A Knotted Tail

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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Commissioned by an anonymous commissioner, character (c) to them and they can repost the story (giving credit) if they wish.

Interesting to write, didn't take too long once I got into the swing of the plot and storyline.

Enjoy reading!

Story by and (c) to Amethyst Mare

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A Knotted Tail

Written by Amethyst Mare for an anonymous commissioner

"What a day," Garinn muttered to himself, stomping along edge of the fields, which were ripe with corn for harvesting by the equine clan.

He sighed heavily and pushed his shaggy, acorn-brown hair out of his eyes, wondering if he would regret what he was doing when all was completed. It was all very well being requested by the notorious, somewhat eccentric equine clan, living at the mountain foothills where the land was rich and fertile, for a simple rescue mission, but, as their lives were vastly different than what he was used to, distractions were aplenty in this land. Most of the two-legged horses wore little to no clothing (which was distraction enough in itself), did their private 'business', in public without reservation and, most shockingly, openly mated with partners of both sexes.

"It was probably you that convinced them to give me the job, you know," he complained to the bear-sized dragoness who plodded resolutely along at his heel, his partner and lover. "Compared to those horses, I'm downright skinny: you're the muscle power around here. They respect you."

The dragoness, Faruha, blinked innocently, not deigning to acquit him with a response. Solid muscle flexed beneath her thick, snowy fur and the two elegant, pale horns - which curved backwards over her head, close to a fluffy mane - gleamed in the startling sunlight. There was a bounce in her step that betrayed her glee at tracking the kidnapped equine, though Garinn suspected that she was glad that the short grass gave the five, progressively smaller, pairs of breasts swaying under her chest and belly a brief respite; the dragoness loathed scrambling through thick vegetation as the sensitive mounds, especially the largest pair highest up upon her chest, were prone to minor yet painful injuries.

As Faruha padded ahead, nose to the ground, Garinn paused for a moment to watch a pair of equines coupling on the spongy turf; the field that they were in was used to raise sheep, perhaps for wool, which would provide them with warm winter clothing to see them through the harshest part of the year. The grey mare panted heavily on all fours, nickering encouragement to the hung, black stallion kneeling at her rump, pounding his breeding pole vigorously into her cunt. Oblivious to their audience, they rutted passionately for several minutes more before the stallion grunted proudly, his tail flagging as he emptied his seed into the mare's willing cunny, thick drops oozing out around his thick dick. Garrin felt himself becoming hard at the sight and he shifted uncomfortably, struggling to hide his arousal, embarrassed at his reaction.

Becoming distracted from the welcome view, he wrinkled his nose at the acrid stench of one shepherdess-mare relieving himself too close for comfort, striving to keep his expression smooth and neutral so that he would cause offence.

"Want to join in, honey?" A busty, iron grey mare called to Garinn, fondling her breasts lewdly. "Can't say I've had a human before. Would make a nice change from these monsters!"

"I'm on business, ma'am," he replied, respectfully declining her offer. "Ranger Garinn, called in to search for Princess Fantome."

"Oh! Of course! It's not often we see humans around here, so I figured you must have something of importance in hand. Name's Freya," she finally said. "Will you bring her back to us, Ranger Garinn? We were shocked to hear of her disappearance, but she always was too sweet for her own good. Probably walked right into the arms of her kidnappers: as blind as a foal that one."

"Is there anything you can tell me about her that may be helpful?" He queried. "Faruha's got her scent, but I want to know if there's anything unusual I should expect when I find her."

"Faruha...that that big beast of yours?" The mare nodded at the dragoness, suddenly wary. "I'm not so sure about it...shouldn't it be on a leash of some kind? Oh, sorry - well, I can't say that the princess has been very happy of late, from what little we've seen of her. Maybe that would have made her more vulnerable to a kidnapper? Poor thing, I'm sure she's desperate to get home to her family, it's so awful, isn't it?"

"Indeed it is," Garinn said dryly, tugging his hood up over his head, the muddy green tunic settling more comfortably upon his shoulders. "I'd best be off, ma'am, I'm losing daylight. I want to be far into the forest by nightfall."

"Ah, all fair enough, lad," she nickered, waving him on as she returned to her work, sparing a glance at the looming forest, the field she was tending being one of the closest to the dangerous area. "I wish you all the best and that you find our princess soon. Join us for a romp when you're all good and done!"

"I'll hold you to that!" Garinn grinned, the promise of a night with the equine ladies enough to boost even the most wayward spirits.

On the precipice of the deep forest, Garinn turned back a final time to watch the peaceful equines about their work, murmuring encouragement to one another. In the distance, he heard the heated squeals of a mare being rutted by her stallion, the two having found some quiet moment in which to take their pleasure. He would miss this place. Sighing deeply, Garinn beckoned Faruha to join him and trotted into the gloomy shade, hoping that he would be able to find the princess, alive and well...without a great deal of trouble.


