Three Scenes During Vore

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#13 of Perfectly Descriptive: Side Stories

Last time I did something like this, I just did three little vignettes of characters shortly after a night or afternoon of vore. This time, I thought I'd just illustrate three fun mid-vore scenarios. Sex scenes with little to no context and a vague, but largely ignorable connection to my primary story world. Pure libido and a little silliness. Hope you enjoy them!

I'm open for writing commissions! If you want to see your character(s) done up all literary-wise, drop me a line and let's talk about it! If you want to drop by and say hello, please feel free to join my Discord server ( You can find me on Twitter ( and on Blue Sky ( If you feel the urge to feed me and help direct my lyrical flow, you can do so at my Ko-fi ( or Patreon (! And of course, I love just hearing from folks and knowing what you think of what I do. Enjoy!

1: Devon

Devon tried to sway his hips. He couldn't. The faint movements he was allowed only sank him deeper inside the warm, sucking flesh of the clay-like body behind him. Oils soaked into his fur, then into his skin, from its slick surface. Those oils felt like they permeated the layers of him and flowed under them. He took a few fast, deep breaths, trying to steady himself. No chains or arms bound him, but his wrists, forearms, ankles, and calves were sunk inside the shimmering blue and ruddy orange creature behind him. He groaned. That crepuscular glow within was like a hearth he could retreat to. Every breath the creature took expanded its chest and sucked another few millimeters of Devon, all over, deeper within, inviting, coaxing, claiming.

The mouse man tried to think, but every moment pulsed oily aphrodisiac into his system. He saw his pink hard-on, gone almost purple now, dribbling precum. His flesh was so sensitive he could feel the journey of that gleaming bead of liquid trickling down the front of his shaft, then onto the broad, thigh-thick cock of his captor. The great, gleaming girth didn't throb so much as pulse with a slow, steady rhythm and a low, constant vibration that buzzed against Devon's glans. He wriggled his fingers and toes again, and again the slight movement simply shifted him deeper.

All at once, the alien body behind him flexed its left hand into a fist. The motion encapsulated Devon's and fit around his own hand like a glove to seize control of it. With the hand claimed, the captor first pressed against Devon's bare chest. It pushed him an inch backwards so that his nape was taken. The hand smoothed down his chest, spreading its strange oils and easing his hips until they were fully encased. Heat blossomed along Devon's spine and into his testicles. His hand and the stranger's hand both slid over, then closed around his cock and began stroking.

Devon cried out and rolled his body. His thighs went in as though being dragged backwards. He felt like he needed to climax at least partially to take the edge off the swarm of sensations pouring through his body. The hand encircling his dick squeezed down to the base, then up again, and began stroking him. He whimpered, shivering with pleasure as his own motions forced him ever deeper. His tongue rolled out over his lips. A great, wet, thickly dripping tongue dropped down over his face, surrounded his muzzle, and pushed inside it greedily as though in answer to seeing his own open mouth. He gagged as alien tongue pushed smoothly but insistently down his throat. Chemicals soaked him from every surface, chemicals that eroded all sense of time and fear and left behind hedonic, pure desire.

The great thumb surrounding his own pushed down, sinking Devon's cock inside the fluid flesh of the shaft beneath it, and he was again surrounded. Now, though, the larger creature's pulsing and vibrating massaged every cell of his cock. The oils sank inside to find his pleasure centers directly, nothing between. He felt his body twitching as though trying to climax before everything had been coordinated and made ready. He eked out a tiny gasp around the tongue in his throat as his lungs demanded air, but even that need was perverted and twisted into a need for orgasm.

Body thrashing against its constraints, he finally climaxed. He saw, through the translucent flesh of his captor, his ejaculate firing up, then out, to dribble down that giant shaft. Rather than relenting, the tongue dove faster down his throat to fill his insides. His eyes rolled back in his head as it was flung back in ecstasy - into the alien chest, which began to close around his ears, then his eyes, then his muzzle. He continued jolting in climax, driving himself deeper, until a finger touched his nose and, gently welcoming, submerged it.


