. The side of her feet rubbed into the mastiff's body and tickled her. She dangled her toes, the fuzz on the bottom up for everyone to see!

The cock cracked and smashed her core. She squirmed and flailed and an urge came up her chute. She moaned and leaned her head back, uttering a tiny wounded howl. She couldn't howl loud and proud- Randal's dick ravaged her too hard. Her lungs were weakened.

But cum she did. Her loins boiled and her lady juices secreted from her vagina, coating her vaginal lips and slipping into her fur. She moaned quietly, crunching her legs around Randal's form. The squeeze of her body was enough to make the mastiff cum. He growled, spit wetting his lips. The cum fired out of him quickly, not shooting in bursts but as one sustained stream.

He grunted while his flabby lips jiggled around and his ears tossed about. Elizabeth held her hair while Randal emptied into her and filled her body with his jizz. They slowed down, dislodged and collapsed on the ground.

Bugsy, collapsed on a chair, giggled at the two dogs. He rubbed a foot against Elizabeth's leg, "Watching you twos go at it like it was your first time."

Pixie had been drilled too deep. Arthur's big rabbit cock was going to split her in two and the fat cat lass spread her legs out wide, showing her bottoms of her feet to the whole room. She meowed loudly and gripped the seat below her while her taint tensed up and squeezed.

With every breath of her loud orgasm, cream erupted from her, spraying all over the floor and Arthur's ballsack. The rabbit, his face vapid with sexual satisfaction, hit his climax too. Pixie's eruption was joined with Arthur's seed, it hosing out of him like a burst pipe, his cock smothered with fluids. A mudslide of love emitted from them, drowning Arthur's ballsack and dripping all over the couch cushion.

Pixie exhaled, her body shaking and she tried to pull herself up from Arthur's lap, needing the rabbit to help her. A trail of cum hung from Pixie's cooch as she slid over to the seat beside Arthur, where she relaxed.

The party turned into an orgy. Everyone paired up and bumped uglies. Randal got with Patricia, Todd got with Pixie, and it was time for Bugsy to stick his titan-sized member into someone and see how much damage he could do.

Belle was the volunteer. Everyone made room on the floor and the collie got down and spread her legs, excited but intimidated at Bugsy's massive cock. The raccoon rubbed his telephone pole as he stepped closer to Belle.

Belle gulped and wanted to shut her legs with that rod beaming over her, but she gripped the carpet and kept her legs apart.

"Arthur," said Belle, "your master might start crying in the midst of this and I hope you won't think anything less of her!"

"You won't cry, dog," said Bugsy as he descended on Belle, his cock smacking her breasts and chin, "You might mess yourself, though."

Belle giggled nervously and Bugsy leaned his ass back, tail in the air, and then inside the cock went, digging into Belle's center.

At first, it was manageable, but even if Belle was prepared for inches of cock, the sensation was like nothing she could have predicted. It kept going. Its size made the insides of Belle's body feel like an endless abyss.

Bugsy got in as much as he could jam inside and still had some inches left in the air. Whatever the case- the raccoon smiled deviously and thrust into the collie.

Belle moaned and screamed. It was too much cock. At the same time, she needed it inside of her. Whatever length Bugsy's cock was, it was like an electric cannon firing into her flesh space. It hurt and twisted her but she wanted it more.

Belle folded her arms to her chest, and flailed her legs out, toes splitting like branches of a tree. Her ass rocked and jolted on the floor as she moaned and barked. Her tail snapped back and forth on the carpet.

Bugsy closed his eyes and let drool run down his smile. He held his hands firmly and place and let his hips to the work. It had been awhile since he had a cock that big but how much force to put in each thrust and how little to pivot his center, it came naturally.

Just when Belle thought she could get used to Bugsy's thrusting, the oversized cock would hit her again in a way she wasn't prepared. There was no possibility of her vagina getting used to the thrusts she was getting. It was so overwhelming she had to remind herself to breath.

She would break out into a howl and then cut herself off to squeal with pleasure. She would devolve into a barking fit only to hum dumbly the next second. Her legs smacked Bugsy's sides.

Everyone watched as Belle's response to Bugsy's cock got more and more wild. She was snapping her head around, hanging her tongue out, eyes full of derp, sloshing drool in the vicinity of her head.

Excitement turned to caution as it looked like Belle was getting drilled by a real drill and not a fleshy metaphorical one. She flailed her hips and slithered her body like she was trying to get away. A few of the onlookers felt they should stop Bugsy.

Bugsy's tip tickled and that set him over. His shaft's resistance to sending a signal down to his testicles and demand seed- the resistance failed. A pulse fired up his shaft and into Belle's body. He thrust and geysered into Belle's sex, invading it with his seed. The seed ooze from out of Belle, onto the floor.

