A Return To When We All Lived In The Forest Interlude: Character sheet and Recap.

Story by Jake Shadow Wolf on SoFurry

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#6 of A return to When We All Lived In The Forest

A quick recap and descriptions of a few of the characters.

Legalities: The basic area of the story so far is based off of Flexible Survival by Nuku Valente. If you want to understand more check out the game. The story line is of my own devising, the characters are of my devising, belong to their creators, and some are based off the game. Certain scenarios are based off the game, but most of this stuff is coming out of my own head. I also give credit to all those who worked on Flexible Survival and thank them for helping me get my creative juices flowing by working on the game, which I occasionally look at for more ideas. Anyway with that said let's get back to the character sheet and a showing of all our characters.

Name: Jake Wolf Age:21 Gender:Male Sexuality:Bisexual Appearance: Jakes a human male who stands between 5'11 and 6'1 who is usually wearing specialized clothes given to him by the Doc. He tends to wear sneakers, jeans, a t shirt, and a strange hoodie that almost looks like a cloak. He has a few scars on his body from the many attacks he's felt by different creatures since arriving in Antharia, but that's kind of to be expected. Bio: Jake is a former rear admiral of the navy who's revoked his title to earn the trust of the civilians in Antharia. Jake's primary objective is to figure out how the infection started and get everyone who wants to be human back to how they once were. He's constantly fighting with the infection within him, but unlike most he seems to have somehow gained control of it. The first people he met once arriving in Antharia are Regina, Tanya, and Damien who have since joined him in the bunker under the library. He's also gained a young husky pup named Balto who seems to know more than any dog should. Jake arrived in Antharia shortly after his ship picked up Ron and a few other people who'd escaped, but became infected anyway. He sent teams out to explore the city, but has yet to meet up with any of them.

Name: Regina Age: 22 Sex: Female Sexuality: Straight Appearance: Regina is a tall female horse anthro with reddish fur, and several white markings. She tends to wear tight clothing that shows off her feminine figure. She has her black hair back in a braid that goes down to about midback and mixes with her mane. She stands at about six feet even, and seems to have a few charms woven into her tail. Bio: Regina was out riding at one of the local fairs when the infection started spreading. The horse she'd been riding shifted into an anthro stallion and started riding her. She managed to escape, however not without paying the price of becoming a beautiful anthro mare. She hid in her apartment building as things slowly got worse, then slipped into the basement when it was raided by a group of coyotes. Eventually she ran into Jake who saved her from Hyenas and traded him an old map for a chance to stay in his bunker, some food, and water. Jake had readily agreed then left her in the bunker to watch over it with the formerly enemy Hyenas now under her charge since he somehow beat the matriarch in hand to hand combat.

Name: Damien Age: 25 Sex: Male Sexuality: Straight Appearance: Damien is a 5'9 human with blonde hair that has blood red streaks that he usually wears in a short ponytail. He's got the eyes of a cat thanks to an accident by Hena, he usually wears a long sleeve shirt and dress pants. Damien has several scars from his childhood that can't be seen unlesss he takes off his shirt, although on his palm is branded a symbol that looks like a dragon flying in the sun. He usuall wears sneakers, and always has a belt on. The back of Damien's hands seem to have been cut with a knife or razor in diagonal lines. Bio: Damien was a zookeeper at the Antharia National Zoo, however before that he worked for several larger corporations. The most notable was Genetech which he quick for ethical reasons and led him to be a zookeeeper. Jake and Damien ran into each other when Damien was being chased by a wolftaur and Jake intervened to help him out. Damien feels he owes Jake because of this and agreed to travel with h im and offer him whatever help he could. He's one of the ones who told Jake about Genetech's labs there in town and led Jake, Tanya, and Balto through the zoo.

