Harvest Meat

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Art/Nib - Nib-Roc

Writing/Ceylon - Runa

Sometimes you gotta do something just for you. That was this. It started off as an inconsequential side story and an excuse to explore some vaginal prolapse and cervix play thanks to the amazing art done on a whim, but like most stories there actually ended up being some lore dumps in there.

and in spite of this primarily just being for the hole wrecking fun, I actually think it's pretty important for the "Taming the Frontier" content, which includes my recent post "Planting Roots in the New World", seen here: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/53824876/


Harvest Meat

What a successful harvest. The orchard was almost entirely picked clean, the fields had been cut and tilled, and their storage was full with all manner of food from apples and pears to frozen carcasses kept chilled via concentrated gemstones. All the heavy lifting had been done, all the hard work had been completed, and all that was left was to survive the cold season. The only fields that had yet to be harvested was a small patch of squash and pumpkin, a dozen rows of corn, and the late-season segment of apples along the far edge of the homestead.

And since those crops would not need to be dealt with for a few weeks, Ceylon chose to shift size to something that required less energy. Less food. By being able to transform between large and small, female and male, biped or quadruped, Ceylon had plenty of options to manage her needs at any given time. During most of the summer and harvest season she would be big in order to plow the fields and hunt if need be, but during the winter seasons it was better and smarter to shrink so the food stores she had in her cellar would last until spring.

Plus there were others on the homestead she had to take care of. She primarily lived in this little pocket within the rockwood with her apprentice, Nib, and the makeshift family was rather small. Ceylon's partner, Leera, was heading into hibernation since she was a snake and was always in need of thermoregulation. The continent of Itanobel got dusted with snow occasionally but their winters were mostly mild; still, a cold-blooded serpentine saurrosin needed to hibernate and Ceylon understood this. Her adopted daughters, Cero and Anax, were both living in the homestead as well but they were mixed blood and didn't need to hibernate. Same with their pet, the laurossin Styreks.

There was also another member of their little family, but she was many. Foxifly. A fox-moth drone and part of a larger hive mind that served as Ceylon's link to the rest of the world, since her queen was far north nestled in the Cradle of Dalon and had drones all around the Ijimulian. She liked to comment that her 'reception' between the drone and her queen was especially strong in Itanobel, which made her feel like this drone could very well be her primary.

Of course this was curious and was directly connected to the final member of the family. Shiazo. A floral golem made from a bloodvine-turned body and extracted ademane wisp. Basically, their spirit was removed from their body to avoid floral zombification, then they repossessed that body once the process was complete, using the photosynthesis inherent to the bloodvine transformation to fuel the continued stability of their wisp. An ademane ghost. They, like Foxifly, noticed that their ability to metabolize and utilize ambient magic in the region was especially strong and even more intense and focused the closer they got to the Stonemetal Mountains.

Ceylon knew there was research to be done to explain this phenomenon, but she was still in the process of establishing her homestead after her second summer here. That sort of thing would have to wait, at least for now.

And they had other guests as well. They regularly kept in contact with Ilorek and Valencia, two ranchers that had livestock for sale and rent in Port Sanri north of their home; contact was kept through Fidget, who made trips back and forth, delivering potions and letters. Ilorek and Valencia occasionally visited but couldn't leave their ranch too often or for more than a couple days at a time.

Which meant that the homestead was mostly quite serene. Vacant. Exactly the way Ceylon preferred it. Yeah, there were about a half dozen people living there, but it was also a big enough property to host a few dozen with the fields and orchards needed to feed that many all year. They often had surplus, and selling extra apples often earned them coin on top of their work with potions. The property itself was cut in half right down the middle by a ravine lined by steep, ten meter tall cliffs.

The northwestern half was where the barn, most of the fields, and the houses were kept, while the southeastern half was almost entirely apple and pear orchard with the pumpkin patch nestled as well. The entire propery was surrounded on all sides by the Rockwood, a massive forest made of extra firm trees that blanketed a third of the eastern half of Itanobel.

After many years on the high seas and exploring Ondin during the life-hunt incident, she was ready to settle down for a bit. Well, for a lot. She expected to be here for the rest of her current life. Ceylon, Leera, Nib, Shiazo, Foxifly, Cero, Anax, and their loyal laurossin pet Styreks lived a comfortable life far away from others. All of them were relatively reclusive, especially Nib, who was doing his best to avoid being hunted by the Hardstone Mining Company.

As an aspiring mage, one in the body of a donkey, he was originally brought to Itanobel to help with the mining operations in the StoneMetal Mountains, where it was said that there were natural reserves of crystalline ademane, the functional material in magic gem enchanting and one of the most precious resources known to the peoples of the world. He worked with them for the first summer, but then abruptly was no longer associated with them, and Ceylon took him in as an apprentice without any of the danger associated with his past.

Ceylon could have asked to know more, but figured that Nib would share when he was ready. Between his bad history with Hardstone and both Shiazo and Foxifly's strong connection to the StoneMetal Mountains, that was definitely something Ceylon needed to investigate further. But not at least until spring. This time of year was a time of well-earned relaxation and She wanted to keep the peace. They, as settlers, were already tentative guests of the Itanobel natives and only allowed on the continent due to the fallout from the Ademane Plague that hit a decade before.

So many mysteries, all things Ceylon needed to learn more about but had patience enough to wait. She just really, really wanted to relax. To make a life for herself, to carve out her own little piece of comfort in the new world.

It was interesting that she was both brazenly social and cripplingly introverted depending on the day. Some times, Ceylon would speak with everyone she met, cheerfully greeting passerby and striking up conversation with any who'd listen regardless of the danger. As this was a relatively untamed land, there were bandits and criminals and pirates and other ne'er-do-wells practically waiting to jump out form under any rock or behind any fallen tree, ready to rob you and steal your mount. In spite of this, Ceylon was not exactly reserved, as she knew a thing or two about self defense.

