The Gift of Larkburn Road

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147 Larkburn Road held a secret, one unknown to an unsuspecting family that's recently moved in. When they find it, will they be able to defeat it, or will they succumb to the laughter.

A hyena TF with mind control, incest, gender change, and all sorts of fun stuff. If you don't like that stuff or are under 18, feel free to avoid. Hope you enjoy and tell me how you like it in the comments!

147 Larkburn Road was always a peculiar house. Neighbors throughout the decades always saw a glimpse of some sort of shady business when peeking through its dark windows. Some even heard what sounded like the howls of a dying animal. Rumors claimed a mad scientist performed evil experiments in the basement. Local legends believed the house itself to be haunted or cursed. Either way, no one, not even the landowners, knew it had been sitting empty for years because of its sinister reputation.

When the realtors tried to assess just when its original inhabitants abandoned the building, they estimated it to have been at least three years. Not that they disclosed that information to anyone on the off chance it would hurt its resale value. Ten months later, the house had already been flipped and reoccupied by an unsuspecting family, and whether they knew it or not, the secrets of this house had chosen them to carry out its twisted legacy...

"Robby!! C'mon down, I need your help!" Robby almost didn't hear his father's yells from outside his room. The 18-year-old half-filipino male was busy jamming to some bossa nova through his earbuds. Robert Castille--Robby to those close to him--was always an unassuming boy. Soft-spoken, introverted, yet not bothered by the stigma of these qualities. Rob didn't mind not having many friends, or still being a virgin. He figured he had plenty of time to get to those things when finally moving into his dorm at the start of fall semester. In the mean time, this was his last summer to just chill, his reward for getting through high school unscathed.

"_ROBBY, GET DOWN HERE!"_The yell echoed loud enough to startle Robby away from his music.

"Sorry, dad!" Robby jittered as he took out his earbuds and hurried out of his room. He was always the good son, especially when compared to his more troublemaking older sister, who was currently away at college. The boy didn't like disappointing his parents, so he made sure to sprint extra hard to the basement stairs where he heard his father's voice coming from.

Stomping down the steps, Robby finally made it to their dingy new basement where his father Jacob, a 60-year-old filipino with salt-and-pepper hair, was attempting to lift a spare dresser. "There you are! Give your old man a hand."

Robby obediently leaned down to lift up the other side of the dresser in tandem with his father. "Agh! Why's this thing so heavy?"

"Your mom had the brilliant idea of storing her old photoalbums in here."

The two men took two shaky steps toward the wall to their right."And you didn't think to take them all out before lifting this thing?"

"Strength saves time, son." Robby lovingly rolled his eyes, it was such a dad thing to say. To be fair, he was sick of unpacking their stuff from the move too. He'd probably do the same in his father's shoes--

_SHOES!_They're the last thing Robby sees as he trips on his own untied laces and crashes through the plaster wall!

"Fuckin' hell!" Jacob exclaimed as he nearly stumbled from the weight of the dresser tipping over. "You okay, son??"

"Agghhh, yeah, dad," was all Robby could muster as he shook flecks of plaster off his thick hair. Wait, hang on, he thought. _Am I... through the wall?_Robby looked up to examine his surroundings. In front of him was a rusty barrel seeping out a strange yellow liquid.

"Hey, I think I found something." Robby crawled up to the metal barrel, examining it for any kind of label. "It looks like one of those oil barrels."

"A barrel? Back there?"

"Heh, maybe Walter White hid his meth in here," Robby chuckled as he unwisely tapped his knuckles against the surface. Flakes of rust flew off, allowing an inner leak to break through the surface and spray a strange-smelling liquid right onto Robby's face! "GACK!" he yelled as he shielded his eyes with his fingers, but all it did is coat his hands in more liquid, liquid that was somehow _absorbed_by the pores of his skin.

The leak quickly sputters out, but not before the remaining liquid seeped into the walls and floor. Robby tries to wipe his face clean before realizing it's actually dry. Huh? Wasn't he just sprayed? He was too distracted by the suddenness of the leak that he didn't notice the liquid's absorption into his body.

Before he could think any further, his father pulled him out from the broken hole in the wall. "You alright? What was all that yelling?"

"I dunno. I thought something leaked from the barrel, but... Hmm. Maybe it was just a bug."

It took Jacob another hour to excavate the barrel from its hiding place within the basement wall. While it was in rough shape, and Robby could've sworn he saw it leaking, the old man just couldn't find a way to open the damn thing without damaging it. Carrying it out made a strange sloshing noise emanate from within, so he knew he didn't wanna risk leaking an unknown substance. He figured he'd bring the strange barrel to his buddy Drew at the water plant tomorrow. They knew how to properly dispose of strange shit like this.

Hours later, Robby was eating dinner with Jacob and Stephanie, his mother. The white woman in her mid 40s would normally cook something for the family, but with all the chaos of their recent move, they'd just been ordering pizza all week.

"I was just on the phone with Christy," Stephanie said with the giddiness of any mother who got to talk to her grown-up daughter. She arriving from the airport tomorrow, and she couldn't wait to have all her kids in the same house before she was finally left with an empty nest. "She can't wait to see the new place."

"Hmph," Jacob snorted. "Maybe she can use her fancy art school degree to fix that wall in the basement."

"Jacob, you know she's taking art studies."

"So? I'm sure she's crossed paths with those sculptor types. My ex in high school was one, y'know. She made little disembodied hands in paper mache."

"Oh, I'm sure she was a riot."

"Not as much as you were." The two chuckled in that lovey-dovey way. Robby couldn't even jokingly feign disgust like usual.

Something felt wrong inside him. He couldn't explain how or why, but he had a raging erection tenting his pants. This had never happened. He wasn't asexual by any means, but he certainly didn't have the sex drive of most teenage boys in high school. He had never been _this_horny before in his life, and never for absolutely no reason. The young man wanted to just get up and leave the table but he was worried standing up would show the bulge off to his parents and he'd rather choke on acid before dying from that kind of embarrassment.

"Something the matter, Robby?"

"I, uh, I'm not feeling hungry right now."

His mother sighed. "I knew we should've ordered Chinese this time, he's sick of pizza."

Jacob chimed in, "Alright, I'll go grocery shopping tomorrow. It's on the way back from the water plant."

"Sorry, why are you going to the water plant?"

