Adventures Abroad - Joining Forces

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#13 of Adventures Abroad

Evening falls and darkness settles over wintry Yuvan, but when Jack returns from university, only one of his host family is home yet: Toko's wife, Kama. It's been over a month since they were last alone with each other, and the awkwardness between them escalates during dinner as the fox Is overcome with jealousy. Even after weeks of adjusting to life in Kessan, he still struggles with the idea of sharing Toko with Kama, but fortunately, the red panda has a perfect plan to work things out together.

Chapter thirteen of "Adventures Abroad" revolves around Jack's awkward relationship with Kama and how he finally grows comfortable around the red panda as they join forces to give their mate and lover, Toko, the best night ever. As with the previous chapters, there is plenty of teasing, casual nudity, and character development, as well as some roleplay with themes of domination and submission and lots of cum to round it all off. I wish you a fun read, and I would love to hear your thoughts and comments.

The house was empty and quiet when Jack returned from university in the late afternoon. The usual sounds of Toko preparing dinner in the kitchen were missing, and his swiveling ears couldn't detect the red panda anywhere else either as he slipped out of his jacket and mittens. He knew that Yuma was still in the city as their ways had parted earlier, but he wasn't sure about the other two members of the family until a muffled noise broke the silence ever so slightly.

Tiptoeing through the hallway, the sound led the fox toward the living room, and he carefully opened the door to take a peek inside. The room was almost completely dark as the windows were curtained and the ceiling lamps weren't turned on. Only a single table lamp provided a dim glow, and next to it sat Kama, wrapped up in at least three different blankets with a book in her paws, her red hair untied and draped over her shoulders like a veil of autumn leaves with her fuzzy round ears peeking out.

Looking up from her read, the red panda turned toward Jack with a soft smile and a nod. "Oh, good evening, Jack. Toko is coming home late today. She's got a few important meetings to attend."

The fox had already opened his mouth when Kama beat him to his biggest question, and he bit his tongue, looking at her with a blush. "G-good evening to you too, Kama."

"Also, I unfortunately haven't prepared any dinner because I wasn't sure when you'd arrive. I think Toko left a pot of soup in the fridge, though, so you're welcome to heat some up," she said, only to pause and rub her belly under the blankets. "That said, I've lost track of time and haven't had a bite yet either, so I'd appreciate it if you could make some extra."

"O-oh, sure thing!" Jack nodded hastily before he turned around and slipped back out of the living room. After he closed the door, he stumbled over to the kitchen with a knot forming in his chest as he realized how uneasy he felt around Kama. He usually barely noticed it because either Toko or their sons were around to distract him, or she just dropped by to wake him up or call him to dinner. But none of the others were here at the moment, so he was all alone with someone he knew a lot less than he was supposed to.

They were both fucking her wife, sometimes while in the same room, sometimes together, and he wasn't even sure what Kama's favorite food was.

That last thought managed to snap the fox back into reality, and he found himself standing in front of an open fridge, chilly air wafting around his ankles as he stared blankly at its contents. Shaking his head, he eventually bent forward and skimmed the rows until he found a big pot on the very bottom. That had to be the soup Kama had been talking about, so he pulled it out and heaved it onto the stove, lifting the lid to confirm that it was, indeed, full to the brim with vegetable soup. Far too much for the two of them, he transferred some into another pot with a ladle before putting the bulk back into the fridge.

Thanks to Toko's foresight, it didn't take long for Jack to finish preparing dinner, and soon he was carrying the steaming pot of soup into the dining room. After setting the table for two, he was just about to let Kama know that everything was ready when the door opened.

Having left her blankets in the living room, the red panda stood in the door frame clad in nothing but a pair of frilly blue panties. The rest of her body was fully exposed in its luxurious brown and maroon fluffiness, and not a single of her wide, delicious curves remained concealed, granting the fox a perfect, muzzle-watering view of her plump, plush tits, the thick rosy buds atop glistening with a thin trickle of sweet milk, and of her huge baby belly, so full with growing life that her navel had gotten pushed out.

"I heard the sound of cutlery, so I figured that dinner was ready," Kama chirped, licking her lips as she sauntered toward the dining table. Plopping down on a chair, she sat back and rubbed her heavily gravid dome with an eager grin. "And no second too soon, I might add. Thanks for that, Jack."

"Y-you're welcome, Kama," the fox muttered dumbstruck, trying to stop staring as he sat down to conceal his rapidly rising erection. He knew that she wouldn't mind the growing bulge in his panties, yet it felt much more awkward to pop a boner around her than around Toko or anyone else. "Hope it's enough."

"Oh, it's fine," the red panda cooed as she poured as much soup as she could on her plate without it spilling over before she handed the ladle to the fox. "So, how's your day been, Jack? Did anything interesting happen at the university?"

The fox briefly froze up when he recalled his fuck with Yuma in the cafeteria, then he shook his head. "No, not really. Just business as usual. Some lectures were interesting, others boring. At least there were no seminars this afternoon, so I had some time to study with Yuma in the library," he said, omitting the fact that he had spent half of that study time balls-deep in her girly son. "And how's your day been?"

"More relaxed than usual. My boss called in sick, so I went home right after lunch to spend the day with Toko, but of course, she had to be at the office on the only day I get home early. So instead, I kind of got carried away and read all afternoon until you got here," Kama chuckled.

As the red panda spoke, the knot in Jack's chest returned, and it became twice as tight and uncomfortable when she mentioned spending time with Toko. It didn't matter that they had agreed on sharing her because the sting of jealousy was real and it hurt embarrassingly much as he clutched the ladle with whitening knuckles, almost spilling the soup over his lap. "Sounds pretty alright."

