Lewd Long Walks 1 of 2

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Art - ZockFeather

Writing/Ceylon/Runa - Runa

Cynder - 1Tiamat1

This story actually involves my original Tiger Fursona, Runa, from when before I Swapped over to Ceylon as my avatar. Seemed like the only solution to a feral version of Ceylon since I am nobody's pet but my own!

Either way, we have one sexy Cynder visiting Runa and Ceylon, where Ceylon DEMANDS a certain kind of attention. Cynder tries to resist but man Ceylon pussy is just too good to pass up.


Lewd Long Walks

Chapter 1

The trip had been long and hard but Cynder was finally on the final leg of her journey. While she lived in the subtropical land of Koluma, she was visiting across the Ijimulian sea in Saff'rald and Kerolioa. There, she met with many of her friends that lived at various locations across the nation. While most of the locals she was visiting lived in and around the Cradle of Dalon in the northern region of Saff'Rald, including Cottonwood Crescent on the west end and Klyneth on the southeastern end, there was one person she wanted to visit in Afeyrion. A city that lined the border between the nation of Saff'Rald and Kerolioa and existed equally in both countries, functioning as a diplomatic hub for both.

Runa lived there. A tiger fellow that Cynder had grown casual fond of over the years. Unlike most of the people Cynder had visited while on vacation, Runa was a notably more low-key friend, one that had declared his intention to not be too active during her stay. This was perfect for her, as she'd been out doing things and living life to the fullest for the prior weeks and needed the last leg of her journey to be one of rest and relaxation. A perfect end to a shockingly great vacation.

When she first arrived at Runa's home she was greeted not only by the feline host but also his gryphon pet, Ceylon. From the moment she arrived by cab, she was practically tackled by the bird, who leapt out the front door and pounced the two-tailed kitsune fox, nearly knocking her over as she was retrieving her luggage from the trunk.

The gryphon, Ceylon, was pretty big for a pet, with her shoulder height being right around the average biped's waist. Cynder was a bit taller than average, but that still meant that Ceylon was the exact perfect height for casual pets.

It was almost overwhelming just how eager and Excited Ceylon was to greet a new person. She pounced, jumped up, and buried her beak everywhere she could to get a nuzzle and maybe even a sniff of anything and everything Cynder had on her person. Birds were not known for their keen sense of smell but Ceylon had big, receptive ears and keen eyes, so she was trying to investigate it all. This was a new person, in her space! She had to get a read on her.

So of course Cynder was eager and happy to give the little gryphon some pets. She knelt down, let the bird give beak nuzzles, and even went so far as to scratch between her two massive ears, smiling all the while. Everything from the pounce to the sniff to the petting and scritches all happened before Runa even made it to the cab to greet Cynder's arrival. They shook paws then hugged while Ceylon stood by and Runa apologized for Ceylon's boisterous affection.

Naturally, Cynder didn't let it bother her. If anything she actually enjoyed it. It was nice to have a pet love her, it was the truest form of judgement and if a dog or gryphon or pet laurossin loved her, their owner knew that she was a good person.

Once their greetings were out of the way, Cynder and Runa carried in all the kitsune's bags and helped set her up in the guest room in the basement apartment. There, Cynder unpacked as best she could while Ceylon stuck around, investigating every single thing as it came out of the luggage. Including the handful of dildos that she brought just in case Runa wanted to share.

"Not for you, burdo." Cynder joked while waving one in the air above Ceylon's head. It was a big blue one that was modelled after the cock of a well known size queen by the name of Wuffamute. This guy was well known in the porn world as a top and a bottom equally, using his massive member or fists when he was a top or taking any dildo or cock his partners had to offer. Wuffamute was also someone that Runa admired, so Cynder was gonna surprise him with the toy. That was, until Ceylon pounced up and tried to grab it in her beak!

Cynder was quick and managed to avoid having the gryphon cut it up with her beak, and that was when she decided the toys would be safer stored away in one of her suitcases. "You be good, now." she said as she zipped up the luggage and stacked it in the corner. Ceylon looked disappointed but oddly understanding of the situation. Like she knew play time was over. This was the first show that she was actually pretty casual for a gryphon; the species was usually pretty hyperactive - bird brained, as some would say - but Ceylon seemed serene compared to most. Relaxed. Casual.

It was nice. It meant that she did plenty to relax Cynder's mind. The kitsune didn't have to worry about Ceylon clawing up her stuff or making a mess of anything she left out. Some pets would do that to a guest's stuff, which was why she actually had locks and zip ties on each of her suitcases. Just in case, of course. She was fortunate to not have any problems but she couldn't be too careful when on such a long trip with so many stops.

Right before she went back upstairs, she noticed Ceylon leapt a few steps ahead and stopped at the top while looking down with a sly glare, lifting her tail to reveal a plump spade. That gryphon was clearly in heat and not shy at all about showing off the goods. In addition to revealing the plump, black-fleshed spade of hers, the gryphon's tail was slithering in place like a serpent, the faintest glisten of fluid of some sort emerging from the tip of it. Like it was drooling. This confused her a bit.

Cynder loved the view but knew better than to do anything about it. Not her pet. Instead, she joined Runa on the main floor and the two started talking about what they wanted for dinner. Cynder had been travelling by plane and by car for the last sixteen hours and she didn't want to wait for Runa to make a meal or go out anywhere. It was time for delivery and the fox was paying.

While they discussed potential ideas, Ceylon stayed in the kitchen with them, sitting pretty and occasionally flourishing her wings, like she was waiting on a treat.

"Oh, she wants some meat treats." Runa explained while reaching into the fridge to get a handful of jerky. "I get trimmings and scraps from my butcher, and I carve off the meat from the fat and dehydrate it. It's basically all she eats. Nothing healthier than pure beef, lamb, and venison for her, I don't think. She gets rabbit sometimes, too. Here, tell her to do some tricks."

Cynder accepted a few chunks of meat. "What kinds of tricks?" The moment the kitsune got the meat in her hands, Ceylon's long tail started swishing behind her, excitedly waiting for a treat.

"I get her to shake paws. One then the other. She also does high fives. Oh, and get her to say please. It might be a little scathing to the ears but it's cute." Runa then tossed a piece of meat to Ceylon, who snapped it out of the air without ever taking her eyes off Cynder. It was pretty cute.

