
Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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Just a rough scrap of femdom and bdsm that I thought I'd throw out there while I'm taking a bit of a break (from study and commissions, one day only!).

Enjoy and read the warning, just in case!

Characters and story (c) me

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"Be quiet, bitch."

The dragoness, Amethyst, swung round in her dining seat, glaring sharply at the tightly bound, nude but for his fur and furiously writhing horse. Not that he was going anywhere with his paws and fetlocks hogtied together, forcing his to arch his back delightfully so that his lithe frame was displayed for her pleasure; a ball gag kept his muzzle nicely occupied and a blindfold ensured that his world remained ostentatiously dark. He was a scrawny specimen, it had to be said, but his dappled grey coat was well groomed and there was a feminine tone to his soft curves, which reminded one more of a sweet mare than a fine stallion.

She shook her muzzle impatiently and rose fluidly to her feet, claws tapping lightly against the cool tile of the kitchen floor and sipping from her cradled glass of ruby wine.

"You should have thought about this..." She taunted, poking him in the chest with her tail so that he overbalanced from his kneeling position, landing with a solid thud upon his side. "After all, you were the one that wrote to me, were you not? I normally ignore little shits like you but, well, your wishes were so tempting. And I'm going to fulfil them all, for my pleasure."

"I don't expect you to receive pleasure."

He groaned and pinned his ears flat to his skull, his tongue pressed against the unyielding, rounded ball of the gag. Sure, he had sent her that message on the forum and he had met up with her at the bar...but he had never expected something like this to happen! He didn't think she had been serious when she offered to 'show him the ropes' of what he claimed to be interested in, hell - half the bloody ramble on his profile was rubbish that he thought would impress people, if they came across his page. He'd never actually experimented... The stallion shivered, mumbling incomprehensively behind the gag and shook his head aggressively, pleading with his watering eyes to be released, allowed to go free and forget every nuance of this unwanted encounter.

"What was that?" Amethyst smirked in a goading manner, cupping her paw about her ear. "Didn't hear you."

Ignoring his muffled pleas, the dragoness unfastened the hogtie holding his limbs immobile, hoisting the stallion to his hooves and marching him before her out of the kitchen, the horse's wrists pricked by her steely talons. She had something special in mind for this one.

She shoved him unceremoniously into a darkened room - there were some benefits to box rooms with no windows - and flicked on a light switch, which allowed the room to be dimly lit with a crimson glow that the stallion caught around the edges of his blindfold. Snorting fearfully, anger flared in his belly; who did this dragoness think she was and what right did she have to do any of this to him? He chewed at the ball gag, trying to work the ball, slippery with his saliva, free but only causing his captor to let out a low, amused chuckle that echoed softly about the room.

"Silly horse," she breathed, wrangling his paws round to his front side and binding them painfully with a length of roughly hewn rope. "You can't get away."

Smirking even as she remained unseen, Amethyst unbuckled the gag from the equine's muzzle and tossed it aside; it fell to the floor, knocking against the uncarpeted surface. Though relieved to have the accursed thing out of his muzzle, the stallion worked his jaw to ease the tension, rubbing his muzzle against his own should to try to shift that blindfold just a bit. It was no use, however, as the dragoness yanked his muzzle straight with her fingers twisted into his forelock as if it was just a handle for her to grab as she pleased.

"Fuck off, I never meant for this -" he swore, shooting pain racing through his scalp.

"Shut up," she hissed, slapping his muzzle. "You never meant for it to happen, but you wanted it."

"No, you've got me wrong - I never wanted this!" He pleaded desperately, squirming weakly. "Please, just let me go. I won't tell anyone."

"Won't tell anyone?" She laughed cruelly, prodding his chest with one claw. "Yes, I'm sure you wouldn't tell anyone how a dragoness tied you up and did terrible, terrible things to you now, wouldn't you? That's why I have no reason to stop, since you've so kindly stated that you won't tell anyone. Lovely."

He moaned, realising that he had sealed his own fate with the words he had hoped would allow him to escape. She whipped off his blindfold, pushed him back to his knees - he was not yet trained, after all - and stood back, eyeing him critically and tapping a riding crop against her paw, the light tap resounding at an unnatural volume throughout the chamber.

Thrust rudely to his knees after the blindfold was removed, he blinked slowly in the scarlet glow, afraid to take in his surroundings or what little he could garner from the dim light. But curiosity would not be denied to those who forget the metaphor. His eyes first focused on the dragoness' bare, clawed feet, trailing up her legs to her scantily covered crotch, if black lace could be considered any covering at all; the panel between her muscled thighs was moist and he flushed to think that he had been partly the cause of it. Further up, he sighed at the three pairs of breasts that had caught his attention initially in the description she had permitted him, the nipples hard and protruding through the fine, fishnet top that cradled her breasts like slender fingers.

