Collared Hearts: Chapter 3

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#3 of Collared Hearts

Now on all fours, Blake is taken on a walk with her husband, or rather, owner, out in public for everyone to see. A stroll through the park with some heavy embarrassment at the circumstances, and plenty of teasing from the vibrating plug works to get her worked up and excited to get home with him and deal with the building heat...

Echo is male, Blake is nonbinary (she/her, husband).

Contains: ABDL, Petplay, Public Play, Embarrassment, Chastity, Sex Toys

Future chapters contain: Vaginal Sex, Knotting

Commissioned by: Echo

Thumbnail by CrinkleBuck

Blake whimpered a bit as her eyes readjusted from the dim interior of the kink store to the bright outdoors, fidgeting for a moment before a tug on her collar pulled her attention back to keeping up with her owner. The fox crawled forward on hands and knees, mittens, booties, and kneepads protecting her as she was forced to crawl onwards out of the store and towards their car. At the very least, the car was parked just outside the store, leaving only a short amount of time where she was visible to the public, but even that short time had her face burning in embarrassment at her current state. Crawling along, following behind Echo on a leash, diaper more than visible under her short skirt given the position her body was in, with a harness across her body signifying just what she was in this situation. His pet.

Plus, the wider movements of crawling on hands and knees meant more of the plug inside of her shifting around with each step, nudging around inside of her ass, with her pussy left woefully empty behind the tight chastity belt under her diaper. And with all of the teasing her husband had been doing across the day, getting her worked up and horny without quite following through on giving her what she wanted, she was building up a need that felt like it wouldn't be satiated at least until that evening... and given that Echo apparently had the entire day planned out for the two of them, she'd be dealing with this gently building heat for a while.

As they made it to their car, Echo opened up one of the back doors rather than the passenger seat that she'd ridden in on the way here, their adult-sized car seat set up in the seat as she looked in. As she glanced up at the drotter, she just saw his excited smile, no hesitation in his expression. Though from where she was so low to the ground, the bulge in his pants was pretty visible to her as well, her husband clearly excited at taking her out like this for their special day, his plans finally coming to fruition.

Clambering up into the car, Blake felt the drotter adjusting the straps between her thighs and ankles to give some more slack, before she was suddenly lifted up by him and placed down into the car seat with no effort, owing to both the difference in size and his build. The extra slack on the straps made it possible for her to actually sit down in the car seat, where Echo quickly and effortlessly buckled her in with the five-point harness before giving her a few quick headpats and shutting the door for her. Blake couldn't even bring herself to actively say anything, but she knew that if she did she'd just be shushed and told that pets don't speak... the thought of which just prompted a huffy exhale from her. She wasn't quite expecting this to be what her husband had planned for the two of them.

The drotter climbed into the driver's seat and started up the car, pulling out of the parking lot and back onto the road. Blake fidgeted nervously in her seat as she glanced out the window, butterflies in her stomach from everything that had happened so far, and especially for everything that was going to happen soon. He'd mentioned going out on a walk... was he really going to be taking her all around like this? Just the thought of it all made her feel so flustered.

She bit her lip and wriggled just a bit in the car seat, a mittened hand moving down between her legs to gently press at the diaper there, only able to feel a slight pressure against the metal plate between her legs, the slowly building embarrassment inside of her only resulting in her feeling all the more horny underneath the chastity belt. The fox jumped in her seat as she suddenly felt the plug in her ass start vibrating out of nowhere, a moan unconsciously drawn from her throat and her mittens pressing all the harder and more desperately against the diaper. Rubbing up and down at it as her hips bucked on their own against the straps over her diaper, wanting to feel any kind of stimulation down there, unable to satisfy that need. She glanced over at Echo, his eyes ahead as he drove, but a clear grin on his face from her reaction to his teasing torment having such a strong effect on her.

As the car glided to a stop once more, Blake glanced back to the window to see that they'd arrived at the park in town, just like Echo had promised... meaning it was time for the drotter to show off his husband to the whole town. Or, more accurately, showing off his pet to everyone. Echo stepped out of the car and walked around to open up Blake's door for her, pressing the button on the car seat's harness to let her out of it, something she couldn't do with her hands effectively out of commission. Being so dependent on him always gave her such a thrill, needing his help for simple and mundane things... and also being unable to get out of even simple bindings like this.