"Indeed. Could've been better, could've been worse. That said, I'm glad that you've come home because the house was feeling awfully lonely," Kama added, waiting for Jack to finish filling his plate before she ate her first spoonful. "Also, you look gorgeous in that outfit. The hornleaf tea is working wonders on you, isn't it?"

"Uh-huh. It's really potent." Jack nodded with a blush and turned his head to one of the cupboards, wondering if he should pour himself another cup. But then he figured that it would make him even hornier around Kama, so he dismissed the idea just as quickly.

"And it's been changing you faster than anyone I've ever seen. Maybe it's because you're not as habituated to the tea as we are? Whatever it is, I love those curves on you. That said, have you applied for an extension to your exchange stay yet?"

"Hm? N-no, not yet. There's still time," the fox murmured, his blush deepening as he fidgeted with the buttons on his shirt. "The semester has only just begun."

"That's true, but do you already know whether you want to stay in Kessan or return home at some point?"

Kama's question put Jack on the spot, as it had been drifting through his head on occasion before, but he had never paid much attention to it. On one paw, he was an exchange student, so it was only natural for him to go back home to friends and family eventually. On the other paw, he had found a new family and new friends in Kessan, but most importantly a partner and the thought of leaving Toko twisted his heart in his chest. Was that why Kama was asking? To know when she'd have her for herself again? In a flash of jealousy, he responded almost defiantly, "Of course I'll stay."

The red panda winced at his tone, blinking in surprise before she suggested, "In that case, why not apply for an indefinite stay or citizenship? The sooner you take care of that, the sooner you won't have to worry about it anymore. Although, you should definitely tell your parents about it before you do it."

"Y-yes, I probably should," Jack stammered, only to lower his gaze and continue to eat in awkward silence.

The words left unspoken had put a palpable tension in the air, and although there was no overt anger on Kama's face, she stared at her dinner with a strained frown as she ate. Seconds had never lasted longer before, and the fox wasn't even halfway done with his plate when the thought of eating another bite made him gag. Too big, too tumultuous was the chaos in his head as he agonized over her remarks, trying to find a solution to her questions and the much more uncomfortable ones arising from them. Of course, he didn't want to leave Toko. Of course, Kama would stay with her as well, and he didn't even dare think of changing that. They were married to each other. He was not. So was he the third wheel? The last weeks begged to differ as he had spent almost all of his time outside of university with Toko and by her side. Did that mean...

At that point, it became exceedingly clear to Jack that he couldn't find any satisfying answers on his own, not for something that affected more people than just himself. Heart pounding, he looked up from his plate and hesitantly smacked his lips as he wondered how to broach the subject to Kama. He didn't want to, he hated and dreaded even thinking about it, but he had to. If he didn't address the issue now, it would definitely come up later, whether he liked it or not, and it would only get worse with time. Finally, he cleared his throat and asked, "I've been hogging Toko a lot since I arrived, haven't I?"

The fox lowered his ears in anticipation of whatever response would come, but instead of exploding on him, an amused grin returned to Kama's lips as she looked at him with twinkling turquoise eyes. "No, you haven't. In fact, it's the other way around. She's been hogging you ever since you two got together."

"O-oh? You think so?" Jack stammered. "Still, I'm s-sorry that I've been spending so much time with her while you..."

"Don't worry, it's fine. It'll pass."

"Wait, what do you mean by that?"

"Jack, I've known Toko for a lot longer than you. Several years longer," Kama explained. "I love her with all my heart, but she's a very impulsive girl. Whenever she makes a new friend or finds a new toy to play with, she'll obsess over it for a few days or weeks. I still remember when we got the hospitality rack in the living room. We fucked on that thing and nowhere else for two weeks straight, but that phase went by eventually, and her current one will end just as well."

The fox paled and his heart sank to his boots as his concerns flipped into the opposite. Was he just a fling, a toy and hadn't even noticed yet? "So it's just a phase?" he whimpered, voice cracking as his eyes suddenly got suspiciously wet.

"Yes. No... I mean, she's not going to dump you once it's over," Kama tried to clarify. "She'll just spend less time with you than she does right now, but that's it. She'll love you just as much and thoroughly while obsessing about the next thing that catches her interest."

"So you knew that this would happen all along? Why didn't you say anything?"

Chewing on her lip, the red panda now hesitated to respond, avoiding Jack's gaze for a moment before she nodded slowly. "I didn't say anything because I didn't want to disrupt your time with Toko. I thought that things would calm down on their own once the honeymoon phase passed, and then we would've had plenty of time and space to work on our relationship with each other."

"You stayed in the background on purpose?"

"Yes, but in hindsight I know that it wasn't a good choice," Kama sighed. "You're still jealous, aren't you?"

Her words were another searing dagger to Jack's heart, leaving him speechless, but not unable to nod weakly.

"I was afraid of that, and I'm sorry. You've accustomed yourself so quickly that I always forget that you're not from Kessan. I assume you're afraid that I'll take her away from you, aren't you?"

Jack nodded again, looking at the red panda with a deep blush on his cheeks, his ears pressed flat against his skull and his tail curled around the seat of his chair.

"As I thought. Now, hear me out, I've got an idea what we can do about this. Toko is still at work at the moment and the meetings usually get her quite cranky and exhausted, so how about we prepare a nice dinner for her and pamper her tonight?" Kama offered with a cautious smile. "Because it doesn't matter whether we two remain friends or become lovers. We are always united in our love for this wonderful woman, so let's revel in it and share her, service her, make her happy together because I'm sure you enjoy seeing her laugh and smile as much as I do."