Cynder rolled the chunks of jerky in her paws while grinning, locking eyes with Ceylon. "okay, can you say please?" She instructed and Ceylon chomped her beak, making a clattering noise without vocalizations; it looked like a bark or howl but without noise. "Is that what she was supposed to do?"

"Ask again, she's close." Runa urged.

"Say please?" Cynder repeated; this time Ceylon made a tseer sound ending with a chirp and a trill, her pupils going wide and her blue irises deepening like the glow of the moon itself. It was a little harsh on the ears but it was cute so Cynder tossed a piece of meat. She continued, "High five!" And Ceylon reared up and gave her a high five so she got another piece of meat. "Paw? Other paw?" Cynder finished and Ceylon kept up with each command, her gaze intense and focused the entire time.

Runa purred and nodded. "Yeah, she's got a mind of her own but when food is on the line she's clearly pretty damn smart. Well, food and other types of meat."

"Oh?" Cynder's ears perked up and her own tails started swishing around behind her. "Whatcha mean by that?"

Runa playfully scoffed with a side-cocked grin. "Oh, she's horny as fuck. In heat again. Taking her out on walks is a bit of a risk since any dog, horse, or gryphon is drawn to her."

"Ah. Yeah. How do you manage that?"

"I don't, she does. She knows what she wants and what she doesn't want. I let her have her own say with her own body. If she ends up getting gravid, well, eggs are easy enough to take care of. She lays them all the time unfertilized and sometimes I eat them, sometimes I use them for other means." It was clear he was a little awkward discussing this sort of thing.

So Cynder dropped it for now. "Ah yes, of course. Well, what were you thinking for lunch? Any good places here to eat? Any places you wanna try?"

Runa didn't know how to answer that because, by his own admission, he didn't eat out too often. He worked from home and cooked most of his meals himself, so outside of the usual fast food joints there wasn't a lot of places to buy from that sounded all that good. Fortunately, Cynder just wanted something to eat, so a burger or sub would be good enough.

They ordered sub sandwiches and Cynder couldn't help but laugh that Ceylon begged for bits from the chicken on her sub. Laughed because it was sort of a joke about cannibalism since Ceylon was part bird and therefore poultry would be strange. Runa played along with the joke but then had to explain that he gives Ceylon bits of his meals no matter what happens. No matter the meat, no matter the veggies, no matter the fruits. So that it was fine to share.

This just resulted in Cynder giving away half her sub to the gryphon. It was hard to say no to such a cute little pet. Especially one that was so well behaved. She just sat patiently off to the side, waiting for someone to drop some scraps or offer her a bit of meat.

After a dinner where Ceylon got way more than she needed, Cynder and Runa got comfortable in the living room and turned on some streaming shows in the background while they talked about what their plans were for the week. Most of it was just making different meals at home, maybe going to the theater to watch a movie, eating out at some high-class restaurants, or just exploring. Runa suggested going out some time and taking a nice long walk between the lakes.

The city of Afeyrion was nestled in between multiple key landmarks along the border of Kerolioa and Saff'Rald. Most notably, there were two lakes on either side of the city, connected by a delta of interconnected rivers that divided the city by dozens of regions. They were nearest the eastern half of the city, where most of the rivers converged and flowed into the lower lake, so there were hundreds of trails and routes nearby that Runa loved to take Ceylon for walks.

Walkies sounded fun to Cynder, but not on the day of her arrival. That night was for relaxation and settling in. Runa agreed and they played some videogames and watched some TV before calling it quits for the night.

As it turned out, Cynder was actually sleeping in Ceylon's bed. The guest room, though officially for hosting people, mostly functioned as the pet's personal bed and comfort zone. She had her own bed - a massive one lined on all four corners by pillows to make a nest - and plenty of places to run and explore. So when Cynder took some time to set up the bed to suit her, Ceylon was right there, silently judging the fox for daring to mess up her bed.

"What are you gonna do about it?" Cynder joked while tossing a purple sheet over it.

Ceylon narrowed her gaze and stared directly up at Cynder. Without averting her eyes, she hopped up onto the bed and sat defiantly in the middle, glaring at the fox while making a biting motion.

"Oh really? Well, I'm bigger than you." She warned, before pouncing the gryphon, tackling her and biting down on the avian's neck plumage. Ceylon responded by using her hind legs to kick and beak to chomp, and the two of them had a bit of a wrestle before Ceylon squirmed out from under her and then leapt off the wall and assumed a playful stance, butt up and chest down.

"Sorry girl, it's gettin' pretty late. We gotta be up early and I gotta go to bed, eh?" She slipped out of her clothes and into her lounge wear before rolling onto the bed, adjusting the pillows and blankets to be comfortable.

Ceylon slowly got to all fours like she understood, then trotted over and laid her chin on the side of the bed, eyes wide and ears flat to the back of her head. She just wanted some attention.

Unable to resist, Cynder gave her a pat and scritch between the ears, doing all she could to satisfy the bird's need for attention before heading to bed. She was so thorough that it actually looked like Ceylon fell asleep, allowing her to roll over and whip out her tablet and do some online chatting. This was part of her ritual, chatting a bit before finally letting sleep overtake her insomniac ass.

But just as she was about to open up her chat programs, Ceylon leapt up onto the bed next to her and started nuzzling around her belly and groin, like she was trying to push her out of the gryphon's personal sleeping space.

"Hey, no, I'm sleeping here tonight." Cynder chided. She was going to get a bit more firm and push Ceylon off the bed entirely but then reconsidered when she imagined how cut it would be to let Ceylon share the bed with her. Cuddling together overnight. IT was relatively chilly compared to where she was from so the extra bird warmth would be nice.

At least, that was her thought process until Ceylon nuzzled her beak right into Cynder's crotch, aggressively rubbing the crest of it up and down either side of the fox's sheath. She was wearing comfort pants so she wasn't nude but that didn't seem to matter much to the avian. Of course, the thought crossed her mind that maybe Ceylon was begging for something specific since she was in heat, but she chose not to indulge those thoughts. Wasn't her place to take care of those needs. She could fantasize about it, but that was about it.