Jacob began to explain, but it all sounded like mush in Robby's ears. All he could focus on was that itch, his dick pressing against the fabric of his undergarments, pulsing and twitching as if trying to get itself off by rubbing on his clothes alone. Fuck, he shouldn't have worn briefs today of all days!

While his parents were deep in conversation, Robby used that to quickly get up and turn around while walking back to his room, successfully hiding his shameful tent. He could barely hear his parents try to say something to him, but it couldn't wait! The itch in his pants radiated through his body, all the way to his head. No, not just his head, his mind.


A faint voice in his head, scratching at the walls of his skull. He couldn't wait any longer, finally making it to his room and slamming the door shut.

Jacob spent the rest of that night locked in his room, masturbating to as much of his usual porn go-tos as possible. It became a seemingly endless pattern: jack off, try to sleep, can't sleep, still horny, back to porn, jack off, try to sleep, etc. Just when he thought the fire in his loins would finally go away, it only came back stronger. It wasn't until 3 AM that he finally got to sleep, and even then his dreams were ravaged by the burning lust growing inside him.

That night he dreamt he was in a vast plain, following a stream to its source. He was also painfully erect in the dream and yearning for release, hoping some cleansing spring water would cure him of his unnatural lust.

When he finally made it to the source of the stream, he splashed his face and lapped up the water... with only his tongue. Like an animal. He didn't even have time to question why, he was so parched. Eventually his thirst was thoroughly quenched, allowing him time to breathe and look at his reflection in the water. Except... it wasn't his reflection. It looked almost inhuman, a funhouse mirror guise stretched in all too specific ways. Was his face always pushed out? His ears this long? His teeth that sharp? Robby knew this wasn't what he looked like, yet it felt strangely familiar. Connected to some latent sense of self he didn't know was part of him.

He looked down and saw his hand was massaging his cock. When did that happen? It didn't matter. As soon as the feeling kicked in, he accepted the pleasure that flooded his nerve endings. Why wouldn't he relieve himself now, and why deny himself the pure ecstasy that came with it. It was a divine feeling second only to... to what...?

The young man tried to think harder before a dark shadow engulfed him. He turned back to the water and saw, in the reflection, a silhouette looming behind him. The sound of heavy, panting breaths could be heard, almost brushing up against the hairs of his neck. It looked humanoid in shape save for its head, which was stretched into the same qualities Robby saw in his new reflection. A low growl echoed behind him.

"You..." The voice was deep, gravelly, of the earth itself. "You carry my gift."

Robby couldn't even respond as as a thick pressure flooded his mind. That voice. It was so strong, so... sexy. Sexy? But it was a male voice. Was he into dudes? He never thought about that part of himself, having been sexually repressed his whole life, but he knew that no other manly voice got him this worked up. This one had a light vibration to it, almost a kind of growl, hungry and sensual all its own. Robby held his head. A miasma of conflicting sensation filled his body, ranging from the confusing to the sublime. What was happening to him? Why now? Was this always in him deep down? Either way, he still couldn't stop jerking his throbbing meat with his swollen hands.

"Ah. I see you've started without me." The voice had a possessive tone to it, almost like the figure was a predator toying with his prey. "Would you like to feel even better?"

A voice in Robby's head screamed at him not to answer the hulking man behind him. The pleasure centers assaulting his mind with hormones very quickly silenced it. "Yes," Robby eagerly pleaded. "I wanna know... if this is real or not..."

"Heh. Very good."

Just like that, Robby felt his entire ass get stuffed by a thick, pulsing member. He groaned in delight, feeling his whole world turn on its head. Everything he thought he knew was proven wrong as the monster behind him pounded into his puckering hole with reckless abandon. His entire body rocked back and forth with each thrust, the phallus inside him reverberating his whole body, shaking it awake. The reflection in the water became clearer, showing the large figure to be some kind of furred monster, snarling and grinning and giddily wagging his tail. It finally hit him. I'm being fucked by a creature, Robby thought to himself. And I don't want it to stop!

A war broke between the part of Robby that wanted to keep going and the part that told him how wrong this was. The latter part was losing, as the wrongness of the action only made it feel better. Had Robby been living a lie all his life, trying to be the good son?

He had denied the depths of his depravity for so long, he had no idea he even had it. It can't be this way for no reason, can it? This is who he always was, deep down, wasn't it. This... beast. This hungry creature, naughty and driven only by an instinct to feed and rut. Wait, rut? Where did that word come from? It sounded... good. Perfect, even. It suggested the kind of animal craving he now thoroughly desired. What a naughty boy he was! Thinking he could get through life ignoring his base urges, who did he think he was? Well, no longer! Everything that he once denounced only made him hornier, everything he thought wrong now oh so very right.

A smile curled in his widening lips. Yes, yes! He no longer had to pretend or hide who he really was! The smile morphed into a light chuckle. Then a cackle. All he could do was laugh at the absurdity of it all, how he'd gone his whole life without knowing this basic truth. He laughed and laughed, all as the creature behind him continued to rail his ass into a new world of pleasure. There was so much he had to make up for! So much sensation and debauchery to experience anew.

"Heheh! Hehehehehe--more!--hahahahahaHAHAHAHA--MORE! MOOOORE!" Robby practically howled at the sky as he was fucked into an all new state of being. What a stupid little bitch he must've been to deny this was who he was all along! Hahah! It was as amusing to him as it was sensational! Thank god this creature had found him and used him, made him realize what a little slut he was! He could've been feeling this way all his life! Well, better late than never! Now he had the rest of his life to pursue cocks and clits and tits and asses and mouths and all the things that made life so delectable.

After what felt like eons of endless pleasure dominating his ass, the creature finally came, filling his hole with corruptive spunk; and with that, Robby moaned and moaned until he couldn't moan any longer. He looked down, only to find fur sprouting on his arms. Quickly and eagerly, he looked back at his reflection in the water: he wasn't just transforming, he was becoming the same kind of creature as the one who had just reamed him full of cock.

His old self would've been terrified. Now, he welcomed the changes, ready to dive further down the depths of his newfound depravity. Robby's already stretched out face lengthened further into a proper muzzle, his nose darkening and his teeth sharpening, tongue lolling out as he panted like a good little puppy. Heheheh! He couldn't help but start laughing again! The changing man could already tell what he was going to become, and he didn't wanna go back!