The realization that someone else felt the same way about Toko as he did surprised Jack, even if the signs had probably always been there, and an odd thrill raced through his body at Kama's suggestion. This was not a competition between them, he had told himself a thousand times before, but for the first time, he no longer felt like he was fighting against her, but that he would benefit from her superior experience to make Toko all the happier by joining forces. Finally, the fox's muzzle lit up with a shaky smile, and he nodded. "You know what? That sounds good, but what exactly do you have in mind?"

"I'm glad you asked because I have just the perfect thing for this in the back of our wardrobe," Kama beamed, rubbing her paws as she got up from her chair, her tail swishing with excitement. "It's a couple of traditional servant outfits, at least one of which belongs to Yuma and should be your size. So, we're going to don those and doll up, get the bedroom nice and cozy with some incense sticks, brew a fresh batch of hornleaf tea, and cook a fancy meal for Toko. And once she's home, everything else will be in her paws."

"Oh, wow. You've done this before, haven't you?" Jack gasped, the red panda's excitement rubbing off on him as he tried to imagine Toko's look when she saw him in a special outfit.

"Sometimes. If the occasion is right because few things get Toko as riled up as this," Kama giggled. "Frankly, I'm looking forward to doing this with you because this will get her going even more. Tonight is going to be a night to remember. Anyway, did you ever put on any makeup?"

"Makeup? No, why?" The fox shivered at the salacious tone in Kama's voice, not quite able to imagine what was expecting them, but growing more and more eager to find out.

"Good. We're going to change that now, and I promise you'll love the result," the red panda purred, strutting around the table toward the fox. Not missing a beat, she grabbed his wrist and pulled him up. "Come, let's make our girl happy, shall we?"

No minute later, Jack stood in the bedroom while Kama industriously darted around him, putting all sorts of cans and boxes on the dressing table. Finally delving into the walkable wardrobe, she returned with a complete servant outfit in each of her paws, and as she draped them across the bed, she gestured at him. "Alright, strip down, because this is going to take a bit of work."

The fox blinked at the red panda in slight hesitation but eventually did as told, blushing as he dropped one piece of clothing after the other. She had seen him naked plenty of times before, but there was something different about their current situation. Although he wasn't as uncomfortably ashamed around her as half an hour ago, he couldn't help but tuck his tail between his thighs by the time he slipped out of his skirt and removed his socks, drawing the line at his bulging panties.

Kama was too wrapped up in her plan to care, though, popping open the biggest can on the table. Dunking two fingers into the smooth, oily white cream inside, she explained, "First things first, this is a metallizer. It's a mix of oils and binders that gives your coat a rich, glossy sheen for a day or two." Demonstratively, she smeared the milky substance into the fur on her chest, meticulously massaging it into every strand of fur before she offered the can to Jack. "Here, help yourself and make sure to get some everywhere. And tell me when I need to help you with your back."

Dipping his paw into the container, the fox gave the slightly lavender-scented lotion a curious sniff before he followed her example, gingerly rubbing it across his chest. "How is this different from the binder Toko uses to clean up cum?"

"It's much more expensive and specifically made to enhance the fur, not to moisturize the skin. It looks better too. Like, your red fur is going to shine like brushed copper once you're done," Kama cooed, already lathering her swollen baby bump with another batch of cream. "Usually, I just use it for highlights, but why don't we splurge a little tonight?"

Jack nodded, bending forward to spread the lotion onto the rest of his fur. Across his belly and sides, along his arms and thighs down to his paws and feet, and into his thick, fluffy tail, it took a few minutes until he had lathered it onto every spot within his reach, leaving only his back and balls unattended. He didn't even have to say anything, as Kama shot him one understanding look before she took a fresh dab and moved behind him, working the cream into his back with a thorough massage. Meanwhile, he sampled a tiny bit on two fingers and slipped them into his panties to hastily smear it across his furry orbs.

"There we go," Kama giggled, rubbing her paws as she turned around. "Now, if you would be so kind."

Heeding her request, Jack moved behind the red panda and returned the favor, slathering some fresh lotion onto her shoulder blades before he dispersed it across her back. By the time he reached her hips, most of her pelt was left shining like like brushed copper and dark bronze, the light of the ceiling lamp making her every strand of fur glow, but his attention slipped to another feature of her as he closed in on her butt. Unlike him, she had dropped even her underwear, standing before him in the buff, and with her warm, silky fur under his fingertips, the scent of lavender mixing with her soft musk, his excitement was turning into arousal and his panties started tenting with his swelling cock again. Staring at her voluptuous rump for another second, he finally tore himself away with a blush on his cheeks. "There, d-done."

"Thank you very much, Jack." Kama nodded, ambling toward the dressing table to grab a black plastic box. "And while we wait for the cream to soak into the fur, let's take care of the other parts, shall we?" Popping open the box, she held it next to the fox's face, comparing the colors of various talcy powders with the color of his eyes. "Eye shadow," she explained, coating a black brush with one of the mixtures before she hovered it over his right eye. "Close your eye and pay close attention while I apply some."

"Uh-huh," Jack muttered, not daring to move as she worked on his eyelid, painting it with quick strokes.

Kama followed up with the other one and finally pulled away with a pleased hum. "There, you can try doing it yourself in the future, but I wanted to show it to you once so you know what it looks like," she said, tapping the brush against the edge of the box. "Because doing eye shadow right can be a little tricky as it's either too much, too little, or just uneven."