She was confident in her decision to lightly push Ceylon away and get the bird to stop nuzzling her crotch but the attention was pretty nice. And the gryphon was being especially persistent, even going so far as to dig her claws in for extra grip and leverage. This sort of attention and the pressure of a beak nuzzling up and down her sheath was enough to get her to form a bulge in her pants, the thick knot of her shaft stretching out the skin of her sheath and forcing the tip to tease her waist band.

Still, she wasn't planning on getting lewd with someone else's pet. That just wasn't her style. Even if Ceylon was getting real deep in there. Eventually it got so bad that she had to cradle the gryphon's beak in her palms and sternly insist that she stop this. "Ceylon, good girl but you need to go lay down, eh? None of that. I'm trying to sleep."

As though she understood, Ceylon lowered her head sadly and hopped off the bed, curling up on a nearby chair that was the perfect size for her. It was one of those big ones with the huge arm rests and fluffy backing. No idea why Ceylon didn't just curl up on there instead of trying to take the bed. Then again, the bed was massive and was usually set up like a giant nest, which worked very well for a bird.

Cynder had to wrap herself in blankets and roll over onto her belly just to douse the growing flames of arousal that were building up inside her. Not for Ceylon but in general. The crotch-nuzzling she got and the bag of dildos she brought with her were getting her pretty excited. She wanted to do something about it but until she spent more time at Runa's place she wasn't entirely comfortable satisfying herself. At least not without some manner of towel or blanket.

Curious, she messaged Runa through one of the messengers asking if there were any towels nearby. She wasn't shy about it, Runa knew what they were for and told her to find some in the closet down the hall right next to the basement's bathroom. There were plenty of rags in there. Perfect.

She grabbed a few and returned to the bed only to see Ceylon had leapt up and was now curled up in a little gryphon roll with her tail and wings wrapped around her body on the bed; right where Cynder had been laying down. Only one eye poked out from between two of her wing feathers to glare at Cynder and dare the fox to move her.

"Come on, girl. Time for me to go to bed." She said while making a brushing motion with her paw. She expected Ceylon to be stubborn but the gryphon immediately leapt off the bed and assumed that same position over on the comfortable chair. "Oh. Good girl." She complimented. Surprised.

With some towels in hand, her tablet ready, and nothing left to do before bed, Cynder browsed some sites to find some good pictures and videos that she could use to take care of her needs. She started on her belly with a towel between her and the bed sheets, grinding her sheath on the fabric while she used her paws to scroll and type and find exactly what she was looking for. This was fine, but the moment her purple cock tip started slipping out of her sheath and grinding against the fabric directly, she had to roll over onto her back and adjust her actions accordingly.

She kept her eyes mostly on the tablet, watching the action in the video while her free paw wandered over her sheath. She slowly stroked the skin sliding along her shaft and growing knot, squeezing when needed and tugging when it was required.

The video was pretty intense and it was dark in the room, so as she slowly devolved into lust, bucking into her own hands with bits of mess landing on her chest and belly, she felt the need to grab another towel and lay it on her torso; the last thing she needed was to risk making a gooey mess of the sheets.

But just as she was on the verge of climax she heard something out of the other side of the room. She knew she should have paid attention to it, to find out what it was, but the light of the screen made the rest of the room appear pitch black and she was at that plateau right before climax so she opted instead to push through and finish up.

This was a bit of a mistake. Just as she was bucking into her own grip, paw wrapped around the base of her expanding knot, she felt something fleshy and wet wrap around her cock tip, the gentle poke of hundreds of little barbs tickling her length to keep it in place while she made a whimpering yip and bucked her hips into it, spurting shot after shot of silken fox seed into its waiting gullet.

In the moment she didn't care what had happened, only that the warmth, wetness, and snugness of whatever it was really helped push her over the edge and that whatever it was happened to be catching any and all of her erupting seed.

She gasped and bucked, her knot swelling inside and her shaft plugging the gullet of it. It wasn't until she finally hit the tail end of her climax that she started patting around to figure out what happened. In the throes of passion she was going with the flow, but now that her clarity was returning she needed answers. She patted the fleshy mass around her cock, and found that it was covered in fur and feathers but there was no beak. Her fingers danced upwards along her cock-shaped bulge in the tube of flesh, making it's way off to the side until she finally felt the warmth of Ceylon's rump raised next to the bed!

Cynder's eyes went wide as she used the light from her tablet to survey the situation and what she saw both made her panic a bit and also turned her on. It was Ceylon, in that playful position with her chest down and rump up, only it was her tail that had slipped up and the end of it had opened up to wrap around Cynder's erect, dripping cock. Ceylon's tail had a maw at the end of it, and it was literally sucking Cynder's seed as best it could.

That was what that somewhat sharp sensation was, all the little nubbly teeth lining the tail maw's jaws. She should have immediately done something about that, to peel her tail's lips off her cock, but she had no idea what would happen if she tried that so she just relaxed and let whatever happened happen. This left her mostly prone, eyes wide as her cock throbbed and fed that tail maw of Ceylon's, one shot at a time. Naturally, her knot lasted for the better part of half an hour and the gryphon stayed patient and obedient next to the bed, hungrily sucking down every last drip.

Once the knot receded enough to tug itself back into her sheath, Ceylon peeled back each petal of her tail maw's jaws and let go, practically spitting out the fox's member before closing back up.

Curious, Cynder grabbed the tail and opened it up before the gryphon leapt away. She saw that the inside was lined by little barbs, like the texture of a cat's tongue, in a series of four lines for each of the three jaws. Interesting. Hot.

She was somewhat surprised Ceylon let her hold her tail like that, so she apologized and let go, encouraging the bird to curl up on her chair for the night. That was certainly an interesting turn of events for Cynder, who was not expecting that at all.

The thought kept her up for a while even as Ceylon drifted off into her own slumber. She wanted more, to see what that tail maw could do, but it was getting late and she felt bad enough for letting it happen as she did. Being in the throes of self-care could do that to a person. The moment she felt a hint of clarity she encouraged Ceylon to cut it out and go do her thing.

Part of her regretted it. But far too much of her was left in a horny stupor. All she could do was think of Ceylon's cute, puffy spade and tail maw. It took most of her self control to roll over, shut off her tablet, and let sleep take her.