But on other days she didn't want others in her space. She'd either leave the house to just go out and relax in the storage shed by the orchard or spend time in the enclosed bridge building over the ravine that cut the property in half, which was where she got a lot of work done writing about her experiences in Itanobel. She was quite the mercurial, fluid gryphon.

Exponentially so, as her gender shifted more often than the tide, her species adjusted like the phases of the moon, and her form was as unpredictable as the weather. But if she had to pick a favourite or most accurate to her truest form, it would be a quadruped female, somewhere between the size of an average dog and a large horse. Again, it really depended on a grab-bag of factors. And on this day she was on the smaller end of that size scale, female and winged and quadruped as she trotted through the mostly harvested apple trees.

The leaves were still mostly green but there were browns and yellows and reds bleeding through, as the leaf litter was beginning to build up.

She was outside by herself. Leera was curled up in the geothermal regulated cellar - not the storage cellar with the ice gems to keep food frozen, the other one with insulated walls and heat gems to keep her from freezing in the winter - enjoying a lengthy sleep. Nib was probably in the lab fiddling with gemstones he'd hijacked from his time with Hardstone. Cero and Anax were probably in the house reading. And of course Foxifly could be anywhere and everywhere if she felt so inclined. This left just Ceylon, wandering through the dozens of apple and pear trees.

This was what she did when she had no particular plans. She'd scour the grounds and find things to tweak and fix. She'd adjust the placement of furniture and logs and sticks to make them more appealing to look at and organized. She'd make sure all the tools in the barn were properly hung and sorted by where on the homestead they'd be used, and she had to make sure all the hay bales and resources were perfectly balanced.

No matter what happened she had to make sure her environment was under her control. She was captain of the ship before settling down, so she was used to being the leader and the others who lived there with her found her obsessive nature to be beneficial. Frustrating at times, but her behaviour had protected them from being swindled multiple times and kept everything organized so they learned to deal with it.

And of course this was the only state of mind she could experience. So to her it was natural. As a side effect of it, though, she had this quirk where she also tended to see pretty much anything as a potential source of pleasure. For most of her life she was engaged in a quest to test the limits of her transformation abilities and her natural body, so she was sticking apples up under her tail and seeing how much she could eat basically since the moment she had her first heat. What started as a juvenile curiosity quickly grew into a lifelong goal to use anything she possibly could for pleasure.

Somethings this resulted in her doing stupid things and getting hurt, but she had the magical ability to alleviate the consequences of her action. Perhaps the silliest thing she did was sit on a cactus and see how much of it she could fit. That went about as well as you'd expect and hope it didn't, but the issue was mitigated within minutes of seeing the error of that curiosity. She also once slipped a pineapple all the way into her womb, which wasn't as bad as one might expect at first but quickly became a real problem when she climaxed and squeezed the juices out of it. The acidic juices that could degrade flesh without proper protections. Her womb and vaginal canal were not protected.

She only ever did that once. But that didn't stop her from enjoying the pleasure of any tool she could fathom using on herself. And this sort of thing wasn't limited to just dildo-shaped objects, she'd try just about anything once. She was the kind of gryphon that'd push until her cervix popped out, then coat it in honey and wait to see what bees or wasps would try to collect. She hadn't done it yet but she had been thinking about it ever since autumn began to wash over the land and she noticed a lot of wasps and hornets were particularly irritable.

Kink potential was virtually limitless if you had the means to heal from virtually any wound and lifetimes of experience that made most things seem rote.

Of course, her absolute favourite was when she was with a partner. Rather than use objects, she used her partners to pleasure her. Not just their cocks, tongues, and fingers, but the rest of them, too. Fists. Arms. Legs. And if things worked out that way she'd take their entire bodies inside her, housing them in her womb for a few days while she played the role of mother hen. That was fun. Unbirthing was the ultimate pleasure, since it encapsulated her more adventurous side and went to the logical extreme of her size-queen desires.

Ironically, despite her best times being with partners, she wasn't too keen on touching most others. Most of the time. Outside of Leera, her mate, she didn't cuddle or act intimate or kiss or any of that. There was this distinct disconnect between her lust and her comfort zone. She had an insatiable lust accompanied by an incredibly picky stance on what is and isn't fun for her.

This was a major factor in explaining why she was always keen on experimenting. Trying to find that balance between satisfaction and comfort was a delicate juggling act. She wanted to feel anything and everything and everyone inside her one way or another, no hole ignored and any entrance accompanied by an eager invitation, but all the surrounding activity that came alongside including someone else was often more work than it was worth. That's why she was so brazen and willing to do pretty much anything, no matter how quirky or potentially harmful it was.

What a strange dichotomy. Of course some of that might have to do with her hormonal level and heat cycles. When she was horny enough she'd lift tail in the middle of town and shamelessly beg for anyone to stuff her. Other times she would turn away all suitors.

Of course, lifetimes of experience meant that if anyone did get with her, they were in for a treat. Her muscle control was unparalleled, she had transformation magic so she could be anything you wanted, and with the right partner she had no limits. She was fun, a perfect way to indulge any errant fantasies, but she really had to want it, and those moods came and went like ink in water.

So of course she was unpredictable and hard to keep up with. It was virtually impossible to know if she was going to be in her 'literally anything goes, let's do this', mood, or the 'don't touch me, intimacy repulses me' mood. Being around people that understood this and weren't bothered by rejection were the best partners. People who paired up with her outlandish kinks and loved to give and receive in equal measure were really easy to keep around.