Her demonic grin halted his admiration and he lowered his muzzle again, shivering as if he had been doused with a bucket of ice cold water. Glancing to either side, he gulped loudly, seeing the instruments and tools that lined the walls - tools that he had no doubt would be used upon him. Some he had even fantasised about.

"Please, please, let me go," he begged again. "Please don't hurt me, just let me go."

"Oh, I'll hurt you," she whispered, her voice silken with desire. "But only if you ask nicely...slave."

He shivered, shaking his muzzle despairingly and staring fixatedly at a dark spot on the floor, which had become stained at some point. Briefly, though he wished he had never had the thought, he wondered if it was blood.

"I'm not a slave," he muttered, hanging his muzzle so that he forelock fell across his dreamy, blue eyes.

"What was that?"

"I'm not a slave," he repeated more clearly, glancing up before sliding his gaze swiftly away from hers.

"Really?" Amethyst feigned astonishment, resting her muzzle in her palm as she rolled the handle of the crop between her fingers. "That's not what you told me in all our conversations."

"Just let me go..." he whined, making as if to scramble to his hooves, but a swift crack of the riding crop against his exposed sheath halted him in his tracks.

He howled, writhing and dropping bodily to his side, trying to rub and soothe the burning pain with his bound paws, which were free enough to allow him this range of motion. The stallion was panting with tears glistening in the corners of his eyes by the time the pain had faded to a manageable level, whimpering softly as she looked on.

"No, you're not going anywhere," she growled, standing over him. "Get to your hooves, slave, and get your legs back apart."

"I won't..."

"Oh good," Amethyst smirked evilly and delicately raised one foot to press the bony heel brutally against his balls, resting more and more of her weight upon the poor equine who could only squeal.

"Are you going to do as I say, whore?" She hissed between her teeth. Only when the horse nodded furiously, gasping too desperately to speak, did she finally release the pressure and permit him respite.

"You can call me 'Mistress' now," she said indifferently. "Now get into position. On your hooves, facing me, legs spread. Nice and wide now, bitch."

Slowly, unwillingly, he did as ordered, standing with his legs apart a little wider than the width of his narrow shoulders. When she frowned and flicked the whip threateningly, he quickly moved them as far apart as possible, muscles straining from the stretch and the effort it took to maintain his balance - he didn't want his balls to be mauled again for falling!

"Mm, now that's better," Amethyst murmured, tracing the flap at the tip of the crop along his inner thighs, thoroughly enjoying the involuntary tremble when the crop brushed the stallion's still smarting balls. "See here, there's a table - or not much of a table - shaped like an 'X' in the back corner of this room. This particular one has plenty of straps and belts and buckles to keep any slave immobilised while I take my pleasure. Lie down on it, on your back, slave boy."

"I..." he began, but clapped his muzzle shut, thinking what would happen if he talked back. "Yes, Mistress," he instead meekly answered, loathing himself for bending to her will.

Busying herself with gathering the required tools that she wished for the remainder of her afternoon jaunt with her new slave, the dragoness kept an eye on the horse as he weakly lay back on the horizontal X-frame, lifting his arms above his head to place them as she desired. A smile twitched at her lips, reminding her that this slave had many fantasies that she could or could not fulfil - it was her choice.

"Good boy," she said, striding imposingly back up to him and making short work of the straps that would hold his limbs and body firmly to the padded frame. He wriggled and whimpered, fearful as his motion was completely restricted so that he could not even squirm in some form of protest - even his neck was encircled by a leather strap and fastened down, the material pressing against his throat.

But Amethyst had more to concern herself with than his discomfort, bringing the tools she had chosen over to him in a pile and separating them for easy access and use upon her toy. He watched anxiously as she planted a large box between his spread thighs, adjusting the height so that an opening was level with his posterior. Amethyst fiddled with a control for a moment and the box whirred into life, a fat, purple dildo sliding mechanically from the rounded opening and stopping just before the equine's clenched tail hole.

"Please, don't..." he whined futilely, eyes bulging out of their sockets at the size of the dildo. He'd never had anything up his tail hole! She was going to rip him apart!

"You forgot to say 'Mistress'," she snapped, any patience that she might have had with him evaporating in that instant. "I was going to give you lube, bitch, but, for that, you get nothing."

"I'm sorry, Mistress," the stallion snorted in an attempt to appease, dread seeping through his prone body from muzzle to hooves.

"Like hell."

