Jahaliya: Fantasies Fulfilled

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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#3 of Jahaliya

John has been a bit left out so far...what goes on in his day? What fun does this mouse, advisor to Prince Ryoga of Jahaliya, get into through his day? It's not all work and there are plenty of fun and games to be had! The remainder of the girls have to become citizens of Jahaliya after all...how will their sexy trial fare for them?

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Story commissioned by and characters copyrighted to kchishol1970

Story (c) me, Amethyst Mare

Fantasies Fulfilled

Written by Amethyst Mare

John mumbled sleepily and rolled over beneath the fine, soft linen sheets, drawing them over his muzzle. It was so warm and comfortable, the sheets wrapped neatly around the contours of his body as if he had not moved a single muscle during the course of the night, so deep had his sleep been. But there was something warm and furry in the bed beside him; a sleek tail unfurled like a serpent across his stomach, disturbing the sheets as its owner prepared to rise.

"Wake up," Lydra said, nudging his shoulder and moving so that the sunlight, which streamed like water through the open curtains, illuminated his muzzle, brightening his sleepy features.

"What?" He said groggily, shielding his eyes from the unwelcome rays. "How did I get back here? The last I remember..."

"...was being with Jessica, I wager," Lydra chuckled wickedly. "Yes, it seems that you had quite the night with that lady. Luckily the cleaners were able to get the hall sorted through the early hours, otherwise nobody would be able to use it today and that would be an inconvenience. The groomers tidied you up while you were out for the count - men always sleep like the dead after a good romp."

"What gives you that idea?" He mumbled, burrowing his nose deeper into the pillows; Lydra laughed, brutally whipping the sheets away.

"Get up: the day's begun without us."

Suppressing grumbles at having to forsake the comfortable sheets so soon, John sprung nimbly from bed to land lightly upon the thick pile carpeting, which tickled his bare feet. With typical feline speed, Lydra followed suit and took to grooming, sweeping a brush over her silken, ebony fur and purring softly at the daily caress it offered. As she assisted John with the harness, which could be tricky to tighten in the correct places to a suitable level of comfort, John had the fleeting thought that he was glad they had so little clothing: it made preparing for the day so much easier.

At breakfast, John piled his plate with the various fruits on offer, while Lydra, her appetite sparked by a night of sexual passion, opted for the meatier dishes, devouring a serving of bacon with relish. Helping herself to a tall glass of milk, she absently read her way through a parchment scroll containing the list of duties required for them that day; it was a reasonably busy schedule but nothing the panther felt would be left unaccomplished by the days end. So engrossed was she in her meal and thoughts, Lydra was caught off-guard when John posed a question that she had not expected to face so soon.

"So, where is Ryoga," John queried bluntly, fork halfway to his mouth. Lydra shifted and cleared her throat, gesturing to him that he should continue eating.

"He's on a...diplomatic mission," she replied, deliberately averting her eyes to watch a friend cross the hall, the badger chattering on the arm of an attentive canine.

"And that's a diplomatic answer," John said dryly. The panther cracked a self-conscious smile, inclining her muzzle gracefully and accepting his ability to not miss when a fur was concealing something from him. It was a trait that would make him an excellent aide for Ryoga once he returned.

"That may be true, but all will be revealed very soon, I assure you. No, don't question me further," she added, holding up her paws, claws slightly extended, to dissuade the justly curious mouse from brimming over with questions. "He is Prince of the Realm, after all, and therefore has certain...duties that he must uphold. Some of these cannot be public knowledge right now, not until details are finalised. In the meantime, Ryoga was very clear that you were to 'get into the swing' of work here, as he put it, fulfilling your daily duties as his aide to the expected high standard. We have much to accomplish today."

Knowing that he had no hope of gleaning more information than that, John rose to his feet, the remains of his breakfast forgotten on the table as a determined edge crossed his gaze. He rolled his shoulders to loosen the muscles, which were still stiff after a night of exertion and solid, unmoving sleep.

"Then we'd best begin, right?"


Lydra took John on a whirlwind circuit of the private training arena, giving the mouse a rapid-fire, physical workout that he would be hard pressed to forget. The layout of the private arenas were simple to remember and were viewed with few distractions; most furs with the privilege of using the facilities chose the communal grounds as a welcome social alternative. The only warriors and trainees who were practicing that morning appeared deep in individual contemplation and concentration, perhaps finding the solitary exercise a worthy form of meditation instead of a social event.

Going over the accounts was something entirely new to John, although he had always been good with his numbers, so found the details surprisingly easy to grasp under Lydra's careful tutorage. She eased his concern with many assurances that he would become quite adept upon reviewing the accounts daily, learning on the job as it were. And after that trial without swords, John confidently ordered a varied assortment of necessary food and princely supplies, displaying a fair amount of natural skill. All were ordered under Ryoga's name and were specific items that John determined stocks of which were running low, even if not all were for his personal use, if one was to judge by the kind of sexual items that were being purchased, John thought to himself with a cheerful smirk.

"Right then," John murmured, dusting off his paws with a loud clap. "What's next on the list? We're not doing too badly so far." Lydra raised her eyebrows comically and placed her paw on her hip.

"Next is the fun part - the best of the day, for me at least. We have some...testing to do."

"Testing? What sort?" He asked inquisitively, following Lydra to a display room that held a table strewn with a select array of brightly coloured boxes. The vendor, a tawny ferret with a relaxed smile, opened his arms to Lydra who stepped into them with a girlish giggle and nuzzled into his faintly scented fur.