Grabbing another brush, the red panda unceremoniously dipped it into a different pot before she turned to the mirror, repeating the same process on herself until both her eyelids had adopted the same dark, smoky hue. Putting aside the brush, she then picked up a small glass vial, unscrewing it to pull out a little bristly brush soaked in a pitch-black, glossy liquid. "Next, it's time for the mascara." Holding up the brush, she nodded at him before she turned back to the mirror, hovering it just above her eyelashes. "Gentle twists, always away from the eye, and don't try to force it. Patience is key if you don't want to poke yourself." Biting on her tongue, Kama was fully focused on her reflection as she applied the mascara, doing one eye, then the other before she slid the brush back into its flacon. Batting her black, much lusher eyelashes at him, she grabbed a different vial and offered it to him. "Your turn, beautiful."

Jack looked hesitantly at the flask in Kama's paw, then he nodded and opened it, cautiously guiding the soaked brush to his face. She had definitely made this look easier than it actually was, as his paws were trembling so much that he didn't dare move it anywhere close to his eyeball, only to end up twisting the brush in thin air rather than against his eyelashes while it kept dripping onto the dressing table.

"Take your time and don't worry about the mess. Though, try to wipe it off next time," Kama whispered, already a step further with a glossy black lipstick in her grip. She waited until he had taken care of his right eye before she applied it, though, making sure that he watched her as she moved it across her lips. Going round twice, she smacked her muzzle to spread it evenly before she capped her lipstick and gave him a fresh one in the same dark color. "Here, for when you're done with the other eye."

"It's the same color as my lips, though," Jack objected. "Aren't they usually red?"

"I know, but that's not what I'm going for. I want to enhance my lips with a soft, glossy shine, not override it with a different color," Kama giggled, only to blow a kiss at him. "Besides, there's no better way to leave a mark on someone you love than this~"

A thrilling shiver raced through the fox as he imagined where the marks would end up, and no matter what part of Toko's body he thought of, it only made things better. First, he had to finish applying the mascara, though, then follow up with the lipstick, and by the time he was done, the red panda stood in front of him with his outfit in her paw. Before he put it on, though, he took a step back and looked into the mirror to check out the end result. Kama hadn't been lying about the glossy, metallic shine, as his red fur had turned into rich copper, the bright patch on his chest and belly adopting a silvery luster, and the eye shadow and mascara made his brown eyes sparkle more illustriously than ever.

Mesmerized by his own reflection, Jack eventually slipped his fingers under the rim of his panties and pulled them down, kicking them off before he looked back into the mirror to ogle himself in his fully unconcealed shape. The softness on his chest and around his hips wasn't deniable anymore, complementing the slight tone on his arms and abdomen, and his thighs had grown thicker just as much as his ass while his growing curves extended even to his rounder cheeks and face. Even if he did this every other morning, he still couldn't get over the fact of how beautiful he had become, and while he never minded the lean, straight looks of himself before he came here, this looked and felt so much better.

While the fox was still beaming at the mirror, Kama acknowledged his self-appreciation with a chuckle. "You're right, Jack. You look absolutely gorgeous," she cooed, only to nudge him with the outfit. "That said, let's wrap this present up for our girl."

"Yes," Jack replied, nodding at the red panda with a rapt smile as he took the gear from her paws. Gingerly, he unraveled the package and put it on piece by piece, beginning with a pair of spacious white panties and a soft white bra that cupped his budding breasts and sizable package almost perfectly. After that, he slipped into a pair of emerald thigh-high socks and elbow warmers, clipping a silky choker onto his neck before he reached the star of the outfit: a dark green button-up dress with golden rims and floral embroidery. Sliding into its arms, it proved a little tighter around his chest than expected, though, as it had been fitted to Yuma's flat chest and not his budding cleavage, but it was comfortably loose otherwise, embracing the base of his tail with an open notch while reaching down to just about his knees, allowing a sliver of fur to shine through the gap between its edge and his socks. Once fully dressed, he looked into the mirror once more, and the grin on his muzzle grew even bigger. "Oh wow, I like this. This is very pretty."

"It is, isn't it?" Kama laughed, stepping next to him in her outfit, comprising the same parts but in a dark, rich red.

"You're looking stellar in this, too," the fox added, only to pause and raise a brow as he noticed the big black silicone plug in her paw. "What's that?"

"That's the last part of your outfit," the red panda chuckled and squirted some lubricant onto the toy before she handed it to him. "So we're properly stretched, lubed, and plugged when our Mistress comes home."

"Our Mistress?" Jack gasped, taking the toy with trembling fingers.

"As I said earlier, we're going to play Toko's servants tonight, and she will be our Mistress. She commands, we obey, but I don't think that'll be much of a problem for you, Jack," Kama replied, preparing another black plug for herself. Spreading lube all over it, she then pulled on a hidden string in her dress to raise the back of the fabric up to her tail, moaning softly as she slid the toy in with a wet shlick and pop. Once in place, she did the same to her cunt with an inflatable plug, splitting the front of the dress with another string before she slid it into her plump pink peach and secured it with a few pumps, all while Jack couldn't help but watch in horny awe. "Your turn, gorgeous. After that, we can head down and prepare dinner for our beloved~"

With a quick nod, Jack reached under the hem of his own dress, groping around the silky fabric until his fingers got caught on a loose, sturdy string. He gave it a cautious tug and the back of the dress parted just like it had with Kama's, baring his ass so he could stow his toy as well. Aligning the tapered tip of the plug with his supple sphincter, a soft moan escaped his lips as he slipped it in with gentle, twisting motions until it locked into place with an audible smack. The realization that anyone would be able to reach under his dress and get him ready to receive in a split second while fully dressed left him trembling in excitement for another moment before the red panda did the exact opposite of that.