Bugsy's tongue flailed out as he pumped. Get every last drop, he did. He giggled with delight as he came. It was like pour a pitcher of iced tea with how constant and long it felt. His feet dug into the carpet. Once he was done, he pulled out. The sound was like rubbing a wooden stick along a ridged pipe, his dick took so long to dislodge. Belle felt like organs had been pulled out of her body when Bugsy dragged his cock out of the hangar.

She let out a tortured gasp. Her eyes were wild and her face covered in drool, she collapsed her arms on her chest and caught her breath, tongue lulled out.

"Now that's FUCKING!" said Bugsy, standing up with his semi-flacid cock flopping around.

Belle struggled to sit up but managed to get something of a ninety degree angle.

"How was it, Belle?" said Arthur.

Belle stared at Arthur, but said nothing.

Arthur frowned, "What's wrong with her?"

"She's been fucked stupid," said Bugsy, "Not too stupid, but she ain't going to be speaking words for awhile."

Everyone was shocked! Fucked stupid? They didn't know it was possible. Most pets in the room had experiences being scared stupid but to fall under a mind state through sex so good... that was new.

Bugsy sat on a chair and fondled his huge orbs. He smiled, showing off his fangs, "This baby knows how to fuck up a girl's hole up to her brain." He looked around, "Who's next?"

The other girls were silent. Such a huge cock... it was alluring, but they were worried about the after effects of such a longbarrel. Patricia wondered that if she were to get fucked so hard she went dumb, would she come out of it?

Pixie swallowed hard, stood up defiantly, "I will."

The others worried for her, Todd especially.

Bugsy chuckled, "All right. Get on the floor, house master."

Pixie lowered herself to the floor, a spot a few feet away from the cum puddle Belle left. The cat's fatty butt squished on the carpet her the carriage on her front shifted and sagged as she got situated for Bugsy.

Bugsy got up from his chair and got down on the ground with Pixie, his big cock smacking her knees. He took his hands into Pixie's belly fat and grinned, "At least you got a lot of cushion." He leaned down and rubbed his head into the cat's flabs, "And if I get tired I can take a nap!"

Pixie blushed. Her baggage was getting praise that evening.

Bugsy licked his lips, and heaved back to dip his cock inside the cat. Pixie's face was blank for a few inches but when Bugsy's cock reached the six inch point, Pixie squirmed and her face crunched. She pursed her lips and snarled her nose.

"Nnnngh!" she moaned. She kicked up her legs and made fists when Bugsy got the most of it in- no way she could survive the whole thing!- and pumped into her sex. She could stand it when he was going slow but when Bugsy turned up the speed and got to fast fucking, it hurt.

She squirmed, flailed, moaned and spasmed until... she stopped, still. Her face went derpy with her tongue hanging out and all she emitted was a quiet breathing.

"Pixie?" said Todd, concerned.

Pixie moaned, to signify she was still alive, just lost in a trance of the titanic-sized cock drilling out her cave. It felt like it was extending her vagina with how big it was. No, it felt like she was given a second vagina carved out of the stone of her body.

The penetration became too much and her quiet uttering became loud. With her head collapsed on the floor, her body lifted and shifted. Her feet and hands twitched. Her tail waved and sauntered across the ground.

This went on for minutes until suddenly she screamed, eyes like supernovas and her mouth open and teethy. She flailed her arms around, landing the occasional scratch on the carpet below. Those that spectated took a step back. She pounded her feet in the floor.

Master's river flowed and swatches of her juices emerged from where Bugsy was lancing her, the wetness getting on the parts of his cock that didn't fit into the cat lady's netherrealms. The raccoon's oversized cock cracked into the sexy abyss while her essence squirted out.

By the time she was done her orgasm, honey was all over the floor. Bugsy pulled out his cock. Her face was frozen with arousal, her mouth wide open and her eyes swimming in fury behind her eyeglasses. She had to push her mouth close to get it to move.

"How'd ya like that, Pixie?" asked Bugsy.

Pixie looked at him and meowed, a small smile cracking on her face.

Bugsy nodded, grinning toothily, "Sounds about right."

The room devolved into a series of fucks. Bugsy moved on to Elizabeth while the others paired up. Todd tended to Pixie, the dog and cat drooling together like a duet of saliva. Patricia mounted Arthur, riding him on the couch.

This left Randal and Belle. The collie got down on her knees and elbows, presenting her behind to Randal. He got down over her, cupped one of her breasts and went to town. Doggystyle, the old favorite. A hard rock and then he exploded in her. She barked and this waved up a round of barks across the room.

Randal let Belle climb out from under him and he collapsed down on his knees, resting his chest into the carpet floor. He heard steps behind him and looked around to see Todd.

Todd... his most unpleasant roommate. An awkward skeezy geek who always made jokes about stealing panties and watching girls change without them knowing. A guy who's interest in the affairs of his peers was always insincere and ulterior.

But Todd stood there, the doberman bare naked, his decent build and nice chest out in the open. Did Todd work out? He had abs prominent enough to look like his torso had speed bumps. And then there was the cock. It hung there, puffy in between sexual sessions. It was bigger than Randal's, even only a bit.

