Chapter 4: New Students, New Classes, New Secrets, Boot Camp Begins, and New Relationships

Story by Jake Shadow Wolf on SoFurry

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#4 of The Asterion Academy

Legal Bollix: Alright for those that actually listen to the author before the story begins and read this, thank you. For those that are to young, either get lost or it's on your own head I don't care anymore. With that out of the way time for the copyrights. First the story and most of the characters are copyrighted to me. Digimon and Pokemon are copyrighted to their respective owners. Now for characters who aren't mine but, are copyrighted. Starting with everyone's favorite cheetah, Dasher who is copyrighted to Dasher Cheetah, then Mac is copyrighted to Flame Dracovitch, next is Nevyn who is copyrighted to Nevyn the blackavatar, followed by Dwayne and Sixta who are copyrighted to the wolfgod, including Dukie Ravyn Mutt who is copyrighted to Dukie Mutt, and last, but certainly not least, my friend Shandi who is copyrighted to Lady Shalendrakitranth. If I've forgotten anyone, LET ME KNOW!!!! Also if you would like to join this lovable cast of characters go back to the capitalized text. Also if you enjoy the story, or hate it, or anything just let me know either by leaving a comment, sending me a pm or sending me a mail at [email protected] I hate doing this, but lack of comments from watchers, readers, and anonymous users makes me. So those of you who don't comment BLAME YOURSELVES FOR WHAT I MUST DO!!!!! Please leave a comment if you read the story, I don't care if it's to insult my writing I just want to know what I can do to improve it. So From a sad author who doesn't receive enough information I BEG YOU TO LEAVE A COMMENT!!!!!!! With all of that out of the way let's get on with the story before I go mad.


I woke up as the sun slowly shined through the window and hit me in the eyes. I sighed and muttered "I so should have put down the blinds when I got in here, but I didn't think I'd be sleeping in until mid-afternoon or dusk. What the hell did I miss?" I heard someone else mumbling something and finally noticed the feeling of extra weight on my chest and stomach. I sighed and mumbled "Did I forget to lock the windows and doors when I got in here? Or is it just my day to end up finding weird shit?" I sighed and opened my eyes to see what appeared to be a black and grey German shepherd with a pink ribbon around it's neck laying on me. I tried to sit up and it opened one eye then snuggled deeper into my chest and seemed to fall asleep. I stared at it then mumbled "Why the hell is a dog laying on me, and how the hell did it get into my room?" I sighed and slipped my arms out from under the animal's paws, then slowly pushed myself to a sitting position, as the door's lock clicked and the doorknob started turning. The dog woke up at the feeling of me moving then followed my eyes to the door. It started growling until a voice said "Calm down Calley. It's just me." The dog stopped growling and looked at me then hopped off the bed and walked over to the door. I pushed myself all the way up as a human girl walked in and tossed her bag on one of the beds. I blinked and mumbled "Bullshit, this is the guys dorm."

However my instincts told me to make sure, so I checked my scanner which beeped a few times then showed a holo view of the campus. I nodded slowly as I saw that my instincts had been right and this should be the male dorms. The girl glanced at the dog and said "So Calley, when did you wake up?" The dog yawned and she laughed then said "You've been asleep since I left. I can't say I'm surprised though, when you crawled under my bed I had the feeling you wouldn't be leaving there until sometime after sunset. I guess I was off, I'll have to tell Ren and Kal when they get in here. So anything interesting happen while the three of us were at class?" The dog glanced toward the bunk I'd basically claimed as mine then back to the girl. She followed the dog's eyes and saw me then grabbed her scanner and pointed it at me. I blinked slowly and tried to show I wasn't a threat as she said "Who are you, how the fuck did you get in here, and what are you doing on the top bunk?" I blinked and silently thought "Why the fuck should me taking the top bunk matter when her other two questions are so serious? Ah well, looks like I won't be able to rest in piece until I tell her everything she wants to know, and honestly I don't think I want to see what these scanners can do when their owner feels threatened. Well not unless I'm the one using that particular feature anyway."

I sighed and said "Stop pointing your scanner at me and I'll explain, or don't and have me come after you and be forced to explained to the teachers how it was self defense." She slowly moved her hand away from her scanner and lowered the arm it was on down to her side, then sat down on her bunk with her back to the wall and said "Alright my scanner's not pointed at you so explain." I started by showing her my scanner then said "I'm Jake Arrows, and I guess I'm your new roommate. The chairman told me my classes were all done for the day, so I came to the dorms and used the key card he gave me to find my room. My scanner processed all of it's information and used it to open the door." I reached in my pocket and pulled out the now useless keycard and tossed it to her. She grabbed and studied it then tossed the stupid thing in the trash. I sighed and leaned back then said "That answers two of your questions, as for the third. I got in here when no one was here, the other three bunks had some sort of personal belonging on them, so I took the only one that seemed free. If you have a problem with it, I'll go find the chairman and move into a new room. Maybe I'll be lucky enough to find a single's room that way."

She burst out laughing and I said "What did I say something that strikes you as amusing, or did I just end up being bunked with a crazy chick who assumes because a guy's in her room he's a monster." She slowly calmed down and explained "There are no single's dorms at the academy. Everyone here shares their room with at least one other person. Also, to answer your question, I was laughing at how odd it was to hear someone who has an advanced level scanner and not seem to know the rules of the academy they attend. I raised an eyebrow and said "This is like my third day in town let a lone at this school. I'm amazed I haven't been attacked by hundreds of students because I broke some super important rule, and by the way is that your dog?" She glanced at me confused then saw where I was looking and laughed again. I raised an eyebrow wondering how I could be saying something that was so funny out of pure ignorance. She sighed deeply and said "Thanks so much for making me laugh. I've been really stressed and I need that, but to answer your question no Calley isn't my dog. In fact she isn't a dog at all she's a mightyena and is our personal dorm room's elemental mascot." I blinked and said "At the risk of sounding stupid here are three questions. 1. What the hell is an elemental mascot, 2. What the hell's a mightyena, and 3. Why are you in the guys dorm?"

She sighed and started rubbing her eyes as if she had a migraine then said "To answer your first question an elemental mascot is an animal, pokemon, or digimon that understands humans, but has some trouble speaking their language and is completely formed out of a particular element. In Calley's case, it's a mixture of elements or a nexus. As two your second question use your damn scanner's pokedex function, and as to your last question. This is a coed floor of the dorm. Only advanced students, teachers, and special cases are allowed to share dorms with the opposite gender. Most of the students are under the age of 18, so they're split into the lower floors of the dorms and not allowed access to the upper floors. Does that answer your stupid questions?" I nodded as I pointed my scanner at Calley and it opened up another holo view this time of a mightyena. I slowly scrolled through the information and noticed an attachment talking about elementals. I opened it and read through then whistled and said "So Calley's untouchable, but she can grant her abilities to anyone stationed in her room if their in danger. That's cool." The girl nodded and reached into her bag slowly, then pulled out a pack of cigarettes. I looked at her questioningly and she said "These aren't for me, they're for our other room mate Cal when he gets in here. He and Ren should be out of class shortly, and he always needs a smoke after dealing with his latest teachers."

Right when she finished speaking a male fox anthro and a girl who seemed to look like a fennec fox, but without the distinctive muzzle walked in. The male walked over and grabbed the cigarette then plopped down on the bunk under mine as the girl tossed her bag into a corner of the room and climbed onto the bunk above the other girl. I blinked and muttered "Guess that's Cal and Ren. Wonder how they'll react to having a new guy in their dorm." Cal lit his cigarette and I could smell the smoke wafting up to me then the girl, who I assumed to be Ren, said "Cal if you're smoking that thing go outside. I'm not going to be having the room smell like your god damn cancer sticks again." Cal sighed and mumbled something under his breat then walked over to the window and leaned out of it. I watched his tail finding the animalistic side of me distracted by it's fluffyness then shook my head and turned to see the girls staring at me.

I blinked and said "Is something up?" Ren glanced down at the girl who'd come in and spoken to Calley then said "He your latest boyfriend Sarah?" I blinked and mouthed "Boyfriend?" to myself. She blushed slightly and said "No Ren, he's our new room mate, Jake Arrows. I don't really know that much about him other than Calley seems to like him." I glanced at the mightyena who yawned at me then rolled over and went to sleep. I sighed and the girls glanced from Calley then me then back to Calley. I sighed again and laid back on my bed as Cal walked in and tossed his cigarette butt into the trash. he plopped down onto his bed and glanced at Calley then asked what's up with our local mascot and what did you say about Sarah having a boyfriend?" I grinned to myself as Ren started explaining to him about having a new roommate, me, and having mistaken said room mate for Sarah's latest boyfriend. Cal blinked and said "So where are they?" The girls pointed up at me and I glanced down at Cal. He blinked and said "You are most definitely not human with those ears, but you don't smell like a pokemon. So simple question, what are you?"

I grinned slightly and said "I'm just me, Jake Arrows. My dad's a baseball player, and I don't really know much about my mom." He nodded and I laid back then relaxed letting my mind wandered as the other three talked and the sun slowly sank beyond our room's window. Suddenly Calley jumped onto the bed and stared me in the eyes again. I looked at her and said "Get lost pooch, or I swear to god we're going to have a few problems." She growled then bent down and started sniffing me as if we hadn't just had an altercation. I blinked and mumbled "Strange ass animal, I figured we were about to fight a few minutes ago." The mightyena ignored me and started sniffing around my crotch then gave it a lick and walked away. I sat up holding back a yell then growled "Watch it sister, next time I might just go after you for something like that." It just snorted at me and walked out the door into the night. I sighed and closed my eyes as Cal got out of his bed and looked at me. I figured he was grinning as he said "So what's up between you and Calley?" I shrugged and he laughed then started talking to the girls. I sighed to myself and tried to go back asleep, but my body was to wide awake since I'd done so most of the day.