Curling one paw around the fox's paw, she slid the other under his dress and loosened the fabric, allowing it to slide back into its original place. "The utility of these dresses is amazing, isn't it?"

"Y-yes, very much."

With a giggle, Kama tightened her grip around Jack's paw and pulled him along, out of the room, down the stairs, and into the kitchen. Standing in front of the empty countertop, he wasn't sure what dish she wanted to make, but it was definitely going to be more complicated than heating a pot of premade soup and more involved than any dish he had ever cooked. Hence, he didn't mind getting delegated to being the chef's assistant as the red panda handed him an apron, a knife, and a cutting board and instructed him to chop vegetables.

The fox spent the following minutes cutting everything from tomatoes and carrots to onions and parsley, and every time he handed the board to Kama, she had progressed further with her preparations as well, three bubbling, steaming pots and pans on the stove filling the kitchen with the most delicious, muzzle-watering smells. Two courses were in the making for their mutual mate, a fresh, zesty vegetable soup as appetizer and pasta with a thick, chunky tomato sauce, and he really had to restrain himself from tasting too much of either as it made him as hungry as if he hadn't eaten anything today. Fortunately, he would soon get another kind of treat to satisfy his hunger, even if the prospect made him drool even harder, his anticipation growing like the bulge in his panties.

Once everything was chopped and processed, Kama sent Jack to the dining room with a plate and cutlery, and just as he finished setting the table, his ears picked up a telling click from the entrance door. Whirling around, his heart was now pounding a mile a minute as he couldn't wait to hear what Toko would say about his outfit, but before he dashed toward the entrance, he called, "Toko is here!"

As if she had been waiting for her cue, Kama burst out of the kitchen with an excited smile on her muzzle, and she wordlessly hooked her arm under his, heading toward the door with him to give Toko a warm welcome.

In the meantime, the other red panda had already found her way in, announcing herself with a heavy, exasperated sigh. "Finally home. I hope I don't have to see a whiteboard ever again." Still veiled in a thick beige winter coat, Toko stood bent over the shoe rack while busy slipping out of her boots, a frown on her face until she noticed them. Kicking off her second boot, she got up and turned toward them with an exhausted smile on her lips, "Good evening, you two. I'm happy to..." Her expression froze as much as her movement as she caught sight of Jack and Kama, her jaw dropping down and her eyes flicking from one to the other as she tried to process the view. Stunned for another moment, her smile finally returned with twice the width and energy, her posture straightening fully as she spread her arms and stepped toward them, pulling them both into a big hug against her plush body. "Oh my, what a welcome surprise. You're a sight for sore eyes, you two."

"Thanks, Toko, and welcome home," Jack replied, an electric thrill racing through him as he returned the hug. Her praise was music to his ears, but absolutely nothing could beat the look of surprise and infinite joy on Toko's face right now.

"We're happy you're back, Mistress," Kama added, cradling her wife's head to pull her into a loving kiss. Muzzle on muzzle, eyes half-lidded, they intertwined tongues in a brief, passionate dance before breaking apart again, a strand of saliva hanging between their lips. "And we prepared a wonderful dinner for you."

"Oh, really?" Toko beamed so radiantly, it was as if the sun had risen, and as her wife slipped out of her embrace, she unleashed her delight upon the fox still in her arms. Pulling him even closer against her voluptuous body and cleavage, she planted her lips onto his to share a kiss as deep and passionate as with Kama, delving her tongue into his muzzle in a sloppy exchange while her paws roamed his back, stroking his shoulders and cupping his butt. And when she finally loosened her hold, she let out a warm, hearty sigh. "You... you look absolutely dashing tonight, dear. The dress, the makeup... you've never worn makeup before, have you?"

"N-no," Jack admitted with a deep blush. "Kama helped me and showed me how to do it. Do you like it, To- I mean, M-mistress?"

"I love it. And you even put on the fur powder!" the red panda warbled, clapping her paws and bouncing up and down on her feet. "This has just become the best day of my life."

"Mistress! Dinner is served!"

Biting her lip, Toko hurriedly slipped out of her winter coat before she went with the fox to the dining room. Revealing that she was still in her full dress suit, a pleated black skirt and overcoat with a custom-tailored white blouse, Jack felt as if he was a servant at a formal dinner, and the roleplay Kama had proposed became more natural to him as he joined her at the dining table, positioning themselves to the sides of Toko while they waited for her to take a seat.

"Ah, hot soup and pasta. This looks and smells absolutely delightful," Toko swooned, rubbing her paws as she settled on her chair. In the meantime, Kama filled her plate with soup and nodded at a pot of hornleaf tea on the table.

Jack looked at Kama with a dopey grin, his tail wagging wildly behind his back, only for her to nod again more vigorously. "Just the best for you, Mistress. And I'm sure you won't mind a sip of fresh, hot tea either." At that point, the fox finally realized what she wanted from him, and he hurriedly grabbed the carafe and poured Toko a cup of tea.

"Much appreciated," Toko replied, unbuttoning her suit coat and the top two buttons of her blouse to give her ample chest room to breathe. Then, she reached for her spoon and began to eat with the eager eyes of her two mates on her, yet she seemingly didn't care about their growing attention and excitement as she savored every spoonful, taking her sweet time blowing on the hot, steaming soup before she ate it with happy sighs.