Todd descended down on Randal and put his arms around him. The mastiff shivered, being held by a man in such a sensual way. Todd rubbed Randal's round belly and his cock slapped between Randal's buttcheeks. Randal blushed.

Todd brought his head up to Randal's back, positioned his knees parallel to Randal's, and Randal's butt parsed to take the dobie cock. It slid in, Randal's hole welcoming the long massive meat.

Inside, Todd did thrust. Holding his arms around Randal, Todd pumped into his roommate's ass. Their toes tangled and Todd rubbed some fingers on Randal's hand. Randal breathed heavily and gasped with the butt attacks!

It was a dick in his ass. A long hard pole, like one he was familiar with, screwing around the inside of his butt. He looked behind and saw Todd on top of him, breathing coarsely and his eyes narrowed with intensity. Randal tried to remind himself that Todd was a degenerate, a disgusting roommate of his, but in that moment Randal couldn't bring himself to believe it. With such a long hard dick up his ass, Todd was a god.

Randal's asshole vibrated and he bucked like a bronco! Todd rushed him like a tiger in the wild. The barks ricocheted up Randal's throat like popped popcorn. He barked into the air like he a stranger's car pulled up in the driveway.

This got the other dogs in the house to bark too. The barks were often strained being that many of them were in the midst of a rising orgasm. Todd's barked into Randal's back like his had to be passed through a filter of brown mastiff fur. His drool leaked on the dog below.

Todd's hips to Randal's asscheeks. Two strong pelvic sidings into a chubby dog's bulbous buttocks. Smack smack smack smack smack. It smart but it was a smart that Randal enjoyed. Being on the receiving end of a great big cock, it was a new avenue of pleasure!

Randal's erect cock hung and jiggled in the air, his balls stretching down and then pushing up in a cycle of bounce. His seed swished around inside, simmering until it boiled over and the mastiff clutched his fingers, curled his toes and then leaned up to howl loudly.

He sprayed all over the floor, his unoccupied cock shooting jism on the carpet like there was a leak in the backyard hose. White stuff fired out of Randal, spitting on the bottoms of his arms and hands, flooding the fibers below.

Todd heard Randal's howl and saw the pool of seed he was making underneath and his ball tickled. The doberman growled as his loins burned and the dorky dog boy shot his cum up into Randal's ass, pumping hard and pushing his thighs deep into Randal's. He let himself flail as his cum spilled into Randal's backside.

The two dogs slapped thighs and butts. They barked and came with great abandon. Their chambers empty, their barking faded and their energy cooled. Todd fell on Randal's back, breathing heavily. After a moment of recuperation, Todd pulled out.

Elizabeth was recovering by the recliner, her back on the armrest. Randal got up and walked over to her. She grinned seductively as he sat down in front of her.

They gazed at each other for a moment. The awkwardness that had been consuming them the last week ever since their animalistic restrictions were lifted and thus had to engage with each other like people, that awkwardness was bust in that moment. In the middle of the orgy, they could see each other as animals again.

Elizabeth turned on her hands and knees and got down to present to Randal. That prominent pussy was looking hard and ready but that's when Elizabeth took a finger to her butthole and smiled at Randal. Randal knew what to do.

He climbed on the collie and stood his knees and arms around her. There was the instinct to put the cock into her vagina but he checked himself and aimed the rod a little higher. His slid it inside.

Elizabeth's butt was softer and not as moist as Randal would know from a vagina but once the mastiff started pumping into her, the rhythms felt right. His thighs hit her cheeks at a different angle than he was used to, rubbing against his waist with a narrower curve of her rump.

The collie's face sank into ecstasy as the mastiff drilled her ass. She thought, oh yes Randal fuck me in the ass like a bitch. Fuck me so hard you make it so I never have to sit down again. Fuck me in the ass all night and make me your naughty little bitch. Fuck me in the ass until I weep!

Elizabeth's chest swayed under her. The rocking of collie and mastiff made the boobs dangle excitedly. Her uncrewed pussy, getting smacks from Randal's thighs, was simmering and spitting, liquid wetting her crotch area.

Randal leaned his back up, getting Elizabeth in the ass with his chest out as far as he could while planted on top of the collie. He looked up into the air, triumphantly, like he deserved a medal for fucking Elizabeth in the ass!

Elizabeth turned her arms inward, moaned, and the simmering pussy behind her burst like a leaky faucet as her moans turned to barks turned to howls. She lifted her head up, bumping her ear on Randal's chin, and howled. Honey escaped from her and got on the floor.

Randal barked deeply and breathily while his balls drained themselves of their tiny children into Elizabeth's well. The mastiff thrust wildly and one spurt after another fired inside of Elizabeth.

Their legs rubbed together. In the throes of their parallel climax, their legs danced. Their calves shoved into each other and their feet played- toes tangling and waving into each other.