"Lydra, my dear, how are you?" He said, his tone hinting at a light, musical lilt. "I've brought the requested items and a few besides for 'testing' today; I'm sure that some particular items will certainly be to your liking," he added with a knowing but friendly wink.

"Wonderful," she purred, though whether in answer to his question neither male could ascertain.

Lifting the lid from a hot pink box, Lydra's tail lashed keenly, the panther uncharacteristically hopping from foot to foot in glee at the contents. She swung round to John, proffering a bright, cherry coloured dildo shaped like a feline member, perfect in every detail down to the pliable, stimulating barbs. John scratched his side sheepishly, battling to conceal the flush of arousal that caused the very tip of his flaccid shaft to slip from its sheath as his imagination spiralled out of control. Purring contentedly as if faced with a bowl of the richest, finest cream, Lydra leaned provocatively over, sliding her paws down the backs of her sleek, glossy thighs, and raised her tail to show off her delicate sex, damp with arousal.

"So, I guess the first one is for you to test, hm?" John teased, cock swelling with the thought of Lydra toying with herself before him.

Her only response was to thrust the large dildo into her hot cunny with a load, lustful moan, the ferret looking on with great amusement and appreciation for her intentional show, one paw falling to stroke his own cock slowly.

"We don't have all day, Lydra," John reminded her gently, feeling odd to be in the position of one reminding her that they had a job to do. Meanwhile, he pawed casually through the other boxes and smirked widely as he discovered a nifty dildo and clit vibrator combination, which was cleverly designed to deliver a female the utmost pleasure. From an inanimate object, at least.

I know just the people these would be perfect for...

"Ah, we can't leave without testing them properly," Lydra murred, returning the dripping dildo to its box. "I'll definitely take a couple of those for myself, thank you."

"Lydra, I know we're looking for toys intended for Ryoga's use, whether he's using them on himself or others," John began, his muzzle brightening as he held up the duo vibrator he had found. "But..."

Leaning in, John whispered his idea to Lydra, her smile growing wider as he relayed his thoughts of what this particular toy might be used for. When he was done, she nodded decisively and returned the lid to the box containing John's choice, pushing it across the table to the ferret vendor, one finger absently tapping the lid.

"Perfect! They will have to be custom made though, which will take a while longer - but it'll be worth it! Right, well, we'll take a set of these, full set, the feline dildo, the assortment of vibrators in that set, a selection of ribbon harnesses in different colours, two of the fleshlights for Ryoga just for a bit of choice...he never seems to actually use those a great deal, I cannot fathom why...and, finally, one set of cock rings, the ones with special effects, please. Just a mixed selection, surprise us."

"Of course, Lydra," the vendor replied respectively. "Good choices and I'm pleased you find the feline dildo so appealing: I had it brought in especially for you."

"Aww, such a sweetheart," she winked to him, tapping John's shoulder. "I think we're done here for now. Come again soon, darling," she added to the ferret. "You and I need some serious 'catch-up' time!"

Lydra led John from the private room and down the corridor a little way, not needing to take him far to reach the next desired destination. Upon entering a fresh, cosily enclosed room, John perked up considerably, whiskers twitching the line of nude female furs that greeted him. They had been chattering quietly amongst themselves when the door swung open, but fell into an expectant silence, eyes riveted upon John - only upon John.

"Here we have the applicants for service as Ryoga's domestic maids," Lydra said, licking her lips saucily. "A lovely bunch sent our way, even if I do say so myself."

"Mhm," John muttered distractedly, the shameless and stimulating nudity of the ladies proving difficult to ignore when flaunted so blatantly. The panther smirked, snapping her fingers under his pink nose to regain the undivided attention she required for the moment, even if he refused to stop grinning like a cheeky school boy.

Ah, let him have his fun.

"We're to choose the most suitable applicants to be the prince's maids today. First up here," Lydra indicated a sultry vixen with luscious crimson fur. "We have Charlene. She has worked as a maid within the palace before and has decided to look for a promotion. She comes highly recommended."

Charlene murred alluringly, seeming to agree whole-heartedly with the praise, confidently taking hold of John's harness and raising one long, russet leg up and up to rest her bare foot on John's shoulder. She took her paw and spread her moist sex for the mouse, planting an affectionate, if forceful, kiss upon John's nose while Lydra struggled not to give voice to her amusement.

"Hello, John," the vixen intoned softly, smoothing her palms down his sides to elicit a delightful shiver from her victim; John's arousal swelled noticeably until it pressed against her creamy white belly. "What may I do for you, sir?"

"Erm, Lydra?" John turned, holding up a paw to stave off the eager - perhaps too eager - vixen. "I don't exactly have much experience with interviews...at all."

"Interviews are more relaxed in this sector," Lydra chuckled lightly, beckoning John to move on to the next girl, which he did with a note of reluctance in his tread. "You have to approve them both mentally and physically, so engage them in conversation and see what their lovely bodies have to offer our prince. Only the best may become his maids and these are undoubtedly the cream of the crop."

Silently smiling to no one in particular, John cast an appreciative glance over the next girl's figure, a small and demure mouse with petite, inquisitive features. Her lips parted marginally as John ran his paw down her front, gentle fingertips deliberately passing her perky breasts; she gasped and bit her lip, a small, desirable shiver running through her from the tip of her muzzle to her tiny toes.

"What is your name, my dear? Have you worked as a maid before?" He said softly, meeting her bright aquamarine eyes.