Ever so often, she paused her indulgence to coo a compliment about the soup and soon the pasta, praising the flavors and the chefs with a playful sparkle in her eyes. Just as often, Jack got to refill her glass, all the while his anticipation was getting almost painful as he stood there, watching, smiling, nodding at her comments. Never had he wished Toko would be done eating as much as right now, and although he could see her plate getting emptier by the second, it still took a small eternity until she had taken the last bite, finally sitting back to rub her belly with a contented sigh. "That was heavenly. Now, time for the dessert," she said, curling two fingers at the fox to fetch her some dessert.

Looking at Kama with a raised brow, she only returned a wink, so Jack replied, "Ummm, I'm sorry... apologies, Mistress, but we... there will be no dessert tonight." A blush shot onto his cheeks as he spoke, not sure if that was what she wanted him to say.

"Are you sure about that? Because I'm seeing two delightful treats right in front of me," Toko purred with a huge grin on her muzzle, licking her lips as she languidly pushed herself away from the table, sat back in her chair, and spread her legs apart, her skirt riding up just enough to reveal a hint of bulging white. "Now get to work and show me that you can do more than just stand around and look pretty."

She needn't ask Jack twice, and he dashed toward her with a hungry look on his face, but just as he reached her, a paw tightened around his shoulder and stopped his overenthusiasm in his tracks. "Of course, Mistress," Kama warbled, pushing the fox to his knees with gentle, but insistent force before she dropped next to him so they each got a prime view up her skirt and at her massive treasures. "Anything to please you."

The unconditional subservience in Kama's voice stunned Jack almost as much as the casual assertiveness in Toko's voice, even if it made him feel like the fifth wheel in the face of their immense experience with each other. That feeling subsided, however, as Kama pulled him into a surprise kiss, locking her soft, plump lips with his in a wet moan. From the corner of his eye, he saw their mate's cock responding to the teasing sight, flexing and tensing as if to break out of its tight confines, and she let out a raunchy huff, biting her lip while she watched them kiss.

Toko's attention, her undeniable interest turned the fox's initial surprise into genuine passion, and with her eyes on him, he wrapped a paw around Kama's head and deepened their kiss, swapping spit as he coiled his tongue around hers. Horny gasps and moans escaped his muzzle as he wrapped his arms around the gravid female, exploring her plush curves while she returned the favor just as avidly, stroking his butt and budding breasts through the silky fabric of his dress. And as they made out, Toko's paws slipped onto the rim of her skirt to pull it up, inch by inch baring her massive, swollen nuts and her fat, throbbing chocolate cock as the pair of panties strung across her bottom failed to contain either. Instead, a set of tight black straps kept her rod from tenting her skirt, but not for much longer as her fingers worked on the first tensioner.

Watching the unveiling, Jack was tempted to reach out and help her, but Kama intercepted his paw and broke the kiss, sliding her muzzle next to his ear. "Don't touch her yet, Jack. Let her watch and enjoy the sight, there will be enough touching soon," she whispered. "Now, kiss me more and give her something to remember, gorgeous."

The fox groaned and clenched his fingers, but ultimately returned his paw to her waist, feeling up her warm, heavy baby bump with his thumb while she pulled him into another sloppy kiss. All the while, Toko loosened strap after strap until the last ones undid themselves as her pulsing, swelling schlong tore itself free with a violent bounce. Looming over them in its thick, uncut glory, he couldn't help but notice how much it glistened, the skin drenched and steaming with sweat as the forceful unraveling pushed a cloud of her heavy, intoxicating musk toward them.

Jack moaned as his lover's addictive aroma flushed his nose, drooling and quivering as it fanned his arousal into a blazing inferno, and Kama mirrored his reaction to a T, rolling back her eyes into her head as she needily squeezed his butt. Overwhelmed by lust, he turned toward the pregnant red panda and pulled her closer to his chest, licking and kissing her in mindless passion as the bulge on his dress rubbed up against the bump on her belly.

With a deep growl of approval, Toko wrapped a paw around her sweaty cock meat and began to pump it with slow, lazy strokes, a steady stream of pre spilling from her tip as much as saliva from her muzzle while she watched them with voracious hunger in her eyes. She had just indulged in a two-course meal, yet she looked more ravenous than ever, eyeing him with a scorching lust he had never experienced. Kama had been right. Together, they riled up the big red panda more than ever, and his heart hammered in his chest as he tried to imagine the storm that was coming.

Trapped in a rush, Jack mindlessly began to buck his hips and grind his bulge against Kama's swollen midriff, only to stop when Toko snapped her fingers. "Enough of that. Now come here and clean my cock," she demanded. "And remember, good servants hold back unless their mistress tells them otherwise."

"Y-yes, Mistress!" the fox blurted out with a red-hot blush, breaking away from Kama to shuffle in between Toko's splayed legs.

The gravid red panda joined him without hesitation, her thigh rubbing against his as she winked at him. "As you wish, Mistress."

Peering at Toko's huge, sweaty chocolate cock, a strand of drool hung off Jack's lips as he steadied it with his paw and bent forward, doing the same he had done dozens of times before. He slipped out his tongue and pressed it against the base of her fat schlong, taking a deep whiff of her intoxicating musk while he sampled her flavors with a long, lavish lick along her length, slowly dragging his wet muscle up to her tip. All the while, his eyes were pinned on her blissed-out face and beautiful eyes, his ears perked to pick up her groans of pleasure as he squeezed one of her breeding orbs with his paw, but his advance was stopped just before her hooded tip as his cheek bumped into something soft and fuzzy.