They broke into a gasp of breaths and Randal fell on Elizabeth before feeling like his might be too heavy for her and leaning up. Elizabeth looked back at him and smiled. His cock turning flacid, he pulled out. They had a rest together before Elizabeth went off to ride Todd on the couch.

The orgy continued and Randal found himself without partner. All other bodies were taken, except for Arthur- the rabbit dad visitor of the evening. When they saw each other alone, they knew what had to be done.

Randal was only getting started on embracing his homosexual attractions and Arthur was a stranger! The mastiff was nervous but he got down on the floor leading out to the kitchen and proposed his ass to the big bellied lapine. Arthur stretched his arms back, thrusting his big belly out in front and making his huge cock wiggle, and then climbed down on Randal.

Here we go, Randal thought to himself.

That cock infiltrating him like a python through the trees. Todd's was big and Randal knew it but the girth and length of Arthur's made his arms turn weak, and that was even before the heavy bunny got his motor started and got pumping into Randal's butt.

Randal's breathing took off and his claws dug into the carpet. He groaned. Arthur's cock was putting the pain on his rectum. It was a good pain but his ass muscles were getting a workout they had never gotten before.

Arthur's grunting was manly and heavy. The rabbit lowered his belly into Randal's back and covered it like a heavy flesh pillow. The white fur of Arthur's body mixed with Randal's brown and created a fiction of intimacy that made Randal's dick go hard.

The rabbit's huge balls smacked against Randal's. It smart but it was electrifying. His fingers and toes jolted in all sorts of manic ways. He smiled wide, drool riding down his lip. His eyes were caught between euphoria and horror.

That big rabbit cock was in him, touching onto the depths of Randal's soul. All the secrets that Randal never wanted to share, that cock was smacking off the shelves and breaking free for everyone to say. He quelled barks jumbling around in his throat lest he speak and tell everyone things they were not supposed to know.

Randal didn't know what to do. The daddy-rabbit rammed him like a train engine. It was so overwhelming the mastiff had trouble feeling the pleasure of the lurid act, but then the bun-cock would scrape inside his ass a particular way and Randal would shiver at the delightful touch.

Arthur's hand crept under Randal's body and took hold of his erect shaft. Randal whimpered when the dadbun stroked his shaft, foreskin stretching and bundling to the rhythm of the pump.

His cock twitched and his balls hiccuped and his seed bubbled up his shaft. He bowed his head, he growled letting slobbing tangle out the sides of his mouth and drip on the floor. The slobber and the first shot of seed landed below at the same time. His drool slowed down but his balls fired the white stuff all over the place, getting globs of it on his arms. He squealed while Arthur jerked him off and the bundad was having so much fun that his lid popped too.

Leaning up to squonk into the air, the rabbit came. His huge balls and cock fired his rabbit jizz into Randal's netherspaces and flooded them like the sewers of Napoleonic France. Randal's canals took a surge of lapine jism.

The two men, one young the other old, rutted into each other until each had expelled their loads. The floor beneath Randal was splashed with his seed and his anal passages were full of Arthur's. The rabbit pulled out and for a split second Randal's tailhole felt empty and vulnerable without the large cock resting inside. His butthole relaxed and the feeling passed. He had gotten used to it after a quick foray of sex, apparently. Then his body relaxed, he sat down on his butt, and let himself dwell on the sensation of having a bunch of sperm swimming around in his asshole.

Elizabeth had a round with Bugsy's big cock, laying down on the floor with her legs open, ready to receive the titanic member. She could have assumed before entry but she knew from how much it wrecked everything inside her that it was the longest rod she ever had inside her. Her experience with cocks measuring up to 15 inches didn't make Bugsy's any easier.

She wanted it, sure, but every time the cock poked so deep into her that she could feel her lungs shift, it almost felt like her body would cease function. The craving for Bugsy to go deeper was a craving for death.

It was chaos, that cock up her vagina, but through all the hell and fire she could feel a climax spritz up inside her. She spread her legs out as far as she could have them, one foot tapping Arthur on his leg while he rutted with Patricia, and another kicking the endtable with the unused ashtray. She screamed- no howl- just a scream. A loud and guttural one. She passed her love juice and Bugsy pulled out.

Elizabeth collapsed on the floor, shaking with her legs twitching. She laid on the ground while seed spilled out of her.

After Arthur shot inside Patricia, Bugsy brought the great dane to the couch and had her spread for him, her legs up in a V. Bugsy stuck it in and Patricia pulled her head back and screamed.

Patricia could take it though. Sure it was a cock long enough to impale most of her body but she was a great dane, one of the biggest dog breeds! She was also pretty chubby. She told herself she had to be strong!

Everyone partnered up again. That left Randal and Todd. The two dog boys stood in the middle of the living room surrounded by wriggling bodies in the midst of trading essences. There was a quiet in their zone, an eerie silence.

Randal looked at Todd.