The ranger dropped heavily on to a boulder near a small pool, which was fed by a crashing waterfall, cursing under his breath. Red light filtered over the tree tops and the oncoming dusk had made the tree-lined path treacherous to traverse, roots seeming to snake out to claw at his boots like a wild animal. Faruha had lost the scent of Princess Fantome some way back, leaving them stumbling blindly through the gloom, searching unsuccessfully for a suitable location to set up camp for the night; the howls of wolves prowling the forest lent speed to their aching limbs to quicken their quest. And still now, they had found nothing and were no closer to finding anything than they had been upon entering the blasted woods! Garrin growled to himself, rubbing his head as he Faruha trotted casually to the water's edge without a care in the world. Squatting, she gave a low growl of relief as she relieved herself, stepped away from the offending patch of earth and lowered her blunt muzzle to drink her fill.

The water exploded with a shriek of scales on stone and Faruha scrambled back with a startled yelp - away from the monstrous jaws that snapped shut where her muzzle had been half a second ago. Swearing furiously, Garinn drew his dagger and leaped forward as the scaled, crocodile-like monster parted its jaws in a low, drawn out hiss that shook his marrow, stopping the ranger in his tracks to take a good look at the creature.

Around ten feet long, disregarding the long, blade-like tail, it appeared to be of draconian descent, layered from muzzle to claw with coal-black scales, which glistened with an oily sheen; it's muzzle was wide, containing a powerful, bone-crushing jaw, but tapered to a narrower point. The eyes of the creature were the most dreadful, however, being an eerie blood red that he had only heard of in tall tales, the pupils narrowed into calculating slits. It stared unblinkingly at Garinn, who held his breath, before sliding back into the water, mud squelching around its claws, and leaving but a faint ripple upon the pool's surface. The ranger huffed in relief: they were safe, for now.

Unfazed, Faruha scuttled up the rock face to look down into the pool from a safe distance, likely wondering if the strange, water-dweller was prey to her; she had not eaten well in a few days due to the fare in the equine clan being strictly vegetarian. Her tough paws located miniscule footholds in the natural wall and spray soaked her fur as she climbed up twenty feet to a wide ledge, leaning over precariously to bark excitedly at the dark shape of the water-dweller ominously circling under the surface of the water.

"Faruha, quiet," Garinn snapped, nerves rattled by the near miss. When she did not immediately cease her incessant barking, he looked up, concerned to see that his lover was no longer gazing down but prancing happily before something set further back on the ledge, scattering tiny stones with her movements.

Damn it! Now I'll have to go up and find out what the hell has her so worked up otherwise she'll never get back down here! Garinn thought angrily, kicking a stone into the water.

It took the ranger longer to scale the rugged rock face, though he was thankful for the worn handholds he found, which he suspected had been carved into the rock many decades previously, considering how smoothly they were worn by the elements. Still, they aided him to the ledge, where he kneeled to regain his breath for a short while; when chancing to look up, he was astounded at what he saw.

The mouth of a dark tunnel, boring into the mountainside, yawned at the dragoness' paws, descending into the mountain for what he assumed was many leagues. And, recently trodden into the fine layer of dirt and pine needles layering the rock were three sets of hoof prints, faintly but fatally imprinted. Faruha yapped happily, shaking her muzzle at their lead; the intelligent dragoness could scent the princess' perfume heavy on the air and knew they were close to their goal.

"Faruha! You're brilliant!" Garinn shouted in a whisper, fighting to contain his glee. "We weren't off the trail at all - those equines were just sneakier than we gave them credit for, hey, love? Come on."

Finding somewhere to rest for the night would have to wait, the ranger thought, knowing that it would be better to surprise the kidnappers under the cover of darkness. Patting Faruha's shoulder absently, he slowly entered the jaws of the tunnel, ignoring the unnerving sensation of being swallowed whole as the darkness enveloped him and he twisted his fingers into the dragoness' thick fur, trusting her to lead him deeper.

The darkness within the tunnel put the gloom of the trees to shame. It was absolute and the ranger could not even see his hand an inch in front of his face, forcing him to put his faith in Faruha to guide him safely. As the tunnel twisted and split off into multiple threads, the footsteps of the pair seemed shockingly loud in the otherwise silent space and Garinn feverishly hoped that the kidnappers, if they lay concealed in the belly of the mountain, would not be forewarned of their approach.

A glimmer of torchlight could not be mistaken upon rounding a tight bend in the tunnel and Faruha tensed, Garinn's hand tightening in her fur, padding stealthily towards the glow. A soft murmur of voices drifted around the corner - female voices, he noted, hoping that the ladies were not as strong as the mares in the field he had seen earlier. But why would females kidnap Princess Fantome? Surely, if it was for ransom, they would have demanded money from her father already and the princess would be home and safe?

"Shush - someone's coming!"

The hushed whisper halted Garinn dead in his tracks, holding his breath for fear of alerting whoever was around the corner. Sinking into Faruha's side, he pressed her body into a shallow alcove, silently drawing his dagger and axe, and waited for the bodies accompanying the voices to come to him.