"No, sir," she replied politely, squirming as his wandering paws found her breasts. "My name is Kestrel, or Kess. It would be an honour to be Prince Ryoga's maid - I have gained experience while caring for my younger brothers for the majority of my live and worked as a part-time maid at varying levels in the city for the last four years."

Continuing on, John chatted casually with the other girls, especially enjoying the company of a charming yet professional wolfess, whose wordplay and innuendos left a wide grin upon his muzzle. Only when Lydra cleared her throat and beckoned him away did he leave the last of the girls to discuss which ones were believed most suitable for the positions offered.

"Definitely not that vixen," John whispered to Lydra. "Ryoga might love her for a few days, but she'll never get any work done!"

"So it's settled? The six professional but pleasantly slutty ladies would be best, do you think?" Lydra answered, leaving the final decision up to John, who had proposed the majority of final choices. He inclined his head briefly in the affirmative and they pivoted as one to the anxious, fidgeting girls, eager to give their decision.

"Kestrel, Leah, Rhian, Freya, Yvonne and Ingrid, congratulations," Lydra said warmly, nodding to the chosen girls; Kestrel inhaling sharply when her name was called, lips parting in delight. "You have been chosen to become Ryoga's personal maids. The remainder, we wish you all the best. There are many other positions open in the palace, if you would like to apply, maid positions among others. You are dismissed and the best of luck to you."

Muttering amongst themselves, the disappointed furs left the room with only one turning to give the successful applicants a congratulatory thumbs-up. Without needing to be told what to do, they dropped to their knees before John, bowing their heads respectfully and reciting what they had dearly hoped to say upon entering the interview room.

"We swear our fidelity to the Prince and the Crown," they said in perfect unison, expressions solemn yet joyous; John smiled amiably, signalling that they could return to their feet.

"Now you are part of the domestic staff, subject to orders given by the Prince, myself, Lydra, the harem and the senior household staff - in that order," John went on seriously, his erection swaying prominently even as he spoke.

"Of course," Leah the wolfess murmured in assent while the others nodded quickly, trying to drag her eyes away from John's still hard cock, bobbing too close to be ignored. "But we were wondering...well...about the harem...if it's not prudent to ask. We heard that they were a little shy sexually, although the most beautiful and fiercest warriors of the land. May I ask how do we go about our duties while taking orders from them, sir? Are there likely to be any conflicts?"

John's expression darkened at their daring, but he couldn't blame them for being curious. He wondered idly if they recalled that he had once been like the harem girls and had changed...but the harem was not as much in the spotlight yet, so perhaps their sexual energy needed to be advertised, if not enjoyed, more publicly to quiet idiotic rumours such as this.

"Perhaps that was true when they first arrived, but their sociability has never been in any doubt and certainly not their authority or their tastefully slutty nature. If I hear any more of this, this, nonsense - and the same likely goes for Prince Ryoga - then I will be forced to question your suitability to be fucked and pleasured by us as part of your duties," he answered coolly.

"Yes, we're sorry, of course," they murmured politely, rumours laid to rest. Besides, they wanted the opportunity to enjoy the cocks of the males in their vicinity - it was their duty to please them, was it not?

Tapping gently on the door, a canine tailor entered the room carrying a parcel that Lydra stepped forward to accept. He blushed and mumbled an apology for being late, before fleeing the room, the heat from his muzzle almost enough to warm the air in his wake; the girls giggled and Lydra held her paw to her muzzle comically while John nosed through the parcel curiously.

"Ah, I see your uniforms have arrived," John said, holding up a revealing, frilly black and white slip of fabric that resembled the style of French maids, although with a few choice sections of fabric missing. "I am sure you will find them most comfortable and, ah...convenient."


"Well done, John," Lydra praised companionably as they left the interview room, having fitted the girls with all the attire they would need. "You were admirable today, not too forceful but not allowing them to think that making such derogatory comments about the harem will be permitted, as they are not permitted. They will see that they are wrong soon enough!"

"Thanks," John said lowly, the tips of his ears growing pink from a humble pride.

"Seeing as you are hard and ready," Lydra chuckled at her own wit, winking coyly. "This might be a good time for magic training."

"Now?" John groaned. "I'm still aching!"

"Yes, now, but not at the training fields. We need a well protected room in case something goes 'wrong' again," she teased, placing her paw in the small of his back to steer him past the palace guards and into a guarded, indoor arena. Not very large but secure, the walls radiated a humming, magical aura that implied the extensive protections laid upon the room; John wondered with a shiver what powerful magic had been cast in that room in all the years gone by before he had laid a foot in Jahaliya. Could his compare?

I'll never learn where every room is in this place, John thought despairingly. And I didn't burn the tapestry that badly last time, though I'll never hear the end of it if Lydra has anything to say about it...

"Begin with a standard flame, John, and keep it steady" Lydra instructed, running her paw down his side, her look darkening seductively.

Swallowing hard, John focused on the bubbling well of magic, drawing on a scant droplet to form a flourish of flame, the process of which had become so familiar to him. Assisting, Lydra lowered her sinuous form to her knees, nuzzling at John's hardening cock with raw sensuality. With her expert stimulation, the flame strengthened, reaching further across the room as if hungry and desperate to consume prey it would not find in the bare, magically reinforced room.

"Lydra? I had a thought," John said, eyes narrowing as he fought to keep his concentration and the flicker of flame steady.