One of the people she did really enjoy spending time with was Nib. There was a reason he was welcomed in her homestead. She loved stallion partners - flares were a lot of fun, after all - but it was also nice that he wasn't as aggressively horny as some people. For the most part he was just happy to study magic, tinker with the ademane gems, and take care of his home. He had lust, same as anyone, but he was very good at keeping it in check.

So when he came around and Ceylon was in the mood, there wasn't a whole lot of coyness between them. And it all started with her going through the apple orchards to find a perfect apple for some casual, seasonal fun.

She was somewhere between the size of a large dog or small pony, about a meter or so at the shoulder, gaze tilted to the higher branches of the nearest apple tree. She had her eye on one of the only apples that wasn't picked in the harvest. This breed was known for some late blooms, so it could have blossomed within the last week or so since the collection date. The apple was smaller than her fist but one of the only ones not punctured by the holes the wasps chewed into them, so it was a find candidate.

Curious, she clenched her wings close to her flank and leapt up onto the lowest branch of the apple tree, leaping from it to one of the higher ones before stretching her body and cradling the apple. She was sure to not pluck it from its branch if it wasn't ready. And much to her disappointment, it wasn't. The side she was looking at looked ripe but the other half still needed a few days to swell up. Not only would that not make for a tasty snack, but the shape would not be that pleasant.

There was no point in being sly about it. These apples were not primarily for eating. She was going to see how many she could fit into herself all at once while in a smaller form. She had plenty of places to put them and the chilly bite of the early autumn air mixed with the scent of pumpkins and other seasonal aromas was getting her in the right mood. The sort of mood that would literally lift tail for anyone or anything that so much as blew on her. It was one of those days.

She knew better than to get that apple, so she hopped out of the tree and kept looking until she found one that was a bit bigger. This one was lower to the ground and required less climbing, and it was much larger than the first one. Perfect.

Once she had plucked it from the branch, she sloshed her tongue around within her beak to conjure up some saliva before letting a dollop of it dribble out onto the top dimple of the apple. Once she's drooled all the spare she had to offer, she sat on her haunches and used both thumbs to smear the saliva all over the apple, coating it entirely. He talons were soaked as well, so she reached down between her hind legs and started rubbing herself, the saliva on her digits mixing with the natural lube secreted by her walls and seeping out to create an exceptionally viscous blend.

Not wasting any time, she pressed the apple into herself and shifted her weight so she could lift one leg, better exposing her meaty slit to the skin of the fruit. Naturally, she was soaked in her own arousal and the apple's skin was so smooth that it slipped into her with a disappointing lack of friction. With the press of a single finger, it just popped beyond her lips and came to rest inside her, the bulbous side of it grinding against her anterior wall. The most sensitive part, where the inner core of her clit ran along her passage, engorging the flesh there.

The apple wasn't huge or anything, but the way she clenched and pushed down on it, forcing it to roll and grind up and down her depths without any manual help really hit all the right spots. She liked to do that, to clench her lips shut with muscle control, then grunt and try to push it out with her abdominal muscles to see which part of her won over any day. Some times the apple would slip so deep it'd end up nestled right against her cervix, and other times it'd pop out with a sputter followed by an eruption of fluid. No matter what happened, she always got to enjoy as it would grind against her.

Today it went in deep. Her exterior pelvic muscles won out and the apple was gulped down deep, the stem tickling her walls. This was not only fine but exactly what she wanted, because now as she rolled back to all fours and began walking to find another apple, every hip sway and step of her hind legs shifted the apple ever so slightly. It was not overt or intense but it was there, constantly caressing her depths with every motion.

She found the next apple only a few trees down. Not only was there one, but this tree actually had two apples still on it. A failure of her part because both of them were a bit larger than the first one. Getting up into the tree was a bit of work but even with the distraction of an apple in her she had no problem climbing up and grabbing both before hopping down and eagerly repeating the saliva trick. Only this time she just tossed both in her gullet and gulped on them before spitting them back up again.

With two apples in hand, both of which covered in thick, slimy, foamy saliva, she did a bit of a roll to end up on her back with both legs up and wings spread for balance. She winked her clit and squeezed out some fluid without shifting the apple inside her - it was too deep to come out without a bit of extra help - before coating both apples in it. Once they were both fully soaked again, she cupped both hands around her loins and force them in one at a time, each one popping in with little to no resistance. Each apple came to rest against the first and then the second, filling her pussy almost to the entrance starting right next to the entrance to the womb.

But not going into the womb. That cervix was sealed shut. For now.

Instead, she closed her eyes and started breathing heavily, preparing herself. She then clenched her loins and constricted her lower abdomen, forcing all three apples inside her to grind against each other while shifting inside her, both depths and entrance fighting to see who won.

Given the volume of fruit in her, the depths won repeatedly, which just made her pause for a moment to catch the apple and shove it back in, ensuring all three shifted around each other to find the optimal angles and distribution. In and out they went, popping out from between her lips to land in her palm and just get shoved back inside. Time and time again, she'd let one, then two out and forcefully shove them back in, sometimes in a different order. No matter what happened she was having fun.

And at one point she rolled over so that her rump was in the air and her chest was on the ground, both front talons up between her legs, still cradled around her plump lips and ready to catch. She had a different position to clench and grunt, two apples popping out in quick succession that she almost failed to catch. But when she got back to pushing them back in, she actually missed. Rather than forcing the apple back in her pussy, the angle was just slightly off and she ended up pressing it up against the base of her tail, forcing it in her rump.