He easily lifted her up and set her back down on the ground on her hands and knees, crouching down himself to re-tighten the straps keeping her legs bent and unable to fully extend, leaving her down on all fours. Still crouched, Echo smiled and ran his hand through her hair, gently petting her, which only served to intensify her blush. "Ready for your walkies, pet?" he inquired, getting a nod from her as her eyes glanced around. Nobody was there in the parking area with them at the moment, but they'd be running into others as soon as they made their way out into the park proper. Just the thought of it was...

As Echo picked back up her leash and gave a gentle tug, the fox was urged forward, walking - or rather, crawling - alongside her owner as they made their way out of the parking lot and towards the park proper. She let out a little whimper as they moved into the much more open space, her eyes quickly registering the scattered people and groups around the park. Echo glanced down at her as he heard it, raising his eyebrow with a bit of genuine concern.

"Are you alright, foxie?" he inquired, crouching back down next to her as she bit her lip, still looking up at him even as he was down closer to her level. His hand moved back up to the top of her head, giving her a gentle smile. "You know you can always give me your safeword and it all stops, right?" She nodded, taking a quick breath to steady herself. Her nerves got to her a bit... but she was okay. She trusted him to take good care of her, even in a situation like this.

She got a big smile in return, excitement returning to the drotter's face. "That's a good pet. Now, let's go." He stood back up to full height and pulled her leash forward, his pet obediently following along with him. Her eyes darted around at all of the people and then back to the ground, quickly noticing people beginning to catch sight of her. It was like she could feel the heat of each and every person's gaze staring into her, burning into her all at once... that heat feeling like it was going straight to her libido. Feeling that warmth running through her body, quickening her heart rate, adrenaline coursing throughout her, the building horniness starting to blaze now that she was right in front of everyone, where Echo wanted her to be. Where_she_ wanted to be.

It felt... it felt so amazing.

Sounds dulling down into the background. She could hear the voices of people talking, but beyond the fact that they were focused on her, the words didn't matter. It's not like a pet would be able to understand what they were saying anyways. All she knew is that she was the center of their attention, and that made her feel so good. Eyes rapidly glancing from the ground beneath her as she crawled wherever her master led her leash to the people around, taking in the glimpses of everyone looking down at her, seeing an embarrassed face here, a devious face there, an excited face there.

She bumped suddenly into her owner's leg as she wasn't watching when he stopped, shaking her head and looking up at him to see another fox talking to him with a smiling face. She couldn't process what she was saying, but she seemed happy and curious, and she glanced down at Blake with a smile just like one would have when looking down at a cute pet. Blake's embarrassed expression and blushing face only seemed to make her happier as she crouched down just like Echo had before, a hand moving to pet the top of her head.

As soon as she felt the hand running through her hair, the buzzing inside of her started back up, as if on cue. A moan was drawn from her throat without a thought, earning a happy laugh from the woman petting her, to whom it seemed she was turned on by being pet by a stranger. And well... she was, if not quite to that degree normally. The vibrations settled into a wave pattern, growing stronger and weaker to keep her occupied as the fox lady pet her head and neck, Blake leaning into her touch and not paying the slightest attention to what she and her master were talking about. Pets didn't need to know that.

Eventually, the hand pulled away, and with it, the vibrator shut back off, leading to a needy whimper from Blake and a few dry humps at the air, which made the stranger all the happier at her reactions. She seemed delighted at the short interaction, saying some happy words to Echo before giving a wave to the two of them and making her way off. All Blake could really focus on was the strengthening horniness and the immense empty feeling beneath the belt she was locked in, with no way to satisfy it.

A tug at her leash and she was back to following behind her owner on all fours, an obedient pet on a walk, no matter how embarrassing and incredibly hot it might be. Breathing heavily from the feeling of heat running all throughout her system, from the burning gaze of all of the people around, from the dulled, muted sounds of people talking which she could only assume was about her... but following along like a good pet. The feeling of the breeze on her fur, knowing she was exposed so heavily, even if she was still fairly covered up, all of these thoughts and feelings running through her mind, but she was a good pet. With every step her owner took, she followed right along behind.

The path he chose to walk through the park was one of the most open and visible ones he could have, and she knew from the way he walked confidently down it that he'd planned it out ahead of time. The perfect path to ensure she was always being shown off to everyone he wanted to see her, showing just what a good pet she was. And she loved every second of it. Every little interaction, every new person who noticed her, taking in the reactions and feeling that embarrassment burn throughout her. She wanted all of it, just like he wanted it for her, and she was going to experience every last lovely second of it that he was going to give to her.