"How about we work together...with you using your control of the air to manipulate the direction of the fire? It might be a useful battle tactic, if ever needed. I hope that it would never be needed anyway," he suggested.

"Worth a try," Lydra murmured, biting her lip as she sought her own power, slowly raising a gentle breeze around the fire. Insolently, the fire did little more than waver, dancing merrily as if cheerful that it had evaded her power though it took no more than a subtle pursing of her lips and a second trickle of magic before it writhed within the confines of a small scale wind tunnel. Carefully, Lydra directed the wind about the flame so that it curved into a graceful arc, scorching a dark score into the wall. Exhausted, they released their powers, the air suddenly becoming still as the flame petered out in a gasp of dissipating breath.

"It takes more energy than normal," Lydra panted, eyes shining with the discovery they had made. "But it's something new, certainly! Maybe it could be strengthened further with additional participants and more stimulation... We will have to see."

John flushed self-consciously, hoping inwardly that he had indeed cococted something that would be classed as innovative by Lydra's standards at least - and that he had not irreversibly damaged the wall for no reason - even if his hard-on was begging for attention after her sultry licking was cut short.

"I think we have a few spare minutes before we need to continue, surely?" John grinned suggestively, caressing Lydra's breasts with gentle paws. Laughing under her breath, Lydra shook her head, placing a paw flat on John's chest up to waylay his softly murmured protests.

"I'm sorry, John, truly, but we cannot right now. Duty comes before pleasure and there's something that you need to read. But know that you cannot speak a word of this to anyone, least of all the harem until certain events, when they will become aware, have happened," she said solemnly, selecting a scroll from her bundle and holding it out to him.

Frowning, John hesitantly took the offered scroll and broke the seal; it had barely unravelled fully when he began to read.

Dear John,

I do not doubt that by the time you read this you will be wondering where I disappeared to at such short notice and so mysteriously. I hope you have not been pestering poor Lydra with questions regarding this and have been focusing on your training and your duties. Simply put, the ambiguous, 'diplomatic business' that I have been called away on is my marriage to the princess of the neighbouring kingdom whose name will be revealed in due course to you. Nobody else is to know about this for now.

In the meantime, it has come to my attention that the harem's initiations must, unfortunately, be completed immediately, in one night. I would like you to hold an orgy in the designated playroom for them; anything you want goes in this session. Lydra should be on hand to assist you, but for this night...think of them as your own harem to play with. I'm sure they will be thrilled at the opportunity to bed you en masse, as it were! You must ensure, however, that they are as slutty and uninhibited as physically possible in order to pass their initiation: anything less will simply not do, but I am sure they will acquit themselves admirably.

Enjoy your night! We expect to hear all the details upon our return.

Prince Ryoga

"Are you sure? I mean, is he sure about this?" John yelped, bouncing on to the balls of his feet as he rounded on Lydra. She hugged him lightly, making sure to lean into the hug so that her toned stomach stroked his erection, which had only become more pronounced as he read through the letter, his imagination running as rampant as his cock.

"Of course it is. I think everyone will be thrilled to hear about this particular initiation. Besides," she grinned wickedly, dropping one eyelid in a sly, knowing wink. "I'm certainly looking forward to seeing you indulge your fantasies and lust with your friends, no - your sisters. Keep that in mind, honey, and you'll have a wonderful time."

"Now, there's one other who needs to read this letter, but I will see to that. Go now - make your arrangements for their initiation and prepare yourself."


"Hm, it seems a bit...out there," Sylvia said vaguely, re-reading the letter in the privacy of her chambers. She leaned back in the comfortable chair, stretching out as she contemplated being involved more intimately in the sexual aspects of not one individual initiation but a mass initiation for the remainder of her girls. What about her initiation? She thought, surprised at the twinge of jealousy the thought brought forth. Had she been forgotten? Or was she just not 'slutty' enough to be a citizen of Jahaliya yet?

"Do not worry, my dear," Horace said, placing a reassuring paw upon her arm, oblivious to her conflicting internal monologue. "You must only be involved in the opening ceremony; after that, you can retire with me. There is nothing to be concerned about."

"Hm? Oh...yes, that is good," Sylvia said vaguely, withdrawn from her reverie. "Maybe it's better to be done with the initiations. It seems that things are moving on with due speed for the kingdom, though it seems a shame that the girls cannot be told about the marriage and subsequent wedding. The celebrations alone should be spectacular and I expect they will be thrilled to hear of it."

"I'm sure they will be," Horace chuckled, cocking his head towards the entrance to their chambers. "And that sounds like the girls right now. Are you ready, my sweet?"

"As ready as I'll ever be," Sylvia murmured uncertainly, rising fluidly to greet them warmly, strictly concealing her inner turmoil and schooling her expression into a welcoming smile.

"Now, this may come as a bit of a surprise," Sylvia said, once all greetings had been exchanged. "The initiation process has been pushed forward by, ah...recent events. Everyone's initiation will be tonight and you will all be initiated as Jahaliyan citizens together."

They gasped in surprised, Natasha and Jessica appearing thrilled that their friends would be joining them sooner than expected as citizens of Jahaliya. Glancing to Horace, an encouraging nod prompted her to go on in accordance to the schedule mentioned in her letter.

"Come," Sylvia beckoned them to follow immediately, ambivalent as to whether she really did want to lead them to the mass orgy or not. Would they be pleased at their initiation or upset that it was not something more individual, as Natasha and Jessica's had been? Was she doing wrong by taking them there? Did she wish to...watch?