Tan fur with a brown spotted pattern began to cover every inch of him, scraggly and coarse rather than soft and fluffy. He loved it! The texture gave him so much friction, it was driving him up the wall! He began to pleasure himself again in front of the creature, but this time it was different. Rather than jerking his cock up and down, he pressed down on it. The more he pressed, the more his cock shrank and the more his fingers swelled into proper paws. Yes, he was pawing himself off, trying to finger an invisible slit while thick callouses grew and became juicy pads. His nails sharpened and darkened into claws, which scritched and scratched his growing fur for added pleasure, causing his legs to bounce and twitch like mad.

Soon, his clawed digits finally dug up a crevice at the base of his groin, his cock slipping back inside to form a luscious clit. And all the while she couldn't stop laughing! Hahah! SHE! Exactly! How funny was that! That she not only thought he was a chaste human all this time, but a dumb male to boot! Heeheehee, she couldn't be a loose and sloppy slut without a thoroughly used snatch to let any ol' stud breed her.

That word echoed in her mind--breed... breed... breeeeeeed--_forming a twisted pillar in her corrupting mind. What was the fun of being fucked over and over if she didn't get to fill her belly with cubs! It was all so obvious to the shifting hyena that the fact she would've once renounced this life only made her laugh _harder! "EEEYAHAHAHAHA!! HEEEHEHEEHEHEHEHEEEEE!!!"

How ridiculous this all was! To think that humanity bothered itself with such primitive and boooring matters like jobs and culture and wars. What really mattered was breeding, being bred, and laughing through life without a care! Heheh! She would show them! Enlighten them, even! Everyone had to be like this! How could anyone with sense deny such endless pleasure! She imagined it, a world of horny yeens, all united in a shared bliss of giggling ecstasy! The ultimate punchline to this joke of an existence: a meek, nothing little boy like her becoming an arbiter of change, guiding humanity to its ultimate destiny. She couldn't wait!

The thought of it all was so powerful, she couldn't help but come a second time, causing her tailbone to stretch out and explode into a small, fuzzy tail, lashing like mad as it's brought into this wonderful existence. Robby gasped for breath, finally recovering from her severe laughing fit, now fully changed into a filthy yeen slut like she always wanted.

She looked up to find the hyena adonis who changed her. He hadn't moved an inch, watching her transformation with a soft, confident smile. All that changed was his huge, throbbing cock had leaked a significant amount of pre in the meantime.

"You are beautiful, Roa," the yeen king said. Roa. Such a beautiful name. Of course it was hers! She grinned at her handsome hyena daddy, tongue still sticking out like a madwoman.

"Heheh, thank you so much for gifting me this form, Master!" The new yeen lady grinned happily and gratefully. Then her new nose sniffed, sussing out a familiar scent. "Did... Did you make that delicious liquid that awakened me??"

"Heh, your nose doesn't lie. Of course I did. I spent years perfecting it, hoping to finally save humanity from its destructive ways. I unfortunately underestimated the power of my own creation, being absorbed into this primordial soup and waiting for someone to find me. Now that you have, my giggly acolyte, you can finish what I started."

"Mmmrrrr, I can't wait to go out there, Master~ I'm gonna be filled with so many cubs it'll double the population."

"I like the way you think, my little whore." Roa beamed at the Master's words. It felt so validating hearing it from his luscious black lips. "Now go, Roa. Share this gift with everyone..."

Roa awoke in her bed to find she had fully transformed in reality as well, the morning sun shining on her lovely spotted fur. She looked at her bedroom mirror, a fully formed yeen princess, giddy and sticky from all the cum she shot in her covers. Her breasts were now fully formed too, properly sized milkers for feeding future cubs.

She thought back to her Master, how he technically couldn't live to experience humanity's upcoming awakening. Heeheehee, the laughing whore couldn't wait to fulfill his legacy. She was more than ready to get out there and show the rest of the world what it's been missing.

Jacob watched as the water plant employees loaded the rusty barrel onto a 4-wheel drum truck. His friend Drew was beside him, a very built man in his 50s who prided himself in his position as manager of the plant. "You said you moved into 147 Larkburn?" he asked.

"How'd you know?" Jacob replied.

"I think I remember seeing the old owner of that place trying to dump a barrel just like this into the sewer. This was years ago, mind you. You were very smart to bring this to us, Jacob."

"Well, it helps to know the experts."

"Speaking of, we have a filtration lab set up in the back. I'll be able to put a sample of this stuff under a microscope and see just what your fellow tenant was cooking up."

"My son joked it was meth."

"Heh, that stinker. How is Robert doing anyway?"

Stephanie was always a heavy sleeper, snoozing through loud parties and, one time, a modest earthquake. It was something her husband and kids lightly cajoled her for, one of those little quirks that became a family legend to tell at parties. Roa knew this all too well as she scoured Stephanie's closet for some nice lady clothes to complement her new hyena body, all while her mother snoozed away beside her without a care in the world.

There was a bit of disappointment as Roa held the dresses up to her body. Mom always dressed so plain, it seemed. None of these outfits truly reflected what a whore she now was. Not that she _needed_to wear clothes with her new fur coat, but she'd gone her whole life without being able to sample these fine feminine garments, she couldn't pass up the opportunity now!

After a few minutes of digging, something finally caught her feral eyes: a red silk dress, clearly only saved for night parties or whenever the kids were away. It was so delicious, so slutty and revealing. Roa loved it, and loved the implication that her dear old mom had a naughty streak. Hmm, she thought. Perhaps she just needs a little nudge to go all the way down the wild side. The idea sent shivers down her fur. She'd have fun playing with her new toy...

Roa began to finger herself, soaking her paw digits in her slick pussy juices. Without hesitating, she took those fingers and spread those juices around her nipple. Perfect! No one could resist sucking these melons now. As gently as possible, Roa sat on the empty side of the bed beside Stephanie, and leaned her breast down to the middle-aged woman's mouth.

With just one involuntary sniff of the juice's scent, the sleeping woman reflexively brought her lips forward and sucked on the fluffy nipple. The taste instantly affected her. Her skin blushed bright red, and she made a low, needy moan. Roa smiled at all the progress her mother was already making as she suckled the breast deeper and more voraciously. Roa could only imagine what she was dreaming of, but she could guess it was something lovely and horny. Roa moaned in tandem with her, proud to see the woman already begin her descent into bestial depravity.