She barely recognized that they were beginning to walk out of the park as they reached the edge of it, moving from the winding park path onto a straight sidewalk next to a road, even more people able to see her from here. She whimpered at the sight and hesitated for a moment, but the buzzing of the plug started back up and turned that whimper into a moan, urging her to continue despite her hesitation. Her owner had a plan, he knew what he was doing, he was in control. She could just trust and follow him. That's all a good pet had to do.

The horny fog covering the edges of her perception only grew as the plug was left on, oscillating between low and medium vibrations. Her owner walked her up to a building and opened the door, her eyes too glazed over and unfocused and her mind too foggy to read any of the writing from outside to tell what the place was. Though as she was walked inside, she caught the smell of delicious food on her nose coming from a kitchen within. He was bringing her into a restaurant like this?

Echo and the attendant at the desk briefly exchanged words with a smile, the meanings of which passed right over his pet's head as she glanced around the interior. A tug at her leash pulled her attention back to the drotter, following along behind him as he was led in turn by a waiter, stopping at a small table for two. Though as Echo sat down in one of the seats and was given a menu, he made no effort to undo any of Blake's bindings and help her into the opposite seat, nor was a menu placed down for her there. She looked up at him with a tilted head and a whimper, but he didn't even glance down at her, just reaching down to pet her head for a moment.

After a bit, he set down his menu and wrapped her leash around one of the legs of his chair, tying it simply in place as she was given no choice but to sit on the ground next to him. She nervously glanced around, noticing all of the other people at the tables around looking at her before glancing quickly back down at the ground, burning embarrassment all across her face and running through her body as she had to actively hold herself back from humping at the air, feeling like she was desperately in heat. The lack of any stimulation under her belt while the plug in her ass vibrated on loop, combined with all of the eyes that had been on her and watching her kinky predicament all day with the hazy state that her mind was in, it was all so much to handle, having fallen completely into the pet role.

As the waiter returned, her owner ordered, though the words phased past her as if they had no real meaning, no need for her to think about anything like that unless he was talking directly to her. Though the waiter still paid her no mind, not asking for any order from her as he walked away, leaving her to wait there with Echo. The drotter gently placed his hand on her head and gave her pets as she sat next to his chair on all fours, rubbing from the top of her head down her neck and running his fingers through her hair. She let out hushed little desperate whimpers as she tried her best to stop her body from attempting to bounce on the plug, though she was only slightly successful in doing so, getting a smile from her owner looking down at her.

As the waiter returned with food, he placed a plate in front of Echo, and then another one on the ground in front of Blake for her to eat from, though she wasn't given any utensils to make use of, unlike the drotter. The waiter left, and Blake looked up at Echo with a hesitant expression, but his gentle pets and encouragement let that worry slip away. "Go ahead, foxie. Have your meal."

Burying her anxiety, she got into a better position to move her head down to the plate, eating her food off of the floor like an actual pet. Unable to use her hands at all in the restrictive mittens, she had to eat it like a pet would, getting it all over her muzzle... but as she pushed herself to continue, she could feel that hesitation slowly dissipating, letting herself fall further into petspace and just enjoy it. She was Echo's pet, and this was how pets ate. They didn't sit at the table and use their hands and utensils, they just ate off of the ground. She was right where she should be.

As that anxiety faded away and she let herself truly indulge in it, the buzzing from the plug turned up once more as a reward, pushing her to moan out of her own control, drawing even more eyes right back to her. But she didn't care. Pets didn't worry about drawing attention or what others might think. Her owner was in charge of that. She was a good pet, and she was being rewarded for being good, and that was all that mattered. She let herself abandon her modesty, her body occasionally humping at the air as she ate, her diapered backside held up from the position she was in, not a care in the world. She was hungry, so she was eating. She was horny, so she was humping. She didn't have to worry about anything else.

As the pair finished up their meal, Echo reached down and took the plate off of the ground, setting it on the table and getting a napkin to clean up Blake's face, smiling at her happy, glazed-over expression as he did. "You've been a very good pet, foxie," he assured her, which sent a shudder through her body as he gave her a few pets. "Now, let's get you home and deal with some of those needs you've got, hm? And while you're at it, I'll have you tend to mine as well."

She looked overjoyed as he said that, watching him untie her leash and take it back in hand as he left payment on the table, taking her out of the restaurant and back towards the park where their car was. She couldn't wait to get back home with him, more than excited for the explosive finale to their anniversary date.