The flow of fluids that had escaped her while she was on her back ensured that her tail hole was soaked, and much like any other hole on her body she was always pretty lax and accommodating. So the apple lurched past that donut of flesh with almost no resistance, and when she clenched to swallow it up, it went a lot deeper than it had with her pussy. Guts and cunt were two very different passages.

Of course her adventurous nature encouraged her to do the same with the other two, forcing them out of her pussy and into her palms only to try to slip them up into her rump one after another, a task that was more difficult than it sounded considering the same set of muscles that constricted to shift them in her pussy were the same ones that would force them to come out her ass.

Fortunately she had a tonne of experience controlling exactly that, and the transfer was made. The three spherical fruits got swallowed up her backside one after another, resulting in all three coming to rest somewhere above her womb inside her guts. She was about to arch her back and force them out while spreading her pucker open in a budding gape, but that's when she heard a familiar voice.

"Cey! Hey! You out here?" It was Nib, of course.

She immediately narrowed her focus, adjusted her abdominal muscles to relax without letting the apples out, and licked her talons clean of the saliva and pussy juices before addressing him. "Y-yeah! I'm over here! Meet me at the bridge!" She instructed him. They would meet at the office over the gorge.

But he didn't listen. He walked right through it and met her on the orchard side. Where she was. Where she didn't have time to dispose of the apples. Instead, they just kept shifting inside her with every step. She only hoped that the leaking stream of mess didn't reveal to him what she was doing. Or maybe she did want that. Internally she was flipping a coin to decide if she'd fool around or not.

"Hey, the gemstones are all resonating. Is that a problem?" He asked, clearly nervous.

That was not something Ceylon knew how to deal with so she clicked her beak before answering. "Not sure, but I can definitely look into it. Come on, let's go check it out." She used a wing to guide him back to the bridge in order to enter the lab. On the way, he was explaining.

"I was chiselling some off for powdered dust for some experiments when I noticed one was humming. I tried to isolate it but before long more were humming and now-" He pushed through the door to reveal that every single gemstone, every single crystal shard, and every non-enchanted bit of ademane was resonating with each other all around them. Every piece in the baskets on the shelves, every one on the lab desks, every one in the big chest on the other side of the room. All of them.

Not the potions, though. They weren't reacting at all. Peculiar.

Despite Ceylon's guts being full of fruit, she was decidedly very distracted by something more important. She needed to figure this out, and as the resident expert on crystalline behaviour, she knew this was quite potentially concerning.

Her focus was trained on the vibrating crystals and she didn't have very long to figure out what was going on. Their frequency heightened and got more intense the more they interacted and she figured that within an hour they might end up cracking or just outright explode. And if ademane crystal exploded it could be an outright disaster.

The two of them got right down to business, with Ceylon doing all she could to investigate each crystal individually to check and see if they were all operating with the same magical energy and were displaying the same frequency of vibration. While there was a bit of variation from one crystal to the next, they did seem to be exuding the same kind of energy and the changes were happening similarly regardless of size or shape.

Ceylon was darting from basket to basket, testing each crystal with her talons, putting them up to her beak to amplify her ability to detect the vibrations, and even tried a diagnostic spell on one. Which was a magical empath spell that let her feel and decipher the magic aura that was blanketing every gem and crystal in the lab.

And that was when she came to realize what had happened and how to fix it. The solution was easy but time consuming. Fortunately if they both focused on the solution the effects would be muted and the crystals would go back to normal. She just needed to double check something with Nib first.

"Nib, were you practising with physical magic on the crystals? Trying to enchant one?"

"Yeah but it didn't work. Wait, is that what caused all this?" Nib was holding gemstones in each hand, both of them vibrating against his palms.

She cradled his hand in both of hers and peeled open his fingers. She took the gemstone in between her thumb and forefinger to hold it up so that their eyes met while both were looking at it while it continued to hum. "I can feel that this vibration isn't some volatile explosion, it's just trapped physical magic trying to escape. I would be willing to bet that you tried it on the one crystal, it didn't work so you put it in a container, and a few minutes later you noticed it humming?"

"Yeah, exactly that. What's your diagnostic?"

"You probably didn't notice that your enchantment almost worked. As in, you managed to get some of that physical magic in the crystal but it wasn't properly contained. That magic started trying to escape, but there was so little of it that you didn't feel it, hear it, or notice it. It wasn't until you put it in the basket with the other crystals that the strength of the vibrations intensified. That bit of magic interacted with the nearby crystals equally, then rebounded back to the first before spreading out. The aura of magic between the basket must have jumped to the next with each new basket affected amplifying the effects exponentially." She kept the gem between them and focused magic on it, nullifying it's vibrations.

Nib looked close, trying to see what had happened. "So how are we going to fix it?"

Ceylon found an empty basket and tossed the nullified gemstone inside it. "I am going to have to draw the building energy out of each crystal and gemstone individually, and we are going to have to make sure the appropriately nullified ademane is disenchanted at least a meter away from any other currently reacting crystals. If I remove the enchantment then put it back in an affected container it's just going to get triggered again."

"How can I help?"

"Get one of the empty orchard baskets. Three of them, actually, and place them out here next to each other. I am going to disenchant them one at a time to make sure there's no cross-contamination and you can sort them in the orchard baskets. One for relics, one for gemstones, one for crystals."

Nib nodded and immediately galloped away to the barn, where they kept dozens of bushel-sized baskets for holding apples and pears. While he did this, Ceylon negated the physical magic in two gemstones, one in each hand. By the time he got back, she was done with the first of hundreds.

The actual act of disenchanting them took only a few seconds at a time. No more than a minute at most. She had to take two from inside the lab, step outside the lab with the ademane so that she equally far away from the shelves of affected materials and the baskets of purged gemstones, negate the spell in them, and then have Nib take them and sort them into their respective basket. She would then go back inside and get two more, that way she was doing the disenchantment far enough away from the others that there would be no cross contamination.