Stephanie was lost in the sweet, grassy taste of the milk pouring down her throat. It was sublime. She had no idea her dreams could provide such intense levels of physical sensation. She imagined herself in a similar plain, beside a similar spring, looking into its clear water to find a familiar reflection. Stephanie could taste that fresh spring water in her lips. It was strangely creamy, an ambrosia that held within it every delicious flavor imaginable. A faint voice finally awoke her from this beautiful dream:

"Wakey wakey, mommy dearest." Stephanie shuddered awake, barely able to move as her entire body tingled with all kinds of unknown pleasure. All she could muster was a light, trilling growl, as she looked up and saw the most beautiful sight she'd ever seen: a proud, smirking muzzle with a stylish mane of fur, hazel eyes hungry and demanding. When she looked down, she saw the hyena's leaking cunt soaking into the bedsheets, creating a pool of juices that only made Stephanie even thirstier. She almost lunged to lap up the pool before Roa dug her clawed paw into Stephanie's hair and pulled it back. "Nuh-uh-uh, my pet. Not until you show me what a good girl you are."

Stephanie had never seen this sexy yeen before but she already knew she wanted to follow her to the ends of the earth. "Puh... P-Please... Just another taste, miss... Miss..."

"Heheh. My name is Roa, your new Mistress. You will address me as such, pet."

"Mmmm, yes, Mistress. Could you... Would you... make me as beautiful as you?"

"Of course, but only as your reward for servicing me properly, my pet." Roa leaned back to proudly display her fluffy pink pussy lips. Stephanie's mouth watered at the teasing folds before her. She wanted more. _Needed_more. Without hesitation, she leaned forward and dug her tongue inside, eagerly pleasuring her new Mistress. Roa giggled and groaned in delight, happy to already have such a willing slave aching to be a good, obedient little toy. Roa grasped her hair once more to push her deeper into her muff. "Mmmeheheh, such a good girl!"

"Yes! I'm, heh! I'm a good girl! Heheh!" she shouted between laps, starting to get the giggles herself! With each cackle, her skull stretched out, ears shifted to the top of her head, tongue flattened and widened, claws sharpened, all while tasting the most succulent liquid she'd ever experienced. Finally, Stephanie looked back at her life and realized she'd felt out of place as a human... until now, safe in her Mistress's furry embrace.

"Teeheehee! Who knew my own mother would make such a wonderful toy," said her new Mistress.

The warmth in Stephanie's throat dropped into a growling, sensual moan. Mother? But that could only mean... Yes, of course! My sweet beautiful son. No-- my_daughter! What a magnificent creature she grew into! Oooh, I'm so happy she thought to convert me! So lucky to be included in her new design!_ Stephanie fingered herself as she lapped up Roa's leakage, only turned on further by the revelation.

Roa moaned, edging further and further into another blissful climax. "Swear fealty to me, pet!"

"Nyeheheh, yes, Mistress! Anything for you!"

"Forget your old life. It is nothing to you now."

"Heeheehee, what old life? There is only you, my Mistress!" Fur finally began to spread all over her, beautifully caramel brown with dappled spots.

"Your husband? Your other daughter? They'll be mine next."

"I, ahah! I have a husband? Another daughter?" The little slut thought hard at who she used to be, some frail old woman who lived to serve others in her family. They were unworthy compared to the gleaming form of her new Mistress! With a flick of her mental switch, they were forgotten. "Oooh, I can't wait to meet them, Mistress! They'll make such good servants, I'm sure!" The former mother began to laugh even harder and suckle on her Mistress's folds as voraciously as she did her breasts.

"Yes! Eheheh! Good pet! Mooore!" Roa growled and giggled as she watched her mate's tail grow out and wag in pure satisfaction. Her former mother's feet shifted into proper paws, nearing her completion into a fellow yeen. "Ahah! Almost--heeheehee--there!"

With one last, long lick of her new tongue, Stephanie completed her transformation just as Roa came mouthfuls of sweet, sticky cum! Steph basked in the taste and its afterglow, tail wagging furiously and panting like the thirsty whore she now was. Her muzzle curled into a dumb, submissive smile, happy to finally be under the claim of such a wonderful Mistress. "Thank you... Thank you for everything."

"Mmm, of course, pet... You deserve a new name to go with your yeen self. How about... Pallah."

Pallah beamed at the sound of her new name! She let out a fit of uproarious laughter. "Hahahah! I love it, Mistress! Now I really am yours!"

Roa smiled and pet Pallah's head. Pallah's tongue lolled out at the comforting sensation, tail whipping about under the hold of her Mistress. "Mmm, that's a good girl, Pallah... Now, think hard, pet. Can you recall a human man? One you may have once called your husband?"

"I... I think so... Ah, the human! Jacob! Yes, he went to the water plant to find out more about that barrel!"

Roa's mind lit up like a Christmas tree at all the naughty possibilities that entailed. Her progenitor, the hyena man from her dream, had tried so hard to introduce humanity to this life-changing liquid he invented. Now it was at the water plant, right at the nexus of every pipe and sewer channel in the neighborhood. Heheheh, it must've been fate that made her family the first to be changed!

"I'm gonna go out to the plant, get us a slew of new toys to play with."

"Mmmm, that sounds wonderful, Mistress~"

"But while I'm gone, can you recall a human female? One you once called 'daughter?'"

"Um... Kinda? Oh! Oh! Is she like me?! Does she need to be converted?! Ooohh, please please please please pleeeeaaase let me change her!"

"Heheh, you read my mind, you're such a good girl. She should be on her way here from the airport soon. I would _love it_if you showed her the joys of being my slave."

"Heehee, of course, Mistress! I'm getting wet just thinking about it!"

Roa licked her pet's forehead. "Good girl, Pallah." She thought as her pet rested her muzzled head on her lap. All sorts of depraved ideas rushed in her head of what she would do with her dear old dad. She knew it would have to be special. Without him, she would've never found that barrel, after all! Yes, she'd do him good, make him into her most prized toy. Drool hung from her muzzle. It was going to be a riot.

Drew peered into his microscope again, hoping to find something_about this chemical sample that made sense. Nothing did. The structure was off, the cells were constantly shifting, and it didn't appear to be made of any substance he knew of. It was such a hassle to get the damn drum open, he had hoped the payload inside would give him _something to work with. At the very least, he knew for sure such a substance would have to be disposed. Whatever it was, it was unpredictable, a mishmash of genetic code and DNA that couldn't stay still for a second. Knowledge or not, he was sure it wasn't something that should be dumped into an already fraught water system. Hopefully his coworkers knew to keep the barrel in a safe place in the meantime.