Chapter 2

The next morning, Cynder awoke to the sweet smell of eggs and other breakfast scents wafting down from the kitchen. Runa was prepping dinner nice and early. Ceylon was of course already upstairs, sitting pretty next to the stove and patiently waiting for some scraps to fall or for Runa to give her a treat. This already was a pattern but she was very well behaved so it wasn't worth dwelling upon.

"I hope she wasn't too pushy." Runa opined while flipping some eggs. "I know she can be a bit of a pain in the tail end."

"Oh naw, she was a good girl." Cynder assured her host. "She did want the bed but ended up sleeping on the chair, I think."

Runa nodded. "Ah. I figured she would have tried to, uh, clean you up."

Cynder just blinked. "What do you mean by that?"

"Oh, she's pretty pushy sometimes. Whenever I'm taking care of myself and I'm about to finish, I swear she can tell, she comes over and patiently waits for her treat. I used to push her away because I didn't want her doing that but eventually I just sorta gave in." He explained while pressing the toaster down and flipping some crispy bacon.

"And that would be okay?" Cynder didn't really know how to ask such a thing. She had a pretty clear set of morals but Runa was being so brazen and outspoken it really wasn't worth being coy.

Runa shrugged. "Eh, her choice, really. I'm not gonna dictate what she's comfortable with. I always felt kinda bad pushing her away when she so clearly wanted a taste. Now it's just up to her. The way I see it, her body her choice. As it should be." The toaster popped, and she made a plate up for Cynder. "So yeah, whatever happened is up to you and her."

Cynder blinked again. This was so far away from what she expected to be talking about she didn't know how to progress. Rather than talk about any of the awkwardness or relief that came to her the night before, she had to ask about the tail maw. "Her tail, it's...weird. Eh?"

"Weird is one way to put it." Runa agreed with a bit of a laugh. He tossed some bacon in flour then carefully placed it on the pan. "Yeah, I learned a while back that she had some cool anatomy. Tail maw. But it doesn't connect to her belly or any of that. After I saw the maw for the first time I asked for some information from Ilorek, the fellow I got her from, and he explained that the tail maw is actually connected to her womb. Two entrances to there. So anything she swallows through that ends up in there and can be encapsulated in an egg. Which is why I regularly just crack and dispose of them."

This made Cynder squirm a bit. "So, uh, anything that gets swallowed ends up in there?"

"Yes, like a pussy. Same passage, different entrance. The maw's basically a second vagina. With teeth. Well, barbs like a cat's tongue. Great for grip, not so great on cocks."

"I mean, kinda nice on cocks. I imagine."

Runa raised his eyebrow. "Yeah, I know. Anyway, eat up. We're going for a long walk."

"Where to?"

"Just a walk. No real goal. I take her out for a nice long walk at least once a week. I head to the trails going towards the lake and let her decide which paths to take. It's a bit different every week. She's really good with other pets so I give her a bunch of freedom while we're out." He flipped the bacon and cracked a couple of eggs. "You don't have to come if you don't want, I'll be gone most of the morning and you're welcome to chill here if you want."

Cynder shook her head. "Naw mate. I'd love to come! Your town is really nice and I'd like to see more of it. And since you aren't super keen on going out most of the time, it'd be a nice way to explore, eh?" Her thoughts were still on the tail maw but it was clear Runa had already moved on.

The feline finally put the finishing touches on his meal and tossed a whole egg to Celylon. "Glad to hear it. I've been eager to have someone join me on my long walks for years but nobody ever wants to. I'm not even that fast but nobody can keep up or last as long as I do. I do anything for this little goober here." He knelt down and cradled Ceylon's cheeks, rubbing his whiskers across Ceylon's beak while ruffling the neck feathers with his fingers.

"It's good exercise, no?"

"Oh yeah. I used to be a lot heavier but taking her out every day and using her as an excuse to get out more has done wonders for my figure. Usually I put in some earbuds and ignore the world around me but if you're coming we can chat. Or we can just enjoy the sounds of nature. I'm a bit of an old soul in that way. People suck. Trees are awesome." He finally finished the meal and tossed it all onto a plate before sitting down next to Cynder and wolfing it down.

"Yeh." Was all Cynder could say in between bites.

The pair of them mostly finished their breakfast in relative silence as it was still pretty early and they both were still in the process of waking up. Plus it was clear Runa was in a hurry to get out.

Once breakfast was done for them both, Runa did the dishes in the sink and then collected some of the jerky to put it in a container. He also grabbed a couple of 1L bottles of water and one bottle of ice. "I gotta make sure we have food and water. We're gonna be gone until at least lunch, and if we end up going far enough we could even eat lunch and just stay out all day." While explaining, he went into the mudroom closet and got out a backpack, placing the bottles of water and container of meat inside. "It's well insulated in there so the ice keeps everything else nice and cold."

"It's not too warm outside, is that going to be an issue?"

"No, but it's still nice to have fresh, cold water for her and me if need be. Honestly, we're gonna end up close enough to rivers and the lake that she could probably just drink from there but this is fine, too. Okay, so I got my wallet, I got my keys, I got my bags for picking up after her. Get dressed and let's go!" Runa then went to the front door and grabbed the natural-looking green harness. There was an all black one that looked flimsier and relatively basic compared to that one, which Runa explained. "The black one is for short walks around here. The green one-" As he spoke, Ceylon saw what he was doing and bolted out of the kitchen and down the hallway towards the front room. She knew what the nice harness meant. "-Is for special occasions."

Cynder grinned, her tails flicking behind her. "You've got her trained well."

"Not really. She isn't obedient, but she is cooperative. I give her what she wants and she treats me very well. And that goes for more than just meat treats and comfy beds."

"Aye. Good to hear. I'll head down and get dressed, then." Cynder happily headed into the guest room, where she slipped into a sports top that gave her chest the appropriate lift and a skirt that gave her lower half all the freedom it needed. A skirt that didn't even go half way down her thighs. She was not planning on wearing any underwear. No panties for her. Not if she didn't have to.

Back upstairs, Runa was putting the finishing touches on the backpack's supplies. He was wearing a kilt and a bandolier with his cellphone in a pocket draped over his chest. Ceylon was proudly standing tall with the harnes wrapped around her chest, tail waging and wings slightly spread. "Alrighty, I'll lock up and we can head out!"