Todd smirked a bit, revealing a fang, and Randal's heart raced. Todd took a step forward and Randal found his face drifting into Todd's, the two kissing quietly for a moment while they rubbed their bodies into each other, taking their hands behind one another.

Their cocks rose with each other, crisscrossing as they hardened. They jutted out to the side once they were full mast and Randal reached down and directed them up to shoot up alongside their torsos.

Todd rocked his hips into Randal, the mastiff returned the favor and the two dogs grunted while humping each other while their cocks smacked against their thighs, their stomachs, and each other.

Their humps and kisses were so frantic they couldn't help but spill drool everywhere. Spit got on their faces, their chests, and the floor.

They grunted and exploded on each other. Geysers of cum fired up their chests, getting into their fur. Their balls unleashed a spattering of chest paint. They barked into each other's mouths until their cums were finished.

They stood together, cum dripping off of the cocks hanging below them. They breathed.

Bugsy's plug broke and a tidal wave of cum unleashed from him. Patricia's womb was drowned in the raccoon spunk but as she flailed on the couch, Bugsy barely able to keep hold of those dancing legs, she howled and barked with great delight! There was no way that Patricia could have came as much as Bugsy with her nethers producing a normal-sized amount of honey and Bugsy's cock producing a giant's worth of seed, but she came happily and healthily, the ooze flowing from her like a can of shaken soda pop getting open. It sprayed all over Bugsy's torso and waist and got on her thighs too. It leaked onto the couch.

Randal moved on to Pixie. His master was sitting on the armchair, dripping jism from her cooch and making a sticky spot on the cushion. She couldn't speak but Randal knew by the way she looked at him that she was up for a fuck.

The armchair would have made a good seat for Pixie's fuck so Randal sat down and Pixie waited for his cock to get hard before sitting down on it. Sliding on his master made Randal's ass cheeks clench in excitement and Pixie's eyes nearly rolled to the back of her head.

Pixie jostled up and down and the mastiff dick rubbed up her insides as usual, but when Randal took Pixie's folds, caressing her fatty sides, she giggled. Randal leaned down to kiss them. He nuzzled into them and caressed her belly.

Do people find fat attractive? Pixie asked herself.

Randal loved the way Pixie's flabby ass hung over his lap. His thighs, also a little chubby, smooshed with the cat tubbiness. His round belly pushed into Pixie's chubby back.

"My master is so sexy," said Randal, caressing her belly from behind, "hoping she doesn't lose weight."

Pixie meowed loud when she came, raining fluids all over Randal's lap. She rode his rod a few more pumps and she got up on shaky feet, thighs wet with arousal.

The orgy slowed down. Everyone had a multitude of orgasms and were having trouble recharging quickly. They found places around the living room to lounge in absolute nudity, catching their breath. Wet spots were everywhere, some soaked into the fabric and others with a prominent sheen of something white and sticky.

Randal was resting against the back of an armchair when Elizabeth crawled out from around the corner. She looked at him with eyes sincere.

"Hey Randal," said Elizabeth, "Can we talk?"

Randal blinked, "Uh... sure."

They both got up on shakey legs and walked to the backroom where the newspaper was laid out before. There were a couple of crusty old chairs, not adequate for a heart-to-heart in the corner so Elizabeth pulled them out.

It discomforted her to sit on such an old thing with her naked vag and anus but she wiped off the dust and took a seat. Randal sat beside her, anxious about what this was about.

Elizabeth smirked, "You were really good today."

Randal grinned. This was off to a good start!

She took a hand through her hair, "Got to say, I wasn't expecting to see you go down on Bugsy's dick like that."

Randal giggled shyly, "Me neither! But I had an urge so..."

They exchanged a giggle.

Elizabeth scratched her chest, "It's been weird, hasn't it? Ever since we got the ability to speak again... and the ability to wear clothes." She took her eyes back up to Randal, "There's been a... distance between us?"

Randal nodded, "Yea. Not sure what it is but..." he looked over Elizabeth's body, "thinking of you as a sexual partner bugs me."

Elizabeth placed her elbows on her lap and leaned forward, "Same. But... why?"

Randal looked down and fiddled with his shaft, the puffy member flopping around on the chair's hard cushion. He shrugged, "Guess after we had to start interacting like people again, the idea of you and me interacting like," he smirked, "animals seemed inappropriate."

Elizabeth gave a chuckle, a singular one.

"We didn't talk a lot as myumans," said Randal, "We were just roommates and that was it. Then we got turned into dogs and we couldn't speak and we were naked all the time..."

Elizabeth nodded, her hair veiling her fae eyes, " we got to know each other as animals."

Randal nodded.

"Do you think of me as that myuman roommate?" asked Elizabeth.

Randal thought for a moment, then nodded silently.

Elizabeth smirked, "I can't say I'm that girl anymore. It's only been two weeks but I've changed so much," she gestured down to her furry body, "and not just physically."