No, that was absurd, Sylvia told herself determinedly as they trotted down the corridor and wound steadily through the maze of elegant, twining corridors, beautifully embellished in the areas reserved for the higher up furs. Her short, feline whiskers twitched in amusement at the lewd, increasingly adventurous sexual paintings adorning the walls, depicting Jahaliyans in all manner of raunchy escapades: John had chosen his location and the lead up to it well, she had to be fair. Even the maids bustling about the hallways had a lively, youthful bounce to their step that served to accentuate their groomed, poised bodies.

"That's a lovely uniform," Natasha said warmly to a passing paid in a frilly body harness.

"Thank you, ma'am!" The maid, a mouse girl, replied, near glowing with pride, and dropped into a low curtsey, her high cheekbones flushing anxiously. "I hope the other new maids and I have been properly attired so that the Prince will want to rip our uniforms off and fuck us when he returns!"

There was a collective intake of breath as the double doors to the playroom were opened, revealing the spectacular design. Setting her jaw in determination to see this through to the end, Sylvia marched them in, feeling more like a strict teacher than she ever had been before, although, this time, she was disciplining herself to do right by her girls. Her gaze took in the decor calculatingly, the smooth, hardwood floor primed for performance, the draped, gossamer wall hangings, the clear mirror taking up a considerable portion of one wall and the array of lewd sexual aids spaced at strategic intervals as if one may make a circuit of pleasure about the room.

John stood tall in the very centre of the floor, whiskers twitching proudly with Lydra assisting him from him attire, playfully tugging his boots from his feet and tossing them casually against the wall, where they dropped to the floor with light thuds. Teasingly, Lydra played the delicate pads of her paws over John's cock, which was already stiff from anticipation of the delightful night that rose imminently. Attentively, Sylvia watched, fighting to keep her composure and not lick her lips like a wanton female, though she did appreciate the view he gave very much.

He's changed from a shy, little boy to the substance of wet dreams, Sylvia thought dreamily before snapping her attention back to the straight and narrow, shocked at her thoughts.

"My Lord," Sylvia said stiffly, feeling out of place as she recited the required lines from the letter. "Your harem has arrived to serve you."

"Everyone has changed so much," John whispered in something of a reply, so deep in awe at the harem that he barely heard Sylvia. "Now you would only wear a schoolgirl uniform to embrace your freedom as happy, Jahaliyan sluts and only of your own free will."

"Why, thank you, dear John," Eleanor murmured, arching her back to thrust out her rump. "Although a 'naughtier' version of our old uniforms would not go amiss, if you would see the means to ever acquire some for our use. They would not rest upon our frames for many seconds before being torn off though, if your reaction is anything to go by!"

"You mean this reaction?" John queried lightly, gesturing to his cock, which dripped pre cum copiously, the creamy substance trickling down the considerable length.

Purring, Lydra tapped his side for him to assist her back to her feet, which he did with a gentlemanly vigour, pressing his lips to the back of her paw when she had been duly assisted. She leaned into the mouse, her own lusts flaring in full force as she appreciated the view of the harem striking as many sexual poses as there were in their mental repertoire, visibly showing off what they had learned in past weeks.

"Prince Ryoga, as I am sure you are all aware by this stage, wished for you to undergo the trial of becoming citizens of Jahaliya collectively. There is little more to say than you are to display just how much you have changed, since arriving in Jahaliya, and, above all, what commendable, sexual, lusty sisters you now are. I will observe and judge to see if you may inflame John's lust. I don't doubt that you are all well up to the challenge."

"I have also changed," John confessed, hanging his head in mock shame but peeking up boyishly to watch their reactions. "All that time ago, when you tussled in the mud with your gorgeous new bodies and no clothes... Well, I must confess that I sneaked a few long glances at you."

Sashaying to the front of the group, Nell raised her eyebrows suggestively and wagged her finger as if to admonish John, then cupping her heavy, half-striped breasts with a low moan of pleasure.

"And who fought best in that first, dirty battle of Ryoga's harem?" Nell asked breathily, flickering her thick, alluring eyelashes at John, who tilted his muzzle thoughtfully, bringing his paw contemplatively to his chin.

"Hm...I really can't say," John admitted, a knowing smirk appearing on his muzzle. "Maybe we should find out...now?"

Stepping back to clear the performance floor, John bid them do the same and slid a small section of the wall back to press a subtly concealed button. Jessica yelped and snatched her tail back to a ripple of good-natured giggles as the floor vibrated, dividing into two to reveal a lower-set pit filled to the brim with a common, semi-solid, mouth watering, pink substance: jello. The pit was large enough to fit the entire harem, John, Lydra and Sylvia at any one time, the shivering, currently unbroken surface of the 'pool' glistening invitingly.

"It's time for a rematch!" Tina roared playfully, latching on to Robin and half-dragging her to the pit, where they balanced upon the precipice, daring each other to be the first into the mess.

"I propose a tournament," Tina said, poised to jump in. "Would you like to see who is the true dirty wrestling champion of the harem, John?"

"I'd love to!" John answered quickly. "The winner of the match will have the glorious and, dare I say, coveted prize of enjoying my cock first this evening and show off their slutty demeanour in the most physical manner possible. Are you up for the challenge, ladies?"

In answer of sorts, the harem charged at the jello pit; Nell grabbed Eleanor by the arm and dragged her bodily into the quivering mass of sweet dessert, the white rabbit squeaking in mock protest. The perfect surface was broken by the multiple furry bodies smashing into it, separating into many globules that slickened the conditioned and groomed fur of the harem, sliding down their curves even as they struggled to gain the upper hand amongst the slippery substance.