I jumped to my feet and started for the door. Sarah got up and grabbed my arm then asked me "Where exactly do you think you're going?" I looked her in the eyes and said "To check out the school grounds, and to relax in the woods." She studied me and I continued "I'll probably end up in a fight, but I'm ok with that and ready for just about anything that happens." She sighed and said "Fine, but I'm going with you since you can't seem to keep track of what's going on around you at this school. Also, one of us may as well stick with you so that you don't screw up our dorm's reputation." I shrugged deciding it wasn't worth fighting with her, and grabbed my bag then headed out the door. Sarah followed me muttering under her breath and Ren yelled "HAVE FUN LOVE BIRDS!!!!" after us causing Cal to burst out laughing and Sarah to slam the door. I glanced at her and said "You know slamming the door just gave them cause to laugh at you even harder?" She flipped me off and stormed off ahead of me. I smiled slightly and said "Wouldn't it be smarter to follow me, or stay next to me since I'm the one who's picking where we're going to end up stopping." She glared at me until I caught up then deliberately ignored me as if I didn't exist. I shrugged and kept walking figuring that is she wanted to be a bitch, there was no point in trying to make her act differently.

I headed to the window at the end of the hallway and jumped out grabbing onto a nearby tree branch and swinging down to the ground. Sarah followed me a bit more carefully and the two of us started down one of the many paths that led deep into the woods. Sarah walked alongside me, glancing at me out of the corner of her eye every couple of minutes but didn't say anything. I yawned and stopped when we got to a large clearing then slowly drew a circle around the edge of it. She sat down outside the circle watching me and I started going through some old sword forms I'd read about at the library when Dad and I lived in New York. I sighed and muttered "It'd be so much easier to do this if I had a weapon, trying to do forms with your bare hands is like trying to play baseball without a bat and glove." Sarah watched me then walked over to one of the trees and broke off a branch. She tossed it at me and I caught it in mid air then pulled out my pocket knife and started carving it into the shape of a sword. It took me about ten minutes, but when I was finished it looked just like the bastard sword my dad had gotten me for my sixteenth birthday, only not as intricate in design.

I weighed the wooden blade for a few seconds then started going back through the forms as I heard several people walk up. One of them started talking to Sarah who seemed irritated by their appearance while another paced the perimeter of the circle, and others still just stood watching me. I started to go through another of the forms when suddenly someone jumped into the circle and swung a blade made of bundled lathes at my head. I blocked it with my blade and jumped as they swung at my legs then while in the air I swung at their head on instinct. They blocked the blade with their free hand and said something in a language I didn't understand causing a blinding light to hit me in the eyes and fill the clearing with light. I cursed and pulled on my sunglasses deciding that I'd use them wherever I went from now on as I landed on my back and they swung their blade downward toward my chest and stomach. I heard the blade and blocked it with my own then kicked out in the direction it had come from. I heard a soft grunt and a feminine voice say "She was right. You are an experienced fighter despite your young age." I blinked and looked at them as we both climbed to our feet and saw that the voice belonged to an elegant snow leopard with wings and a pure white coat. I nodded slowly and mumbled "So you blinded me because your coat sticks out compared to the forest. I should have known there was a reason someone would resort to something like that."

She smiled slightly and said "Hello Jake, your friend Dasher and your teacher Lady Kiriana have told me a lot about you. You know that you caused him to be late to one of my classes?" I thought about it and said "So then, your Lady Shalendra, one of the magic teachers." She nodded and slowly started trying to circle around me. I stayed watching her and mentally kicked myself for admiring her figure then asked "Why did Dasher get in trouble for being late?" She smiled slightly and said "The school has a strict policy on discipline and Dasher's been late to my class three times. So I had to punish him. However since this time was your fault I thought you should share in his punishment and your primary teacher agreed with me." I blinked and said "Don't tell me, you've become one of my teachers, and this is a test to decide what kind of magic I can do." She nodded and the lines that kept appearing whenever I got into a fight showed up all around her. I studied them then started slipping between them and smacked her on the thigh with my blade. However I'd missed one so she managed to crack me across the back of my head and cause me to stumble forward, a few dozen paces, to the edge of the circle. I heard her chuckling even as she rubbed her hand against her thigh and twisted around as a red line, which seemed to mean my enemies attack, passed through where my head had just been and slammed my blade down on her wrist. She let out a yowl of pain that distracted most of the others, who were watching with avid interest in their eyes, but only caused me and the more experienced students to watch her carefully.

She smiled darkly and a ball of pure electricity started to form in her paws. I stared at it and focused my own energy into the blade causing it to glow with an aura of inner fire. I stared at it surprised, then rushed at Lady Shalendra deciding that if I was going down then I'd take her with me. She smiled and the energy started to increase forming an orb the size of a large beach ball and still growing. I rushed forward and slammed my blade through it pushing her back as the tip of the wooden blade shattered upon impact with her chest, yet sent her flying out of the ring. I nearly fell, however I used the broken practice sword to hold myself up as Dasher, Danna, and Amanda rushed into the ring while Thom and Ryan checked on Lady Shalendra. Dash looked at me and said "You actually beat Lady Shandi, DUDE THAT WAS AWESOME!!!!!!" I smiled at him and Danna said "Well you aren't as weak as I thought Jake. I owe you a slight apology." Amanda suddenly hugged me while jumping up and down with joy. I blinked and said "Wow guys, I didn't expect you to follow me out here, let a lone to introduce me to a teacher who wanted to kick my ass. So how'd you guys know where to find me?" Amanda stopped jumping and waved her scanner in front of my eyes then said "Lady Kiriana showed us how to program our scanners to keep track of our friends and teachers. Then she gave us your scanner's id number, and here we are."

I nodded slowly in understanding then untangled myself from her and walked over to Lady Shalendra who was slowly being helped to her feet by Thom and Ryan. Ryan looked at me and his ear perked up then he said "You are one crazy son of a gun a Jake. To do this to a teacher, even if she instigated the attack was stupid." I shrugged and motioned for him to step away then bowed low and offered my hand to Lady Shalendra who smiled slightly and said "You can call me Lady Shandi. Shalendra is only something my family and the headmaster call me." I nodded and slowly rose to my full height watching her with a sense of caution. she smiled slightly and made a thin orb of light appear lighting up the clearing and showing everyone else. I saw a few of the people from each of my classes, then noticed that out of everyone, seven people stood out because they lacked the school's customary scanners. I knew four of them right away since they were my good friends Riko, Lena, Lex, and Damien. I didn't know about the other three, but had a feeling they were people from one of the schools I'd attended recently. The three of them smiled at me and Lady Shandi said "Those three all say that you've helped them out of tight spots in the past and would like to attend the school. The headmaster agreed, however they, and your friends, will have to wait until tomorrow to get the proper equipment. So they will be kept in the guest dorm." I nodded and she motioned for them to follow her then walked off while Ryan and the others rushed up to me with questioning looks on their faces.

Sarah seemed to be watching us and I said "Before you ask any questions. The beagle, the fox, the dragon, and the one in the strange clothes were my friends from outside of school. I don't know the other three, and I honestly didn't expect any of them to follow me to this school. Now if your questions have to do with something else ask away." Ryan and Thom grinned while Danna and Amanda talked among themselves and Dash asked me "So, what's your first class tomorrow?" I touched my scanner and checked my schedule then said "It's just labeled as boot camp, which seems like a bad sign to me." Dasher's face got this grave look on it and he said "What do you plan on doing after school, because the only ones who take that class plan on going on to lead the military or some other position of power." I shrugged and said "Not sure what I'll do after this, but I don't remember picking that class, nor do I remember anyone asking me what I planned on doing after school. They just tested me and found out what I knew, then assigned me my classes." Amanda patted me on the back, while Danna uttered a few very choice curses and Ryan spoke with Thom about finding a way to change my classes. I smiled slightly and said "Don't worry about it guys, I'll just take what they gave me and make it work for whatever I choose to do. It's what I've always done, and I figure if it works then my life is good, if it fails then I'll just have to change my plans to fit the situation." They nodded in understanding and I glanced at Sarah then said "Ladies and Gentleman, this is my room mate Sarah. She decided to stay with me, I'm not really sure why, but I think she has a problem with me being placed in her room."

Sarah walked over and started talking to the others explaining why she felt the way she did while I limped over to the ruined bundle of lathes that had been Lady Shandi's blade and my own broken practice sword. I studied both of them and mumbled "So she only resorted to magic because this was cracked at key points and would have shattered with one more blow. Why is my own blade ruined though? I thought electricity was stopped by wood since it's a conductor, but I guess it overloaded my blade. I'm wondering how it didn't backfire into my hands though, was it the energy I poured into it, or the blade itself?" I shook my head and shoved it into one of my belt loops figuring I'd have Damien and the others check it later, since they seemed to always be at least one step ahead of everyone around them. I snapped Lady Shandi's blade with one good kick then dug a hole long enough to fit it and buried it mumbling a prayer for the soul of the weapon, even if it was only a piece of wood. The others had been watching me the entire time, but none of them said anything until Thom walked over and pointed at the grave. I smiled as he asked "Do you do that for every weapon you've ever seen that was damaged or destroyed?" I nodded and stretched out then ran a hand down my own broken blade as I explained "To me every weapon takes a piece of the person who wields it, and the person who made it into itself as time goes on. The more wielders a blade has, the more skill and soul the blade has. I don't know if the same holds true for practice blades, but I figured it was only right to give the blade a send off since it served its purpose." Thom nodded and patted me on the shoulder then turned to the others and said "I'm heading to bed, I'll see you guys in the morning."

Ryan voiced his agreement and muttered something about being locked out of his dorm if he was to late then the two of them rushed off. Dasher glanced at Sarah and I then asked "Do you two plan on staying out here longer? If so then I'm sticking around, however if not I'm going to head to bed and get ready for tomorrow." Amanda and Danna voiced their agreement with his thoughts and I smiled slightly glad my friends were willing to stay with me despite everything that had happened involving Lady Shandi tonight. I shook my head and said "I'm staying out here for another hour or so, then I plan on heading to my room and getting some sleep. However I think you guys should head to your own places, after all you guys don't want to be late to your classes just because you over slept." They laughed and brushed it off as Mac walked up rubbing the back of his neck and carrying a basket of food. I looked at him questioningly and he said "I figured you guys would be hungry after a fight like that, Lady Shandi left, but you guys said your staying out here so I thought I'd make the offer anyway." I smiled at him as Nevyn walked up writing everything down on a notebook. I looked at him questioningly and he explained "Lady Shandi had Mac and I record the fight, but when it was over he ran off to get the food so I decided I'd write down everything he missed. He seemed to think you'd be hungry with all the energy you expended moving around, and putting it in your blade. So was he right, or was it a waste of time?"