It took the better part of an hour going back and forth between the hundreds of various gems, crystals, and relics in their lab. Fortunately this didn't affect the potions or they would have to dump their entire stock. Once a potion was enchanted it couldn't be disenchanted. The spell or effect was in there until it was consumed. A crystal could hold a charge or a spell infinitely, and depending on the purity of the crystal itself that capacity was variable. It was more like a container to hold magical energy that could be swapped out if the mage was powerful enough.

That was why crystals were used in ancient, magical relics. The gemstones could be enchanted with a specific spell or combination of spells to give the relic specialized powers. If it ran out of magic juice, a person could use some of their own to charge it while maintaining the spell. Or as an alternative the user could be someone who's not strong with magic using a properly charged relic to use spells while only guiding them. A staff of lightning could let its user use electric spells even if they didn't know how to manipulate that sort of energy, they would just need to know how to use the staff.

Not many mages had the skill to absorb that much magic from a gemstone or crysyal, but Ceylon was one of the few. One of perhaps two dozen in the entire world that she knew about that would have been able to safely absorb and redistribute the magic. That's why she wasn't upset at Nib.

Any other master would be angry with their apprentice for making such a gaffe. That sort of mistake if left unchecked could have resulted in their entire homestead being left a charred crater. But with Ceylon around that sort of thing would be taken care of. She was the sort of mage who had the skills and ability to fix most any mistakes so she encouraged Nib to experiment to his heart's content. That was the safest and most creatively fertile way to experiment.

Knowing you're safe in your environment gives you a clean mental and emotional state, and it's conducive to the best growth. Ceylon wanted that for Nib, so she encouraged him to try anything and to not worry about consequences, if only when she was around. He was smart enough to know what not to do when she wasn't around.

However, in spite of that honest mistake, the process of disenchanting all those gemstones and crystals and relics left her with an abundance of spare energy to do something with. Taking in that much magic from the resonating material left her buzzing and twitching with extra energy. So once the magical items had been appropriately sorted in the baskets, she couldn't help but start using that energy on Nib.

Before he was able to bring in the orchard baskets, she rubbed up against him and smirked, beak partially agape. "You know, I hope you've learned something today." She was going to make a joke about punishment as a form of flirtation but that really wouldn't vibe well with their established partnership. Instead, she tried to use this as a learning opportunity while also being flirty. That was in line with their relationship.

He paused a moment. "I'm not sure. I think there's a lesson here but I'm having a hard time figuring out which one it is. I know it's not to 'not enchant crystals with physical magic', because that's something we've been working on for a while." In spite of him trying to focus on the apparent lesson he couldn't help but gently pat her and stroke her down the back and neck. Her shoulder was about up to his waist, so she was exactly the right height.

"Not quite. No, this should be a defining lesson on making sure to isolate your test subjects and keep them apart so you don't cross contaminate. When doing experimentation, always make sure you isolate every subject, and change only one factor at a time. In order to best understand your results and not cross contaminate, always isolate your subject for at least an hour."

"I suppose tossing the gem back in with the others was what made this a potential disaster. Had I not done that, the effects would have tapered off without bouncing off the other gems and compounding exponentially. A very good lesson. I will not forget it." Nib confirmed.

Ceylon purred a bit while she stepped away, tail up and gaze fixed over her shoulder to expose herself and convey her desire. "Exactly. You learned from this experience and were able to identify where you went wrong. I don't suppose you would be in the mood for a proper reward for your efforts, would you?"

Nib's eyebrow raised and his loins twitched. He didn't really feel he deserved a reward after that but also knew Ceylon's moods were unpredictable and strange. The oddest things turned her on so it wasn't too far out of character to want to relieve some tension in such a manner after an averted disaster. "I suppose I couldn't say no to that. What have you got in mind?"

"Well, I am not going to lie to you, Nib. You caught me at a bad time, and the thought of using those vibrating crystals on myself definitely crossed my mind. I almost wish I had've kept one affected by he physical magic. But since that wasn't an option, I'm left here all needy and hungry. So tell me, can you help me with that?" She stepped away, swaying her hips with tail raised high and curled over her back, ensuring she showed off her plump black lips and equally thick tail hole. Not only did she let him look, she actually reached over her haunches and grabbed the edge of both her holes, prying her flesh to the side and revealing the pink and red folds inside.

The donkey stud just huffed. He still had lingering adrenaline from the crystal incident but that didn't mean his cock didn't work. He peeled off his sash and stepped out of his pants as he paced towards her. "Did you have anything in particular in mind?"

Ceylon shook her head and released the hold on her rump and lips, letting them plop shut while a single bead of fluid seeped down her slit. Right as the tickle of it passed her clit, she winked and shuddered a bit in anticipation. "Nope. Anything goes. But don't make me wait too long, Styreks is just over there and I'd have no problem letting him have a go if you're not in the mood."

"I am. I mean, I can be. It might take a moment if you don't mind." He stepped up to her and laid both his hands on her haunches, thumbs in between her cheeks to tease her folds and plump anal ring. "You must be horny, you're so soft."

"I'm almost always horny, it's just a matter of catching me at the right time when I wanna involve someone else." She leaned back into him, practically forcing her loins right against his sheath.

He gulped a bit as the warmth from her flesh transferred onto him, drawing out his cock and forcing it to unfold between them. The top of his shaft squeezed in between her folds as his tip swelled below her clit, drooling his own mix of slick fluids onto the grass beneath them. Part of him wanted to be coy, to make a few jokes or to give Ceylon a bit of attention prior to diving in. But the rest of him knew that if he messed around or didn't go for it when the opportunity was there, she might change her mind and he might have to take care of himself later.