Soon, the shadowy shape of a female horse rounded the corner, another following with a flaming torch clasped tightly in her trembling paw. The torch bearers' features were briefly illuminated, showing her to be a slim, shapely mare with chocolate fur and a lighter chestnut mane that framed her frightened eyes, though the appearance of the other, larger, mare, for she was definitely female, was obscured by shadow.

"Halt! Who goes there?" The murky figure demanded obtusely, levelling some kind of weapon at the tunnel. "There! Who the - Heaven's above! Sayla - move!"

Faruha struck with a feral snarl, swiping with her pointed claws at the mare, who cried out and stumbled back, steel flashing. The dragoness snarled, snapping at her legs, but the mare kicked out, striking Faruha's nose with her hard hooves to force the dragoness back a pace, hurt shooting through her muzzle. Turning on Garinn, the mare slashed a long knife at his wrist, connecting with the axe handle, where she bore down with her greater strength, fighting to thrust the axe from his grip. Their eyes locked, like their weapons, and Garinn quailed inwardly at the steely fire hers emanated; she was not going to give up until one of them was thoroughly defeated.

The smaller equine, instead of fleeing as Garinn had expected from her terrified expression, darted under the taller mare's arm, driving her bare fist into his lower, unprotected stomach and driving all air from Garinn's lungs in one fell swoop. Winded and grunting in pain, Garinn faltered fatally, one hand clutching his throbbing stomach. The axe thudded to the ground and the equines seized the opportunity with triumphant whinnies, full of genuine bravado.

"Grab him!"

He had no chance to defend himself as the small equine flung herself at his side, latching on and scraping her nails along his tunic until her dainty paws connected with his hands, locking her fingers around them with a grip to rival the steely, impenetrable encasement of the strongest iron manacles. Swiftly, the other horse drew a length of rope from her belt, knotting it tightly around Garinn's wrists so they were tightly bound behind his back, too tightly to even consider slipping free from. Furious that they had caught her mate in their clutches, Faruha rounded on them with a ferocious roar that shook the very foundations of the stone, reverberations running through the tunnel. The equine glared coolly at her, merely raising her knife to Garinn's throat. He gulped loudly.

"Stop, beast, or I slit your master's throat," the tall mare, who was revealed as a muscled, fiery skewbald, snarled at Faruha. Although not sentient, she was not unintelligent and knew that sharp, shiny objects placed close to Garinn's thin skin would cause him injury, so she growled threateningly but did not advance.

With the duo of would-be rescuers adequately subdued, the horses relaxed, giving each other congratulatory glances that Garinn wished he could wipe from their dished muzzles with a couple of well aimed punches.

"What will we do with him, Sky?" The small horse asked, scratching her arm nervously as she eyed him up and down. "Doesn't look like much, does he?"

Let me go, I hope, Garinn thought futilely, knowing that it was impossible really that they would simply release him.

"Take him to our mistress, of course, Sayla," the skewbald snorted, smirking lewdly at Garinn, who resisted the urge to spit upon her superior grin. "Gonna have some fun with this one tonight! And let's not waste any more time than we have already - let's get going."

"Faruha," Garinn gasped, wincing as the knife pressed more firmly against his throat, a trickle of blood smearing across the blade. "Follow." He had no intention of going anywhere without her and knew that she would obediently trail him even if he didn't give the command, though he did not dare to take any chances.

"Good, we want that brute with us; it might come in useful," the mare said approvingly, dragging him backwards down the corridor by his bound wrists. "Get moving."

"Wait," the smaller 'Sayla' requested, turning to the wall and hiking her skirt up to release a bitter stream of urine, which splashed on to the rock. Ignoring the foul smell, Garinn's gaze dropped to her shapely behind, shown off so conveniently for his perusal by her need to relieve herself. For the first time, he felt a slight inkling of gratefulness towards any listening god for making so little taboo to these horses, so that he may ogle the behind of this one while she did her business. Sensing his look, Sayla straightened with a smirk, raising her eyebrows at Garinn, who blushed scarlet.

"What, did you like the view, human?" She sneered, whirling her skirt to flash him her cunny this time. "Plenty more where that came from, but things will be our way tonight, mark my words."

Half-dragged, half-stumbling down the tunnel, Garinn cursed himself for slipping up and underestimating the horses. So much for rescuing the princess! He would be lucky to escape the tunnels with his life, from the sound of things. Though, when he listened carefully, their mutterings sounded more excited than anything else, as if they had been waiting for him or someone similar, perhaps? Catching his attention, Sayla grinned back at him and cupped her breasts, lifting them up as if for approval and showing Garinn how the nipples pressed against the thin fabric of her tan top. The ranger stared, suitably dumbfounded, before regaining control of himself and shaking his head to clear it.

Just what were those crazy horses up to?

They plodded through the tunnels for a good hour, sweat forming on the back of Garinn's neck, although it was not very warm in the cool darkness. He suspected that they were taking him on a deliberate, roundabout route so that would be far less likely to find his way back to the outside world alone if he did chance to escape, though Garinn thought smugly that they were forgetting Faruha, who could easily lead him out. That knowledge bolstered his confidence and made him more resolute than ever as the foursome approached a brightly lit cave.