I started to answer when my stomach growled instead so I grabbed the basket from Mac and popped it open then started digging around inside it. Mac just laughed and said "I think that answers your question Nevyn." I nodded as I took a chunk out of a chicken leg and offered the basket to everyone else. Dasher took a sandwich and waited until everyone else either grabbed something or turned down the offer then slowly started eating. Danna and Amanda ate a few sweets while Nevyn sat there chewing on a piece of steak that his internal fire cooked as he chewed. Mac just shook his head and leaned on a tree watching the rest of us with curiosity shining in his eyes. I glanced at him as I finished the chicken leg and tossed the bone in the woods. He caught my eye and shrugged then said "I'm sort of curious about why you guys are still out here." I nodded slowly and said "I'm still here because I want to work on my magic a little, and the others are out here for there own reasons. I don't plan on prying, so I'll let them tell you and I, if and when they want." He nodded and yawned then stretched slowly and pulled a knife out of his coat. I raised an eyebrow and he started making the blade glow red hot as if it was held over an open flame. I raised an eyebrow and said "Fire mage?" He nodded and the blade slowly cooled down, then he turned and started talking to Dash and Nevyn. I watched the three of them and sighed rubbing my hands which had gone numb for some reason. I stretched out and watched the others mingling then noticed that Sam, Amanda, and Danna had vanished off on their own.

I sighed and noticed the guys were all talking now then laughed to myself and mumbled "Well I knew I was an outsider before I came to the school, why should it really be any different now that I'm here?" I shook my head ruefully then stretched out and pulled another chicken leg out of the bag. I growled softly to myself then slowly started eating the leg as the others finally noticed I hadn't contributed to the conversation. They looked at me and Mac said "Something bothering you?" I smiled slightly and shook my head then finished the leg and tossed the bone, which was snagged out of the air by one of the wild pokemon. I watched it run off with the bone in it's teeth then sighed and walked up to the others with Mac. They looked at us and nodded then Dasher continued "It's weird that the teachers suddenly started pushing harder than ever this year. Last year from what the older students say the teachers let you get away with a little bit of slacking however this year they seem to feel it's imperative to push us." I raised an eyebrow and Dash looked at me. I smiled slightly and explained "I think it has to do with some great threat the headmaster showed me. That orb in his office somehow pulled me into it and explained all about this great threat. So I plan on working as hard as I can to be ready for it, and hopefully you guys will do the same." Mac nodded and said "I don't know about everyone else, but I'm in." Dash nodded in agreement then they both turned to Nevyn. He smiled slightly and said softly "I'll agree with you guys, but we have to also promise not to abandon each other when times get tough or I'm out." I raised an eyebrow and said "Would a blood sharing ceremony do?"

Nevyn laughed at that and said "Yeah. Only if we do that, I think we should also involve the girls, Thom, Ryan, and everyone else we can get." I nodded in agreement until Dash said "One problem with that, a lot of the students are digimon, so they have digital code not blood. How do you guys plan to solve that problem?" I sighed then glanced at my scanner and Mac, who had been watching me the last few minutes, said "Why the heck does Jake have such a strange light in his eye?" Dasher walked over and looked into my eyes then said "Ok, so it appears Jake has an idea, which means that the rest of us may want to watch and wait to see what he does." I nodded to Dash then motioned for everyone to be quiet and reached into my bag. The others watched me as I pulled out a small black bag that was zipped closed on three sides. I zipped it open revealing a bunch of tools, then pulled out a screw driver and started running it around the edge of my scanner. Mac and Dasher saw what I was doing right away while Nevyn was watching the scanner itself prepared to warn us if anything negative came from it. I smiled at him in appreciation even as Mac picked up my spare screwdriver and popped the top off his own scanner. Dasher smiled slightly and said "I think I'll be a little bit more cautious and let you two do the actual tinkering, while I compare the insides of your scanners." I nodded in understanding and mumbled "Wise choice Dash, because if this backfires we may end up dead, or horribly mutated." Dasher grinned and said "I'm glad you have such a high opinion of what you're doing."

I grinned and said "I'm not completely sure what I'm doing since the Scanner is connected to our DNA I figure if I mix it up a little, to where I can combine digital code and blood. If it works great, if it fails then hopefully it only shuts down my scanner temporarily." Dasher nodded in understanding as Mac stopped his screw driver and looked at me then said "Hopefully?" I nodded and said "I have no idea of the consequences if we screw up, I just know the best possible outcome is that we manage to mix DNA and Digital Coding." He shrugged and watched me as I continued working on my scanner then waited patiently for me to start explaining what I was doing. I studied the internals then slowly explained as I rewired it bit by bit and tightened or loosened certain screws. After about ten minutes I stopped and hit a key on it for it to start then fell to my knees holding my stomach and trying not to wretch. Mac stopped himself from copying me and watched as my features slowly became surrounded by a wall of light. I held back screams of pain as the wall started to extend streamers into my skin and tried to manipulate my form. The harder it tried the more screams I had to hold back and the more I had to fight by focusing on who I was and what that meant. Slowly the streamers started to sink into my skin and rather than changing me they seemed to become a part of me. As I sat there and the pain receded the wall started slipping into me and I heard a girl say "Is your friend going to be ok Flame, Dash, or do you want me to get him some help?"

I slowly got to my feet as Mac said "I think he'll be fine Amber, but I'm not really sure. Jake, you ok bro?" I shook my head woozily and said "I think the red screw did the trick, but I don't advise doing that unless your read for one hell of a lot of pain Mac." He nodded and said "Maybe I'll wait until we know the side effects of what you did are, before I copy you." I nodded again and said "Good idea." Dasher grinned and said "Well you seem alright, and that's all that really matters, although how Nevyn, Thom and the others are going to react I have absolutely no idea." I grinned slightly and said "Well there is one way to find out if it worked at least." They looked at me questioningly and I elaborated "Your scanners should be able to tell you if I have any digital qualities since that is part of what they were designed for. Originally I probably wouldn't have set that part of the scanner off, but if it worked, well then it should show up on you guys scanners." Dasher nodded slowly in understanding and pointed his scanner at me as I slowly reassembled my own. His scanner beeped then he read "Unidentified digimon data present. Digimon needs to go before board of administrators and register itself, despite having the same scanner code as student Jake Arrows and appearing to have the same basic genetic structure."

I grinned slowly and said "I guess that means that whatever I did worked." I glanced around then finished reassembling my scanner and pressed the buttons to reactivate it. It slowly came to life and the others watched as my holoscreen came up and started flashing. I looked at it, then it suddenly vanished and a needle slipped out of the scanner then was inserted into my veins." All of us watched as it slowly drew out a sample of my blood, along with the strange light that had surrounded me and a weird greenish material. The others glanced at me and I shrugged as my scanner came to life and said "Name: Jake Arrows, Species: mixed, Digimon Type: Shadow Wolfox, Classification: Rookie type digimon, starter pokemon, and human anthro hybrid. Blood type is unknown, material found in veins is a composition of blood, data, and some unknown substance. Recommended that student goes to nurse's office and gets a check up. This scanner will now reprogram itself to fit the needs of the student." then seemed to shut down. I looked at it then at everyone else. Dasher shrugged and said "Looks like you need to head to the nurse's office Jake. I'd go with you, but I'm the head of my dorm so I need to go check on my charges." I nodded in understanding and he ran off with a trail of strange energy following in his wake. I didn't know it at the time, but those energy trails would soon start following everyone as far as my eyes could tell. Mac looked at me and said "I'll go with you bro, the nurse's office isn't very likely to believe your story without someone else to back it up and it is partly my fault your in this mess." I smiled in appreciation then turned to Amber, Nevyn, and the girls who'd just walked up.

I smiled at Amanda and Danna then turned to Samantha and said "I'm going to head to the nurse's office, you can come with me if you like, or you can go back to the room. I don't really care, but I advise you to be careful because I think I did something that agitated the pokemon and digimon in this area." She nodded in understanding then started talking to the girls in a tone slightly above a whisper. I politely ignored her then turned to Amber and Nevyn who'd been watching the rest of us and asked "Would you two like to come with Mac and I, or would you prefer to go back to your own rooms." Nevyn smiled slightly and said "Sorry bro, I'd love to go with, but I've got to take this report to the headmaster ASAP." I nodded in understanding and he jumped into the air then flew off. I watched him go and silently thanked whatever beings would listen that he was my friend rather than my enemy. I glanced at Amber and she said "You're a strange guy, but I'm curious to know what the hell you did to your scanner so I'll go with the two of you. If nothing else, I want to find out what your scanner took out of your arm, and why your so important that Nevyn's reporting you to the headmaster." As soon as she finished talking a guy about our age walked out of the forest and said "Can you tell me how to get the main building?" Amber slowly explained to him the quickest way to the main building while Mac and I silently appraised him. The first thing we noticed was that he didn't wear a scanner, the second was that he seemed ready for a fight, and the third was that he didn't really seem to interested in Amber's answers. It seemed more like he was trying to assess if any of us were a threat, and using Amber's answering his question as a distraction. Mac seemed to notice this two, and we nodded at each other silently communicating that if we saw this guy again we'd be careful around him.

He glanced at us when Amber finished then said "Thanks, if you guys ever need a favor from me just call. My Name's Dukie, Dukie Mutt." Mac and I nodded committing his name to memory while the girls thanked him for being polite then the six of us watched him vanish into the forest. I glanced at Mac and said "You know anything about him?" He shook his head, so I looked at the girls. They each shook their head no in turn until I got to Sarah who said "Yeah, I've met him on the street. He's got a few relatives who go to the academy, so he occasionally visits to talk to them and the head master. Why do you have a problem with him or something?" I shook my head and sighed then said "Alright, so who all is going with me to see the nurse, despite the fact that it's going to be dull as watching dog shit in the middle of winter while it's covered in snow." Amber smacked me and said "Be nice, it probably won't be that bad. Also, watch your language or else your going to get everyone around you in trouble. I stuck my tongue out at her and ran off into the forest shouting over my shoulder "IF YOU CAN CATCH ME, I'LL GIVE YOU THE HONOR OF KICKING MY ASS, IF NOT THEN TO BAD!!!!!!!! THIS IS YOUR ONLY CHANCE, OH AND FLAME GET YOUR GOD DAMN ASS OVER HERE IF YOU'RE COMING WITH ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Mac aka Flame grinned at the girls then ran and caught up to me. Flame looked at me and said "You know you just pissed off one of the cutest girls in school?" I nodded and said "Yeah, but I don't really let people get away with hitting me. However if she manages to catch us I might just let her hit me again. So, you think the girls will follow us?"