But just as he was about to grab his length and press his cock to her flesh, she stepped away and did a cute little hop. This left him holding his member up against nothing.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't realize you were ready." She said while laying down with her chest flat to the grass and ass end up high. Her tail remained over the small of her back and her stance was wide. "Don't stand on ceremony, dear."

"Or what?" He joked. "You're not doing any chores this evening, are you?" While he was being silly, he still caught up to her and leaned into her, putting his weight on her widened stance with both hands on her hips. As he eased his way into her, the gryphon's pussy lips parted with ease and practically swallowed the entirety of his length deep inside her, clenching tight around the base and kissing his sheath in the process. He was only half hard at this point. His member was growing stiffer with each rapid beat of his heart, something Ceylon was eager to take advantage of.

Ceylon wasn't shy about her wants or needs, and while she had a good relationship with Nib, they both knew what was going on here. At this point she was just using him to satisfy her cravings. She needed to be stuffed, she needed to feel his long, thick cock destroying her and while she would happily reciprocate if she got off by helping him to make a mess, his pleasure came second.

That's why she started gyrating her hips while remaining in the prone position. She winked her clit, which clenched the entirety of her depths around him as snug as possible, then slowly pulled away from him. The grip of her pussy was so good he couldn't help but lean into her and almost fall over if not for the fact that her tail wrapped around his upper chest to keep him upright.

She was in charge. Practically using her entire body to stroke his cock with each motion. She clenched her walls and winked her clit to bounce on him a few times before relaxing and letting his shaft plow through her with ease. The friction on each style was markedly different, with one being snug and tight and controlled while the other was loose and sloppy and audible. Sometimes she'd mix it up mid stroke to really emphasize the difference, occasionally even just clenching up tight and trying her best to press her rump to his hips.

The problem was that, as he grew to full girth and firmness, he was too big for her. She was smaller than usual, which meant her pussy was more shallow than she was used to being. In her full sized form, she had a passage that could swallow him from head to hips and beg for more, but in this form he could only thrust his cock in to the median ring so that each buck and pull out tugged her lips. He couldn't quite make it too deep, as her cervix was a very real and very firm limit.

Well, that's what he thought, anyway. Ceylon still had a tonne of energy coursing through her she'd absorbed from the vibrating crystals, so she had what she needed to convert that into shifting energy, the sort that would allow her to adapt her body to any situation.

Unfortunately, Nib felt he'd reached his limits in terms of how rough he could get with her cunt and pulled out with a wet slop and meaty plap as her walls collapsed in his absence. She shot an angry glance back at him but she was satisfied when he aimed his bulbous, equine tip at her rump pucker and pushed it in, using the combined fluids of his own precum and her pussy juice as lube to plow all the way into her.

And this had virtually no limit. He slammed his hips to hers, the girth of his head grinding and sliding past the layers and folds of her gut meat, bursting through each barrier to end up prodding somewhere in the middle of her torso from inside.

The texture inside was different, of course. Gryphon pussy was slick, flat, and lightly textured while the flesh of her bowels was rippled and uneven. Ceylon knew this and used it to her advantage, because she also knew the strengths and weaknesses of her musculature. She had complete control over her pussy walls, but when it came to anal she could only really control the entrance and the rest was based on her abdominal walls. Which meant him slamming himself into her ass was more likely to churn her guts rather than be a controlled thrust.

She loved that almost as much as the intensity of having flaring horse cock slamming her cunt. So she arched her back and tensed up every muscle in her abdomen to constrict her bowels around him as best she could. Of course, while this did make it so that his every movement had to weave and adjust inside her, ensuring she felt every twitch and pulsation from him, but it also meant that he got to feel the three lumps of fruit dancing around deeper inside him.

She'd initially just slipped a few in there and forgot them when Nib summoned her to the lab. She had idly felt them shifting around but as able to ignore it for the entirety of the situation prior to him plowing her ass. Now, with his cock churning her guts, they were moving around and she could feel their every movement. In part it was mildly uncomfortable, but it also was hitting buttons inside her that made her toes curl into the dirt and her tail tip flick around.

He kept pounding her, trying to be as rough as he could with little to no restraint. Ceylon could take it. He knew that and loved that about her. He thrust so hard and so deep, then came out so far and had been so rough that when he looked down he saw a ring of red wrapped around his emerging cock, as a series of her folds had come out with him to grip his girth. In anyone else that would have been a cause for concern, but with Ceylon it just meant she was enjoying herself and he was doing a good job.

So of course he pulled out entirely, leaving her gaping with the layers and folds of her gut flesh protruding from her swollen donut to create a delicious looking rosebud up under her tail. He considered bending down and burying his muzzle in her pussy to do the same to that part of her but the chilly autumn air on his wet cock was making him recede again and he wanted to make sure he filled her with all he had before her mood swung back around and she took care of herself.

He grabbed the base of his cock for control and aim and plunged as deep as he could go. This buried so much of him with ease that he even felt her rump flesh swallow his fist until he pulled out and used that now-soaked hand to grip the base of her tail. This extra stability allowed him to go harder and rougher.

In fact he got so rough and so aggressive that his thrusts combined with his weight pushed Ceylon's chest down into the dirt, where her beak tilled a furrow as she was shoved forward. She could have done something about that, but there was something special about the feral lust that used her and abused her with little care for her comfort. That was why it was so fun to be with a feral stallion, she had to make the best of what little time she had, and the mating was so brief and intense that it lingered deep within her for hours.

It also could result in her cunt getting ruined for a day or two as a stallion's cock was too long for her body and would force its way into her womb. Obliterating her cervix in the process.