Cynder was happy to oblige. Maybe the fresh air would get her mind off the tail maw and Ceylon's visibly plump spade. It was almost unfair to have her so gleefully exposed like that. Fortunately, Cynder had loads of self control and was planning on looking without touching. Of course.

They took their first steps onto the front porch, Runa locked the door behind them, and they were off on an adventure! It was time to explore Afeyrion for the first time!

What a beautiful city. A large city, but one that was very green. Not one city block was without a tree or two, and the entire layout was interlaced with parks and forests. It didn't matter which direction they went, they were never too far from disappearing down some forest trail and coming out the other side ready to do it all again.

Of course, getting to the first park took a bit longer than expected. Runa lived on the edge of town, right where suburbia would turn to farmland and other rural environments, so while there were some trees around it was mostly field for a solid half an hour. It would have taken half that time if Ceylon didn't need to stop to sniff and investigate every bush and tree and blade of grass.

Cynder thought it was cute, so she happily enjoyed the fresh air and sun. Taking time to smell the flowers, as they said, was a huge part of what made any hike worth enjoying. She was fit and so was Runa, so they could both easily walk for many hours. And if all else failed, could stop and get some food or order some to their location. Cell phone technology was grand.

The walk was slow at first, as they both expected. Just some walking down dusty roads until they found a sidewalk, then making their way through suburbia until they found a pathway into a park that was in behind a subdivision. This park, like every other park in town, was quite large and packed to the brim with trees and bushes and all sorts of vegetation. There was also a creek running right through the middle, dividing the park in half. The first half had children's play zones like slides and monkey bars and a splash pad, while the other was just an open path with gardens on one side and an open field on the other. The creek was lined on both sides with trees and a small trail that went in at one end of the park and out the other.

Ceylon was off leash the whole time, as the gryphon was very well behaved. The moment they crossed the south bridge and entered the trail that followed the creek, Ceylon looked up at Runa as if to ask for permission, excitedly wagging her rump and swishing her tail. Runa nodded and motioned for her to go, so she leapt over the bank and landed in the creek, splashing and trilling and using her wings to make waves in all directions.

"She's basically waterproof." Runa explained. "She's part fishing bird so her feathers and fur both repel water. I try to get her to go for a swim any time I can."

"So she's not gonna get us wet?" Cynder joked with a wink.

"Oh she's gonna get wet, but that's got nothing to do with the water." Runa made a clicking noise with his tongue to summon her back as they continued down the trail.

It was still pretty early in the morning and there was an incredibly faint layer of fog hovering just over the creek and blanketing the fields. They were feline and canine, so they were bare-pawwed and the morning dew soaked in between their toes. The sun streamed through the trees to lance through the fog, giving them both something worth capturing in a photo.

As they were taking pictures, Ceylon seemed to slip into the frame, looking back at them while flagging her tail. It was clear she was patiently waiting for them to catch up but she was giving them a good look while she was there.

From there they continued up the path until they came out next to the north bridge. The south and north bridges were the only passages across the creek to connect the east and west halves of the park. They had to cross the walking bridge to make their way to the next leg of their journey by going under a bridge meant for cars, where they got to enjoy more of their morning walk.

The other side of the road actually shifted from a more traditional, family-friendly park to something that looked and felt more like a swamp. Tall bullrushes, soggy wetlands, and tall trees with weeping willows draped off their branches. There were dead trees with trunks and branches but no leaves sticking out of the bullrushes and raptors perched atop them. The trail they walked was on dry land, a few meters up from the pond and swamp areas, so they were in no danger of falling in.

But of course Ceylon was not as worried about mud and water as they were, so she immediately leapt off the high ground that was the trail, flapped her wings once, then dive bombed an inlet of water that was covered by lily pads and surrounded by reeds. The splash was subdued, as she was well streamlined, and when she came up she had thick muddy water cascading over her beak and down her neck plumage.

"Good girl! Did you get it?" Runa called out.

"Oh, she hunts?" Cynder asked, not entirely sure how this was supposed to go.

"She tries. She's not that good at it, to be honest. She chases rabbits and dives in to get fish and stuff but she just scares the prey off. Fortunately I feed her well at home so it's not really a problem. Honestly, I'd rather she not hunt and kill stuff, no point in it. If she eats it, that's fine, that's the circle of life, but I'd rather prefer she didn't." Runa made that clicking sound with his mouth again, and that coaxed Ceylon out of the muddy marsh area.

Of course it wasn't as easy as leaping out and rejoining them. She had to splash around a bit first by using her talons and tail to get mud and water everywhere before crouching down and crawling up the embankment. She shook off, and within seconds she was fully dry and mud free again. Her fur and feathers really were darn near waterproof. Runa just had to pluck off a couple leaves that were on the back of her harness. When she made her way back to the trail ahead of them she seemed to be deliberately showing off her backside by keeping her tail hoisted up high, and the water from the marsh keeping her spade nice and moist; it was the only part of her body that wasn't waterproof.

Their walk continued until they made it to another playground they weren't interested in visiting. It was too early in the morning so there was nobody else there but that wasn't their goal. This next leg, which continued to follow the creek that had gone through the marsh and the first park, cut through an oak forest and another marsh. This part of their walk took them over train tracks, another segment of the trail that cut an area in two. On the one half, where they came from, there was that small oak forest, which overlooked another marsh.

The view was astounding. A solid Kilometer squared of open marsh, and a detour of the trail they were on gave them a perfect view to see it all. No dead trees on this one, just flat marshland that intermingled with the creek once more. Ceylon leapt off the cliff overlooking the swamp and glided out far, landing with a splash. There was a very brief panic because it looked like some massive serpent attacked her, but Runa assured Cynder it was fine. She dealt with stuff like that all the time. A few seconds later she leapt out and spread her wings to return to them, dry by the time she met them.

Unfortunately, this marsh had no paths so they crossed the railroad and went to the other side which had a weirdly tropical feel despite them being in the northern region of the continent. Long fronds, multicolored flora, and plenty of ferns were almost overgrowing the path, and despite everything there weren't as many trees on this side.

Again, the path continued along the creek, which had bent around the other end of the marsh and went under the train tracks to head northeast.

"We've been walking a very, very long time." Cynder noted. "Your town really is green."