He silently nodded then pointed his thumb over his shoulder. I followed it with my eyes and whistled in appreciation as all four of the came charging at us at a pretty dang high speed. I grinned and said "Well, looks like taunting still works as a way to get a girl to come after you, even if it is to kick your ass." He burst out laughing and I grinned, then the two of us sped up and started using the trees to propel ourselves even faster. We kept glancing back to check on the girls then we suddenly had to stop because a large charizard and a mightyena landed in front of us. I glanced at the mightyena and said "Hey Calley." Then glanced at the girl and said "Oh hi lady Crysta, you mind getting out of the way, because if you don't the girls back there are going to have my head on a platter." The two of them growled at us and I said "Shit, I was hoping I wouldn't have to fight anyone else so soon. Well Mac, you want to help me get these two out of our way?" He nodded forming a ball of pure fire energy as I made a ball of pure darkness appear over my palm. I didn't even think before I released it sending Crysta flying back a good twenty feet, while Mac released his own energy into Calley who went flying into a tree then the two of us ran past them. The problem with all of this was that it allowed the girls to gain on us, and I figured that if we messed up they'd catch us without any trouble. Mac seemed to have the same idea because he suddenly made a wall of fire appear behind us, then glanced at me and shrugged. I smiled slightly and thought "Well at least one of us is doing something to slow them down. I can't seem to take my mind off the girl Amber and how confident she was despite everything she'd probably seen happen. I wonder if Danna, Samantha, or Amanda could tell me more about her."

I suddenly shook my head as the main building's doors loomed before us. I glanced at Mac who shrugged, then kicked them open and the two of us rushed to the infirmary. The nurse looked up when we rushed in then said "Is something wrong boys?" I nodded and glanced down at my scanner which had just come back on and pulled out a vial full of the green fluid. I tossed it to her and she studied it carefully, then placed it into one of her computer's scanners as the girls walked in. It was kind of funny, they looked neat and pristine, while Flame and I looked as if we'd had to fight the entire forest to get there. I glanced at him and said "Typical, we go through less trouble, but the girls look as if they just walked her from the lift station." He nodded and the two of us sat down as the girl's started talking to the nurse who answered their questions with half a mind as she focused on the readings her computer was giving her. She glanced from it to me then back a few times, then turned to the girls and asked them why they were they. They answered then pointed at me and said some comments that I figured were very uncomplimentary since the nurse's eyes widened slightly in surprise.

After about half an hour the nurse walked over and handed me the vial then said "From what my computer tells me that is an organic plasma." I nodded waiting patiently for her to continue. She smiled slightly and said "It seems to be something connected to the blood pokemon have however, slightly different. I believe that the last time a sample was found they used it to create copies of the legendary pokemon, like mew and arceus. Are you worried about that?" I shook my head and she said "I'd like you to stay in the infirmary over night, and let me study you to see if it's causing any harmful effects to your body. Are you ok with this?" I nodded then glanced at Mac and the others. They looked at me and I said "I'll see you guys tomorrow, I'm going to stay here. Samantha do you mind telling the others in our dorm I'll see them after class?" She shook her head then walked out talking to Mac who waved goodbye to me over his shoulder. I turned to Danna and Amanda who smiled at me and said "We'll see you in the morning Jake. We didn't feel like telling Dasher, but we've also got boot camp." I smiled and nodded then watched them go. I turned to Amber who plopped herself down on a cot and said "I'm not leaving until you apologize for being so rude to me, when you don't even know me." I blinked and said "Not unless you apologize for hitting me in the head." She sniffed then turned over and pulled the blanket at the foot of the cot over herself. I sighed and thought "Smooth, ladies man, smooth." then rolled over and stared at the wall of the infirmary as the nurse started clipping monitors onto me and shoved an IV into my arm.

I glanced at the IV and thought "Yep, I always find a way to end up with some sort of needle in me. I have to wonder if dad knows anything about the stuff I used to use. Hope not, because if he does then I'm in deep shit." I sighed and stretched out, being careful not to pull out the IV, then popped my shoulder back into place. The nurse looked at me questioningly and I explained "My shoulder's been messed up since I was a little kid. It occasionally pops out of the socket, so I've got to put it back in place." She nodded in understanding then walked into the separate room to do some paperwork. I glanced over at Amber and said "Look, I'm sorry for what I said. However you kind of deserved it for hitting me in the back of the head. I mean I only said one curse, and wasn't really that big a thing since I was talking about an actual item." she sat up and looked at me then said "What makes you think I hit you for the cuss?" I raised an eyebrow and said "Because you told me to watch my language, and that would be the only thing I can think of that would give you cause to hit me." She sighed and mumbled "You oblivious idiot." under her breath. I blinked and said "What was that?" She smiled at me, just a little to innocently, and said "Nothing." I shrugged and laid back wondering why it was that hospitals, infirmaries, and other places that housed the sick always seemed to bother me. She sighed and walked over then sat next to me and said "So, I have an honest question. Have we met before?" I sat up slowly and studied her face then muttered "I think so, but I can't really be sure. I mean the only places I've been to outside of New York and the Bronx are New Jersey and Chicago." Her eyes got a little darker and she said "I lived in Chicago for a while, I ended up getting in trouble so I came to New York, but before that I lived in Chicago and in New Jersey."

I raised an eyebrow and let the accent that Lex used to always creep into my voice as I said "So, you're a joisy goil.... Nice to meet you." She smiled slightly and said "You know I didn't quite catch where you're from." I was starting to fall asleep, so I shrugged and said "The box.... A part of New York that most people from New Jersey have trouble with." She nodded and said "So you're from the box?" I shook my head and said "No I meant the Bronx, god damn it all. It was a slight mess up in speech when I said the box because I'm starting to fall asleep." She smiled again and said "Whatever you say box boy." then rolled over and closed her eyes. I stared at her back then sighed and rolled onto my own back watching the ceiling. Suddenly I heard a voice say "Well I'm glad you aren't trying to get up, especially since you nearly killed yourself and destroyed your scanner." I sighed and rolled over seeing the headmaster, Lady Kiriana, and Lady Shandi watching me. I sighed and sat up then the headmaster, which was the one who'd spoken, continued "I didn't think anyone would be resourceful enough or brave enough to unlock the true potential of their scanner." I raised an eyebrow at him and he smiled slightly then turned to Shandi and said "So, from what you saw in your fight, is he ready for the training Lady Dwayne will put him through?" Ladies Shandi and Kiriana spoke among themselves then turned to the headmaster and nodded.

He turned to me and said "Well then, boot camp will be your first class followed by training among pokemon and digimon. I wish you the best of luck my boy, for you will probably need it. Oh and before I forget, this is a gift from me for beating one of my teachers after only fighting one of my other teachers so far. " He tossed me a tin full of cards and a cloth wrapped bundle then glanced at Ladies Shandi and Kiriana who each tossed me a package then the three of them went over and talked to Amber. I watched them then slowly opened then tin. I studied the cards then unwrapped the bundle and slowly got to my feet. It contained a belt, a sword, a cloak, and a quiver. I slowly slipped on the belt and noticed it had a card carrier built in a long with a few other pieces of equipment. I slipped on the belt then noticed the sword had a baldric and attached my quiver to it. I pulled on the cloak and blinked noticing that all of it fit me perfectly. I sat down on the edge of the bed, and studied my equipment carefully. I smiled slightly noticing that the different pockets sewn into the belt each had something inside of them. I sighed then opened them one by one. The first contained a bunch of pokeballs, the second a strange attachment for my scanner, the third a bunch of beautiful gems that pulsed with an inner light, and the fourth contained a bunch of plants and other materials for potions. I pulled open the present from Lady Kiriana and blinked. It contained a shirt coated with strange symbols, pants that were covered in similar markings, sun glasses that glowed with their own inner light, a brace of throwing knives that fit on the sword's baldric, and boots that were coated in similar markings to the boots and pants, but slightly different.

I opened the final package noticing that it had a marking that represented light and a strange thing that made me think of Lady Shandi. I slowly opened it and blinked seeing a strange pair of wrist bands and a strange leather arm band that fit perfectly on my shoulder. I slowly got undressed, then pulled the equipment on piece by piece wondering why it felt as if I was supposed to wear it. I shook my head and yanked the IV out of my arm then stretched and said "Guess I'll go try out my new equipment, just wish I had a bow to test out the arrows in that quiver." Shandi blinked and said "Oh yeah, I forgot to give you this." then tossed me a package I snagged it out of the air and unwrapped it to find to specially made .45's that had a rose and a wolf engraved on their handles. I glanced down at my belt and saw a pair of holsters then put them in their holsters and walked outside. As soon as I got outside I was confronted by Calley and Lady Crysta who were growling. I smiled slightly and said "Do you two have a problem with me or something?" They shook their heads and Crysta said "No, we're just irritated that you blew us off so easily earlier." I blinked and said "Sorry, it's just that I was in a hurry, and you two got in my way." She nodded slowly in understanding then motioned for me to follow her as she and Calley started deeper into the woods. I sighed and followed them carefully watching the area around me for anyone or anything that might cause trouble.

Finally they stopped and looked at me. I raised an eyebrow questioningly and they said "We want to see how you handle your new equipment, so Calley and I are going to fight you. If you beat us we'll agree to follow your orders. If we win however you have to be my servant, and do anything Calley directs you to do while in your dorm." I sighed and said " How long is it for if you win?" She smiled and said "Until you beat me in a fight, and if you win it's until you tell us we're free." I glanced at Calley who nodded then growled and started forming a ball of energy in her jaws. Crysta smiled and said "Go." then created a ball of fire in her own jaws that was slowly expanding. I sighed and mumbled "I hate when people do shit like this. However a deals a deal and these two are set." I dived behind a tree just as they let loose their attacks. One destroyed the tree, the other went wide and flew through the forest. I slowly got up and glanced around wondering where they'd attack from next since they'd moved as soon as their attacks had gone flying. I slowly drew my sword and felt energy coursing through my hand into the blade. I blinked then shrugged and popped my neck growling. I suddenly heard the sound of something rushing toward me and rolled to the side slashing with my blade as I came to my feet. I heard something or someone growl and felt warm blood splash down onto my hand. I glanced at the blade and noticed that the energy was making the blade glow and the blood had turned the glow a deep red. I growled and looked for the one who'd rushed at me then felt something brush past my left arm. I swung the sword at it, however I was to slow and it escaped unharmed.