Name:Balto Age: 8 weeks Sex: Male Sexuality: unknown Appearance: Balto is a small black, grey, and white husky with gold eyes. Balto has a mark like a lightning bold on his left foreleg, but otherwise is a rather unremarkable dog in appearance. He's usually seen hanging onto Jake and growling at anyone who offers the former sailor any sort of threat. His teeth are sharper than most puppies as Damien can testify. Bio: Balto's a husky pup that Damien and Jake found while they were searching the building where they met. Balto instantly became attached to Jake and has since been trying to keep him out of trouble. Balto has the opinion that without him the former sailor will fall into all sorts of trouble, and he tends to be right. The pup tends to cause trouble for Jake's enemies without trying to and is very likable.

Name: Rylee aka Wolf Bane Age: 16 to 25 Sex: Female Sexuality: Bisexual Appearance: Rylee is a black wolf anthro. She has blood red markings on her muzzle, ears, tail, and paws. She is usulaly seen wearing a katana, a t shirt, and jeans. Rylee is about the same height as Jake, and seems to carry herself with confidence befitting her natural lupine features. Bio: currently don't have all that much other than Rylee is the leader of those staying in the mall.

Name: Doc Age: unknown Gender: Unknown Sexuality: Unknown Appearance: The doc is usually wearing a hazmatt suit Bio: The doc is the person trying to reverse the nanite plague. That's all that's currently known about them.

Name: Vex Age:Unknown Gender: Male Sexuality: Bisexual Appearance: Vex is a black fox with wings and horns that make him appear demonic to most. Bio: Vex is the one who runs the hospital, and that's all that is currently known other than he loves puppies.

Name: Kyroo Age: 22 Gender: Male Sexuality: Unknown Appearance: Kyroo is a 6'2 Arctic fox who usually wears a camo shirt, vest, and shorts. He carries a pair of SMGs, and who knows what else. He has grey blue eyes that girls would spend eternity looking into. Bio: Kyroo first appeared on a rooftop in town and not to much is known about him other than he's currently staying with the doc at Jake's request. He also has a kind personality and tends to be very joking. He's oblivious to people flirting with him, but that's to be expected because he doesn't think of himself as all that attractive.

Name: Hena Age: 17 Sex: Female Sexuality: Straight Appearance: Hena is a teenage cat hybrid with brown fur on her ears and tail, gold eyes, retractable claws, a bracelet that shows a wolf howling at the moon, and usually wears dresses. Bio: Hena first appeared at the mall alongside the illustrious Riley and not to much is currently known about her. As the story goes on we'll learn more.

I think that's everyone who's shown up that is of to much importance just yet other than Tanya and Dianna who will be mentioned later on. With that out of the way I request someone who can draw get a hold of me. I probably made some of the bios and what not shorter than they should have been, but I'm not big on character sheets. this is more me showing a bit about the characters that people enjoy reading of.

With all that said time for a quick recap. So far in the story Jake and his crew picked up a band of stranded anthros, then moved onto Antharia and treid to reverse the infection. Jake left the rest of his people behind for mysterious reasons then started meeting other characters who helped him thorughout his journey so far. The doc is trying to fix everything and has Jake getting them things from the different creatures scattered throughout the town. Jake and a few others stayed at the mall where they met Rylee and Hena who were very kind to them and offered them permanent accomadations there. Sadly Jake refused saying he had to get back to Regina at the bunker and the others went with him. Kyroo is with the doc and will report to Jake when he's needed for more samples. As they were returning to the bunker Jake split off fromt he others and followed some weird robots then got sidetracted by a magical glade. However Jake remembered more about his past and chose to run into the hospital following the robots. After watching two anthros be changed into mythical creatures by the illustrious Mad scientist Vex he tried to run away and ended up in a hole. So that's where the story picks up next chapter.

See you next upload everybody.

A Return To When We All Lived In The Forest Chapter 5: Mad scientists, and Magic, What’s next?

Legalities: Refer to my other stories for all my personal copyrights. However the characters Vex, Hena, Rylee aka Wolfbane, James Tillston, Kyroo, LJ aka Lost Josh, Cody, and anyone I may have missed are copyrighted to their owners. Their owners will...

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