Runa nodded. "It's why I live here. I like nature. And it's a pretty big city so there's plenty to do on top of that. And with me having Ceylon here, there's no shortage of things to do or places to go."

"Aye mate. It's nice. I am getting a bit hungry though."

"Good timing. After this next leg of the trail we go under a road and there's some fast food there. I might have to put her on a leash while you go inside but yeah, it's not far."

True to his word, they followed the trail that went parallel to the creek, eventually coming out at the bottom of a valley where a road led to a small strip mall where there were four different options for food. A burger joint, a sub sandwich shop, a pizza parlour, and a chicken eatery. Ceylon naturally tried to guide them to the chicken eatery so they got some nuggets and wedges before continuing on the path. Cynder made another joke about cannibalism and Ceylon flicked her with her tail. A tail that actually splashed a tiny bit of slick fluid against Cynder's exposed thigh.

She didn't mention it but Runa looked over knowingly, acknowledging that Ceylon's heat had gotten so intense that it was leaking out her tail maw as well. Not just dripping out her spade. Cynder wanted to make more jokes but wasn't entirely comfortable just blurting out lewd things about the pet gryphon. Of course, the view was nice and the fantasy of having Ceylon sit on her face was giving her a subtle but noticeable bulge. But she was too shy to ask about that sort of thing.

They just carried on walking down the trail, enjoying the morning together with Ceylon regularly leading the way and deliberately hiking that tail of hers up, giving Cynder and Runa a clear view of her thick spade accented by the drooling coming out from between her lips.

It didn't help that there were occasional other people walking on the trail, too. Not many, but just often enough to keep Cynder from making any off-hand comment about Ceylon's neediness.

After that leg, they ended up on a wooden walkway a few meters up from the forest floor, which weaved in between a few large trees and many smaller ones. She thought it might have been another marshy area but no, there was another trail that came and went between the wooden pillars that held the walkway up. Once the raised walkway ended, they came to a fork in the road, where one path went up a steep incline that looked like it led to the top of a cliff side that overlooked the forest, and the other pathway went down into the forest to join the trails that were under the walkway.

"Hey, I'm gonna head up to the clifftop and get some pictures. You should take that route. Both of them lead to the same place, eventually. When you reach the shores of the river, I'll meet you there. Or you wait and I'll catch up." Runa suggested, his phone in his hands.

"Why would we split up?" Cynder asked, genuinely curious. Internally, her heart fluttered a bit at the prospect of being alone for a bit. Ceylon's continued shows had put her in a mood and she wanted to do something about it but was worried it'd be uncouth to do so with the other two there.

Runa shrugged. "No real reason. I like this way but nobody goes that way so I assume it'd be more peaceful for you." He was being coy but Cynder wasn't gonna prod. "There is a stone staircase at about the halfway mark that will take you up the cliff side to meet me if you get lonely."

"Okay! I guess I'll meet you there! How long will it take?"

"Half an hour? Three quarters? It depends on how distracted you get. I'll be sure to walk slow."

Nothing about what Runa was saying sounded entirely blunt, yet it was kind of also clear that he was giving Cynder an excuse to take care of herself. So she took it. "Sounds good! I'll see you there!" She knelt own and gave Ceylon a bit of a cheek rub and a few head pats before making her way down the trail into the forest basin, leaving Runa and Ceylon to make their way up the incline to the path that lined the top of the cliffs.

Chapter 3

This felt weird to Cynder, as she was here to visit Runa and spend time with her friend. But she also clearly had been in desperate need of some alone time and Runa clearly could tell. As she looked down at her loins she saw a clear and distinct bulge in her skirt. Yeah, Runa could have seen that and was doing her a solid by sending her down a less-travelled path to let her take care of herself.

She jauntily sauntered down the trail, keeping an eye of the divergent path so she could get a better look at where Runa would be when she heard the sound of rustling in the underbrush. Before she could brace herself, Ceylon emerged from between two fronds and stood proudly on the path in front of her. She held her chest out, tail down and snaking over the leaf litter.

"Oh, shouldn't you be following Runa?" She asked, halfheartedly making shooing motions. That was until she got a notification on her phone. She checked it and it was from Runa.

"Looks like Cey wants to go with you. She's pretty self sufficient so just make a click noise with your tongue and call her back if she goes out of sight. Aside from that, just make sure you take care of her. I imagine I'll see you in an hour or so." That was the entire message. Dumped all at once.

"Huh. Okay. Alright Cey, come on!" She clicked her tongue and patted her thighs, urging the gryphon to stay close while they made their way further down the trail. Ceylon followed close while still remaining a few paces ahead.

Only now she was acting quite a bit differently. She was staying closer and pausing more often to glance back over her shoulder, making sure Cynder was keeping up with her. And in addition to that, she was not only keeping her tail flagged, but she seemed to be flexing her loins to tug her spade up. The purest sign of being in heat and desperately needing attention.

Runa had said to take care of her.

But no, Cynder wasn't gonna do that. It didn't feel right. But she did need to take care of herself sometime. And that was why Runa had parted ways, it seemed. To give her the freedom and solitude to take care of her growing sheath. But with Ceylon now following, it made things harder. Pun intended.

Oddly enough, this part of the trail they walked was the least interesting. It just looked like a bike trail with nondescript trees. Lots of trees, but nothing about them stood out. No swamps, no dead branches, no weeping willows, no cliffs to overlook things, no bridges. Just a lot of forest. It was honestly pretty boring compared to the walk up to this point.

Which was exactly the sort of clarity she needed. She wasn't wearing panties, so she hiked up her skirt to fold it up over the top of her sheath and slowly stroke her shaft through the furred flesh. It wasn't much, but she had to take care of herself or she'd end up blue-balled.

She'd barely gotten into a groove, lightly caressing her chest with her eyes closed as she was stroking her length when she heard a chirp coming from directly in front of her. She opened her eyes and there was Ceylon, sitting pretty with pupils dilated and looking right up at her, ears down and tail swishing behind her. She was begging for something.

"Sorry girl, I'll be right with you."

Ceylon pawed at the dirt, head tilted to the side in a show of shyness. Very unlike her usual brazen nature. Before Cynder could say anything, Ceylon leaned in and extended her neck to sniff at the kitsune cock tip poking out of her sheath.