Which was exactly what she wanted from Nib. The sensation of him wildly thrusting into her rump and doing so with such vigour that part of her unfolded outside of her hole when he pulled out was unique and crazy and fun, but it wasn't what she was craving right now. Not even with the apples deep inside her twisting around and grinding against one another in her guts.

She had been splayed out with her talons around her head for balance but she felt the need to reach up between her legs and grab his fully erect cock, urging him to pull out. He resisted a bit - most would when sheath-deep in gryphon ass - but relented and took her guidance by pulling out fully, the plop of his half-formed flare sucking out a bit of her bowels in the process.

With him outside of her, she simply angled him a bit lower. She could have audibly asked him, to just call back to fuck her cunt, but dirty talk wasn't as fun in reality as it was in fantasy so she manually guided him to where he wanted to go. Even if his cock was so long it wouldn't all fit inside her. Not without some magical assistance.

At least that's what she was expecting. Instead, she pushed back onto him the moment she felt his cock tip touching her pussy lips, swallowing as much as she could in the process. His cock plowed through her, grinding against all walls at once thanks to the girth of his swelling flare, then stopped at her cervix. About three quarters of his length was inside her, as the gryphon's plump black pussy lips were suckling on him halfway between his median ring and the base where sheath met his heavy balls.

Then she pushed a bit more, grunting and growling into the dirt, each exhalation blowing a bit of debris away. This part was always quite uncomfortable, the sensation of anything blunt forcing its way into her cervix. It felt like a kick in the cunt, or a baseball bat to the balls, but it was also enjoyable in a strange way. Sure, the actual physical sensations were not meant to be enjoyed, naturally, but the mental concept of that meaning her womb was being invaded was enough for her body chemistry to turn that deep discomfort into the most satisfying gratification she could feel.

There was a reason she'd grown so infatuated with having people relax in her womb when she was full sized. The sensation of having someone pass through her cervix was infinitely more intense than the sensation she got when they did the same into her bowels or just past her pussy lips. The discomfort was worth it and the contrast between that and the release that came after the penetration happened and her body adjusted was almost always her goal. So she kept pushing, slamming down against him.

Clearly he was enjoying the sensation of her cunt squeezing him as well, as he remained fully erect from base to tip, the spongy mass that was his flare shifting inside her and twisting to find the right angle. She was pushing so hard and forcing herself onto him that his cock had nowhere else to go but deeper, even if the entrance to her womb appeared to be sealed off and impossible to breach.

Only impossible if she gave up. And the more she pushed, the more pressure was put on his flare in particular, which further kept his shaft harm and firm. This meant his length was solid as a rock while his flare was swelling but still relatively soft, which meant that despite the tightness of her cervix it really only had one place to go.

Ceylon took to flexing each rump muscle and gyrating her hips alongside each thrusting slam down onto his crotch, eager to find the exact mix of angles and pressure to take him deeper. Of course, it wasn't easy but that didn't stop her. She kept bending her knees and arching her back to do all the work, knowing he'd relax and let her do that. She was using him for pleasure, after all.

Eventually, she found something close to the right angle, but then realized that they were in the wrong position to take advantage of it. So, rather than futilely bounce on his cock, she leaned forward, clenching with all her might to tug on his cock as she flopped over onto her side and eventually rolled onto her back. She was squeezing so much there was no sloppy sounds as her cunt sealed up, it was already clenched fully shut.

Once she rolled onto her back, she exposed her belly and reached around her haunches to grab the rim of both holes, prying them both open to gape herself as best she could. Her ass was hollowed infinitely deep and her cunt dilated against her touch to give him a clear view of her perfectly round walls leading to her plump-looking cervix. A cervix that had more than a passing resemblance of her rump pucker. A thick-looking donut of flesh. Perfection.

And then she clenched ever muscle in her abdomen to collapse both her passages. Her bowels constricted and sputtered out a series of thick gooey slime from her depths accompanied by sputtering sounds while her cunt remained dilated but its length compressed, forcing her cervix to line itself up with her opening. This was not something he saw often so he didn't know how to respond.

Ceylon caught his gaze and grinned directly at him while her hands kept her lips and pucker pried open, exposing every bit of her pink and red insides. Her cunt threatened to invert and hang out of herself, as she'd flexed her abdominal walls in a way that shortened her cunt to zero. There was no distance between her pussy lips and cervix; her womb was there begging to be invaded. This was a general fantasy of hers but more specifically she knew that Nib needed to be at the right angle if he wanted to enter that part of her. The shape of his flare ensured that anything other than this would just deflect him and he'd never lose his length to her depths.

As always Nib knew better than to hesitate. He could tell what she wanted and was happy to indulge both her and himself. He crawled over her and flexed his loins, spurting some more precum all over her belly and exposed cervix. Balancing was hard since he had to use one hand to prop himself up and the other to aim himself. With a bit of focus and concentration he was able to press his cock tip into the plump button of her cervix before easing his way into it.

Of course, it wasn't that easy. As he eased into her, he just stretched out the length of her pussy again, getting three quarters of the way in again until he maxed out her depth and once again he just felt himself bending against the pressure. Except this time, he felt a shift deep inside her as his spongy flare squeezed into the tiny hole of her cervix, gently massaging her open.

Ceylon felt it, too. That deep discomfort was cascading from within her and coursing through her body in all directions, but the sensation of having her womb invaded was enough to overcome that. She had to wrap her legs around him to ensure he kept applying pressure, and she even did her best to gyrate and angle her hips so that she was finding the best angle to maximize the pressure.