Garinn's jaw dropped in surprised when they walked into an extravagantly decorated chamber, the stone walls having been draped with fine, embroidered cloth and thick, luxurious rugs in rich colours covering much of the ground. A mound of cushions and blankets in an expensive mauve shade hinted at what may be a bed and a spacious alcove on the far wall was stacked with weapons and carefully organised boxes and barrels of what Garinn could only assume was food and drink for the horses. They had come well prepared, indeed.

A figure robed in a gossamer thin, sheer black robe, which was tied at the waist and embroidered with gold detailing along the arms and hem, turned to greet them, her expression solemn.

"Princess...Fantome?" Garinn asked hesitantly, straightening in front of the robed figure.

"Indeed," she answered loftily, brushing her blond mane to the other side of her neck. Her coat was a light brown colour, as if her natural colouring had been of flaxen chestnut, but had a dark purple mark extending across the lower half of her muzzle and down her limbs; Garinn wondered if more of her body was thus coloured and noted her long, deadly, purple horn, sharpened to a picturesque point. It couldn't be for self-defence, otherwise she would certainly have scored some marks upon her kidnappers. Garinn bowed stiffly, the lowest he could without toppling over with his arms still tied behind his back.

"My lady, I am deeply sorry that I have failed you. I did not best your kidnappers," he said miserably, lowering his head in shame. Princess Fantome regarded him for a moment, snapping her fingers in apparent annoyance.

"Silly foal," Fantome snorted, lashing her tail so the strands flicked against his side, stinging faintly. "I was never kidnapped. I escaped. This is my maid, Sayla, and Huntress Sky Flower."

"Who goes by 'Sky'," Sky Flower grunted, polishing her knife blade with the corner of her shirt.

"You...what?" Garinn said, floored by the princess' comment and ignoring Sky. "Why...what happened to make you leave? And why did you leave under the cover of a kidnapping? Surely you knew that they would call in someone like me to bring you back!"

"Yes, I thought they would," she remarked casually. "Listen to me now, ranger. Have you seen how the horses in the clan behave? Pretty...open about sexuality, are they not?" When Garinn nodded slowly, she went on, eyes passionately inflamed.

"As princess, I am not permitted this pleasure. I am to remain chaste and unsatisfied. As the eldest, I am expected to rule. As long as my family is alive, I am not to mate - my sisters and brothers will do the task of copulating with the intention of bearing foals for the clan. My mother does not rule: her elder brother rules with no mate to satisfy his lusts and his days are coming to an end due to his unfortunate ill health. Soon, I will be in his position and I have seen how miserable he is. I don't want that!" She cried, bringing her paws to her head in anguish, clutching at her long hair.

"You won't be going back, Princess Fantome," Sayla rushed to assure her.

"No, I won't be going back," Fantome said softly, desperately. "I cannot go back. And you," she turned on Garinn, eyeing him fiercely. "You will help me break free from the constraints of my society with immediate effect."

"I'll be doing what?" Garinn questioned, suddenly very worried about what was going to happen. "What...are you planning?"

"She wants to fuck you, you idiot," Sky said dryly. "And us too - you're going to screw us all. Think of it like being a...living dildo, except far more pleasurable for you, or so we hope. It's all about the mutual pleasure, you must understand from what you've seen."

Garinn's jaw dropped. Surely she was not serious? It seemed as though she was, however, as she looked down on him imperiously, appraising his form for the task ahead for which she had deemed him suitable.

"We begin now," Princess Fantome said sternly. "Huntress, check the human for weapons."

Sky grinned and leapt to her hooves, darting over agilely to rip carelessly at Garinn's clothing, collecting the assortment of knives and weapons, including his poisons, from him.

"Hey? Hey! Get your paws off me," he snarled, wriggling away from Sky's prying paws. She sighed and gestured at his axe, which she had laid down on the other side of the cave.

"Well, we're not going to let you fuck us with these nearby, are we?" She sighed theatrically, patting him down to search for concealed knives, slicing away the bonds from his wrists when there were none to be found. "There would be no telling what you would do. Don't you want to mate?"

What can I do? Faruha would surely be able to do something if things did get out of hand, he thought, glancing to where the dragoness stood watchfully, a low, suspicious growl emanating from between her warningly parted jaws from time to time. Maybe it's the diplomatic thing to do, if I am to get this uppity mare back to her clan in one piece?

"Your weapons," he said suddenly. "You've taken mine. I want yours in a pile on the far side of the cave now, if you want me to do anything like this."

"Sayla, remove my weapons and my clothing," Princess Fantome declared haughtily. "Sky Flower, you can place them with the human's weapons for now."

Quickly, the maid Sayla stripped the princess of her fine garments, revealing that she was wearing very little beneath the dark coloured robe besides the select, jewelled assortment of daggers and other weapons; Garinn was afraid to speculate as to what some of them were intended for. Garinn ran his gaze appraisingly over the princess' body, thinking that he might as well make the best of the situation as long as she was without weapons, though he wished that his own were of the same quality. Her dark purple tattoo-like markings were displayed in all their glory once she was bare, the intrinsic markings stretching down to her calves and patterning her fur beautifully. She was a sight to behold, if only her society allowed her to be free.