Two, however, deigned to enter the pit, instead turning to John with eyebrows cocked in a silent, daring, "well then?" The duo who had previously completed their initiations, Jessica and Natasha, stalked promiscuously towards John, swaying their hips and linking arms in a sisterly fashion, while he only could watch, slack jawed.

"Um..." He stammered hesitantly, wondering what on earth they were up to. "Don't you want to join the others in the wrestling pit, Jess? Natasha?"

"Oh, we would love to," Jessica murred, draping her red body over his shoulder, massaging his chest while her breasts flattened against John's back. "But we wouldn't want to upstage the others now, would we? We've had our time in the spotlight and the others don't have the appreciative audience that we did."

"We only think it is right that we take care of you for the moment, John, not to leave you so alone over here, bar Lydra, of course," Natasha whispered sultrily, her breath tickling John's ear. "After all, our initiations are already complete."

"Oooh, so I get to play commentator instead of keeping John on edge?" Lydra pounced upon the opportunity with gusto, leaping to the edge of the pit and crouching down to observe the action intently. "They're really going at it already. All right! Come on, who will take on Tina for first chance at John's delicious cock? Believe me - it's worth the fight!"

Shouting acknowledgement that it would be more than worth it, their implications clear, Robin accepted the challenge to fight the well-built Tina in the ring first of all, the others sitting around the edge to yell encouragement to their favourite. As soon as the order to commence was given, Tina was upon Robin, fighting to wrap her arms around the wolf's chest and restrain her, although she was not to be taken down so easily or quickly by anyone. Wriggling desperately, Robin found the slick jello aided her escape from Tina's grasp, though she took the opportunity to grind her body up against the skunks in the process, and battled to bring Tina to her knees, fighting to maintain a hold about her legs.

Unfortunately, Tina's bulk and skill won out after a few, furious minutes of writhing bodies; she succeeded in playfully forcing Robin face first into the jello, wickedly tickling her sides as she squirmed and begged for mercy, albeit in a muffled tone.

"Oh no, she's making her eat it!" Lydra crowed, smirking as Robin flopped over giggling at the insanity. "Tina wins the first bout! Who will take her on next? Who's daring enough? Who wants the prize badly enough?"

"I am!" Eleanor shouted, leaping forward to take Robin's place, an eager grin upon her muzzle. "I have to try my luck at this, Tina, now that Robin's worn you out for me!" Tina snorted.

"Worn me out? As if!"

Set in the optimum position to watch the mock fights continue, John groaned loudly, the two beautiful femfurs sharing his cock between their tongues. Lapping up the length, Natasha closed her eyes, delighting in the feeling of pleasing a much loved friend so skilfully, if his moans and whimpers as they kept him on the edge were any indication. She started a bit when John pulled her away from his cock, her tongue sticking out cutely as she pouted, showing no other desire but to return to licking.

"Natasha," John said with a glowing smile, kissing her deeply upon the muzzle. "Would you do me the honour of a private, lewd dance this evening?"

"With pleasure!" Natasha exclaimed, darting away with a swiftly blown kiss to Jessica. "Don't distract him too much!"

Enthusiastically, Natasha stripped away her fine harness, throwing it to one side and spinning into a provocative gyration that shook her slight frame alluringly, breasts bouncing with the motion. Leaping into midair, Natasha splayed her legs out in both a shocking display of lewdness and feminine grace, landing upon her toes with a delicacy only mustered by an experienced dancer. She turned to face John, raising an eyebrow and leaning forwards so that gravity dragged down on her full, swaying breasts, the nipples raised into pink peaks that showed through her fur. Appreciating the view, John stroked Jessica's muzzle as she lapped languidly at his cock, swirling her tongue around the tip to lusty groans of appreciation, the mouse already on the brink of an explosion that Jessica was determined not to allow him. After all, one of the harem girls undergoing the initiation should be the first to have his cum.

"I think you need a partner to dance with, Natasha," John suggested, eyes twinkling as his deepest fantasies came to light, far better than he had ever imagined.

"Oh! I'll dance!" Corsi said, squirming lithely form the messy pit of jello and giggling bodies, the otter sliding through the jello as if it was water. "Maybe I'll prove a better dancer than wrestler?"

"I don't know," Tina commented, stretching her arms high above her head to both show off her athletic body and shake the slight aches from them; the jello pit was not the best for co-ordination and falling repeatedly had taken more of a physical toll than the playful wrestling. "Your evasion was commendable. We did call it a tie, to be fair."

"Enough chit-chat," Lydra said. "Can no one shake Tina from her title? Or must you go all at once for anything of that chord to be struck?"

Catching the wicked glint to their expressions, Lydra gulped and dived back as the femfurs attacked the surprised skunk at once, avoiding the splashes of jello that splashed over the edge of the pit. Corsi rested her paws at Natasha's waist to dance, fondling her hips as they swayed and gyrated, lusts rising more quickly than the tempo of their feet on the hardwood. Enjoying the dance more now that she had a willing partner, Natasha pulled the otter in close to drop a flirty kiss upon her cheek, twisting away before Corsi had the chance to react.