Turning around with a dazed groan, the fox looked right into Kama's grinning face as she swiped her tongue along her half of Toko's cock before she tucked it under her supple foreskin to clean it out with a big swirl and a high-pitched, vibrating moan. Jack pouted as she had beaten him to one of the best parts about Toko's schlong, but his disappointment vanished in thin air when she bent toward him and locked muzzles. While sharing a sample of her wife's rich, salty aroma in a deep tongue kiss, she wrapped a paw around the back of his head and guided him the final two inches to the tip.

Breaking away from the kiss with Kama, Jack planted a kiss onto Toko's glans just above her cum slit, sucking up a glistening bead of pre before he slipped the tip of his tongue under her foreskin, dragging it around the sensitive rim of the red panda's cock head to sample another taste of her aroma. Halfway in, his muscle met Kama's wet taster, and almost instinctively, he coiled it around hers, wrapping his muzzle around the thick, pulsing tip until they shared another sloppy kiss with their mate's massive cock in between them.

Resting her paw on his, Kama indulged the fox's kiss with an eager moan, and she looked him deep into the eyes when she eventually pulled away with a breathy giggle, dragging her tongue down Toko's colossal cock meat while yielding her tip to him -- at least for the moment.

Still staring at the gravid red panda with a hot blush, Jack began to suck and slurp on the swollen, leaking glans, stretching and toying with her wife's snug, pliable foreskin while she began to spit-wash her nuts with licks and kisses, leaving marks of black lipstick on the wet, sweaty chocolate skin.

At that point, Jack realized more than ever how much he loved Kama's plan. Servicing Toko and gorging himself on her delicious aroma was great, but getting to watch and share his passion with someone as desperate and needy for her as he was felt even better, as there was plenty of fuck meat to go around, even if they had to share it. Toko was really, truly big enough for the both of them, even at the same time.

The fox stopped watching Kama's sloppy ball worship when Toko placed a paw on his head and purred, "Suck it." A single, clear command was enough to return his whole, unfiltered attention to the seated red panda, and with a needy whine, he obeyed. While his tongue continued its dance around her tip, he parted his lips and wrapped his muzzle around it, taking the first inch, then another, and ever more, all the while she leered at him with hungry emerald eyes, panting heavily, groaning, licking her lips when her tip inevitably hit the back of his throat and made him gag.

Even with four inches of fat, delicious cock meat stretching his jaw, Jack was far from satisfied, and he took a deep breath to brace himself for the rest, loosening up mentally and physically before he continued to push beyond that sensitive spot in his throat. Although he managed to suppress his gag reflex, the sheer girth of her monstrous rod soon slowed his advance to a crawl as it literally stretched and bulged his tight neck, the surging strain driving tears into his eyes and down his cheeks in wet black streaks as it mixed with his mascara.

"Keep going." Toko's voice remained adamant as she spoke, even as the fox was struggling to take more of her chocolate schlong, and the sparkle in her green eyes grew greedier with every inch he took before she finally tightened her hold around his head. For the first time, she wasn't letting him decide the pace while sucking her off, and with a firm grip on his skull, she pushed him down further, forcing another inch into his tight gullet.

Jack's eyes rolled into the back of his head and his paw clenched up around Toko's thigh as her cock stretched his throat deeper and further than ever, and while he was barely managing to take it without choking, the relentless domination made him hard as diamonds. She had treated him like fuck meat before, but usually in a horny rage and not as directly and deliberately as right now, peering down at him with a wicked grin while testing his limits, going further than he ever dared so far, and to great success. Never before had he taken her to the balls, never before had he kissed her crotch while a foot of fat, swollen fuck meat stretched his throat, and she kept him hilted on her rod for another few seconds to let him bask in the achievement.

The fox only incidentally acknowledged the feat, though, as he wasn't just struggling with her size anymore, but also his dwindling breath, his vision blurry with tears and darkening. He was still conscious enough to give her three rapid, frantic taps on the thigh, but even before he tapped out, she had already loosened her grip and pulled him off of her rod, letting it slide back out of his throat with a wet, lewd slurp.

The moment the tip popped out of Jack's muzzle, he took a deep, frantic gasp of air, and he kept reeling for oxygen for another half minute until the fuzzy fog in his brain finally cleared as did his teary vision. Still looking at Toko, her smile had softened, and she nodded at him with a warm chuckle. "I knew you could do it, dear. Look how far you've gotten," she praised him, pointing at the base of her spit-soaked schlong. The rich brown of her rod had darkened, and there was a thick, smudged black ring just around the base, his lipstick clearly marking his progress. "I'm proud of you, and it'll only get easier from here."

Toko's words made Jack's heart jump in his chest, and he beamed at her with slutty pride, wagging his tail in a flurry. Already, the evening with her and Kama had paid off, and they hadn't even reached the bedroom yet. "T-thank you... Mistress."

"That said, I'm not satisfied yet. Your turn." Toko's voice grew rougher again as she turned to Kama, beckoning her to take his role with a single curl of her finger.

"With the greatest pleasure, Mistress," Kama warbled, giving her balls another kiss before she reached for her cock and wrapped her lips around the tip. Unlike Jack, she took the second half of Toko's colossal fuck meat as smoothly as the first half, though, gagging only softly in between before the rest of her schlong disappeared in her bottomless maw. The bulge on her neck did give Jack a good impression of what his neck must've looked like moments ago, and he was so shocked that he didn't even mind how much easier Kama made this look.

"Now watch," Toko growled, tightening her paw around her wife's head just as she had around his, and while she had used her grip to force him down onto her rod, she did the opposite with Kama, pulling her back to the tip. She gave the other red panda just enough time to catch her breath, then she slammed her head back down, assuming full and utter control over the blowjob while her wife rapidly succumbed to the rough pounding, black streaks of tears and mascara smudging her cheeks, gagging and choking from getting face fucked hard. Meanwhile, Toko didn't even bother to get up from her chair, using her own mate's throat like a cheap toy as she lost herself in the tight, wet warmth of her muzzle with heavy, throaty growls of pleasure.