He lifted his head up from the lens and turned to Jacob, who was waiting by the corner. "Well?" Jacob inquired. "Anything?"

"It's weird, that's for sure. Still can't make heads or tails of it, but you were definitely right to bring it here. We'll be sure to--" He swayed his head, a strange wooziness hitting him. In his rush to find out what this unknown liquid was, he did something careless. While they knew to put on filtration masks while opening the barrel, it seemed at first to not be hazardous when airborne. But he hadn't thought about whether it would have a long-term saturation after sitting still in a plastic tub for a while. Except there's no way it could work that fast! It had only been twenty minutes since they moved the sample to this room. It couldn't be that advanced... could it?

"What's wrong?"

"Agh, prolly nothing, but just to be safe..." Drew dug into his pocket and pulled out a key. "Can you get those filtration masks in the stockroom for me? I wanna give this thing another looksee."

"You sure you're okay, Drew?"

"Ehh, I'll be fine. Long as you're quick about it."

Jacob wanted to pull Drew away from the room, but the thick air started to get to him too. A faint feeling in the back of his mind told him he'd be fine on his own. There was nothing to worry about. "S-Sure thing, man. I'll get 'em ASAP."

The man left the lab and shut the door behind him. With Drew alone, he went back to his microscope... only to feel a peculiar strain in his pants.

Christy was eager to see her family. Sure, the 21-year-old woman always had been the problem child of the Castilles while Robby was the golden boy, but family was family, and now that she had more independence, she was on better--or at least more polite--terms with them. She was also very excited to see the new place. With Robby off to college soon, this would basically be their mom and dad's retirement home. She got a good look at the neighborhood as her driver rode down the empty streets. It seemed nice, quaint, perfectly idyllic for a couple of empty-nesters.

Eventually, the driver made it to 147 Larkburn Road. Christy exited the car with her bag of luggage and took in the house's exterior. It looked a bit on the small side, but she was sure mom and dad didn't mind. After tipping the driver, she rolled her bag up to the front door and rung the bell... No one answered. She sighed, bored, until she saw a note with her mother's handwriting saying the spare key was in one of those fake plastic rocks. Ah, classic, Christy thought.

After getting the key and opening the door, she entered to a barely furnished living room. At the very least, there weren't any cardboard boxes strewn about. She was sure another couple months of casual decorating would eventually make this place homelier. That said, she did immediately notice the scent. A very thick, grassy smell, not entirely unpleasant, but still rather strange. She'd heard of that "new house smell" before, but this was beyond that. Maybe they were still renovating or cleaning? Whatever, Christy was sure she'd get used to it in a couple hours. That said, she began to wonder where her parents or even Robby were. Obviously they didn't forget she was coming based on the notes. Maybe they were out doing errands. Or--

She stopped when she finally made it to the kitchen. On the counter was a lovely looking chocolate cake. Written in icing was the words "Welcome back, Christy."Aww, she thought. It must've been from mom, she was always an excellent baker. How thoughtful! Christy blushed at the gesture and... wait, blushed?_Why? _Ugh, a pressure built in her head. Must be jetlag from the flight, definitely not the thick air seeping into her pores and lungs. Welp, some food would probably help with her exhaustion, and that cake was just _calling_to her. She simply had to take a bite.

With the knife on the counter, she cut herself a slice and took a bite. It was heavenly. Mom's chocolate cake was usually good, but this felt different. There was a new ingredient that made itself immediately known, something that added hints of salt and spice to an already sweet affair. Christy was lost in a pure state of sensation and... pleasure?_Yes, pleasure. She couldn't explain why, but this cake went beyond the realm of taste and started to make her _wet. She wanted more, not just the cake, but whatever magic held inside it that could make her feel this good.

Christy got herself a second slice. Somehow, eating it made her hungrier. She went for another bite, not even making another slice and just digging her fork into the whole cake. Another bite. It was somehow even better, the secret ingredient now more pronounced from the chocolate vessel. Soon, she foregoed utensils entirely and dug into the cake with her bare hands, burying her face into the cake like a ravenous beast. It was like her entire body had turned on after remaining dormant her whole life, tasting and feeling sensations she never thought possible! Things like table manners and politeness didn't matter, only the pursuit of further pleasure. Her teeth sharpened and her fingers grew claws to tear at the pastry faster, and all Christy could feel was grateful for the changes, experiencing a kinship with a better form to reflect the creature of instinct she was becoming.

"Heheheh! My, my, is the little pup enjoying my treat?" Christy froze at the teasing voice coming from behind her. She turned around. Standing before her was a bipedal, naked hyena covered in fur. She had all the attributes of a shapely woman, but with a grinning muzzle sitting atop it. Some part of Christy knew she should've been frightened by the appearance of such a creature, but now? She was the most beautiful, attractive thing she'd ever seen. More importantly, her darkening nose began to smell something wafting from the hyena woman: a distinct scent, salty and spicy and earthy, just like the cake she just gorged on... and it was coming from the hyena's damp snatch.

"Hi, sweetie. Like mommy's new look?" Pallah giggled as she watched Christy's eyes widen in shock.


"Yes, Christy, it's me. You can call me Pallah though. Our Mistress rechristened me. I belong to her, and now so do you! Aren't you happy??" Christy could hardly fathom what was happening, but she did know one thing: she'd give anything to experience the sensations of that cake again. If mom-- _Pallah_had made it, and this "Mistress" owns Pallah, then maybe she can keep feeling like this if... if...

"I... I want more... How--heheheh!--how can I repay this Mistress??"

"Oohh, I'm glad you asked, sweetie. Come here." Pallah sat on the floor and patted her lap with a look of Come Hither. Christy felt pulled toward the sexy yeen. She could smell traces of her mother in there, but knew she was now more than that. And Pallah looked so... happy and content now that she was part of Mistress's fold. Christy had a feeling she'd get to feel that good too. Gently and carefully, she leaned down and then sat on Pallah's lap, nuzzling her head into the yeen's furred neck. Pallah softly growled at that, nuzzling the changing human back.

"Oh mommy, I missed you," Christy said with a pup-like whine. "I didn't realize how lost I was on my own until I came back here! Will... Will Mistress really want a stray like me?"