"Do you still think of me as that myuman guy, too?" said Randal.

Elizabeth went silent. She gazed off and then returned her look to the mastiff, "Maybe I do."

Randal giggled but kept quiet.

"I think one day that will change," said Elizabeth, "but in the meantime, if it's too weird for us to have sex," she motioned at her naked body, "usually, anyway- we don't have to have it."

Something lit up inside Randal's eyes. He had been so horny those last couple weeks and with everyone posing as a potential sexual partner, especially now that he was comfortable with sleeping with men. The idea of there being a zooman he didn't want to fuck was crazy!

But why? he thought to himself.

"We can be friends and let whatever happens happen," said Randal.

Elizabeth grinned warmly, "Sounds like a good idea!" Her eyes lit up, "And... you can always bring your new girlfriend over."

Randal chuckled, "I might have to do that!"

The two closed the distance between their chairs, leaning against each other and cuddling.

Pixie had grabbed a can of iced tea from the fridge and brought it back to the couch. She sat in a spot of someone's erotic dampness but she didn't care. Her fur had multiple spots of stickiness. She was as stained with sexual fluids as the furniture around her.

Todd, his hair disheveled and his fur roughed up, walked on shaky legs towards his master. He plopped down on the seat beside her and collapsed his body into her shoulder. As great as the orgy was, it felt like he had survived a battle.

Pixie looked down at her body. Her rolls of fat hung out below her. Todd reached over and rubbed a hand on her belly.

"Todd," said Pixie, "Am I attractive?"

Todd looked at her, puzzled. "Uh... yeah?"

"Even though I am overweight?" Pixie reached down and fondled her flab, wiggling it up and down.

"It's never been an issue to me," said Todd.

Pixie thought for a moment. She was fat and that was supposed to be a problem, but it didn't hurt her ability to be attractive. After a night of forty different sexual encounters, entertaining the idea that Pixie was not attractive would have been ludicrous.

"Am I attractive because I'm overweight?" asked Pixie.

Todd hummed, "You might be. It makes you especially... inviting."

Pixie chuckled and rubbed the lap of her favorite doberman.

The cat master left Todd on the couch and went to find Patricia, her former owner back when Pixie was a feral and Patricia was a myuman. When Pixie took command of the house, she punished Patricia for overfeeding her with the goal of making Patricia as fat as she was. Even though a lot of punishments were canceled, Pixie still overfed Patricia.

Pixie found Patricia in the kitchen, chewing on a couple strips of beef jerky.

"Patricia," said Pixie, "Could we talk?"

"Ummmm," Patricia said with jerky in her mouth, "Sure."

Patricia gobbled down the jerky and took Pixie's hand. Pixie walked to her room and shut the door.

The mood was anxious. What was Pixie going to do?

The cat brought the great dane over to the bed and she put her hands on Patricia's tall shoulders, caressing them lightly.

"You're irresponsibility as a cat owner made me fat," said Pixie, "so when I was uplifted into this," she gestured at her body, "I took the overweightness with me."

Patricia ducked away nervously, "I'm... I'm sorry. I didn't know that this would have happened."

Pixie chuckled warmly, "It is alright. In this world, people will find my fat attractive." She narrowed her eyes seductively, "Maybe more attractive."

Patricia grinned and motioned closer.

"Maybe this figure is a blessing," said Pixie, "and if that is the case, I should thank you for giving it to me."

Patricia's eyes went wide as Pixie motioned her down onto the bed. Patricia spread her legs out along the side and Pixie got down on her knees. Taking hands on Patricia's lap, Pixie leaned forward into Patricia's fuzzy great dane vagina.

Pixie took a swipe at the netherlips with her tongue, causing Patricia to twitch her leg up and claw the blanket below. Pixie leaned further in and wrapped her mouth around Patricia's crotch, macking her lips on the great's dane pelvis and taint.

Patricia grimaced. The teeth nibbling on her vulva, the tongue dancing on and inside her sex- it was too much! Even after all the fucking she had gotten prior that night, her master chewing on her loins like she was eating a plate of spaghetti shook her nerves but good!

Her pet tasted good, Pixie observed. She took that tongue inside and let its tip explore the inner flesh. She poked and prodded around the entrance, seeing how every degree of Patricia's vagina felt and tasted like. Pixie's tongue explored and made notes on this uncharted land.

Patricia moaned and clutched her lap. She grabbed hold of the flabby flesh on her thighs and clamped her clawed fingers down, pinching the furry flabs. Her feet pivoted against her will. She twitched her knees, using all her willpower to have them swing away from Pixie to not hurt her cat master.

Pixie chowed down on her and her loins couldn't help but twitch and sweat in response. The cat's tongue was digging her out like a pudding cup! With every lick inside her, with every chew on her vulva- it made the great dane's body burst with energy.

