Collared Hearts: Chapter 4

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#4 of Collared Hearts

Finally making their way home after a day of embarrassment and play to get her extremely worked up, Blake is more than ready for her owner to deal with her building heat. But he seems more intent to keep teasing and edging her a little while before finally giving her what she wants...

Echo is male, Blake is nonbinary (she/her, husband).

Contains: ABDL, Petplay, Public Play, Embarrassment, Chastity, Sex Toys, Vaginal Sex, Knotting

Commissioned by: Echo

Thumbnail by CrinkleBuck

Blake could feel her heart beating faster and faster as Echo drove them closer and closer to home. The day had already been so exciting, so thrilling, and at times overwhelming... but every second of it had been amazing. And now the trip back home was the final build-up to an explosive finish that she'd desperately been waiting for all day. She could feel just how much she'd been desperate for it, down between her legs, beneath the diaper and chastity belt that her owner had locked onto her earlier that day. She couldn't begin to explain how much she just wanted to reach down and rub, but her mittened hands only pressed uselessly against the outside of the diaper, giving her no relief from the pent-up desperation that had been building and building all day.

"Someone excited to finally have her heat dealt with?" Echo teased from the front seat, catching sight of the horny fox strapped into her car seat in the back. She just huffed desperately in response, sucking on her pacifier as she did, the bulb having been placed back into her muzzle as she was buckled into the seat. "You must be so desperate to get stuffed nice and full after such a long day of being empty." She let out a little whimper of agreement, mind immediately fixating on how nice it would feel once he finally took the belt off of her and filled her up with his cock... she needed it so much, and focusing on how nice it would feel only made her feel all the more empty and desperate for it now.

She jumped in her seat as the plug in her ass started to vibrate again, letting out a whimper as she leaned into it, earning a chuckle from the drotter in the front seat. She was so horny, and his teasing just pushed her up and up, more desperate and needy with no relief in sight. Both of her mittens moved down between her spread legs, hips rocking into them as she pressed against her diaper for any semblance of relief, feeling the hard metal plate beneath it. Unyielding in her desperation.

She felt the car slow and come to a stop, her eyes opening and glancing out the window to realize that they'd made it home, the vibrator slowing and stopping as well. She had to wait for Echo to step out and walk around to her door to open it up for her, reaching in to undo the straps and lift her effortlessly up out of the car seat, only to set her down on the ground once more, re-tightening the straps on her legs to keep her on all fours. She whimpered, wanting nothing more than to sprint into the house and to their bedroom to lay on the bed, legs splayed and ready for him. But it seemed like the drotter had different plans, taking her leash in his hand once more and gently tugging on it to walk her to the front door.

The fox followed along obediently behind him, even if her mind was overwhelmingly horny and fixated on her need to be filled, to be satisfied, and to finally cum after today. But if anything, that just made it easier for her to not think about what she was doing, and just obey what her owner wanted. She followed him into the house and down the hallway, excitement rising as they made their way towards the bedroom, the fantasies filling her mind with each new step forward.

Walking inside behind him, she watched as he patted the bed a few times with his other hand, and clambered up onto the bed as best as she could from all fours, especially with her restricted movement. Looking up at him with wide, needy eyes, he gave a silent hand gesture for her to lay down on her back, and she obeyed, arms in a begging pose and legs held up by the strap between her ankles and thighs. He didn't even have to tell her to spread her legs apart, she was already doing so as soon as she could, pleading wordlessly for him to do anything and everything he wanted to her, and to do it right now.

But the drotter took his time. Gently reaching down for the tabs of her diaper, he unfastened them and let it fall down to reveal the metal chastity belt locked underneath. His hand rested gently against it, fingers trailing up and down the surface as he earned a whimper from his pet, her hips rolling forward in a desperation for any stimulation she could get, wanting him to pull off that belt and stuff her more full than she could handle. His fingers felt around the edges of the belt, brushing against the skin of her crotch and thighs where he could, the other hand in his pocket activating the vibrating plug inside of her to make her squeal even more.

She watched him laugh, a kind but devious smile on his face as he pulled back away, leaving her there with the buzzing plug as he stepped back, undoing his pants and letting them fall to the ground with ease, her eyes locking onto the bulge in his underwear that was quickly growing in size, despite already being so impressive. She needed it right now. Even though she'd just taken him last night, everything that she'd gone through today made her feel like she hadn't been filled in a hundred years, aching desperately for her owner to make her feel full and whole again.