"Silly. You'll always belong to Mistress's pack. I have a feeling it's going to grow soon, and more yeens will join the fold. It's only natural that my pretty little pup be part of our new order."

Christy smiled as her tongue began to droop out of her stretching jaw. Her feet stretched and grew until they burst out of her shoes as beautiful paws. She beamed at the sight of them, then leaned down to sniff at their sweaty musk. Now she was imbued with the very taste and essence that rocked her world! Christy had no idea she could be so delectable and yummy! She panted hard and began to chuckle. "Heeheeheehee! I'm such a paw slut!" she laughed, fur covering her face while she bent further down to lick at her own perspiring paw pads and savor the taste.

Pallah grinned at the slutty pup in her arms. "You want more, sweetie?"

"Teeheehee, yes, more! Mo-- AH!" Christy yelped as Pallah dug two clawed digits down her skirt and into her pussy. With her other paw she tore Christy's clothes off her, leaving her gradually furring body naked and vulnerable as she continued to finger her Mistress's claim. Christy howled and whined and, most importantly, CACKLED at the electricity surging from her nethers. What a way to end the day! She started as a human woman emerging from a plane. Now she was a slutty yeen being fingered by her former mother! It was like a joke, her life a set-up building up to a most absurd zinger! But the build-up was worth it, because now she can't stop laughing and moaning!

Pallah grinned as she pleasured the transforming yeen gal. Her Mistress gifted her with such immense power. She was lucky to be her property. Soon, _all_would feel lucky to be under the claim of their yeen Mistress! Licking her chops up like a ravenous animal, Pallah leaned in and dug her lips into Christy's, kissing her laughing muzzle silent and exchanging fluids to her hearts content. Christy finally quieted, thrusting into Pallah's fingers with starving urgency. Her tailbone grew out with each thrust, fur growing around it to form an identical tail to her former mom's. With that, Christy now belonged to Mistress in body and soul, a true hyena through and through. Pallah unlocked her lips from Christy's.

"Welcome to the fold, Triss." Triss beamed at the sound of her new yeen name. It was perfect, just like her! She couldn't wait to meet her Mistress and thank her for all she'd done to her, and she especially couldn't wait to help spread her gift to the rest of the neighborhood and, indeed, humanity itself.

Jacob remained standing outside the breakroom door for almost a half hour now. For some reason it was locked and, despite his loud protestations, no one came to open it. He tried to call Drew on his phone to find out what was going on, but he wasn't answering either. The whole thing left him frustrated. The stockroom with all the filtration masks was right past the breakroom, and he didn't know the building well enough to see if he could find a way around. On top of that, he could hear the other plant workers laughing at him behind the door. It had to be some kind of immature prank.

"This isn't funny, you know! I may not work here, but I'm helping Drew with something important!" He was only met with more laughs. He just about had it with their dismissive cackles. Now this was more than just a prank, but an insult at his pride. "That's it!" He dug a credit card out of his pocket to slip through the lock. "I'm telling your boss you all disobeyed a middle manager's orders!" Eventually the lock slipped open and Jacob finally got to push through the door. "And you can't get me fired because I don't work heeee..." His jaw dropped at what waited for him on the other side.

It looked like an orgy of strange creatures. Anthropomorphic hyenas in various states of mating and fucking, all tearing out of their water plant uniforms. In fact, a good many of them were jerking in a circle, cackling as they bukkake'd a remaining human worker who was transforming into a similar hyenaman. Jacob could hardly process what was in front of him. What happened to all the water plant workers? Were... were they all changed into these disgusting creatures? But how??

A loud metallic THUNK_got Jacob's attention. He turned to find the rusty barrel in the corner of the room, another hyenaman's body's stuck upside down inside it like a cartoon dog feeding off of a dumpster. _They didn't dispose of the substance?? Jacob could only stare in disbelief. There was no way the thing he found in his basement could be responsible for this insanity, but there he saw it, the changing hyenas reveling in their changes and slathering the canister's liquid on themselves.

_Wait. If the remaining liquid in the barrel could do this to these workers, then... Oh god. Drew!_Jacob turned around and sprinted down the halls, frantically stumbling around each corner. When he finally arrived at the laboratory doors, his heart sunk at what he found.

Drew, if he could even still be called that anymore, was fucking her new hyena pussy with the microscope lens like a scientific dildo. Her tail was lashing as drool oozed out of her panting muzzle. Her ear flicked when she heard Jacob gasp at the doorway and turned around. "Hey, Jakey! Eheheh, thanks for bringing us this wonderful gift!"

"Wha--! Buh--! How--!" He couldn't even finish his thought as Drew unplugged herself from the microscope lens and her cunt gushed out a pool of juices. She moaned at the fearstruck human.

"Don't worry, Jacob. I'll dispose of this substance properly. Soon, _everyone_in the neighborhood will get a taste of this magnificent change in their water system!"


"Heheheh, you're so silly! Don't worry though, I was once like you."

"Once like me--? That was thirty minutes ago!!"

"And look at how much can change in such a short span of time! Heehee, that should be all you need to know that this is real, Jakeypoo! I wouldn't just change my species and gender for nothing! Though I will say, this body is just so, mrrrr, _appetizing_on its own." She rubbed herself, fur against fur, lightly growling at the pleasurable friction she produced. "But it's more than that. It's about a better way of life, unrestrained from all those tired notions of money and society. We're creatures of want, Jake. It's about time our bodies and our souls truly reflected that."

Jacob's eyes widened at all she was implying. "Wait. You don't mean..." The newly changed yeen took a step closer to her former friend with a clack of her footpaw. What was once Drew eyed him hungrily, licking her lips as if ready to enjoy a meal. Oh god, Jacob realized. He was the meal.

The hyenaess lunged at him! Jacob quickly shut the door before her muzzle could touch him. He propped it shut with a nearby chair, but that didn't stop her from moaning and growling behind the door. In fact, he could hear _more_moans and cackles from the hallway. The other yeens were getting closer, sensing that there was an unchanged human who needed converting. _Fuck, they're everywhere!_Jacob quickly ran as fast as he could down the hall, hoping he remembered where the exit was.

The clacking of claws on the hard floor echoed before him. _More_were on the way. Fuck, he was surrounded! He turned another corner, hoping he'd finally make it to somewhere safe. Instead, he stopped in his tracks at the figure standing on the other side.