2: Pitch

Tasting precum on his tongue, the young dragon named A Pitched Tent Against a Gale - or Pitch - curled the sides of his lips into a smile. The rest of his mouth was occupied with this strange new type of kobold he had recently encountered. The kobold called itself an Assistant and had, as the word suggested, been quite helpful in numerous ways. This was this the most recent among them. It had offered its body in service to Pitch and now lay on his chest - scales black as his name - upside-down, while Pitch rolled and savored the lower half of its body with his tongue.

Stretched out, the little creature's head reached Pitch's bellybutton with its triangular head. It had the brilliant coloring of Uroplaticus phantasticus, the satanic leaf-tailed gecko: bright, mottled, rust red and creamy orange, with a broad, leaf-shaped tail that Pitch could feel had just slipped into the upper part of his stomach and spread out wide again inside him. Its eyes were pitch black, but a pupil-like dot of fiery red burned in the center of them. It writhed sensually in his maw while he watched its expression, which seemed overcome with sensation and glazed. The little face was a softer variation on the real-world gecko: rounded, domesticated, eyes set just right in the face to let the eye ridges act as eyebrows and convey sweeps of sensation.

"S, sir," it crooned in pleasured protest, "I didn't mean to suggest that you could consume me. Merely that I am yours." Its smooth, padded hands wrapped upwards around his shaft, which was easily half as long as its body, and gripped it as though to pull itself from his maw. Pitch reared his head up and let a slow drizzle of drool surround those grasping fingers, then pulled upwards, slipping the fingers free in the slick stuff. He rumbled in turn and lowered his head again to encourage the gecko creature to grasp at him. Its fingers again slipped off his heavily contoured, ridged, and knotted shaft, and he let a waft of hot air blow over its body from his nostrils.

Reading his intentions immediately, the Assistant began to encircle his cock more regularly, while inside Pitch's maw, his tongue lay between its legs and over its loins. Like this, every carefully controlled swallow of his long neck dragged the little creature up his shaft and thrust its own cock against the underside of his tongue. Its arms were deceptively small. Diminutive though it was, it could masturbate him powerfully with those rocking, pulsing motions, while his half-open maw continued to drip saliva down its torso. His cock drooled precum over his prey's hips and belly, joining the spit and making the scaled creature slippery with his fluids.

Pitch rolled it over in his maw using only his tongue to better approximate a sixty-nine position and so he could thrust the belly of his cock against its small, strong chest while it continued to grapple for a hold on him. The heat of his breath intensified. His hips joined the rhythm. He swallowed the Assistant's waist, making it cry out in concern, as he dipped his head closer to his own cock head. He had never fellated himself this way before, using another creature's body while controlling it completely with his throat. It trembled with anticipation and with need. Despite its dire circumstances, he felt its abdominals and hips join in his rhythm to thrust against the back of his tongue and drive it towards orgasm.

His precum gushed in steadier waves. It dribbled in a constant flow that pulsed thicker over his strange prey rather than ever pausing. He felt fire building in his chest and exulted in the heat that swept over his loins with every pulsing breath. How long had been at this? A quarter of an hour? Hours? It was pleasure inside that steady rhythm, that rhythm that accelerated, deepened, hardened, and demanded. At last, the spark of orgasm came in a flashfire that sent him diving his head down, mouth and throat over kobold over cock, while he fired jizz into himself. It shot into his belly past the thing's hips and, though it clung mightily to the base of his shaft, his ravenous throat was mightier. The deluge of spunk swept it back and down and he swallowed around it in the peristaltic waves and throes of his orgasm, until he felt those fingers slip free one last time, scrabble at his teeth, and slip down his throat to join the numbers of those who had found themselves, at the last, within him.


3: Rath and Xander

"Hold up," Rath said suddenly. "You hungry?"

"What." Xander looked at him flatly while suppressing his panting breath. "Seriously?"

Rath and Xander were a pair of anthropomorphic lagomorphs (perhaps anthropolagomorphs, you could call them). Rath was a large, tall, and round hare with slightly browner fur that might be called fawn. Xander was a much shorter, much leaner, lop-eared rabbit with yellower fur that might be called sand, or perhaps even blond. The two had been dating for some time and had started getting to know one another's quirks and proclivities quite well. Even so, Rath's comment was a bit startle-some.