I suddenly turned around hearing something move behind me then yelled out in pain as someone or something scratched my back to hell. I turned and punched at it, but it jumped away and blended in with the night. I growled softly and mumbled "So that one was Calley, then where is Crysta?" Suddenly a burst of fire came flying down at me in a wide swath of destruction. I couldn't dodge it so I instinctively shoved my sword up to protect myself. The moment the flames touched it, it almost seemed as if a shield formed and created a ten foot barrier around me that caused the flames to go around me. I blinked then slashed out as the fire died and something rushed at me from my left. I heard a yelp and saw Calley fall down with a deep slash running from her foreleg to her tail. I blinked and mumbled "I think I know how to heal her, so I'll do that as soon as this is over, until then I need to find a way to stop her from dying from her wound." I slowly walked over and place my hands on Calley letting my instincts guide me then felt energy flowing from me into her. I closed my eyes not wanting to watch then felt the energy flow subside and saw Calley was trapped in what appeared to be a bubble of energy that was timeless. I studied it then turned and dived out of the way as a wall of flame came flying at where I'd just been. I winced as some of the flames struck my arm burning the flesh in a perfectly straight line.

I growled and pulled my cloak around me tightly then started weaving through the trees thinking of how to fight back. A black shape rushed by and I ducked as something large flew over my head and I rolled to the side growling and letting a wave of energy lash out from me. I blinked and glanced down at my scanner to see it showing a holoscreen listing different things. I studied it and mumbled "Guess they're all different abilities or attacks I have. Wonder if I should try one, or should I just wait until I can talk to my teachers first?" I sighed and rolled as I felt the heat of another fire attack come at my back then slashed out as something rushed at me when I got to my feet. It yelped and flew past me then landed on it's back and yipped in pain. It slowly got to its feet while growling then turned to me and let loose a blast of ice. I slashed out with my sword creating wave of flame that stopped it. I growled softly and let loose a wall of black flames as the two collided then realized it was Calley and time seemed to slow around me. I rushed forward and used my blade to block the flames causing them to separate around the two of us and fly off into the woods. I started to turn around when I suddenly felt a burning pain all across my back again. I snarled and lashed out with my sword as well as my free hand feeling them both hit something. The blade got stuck and my fist seemed to bruise something as Calley let out a yelp of pain. I turned and yanked it free then let my instincts guide me as I cast a barrier around Calley that seemed to stop time itself.

Suddenly Crysta came flying out of nowhere and knocked me back a good ten to twenty feet. I cleaned my sword off on my cloak then sheathed it and got to my feet deciding that my fists and feet would be my weapons for the rest of this fight. She snarled at me then noticed that Calley wasn't bleeding despite how serious the injury was and cocked her head to the side studying me curiously. I shrugged and said "I may have lashed out in anger, but my reason came back as soon as I saw her injury." She nodded slowly and growled then let loose a dragon pulse attack. I dodged it and mumbled "God damn it, she's going to kill me at this rate." I popped my shoulder back into place because it had popped out when my arm hit a tree root then got to my feet and started letting energy pool in my hands and feet on instinct. Crysta suddenly rushed at me and I punched her in the face feeling the energy surge from me and actually stop her heart for a few seconds. I smiled darkly then screamed in pain as something started happing to my back. My scanner beeped a few times then said "DNA accepted, changing form to accommodate new DNA." I screamed even louder as the foreign DNA fused with my own and wings burst out of my back. Unlike Crysta's which were as pure and Crystalline as her form mine were black as midnight and had red symbols running all across them like my ears and tail. Crysta stared at me as her heart started pumping again and she was able to move.

he stared at me and said "Who, or what are you? I know I asked you that before Jake, but you've changed since then." I shrugged and my new wings flapped a few times then said "I'm not sure what I am anymore Crysta. I was just a hybrid until I messed with my scanner, now I'm something completely different or my body took the term to a whole new meaning." She nodded then let out a close range fireblast. I covered myself with my wings and noticed that they had no ripped clothing on them, despite having to have ripped out of my back and shirt. The blast knocked me back a good fifty feet, however it didn't do much damage because my wings accepted the brunt of the blow. I growled softly and felt a strange heat building in my jaw. After a few minutes it started to become unbearable so I let it loose with a loud roar. Crysta seemed stunned as the blast hit her and sent her flying back to where Calley was. I growled and propelled myself forward using a well placed jump and my wings. I put my hands straight out in front of me like so many comic super heroes and slammed my fists into Crysta's stomach. She let loose a tiny flame and I smiled in satisfaction then jumped up and drew my blade. She started to get to her feet until I placed it to her throat and said "Do you yield Lady Crysta of the Charizard Clan?" She nodded slowly and I sheathed my sword then offered her a hand up. She smiled and took my hand, then I pulled her to her feet and we walked over to Calley. Crysta stared at her and said "Why'd you leave her like that?" I sighed and said softly "If I hadn't she'd have bled to death as we fought, and I was not going to let that happen." Crysta slowly nodded in understanding then said "How are you going to heal her if you used as much energy as I think you did?"

I shrugged and suddenly fell over holding my stomach as the wings that had burst out of my back when I'd touched Crysta started to pull inward. I slowly got back to my feet as my scanner beeped a few times and said "DNA stored, original DNA profile reinstated." I blinked and mumbled "Well I wonder what exactly that means." Crysta shrugged and I said "To answer your question, I'll let my instincts guide me. If I can save Calley I will, if not then I'll get one of the teachers." Crysta nodded slowly then stepped back as I dusted myself off and tapped that hidden recess where my abilities seemed to lie and mumbled "Now more than ever my instincts must guide me. Please show me what I need to do to save my friend, because no one deserves to die from my rage when they consider me an ally." I closed my eyes and let my instincts take over completely. My arms slowly rose and pointed at Calley then a strange language that I almost understood started rolling off my tongue and the glow from the dome around Calley increased in brightness to where I felt that I was staring at the sun with my eyes closed. Crysta let out a roar of pain and I heard other voices arriving as I started moving my hands and the words continued flowing off my tongue. Suddenly the words just stopped and I nearly fell over feeling exhausted. I heard Crysta as if from a distance saying "So that one took a lot more energy than it appeared, yet Calley doesn't even have a scar and can probably fight harder than before. I mean heck her fur changed where the slash was to a deep red, and yet it seems to be glowing in time with her breathing. Is he really that strong of a magic user?"

I didn't hear the other people's responses, and ended up collapsing into someone's arms. They said something in my ear and it sounded like "You'll be ok, I'll protect you." I mumbled a reply that I don't really remember then slipped into a welcoming darkness. As I slipped deeper into the darkness I heard a voice ask "Are you willing to give up everything to protect those you love? Are you willing to give up who you once were for power?" I shook my head slowly and said softly "I will give up everything for those I love, but I will not lose who I am for power." The voice laughed softly and said "_ So, you have more honor than many I've met young one. Are you willing to give up some of who you are for what you need to protect those you already know you love, and those you will come to love? Do you have what it takes to fight those you love to save this world, maybe even all worlds?" _ I shrugged and said "I'll do whatever it takes to save those who need to be saved. However it will haunt me until the end of my days if I must kill. I nearly killed Calley and I felt it suffocating me. However I will do what it takes, so name your price and I'll pay it."

The voice seemed to laugh again this time much darker then said _ "Name my price you say. Fine my price is this boy, you take my place when I pass on. I am not long for this or any other world, and need a strong replacement with a sense of duty. It will change how others see you and also how you see yourself. Are you willing to do it?" _ I growled softly and said "Fine our bargain is struck, you give me what I need and when you move on I take your place as whatever you are." The voice laughed then I felt a burning sensation in my left shoulder as the voice said _ "So is the bargain struck. This mark proves what we have said, and will always remind you until you take your true place among us. I fear for you, but I needed someone and you came here on your own. So, you must be strong enough to handle what I offer. Here is my end of the bargain." _ I screamed in pain as the sensation spread and my scanner started going crazy. Suddenly I saw a figure smile at me then everything faded as the darkness took me into its warm embrace.


I sighed as I watched the kid who was the entire reason I came to the hospital walk out the doors. He'd stayed long enough to get that weird green shit checked out, then received the gifts from the teachers and left. I didn't even get a chance to ask him a few of the questions that were going through my head. I sighed as the headmaster continued "I would like you to watch him. You're one of our best students, and it seems you've already seen his potential." I nodded then said "Speaking of which, shouldn't we follow him and make sure he's ok?" The headmaster smiled and said "No he's about to be tested by his pears and I'd like to see how he handles himself." I nodded then sighed and said "Can I enlist others to help me out in this?" He nodded and said "Use as many people as you want to watch him, just be careful you don't make him annoyed and leave the school. If he does it may just cause everything we've been waiting for to fall apart." I nodded not feeling like talking about why I was at the school at the moment then laid back and closed my eyes. Suddenly all of us felt a strange energy building out in the forest. I opened my eyes and the headmaster said "It appears he's awakened some of his power and is using it. I'm amazed he actually tampered with his scanner, I wonder if it was his abilities guiding him." I shrugged and hopped to my feet checking that all of my knives were in their right places then popped my neck and said "Let's go check on your kid Lord Asterion, or else we may just find out his classmates are dead."

The headmaster smiled and said "Don't worry Rayne it won't be that hard to track him down." I growled softly and said "My name is no longer Rayne it's Amber. I may have gone by that once, but it was so long ago that no one remembers it." He sighed and nodded then glanced at Kiriana and Shandi who just shrugged. He shook his head and stared at me then sighed and said "You truly wish to go by a new name after all this time Rayne?" I nodded and said softly "My enemies won't recognize me this way, and it may trigger something if he really is the one. Sarah feels the same way from what she told me when she first met him." The headmaster nodded and motioned for me to continue. I sighed and said "Asterion if it is him, I don't think he remembers anything about who he is. I know you said that the signs say he's a copy of his first life only stronger, but are you sure? From what I remember he didn't act so naive back then." Headmaster Asterion laughed and said "Rayne you are the one being Naive. You met him after the war had started to change him into the man he was destined to be. This is what he was like as a child, in both of his lives he's lost one parent. It's hardened his view of the world, but until he makes his first kill he will seem Naive to you and so many others who once knew him. Isn't that right Shalendra?" Shandi nodded slowly and said "Amber, he and I grew up together in his first life. He was a sweet young man, but Leona and I could sense a darkness in him that he constantly fought for control. He always said that he'd die a violent death. He started down that path when he became a soldier to protect the king after he learned of his mother's passing while we were at school to become mages."