Tina fought mock savagely in the jello pit, low growls sounding deep in her throat though she realised that her play assailants were rapidly becoming distracted by the sight of Corsi and Natasha who were engaged in a rather more sexual dance of the horizontal nature. The two ladies lay muzzle to tail on the floor, their noses buried in each other's sexes, the sounds of their furious licking very audible to every fur in the room, much to Tina's joy; she grappled with the others with ease, taking the opportunity to teasingly ensure that her paws ran over the breasts and rumps of her friends, enjoying the feel of their curves.

"Isn't she a lusty savage?" Jess whispered to John, licking drops of cum, from the mouse's first orgasm, off her muzzle; despite his best efforts, John had not been able to restrain himself from cumming under her touch and the exceptional visual stimulation he was being offered upon a silver platter.

"Which one?" John murmured, distracted by the crazy sexual antics.

"All of them!" Jess replied with gusto, cheering as Tina howled triumphantly, the harem lying panting about her in the jello, happy grins brightening their muzzles; they were eager for more fun.

Seeing the tall, athletic femfur standing proudly for all to see, John could not control himself for a microsecond longer; yelping his defeat, he dove into the pit, groping Tina's hefty breasts before thrusting his cock into her warm folds. The girls applauded wildly, bustling in close to watch the action, squealing delightedly when John grabbed them, fucking as many of them as possible before he breathed heavily, spent for the moment with his cock softening in Tina's cunny.

"Tina is the winner of the jello fight!" John declared, clambering out of the pit and accepting a bowl of what water to quench his thirst from Lydra.

He paused for a moment as the harem accepted similar bowls, happier than he had ever seen them before with their messy, ruffled fur and a myriad of sexual fluids coating their nether regions. Finally comfortable in their own skin and fur, it was as if a curtain had been lifted and finally shown his friends for the stunning femfurs they truly were: beautiful, sexy, adventurous, uninhibited Jahaliyans.

He wanted nothing more than to fuck them senseless.

"Go ahead," Lydra said to him, seeming to sense his thoughts; her paw on his cock heartening him to take his fill of his fantasy. "I think they've passed their initiation, don't you?"

Needing no more encouragement, John grinned joyfully, entirely fresh and clean from the magic cleanser and dove into the mass of gyrating, horny bodies - his sisters.

Forgotten by the harem, Sylvia slipped from the room, feeling too uncomfortable with the tantalising arousal rising in her core and the unerring sense of unease that permeated her mind. She had watched for as long as she was able to, pushing herself to be as she should be to become a Jahaliyan, to grow into herself as her girls were doing. But the nagging thought that it was wrong lingered in the back of her mind. She shouldn't be watching and liking this. It was wrong_._

"Somewhere more private, my dear?" Horace queried from where he waited for her outside the door, expecting her to leave and being quite surprised that she had waited for so long before doing so. Perhaps it was for the sake of politeness and appearances, he thought. Although she really shouldn't put herself in uncomfortable situations if they felt so bad.

Nodding mutely, Sylvia allowed Horace to lead her to what she presumed was a private room where she could calm herself. She tried to protest when Horace gently took her through the doors right beside the doors of the playroom, thinking that it was rather unfair of him to keep her so close when they could retire to their chambers and reside in far more comfort. Her protests died on her lips, however, when she saw the luxurious four poster bed covered with a thick, mauve bedspread, which was trimmed in fine gold detailing.

The lioness shrieked, clapping her paws over her muzzle at the sight that awaited her from the wall opposite the foot of the bed. What looked like a thin sheet of glass spread from ceiling to floor, showing a clear, expansive view of the very play room that she had just 'escaped' from! In Sylvia's brief absence, John had propped Eleanor up on the side of the jello pit and was fucking her cunt wildly, thrusting like a piston within her dripping sex, the white rabbit crying out through an electric orgasm, muzzle contorted with ecstasy.

The mirror in the play room... It's a two-way mirror! And we're on the other side!

"Now, now," Horace calmed her, laying the struggling lioness down upon the bed sheets with gentlemanly care. "Relax and enjoy the view, this is all for you, darling."

Not allowing her to object further, Horace planted a deep, lustful kiss upon her muzzle, slowly beginning to lovingly undress the tawny feline, rolling her on to her stomach when her struggles faded and she became increasingly enraptured by the scene behind the glass.

"Look how happy they are, Sylvia," Horace said as he gently slipped the body harness from her body, allowing his paws to roam freely without the interruption of leather straps. "They are free now - is it not a beautiful sight to behold?"

"I....guess it is," Sylvia breathed, her will to resist evaporating. She shifted on to her paws and knees, snaking her leonine tail around Horace's neck and looking imploringly back to him. "Horace? Make love to me?"

Only ecstatic to be able to please Sylvia and see her loosening up about the harem's sexual initiation, Horace scrambled on to his knees behind Sylvia, angling them so that they were both able to watch the proceedings in the play room. He edged between her widely spread legs, pressing his cock to her flushed cunny, clit swollen to the point of slightly pushing her labia apart, and thrust in to a feline yowl of delight. Sylvia's hair became ruffled as she pushed back at her lover, aching to feel his cock pleasuring the most intimate depths of her sex, bringing her to climax as he had done so many times already.

Corsi crouched behind John, chest high in jello, tonguing his balls as she glanced towards the mirror, the reflected images of the harem and their stud dancing to a tune only they could hear. Feeling raw need flourish, she darted around to John's front, standing over Eleanor. The rabbit moaned wantonly as she had a perfect view of Corsi's inflamed sex even as John's cock exploded with ropes of seed within her cunny.

"Oh, lick her John, eat her out!" Sylvia moaned wantonly, almost willing to imagine that she had the lusty, young stud between her thighs with his nose buried in her snatch. "Ohhh!"