At the end of this hall was another hyena lady. But this one was different. A radiating aura of musk and heat spread from her body, as if affecting him even from twenty feet away. Furthermore, she was wearing a beautiful, red silk dress that he knew belonged to his wife. His knees buckled, unable to move, not just from the sheer power of the scent, but because he could faintly recognize something about it.

"Hiya, daddy," Roa giggled as she pawed closer to him. It didn't sound like him, and it certainly didn't look like him, but somehow Jacob _knew_who this was, he could feel it in his bones.


"Mmm, close. I'm Roa, now. Though, it would be better for you to address me as your Mistress, because that's what I am now." She grinned at the feeble man and finally stood in front of him. Jacob was on his knees, his face at groin-level with the yeen woman before him, forced to confront her quivering folds.

"What... What happened to you? Wh-Why are you a girl-- What are you doing wearing your mother's dress???"

"Oh, it's nothing. I just found my true slutty self." She took a nice big whiff of the air around her. "And judging by this _delicious_scent, it seems most of this building has found theirs too. Ooh, thank you for helping with the cause, daddy! You saved so much time by bringing our gift directly to the water plant. Now our miasma of change will spread all throughout the neighborhood, and it'll be all thanks to my daddy yeen. Mmmmm, like father like daughter, eh? Heheheheeheeheehee!" Roa couldn't stop giggling at the beautiful irony of these events. Jacob was distraught. Was this all his fault? He was just trying to be responsible, environmentally cautious, everything a model citizen like him should be. Now he might be the downfall of humanity.

Roa continued prodding the poor human. "Aww, don't look so down, daddy. I know just the thing to cheer you up!" With a single flick of her clawed footpaw, she tore at his pants and found the buried treasure underneath: Jacob's cock, already half-hyena as it had tapered, gone red, and was already fully erect. "Ooooh, looks like someone's in denial. I'm impressed, daddy! You've been holding out from the gift's influence all this time. Mmmmmm, you're gonna make a powerful yeen. You know what they say? The bigger they are, the harder they fall."

Jacob went lightheaded at the revelation. It must be too late for him. Her cunt was right in front of him, radiating with heat-ridden fumes that laid waste to his mind. He tried to think. Stephanie, Christy, they had to be okay, right? Yes, he'd see them again. He'd tell them how much he loved them and... and... something else. What else? Had he already forgotten? His dick throbbed, making it harder to think. There was something else he wanted to tell his remaining wife and daughter. What was... What was it...

Roa smirked as the weak-willed human broke down in front of her. "Aww, is daddy confused now?"

Shit, what was he supposed to tell them?! His wife and daughter, how much he loved them... nngh, really_loved them. Loved them so much he'd press them against the wall and--_fuck! What was happening? Aaagh, was it this easy to succumb? Fuck, no wonder his friend's coworkers all transformed so quickly into such, grr, hunky yeens. Their matted fur and dripping cocks. And Drew, mmmffff, who knew he would become such a slut. Wait... wasn't he a slut too? What--agh! What was even real anymore??

"Aww, there there," Roa cooed as she patted the growing mane atop Jacob's head. Mmmf, that felt good. Just like that, getting pets from her Mistress like a good boy. A... good boy?? How could he be a good boy, he was a responsible adult, a father and a retiree who earned his pension! Just because he felt his whole body vibrate at the sound of those words, "Good boy," didn't mean he was... a good boy... grrrr such a good boy. The bestest boy, even, Except--nngh! He tried to fight it, but waves of undulations flowed through his shifting body. Was he just hiding from the truth? Nothing else in his life felt as good as being praised by his... daughter, h-his... Mistress. It's almost like this was who he was meant to... meant to, what?

The former human's brain finally clicked! There's no way he was meant to be something he already always was deep down. That must be it! He was a good boy! A very good boy! Why else would Mistress praise him! He did everything she asked, right? I mean, what made more sense? That he'd mistakenly bring a dangerous substance to a plant to spread into the local water system, or that he'd followed his Mistress's orders to share her gift to as many people as possible!

"Grrrr," the now furrier man growled. It started to make sense. His cock twitched and he brought his shifting paw to jerk it. Fuck, that felt good. Of course it did. He liked things that felt good, like eating good pussy or lapping up cum or, even better, breeding a cackling yeen bitch. These were all things that felt good. He liked to feel good. Good things felt good. Why would he do things that didn't feel good, like uhhh taxes? Betting on basketball games? Nngh, thinking?? These were all things that felt notgood! Fucking felt good. Rutting felt good. Breeding felt good. And following Mistress's orders?? Heheheh, that felt extra good!

Jacob drooled from his stretched out muzzle as all his life experience and intelligence went to his testes, ready to cum it all out and be a dumb, subservient toy like his Mistress wanted! It felt oddly nice to forget, to just drown every bad or uncomfortable feeling into a sea affirmations from the beautiful, breedable yeen before him. Things like "good boy" and "Mistress", these were simple things, things he could grasp and do without thought. In fact, he couldn't even remember a time where he wasn't Mistress's faithful fuckpet. He honestly forgot what he was worried about, when all that mattered was rutting and eating and laughing along the way!

"Grrrr... fuck.... breed... Mistress...." His brain started to crack. Everything had to go! Only the essentials were needed under his beautiful Mistress's servitude. Ngh, he had to--hahah--fuck it out! Just let it all go! Fall into his Mistress's warm, furry embrace and just be her dumb, faithful toy! That felt good! Hahahahah, oh yes, that was a thing that felt good! Words didn't feel good, cock felt good! Thoughts didn't feel good, cum felt good! His vocabulary shrunk down as all his former brainmatter got sucked into his balls, ready to finally... finally...!

" GRAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAH!!!" With a final animal cackle, the yeen shot out ropes and ropes of thick cum, and with them, his will and independence. He belonged to to the hyena pack, and, more importantly, to Mistress!

Roa groaned and petted the now fully changed yeen adonis. She had just turned her daddy into what he was always meant to be: a dumb, useless fucktoy made only for breeding.Yessss, breeding. Roa panted and drooled herself. All this changing and fucking she'd done and she hadn't been properly bred yet! At least, not outside the beautiful dream she had with her Master. And now her new claim's thick yeen cock was right there, waiting to take her. She decided her new toy would need a fitting name.

"Oh, Fuckpet..."