I blinked and Kiriana said "I feel like I'm missing something. Headmaster why are you calling Amber, Rayne. Also how do she and Shal know each other so well, and what do all of you know about young Jake?" I sighed and glanced at her then said "How much of the staff have you told about what he may be?" Asterion sighed and said "Only Dwayne and Shalendra since they both have cause to know more about him, since they did take part in his past just as you and Sarah did. Can you think of any others who were reborn?" I shrugged and studied Lady Kiriana then closed my eyes and started going through the lists of people that all of us had known throughout time. Finally I shrugged and said "I honestly don't know. Most of those I can think of either moved on to their true place, or moved on to the next world and wait for us. If he had his memories back he'd probably be able to tell you exactly who was reborn and what they became, but I can't be sure. I'm sorry I'm of so little help Asterion." He shrugged holding back a sigh then said "Well at least we have you Sarah, and Shalendra. Though of the three of you only Shalendra has never been killed, strange to think that in all honesty she's the oldest of you all. However the only one of you who's soul even comes close to me in age is his." I nodded and the four of us headed for the outdoors.

Kiriana studied Shandi and I seeming more confused since the headmaster and I hadn't exactly answered her questions. Shandi glanced at me and said "So you remember everything Rayne?" I shook my head and said "Only certain lives. However Sarah and I both believe that he's the cause for our lives awakening as much as they have. I think if he hadn't come to the school I'd still be completely clueless as to who I truly am." She nodded slowly and I asked "Do you think it's really him, or is it possibly one of the other students?" She shrugged and said "Rayne I'm honestly not sure, The two of us fought, at the headmaster's request, and I treated him like any other student. However he nullified one of my strongest attacks by putting raw magic into a wooden sword and managed to strike me with it before the blade shattered. The only people who have ever done that were him in his first life, my teachers when I was a child, you with your memories intact, and Sarah when she releases her power to it's fullest extent. Speaking of Sarah do you think she went to investigate the energy he let loose?" I shrugged in answer then said softly "Shal call me Amber. It's my current life's name, and if you don't people will start to get suspicious." She nodded in understanding and the two of us lapsed into silence as the headmaster led the three of us through the forest. Kiriana studied us and seemed to be trying to understand by what we meant about the past, but appeared to be making no headway.

Shal glanced at me one last time then ran up and started conversing with Headmaster Asterion while I thought about how Jake had acted since I'd met him. It seemed almost as if the confidence he'd had when we'd met all that time ago had all but vanished. However he still had that natural aura that drew others to him. Dasher, Mac, Amanda, Danna, Thom, Ryan, and Nevyn were all proof of that. He also seemed to have his old sense of judgment, which would explain why he instantly had feelings of distrust toward Dukie. I smiled slightly remembering the first time we met then shook my head and thought "Don't be a fool girl. He's completely different from back then. Even if he does remember you he and Sarah had something going on to. I wonder if he still has those strange dreams that sometimes allow him to foreshadow future events. If so maybe I should ask Shal or one of the other teachers to help him look into them. They may help us in the coming events." I blinked as a blast of magic suddenly went flying past the four of us and we all heard a yip of pain from up ahead. We sped up, but had to dive to the sides as a wall of black flames came flying at us. I growled softly and thought "Whoever's letting off attacks so recklessly had better have a good reason, or I'm going to make them wish they'd never come to the academy." The four of us got back to our feet and continued onward when we suddenly found ourselves on the edge of a clearing where Jake had the princess of the charizards held down at sword point. I was about to rush forward when Kiriana grabbed my arm and said softly "Think. Do you really believe he would kill her if there was an alternative?"

I shook my head slowly and she let me go then continued "I think several of those attacks were hers. So the two of them must have been fighting, which means if I know him Jake is asking her to surrender so neither of them is injured any worse. However I must wonder who let out that yip from earlier." I shrugged and Kiriana fell silent as Jake said "Do you yield Lady Crysta of the Charizard Clan?" We didn't hear her response, but obviously Jake found it satisfying because he sheathed his sword and offered her a hand to her feet. She took it and the two of them walked deeper into the clearing. I glanced at Headmaster Asterion who nodded and the four of us walked forward staying a few feet back to watch what Jake and Crysta did. I blinked as they walked over to a shape covered in energy and Kiriana said "Holy hell, I think that's Calley in the middle of that ball of energy." I followed her eyes and whistled softly. She glanced at me and I said "Look at the wounds on her side, either she pissed him off or he lost control. Doesn't matter which, but that's definitely a sword cut, and I have a feeling it's from Jake's sword." She nodded following my eyes to Jake's cloak which still had a blood stain on it. I sighed as he bent down and Crysta said "Why'd you leave her like that?" I didn't hear Jake's response but I figured it had to do with not letting her die as they fought. The wound was extremely deep, and very serious. He seemed to continue speaking then fell to the ground holding his stomach. I just noticed his wings as they started to slide into his back and his shirt sealed itself behind them. I glanced at the headmaster who said "I wanted to be prepared for anything a hybrid could do, so I had his outfit made."

I nodded in understanding as Jake slowly got to his feet. He started talking to Crystal then turned back to Calley with a look of determination on his face. We all stared as he started mumbling then his hands started glowing and rose from his sides. I couldn't see his face, but by how he was acting I thought he had his eyes closed. I glanced around the clearing and saw Sarah sitting on the other side with a confused look on her face. The headmaster noticed her as well and motioned for her to come over. She shook her head seeming either to curious or to afraid to stop watching Jake. I sympathized with her and watched as he started drawing magical symbols in the air while mumbling under his breath. The five of us watched him then Kiriana said "Do you guys notice that he keeps drawing a pentagram that glows in different colors each time?" I nodded as did Shal while the Headmaster just motioned for us to be silent. I sighed and glanced at Shal who shrugged while Kiriana watched Jake and Crysta. I followed her eyes and blinked as the orb around Calley changed into a healing light instead of an orb of displacement. I blinked and glanced at Shal who walked back and said "The only ones who could do that are the nurse, the headmaster, myself, or Dara. Dara's away on a mission, I'm to tired after our fight, the headmaster hardly ever is needed for these things, and the nurse would be out for days doing this kind of healing. I can't believe he actually changed a spatial lock into a healing chamber that also increases the power of the one who's healed." I looked at her surprised and she nodded. She said softly "He actually is doing something the headmaster told me to never try, because he's changing the weave of his spell without watching it."

I let out a small whimper at the thought of what that meant, then watched as the light started to fade. Calley was only slightly changed in that she now had blood red stripes on her sides in the exact same pattern as the sword cut. Jake started to fall and the four of us rushed over at the same time as Sarah. When we got there Crysta said something that I didn't hear then Sarah and I grabbed Jake and put our arms around him as he slipped into unconsciousness. Sarah and I glanced down at him then I said "You'll be ok." and Sarah whispered "I'll protect you." I glanced at her and we nodded deciding that we'd work together on this. The two of us picked him up as Calley and Crysta walked over. I glanced at them and Crysta said "Wherever he goes, we go. That was the deal. We lost he won, so we're his until he releases us, we die, or he dies." I nodded in understanding then glanced at Sarah who shrugged and said "I'm not surprised by anything that happens around this one. He seems to make the sun set in the east and rise in the west." I nodded in understanding then the four of us turned to the headmaster who walked over and put something in Jake's hand then cut his hand and drew a symbol on his forehead. I couldn't quite understand the symbol, but the headmaster and Lady Kiriana seem to understand it perfectly. Kiriana glanced at me and said "If you guys are going to carry him, then take him to the mountain dorms. He'll be staying with a new room mate, and that is the only dorm that contains a variety of different beings from each race." We nodded and started there with Calley scouting ahead and Crysta flying overhead warning off anyone who wanted to attack. I glanced back to see that Shal, Lady Kiriana, and Headmaster Asterion were watching us with grave expressions.

I sighed and Calley led us to the dorm, while still managing to fall back and make sure no one was following us. I blinked when I saw that the symbol over the dorm matched the one drawn on Jake's forehead, then Calley pushed open the door and led us through the hallways. Finally we came to a dorm that was unoccupied. Calley glanced at Crysta who explained "Jake's going to have a roommate, but first he's got to get settled and the headmaster has to pick one." We glanced around the room then saw the larger of the two beds and laid Jake down on top of it. Calley hopped up next to him then laid down watching us and growling. Crysta sat curled up on the floor watching us as well and said "Anything else that you guys need from him?" We shook our heads and headed for our own rooms. I smiled at Sarah as we split up and each went our own way. I got to my room and changed into my night clothes then climbed into bed and let myself slip into the wonderful place called sleep.


As I left the hospital I headed back toward my room figuring that Jake would catch up when everything else was done. I shook my head and sighed as I thought about how strange everyone acted when he was around. Finally I stopped and looked up saying "Amber can take care of him. If he's not the one I remember then there isn't anything to worry about." I sighed holding back the urge to ignore my own advice and run back to check on the two of them when I suddenly saw two figures walking out into the clearing I'd just gone through. I stopped when I noticed one was Calley then slipped behind a tree watching the two of them. Calley growled and her companion said "I know Calley, I wanted to fight him earlier to, however it seems like something was bothering him." Calley nodded and she continued "So this time we'll catch him as soon as he prepares to go anywhere." Calley nodded again and the two of them conversed in a language I couldn't understand then walked toward the hospital. I followed them at a distance until the three of us saw Jake and they stopped. I waited a few minutes then moved off deeper into the woods and watched them go by. As soon as they passed I noticed that pokemon, digimon, and even a few ferals were watching them with avid interest. I followed them at a respectable distance wondering what they were planning on doing when they suddenly stopped at the same clearing that Calley and her companion had stopped in earlier. I studied the three of them and mumbled "Calley represents ferals and magical creatures, Jake represents civilized and digital creatures, so who's the third figure and what do they represent."