Her instincts took over and she pulled away, gently easing Ceylon's beak away from her groin. "No, girl. I'm sorry, but-" she was interrupted when Ceylon started licking her fingers. The fingers that had been lightly moistened with her precum and natural fluids. Rather than pull away, she let the gryphon lick her clean. That was perfectly fine, wasn't it?

Once Ceylon was done with the cleaning job, Cynder reluctantly pulled the skin of her sheath over her tip and let her skirt drape over it again so they could continue. She didn't know how to proceed so she opted to just keep walking. Maybe she'd find a side trail or something that would give her the privacy she needed.

That plan would have worked had Ceylon not gotten even more brazen with her needy behaviours. Not only would she step in front of Cynder and stop, she'd wait until the kitsune's knee and shin rubbed up against her, drawing her attention and giving her the target to literally aim her ass end at whatever would touch her vulva.

Such brazen behaviour was hard to resist, so for a brief moment Cynder took a casual glance around to see if anyone was nearby before sliding a hand up between the gryphon's hind legs. The second her palm touched spade, Ceylon widened her stance like she was bracing herself, slyly grinning back over her shoulders at the kitsune. Not just daring her to act but practically begging her. Demanding it. She was not being shy and was very clear about what she wanted.

There was of course some hesitation but the lewd image of gryphon in heat had finally hit her in a way she couldn't resist any longer. There was a faint scent lingering around the two of them, but as she was a kitsune and Ceylon was a gryphon it wasn't hitting quite as hard as it could have. It was still hard enough, so very curiously she curled a single finger to slide the digit between Ceylon's lips, easing it in to the knuckle to find that her depths were shockingly snug. Snug and tender in equal measure.

She stopped before she went too far and pulled out, taking in a deep breath as her heart raced. Ceylon paused to wait and see if she would do anything else but when she noticed Cynder wasn't making another move, she excitedly leapt away and hopped up and down the path. She kicked off trees and ran up and down the trail, wings catching just enough air to flutter-hop as she ran at full tilt. She was absurdly excited about all this. The zoomies, as it was known to be called.

Cynder didn't have the zoomies like Ceylon did, but she did have a swelling in her sheath and the silken touch of fluid soaking her finger wasn't helping to alleviate it.

Still, they had to keep walking. With Ceylon in zoomies mode and Cynder doing her best to not let her arousal get the better of her, the pair of them trudged on. They occasionally crossed paths and every time they did, Ceylon paused to flag her tail and practically back up right into Cynder's path, begging for - nay, demanding - more.

She tried her best to resist but it was getting harder with each new attempt on her purity. Pun absolutely intended. Cynder had to push through it but Ceylon's constant moves to get her to make contact was getting difficult to ignore.

Eventually, Cynder came across the bottom of the stone steps Runa had mentioned as the half-way point of the trail. These steps would take her up the cliff and would eventually join Runa on top, where the three of them could continue their walk.

Cynder was considering taking that route when an obtrusive thought crossed her mind. Ever since the paths diverged, she hadn't seen or heard a single other hiker. All she'd heard was the occasional rustle of the leaves when a breeze passed by and the cute chirps of Ceylon begging for attention. That was it. What if? What if, indeed?

She was almost over her intrusive thought when Ceylon hopped up to a raised tree root that wrapped around a boulder alongside the trail. The gryphon spread her wings and lowered her chest so that her ass was pointing up, tail curled over the small of her back and loins tense to angle her spade just right. And in addition to being aimed at Cynder, Ceylon being on the rock and root meant her hips were at the perfect height to match the kitsune's groin.

It was almost too perfect to pass up. Self-control or not, that sort of invitation - nay, demand - couldn't be ignored.

Rather than disappoint the gryphon again, Cynder stepped up to her next to the root and boulder while peeling away her skirt. She took in a deep breath and bent over, using her snout to lightly prod at the fluffy bit between the posterior end of the spade and her tail hole. Like a prospective partner would to sample her scents. And that close it was hard to deny the sweetness of her aroma. It was even harder to ignore her response, which had her stand prone while tensing up her cookie, pulling it up closer to the underside of her tail.

It couldn't have been more clear that she wanted to be mounted. She wanted knot. She wanted to be stuffed and she seemed to know that Cynder would give her that.

Up to this point she was wrong, but with such a strong courtship response it was impossible for Cynder to resist any longer. After all, her mind had scanned through the things Runa had told her and she distinctly remember being informed that Ceylon got final say over what happened to her body, and that she should 'take care of her'. Sure, those phrases could be coincidental and could easily be misinterpreted, but together it was pretty clear.

And if Ceylon got final say over what happened to her body, and she was begging this hard, it would be disrespectful to not do something about it.

Still, she tried to hold back. She didn't want to do anything without express permission. But she was getting it. She was getting permission, and Ceylon was demanding attention. The fact that they were outside and could theoretically be seen being lewd was equal parts terrifying and exciting. What if someone walked by? More importantly, what if Ceylon didn't actually want the attention she seemed to? Cynder would be incredibly upset if there was a miscommunication.

So she did the only thing she reasonably could to test the waters. She forced her sheath meat down to expose every bit of her swollen cock from tip to knot, one hand wrapped around the base between the knot and sheath for some control and the other tentatively reaching out for the base of Ceylon's tail to see how the gryphon responded.

Much to her delight, Ceylon's tail flagged high and she twitched her spade in a way that actually squeezed out a few drops of fluid onto the bark of the tree root she was delicately balanced on. Cynder slid a thumb around the base of the gryphon's thick tail and prodded at the posterior end of Ceylon's cookie to collect some of the fluid. The second her digit made contact Ceylon's loins constricted and she angled her rump end to meet where she was touched.

Her expectations were clear, so the only thing Cynder had to do to finally test the viability was to angle her cock tip down and see if that part elicited the same response.

Cynder's violet cock was steaming in the chilly, morning air, and she was leaking precum down the underside as she aimed it at Ceylon's three-lipped spade. And to her delight, Ceylon not only responded amicably, the gryphon actually pushed back and forced her lips to wrap around her tip with little to no resistance, the flesh swallowing her up.

This was somewhat unexpected so Cynder backed out, yanking her cock out and creating a juicy plap sound as Ceylon's lips closed up in her absence. This left Ceylon with a sad, disappointed look with her ears down and her wings growing limp.