"I know I'm hungry," Rath affirmed in his endlessly warm, confident baritone. He stood, causing Xander to let out a startled yelp and scrabble for purchase around his neck. In response, Rath grasped under the smaller man's arms and caught his muzzle in a kiss. Though his body seemed soft, underneath it, Rath was powerful. He hummed low as a growl into the kiss, then relented and strapped Xander to his chest with one burly arm. "Sandwich?" he asked once his date was locked in.

"Mrmf," Xander answered with his cheek pressed up against the hare's pillowy chest. Rath took it as assent and started walking from the bedroom to the kitchen.

As they moved, Xander's hips rolled rhythmically to grind against his nude 'captor's' torso. He was, especially for his size, tremendously well-hung: ten inches of rabbit cock, all of it soaked in precum from what they had been doing, slid with a certain air of libidinal maintenance while Rath carried him. It was accompanied by an intimidating girth, and on someone Xander's size, it looked even bigger than it was.

That said, however, compared to the hare dick keeping Xander firmly in place, he seemed... well, appropriately, normal. And that was because, for now, all of Xander's lower half and up past his navel was tucked inside the tree-trunk-thick monster that the hyperphallic Rath had the intense pleasure to wield as his cock. A rim of precum that steadily thickened into little rivulets meant that Xander or Rath or both had to keep a firm grip on the smaller bun to keep him from slipping the rest of the way in. When Xander rolled his hips the way he was doing, it was to grind his own cock against the slick inside wall of that titanic member, and then against the belly beyond it.

Rath let out low moans on their brief walk, mostly in response to the twitching of Xander's spade tail against his glans, which was even more sensitive inside than out. After what felt like a very long walk due to their nontraditional posture, they made it to the kitchen. Rath gripped his date's torso in his arms firmly and turned him to face the opposite way, then guided Xander's arm up and back around his neck to hang onto. "Mmm... feels nice to have you humping away in there," he murmured low, directly into the rabbit's ear. Somehow able to split his attention, he opened the fridge and got out lettuce, onions, tomatoes, cheese, cold cuts, and condiments - all the fixings. "Get the bread?"

"You're fascinating," Xander grunted back with feigned coldness. In response, Rath flexed with his groin muscles, forcing Xander to strain a hard, muscular biceps and shoulder to keep stable. Together, they laid out plates and constructed a mid-coital snack of sandwiches. All the while, they teased at one another: Rath's lips under Xander's ears and at his nape, Xander's toes and pawpads delicately massaging the strange internal anatomy of a predator capable of consuming someone this way. The deep sensations of pressure inside each nut as Xander, with expert care, moved his feet from one to the other to knead and tickle them, sent delightful shivers up Rath's spine.

"Glad you could come over," Rath commented while he fed Xander a bite with one arm and used the other to caress his deeply defined torso. He leaned against the counter casually. Though this was much calmer than, for instance, actively having sex, the predatory urge to devour Xander completely combined with the sensations of that hard, handsome body halfway inside him kept him plenty aroused.

"Mmf. Of course. Couldn't have you be alone tonight."

"You're sweet, and I appreciate it."

"Honestly, whenever I eat someone this way, it translates as umami? But versions of it. Fat-umami, lean-umami, umami-umami."

"Mostly getting usagi-umami, now," Rath teased, using the Japanese for "rabbit."

"It'll be weird for you. Usually you've got the boys balancing you out." Xander ticktocked his free hand to illustrate. "However will you feel with just me?" He was referring to the married couple Rath had been dating when the four of them had all met. The two of them were out on an anniversary date, so Xander had come over to keep Rath company and, well. They had both known having one of them inside the other by the end was the likely outcome.

"I dunno, maybe I cram a few medicine balls down there? Or maybe call that other hare you told me about. What's his name? Jeff?"

"One eff. Very important. Jef."