Suddenly I really studied her and had to hold back a laugh. It was lady Crysta. Of all the people for Jake to change he had to do it to Lady Crysta, the princess of the Charizard clan. I shook my head finding it funnier than hell that he was able to change a charizard of all creatures. I glanced around suddenly hearing a noise and noticed that the creatures who'd been watching had all gathered and it appeared the legendaries, a few of the digimon that were somewhat less than common, and even the feral tribes were watching the three of them. I glanced over and saw one of the ferals I knew rather well and said softly "Are you ok, Rioka?" She nodded and started growling then glanced back at the other three and spoke "It's strange that those two are picking a fight with a creature that looks like you humans, yet smells like us." I nodded in understanding and said softly "I don't know why they want to fight him, but I do know he's new to the school." She nodded and started speaking to the others then glanced at me and said "We'll be watching from the shadows because we have a feeling he's more dangerous than he appears." I nodded and watched them vanish then noticed the other creatures seemed to have the same idea so I slipped behind a tree starting to become worried. Suddenly Calley and Crysta started attacking Jake, who'd drawn his sword while I was talking to Rioka. I watched as the battle unfolded, and noticed that the more they managed to injure Jake the more it seemed like energy was gathering around him preparing to be unleashed. Suddenly he was knocked back and a dark aura surrounded the field. I shook my head cursing my magic sight and wondering what it could possibly mean.

When Jake attacked back a light suddenly appeared to face the darkness. I watched the light and the dark as the battle progressed, and noticed that the more damage Jake took the more energy seemed to go into the dark. While the more he fought without trying to kill the more the darkness shrank and the light grew. I closed my eyes as the battle continued then saw the light suddenly engulf the area as Jake put his blade to Crysta's throat and told her to yield. I noticed she seemed happy to lose, yet Jake seemed sad he'd won. I shook my head not understanding it as the light and darkness slowly faded to leave the clearing bathed in moonlight. I saw the headmaster, Amber, and several others across the clearing and wondered how long they'd been there. Amber and the headmaster motioned for me to come over, but I shook my head as I saw a strange light float into Jake as he walked over to Calley with Crysta. He said something to Crysta then I watched as the light and the darkness reappeared across from Jake as he closed his eyes. He got this look of concentration on his face as he whispered something to himself then his arms started glowing with twirling bands of light and darkness. I wondered how he could possibly be able to touch both without feeling some kind of pain when a pentagram showed through his shirt glowing with the light of all the elements. I inhaled deeply and said softly "He's a nexus mage. That means that he's one of the first born in three thousand years. What the hell is going on? The nexus mages were meant to only be born from those of chaos who were reborn. Is it really him?" I sighed softly and decided I'd mention it to Amber and the headmaster first chance I got.

I glanced down at Calley and finally realized why she seemed so strange. She was coated in a spatial time distortion area that stopped her from dying. I glanced back up and saw the darkness and the light both reaching for her then noticed that Jake seemed to be stopping both. He seemed not to realize that he was stopping both light, and darkness from taking Calley to the other side. He only seemed determined to fix the wound that he had given her. His lips moved in an incantation that stopped death, healed her, and changed who she truly was all at once. Only a true nexus mage could do something like that. I decided I'd keep what I'd seen to myself since I couldn't be sure of how the headmaster or teachers would react to what I'd seen. It was said that the nexus mages had been part of the rise of technology because they feared what the more corrupt among them would do if not kept in check in some way. So technology had come into play, then it had grown to the point where some wondered if magic was needed anymore. Those that believed in magic kept their children going to the academies the rest sent them to whatever schools they wished. I sighed and pulled myself out of those thoughts, then ran over as Jake started to fall and Calley got up glowing with her own energy and now showing some of Jake's. She watched as Amber and I caught him then said "If either of you harms him I will destroy you." in pokespeak.

Amber didn't notice, but Crysta and I did. Crysta smirked and I just shrugged ignoring her as we were directed where to take him. She led the way and left us to our own thoughts. After a while Calley led us into Jake's room where we laid him down on the bed. Calley growled at us then curled up over him protectively, while Crysta curled up at the foot of the bed also watching us. I shared a look with Amber and the two of us headed to our own rooms with our own thoughts. I sighed softly as I got to the entrance to the dorm and thought "Here it goes, the others will ask about Jake and I'll have to explain. I didn't even get a chance to tell Amber any of what I noticed during the fight. Wonder how she'll react when she finds out." I shook my head slowly and walked in. When I walked in I got undressed and passed out on my bed without listening to anything the others had to say.


I woke up to find myself laying in the middle of a forest clearing with nothing but my jeans and boots on. I glanced down at myself and thought "Yep, this is obviously a dream, but of what is the question?" I sighed and got up then tossed off my boots figuring they'd only slow me down since the ground couldn't be as bad as New York's streets in the middle of the night. I stretched out and popped my neck then started walking along a trail that strangely enough passed through the clearing I'd been laying in. I shook my head and figured I'd just roll with it. As I followed the path I noticed three familiar scents. I could tell right away that all three were female, and that none of them were digimon. I growled softly and mumbled "One's definitely Calley, but I'm not sure of the other two. Guess I may as well follow the scent since I have nothing else to do. Maybe it will lead me to some friendly faces, if not then at least I'll know the person trying to kill me." I started walking down the trail wishing I had something besides my pants and my scanner. I figured I should have kept my boots sine they could have been used as a distraction, but to late. I sighed and thought "Well at least they won't slow me down." I shook my head and started running deciding that if anything was going to get me it would be on my terms rather than their own. After about ten minutes I stopped dead because a large lake was in front of me with the Calley and two other figures watching me from the banks. The banks were shrouded in mists so I could hardly do more than make out the shapes and sizes of the three, however I knew the one in the middle of them was Calley because of her scent and how they stood.

I walked forward a few steps and said "Good morning ladies, can you tell me how to get out of here? Wait you know what, better yet tell me why there aren't any animals in the woods." Calley walked forward and studied me with a slight wolfish grin then said "There aren't any animals in these woods because the four of us are the only creatures in your dream. If you really want to know why not ask your subconscious?" I raised an eyebrow and said " Alright you have a point there, this is my dream which means my subconscious is trying to tell me something." She nodded and said "Now you're starting to get it Jake." I yawned slightly and asked her "So what the hell is this dream all about?" She smirked and said "That I'm not sure of. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go change." Then walked off into the woods. I stared after her wondering what a wolf could possibly have to change then shook my head deciding I'd rather not know. Suddenly the mist started to clear and I caught the scent of a fourth figure. I blinked and mumbled "I thought Calley said there were only four of us, not five." Then I thought about it and shook my head deciding that she could have possibly mean there were four other people in the dream. I thought about kicking a tree when I saw Crysta land in the spot where the mist had dispersed. She studied me and said "You're acting strange Jake." I blinked and thought "I'm definitely not dead then, because if I was Crysta wouldn't be here. Damn, I was hoping my belief this was a dream was me being in denial. Well guess I'll just have to keep rolling with it." I yawned and nodded to her as she continued "The four of us have been waiting for you, for quite some time."

I sighed and said "What do you mean you've been waiting for me?" She smiled secretively, then did something I never expected a charizard to do. She dived into the lake without a second thought. I stared at her and shook my head wondering how a fire type could handle a warm lake rather than a hot spring or lava pool. I shook my head and waded out into the water slowly as the other two figures went out to where only their heads showed above the water. They watched Crysta and I as if trying to see what the two of us would do. I sighed and waved to them then said "Why don't you come out where I can see you? It's not like I'm going to be mad if you've been waiting for me to appear." They finally walked over as I laid on my back in the water holding back a yawn and trying to relax. Suddenly the three of them pounced on me and dunked me a few times. When I finally got a chance to came up they were sitting on the bank laughing. I could tell that of the three of them, two never really got to laugh. The third got to laugh, but she never got a chance to really have fun without something odd happening because of it. I walked out of the water and sat down studying them, and trying to see who they all were through the mist. I studied them for a good ten minutes before I pointed at Crysta and said "Ok, so you're lady Crysta." then I turned two the other two and said "The taller of you two is Amber, and the shorter is Sarah. Neither of you gets to laugh as much as some people, but you both try to find happiness and spread it to your friends." The mist vanished and the three of them sat there smiling at me. Suddenly a figure rushed out and tackled me.

I looked up and noticed they looked like a regular anthro however they had strange markings on their eyes, ears, tail, and sides. I raised an eyebrow as the fur started to vanish and her muzzle changed to the face of a human and her body slowly changed. I blinked slightly and said "Calley is this what you meant by change?" She nodded and said "Yeah, I figure I can actually give those two competition if I look more like you." and pointed at Amber and Sarah. I popped my shoulder and she said "Crysta feels the same way, so she's slowly manipulating her own form, but I'm supposed to keep your attention occupied. So I guess I'll start with this." She leaned forward and kissed me using my surprise to slip her tongue into my mouth and allow it to wrestle with my own. I growled deep in my throat enjoying the feeling then rolled her over and stared into her eyes. She grinned and I felt something rubbing up the inside of my leg to my crotch. I glanced down and saw that Calley's tail was rubbing between my legs and it was having a very rousing effect. I growled softly then noticed that Amber and Sarah had walked over watching us. I glanced at them and Amber said " Would you like us to help you get the dog off, or are you preoccupied?" I grimaced and said "If you don't mind, please help by getting Calley off of me." Sarah and Amber grabbed her arms then pulled her off me carefully. I slowly got to my feet and turned away from them to come face to face with a very slim dragon hybrid. I blinked and they said "Don't recognize me?"

I shook my head and they laughed then said "I'll give you a hint, my name starts with C." I blinked and started walking around her then said "Well since there's a flame on your tail, your ears aren't those of a regular dragon, and your wings aren't a normal color for any dragon. So I'm guessing it's Crysta?" She nodded and said "Wow all that from a little bit of talking and a fight." I nodded and she walked over to the other girls who seemed to be arguing. They glanced at Crysta as she walked up then dragged her into the argument with what appeared to be one quick word. I watched the four of them for a bit then dived back into the lake and did a few laps as my mind wandered over everything that had happened between passing out and now. I shook my head like a wet dog when I got out of the water and saw the girls all studying me. I blinked and mumbled "I feel like a deer in headlights, but I'm smart enough to run before I get hit." I slowly started for the path back into the woods, and the girls charged. I started running and mumbled "Damn the race is on, I don't like this. Four girls, one me, this could turn into every guys favorite dream, or this could turn into a nightmare." I shook my head slowly as I ran and started to swerve through the trees trying to think of how to hide my scent. After about ten minutes I settled on doubling back my trail and using that to distract them. I also let my energy go out in a wave which, if I was right, should be enough to distract people from sensing me because it would seem that I was everywhere. I smiled to myself and cut my arm with a claw, then threw my blood all over the trail to mix things up a bit more and give me a chance to rest later.