Fuckpet's ears stood up, tail wagging, tongue lolling out. Yes, yes, Fuckpet was here! What did Mistress want Fuckpet to do??

"Mistress hasn't been bred yet, Fuckpet. Will you be a good boy and service Mistress?"

Good boy. Fuckpet groaned like the sweaty, stinky yeen he always was. Of course, he'd breed her. It's what he was built for. To breed and breed and breed til he couldn't breed any more. That's what made him a good boy! Mistress Roa laid down on the floor, hiked up her dress, and spread her legs for the hyena man. His build grew more muscular, accentuating the beautiful spots on his fur, not to mention his toned ass with its wagging tail. Mmm, Mistress looked so small and wet like that. He'd breed her good. He always did.

"Grrr... Breeeeed..." It was one of the few words Fuckpet knew how to say. He continued to growl and moan as he pushed his thick yeen cock into his former daughter, giving her everything she needed. He was so lucky to live under such a caring, beautiful, breedable Mistress. He couldn't imagine life without her orders, without her telling him what to do and what to think. With all his strength, he pumped her fast and hard. Roa moaned and yipped, and Fuckpet laughed at the sound. He loved the sound of his Mistress's voice! It made him laugh too, he was having so much fun! Yeens like him were made to giggle and fuck. Nothing else!

Roa couldn't agree more, basking in the sweet pleasure of her Fuckpet's cock filling her. She couldn't wait to come home to the sound of puppy giggles filling the room, and she couldn't wait share them with her devoted followers. Her inner walls tightened around Fuckpet's cock, ready to squeeze more of his delicious seed into her womb. She was so happy to be a sexy, slutty yeen like she was always meant to be, and she couldn't think of a better way to pay that happiness forward than show others how good it was to be horny, cackling yeens too. Seeing her father smile dumbly as he pumped her full of cubs, she knew she'd never trade this life for anything.

Finally, her good boy came inside her, filling her full of hot, sticky yeen spunk. Roa yipped like mad, while her Fuckpet roared at the expelling of his manhood. Roa smiled and laughed like she'd just finished a roller coaster ride, satisfied with the thought that juicy yeen sperm was swimming in her canals this very second. It took a few minutes for her laughter to die down, wherein she smiled at her Fuckpet and rubbed his chest.

"You did good, Fuckpet."

"Nnngh, yes... Good Fuckpet... Fuckpet breed..."

"Teehee, you sure did... How about I take my little pet home to meet his new wife and daughter. I'm sure they can't wait to get a turn with you."

Fuckpet growled at the thought, happy and dumb and full of cum. Roa smiled and kissed his cock for a job well done... It was interrupted when a horny, dripping Drew pawed into the hallway to find the two fornicating yeens. "Mmm, Jakey! I see you've finally accepted the gift! Heeheehee, how wonderful!"

"Jakey?" Roa teased at the yeen woman. "I don't know a Jakey. This is my Fuckpet and he's _my_breeding stud."

"Mmmrrr," Fuckpet snarled. "Fuckpet... Breed..."

"Oooohh," Drew cooed. "I like what you've done with him. He already looks much happier like this. Unf, me and the other yeens are gonna have a big, plant-wide orgy soon. Would you like to join us?"

Roa gave it a good thought... "Ah, what the hell. It'll do my Fuckpet good to be further broken in by a good gangbang."

Drew giggled and came at the prospect. She led the two hyenas to the breakroom, where more fun was to be had by all.

Loud cackles echoed all across the neighborhood, every human in a three mile radius now in the throes of change. It made for a perfect atmosphere as Pallah licked Triss clit on the couch. Triss moaned with each lap of mommy's tongue. She thought she was on better speaking terms with her mom before. Now, though? They were downright inseparable. She wouldn't want it any other way.

Their ears lifted as they heard the front door open. Panting and racing to the door, they clacked their clawed paws over to find Roa leading Fuckpet inside with a leash and collar. He followed her with that dumb, brainless grin on his face. The girls all oooh'd and ahhh'd at the sight of the new yeen and his monster cock hanging below.

"Are..." Triss began. "Are you... Mistress?"

Roa circled around her, inspecting every inch of her fur-ridden body. She turned to Pallah. "You did a wonderful job converting her, mommy."

"Of course, Mistress!" Pallah exclaimed. "Anything for you!"

"Hahah, yes, I'm so happy to be your sister, Mistresss!" Triss said eagerly as she nuzzled her sister. Then she turned back to Fuckpet and sniffed at him. "Is that... daddy?"

"Good catch, sister. Though he's more than that now. Fuckpet here's the best breeding stud a pack like us could ask for."

The dumb little Fuckpet groaned. "Breed... Fuckpet... Mistress... Obey..." The other two yeen gals couldn't help but moan and murr at the sound of Fuckpet's deep voice. Triss was the first to raise her paw.

"I want first dibs on him!"

"No, Mistress says he's my former husband! I deserve first dibs on that cock!"

Roa chuckled. She truly loved her new yeen family. "Ladies, ladies, there's enough of him to go around. You'll all have your turn, I promise."

The two yeen gals hung their ears low in deference to their leader. "Yes, Mistress," they uttered simultaneously. Roa smiled. Such obedient little slaves.

"Now," Roa continued, "I haven't gotten a turn at our new bitch's cunny yet." She pressed her paw into Triss's folds, causing her to yip and gush all over. "Pallah, why don't you give Fuckpet a ride while I see how good a job you did with your daughter."

"Yes, of course, Mistress!" Pallah grinned as she took Fuckpet's leash and pulled him into the living room, all while Roa continued to go down on her yeen sister.

"Guess what else I brought?" Roa told the bitch as she dug into a shopping bag and brought out a nice, thick strap-on cock perfect for plowing. Triss yipped in delight! "I got it at the same store I got the leash and collar. Don't worry, I gave the cashier a nice, long tip~"

Triss's muzzle watered while Roa strapped the silicone cock over her pelvis. "Did... Did you get _us_collars too??"

Roa smiled and licked Triss's muzzle. "I can go back and get them for you. I'm sure the shopowner would love another visit from her new Mistress." Triss smiled and panted as Roa inserted the dildo into her new claim. She thought back to her life before, a shy, tight virgin human who could hardly talk to a woman. Now she raised her rounded ears up and listened to the chorus of howls and giggles that rang throughout the neighborhood and grinned. She chuckled along, happy to have finally fulfilled her real purpose. It truly was good to be a yeen.