Cumming hard for the first time that evening, the pent up arousal and tension, which had been building within from the point of reading Ryoga's letter, exploded dramatically; Sylvia arched her back and bucked her hips furiously at that perfect angle that forced Horace's cock to grind over her g-spot, sending pleasurable shock after shock through her nerves.

The girls crowded around John, pawing eagerly at his body and promiscuously showing their needy sexes to him, despite the mouse's apparent desire for a brief respite after the fast and furious first session. Lydra, understanding that John required a little extra help to fuck every single one of the girls in his fantasy and their initiation (the arousal was sure to try any fur's stamina), she brought forward a small vial of royal blue liquid, mouthing to him to drink. When he did, it was mere seconds before his erection sprang back to full mast, the harem cheering excitedly, begging him to fuck them and spill his seed again and again.

Renewed with a divine vigour and virility, John growled playfully and pounced upon Tina, driving his dick into her as she groaned loudly, cumming in seconds around his lusty pole. As soon as she had finished and collapsed on to the floor in Eleanor's arms, John leaped to Nell and tumbled to the floor, fucking her into feline yowls of orgasmic bliss over and over again. Lydra rubbed the back of her neck, shocked at the strengthened effect the potion had upon John's libido and stamina but, with the way he was pleasuring the harem and making them cum repeatedly, it surely had the desired effect and more.

"Yes! Fuck my girls hard, John! Oh!" Sylvia cried out in the midst of her second orgasm of the night, although it was not the final one by far.


It was well into the early hours of the morning when John and the harem were strewn around the playroom in blissful sexual exhaustion, dropping into sleep in the arms of each other, their mixed sexual fluids and the jello coating their fur. Lydra stood by the door, smiling more widely as the servants filtered in, starting at the prone, near comatose forms of those they had recognised as sexual role models.

"No special instructions," Lydra said quietly, not wanting to disturb anyone unduly. "Groom everyone and return them to their beds. No wake-up call in the morning for any of them: they need to rest more if they are to perform their duties as Jahaliyan citizens at any point tomorrow."

Amongst the tangled bed sheets behind the mirror, unknown to the passed out furs, Sylvia and Horace relaxed in the afterglow of another mutual, blissful climax, nestling into each other's fur contentedly; Sylvia lay with her legs and tail entangled with Horace's and her muzzle against his neck, his pulse strong as she licked across the sensitive fur.

"Mind blowing," Horace intoned softly, tracing a pattern over Sylvia's breasts, the lioness shivering happily whenever his fingers grazed her pert nipples.

"It was," she agreed sleepily, a tremor of unease darkening her mood. "Though... I feel...ashamed to watch my girls experiencing such lewd delights en masse and...enjoy it. I enjoyed it," she admitted finally, her muzzle dropping shamefully.

Horace was shocked, half-sitting upright in the bed to try to glean whether or not Sylvia was absolutely serious about what she had just said. The fact that she refused to meet his eyes and that her own were glimmering with a sad sheen was unspoken answer enough for the worldly Horace, however.

"Sylvia, why would that be anything to be ashamed of? It is far from it, in fact," he said firmly, holding her muzzle so that she could see the truth in his eyes. "You are the harem matron and a powerful, ferocious warrior. Why - you are more than only entitled to enjoy all pleasures available, you are expected to enjoy them however you please. After duty though, as we have discussed. Then, anything is fair game, dear."

"You know...you're right and I know you are right," she said, a gentle warmth spreading through her body as a barrier collapsed within her mind. "I cannot see myself forcing the girls or even myself to ever, ever return to our old world and be so restrained again. It would be too cruel."

"Then this means you have broken free, darling," Horace kissed her full on the lips, feeling her melt into him. "Soon, you will be able to demonstrate this to everyone. I cannot wait for that day when you renounce your old attitudes openly."

"In a way, I am hanging on to my old attitudes, Horace, though I am changing and learning along with my girls every day." she whispered, laying her muzzle against his chest even as tears moistened her cheeks. "I...I love you."

Horace's muscles went taut and Sylvia made as if to pull away, having said the wrong thing too early in their relationship. Was she wrong to say it, though she knew it to be true? Did Horace not feel the same?

"Darling?" He murmured against her cheek, breaking her turmoil and tightening his arms about her to hold her close, the shared warmth from their bodies stirring his member once more. "It makes my heart leap to hear those words from you and I return them wholeheartedly: I love you also, deeply. But, please, my...love, do not restrict your heart and body to me. It would be no greater sin that to chain yourself willingly now when you have cast them aside. There will always be a special place in my heart for you, as I hope there is for me in your heart."

"That said," he breathed, running his paw over her smooth stomach. "Love is revered above all else. It transcends sex in ways that only the indescribable abstract may do. It is of a higher dimension than pleasure of the body and, in the hearts and souls of those who have loved and lost and learned to love again..." He paused a final time, his lips catching Sylvia's in a silent, passionate kiss before going on.

"Love, in Jahaliya, my sweet, is the greatest pleasure of all."

Sitting up, Sylvia smiled as Horace's cock throbbed, hardening to show his physical desire for more, regardless of the number of times he had cum already that night. Only more than happy to oblige and consummate their love, as was her old fashioned, romantic view of the coming tryst, Sylvia straddled him, rubbing her sex against his cock, eyebrows raised in an unspoken question.

It was going to be a long, pleasurable, night.

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A Heart's Christmas

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