And every time he pushed into her, he felt her cervix dilate just a bit more. It was never a lot all at once, but each time he would thrust he'd feel just a bit more freedom, like his cock was squeezing through a tight space. It was the perfect combination for him, as the length and depth of her pussy was massaging his shaft while his flare struggled to squeeze into her womb.

He was getting so close. And Ceylon wanted it. She'd been fantasizing about it all afternoon and it was time to take what she wanted and get wrecked in the process. Functionally it'd be no different than passing an egg, to have his flare explode inside her and then tug her womb out of her body. Again, dangerous to most but to Ceylon it was exactly the sort of thing she needed to get off after years of experimenting with virtually no limits.

She did what she knew she had to. She'd been urging him to thrust by digging her heels into the small of his back and bucking her own hips against him all while clenching her pelvic muscles to give him the best stroke she could manage, but she needed him to be rougher. "Nib, darling, I need you to slam with all your might. As hard as you can, no restraint, you understand?"

He nickered and brayed to himself a bit as he nodded. He didn't say anything, but he made it clear that she was heard. He widened his stance with his knees to brace himself, then made sure both his hands were wrapped around her hips for extra leverage. He took in a deep breath and drew upon his feral equine ancestors to slam his hips to hers with all his might. As instructed. He was a good student.

It didn't work at first, he just felt his length bend as his blunt head hit the floor of her depths, at least the first few times. But after that, he felt her seem to open up a bit; his cock was literally boring her open, dilating her cervix just enough for his spongy flare to squeeze through the passage.

She threw her head back and pushed back with equal enthusiasm, finally relaxing every muscle in her abdomen to ensure she wasn't resisting his penetration. She knew at least part of it that was keeping him out was her natural instinct to have her deep inner muscles clenching; the cervix really wasn't meant to be penetrated. Most of the time. She loved it.

Him thrusting and her doing everything to match and counter him gradually loosened her up. Each thrust, it felt like he'd squeeze in a bit farther until he had to pull out and try again. They couldn't just apply constant pressure, they needed to tease her open one thrust at a time, giving her a split second of respite in between each collective buck of their hips.

Then, right as he shifted his weight over her, he felt the tides shift. He slammed himself into her and felt his cock tip squeeze through her cervix and for the first time it felt like more of it was expanding into her womb than was left constricted in her pussy beyond it. This time he didn't pull out but instead applied constant pressure, lightly grinding and twitching to get every tiny bit into her that he could. She matched him by using her feet to push his hips in as deep as she could.

With a deep pop, his flare finally breached her womb fully and exploded inside her, the pressure of her cervix clenched around the base of his head like a cock ring almost immediately triggered his climax. As this happened, her depths seemed to suck him in, ensuring her pussy lips finally came to kiss his sheath, grinding what fluids escaped her against his belly and letting it trickle down onto his balls. She gasped, he brayed, and both of them clenched fists and curled their toes.

Nib had finally crested the hill and had no problem letting loose. He clenched his loins and squeezed a torrent of donkey seed into her, flooding her womb and inflating it deep inside her in the process. The pressure built but not a drop of it escaped her, as his flare was snug against the inside of her cervix, acting as a plug.

She clawed at his chest as her entire body twitched and pulsated around him, abdominal walls contracting to churn the apples in her bowels and the donkey seed in her womb. She wanted more. She needed more, but she could tell by the pressure deep inside her - a volume of cum that was actually making her belly swell a bit and give her a gravid look - that he wouldn't really have the stamina to go for another round. There were other parts of him he could use to destroy her even farther but she knew he wasn't into fisting as much as he was into plowing her with that donkey cock of his.

Satisfied, Ceylon relaxed again, letting all of her legs curl up around her torso as she contentedly gazed up at him. She wriggled a bit as she felt his cock slowly soften inside her, the pressure dissipating in her depths.

When he went to pull out, his still-engorged flare tugged her cervix once again towards her entrance, putting zero distance between her lips and cervix as it came to rest right inside them. Then, as he softened just enough, his flare popped out of her and left her partially gaped and spewing a thick stream of donkey seed out of her opening before it sealed back up and kept the rest inside. Her still-gaping rump was glazed with white, the underside of her tail was all mucked up and sticky, and she had this immensely satisfied look as she once again wrapped both front talons around her haunches and spread both holes open.

Ceylon grunted as she felt the apples shift inside her, his abusive pounding having dislodged them from their depths and the pressure forcing them to ease towards her opening.

He huffed and hovered over her, watching as her plump, tender-looking cervix throbbed against the open air and her bowels constricted and dilated. He wanted to help but that brisk session was quite exhausting. He was unfortunately done and based on the look on her face she was satisfied.

He was done, but she was not. She still had desires that needed to be taken care of and unlike males, Mares could go for multiple sessions in a row without getting exhausted. Ceylon wanted more. She had the means and the dedication to get it, too.

First would come the apples. A different kind of harvest from the meat that she had put on full display for Nib.

Shells 00-01 - Hatchday Party at The Ranch

**Shells** **Chapter 00 - Prologue** Lethias and Ceylon have been friends for many years. Most of their lives, in fact. In one way or another the pair were always pretty closely linked to one another, be it on purpose or by accident. When they were...

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Planting Roots in the New World Chapters 01-03

**Planting Roots in the New World** **Chapter 01** With his satchel flung over his shoulder, Ezra departed the ship to arrive at the docks of Port Sanri, his canine mate Afearnia arm in arm next to him and his stallion mate Vvilfred towering behind...

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Trying Something New and Old 02

**Trying Something New and Old**** - **** Act II** Ceylon kept his wing wrapped around Foxifly, holding her close to his chest while their tails continued to make out behind them. Her vulva digits kept a firm grip on his knot, holding it in place...

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