Echo slowly pulled down his underwear, the ridged, draconic cock on full display to the one person in the world who needed it the most. It was massive, something she shouldn't have been able to take, but she always did, making her feel more full and satisfied than any toy could ever make her feel. His hand stroked across it, his cock twitching as it grew even bigger, standing at full mast. All she could do was admire his body with wide, desperate eyes. Of course, he was more than willing to give her more to look at, taking off his shirt and tossing it aside as well.

As he turned off the plug's vibration once more, he leaned back down with a hand against her chastity belt, revealing the small key in his hand, slowly slotting it into the lock as she wordlessly pleaded with him. She could hear each individual click as the key turned, finally being pulled out, the belt feeling loose as it happened, Echo pulling it off of her. Finally out of the belt, she felt the cool surrounding air on her pussy and whined, two of the drotter's fingers trailing ever so slowly and gently around it.

"You were such a good pet today," he said with a smile, Blake wiggling on the bed as horniness flushed through her body. "I think you might deserve a treat." With only a second for her to process that, he pushed two fingers into her and spread them out, pushing in and out of her pussy. She moaned at the first real stimulation she'd gotten all day, pushing back against him. She wanted so much more, but even this little was so wonderful. Savoring the feeling of something actually inside of her when she'd spent the whole day desperate for it, her mind replaying all of the scenes from their date.

He added in a third finger as she moaned from behind the pacifier, rolling into his touch. He whispered words of encouragement to her, calling her a good pet, his other hand reaching up to pet along her head as he climbed onto the bed with her. She let him take full control, moving her how he wanted, letting him push into her and savoring the feeling of his fingers against her walls, her legs spread for him to take care of her how he wished. It felt so amazing, and after a day of horny activities and denial, she could already feel that she was getting close, even before he'd used her himself.

But he didn't stop fingering her, building her up further. She let out a muffled whine to let him know that she was close, but he kept going, shushing her as he pet her and pressed his fingers in and out, ignoring her protests. She wanted to be filled up by him so badly... but she could feel it coming quickly, pushing her up towards the edge, and she wasn't going to complain about an orgasm after everything that happened today. She pushed into him, hips pressing up into his hand as his fingers pushed in and out at the same time, building up to a finish...

Only for him to pull out at the last second, leaving her teetering on the edge. Complaining whimpers came from behind her pacifier, but Echo just shushed her once more, continuing to pet her head with his other hand, calling her a good pet, telling her how wonderful she was on her walk, how much she deserved a reward... she wanted more, hips bucking at the air in need, before he pushed right back in, making her moan as she was worked right back up.

It wasn't long before she was at the edge again, and he pulled right back away once more before she could reach it, her wordless complaints growing as he edged her a second time. The vibration returned once more, feeling great, but it wasn't what her body and mind together were so desperate for right now, wanting something to fill that desperate emptiness inside her more than anything else. That crashing orgasm that she'd already been building up to all day, still being dangled just out of her reach. She could feel his hand gently petting her head, all of her senses swimming around her as her hips bucked into the air on their own. His whispers in her ear were a quiet sea of incomprehensible sounds, and when his fingers returned to brush the lips of her pussy, she couldn't help but shudder and whimper in need and desperation.

"Such a good foxie you are. A good little pet. You just want to be filled up, don't you?" She nodded quickly in agreement, every touch of his hand making her whole body shudder from the tiniest bits of stimulation. "After a day of being such a good pet for me, all you need is your owner's cock filling you all the way up. Isn't that right?" Another rapid nod and whimper from Blake, feeling him brush up against her clit, her eyes shut tight as her body twisted on the bed.

Cutting through the sounds and sensations all around her, she heard the telltale click of the bottle of lube being opened and gasped, biting her lip as she opened her eyes to see Echo pouring the contents over his dick, one hand slowly stroking across the length to spread it out, long, slow strokes just to show off to her. And it certainly worked, working her up even further as he took his time, making her wait even longer for what she wanted.

But as he finally set the bottle of lube aside and shifted positions, her legs held up and out with him between, she stared in need as he lined himself up with her, waiting for a few more seconds. "Give me a good whimper, pet," he said, suddenly pushing in 6 inches all at once as she squealed in response, moaning at the sudden thrust. He wasn't even halfway in, and she already felt so wonderfully full. She knew she'd end the night feeling completely wrecked by him... and it was only midafternoon.