Raising one eyebrow, Amethyst pressed a button on the remote and the dildo on the machine began to edge forward, nudging persistently at his tight pucker while the horse shook his head and clenched his tail hole as hard as he could. But the machine and the dragoness would not be denied and the flat head of the dildo soon caught a weakness in his defence and thrust smoothly past the initial barrier: he squealed. Belatedly, as he was viciously speared open, the stallion realised that it was moulded in the shape of a true, equine cock with a flared head - only larger.

The stallion whinnied as the dildo hit a spot inside his passage that he did not know existed, something that made his dormant cock twitch in its sheath and, to his utmost, burning shame, begin to slide out as he was fucked by the machine. Groaning, he bit his lip against the pain, tiny droplets of blood beading his lower lip, just desperately wishing for it all - the pain, the fucking and the humiliation - to be over and forgotten.

"Looks like somebody enjoys this more than he shows, slave," Amethyst laughed, wrapping her fingers around his engorged, fleshy cock, mottled pink and grey. "Give in to the pleasure, bitch, you know you want it. You fantasised about this. I only took what you offered."

Leaving the machine to do its work, Amethyst padded around to her slave's muzzle, squatting until his velvety nose was caressed by the moist lace over her sex. He moaned, unconsciously licking at the lace where her juices had soaked through, his eyes closing as he was able to focus on something other than the painful and pleasurable throbbing below his waist. Amethyst ground her crotch against his muzzle, beginning to pant eagerly as a spark seemed to catch within her belly, and abruptly tore away the fragile lingerie, smearing her arousal into the stallion's face.

"Lick, bitch, and you better do a good job or I'll get a bigger cock to shove up your arse," she snarled, teasing his hardened cock with her pointed claw-tips. "Much bigger than this little thing you have here."

More enthusiastically, though still with a high degree of reservation, the stallion swiped his tongue against her folds, pushing past to lick at her cunny directly, murring softly at the taste. His questing tongue soon found her clit and he locked his strong lips around it, sucking diligently to a chorus of loud, approving moans above him, her thighs closing in on either side of his muzzle to hold him in place. And still the machine pounded steadily into his rear, uncaring for his desires for it to stop, although he would admit that he did not mind being made to lick the dragoness' sex in the slightest.

Moaning and arching her back to thrust her breasts out, Amethyst curled her tail up over her back, picking up the crop again to play the tip over her slave's cock and balls, purring deep in her throat at the delightful, anxious, twitches he returned. The stallion's tongue lashed her clit so wonderful that she pondered whether he was quite as inexperienced as he claimed, or perhaps he had a natural talent.

That could be useful to her.

Tiring of toying with the heat in her belly, Amethyst reached between her thighs to spread the folds of her sex apart, allowing the horse easier access to pleasure her, and flipped a switch on the controls for the fuck machine. A shocked squeal rang out form between her thighs as the fake cock vibrated powerfully within the stallion's tail hole, thrusting insistently against his prostate, as she knew it would, and making his dick drool cum over his own stomach.

"Mistress!" He yelped, his cries muffled by the dragoness' sex and his furious licking. "I'm going to..."

The rest of what he was going to say trailed off and was swept away by his frenzied choir of nickers and whinnies, his top lip curling up against his sex as he licked all the more eagerly, his cock spurting thick ropes of seed over his body as if he had not cum in weeks. Smiling secretively to herself, Amethyst rubbed her sex into his muzzle with renewed vigour, growling and lashing her tail until, with a satisfied yet terrifying snarl, she came hard to the rhythm of the stallion's tongue, which lapped up her juices as they squirted liberally from her cunny, streaking his sweet, grey muzzle.

The pair were quiet after their almost shared orgasm, Amethyst sweeping her long tail back and for while her slave cleaned her cunny carefully with his broad tongue, taking great care to make sure that he did not miss a single, delicious drop from her sex. Amethyst growled contentedly, trails of smoke escaping her flared nostrils in her afterglow, and straightened up. Expectantly, the stallion looked up, wriggling pathetically with his own cum drying into his fur and his muzzle dripping with the dragoness' orgasm; she only bared her teeth in some semblance of a grin.

"We're not finished yet, slave. You're not getting out of that contraption for a good while."

And, with that, she rotated a dial on the machine controls, increasing the tempo of the dildo stroking in and out of the slave's loosened, stretched backside, smiling to herself as his moans increased tenfold.

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**Homecoming** Written by Amethyst Mare for kchishol1970 "They're here!" "Are you ready yet? We've got to go!" "I can't find my harness!" "Hurry!" Sylvia sighed deeply, rubbing her temples in slow, soothing circles; the girls' excitement over...

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