Following suit, Sayla and Sky removed their own, more modest, attire, and Garinn raised his eyebrows speculatively at the assortment of small vials and leather pouches Sayla added to the pile; he had not taken her to hold such skill in the finer aspects of poisons and other disabling drugs. Sky's weapons, on the other hand, were standard issue, designed for blunt functionality rather than show, and every blade was all the more deadly for it. Eyeing her toned, patched brown and white body up and down, for he believed the huntress to pose the greatest threat, Garinn warily examined her form for concealed weapons, though Sky only smirked knowingly.

"There's no more, dear ranger, and, if there were, where on earth do you think we would be hiding them? Perhaps here?" She said wickedly, bending over with her back to Garinn and flagging her tail teasingly, her sex winking. "As she can see, there is nothing concealed in either of these holes. On the contrary, they are holes begging to be filled. Will you not oblige me?"

"I suppose I have no choice in the matter," he answered, unable to drag his gaze away from the curvaceous rump thrust in his direction, cautiously removing his tunic and the remainder of his clothes and flushing with embarrassment when his throbbing erection was revealed; all three mares murred in appreciation at the length and girth of the shaft.

"Then show me what that hard dick is capable of," Sky murmured alluringly, dropping to all fours.

The ranger dropped to his knees behind her, sparing a glance for his audience who watched his every move raptly, stroking her rear softly as she whinnied and ground against him. Preparing her to be penetrated for what he suspected was only the first time that night, Garinn teased her warm folds lightly with his fingertips, pleased at the wanton whinnies she gave in response to his actions. He dipped his fingers into her cunt slowly, feeling how tight it was around his digits and how her juices began to flow as her arousal sweltered; finally able to take no more of the teasing, Sky snorted heavily, lowering her muzzle and thrusting her backside higher.

"Take me."

The mare's cunt was soft and heated around Garinn's cock and he fought back his moans upon entering her. Sky was not willing for him to get adjusted though and arched back to take the full length of Garinn's cock; taking the hint, Garinn fucked her hard from the beginning, holding on to her hips tightly and using his hips like a piston to drive his cock into her throbbing hole. He was desperate to cum after a scant few minutes of intense coupling, only holding back so as not to induce the anger of the powerful mare, which he was most afraid of. Groaning lowly, Sky pinned her ears back, thrusting back at Garinn in anticipation of her oncoming climax, ready to pull a trick on Garinn.

"There's something I did not mention, ranger," she murmured wickedly as she rolled them over, pinning Garinn beneath her muscled bulk.

"Ah - what?" He replied, confused by the change of position, though he did not mind the view of her sumptuous breasts in the slightest.

"I'm in heat," Sky nickered, clenching her cunny around his cock as Garinn flailed and tried to pull away, suddenly seeing her deception. "Going to make a foal in my belly, human."

"No!" Garinn grunted, even as he came, pinned under the mare's body, spilling his seed as she came with a high-pitched whinny of delight.

Apparently finished with him for the time being, Sky rolled off the human and spread her body out on the velvet sheets of the shared bed, relaxing into the luxurious fabric. Garinn was spared no respite; the maid, seeing his flagging erection, dove into the supplies and produced a small packet of herbs, which she bade Garinn to eat, saying that they would provide him with enough stamina to pleasure them for the whole night. When his cock was hard and ready once more, Princess Fantome advanced haughtily, torchlight flickering upon her slender, delicate form. Garinn gulped nervously.

"Are...are you a virgin, Princess Fantome?" Garinn queried, his mind darkening with thoughts of what her burly, overly muscled equine father, eight feet tall if he was an inch, would do to him if he ever discovered that he had taken his 'kidnapped' daughters virtue. She snorted derisively, flicking her tail.

"Of course not, I've done it with the colts before, but they were only interested in their own pleasure and the pride of taking a 'princess'. Once I became old enough to show an active, public interest in the opposite sex, my father ensured that I had not a single opportunity to mate, sending me everywhere - even to the lavatory - with escorts, female, of course."

"But you... You will satisfy me, human," she laughed, licking her lips as she eyed his cock, imagining what it would feel like inside her. It was not as long as the shafts of the colt's she had bedded, but rivalled them for thickness because, after all, those she had copulated with had been young, adolescent - not yet fully mature.

"You have no choice but to please me," she stated cruelly.

"Indeed," he sighed, allowing the mare to push him back on her bed sheets, near the splayed out Sky, who turned her muzzle lazily to watch.

The dragoness, who was becoming agitated as the male she saw as 'her' mate mated with other females, yipped quietly, the sexual scents arousing her beyond comprehension as Princess Fantome slowly sank down upon Garinn's erection with a pleased moan.

"Oh...it's been so long since I was mated," she murmured under her breath, slowly rocking her hips to grind the ranger's cock against the most sensitive spots with her cunny.