She beamed like the sun. Pixie's tongue was treated to a surge of great dane fluid. It coated her tongue, and burst inside her mouth. The cat chomped down ferociously and her grip on Patricia's legs tightened, her toes scraping the carpet below.

Patricia yapped and howled as her cat master chewed on her privates even as they expelled an orgasm. She shifted and twitched as best as she could but her master held her down to the bed and Patricia gripped the seat.

The orgasm passed and the front of the bed had a wet mark, proof of her climax. Pixie and her shifted to the side of the bed where Pixie sat down and Patricia got on her knees. The dogs tongue was larger and could go deeper, so when the great dane flicked it inside, the cat's eyes when cross and she meowed sensually.

Patricia couldn't restrain herself. She could not be elegant. She wanted to eat her master's pussy so bad. She chomped and devoured it with her great dane lips smacking and wiping all over the cat's crotch, matting fur and making a ruckus.

Pixie wrapped her feet around Patricia's back, rubbing her great dane fur with Pixie's clawed toes. They dug into the fur and played with it, stroked it, and brushed it back in its place when the cat was done having her time petting.

Pixie purred and grunted, a strand of drool hanging from her cheek. She leaned over and took her hands to her bed, gripping the blanket while she pried her legs open to let her pet dog wolf down her loins.

Patricia macked on the cat's cooch and the tongue danced inside her, reaching further than a tongue was meant to go. Pixie whimpered and she let herself go. She hunched down and meowed coarsely while cum flowed out of her. Patricia licked the honey up the more that Pixie expelled it. She breathed heavy and moaned while her orgasm escaped her and after she was done she fell on the bed.

They composed themselves and Pixie slid into bed, inviting Patricia. The dog was taller than Pixie and played big spoon, holding her from behind, but as she looked at her master and felt down her flabby body, the horny returned to Patricia.

She humped right into Pixie's rear. She grunted and thrust her vagina into the cat's rump. Pixie grinned warmly. It felt good to be vaginally humped!

Geffa's work was done. She got up from the desk and walked to the door. Shutting off the lights, she went outside into the halls. The house was dark and quiet but the smell of sweat and sex was strong. She walked into the living room and saw a bunch of zoomans lying around, tired- like they had survived a war.

She looked down the hall to the backroom and saw a slice of Randal's figure. She scowled. She had heard everything- every orgasm and every thrust. It was the night that Randal had his first homosexual experiences with Bugsy, Arthur, and Todd.

Bugsy was resting on the chair. Geffa walked up and leaned down, "Do you want me to revert you to feral now or later?"

Bugsy snapped out of his stupor. He looked up, "Uhhh... later." He looked down and waggled his dick, "Me and this beast have some more work to do."

"You won't be keeping that, though," said Geffa.

She pointed a finger and fired a bolt down at Bugsy's huge member, shrinking it down to the original (although still decent) size.

Bugsy jumped, "Hey! Why'd did you do that!?"

Geffa said nothing and went to the door while Bugsy looked around for his clothes, quick to hide his regular-sized cock from the rest of the household.

Geffa went out the door and looked at Patricia's car. She'd need a ride herself so she snapped her fingers and a sedan appeared on the road, albeit in a black color. She walked up to the car, the door opened magically, and she slid inside the driver's seat.

She started the car and drove away from Pixie's house. The neighborhood was quiet and still. She saw a couple people on a porch, hanging out, but it was a quiet night for not being that deep into the evening.

Geffa's thoughts drifted towards Randal. The chubby mastiff had caught her fancy. She took a hand off the wheel and slid it inside the belt of her skirt, diving into her panties, and let those fingers find her vulva, stroking and caressing it. She pinched the black lips and glided a claw down one of the folds.

Geffa's eyes closed, taking her other hand off the wheel. Not a problem, she could drive the car with her godlike mind and it gently rode down the evening roads. The dragon pictured Randal, the chubby mastiff, on the floor digging into whatever female caught his way. The dog boy had such a large cock.

Geffa moaned.

The made route to the college, passing by the occasional vehicle. Geffa focused on playing with her genitals, her snout stretching and her lips pursing as she touched herself, reaching inside her sex to rub the walls of her canal.

Her feet off the pedals, she splayed her legs out and massaged a hand on her vagina, spreading out those fingers and bumping her palm over the steamy flesh. She latched out her fingers like talons from a hawk and snatched her panties, ripping them off her waist. She lifted the fan of her skirt up and took a hand up and brought it down to spank her pussy!

She spanked it hard and fast! She clenched the curve of her skirt and tried to keep her excitement inside but her nostrils flared and she growled, rumbly. Her wings extended, one spreading out over the passenger seat and the other crushing into the side of the car.

The dragon opened her eyes and they glowed with fiery passion, both love and hatred. A lust for the dog boy and the hatred of how possessed she was of him. The spanking turned to kneading and the kneading turned to her sticking her hand inside her hole.