He smiled down at her, Blake looking back up nearly with hearts in her eyes, feeling him slowly pull back out until just the tip was left inside, suddenly giving one big thrust as he pushed in even further than before, another whimpery moan drawn from the fox beneath him. He pulled back out just a bit faster before the next thrust, then faster for the next, until he hit a quick rhythm of pushing in and out of his pet, using her just like she wanted him to. Fucking her properly, but still only pushing in about 8 inches of his cock. He felt her falling into the thrusts as well as he took the lead for her, his foxie following along with the movements of his body and pressing up into him as he pushed down, wanting even more of him inside of herself.

It was a good thing she was practiced and experienced at taking his titanic cock from the past many years together, because the sheer size he had was monstrous to someone of her height. But all she wanted right now was to be filled, to feel every inch of his inside of her, to feel that knot press against her lips and push inside, to see stars from how intensely full it always makes her feel. And as his thrusts sped up and he started pushing in even further, she moaned in delight at the wonderful feeling of it.

She felt the gentle tug at her neck from her collar, seeing her owner wrapping the leash around his hand a few times and keeping a good grip on it as he thrust in and out, making sure she knew she was nice and secure as he fucked his pet. Faster, deeper, the entire experience a blur but such a wonderful one, each second feeling like an eternity, each inch slipping in feeling sudden and intense, like time had no meaning. The two of them were all that there was, together so closely, pushing closer and closer each second.

She could already tell she was getting close from the edgings she'd been subjected to just before, and from the entire day of foreplay, and let out another distinct whimper to let him know. But he could tell from just her movements and reactions alone, continuing to push her up to the edge once more, his knot pressing against her entrance with each new thrust. She wanted it so badly, but she was so close to the edge, she wasn't sure if she'd be able to hold out much longer...

Echo pulled out all at once, leaving her squealing in tormented need as she felt so woefully empty so close to the orgasm her body was desperate for at this point. For a moment she felt like she was going to tip over the edge even with the sudden lack of stimulation, barely managing to hold herself back at the very brink with every last bit of her willpower, breathing heavily and looking up at the grinning face of her husband. His cock rested just against the entrance of her pussy, his expression devilish as he gave her just a moment to breathe and pull herself back from the edge once more, knowing that each edging was more intense than the last.

He only gave her a few moments to breathe before thrusting back in all at once, all the way to the knot, Blake's eyes going wide from the sheer intensity of it. She pressed herself back against it, wanting that knot inside of her, and he could tell just how badly she wanted it. He picked back up the pace of his thrusts as he pushed harder, grinding the knot into her in an attempt to push it in, watching the fox's squirms and hearing her moans like music to his ears. He was getting close as well, and was more than ready for the explosive finish he'd been building up to all day. His pet was going to get exactly what she wanted, and he'd be making sure of it.

Thrust after thrust, the drotter pushed harder and further, Blake opening up bit by bit to take a little more of his knot. She could feel the massive, pulsing knot spreading her open more and more, knowing just how close it was to hitting the widest point, internally begging for it as it pushed her open with each and every thrust. She knew it was coming, it was so close, so close to finally... finally...!

With a hard thrust, it pushed past the middle of the knot, the rest of his cock sinking in with it as he filled her up completely, all 16 inches inside of her, feeling so full. She couldn't hold herself back any more as he finally filled her up, her orgasm crashing over her like a powerful wave, tumbling in the throes of ecstasy as her walls clenched around his massive cock, the pure intensity of the entire day all culminating in one final crest over the edge.

Echo found himself quickly hitting his own edge as he finally let her orgasm, feeling her pussy around his entire cock, squeezing around the base of his knot, he rapidly thrust back and forth small amounts as he could while knotted inside of her, a few more moments all he needed to crest over into his own orgasm. Blake felt the drotter cum inside of her, his warm cum shooting into her and filling her up even further, moaning as she rode out the high of being filled up by her owner.

The two rode their orgasms to the end together, breathing heavily while tied together, opening their eyes to look into the other's with a satisfied and exhausted smile. A few experimental tugs showed that Echo was certainly tied with her, but he didn't seem to care as he braced himself against her, Blake's eyes going wide as he tugged hard, pulling himself out with a pop that made the fox see stars. He chuckled looking down at her, climbing off the bed and reaching over to the bedside table. A few moments later, Blake felt a plug easily slide inside of her pussy without any resistance, making sure she wouldn't be leaking anywhere, and could just enjoy the feeling of still being full of her owner's cum.

She laid there looking up at the ceiling, spread out on the bed without being able to summon the ability to move. She felt the bed shift as her massive lover climbed back on, laying next to her and wrapping an arm around his foxie, holding her against his body as they laid together without a word. There wasn't anything they needed to say.

Just being together was enough.