"Sorry, sorry. I'll get you taken care of." Cynder assured as she stroked the gryphon's lower back, teasing her and getting her ready again. Her heart was racing and her loins were throbbing, cock drooling and sheath soaked in a mixture of natural lube and her precum. Her knot hadn't grown yet, which was best because all good girls know that knots need to grow inside.

Finally confident enough to make a move, she took in one last deep breath and aimed her cock at Ceylon's spade, letting the tip come to rest in the triangular lips. Just like the first time, Ceylon twitched in response and angled her back to push onto her, the plump flesh of her vulva easily stretching and dilating to accommodate the kitsune's member.

There was a brisk moment where she considered pulling out and just manually handling herself. Cynder was being kind and respectful, but it was hard to not have a sliver of doubt in these situations. Even with Ceylon basically taking control of the situation and begging for more.

But before she could make any move that didn't involve slowly easing more of herself into Ceylon's depths, the gryphon sat on her lap while remaining on the tree root and boulder. She chirped and cooed at Cynder as she wagged her rump and eased her way down onto the kitsune's shaft, all the way to the top of the knot.

Cynder gasped a bit and quickly caught her composure, the situation altering her brain chemistry in a way that dissipated any hesitation she harboured. While she started cautious and worried about consent, the sensation of Ceylon's hot flesh mothering her cock and clenching snugly around it washed all that away. She was once concerned about being caught, but that washed away equally quickly when she felt the silken velvet of gryphon vulva pressing down against the top of her knot.

The only thing she could really do was lean into Ceylon and get a proper grip at the base of the gryphon's tail for leverage. She growled lightly to herself while slowly pumping in and out, relishing the sensation of the avian's passage squeezing and tugging her member. She could feel inside that Ceylon's depths opened up just beyond the opening, the sort of anatomy perfect for holding a swollen knot. She wanted to be tied, and Cynder had what she needed to make it happen.

Of course it wasn't that easy. Ceylon was strangely tight, it seemed. She was horny as could be but those walls of hers were snug, so much so that Cynder was almost overwhelmed by the friction that came between them along every full-lengthed stroke.

She gulped and leaned in again, tails flicking behind her and chest heaving excitedly. It wasn't often she got to indulge in a partner this eager for her. Not even after travelling so far and for so long. It was nice, and she intended to draw it out as long as she could. Well, within the confines of a public space. She was equally eager to enjoy this as long as she could as she was acutely aware that she couldn't hesitate too long. Each extra minute she spent was another minute some other hikers could intrude on the pair of them.

Ah well. Let them see. At this point she was so lost in the lust shared by the gryphon that it actually turned her on a bit to imagine getting caught. Which was wildly disparate from the thought process she had when she wasn't drunk with arousal. Thinking with the wrong head, clearly.

None of that mattered. Ceylon was pushing back and twitching around her shaft, grinding and begging for more with each passing moment. She not only was cooing and chirping and excitedly wagging her hips at Cynder, but her tail was lashing about, the three jaws of it opening and closing as it drooled lubrication all over the rock and leaf little. This was the first time that Cynder got to see the bright pink flesh of the tail maw, reminding her of the silken walls that were currently sucking her member from tip to knot. It was a glorious image, one that urged her to go a bit harder.

She was tentative at first, bucking into Ceylon and having her thick, bulging shaft pump in and out, teasing the inner walls with each buck of her hips. Every time she pulled out and slammed back inside, she noticed Ceylon's muscular contractions loosened a bit, practically begging for more. That wasn't looseness, that was tenderness and a silken need for a proper breeding. She wanted her partner, Cynder, to bury herself so that she could milk every drop out of her.

And Cynder was finally completely on the same page as the gryphon. No more hesitation, no more cautiousness, just feral lust. She grabbed Ceylon's tail base and squeezed tight for leverage, noting the subtle shift in skin and the squishing sensation of her tail maw's passage sloshing about inside, while she leaned forth with all her weight.

This was really the last chance Ceylon had to change her mind. To step away. If she didn't want to feel the force of all Cynder had to offer, she could step off the root and happily have some more zoomies on her own time and at her own pace. But no. Not only did she not pull away, she pushed and arched her back, getting the exact right angle to wiggle her rump down.

Cynder pushed forward and Ceylon pushed back, struggling to overcome the girth of the kitsune's swelling knot. Ceylon could feel the pressure building and responded accordingly by raising a leg and bending the other one, laying all her weight down on the bulge of Cynder's knot in an attempt to take it in fully.

There was a brief moment where it looked like the knot would grow faster than the spade would loosen up to take it, but it didn't last long. Cynder started gyrating her hips to stir the gryphon's loins, toes curling in the dirt and hand on the base of Ceylon's tail for leverage. That, plus everything Ceylon was doing quickly culminated as the avian chirped and trilled, her loins descending in a fluid motion, her spade dilating and swallowing the half-formed knot and wrapping around the kitsune's base.

Both of them let out their own variation on a howl into the woods as the gryphon's depths completely consumed every bit of Cynder's length, knot and all. When Cynder leaned over, chest heaving and loins twitching as she felt her seed shooting deep into the gryphon's spade, she wrapped a single hand around Ceylon'd belly and felt the subtlest of bulges as her cock tip pressed down against her abdomen.

If that wasn't enough, Ceylon started rocking back and forth, cookie clenched tight around the base of Cynder's knot, her pulsating depths practically stroking her off as the tender walls squeezed her as snug as possible.

It was so intense that Cynder couldn't help but huff and growl to herself, hand idly caressing her chest when she looked down and saw that her knot was tugging Ceylon's spade into a swollen-looking bulb. Those lips had such a firm grip there was no way they would let go. The avian was going to milk Cynder dry, and Cynder was completely okay with that.

Had she not been lost to the throes of knot-tugging pleasure, she would have been worried about Runa walking in on her. In the heat of the moment all she could think about was the gryphon's delectable flesh squeezing and tugging her knot. Her tails flicked behind her and she twitched her loins to pump shot after shot of her seed into Ceylon's womb. She had no idea how long they'd be tied together, but she assumed based on what Runa had said that it didn't matter.

Of course it didn't matter. All that mattered was pleasing this good girl.

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