She huffed, sparks flickering out her nose. Opening her mouth a bit, there was an orange glow coming from inside, lighting her tongue and teeth. Her breathing got heavy as she felt an electricity inside her loins sparkle. Digging her toes into the floor of the car, she moaned loudly and silky wetness got on the leather driver's seat. She gasped and shouted while her loins discharged.

One orgasm was not enough. She kept the game going, playing with herself like a kid on the basketball court. With the ooze on her seat barely settled, she took her fingers back inside her dragon sex, digging around for satisfaction.

Randal. Why did that dog have to consume her so much? He was just a mortal and she was something far greater. The interest in a biological form had cursed Geffa with attractions she was never meant to have. In her truest form the idea of feeling sexual attraction was absurd, but then she became a dragon, and then she became a myumanoid dragon and that's when the god-like being felt attraction for the first time. At first it was a curiosity, something to experiment with, but it had became an addiction!

The pulse of orgasm grew on her body again. It felt too good. Every muscle beated with the desire to be mated by Randal. As she wiggled fingers inside her sex, she could imagine Randal's large cock thrusting into her and heaving into her like an oil pump. She squirmed and her tail flapped everywhere. Her wings twitching, wapping up into the felt rooftop.

Her toes gripped the floor and Geffa leaned back to roar loudly! She couldn't keep it in- flames bellowed up her throat and fired into the roof, spreading along the felt like a bucket of paint pouring onto the floor! The flames lit up the car and consumed the interior.

Dangerous for most, but Geffa had nothing to worry about, even if the flames singed the vehicle's surfaces. She let out a few proud dragon roars and then fell into a gasp fit as the remnants of fire glowed on the charred felt roof.

Geffa needed to pull over. She turned onto a sidewalk and stopped the car. The car hadn't even slowed all the way before Geffa opened the door, and stepped out, being tossed a bit on her feet my the momentum of the vehicle.

She looked around. There was a patch of grass between two house. She ran over and got down on her knees, ripping off her skirt in the process. She tossed the clothing aside, letting her bare ass and cooch out into the cool evening air, raising her tail into the air.

She clenched her fist and shoved it inside with the kind of force that could chip her pelvic bone. Her sleeve bundled up her elbow as she jammed her wrist inside of her sex. The amount of mass that was inside her outgrew any genital that Randal could have stuck inside but she closed her eyes and imagined it was him.

She tilted her head back and moaned deeply. She chugged on her cooch harder and her moans became growls. Her eyes opened with ferocity. She glared daggers up into the cloudy night sky. Her throat fired up again.

She fanned her wings out, let out a wailing roar into the sky, and a pillar of flame fired upward and fanned out like the tops of trees. It lit up the brick walls of the house and shone in the windows. The fire crackled in the air.

The roar she made could have been the dying roar of a wyvern. It was horrifying and bloody. Its grim tones scintillated across the neighborhood.

Geffa ripped into her cooch as fire expelled from her mouth up into the sky.

"Um miss?" asked a voice.

Geffa stopped. She snapped her mouth shut, quelling the explusion of fire and silencing the roar. With a thousand yard-stare, she looked over to see a trio of zoomans. There was a frog lady with two leashes in her hand tied to a shirtless hamster boy with glasses and a budgie girl.

"Are you ok?" asked the frog lady again.

Geffa stared at them. They had caught her masturbating, pants off completely. No mortal could be allowed to witness it. Geffa waved her hand at them and the frog lady dropped the leashes. Their gazes went dull and their posture relaxed.

"Durrrr..." said the budgie.

All of them had their minds wiped. They wouldn't remember Geffa masturbating so hard she spat fire into the sky and they wouldn't even remember that night they were having. Their leashes hanging off their backs, the two pets walked off in different directions, the hamster sniffing into the air- smelling of food. The frog saw her pet's leash dragging behind him so she crawled on the floor after it like a cat. The budgie slowed her step, leaned over, and trickles of water appeared on her pants. The bird gazed out into space contently.

With a pool of dragon cum swamping the grass beneath her, Geffa got up, looked to see if the coast was clear, ran back to her car with her bareass out for anyone to see and got into her car. There were still glowing embers on the roof and other places her flames touched. She turned the engine on and drove off into the night.

Bring Your Pet Over So I Can See His Cock [DIRTY]

_CONTEXT: This story takes place in a world of psuedo-humans called "myumans" who are basically humans with slight cat-like features. In the neighborhood where this story takes place, a couple weeks ago the myuman residents and their pets were turned...

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Bring Your Pet Over So I Can See His Cock

_CONTEXT: This story takes place in a world of psuedo-humans called "myumans" who are basically humans with slight cat-like features. In the neighborhood where this story takes place, a couple weeks ago the myuman residents and their pets were turned...

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My New MILFY Teacher is My New Mommy [DIRTY]

That day had been rough for Vivian. What started as a gloomy college schoolday took a turn for the absurd when a sorceress entered the classroom and turned every student into an animal. There wasn't a myuman left in the class! Vivian dreaded...

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