The sheer intensity of the fuck left Jack frozen in awe, his muzzle hanging open as he witnessed Kama getting ravaged without pause or mercy. Toko wasn't holding back in the slightest anymore, and the fact that he was one step closer to being able to take a pounding like this thrilled him as much as discovering his lover's even more dominant, almost aggressive side, the motherly red panda turned into a relentless force of nature.

The thrill grew even stronger as said force of nature turned toward him and lifted her sack with an expectant snort. She didn't need to say a single word to convince him to move in and continue where her wife had left off, spit-washing her fat, sweaty nuts with big, wet licks. It got him even closer to the action as well, a cacophony of wet slurping and smacking, gagging and choking ringing in his ears as Kama's cheek grazed his ear at every stroke.

However, even someone with as much stamina and endurance as Toko couldn't keep claiming a snug throat like this for long, especially with someone else worshiping her balls at the same time, and she soon neared her first orgasm of the evening. Jack could hear it in her voice, her growls and grunts growing cruder, heavier, needier while the muscles in her thighs and body tensed up in preparation, her sack tightening as it churned up a big wet load. But the fact that he wouldn't get to enjoy most of it hardly fazed the fox, as he was too horny and enamored by the red panda's heavy musk and unyielding dominance to care, the relentless rush of this situation keeping him rock hard and almost pushing him over the edge as well without touching himself once. By now, his panties were utterly soaked in pre, but he still didn't touch himself as he was far too busy servicing her balls.

"Fuck, I'm about to cum," the red panda finally growled, and not a second later, her balls jumped and tightened beneath the fox's eager lips. Although he couldn't see any of the massive load that she churned up for her wife, he could hear it all the more clearly as it rushed down her stretched throat, splashing and gurgling right beside his ear. Together with Kama's frantic, mindless gagging and gulping and Toko's boisterous, guttural howl of pleasure, the sounds sent a thrilling shiver through his body, and he pulled away to watch the mighty orgasm unfold. "Aaaah, just what I needed."

With her mate's fat, pulsing rod balls-deep down her throat, Kama had lost herself completely in the rush, her eyes crossed and unfocused and drool running from her muzzle as she took the massive filling. All her precious makeup was smeared and smudged across her face, leaving it spotted like a leopard's pelt. That could be him. That should've been him. No matter how hot it looked, after everything that had happened, being denied his lover's load while he needed it the most finally made the fox whine in disappointment.

Fortunately, Toko was far from running out of cum, and once her wife began to struggle with the stuffing, she pulled her pulsing schlong out of her tight throat and began to pump it with frantic strokes and heavy grunts. Still aimed at Kama's face, she laced her lips and cheeks with several thick ropes of seed, aiming high for a messy shot onto her forehead, then low to douse her neck and chest as well, all the while she turned to the fox with gleaming eyes and ordered, "Tits out, Jackie boy, you're next."

Jack's heart skipped a beat as Toko talked to him, then he nodded with a slutty groan, hastily fumbling around with the buttons of his dress. He managed to pop them open just in time for her to aim her cock at him. Flinching at the first squirt, he parted his muzzle for the next and eagerly received the rest of her warm, gooey blessing, ropes upon ropes covering his face and his greedy maw with that thick, delicious liquid he had grown addicted to. And just as her squirts weakened, she pointed her chocolate schlong at his chest and creamed his shallow cleavage with the last batch of her potent semen.

Toko's final focus on the fox's breasts put a blissed-out smile on his lips as he couldn't have been any happier now that he had gotten a share of her cream as well. However, Kama had one more surprise in store for him, and he barely even processed her intentions when she turned to him with bulging cheeks and locked her lips with his. Not a moment later, a muzzleful of Toko's cum rushed into his muzzle as Kama fed him the thick, gooey treasure in a deepening kiss, and their tongues danced around each other, reveling in the addictive taste with muffled moans before they gulped it down in unison.

While Jack and Kama were kissing, Toko let go of her cock and slumped back with a happy sigh. "Goodness, I'm not sure if I've ever come harder in my life. You're angels, you two, and you're so fucking hot together."

Breaking away from Kama, the fox blushed and asked, "Really?"

"Absolutely! You two make me the happiest girl in all of Kessan, if not the entire world," Toko swooned, patting each of their heads with a paw. "And tonight was extra special with the outfits and how you worked together to serve your Mistress."

"T-thanks," Jack stammered, nodding at the pregnant red panda next to him. "That was Kama's idea."

"I know, and you two nailed it. Oh, we should've done this much earlier," Toko said.

Looking at Kama, the fox's smile widened. "Yes, we really should have done this earlier. You were right, Kama. This was some of the most fun I've ever had."

"And it doesn't have to end yet. It would be nothing but heartless to leave you two high and dry, wouldn't it? So let's take this to someplace more comfortable," Toko chuckled and slipped off her chair. Without much of a warning, she dropped onto her knee and wrapped an arm around Jack's waist, hoisting him up and tossing him over her shoulder like a bag of grain. After doing the same with her wife, she got up on her feet and made her way upstairs, grinning like a loon throughout.

While Jack couldn't see Toko's face in his current position, he was too busy grinning at Kama anyway, both of them bursting in anticipation of a long night of fun that had only just begun, and he looked forward to working with his new partner in crime to make it the best night ever for them and their mate.