Able to believe this at least, Garinn gyrated his hips as she rode him, quite literally, his cock plunging into her depths over and over again. He could feel her juices almost pouring from her cunny, so great was her arousal, slickening the passage for his cock and allowing him to chance thrusting harder into her depths without fear of angering or harming her. Beside him, Sky had leaned over to lip and kiss sensuously at his neck, her soft muzzle exciting him further. Reaching up cautiously, Garinn took her large breasts into his hands and played with them, caressing the mounds of flesh with relish and rubbing the fleshy, pert nipples to make her moan, taking some measure of pride in pleasing her in the somewhat forced coupling.

Princess Fantome looked down at the thrusting human below her, feeling empowered as she used his body for her amusement, although it was a shared amusement that she greatly enjoyed, feeling his thick shaft throbbing with desire - desire for her. To cum in her. She rested her paws lightly upon his chest, so bare and devoid of all but the faintest scattering of hair in comparison to an equine, wishing for nothing more than to feel this male, her male for the night, fill her womb with his seed. It had been so long...

"Cum in me, human," she hissed, digging her nails into his chest.

Though wondering why she did not want to achieve her own orgasm first - perhaps she preferred drawing out the pleasure, who was he to question that? - Garinn rubbed her breasts, planting his feet firmly on the floor to thrust hard and fast up into the bucking mare, spurred on by her loud cries. Cumming for the second time that night, though not the final time by far, Garinn groaned quietly, pumping his seed deeply into the princess' cunt. As soon as she thought he was finished, Princess Fantome rose off Garinn and pushed him aside, a stray spurt of his cum spraying across her stomach as he fell back, gasping.

Faruha, who had become more and more excited as the lusty intercourse progressed, paced excitedly from side to side, eventually succumbing to her feral instincts and pouncing upon Garinn when he was released by the princess. She lapped eagerly at his balls, her sex inflamed with her heat, the enticing musk of which lay thick in the air.

"Go on," Princess Fantome neighed in amusement, sexually spent for the moment but excited to see the bestial act exhibited at such close quarters. "Don't you want to please your lover for us?"

"Faruha," Garinn sighed in exasperation, having been left no choice, yet again, in the matter.

Obstinately, Faruha nuzzled his swollen dick, the ranger thankful for the herbs he had been given that increased his stamina and libido drastically. Even after mating with the three mares, he was ready to give his lover what she desired as many times as she desired, which could make it an even longer night for him, knowing how insatiable she became during her heat. The dragoness ran her long, sinuous tongue over the ranger's cock, eliciting a deep, lustful groan, which made a shiver of delightful ripple of anticipation through her body. She lay down upon her side, rear to Garinn, and gazed back at him imploringly, panting softly with need.

Obliging her, he stepped up and fucked her with gusto, trying to ignore that he was putting on a display for the equines and solely focusing upon the hot cunt he was pounded, that belonging to his lover. Pausing briefly in his thrusting, Garinn leaned around his lover to engage in one of her favourite methods of stimulation; he caressed her multiple pairs of breasts gently, suckling on the ones within his reach and finding, to his delight, that she was lactating. He suckled her milk contentedly until the mares goaded him on, impatient to have his cock for themselves and not the dragoness, who was the only one he really wanted to mate that night, but Garinn did as bidden, returning to his original position to mate Faruha. He groaned and caressed her fur, not going for finesse or style as he drove into her, soon climaxing to the sound of her eager pants and her feral cunny clenching erratically around his member, leaving the pair breathless and leaning against one another for mutual support.

"Now my turn," Sayla said, licking her lips lustfully. "Then I think your dragoness will take you again."


Garinn was woken the next morning after only a scant couple of hours of sleep, having been mated furiously by the mares and Faruha into the early hours, who seemed unusually perky, considering that they had had almost as little sleep as him. There was a lightness to their step as they pranced about the cave-chamber, Sayla assisting Princess Fantome in her morning preparations and the princess grumbling about how she had to go to another, smaller, cave to relieve herself so that she did not cause a foul stench in what served as her living area and bedchamber. Faruha was particularly satisfied by passionate night and Garinn could not help a twinge of pride at the strong suspicion that she would be bearing him several beautiful dragonets in the near future.

"Come on!" Sky snapped at Garinn, shoving him to his feet when he did not rise quickly enough for her liking. "We have things to do. Get up!"

Thinking it better to do as she wished, although annoyed that she was so short with the person that would be the father of her first foal, Garinn did as ordered, forsaking the velvety blankets for the cold cave. He was put out when Sky insisted on accompanying him to the lavatory chamber, but she was determined to stay there throughout his business, handing him his torn but adequate clothes to dress after he was done. Grimacing at the lack of weapons, Garinn huffed, wondering how on earth he was to escape the clutches of the mares, who were only increasingly single-minded about not returning to the clan, not even seeing it as a distant possibility. As they prepared to leave the cave - to where, Garinn had not the faintest idea - Faruha growled, stalking to the shadows, and refused to return to his side.