"Mm." They ate in companionable silence a while. There's something very soothing about being casually, comfortably sexual with someone. Rain pattered the windows and electronics hummed. It was an apartment, but it was a well-kept one and plenty spacious for someone of Rath's bulk. At last, the meal was finished, so they took the time to rinse off plates and put everything away.

"Ready? Feel better?" Xander asked while drying his hands. His eyes had already dilated and were flashing with rapidly reigniting lust. He turned himself around again to face Rath and meet his gaze.

Rath simply nodded, then grunted through a smile when Xander clamped his hands around his neck and thrust his way into a deep, ravenous kiss he must have been holding back the whole while. They clutched at one another. Passion boiled up quickly again inside them both. Rath's blunt claws combed through Xander's muscular frame where they sought purchase to keep the smaller man from yet slipping completely inside him. He grunted with primal need. Inside the dorsal side of his cock, he felt the lop-ear's dick swiftly get rock hard and once again begin thrusting.

Despite his best efforts, inches of Xander's torso slipped away. The smaller man's arms bulged with effort as they clung to Rath to keep himself anchored outside him. He humped up against the strange physics of their postures. At last, sense returned to Rath and he managed to cup his hands under Xander's arms to brace him. The turgidity of his massive member threatened to cooperate with gravity and his own urges, but he held them all at bay. Precum rose up and again began to trickle, then fountain down over the elastic flesh of his greedy member. Still, Xander stayed in the kiss, body rolling with need as he drove himself towards climax. Now his sternum, now his lower chest and mid back were vanished inside Rath's gluttonous member, and he shivered as he felt himself being so unstoppably taken in.

"Fuck... finish fast... Xan..." Rath groaned low against the other man's lips. "I want you... in me... you make me so fucking strong while you're in there..."

"Coat the room with me," Xander gasped into the kiss. His body strained. He was close, and getting closer as he imagined what would happen soon. Rath's body was uniquely predatory: it would sap the prey's strength and will while transforming Rath's soft, plush frame into a behemoth of strength and fertility easily capable of what Xander had said. "We'll clean it later. I want to see it after. I want to watch it while you fuck me." His body shook with aching need as he imagined Rath growing, even bigger than the huge hare already was, and stroking himself to completion, and using Xander's own powerfully muscular body to explode with gyzym like a broadside.

"Cum in me first. Get me primed, Xan. I want to feel you seize." He snarled the word and kissed again, hard. "Twitch and throb." His fingers lost grip for a fraction of a second and his cock greedily devoured another inch of Xander's body. "Writhe in me." Shoulders slipped away, so only clinging arms and exulting head were still outside of him. He kissed hungrily, then flexed hard, claiming the rest of Xander before grasping where his hips stretched out that titanic shaft to keep Xander in place. The rabbit trapped inside his shaft let out a muffled cry of ecstasy and bucked, cumming so hard it shot out the closed slit above him and made Rath snarl with pride and ferocious lust. He watched as the silhouetted body inside him shook and flexed and rocked with climax, feeling every inch of it, before at last letting go of his grip and swallowing Xander into his right nut, where the man curled up into a panting, heaving ball of bun... and Rath's form begin changing as it fed.

Rath dutifully got out his phone. Xander had said he'd clean up. Time to make that a proper challenge.

The Diamond Dine-in 'n Gulf (FloofNinja commission)

"Dude, your, uh. Your junk's hanging out. Um. Again." "Huh?" Caleb blinked the sleep out of his eyes. He started to look down at his crotch, but was interrupted by an enormous yawn that pushed his head back and bragged a pair of eight-inch ivory fangs...

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Hot spring episode AKA none of this is canon

Four Assistants and one wolf man sit in a hot springs. Usually, Assistants would be tending to other people, as their name implies. These pint-sized, anthropomorphic, black-eyed, ornamental, pseudo-organic servants were designed to be companions so...

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Just a night out on the town

"Yeah, just to, y'know. Flex a little. Been cooped up in here too long, doc." "I'm not a doctor," responded a man in a white coat. "You dress like one," said his patient, who was also his employee. "That's true. Sure, live it up. Have your night out...

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