I healed my wrist as I ran mixing up the trail even more then dived off the path into a stream. I let it carry me slightly downstream, then jumped up and ran off deciding that if they caught me they deserved whatever they wanted. I sighed and sat down on a log letting myself rest a bit then suddenly heard the sound of a branch cracking. I rolled and a large limb fell from the tree I'd been sitting under. I glanced around and mumbled "Wow, I got lucky. It was just a tree not one of the girls." I heard a laugh and glanced around holding back a growl. I turned around in small circles trying to find out where the laugh had come from. After a few minutes I heard it again and focused on the edge of the clearing the way I had originally been looking when I sat down. All four of the girls walked out and I stared at them. They smiled slightly and said "If you really wanted to escape us, you would have made us vanish not run. So, are you willing to just give in and let your dream take you where it wants you to go Jake?" I sighed and nodded figuring my subconscious obviously knew what I needed better than I did. I leaned on a tree as the girls walked into the clearing and they said "Not going to fight anymore?" I shook my head and each of them slowly started to remove their clothes. I blinked when I saw that Calley and Crysta, who hadn't been wearing anything earlier, pulled off a pair of panties and bra each. I blinked again and said "Well.... I wonder if that's what will happen in the real world." They laughed and said "You know you want to find out." I growled deep in my throat as all four walked over to me and Amber said "One, or two of us at a time?"

I shrugged and said "Decide among yourselves. I'll probably last through all four of you if I'm careful." Amber smiled slightly and said "Then I get to go first, since these three took longer to get here." Sarah grumbled under her breath while Cara and Calley voiced their complaints rather loudly. Amber pushed me back against the tree and dropped to her knees then pulled my belt off and tossed it over the log. I blinked and mumbled "I could have sworn I wasn't wearing a belt when I woke up here." She nipped my thigh to get my attention back on her then slowly unzipped my jeans. I watched her hair as she slowly slipped my jeans and my boxers down around my knees then started to nip and kiss the inside of my thighs. I growled in pleasure then she suddenly started licking and kissing my shaft. I growled and felt myself start to get hard then she stood up and said "Are you ready Jake?" I nodded and she stood up watching me. I pushed her onto her back then positioned myself with her lower body and slowly thrust forward. She let out a soft moan and my animalistic side tried to kick in. My tail ran up and down the insides of her legs while my hands rubbed up and down her sides. I slowly started to kiss and nip her neck as my tail started to slide around her to her back. She started moaning even louder as I sped up and started to slowly massage her breasts while biting her neck even harder just barely stopping myself from drawing blood. The other girls watched us and I heard Sarah say "I think he's actually getting bigger."

I growled as I felt myself getting closer to my peak and bit down on Amber's neck drawing blood and leaving a mark. I slowly swallowed the blood on instinct as I thrust faster and harder, while my tail slipped into her tail hole and my hands turned into claws that raked down her sides. After a few minutes Amber orgasmed which caused me to release inside her as I slipped my tail free. I let my hands change back to normal then reached out and pulled my cloak from thin air. I blinked and mumbled "Got to get used to the laws of this dream." then laid it over Amber who curled up with a look of bliss on her face. I stood up and said "Who's next?" The three of them started speaking among themselves as I made a bottle of water appear and started to drink it watching the girls. The continued talking among themselves as I watched then they finally came to an agreement after about twenty minutes. Finally Calley walked over and said "I guess I'm next, then the other two will discuss who's next while we work this out." I nodded and said "Are you ready?" She nodded with a happy look on her face and yipped with excitement. My animalistic instincts kicked in and I rushed around behind her then pushed her down onto all fours and bit down on the back of her neck. She yipped in surprise and I thrust forward as my claws raked down her sides without drawing blood. She yelped in surprise then let out a whimper of pleasure that caused me to start thrusting hard and fast like a wild animal. Calley howled in pleasure as I continued then yelped in pain when I bit down on the back of her neck drawing blood and leaving a permanent mark.

I growled more and started scratching Calley's back and sides leaving long red marks as my tail wrapped around her waist and rubbed across her stomach causing her to growl in pleasure. I smiled darkly as my animal side kicked in even more and I bit down on the back of her neck thrusting harder and faster. Finally I felt Calley climax several times as I felt my own orgasm approaching. I thrust for a few more minutes then released and bit down on Calley's shoulder nearly breaking the bone. She howled and orgasmed one last time then slipped into the wonderful oblivion of unconsciousness induced by pleasure. I slipped out of her and turned to the other two, who were studying me with wide eyes. I smiled slightly and said "Who's next?" Crysta glanced at Sarah and said "You won." Sarah nodded and walked forward then dropped to her knees and slowly started running her hand along the inside of my thighs and up my shaft. I growled in pleasure as she gently messed with my sack then leaned forward and started gently kissing and licking the tip of my cock. I closed my eyes and let the pleasure course through me. Suddenly I felt something warm engulf the head of my shaft then slowly slide down to the base. I opened my eyes to see that Sarah was deep throating me. Suddenly Crysta walked over and pushed me onto my back allowing Sarah more control. Sarah stopped and smiled at her then got up and went back to work on my shaft. I growled deep in my throat then yipped when I felt vibrations run down my shaft. I looked past Sarah to see that Crysta had gotten behind her and started lapping at her sex even as she gave me head.

I growled enjoying the feeling and just let myself enjoy what was going on between my legs. Suddenly I felt the warmth leave my cock. I opened my eyes to see Sarah positioning herself above me and watching my face. I growled softly as she slowly lowered herself then yipped when she squeezed then reached down and started stroking my tail. I reached forward and started to rub my hands up and down her sides. She moaned softly and started going up and down my shaft. I growled again and thought "Dreams are so bloody evil." then started to gently rub Sarah's breasts as my tail stroked up and down her back causing her to moan even louder. I grinned to myself and started to lick and kiss all over her chest and stomach. She started to growl as if daring me to keep it up then reached down and started rubbing my ears. I growled in pleasure and started thrusting to meet her. Sarah started to glare at me when I kissed her and squeezed her breasts a little harder then dug my claws into her sides and set her off into an orgasm. I grinned as I felt my won peak start to approach from her pussy tightening and loosening on my shaft. My tail kept stroking her back as I bit down on her neck again marking her then shook my hair out of my eyes as I turned my head wrong. Sarah yelled out in orgasm as I thrust into her hard and fast while lifting her off of and placing her back onto my shaft. After about ten minutes my orgasm peaked and I released deep into her womb.

I let her slip off me and sit down against the tree trying to catch her breath as Crysta said "I want it hard and fast Jake. Do you understand me?" I got to my feet and growled at her then made another bottle of water and opened it. I started to drink it when Crysta wrapped her tail around my waist and growled "I said do you understand me." I swallowed the water and bit down on her tail making her let go then pulled her tail up and thrust into her. I growled in her ear and asked "Hard enough for you?" She shook her head, so I started thrusting harder and faster then bit down on the back of her neck. She growled and I pinned her wings then pushed her until her upper body was stuck on the ground and started thrusting harder. She growled again and I wrapped my tail around, hers then thrust even harder and faster as my claws raked down her sides and my teeth bit deep into her neck. She let out a wall of flame in a loud roar of pleasure. I smiled to myself as I felt myself get close then finally released and woke up to find Calley, and Crysta staring at me. I blinked and said "Why am I being stared at by a pair of pokemon, and Crysta what the hell are you doing in my dorm?" Crysta fell over laughing while Calley motioned with her tail for me to look around the room. I sat up and followed her tail with my eyes then said "What the heck happened to the dorm I was in earlier.?" Crysta smirked and said "The headmaster had you moved to a new room, and decided you'd have a freshman for a room mate. Also you had better get up, because if your late for class Lady Dwayne will have your hide."

I jumped up and pulled on my clothes then strapped my equipment on and ran out to the area my scanner showed me was my first and only class of the day. As I ran I thought about the dream and mumbled "Damn I'm a lecher to want not one, but four girls." I kept running and came to one of the portals. I stepped in to it and said "I need to go to Lady Dwayne and Sixta's boot camp." The portal flashed and I jumped out then ran forward to get inside the gates just before they closed. A pair of dragons walked around examining everyone else who'd arrived long before I did. I walked forward and got at the end of the line that everyone was standing in. The two of them walked over to me and said "Good morning maggot. Welcome to hell." I sighed and thought "Oh yay, someone else who wants to kick my ass." then watched as the two of them walked off and motioned for all of us to follow them. I sighed and followed them wondering what could possibly happen today.

To Be Continued...................

Thankyou for reading. I hope you enjoyed the story, and if not GIVE ME A COMMENT SO I KNOW WHAT THE PROBLEM IS!!!!! If you did, then I'm glad you liked it, but give me a comment so I know you want me to continue. Now that I'm done yelling let's get on with Jake's Question Time. Question 1: Who are the new girls really, and what could they possibly know about Jake? Question 2: WHo is the owner of the mysterious voice and what could their deal do to change the future? Question 3: When will the yiff begin in earnest? Question 4: What the hell is the headmaster, and why is he so worried about the future? Question 5: What signifigance does the dream have to the future? Question 6: Why do the teachers all seem to know something they are keeping quiet. Finally Question 7: What's next in this messed up story? The answers are I'm not telling, so there! These questions and any you come up with are to make you keep reading and use your brain to think about the story. Also here's a little tidbit, my fiance is one of the characters. I just won't tell you which one, and you'll have to guess for yourself.


Yours Truly, Jake Shadow Wolf aka Jake Arrows, and so many other aliases it's unreal.

P.S. See you next upload, also I'll fix it up when I get home I did this in a rush.

Chapter 5: Imprisonment, Escape, Going home, An Audience with Princess Luna, and an offer of Magic Lessons???

The guards led me down the hallway then to a door at the back. One opened it with his horn then they continued to lead me down another floor before leaving me in my cell. They unshackled me with one apologizing for the treatment then locked me in and...

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Chapter 3: Betrayal, Capture, and the start of my change.

(go to previous chapters for legalities) As I worked to synthesize the antivirus Professor Oak was arrested. They used an infected Mightyena when he would give in to the normal virus and that led to him betraying me. You see unlike Gary, Professor Oak...

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Chapter 3: Farewell to Friends, and the First Step Forward

I slowly climbed to my feet and revealed what my mom had left for me. The first was an old shirt, the second a sword, and the third was a box bearing a pair of black angel wings on the top. I ignored the shirt and sword for now, since they didn't seem...

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