"Faruha? Now what's gotten into you?" Garinn said in exasperation, stroking her head gently to soothe her while the equines frowned, not willing to make allowances for a grumpy dragoness.

"If she won't come willingly, you'll have to leash your lover," Sky said blandly, handing him a long, uncut length of rope. "Hurry up."

Murmuring an apology to Faruha, Garinn looped the rope around her neck, knotting it so that it would not suddenly tighten uncomfortably around her throat, although it would press upon the back of her neck if she resisted, which he was sorry for. She growled angrily, but allowed him to secure the rope, and followed him more willingly when he led her back to tunnel entrance so that they may continue with whatever the equines had planned.

Without another word, Sayla gripped his shoulder tightly and marched him into the inky blackness of the tunnel, following the lead of Princess Fantome who held a flaming torch high to light the path ahead. The twists and turns were just as unfamiliar to him as they had been the previous day, driving any thoughts of memorising the pattern so that he may make an escape clean from his mind after only a few minutes. The equines did not seem partial to any conversation that day, leaving Garinn walking in an uncomfortable, shadowy silence

"Where are we going?" Garinn asked once, but was quickly silenced by a cuff to the back of his head.

"Shut up," Sky hissed, stalking ahead. "We'll be in the fresh air soon enough."

True to her word, it seemed that they had taken a direct route to the surface and Garinn was hit by bright sunlight, blinking like a drunkard hit by the morning sun's first unwelcome rays. It was still early and the light was weaker, which he was thankful for, but he found it unusual that they had exited the caverns in the same location as he had entered; Faruha peered over the familiar ledge, chirping happily at the sight of the glassy, still pool that lay several feet below. Maybe she would get a good breakfast after all, Garinn thought smugly, thinking of how it would surely terrify the equines to see the beast devoured by Faruha. It was certainly something he would be quite happy to see.

They lowered themselves down the rock face cautiously, the equines keeping Garinn and Faruha between them and the pool at all times, which Garinn took to mean that they were aware of the creature in the water. And as their hooves touched the sparse grass, Sky the huntress was quick to put some distance between the water and herself, eyeing it warily. Striving not to betray his concern, Garinn swore that he saw one blood-red eye leering at him from below the surface before sinking ominously from sight.

"Ranger, take your beast to the water to drink," Princess Fantome said loftily, lowering her body carefully to a fallen tree to rest.

"Is it safe to drink?" Garinn asked blandly, the inklings of their plan and one of his own forming in his head.

"Of course," she snapped edgily. "Just do it so we move on already. Release her and return here while you leave her to sate her thirst. We have...some to speak about."

"As you wish."

Faruha trotted eagerly by his side towards the water, dropping her muzzle to sniff and lap hopefully, paws wriggling in anticipation, for she was not seeking to vanquish her thirst. Scratching the dragoness behind the ear, Garinn rubbed one of her horns encouragingly before slipping the rope from around her neck and walking back casually to the equines, putting on an air of unconcern.

It was not long before Faruha's tempting playfulness at the water's edge coaxed the water-dweller out once more, this time exploding from a different location as it fought to push her into its domain and gain the upper hand. Faruha, however, was too quick for the smaller creature, darting out of the way as it snapped at her legs, tail lashing the air wildly as she salivated uncontrollably.

"Oh, did we forget to mention?" Sky remarked casually, suppressing a smile as the creature advanced again towards Faruha, hissing dangerously with its jaws parted hungrily. "This creature keeps away many unwanted visitors - that is why we chosen this series of caves in which to conceal ourselves. I think it is only fitting that we repay it with a meal in this fashion."

"Repay it with a meal?" Garinn laughed, almost doubling over as he wound the rope about his hands in preparation for an unexpected use, if all went to plan.

"What is so amusing?" Princess Fantome snarled, rounding upon Sky. "You said this would work! Are you just another commoner who has betrayed me?"

"No! I - what? No! This wasn't supposed to happen!" Sky yelped, shocked to see the fight between Faruha and the creature going so terribly wrong. Instead of Faruha being quickly mauled and killed by the monster, it was almost as if the dragoness was about the turn the water-dragon into a meal of her own!

The two beasts circled each other, each looking for an opening in the others defence. The water-dweller broke rank first, allowing Faruha to bloody her maw with a well timed snap at its flank, the creatures blood spilling on to the stones. Snarling viciously, the creature attacked Faruha again, its teeth ripping a tuft of fur from her hide even as she came down upon its back and locked her teeth firmly around its thick, scaly neck. She shook it viciously like a dog worrying a half-dead rabbit until the creature flopped limply from side to side, its struggles ceased in death as its eyes became blank and unseeing: the dragoness roared.

As the princess stood slack-jawed at Faruha's triumphant roar, Garinn seized his chance, leaping at her with the rope to skilfully lash her wrists behind her back while she shrieked indignantly, completely caught off-guard. He straddled her back and shoved her muzzle to the ground, using his weight to ensure that the slighter equine would not throw him off with the traditional bucking manoeuvre that her feral kin were famous for.

"Faruha!" He yelled as the equines darted in, attempting to assist their princess.

Whipping about at his call, Faruha rushed to his aid, snarling at the equines until they backed off, terrified by her bloody claws and muzzle, the pure, snowy fur streaked with gory blood. Although they hurled insults and threats his way, not even the huntress dared to attack Faruha in her bloodlust, so they were duly kept at bay. Satisfied that they would not succeed in interrupting him, Garinn looked down at the princess, the contours of her body quite exposed by the thin fabric.

"Now," Garinn panted, amazed that the tables had been turned. "You are going back to the clan whether you like it or not."

"Never!" She spat viciously, squirming violently and smearing dirt over her gown, which Garinn ripped away with an unconcerned laugh.

"Yes," he said, ignoring her protests. "But there is a twist to this tale, which you should know. Whereas you have the resilience to leave your clan in an impulsive fit, you forget that you can use this resilience to win your clan over to your fair cause. I'm just going to give you a little more experience to use in your bargaining power."

Grinning, Garinn prepared to give the princess a taste of what she had dished out the previous night by ripping open her gown and rolling her body over, pinning her legs apart with his strong hands. He brought his mouth to her bare sex and licked her cunt lips, the princess moaning in pleasure and confusion at the unfamiliar sensations. Patiently, he slipped his tongue into her cunny, tasting her sweet juices as they began to flow thickly on to his tongue, her vulva winking with a need to be filled and satisfied.

"Please..." she groaned, writhing under his hold and administrations. "Don't do this...ah... But it feels good."

"Well, it's not going to get to its best point until you promise to go calmly back to your clan and take matters there into your own paws," he murmured, tonguing her clit sensually. "You have the ability to change things so that you can enjoy pleasure like this every day, as the princess. All you have to do is find the strength and break down your foolish pride."

Licking her cunt mercilessly, Garinn did not allow her to answer or ponder his words without distraction. Although he was unsure that Princess Fantome understood what an orgasm was, he felt her rapidly building towards one, but withdrew at the crucial moment, kissing over her thighs as she moaned in frustration. Only when she was calmer did he return to lapping at her clit, circling his tongue around the large, swollen and overly sensitive nub of flesh to the satisfaction of lewd moans and the princess' heavy breathing. She wriggled desperately under his stimulation, imploring her maid to come to her aid even as her pleasure mounted higher and higher. For a second time, he backed away on the precipice of her orgasm, ignoring her annoyed whinnies and curses with an amused grin.

Turning to another unused erogenous zone, Garinn shifted to fingering the outside of her tail hole slowly, rubbing over the tight pucker until she finally relaxed, allowing him to slip first one then two digits into her second entrance; she grunted incomprehensively, rolling her head as the pleasure built again, but she was not allowed to climax once again as Garinn pulled back cruelly.

"Okay!" She cried finally, cheeks damp with frustrated tears. "I'll do it! I'll go back to the clan! Just please, please stop this!"

"You sure about that, princess?" Garinn said slyly, his face wet with her juices. "I can keep you like this all day, if I wish to and if I'm not sure you mean it."

"Yes, yes, I'm sure, I'll go back, I'll face my father and the queen," she sobbed. "I won't stop until I get the law changed, I know this was wrong, I know what to do now. Just...please...more... End this torture."

"Hm...as you wish then."

With no inhibitions, Garinn licked the princess' soft folds furiously, driving two fingers deep into her tail hole and thumbing her clit gently with his other hand, no longer needing to hold her legs down. The Princess screamed loudly as she finally reached an explosive climax, her whole body going into spasms of pleasure that she had never experienced before. And, when she was done, Garinn stood up, dusting off his hands and grinning happily at the sight of the princess lying in a ruffled heap, torn clothes wound about her frame. Beckoning a silent, awed maid and huntress over, he asked for their assistance in returning Princess Fantome safely and comfortably to their clan - upon the sturdy Faruha's back, of course.


They were met with a great reception upon their return to the equine clan, Princess Fantome's father rushing forward to embrace her in a tight hug, enquiring feverishly as to her dishevelled condition.

"The law restraining the princess and ruler from mating and pleasure must change," she declared firmly, staring the shocked older fur down. "We have much to talk about."

Jahaliya: Fantasies Fulfilled

**Fantasies Fulfilled** **Written by Amethyst Mare** John mumbled sleepily and rolled over beneath the fine, soft linen sheets, drawing them over his muzzle. It was so warm and comfortable, the sheets wrapped neatly around the contours of his body...

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Making it Big Time

**Making it Big Time** _Written by Amethyst Mare for TyVulpine_ "Well, I would like to ask about what sort of duties I will need to perform in the course of the job," Ty asked politely, shifting uncomfortably in his smart black trousers and plain,...

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A Heart's Christmas

**A Heart's Christmas** _Written by Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe_ "I have one more gift for you tonight, my dear," Amethyst murmured softly, sweeping her chestnut mane back from her neck; the dim, Christmas lighting highlighted the glittering strands...

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